A Journey Through The Lord of the Rings: 5 Interesting Tolkien Facts

There’s something timeless about the world J.R.R. Tolkien created—his vision of heroism, perseverance, and the ever-looming shadow of evil continues to resonate today. Modern life may feel worlds apart from the dusty roads of Middle-earth, yet echoes of our own struggles resound in Tolkien’s fictional conflicts. Perhaps this is because Tolkien himself lived through firsthand … Continue reading A Journey Through The Lord of the Rings: 5 Interesting Tolkien Facts

10 Interesting Facts About H.G. Wells: Was He a Time Traveler?

H.G. Wells, a cornerstone of science fiction, possessed a mind that appeared to travel far beyond the confines of his own time, the Victorian era. With predictions and inventions that resonate profoundly with today’s technology and contemporary themes, one could whimsically wonder if Wells had a time machine of his own. Here are ten captivating … Continue reading 10 Interesting Facts About H.G. Wells: Was He a Time Traveler?

Tolkien Tales: 7 Lesser-Known Stories about the Mastermind of Middle-earth

The creator of Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien, wasn’t just a master weaver of tales; he was also a man of great depth and integrity. His life, filled with unique anecdotes and profound choices, is as engaging as his novels. Here’s a peek into seven lesser-known moments from Tolkien’s life. 1. A Brave Response to Dark Times: … Continue reading Tolkien Tales: 7 Lesser-Known Stories about the Mastermind of Middle-earth

Meta-Fiction and Timeless Themes: The Innovation of Don Quixote

Don Quixote, a groundbreaking work regarded as one of the earliest modern novels, ingeniously employs meta-fictional techniques, with the author feigning that his narrative is sourced from historical documents, requiring him to scour for lost manuscripts and translations to complete the tale. This literary masterpiece, penned by Miguel de Cervantes in the early 17th century, […]

Novella vs Novel

A piece of fiction that falls within the word count range of 20,000 to 49,999 is typically referred to as a novella. On the other hand, once the word count of a book reaches 50,000, it is generally classified as a novel.

2014 Pulitzer Prize

The winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for poetry sold fewer than 400 copies, suggesting that writing fiction may be more profitable.

Prime Examples of the #BookFace Challenge

There’s a cool thing you can do to look cool AND literate on the Internet.

It’s real simple. Check it out. All ya gotta do is grab a book with a cover that you can make match yourself or your surroundings, take a picture with the correct perspective, and let that sweet, sweet Internet wash over you.

Sounds fun right? That’s because it is! These people did it, and they’ll never look back. Check out some of the best examples of the #BookFace challenge on Instagram.

15. Adele Parks

…is the name of the author, I’m not actually sure what this book is.

14. Autumn

I dunno, you look more like a winter to me.

13. The Only Pirate at the Party

And yet not a single peg leg? Very very suspicious.

12. Back Cover

Does this guy even know you’re taking a picture of him right now?

11. Hey, Water!

Hey, a cool photo!

10. I Don’t Want to Wash

5 years of Spanish classes and that’s about the most translating I can do.

9. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Though ironically it’s more of a medium shot.

8. Sofies Welt

That is one THICK German philosophy book.

7. Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg

We can only hope you’ll be the next RBG, little one.

6. Hands Are Not For Hitting

But are they for throwing though?

5. How to Steal a Dog

I just keep singing this to the tune of “How to Save a Life” in my head.

4. Magnetism

I am strangely drawn to this.

3. The Queen’s Gambit

It’s your move.

2. Acceptable Risk

Like using a stranger for this pose?

1. Joe Dimaggio: The Hero’s Life

Put me in, coach.

Man, almost makes me want to read a book. Almost.

What’s your favorite book you’ve read lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Prime Examples of the #BookFace Challenge appeared first on UberFacts.

The New “Twilight” Book is Here and People Have Some Opinions

It’s been such a crazy year year that I wouldn’t blame you if you’d somehow missed the bombshell news that after over a decade, Stephanie Meyer finally released a new book in the Twilight series.

While it doesn’t cover any new ground story-wise, it does flesh out the core of the franchise by retelling certain events from Edward’s perspective. And it’s pretty wild.

So what do the people of Twitter think of Midnight Sun? Let’s find out.

15. The time has come

What’s old is new again.

14. The anticipation

We’re gonna rock this old school.

13. Bad apples

Book cover stars: where are they now?

12. Genius timing

Ride that wave right back into our hearts.

11. Ripple effects

We’ll always come home to you, Edward.

10. Bible study

Don’t be without it for too long.

9. A real thicc boi

Hot damn I’ve seen encyclopedias shorter than that.

8. Hard to read

I’m sorry, this is nonsense.

7. The perfect cast

Like so many geniuses he went unappreciated in his time.


6. Be still my heart

Nobody gave you permission to bring in all these feels.


5. A tail of revival

There’s nothing in this world or the next that can’t be fixed by a doggo.


4. Contain yourself

She’s like 1/100 your age, dude.

3. Phrasing

That’s alll gonna be a big ol’ nope from me.


2. Getting schooled

I keep getting older, they stay the saaaame age.

1. A matter of perspective

Just you wait – she might surprise us.

Honestly, love it or hate it, it’s fun to just have something like this to focus on again. Good ol’ vampire romance trash. It’ll always be there for us in the end.

Have you read Midnight Sun yet? What did you think?

Tell us in the comments.

The post The New “Twilight” Book is Here and People Have Some Opinions appeared first on UberFacts.