People Reveal Times that Their Weird Feeling About a Situation Was Completely Right

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where things just didn’t seem quite right? These people certainly have, and their intuitions turned out to be right.

Read on as their share 15 stories of times when their gut was totally spot on at detecting a creepy situation.

1. New to the area

“I met a random guy when I was out one night. He was new to the area and was friends with my friend’s brother. He came across as nice and friendly, but then he started being a bit strange, like he kept rubbing my back and touching my legs.

We all went back to my friend’s house, and I was pretty wasted, but this guy kept trying to get me to leave with him without anyone seeing.

I told everyone something was weird about him. It turned out he had been charged with violating a 10-year-old, and that’s why he had left his previous city. He also assaulted a 13-year-old a few weeks before he met me, and the police found he was in possession of a lot of child smut.

My friends had no idea about this guy’s past.

He lived near my friend’s brother, and he had him over at his house in the summer when his kids were running around in swimming suits prior to the discovery. He was devastated and full of guilt when he found out.”

2. Controlling

“My mom and I were in a café and she had her handbag down by her feet. This couple comes in and sits at the table behind us, and he attracted my attention because he kept poking his girlfriend and telling her how to sit and stuff.

The hairs on my neck went up, I hate that controlling type of behavior. He was in my periphery and this guy wouldn’t sit still when my mom asked: ‘Hey, where’s my bag?’

She found it a second later, moved and open – she reached in to get her purse and said: ‘My card is missing!’

So the couple behind had stood and were quickly walking towards the door, and I didn’t even hesitate to say: ‘STOP THAT MAN!’ because I figured I could apologize later if I was wrong. One of the waitresses was right by the door and she followed him out the door, at which point, the guy dropped my mom’s card, mumbled something about having found it, and then ran for it.

I guess if he hadn’t been such a jerk to his girlfriend, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

3. In on it?

“My mother, who was extremely emotionally and physically abusive, raised four kids by herself. Although she had many siblings and lots of other relatives, no one helped us.

When I was around 12, my mom had a female cousin who started coming around, out of the blue, trying to get my mom to attend church with her. Then, all of a sudden, this same cousin wanted to become my kid sister’s godparent. Okay, whatever.

But I certainly resented the fact that we were all of a sudden being forced to go to church almost every Sunday. I saw it as nothing more than a form of brainwashing.

I always had a sick feeling about her, especially when I had to sit near her in a room. A couple of years later, she started insisting I come along on weekend getaways she would have with my sister at her house. I had absolutely no interest in going.

Not only was I older, but I was thinking, ‘Why do I have to come? She’s not my godmother.’ But, my mom was so weak-minded, psychotic, or just plain evil that she always forced me to go.

When I was around 14 years old, I was still being forced by my own mother to go somewhere that wasn’t necessary, with someone who made me physically sick. I still hadn’t figured out exactly what it was about her that made me so sick.

She was a nurse and had access to certain medications. It turns out that she was medicating me with sedatives when I was at her house, then violating me with her fingers and who knows what else. It really started to bother me how sore and painful I was down below, knowing that I was still pure, or so I thought, and I NEVER felt like that until after I had left her house.

I don’t think she did this to my sister because she was always so fixated on me.

She just used my sister to get to me. It also turns out that pills lose their full effect on you after you’ve been taking them for a while. That is how I found out. I eventually woke up in the middle of being assaulted by her.”

4. Across the street

“I got a bad vibe from the dad across the street when I was a kid. He was a military guy who always seemed to be on a power trip. His oldest son and I went to the same school, and would occasionally carpool.

One day, it was his dad’s turn to drive us. His son stayed home sick, but he offered to drive me all the same.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a long ride, but the entire time he talked about his beat-up Camero. It definitely creeped me out.

A couple of years later, his wife threw him out one morning. It turns out he had been beating the crap out of her for a while. One morning, while hitting her again, he stepped on their 1-year-old baby who was crawling on the floor and broke the kid’s arm.

