A New ‘Twilight’ Book is Coming out This Year and People Have Strong Feelings About It

2020 has been FULL of twists and turns. Most of them…horrible. But a few have been great, or at least fun to talk about? Such is the case with author Stephanie Meyer’s announcement that she will be releasing a new Twilight book this year. Meyer, whose Twilight series has sold over 100 million copies and spawned 5 feature films over the last 15 years (not to mention indirectly creating the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon), says that the new installment will drop on August 4th, 2020.

This volume is called Midnight Sun, and it’s a retelling of the Twilight story from Edward’s perspective. Work began on the project years ago, but it was abandoned after several chapters of the manuscript were leaked online, which threw Meyer off her groove. But now, at long last, the lost work will see fruition, and the internet is going nuts about it.

15. I said what now?

When asked if he would enjoy the movies were he not a part of them, Pattison said he “would just mindlessly hate it.”

14. Hope in the darkness

Honestly, we’ll take anything we can get right now.

13. Count me in

I wasn’t really aware there was a Twilight renaissance, but, here we are.

12. Interesting news

To be fair, he’s chilled about the franchise over the years.

11. Team Jacob

Let the fighting commence.

10. What we do in the shadows

Those movies have made him tens of millions of dollars, he can’t be that upset.

9. Throwing shade

I guess this is from the leaked manuscript?

8. Shed a tear for me


7. Spill the tea

They’ll simply have to chime in.

6. Picture this

The story of the story coming out is compelling in and of itself.

5. Not the hero we deserve

But the one we need right now.

4. Fork this

This is a pretty sweet preview.

3. Times have changed

There are…so many more important things to fight about.

2. Forever 17

I always found this super creepy.

1. The horror!


Well, now that I’m done getting weirdly upset about how rich Robert Pattinson is, I feel I should atone by actually watching one of this movies. Like Twilight. Or…maybe The Lighthouse. Yeah, The Lighthouse.

How are you feeling about this upcoming book?

Tell us in the comments!

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A Tumblr User Took a Deep Dive on ‘Lord of the Rings’ Mythology

My entire knowledge of the Lord of the Rings universe is “Short man takes ring to volcano, Peter Jackson stretches The Hobbit into three unnecessary movies. ”

But then I’ll stumble upon things like this Tumblr essay from user mirkwoodest, and be reminded that the Lore of the Rings is richer and more complicated than just about anything else out there.

You get it? Lore of the Rings?

Nevermind, just check out this thread about Tolkien’s insane naming system.

It starts with something I never realized… that the Hobbits had different names?!?

Is this retconning gone wild? Not exactly.

But if you think this is just about TWO languages, hold onto your butt.

I’ve never seen anyone this excited about etymology.

Then come the Horse People.

Basically, it’s word-nerd inception.

God bless the internet and its ability to connect people who know way too much about their favorite things. And Tumblr seems to be THE repository for things like that.

What’s a topic you could nerd out about forever? Let us know in the comments!

Or write a lengthy, well-researched post on Tumblr and drop a link in the comments.

Either of those scenarios work for me.

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In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book…

In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book “The Eyes of Darkness”. The chapter 39 it mentions a Chinese military lab outside of the city of Wuhan, where a deadly virus is invented as part of the country’s biological weapons warfare programme. Owing to the lab’s location, the virus is named ‘Wuhan-400’.

The Russian novel We (1920-21)…

The Russian novel We (1920-21) by Yevgeny Zamyatin is considered one of the grandfathers of the dystopian genre and influenced George Orwell’s 1984. “Zamyatin’s influence on Orwell is beyond dispute…1984 shares so many features with We that there can be no doubt about its general debt to it.”

A Man Built a Tiny Bookstore on Wheels to Deliver Books to Villages Without Bookstores

Books remain a very popular pastime, even in the age of social media. Unfortunately, with the advent of e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle, physical book stores are going out of business. But people remain passionate about the power of idly browsing through shelves of books.

That’s what motivated Jean-Jacques Megel-Nuber to create a tiny bookstore on wheels. Jean-Jacques of Alsace, France hired a tiny home maker to create the portable library in 2015. He calls it Au Vrai Chic Littérère.

Jean-Jacques drives the bookstore all around Alsace, bringing the magic of books to small villages in the area. He often shows up at festivals, events, or other public places where he’s been invited. His goal is to make books more accessible and affordable.

The cozy design of the bookstore was intended to make folks curious enough to go inside, Jean-Jacques says.


“I wanted a little feeling of a cabin and an aura of a small bookstore, which both evoke a lot of dreaming,” Jean-Jacques told Architectural Digest.

He added to Fortune that he needed “a place that makes people want to enter.”

That tiny space houses around 3000 books. In addition to the bookshelves, the structure contains a small place for Jean-Jacques to sleep while he travels. As you can imagine, it can get tricky to tow the bookstore — it’s a very heavy and delicate load! All those books weigh about 1,300 pounds.

But we’d guess that it’s totally worth the trouble, if only to see the reactions on people’s faces when they get to crawl inside this dreamy bookstore.

The post A Man Built a Tiny Bookstore on Wheels to Deliver Books to Villages Without Bookstores appeared first on UberFacts.