We never saw him again after that.”

5. Something was off

“My sister was going to visit her friend out of state, so her friend’s friend offered to drive her there. He drove a few hours to get to our house and was noticeably tired when he arrived, so my sister suggested that he just sleep on our couch and they’ll go in the morning.

The entire night, my mom was going in and out of our rooms saying that there was something off about the guy; that she didn’t really like him but couldn’t figure out why. She actually quietly went out the side door and wrote down his license plate at one point.

The next morning, my sister was in the guy’s car for maybe 30 minutes before she felt sick and asked him to just take her home. Which he does, much to my mother’s delight.

>About six months later, my mom was looking at her news feed when she saw a familiar face and called my sister and me over and yelled, ‘I told you something was off about him!’ It turns out that about a year earlier, he murdered his ex-girlfriend and that his friend, who helped him bury her body, finally decided to tell the cops not because he developed a conscience, but because he was mad at him for stealing his toaster.”

6. Thank goodness they didn’t let her go

“A tennis coach at my kid’s club called to ask me if he could take my 10-year-old daughter with the other five players on road trips to play other clubs. I didn’t like it, she was tiny and just 10 years old. He wasn’t even her coach but another coach at the club. We thought he was creepy and to call like that…so I said no.

The coach ended up going to prison for being a creep and violating several girls older than my kid. His son was also 10, and the poor kid was also a victim of the scum bag. He got 15 years in 2009, and will probably be out soon.

He was convicted of three crimes, but the prosecution dropped an additional 22.

It still blows my mind.”

7. The new guy

“In college, I worked at a bar and they brought in this new bouncer. From the second I met him, I immediately felt like there was something seriously wrong with him. His smile and eye contact were too intense. I told a coworker that the guy gave me the creeps and she told me she thought he was ‘cute and nice,’ and didn’t get where I was coming from.

A quick Google search pulled up his mug shot and articles about how he was watching his college roommate’s dog one weekend and horribly attacked and abused it.

He burned this poor dog and poured bleach on her. The dog survived and he was arrested. The article talked about how he was laughing at the police arresting him, saying he knew he wouldn’t get in any trouble.

He was fired and told to never come back once management found out.”

8. Just a phase

“A neighborhood kid I grew up with liked to play with matches and was fascinated with fires of any kind. It made me nervous because a sort of ‘wild look’ came over his eyes when he’d stare at the fire he created.

I even told my parents, who mentioned it to his parents, who thought it was ‘just a phase’ he was going through.

Then, a few years later, it was reported that he burned his parents’ garage down and was being charged with arson and clinically treated for pyromania.”

9. A sixth sense

“My parents tell me that when I was around 4 years old, I was the most extroverted kid. I LOVED going out and about with my parents so I could wave hello to every single person I saw. I never met a stranger.

Little old ladies LOVED me. I would let anyone hold me if they wanted. To the point that my parents were alarmed at how I didn’t mind people I had never met before holding me and bouncing me on their lap.

We had some elderly neighbors who were nice as could be.

One day, their 30-something son came to live with them. The old couple had told my parents about him moving in and how excited they were. Well, they came to our house to introduce him to us since we were in the driveway.

Apparently, I got really quiet when they were walking toward me and when the guy spoke to me, I screamed and hid behind my dad’s legs. My parents thought it was out of character so they actively avoided allowing me to be near him in the weeks that followed.

A few months later, he was arrested for child trafficking and possession of hundreds of pictures and videos of child smut.”

10. He loved to chat

“There’s an older guy who visits my workplace a lot just to chat with our staff. He never buys anything – he just really loves talking to us. The first time I met him, we wound up chatting for a solid 15 minutes.

It was ALMOST a pleasant experience (I love chatting with friendly customers), but for some reason, he put me on edge. He spent the whole 15 minutes telling me about his life’s adventures – starring in a Smashing Pumpkins tribute band, getting detained at the airport for having a weapon (he said he was in the military and was flying overseas to do some training exercises in America or something and there was a misunderstanding about his paperwork), and he told me about his work as a guidance counselor.

He flowed from one story to the next without any discernible link connecting them but he was charismatic enough to keep the conversation flowing smoothly anyway. I felt lost at sea.

On the surface, he seemed like a well-traveled, genuinely friendly guy.

But he still set off a bunch of alarm bells in my head.

My general rule with chatty people is: ‘Friendly is good unless you are AGGRESSIVELY excited to be talking to me.’ He definitely fell into the aggressive category.

Later I mentioned the guy to a coworker. He said he thought the guy was creepy too.

Apparently, during one of this guy’s visits, he held my coworker hostage and told him (very cheerily) all about the time he got in a bar fight and he murdered a guy with his three buddies.”

11. A new priest

“This is creepy in a different way than most, but I think it’s relevant. Twenty years ago, when I was a practicing Christian, my church got a new priest. He may as well have been God himself the way people fawned over him.

I liked him at first, too. Then, after a few brief conversations, I got this feeling that his entire life was a major power trip, and he was in no way cut out to lead a congregation of actual human beings.

After he made an off-the-cuff remark to me about being divorced (the shock!), I was like, ‘Later dude’ and transferred to another church.

People thought I was nuts, because how could I not adore Father Perfect the way they did?

After a few months, I noticed a trickle of people from my former parish in my new church, and that trickle eventually became more like a flood.

‘Father Perfect’ had formerly been a highly respected surgeon with a God complex, and he was quite used to giving orders and having them carried out without question (as I would imagine is necessary for a surgical suite).

Not the best quality for a man of the cloth.

Eventually, he drove out several deacons, the choir leader, the sexton, and about half the congregation. He put a message on the church answering machine about what types of messages could and couldn’t be left.

He was a total control freak who apparently mistook himself for God. He finally left after the parish completely fell apart.”

12. Watch out

“I worked for a call center a few years ago and there was a guy that sat at the desk across from me. He was about 50 years old and was not married. I’m young enough to be his daughter.

He would do anything to talk to me.

Come by my desk, run into me in the break room, get in the elevator with me, and what not. It was excessive, but never threatening. At least not at first.

He started to say inappropriate things about my outfits, but I figured he was an awkward dude that did not know how to flirt.

I just brushed him off time and time again, but something was definitely off about him.

At one point, the secretary came up to me and asked if he was bothering me, and I told her what had been happening.

He only did this with the blonde women at the office. He was notorious for harassing them. It started small, but then he would slowly transition into asking them to hook up, even offering to pay for it.

Knowing this, I avoided him altogether. I would pretend he was not there, even if he was talking to me directly. I would catch him staring at me, but he backed down a lot after he realized that I wouldn’t give in.

One day, I came into work and he was gone.

His desk was cleared off. Totally empty. He apparently had sent another blonde woman a bunch of flowers and followed her out to the parking lot when she got off work. He had parked his car right next to hers and tried to force her into his car to go home with him, but she got away.

He was fired and escorted off the property THE NEXT DAY by police.

I’m not sure why he decided to come back, or why he wasn’t arrested sooner, but he was caught at work and removed.”

13. Knives

“When I used to work at a deli, we hired a 20-something kid that looked like the serial killer, Ed Kemper sans the mustache.

At first, he would amuse us by telling us stories about how he had fought off eight guys carrying weapons, or how his girlfriend was a model who traveled all the time (and that is why we never saw her).

Then things started getting bad, especially when someone angered him. I would catch him talking to himself, saying things like, ‘If I see her again, I am going to stick this in both her eyes.’

Management caught wind of this and canned him almost immediately.

Ten months later, we found out he actually went to prison for attempting to assault someone with a knife.”

14. The stepdad

“I always had a weird feeling about my stepdad.

He always made me uncomfortable and I always felt like he was watching me. He would make comments about my body and wardrobe, causing me to feel insecure and watch what I wore around him.

When I told my mom, she would say things like ‘he’s old-fashioned’ or ‘he’s just looking out for you.’

My mom had gone out of the country to visit family leaving my stepdad, myself and my older brother to take care of the house.

One night, my brother went to a party and I stayed home because I worked early the next morning, but left my bedroom door open so I could hear my brother come home and make sure he made it safe. Instead, my stepdad decided to crawl into my bed and try to assault me.

It was one of the scariest moments of my life.

I pushed him off and ran to the bathroom. I was so freaked out I just grabbed my work clothes and went to my car and drove off to a random neighborhood and slept in my car.

My mom found out a year later because I told my older brother, but she’s never talked to me about it.

She’s still with him too. As for me, I am in therapy to deal with my trauma and I feel like I’m getting better.

When I told my brother, we gathered all the money we had been saving up and moved out a month later.

I am blessed to have a brother who loves me and took me out of a bad place. He’s been one of my support systems through all of this.”

15. Jokes

“I used to work at a local restaurant when I was 19 years old. I loved working there, but I ended up quitting because of some jerk that was hired. He was in his mid-30s and gave every girl in the restaurant the absolute creepiest vibes.

He was constantly saying inappropriate stuff about his past and was just a jerk to people in general.

I hated working with him because he creeped me out and was also just mean. I started trading shifts to get away from him.

One day, a night shift manager was fired, and our boss put the creepy guy in a temporary managerial position. I immediately went to our boss and told him I was uncomfortable with the idea and explained how creepy he was.

My boss leveled with me and said that the guy had no actual manager power and was just temporary until he found someone else. He was just there to run shifts. My boss arranged it so my schedule never crossed over with the creep.

One day, a coworker of mine got sick and I was asked to cover her shift.

I got there and the creep was managing. I thought I could deal with one night, but a friend of mine called the store sobbing. She had tried to call my cell around a hundred times but it was in my purse.

She was crying hysterically and told me she had been assaulted and didn’t know what to do or where to go but that she was horrified and too scared to leave.

I told my friend I would be right there and told the manager I had an emergency and would be leaving.

It was a slow night and I wasn’t needed anyway but he freaked out and tried to physically stop me, demanding to know my emergency. I tried to sidestep it, but I eventually told him my friend had been assaulted.

He burst out laughing in my face and told me that was hilarious and not an excuse to leave. I told him to get lost and shoved past him. He told me I couldn’t leave and I said watch me. I went outside and burst into tears and called my boss and told him I quit after explaining what happened.

A few months later, I was working at my new job and a former coworker came in and said they had some news for me.

Apparently, two police officers showed up at my old workplace and served papers to the guy. He had been stalking a girl for the last five years and it started when she was 14 years old. He had also assaulted her.”

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10+ People Share What They Thought Being Rich Meant When They Were Kids

When I was growing up, I thought that if someone had a convertible, they had it made in the shade, no questions asked. Their life must be perfect and they had to be wealthy beyond imagination.

That was the pinnacle of wealth to me.

Someone threw out this question to the Twitter-verse recently and it got a lot of people thinking and talking.

Here are some of the best responses.

1. She answered her own question

2. Classy AF

3. If you were lucky

4. High rollers


6. Super fancy

7. I always wanted one of those…

8. Big shots

9. Kids showing off


11. The garage fridge was a big one

12. Stairs!

13. The name brand stuff

What were YOUR thoughts on this when you were a kid?

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10 Memes For People Born with the Soul of a Grandma

I’m the type of person who’s been referred to as an “old soul” for pretty much my entire life. Even in my youth, I wasn’t really much for being the footloose and fancy-free type.

Some of us are happy to RSVP “Maybe” to every party, knowing there’s no chance in hell that we’re going out after 9PM.

Here are 10 memes that every 20-something-going-on-81 will relate to.

1. When people ask about your hobbies.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Serious regrets!!!

Photo Credit: BuzzFeed

3. Sleep counts as an activity.

Photo Credit: Instagram

4. Get offa my lawn!

Photo Credit: Instagram

5. Can’t relate.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. The intention is always there.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Wow I was totally gonna go too!

Photo Credit: Instagram

8. Priorities, priorities.

Photo Credit: BuzzFeed

9. Am I a grandma or am I just lazy? Hmm.

Photo Credit: Instagram

10. Woahhh what happened?

Photo Credit: Instagram

Extra 5 points if you’re nodding at these memes from the bed right now.

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16 Hospital Employees Share Their Most Emotionally Scarring Stories on the Job

The emergency room is a CRAZY place. If you don’t believe me, check out this thread by Redditor FanisPapa, where asked other users this simple but brutal question: “Hospital staff of Reddit, what is an ER moment that has scarred you for life?”

Caution, the following stories are rough to read. You have been warned.

1. Every. Single. Rib.

Ex-wife is an ER nurse and this is the worst story she ever told me.

Guy was driving his Jeep Wrangler with the roof and doors off. He also wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, you can guess where this is going. What should have been a minor MVA ends with the Jeep rolling over. Not wearing his seat belt means the guy is tossed out. The roll bar of the Jeep rolls right over the guy’s sternum. Every rib, EVERY RIB, was broken in multiple places. He made it to the ER, but didn’t live long after.

Worst part: he was a firefighter at the station right next to the hospital. Everyone knew the guy and he was well liked.


One of my colleagues told me about a guy that came in c/o eye pain and sensitivity.

Turns out he didn’t wear eye protection while doing some DIY home repair with a metal grinder of some sort. He had metal filings embedded in his cornea.

After numbing up his eye, they picked out some of the filings with a needle. My colleague was pretty sure that his coworker pierced through the cornea at some point.

I HATE eye stuff. I nearly puked when he told me this story.

3. Corked

My partner is an ER nurse so I asked her – she said an older lady came in one day and said that she couldn’t get a cork out of her vagina.

They asked how it got up there and she said when she shaved she puts a cork in to stop the shaving cream from getting in, but this time it wouldn’t come back out.

Said she had been doing it for years

4. Broken junk

Years ago we had a guy come into the ER with a broken penis….yep, a broken penis. He and his wife were having sexy time at what he described as “a very rapid pace” when he pulled back to far and came out when he went to shove it back in, he hit a dry spot on the side of her leg and bent his penis 90 degrees.

The problem was that he had ruptured his urethra. Scarred for life is a good way to describe the effect on the entire staff.

5. We all have limits

My mom works in the ER and tells me stories. Some take something out of her. Last year a two-year-old came in with head trauma. The 2-year old’s brother was backing out of the driveway and ran him over. After hours of trying to save him, he was gone. The ER went silent and the mothers scream echoed throughout the hospital. My mom said she couldn’t help but break out into tears when she left.

I have a son that was the same age at the time so it hit her hard. The Dr that was trying to save the child had already lost another patient that day and went on a leave of absence after that.

6. The moment you become an orphan

40-year-old man motor vehicle accident, not the patient’s fault, car swerved into his car on the highway. Patient comes into the trauma room with an EMT still giving chest compressions, patient’s vitals crashed on the way to the hospital. Nurses take over the chest compressions once the patient gets on the hospital stretcher. They continue compressions for 35 minutes with no positive response. Up until this moment, I’ve seen this before so not a big deal. A young 12-year-old girl walks up behind me and sees the compressions going on and stays silent. The ER doctor looked at her and then took over compressions for about 5 minutes. He tired out and a nurse took over. The doctor looked around the room at everyone with the familiar look of “are we all ready to call it”. The room is pure silence except for the noise of chest compressions. 5 more minutes go by. The doctor stops the nurse doing compressions with only his hands. The young girl starts to cry softly behind me. The patient was a single father, that girl became an orphan in an instant. I had to leave the room.

7. Beat down

Not ER worker, but had an internship with a hospital’s IT department and on occasion would have to service equipment in the ER.

One time I was sent into a room to work on something and there was a young woman there who had overdosed. She was dead, but they were waiting for her parents to arrive, which all happened while I was there. The mother begins wailing, understandably, but the father immediately begins BEATING the daughter’s boyfriend, screaming it was all his fault. Beating to the point of skull fractures and blood splattering everywhere.

It took three security guards to subdue him.

8. Ricochet

10-year-old boy shot in the head with a high-powered bb gun by his cousin. Came in fully alert, talking, normal mental state. Just a tiny BB hole between the eyebrows.

By the time he got back from CT his words were slurring and he was a little confused.

By the time Neurosurgery called back his eyes were pointing in 2 different directions.

By the time he was going up to the OR, he was starting to posture (abnormal body positioning due to primitive brain reflexes taking over when higher function shuts down).

This was all over the course of about 20-30 minutes.

The CT showed the BB went straight into the skull and pretty much just ricocheted all over the place. AFAIK the kid lived, but of course he’s never gonna be the same.

9. Cracking good time

ER call one night when I was a medical student. Chief complaint was penile pain. Guy’s mid-forties, seems otherwise normal, no obvious past medical or surgical history. Ask him about when it started and he tells me that it’s been hurting ever since he “cracked it” that morning. I’m assuming I misheard or that he misspoke, so I ask for clarification. He proceeds to explain that, ever since he was a teenager, he started waking up with morning wood, so he would “crack” his penis to make it go away so he could get on with his day. He demonstrates cracking by placing his two closed hands together on top of each other, then quickly bending the top one ninety degrees. He’s completely lost as to why it still hurts today when it’s been thirty years and the pain always went away by mid-morning before.

10. Face hole

FF/EMT turned ER Nurse here. Took care of a person who was attacked by several dogs. Responding officers had to use lethal force so that the medics could get the person into the ambulance. The dogs would end up testing positive for cocaine, steroids and other substances

We weren’t sure which hole in their “face” was the best to put a breathing tube into. I believe it was a 19-hour surgery.

She didn’t live too long after.

11. Cute maggots?!? No such thing.

Nothing scarring just mildly interesting: 1. Buttock infection from self-administering street bought steroids. Right buttock so swollen and raw with underlying tissues macerated creating a tunneling into his rectum. 2. A guy with backpack stuck to his back. Found like that in his apartment. Severely necrotic ulcer and very foul. We scraped like a bag and a half of cute maggots (visible and hidden ones) 3. Homeless guy. Bed bugs and lice. Crawling all over. Like lots. We-all-ran-out-of-the-room lots.

12. Sock foot

I removed a guy’s sock once. “I haven’t taken those socks off in 3 months.” The flesh came off with the socks because over enough time it “soaked” into the sock so the cloth and flesh were one.

It was all muscle and tendons underneath.

13. Karma’s a bitch

A woman I knew from a previous stay in our hospital was admitted. The woman was already about 95, basically tetraplegic from two strokes she had the year before, and “cared” for by her daughter. The daughter said that it’s quite nice that the mom can’t move anymore because she could just put her in a chair or a bed and she couldn’t get up and walk, so the daughter could go and work. People who don’t move spontaneously usually have severe problems with skin breakdown due to pressure ulcers and need to be moved around regularly, so that was kind of a red flag. With social services and our whole team, we were able to put the patient in a nursing home where she was cared for appropriately.

The ER-occurrence happened about three months later. We knew that the daughter wasn’t quite happy about everything because she wanted the mom to change her will in her favor. The mom was in no condition to ever be able to do that, but the daughter just didn’t realize that.

Well, she was sent to the ER from the nursing home with cardiogenic shock (meaning her heart was not working properly, and she was dying). The nursing home wanted to just let her go in her own bed at the home, but the daughter threatened to call her lawyer if she wasn’t moved to the hospital. So we saw her in the night, saw that she was in her last few hours on Earth and she was going to die (see above, she was old and sick and there wasn’t much we could do). The daughter demanded (and I mean with screaming and waving with her lawyer’s card) not to give her anything to lessen her symptoms. We also had to try and put a cannula in to “revive” her. So we had to try really hard, knowing it was basically torture for her mom – but the daughter had a certificate showing that she was the person allowed to decide on medical issues.

Best part is: daughter has a private practice for karma healing.

14. When parents are horrible people

House fire- family of six. One child didn’t make it.

Parent shrugged, laughed, said- “Well I’ve got three more don’t I?”

*To save the armchair psychologists of Reddit some time, this was not an instance of “Dark Humor”

15. The noises drowning people make

In the early 80’s I was a night shift Orderly in a small hospital when an ambulance came in with two drowning victims. They were in an SUV that had rolled into the water and they were unable to escape. They had been under water for a long time so there was no attempt to resuscitate.

The State Police had been called to collect a blood alcohol sample and to maintain the chain of custody someone had to stay with the bodies until the Trooper arrived, and I drew the short straw. For a half hour, I was shut in a small examination room with two people who I knew (small town) waiting, and drowning victims make noises.

It was horrible having to see the parents arrive to identify their daughters and it was bad seeing a cardiac blood draw but the noises stuck with me for a long time. It didn’t help that I had been reading Stephen King’s Night Shift when the ambulance arrived.

16. “I only came out to see him suffer.”

Cousin told me this one. He was doing side work in an acute care nursing facility, and full time as a critical care nurse.

He is standing next to the bed of stroke victim. The guy is twisted into a knot, and suffering every moment of every day. There is no going back.

My cousin says to the man’s wife, “Look, this is as good as it gets. We can keep him alive for a long time, but every day will be a day of suffering. Maybe it is time to let him go.”

Her reply, “F_ck him. He cheated on me our whole marriage. That mother f_cker is getting the full ride. I only came out to see him suffer.”

He was stunned, but he couldn’t do a thing about it.

Well, that was insane.

Have a good night!

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10 Memes About Best Friends That You’ve Gotta Share with Your Bestie

Best friends are life, and these memes capture that feeling perfectly!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

2. Friend-envy?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

3. That dreaded feeling

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

4. YES! This means you were meant to be!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

5. Bromance

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

6. I can’t even with this picture.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

7. Absolutely!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

8. “Wait, is that DRAKE?”

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

9. This is real life

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

10. Just tell me!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

Share this post with your bestie!

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20+ People Share Why They Had to Break It off with Their BFF

There are good ships and wood ships, and ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.

Life is tough, and it only gets tougher and tougher the older you get. You start working, maybe meet someone, get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. It’s a lot to juggle, but out friends help make things a little easier… except when they don’t.

People on Reddit were asked why they stopped talking to their best friends, and their responses gave some serious insight on how even the closest relationships can burn out. From unforgivable betrayals to slow fades, all of these people had deeply personal reasons for leaving their best friends.

1 Boy, she’s unsupportive

We had been best friends for years and I started dating a guy and she was so horrible about him. Saying he wasn’t good looking she didn’t want him to come on nights out with us etc. I really liked him and it made me see her completely different. 7 Year’s later I’ve not spoke to her and I’m still with the same guy, we have a son together and soon to be married.

2. Ghosted

She ghosted me after about 20 years of friendship. I foolishly didn’t see it coming, and tried for a few months to call, text her. No response. I grieved for a long time. Long time.

3. “She dumped me”

She got married. I was her Maid of Honor. Cried the whole time. Pure joy. Spent $500 on a dress and drove over 10 hours in one weekend just for the wedding. she got a little distant after the wedding but i let her have some space. newlyweds, right? 6 months later i had a traumatic experience and assault. She was one of the 2 people I told.

She basically broke up with me about 4 weeks later after suddenly cutting off communication completely for a week. I only knew she was alive because I called her husband. When she dumped me, she met me in a local park, got in my car, and told me she didn’t want to talk to me anymore. Said I was not supportive enough to her and she felt like i was using her as a therapist.

There are no words for how deeply she hurt me. We’d been friends for over 15 years, and called one another “wife” for 6 of those because there was no other term for how close we were.

She tried to open communication again about a year or two later. I no longer want her in my life. I’ll never let her close enough to hurt me again. Her betrayal at a time where I was in terrible pain and so vulnerable is completely unforgivable and hurts more than the trauma of my assault.

4. This is illegal…

Best friend since kindergarten. First friend I made in my new town.

Freshman year of college I was home for break and he was over my house with another friend. I went upstairs to talk with my parents and left them downstairs in the den. When I came back i couldnt find my phone so I checked upstairs again, then when I gave up and came back downstairs I noticed it poking out from under the couch. Sweet.

They leave pretty soon after, and pretty soon after that I get a text from my college friend (who has the same name as the other friend that was over) saying, “Hey uh, your gf is pretty but I’m not sure why you sent me a bunch of nude pics of her.. I’m gonna go ahead and assume it was by accident and delete them.”

Turns out my ‘friends’ took my phone, found my gfs nudes, sent them to themself (tried. they picked someone else with the same name), deleted the outgoing message, hid my phone, let me look for it, then planted it where it could be found. The only reason I ever found out is because my (very gay) friend from college was open enough to message me about it.

I never talked to those other two again. I have a primal rage when I think about the pathology it takes to do something like that. Theyre not my people.

5. Anger issues

I couldn’t handle her anger. I’d known her since middle school, and she’s always been easy to anger and would go off the handle about things that really didn’t warrant it. Whatever, usually we could calm her down and it wasn’t like she’d hurt anybody, just get moody and huffy.

Well, after highschool we would travel a bit together and it started to get obvious that she wasn’t even trying to work on her anger issue, even when we called her out on it and stopped coddling her during her outbursts. The final straw was when she wasted half a day of one of our vacations because during an outburst a day before, she’d lost her badge to the convention we were at, and we had to trudge behind her as she tried to see how much a day badge was, then broke down that it was ‘too much’ and obviously tried to guilt one of us into buying her one.

It was after that that we cut off contact, realizing that she was ruining our hard earned vacations.

6. Sorority life

She changed completely our senior year of high school. We were the exact same person, loved the same things, got along like sisters. Then she started prepping for her freshman year of college at a southern school, and completely overhauled her life to look “perfect” for the sororities. She started partying, only hanging out with the “cool kids”, refusing to let me tag her in photos, and just became really focused on her appearance (not just physical, but how her whole life appeared to an outsider). It’s like she lived her life as an Instagram model. Everything had to look perfectly perfect. We just faded out and stopped talking because I didn’t fit her new life.

I still think about her a lot because we were so close and I’ve never had a friend remotely as close to me as her. It hurts a lot that she just changed and left me behind and didn’t seem to care.

7. Trying to please them

Had 3 best friends from 10 years old on, the 4 of us were always together. Throughout our friendship we would get into fights, usually them against me. You know, girls. I wouldn’t understand what I did in the first place, but usually apologized and everything went back to normal after a few days. I can’t even remember the things they were mad about now. Senior year of high school I met my husband and of course they didn’t like him and didn’t think he was good for me. They continued to feel this way even after we got married 2.5 years later and he could feel how much they didn’t like him. After high school, we all lived in separate cities but still got together as much as we could. Then one year for Christmas when we were in our 20’s, they posted on FB how good it was to see each other and they hadn’t even contacted me to let me know they were in town, much less invite me. I was done, never talked to them again. I’m not saying I was the perfect friend, but I look back and I had so much anxiety and spent so much time trying to please them. I couldn’t even tell them everything about me because of how judgemental they were. My husband and I have been together 15 years, hes my everything. And now I wish I hadn’t spent 15 years of my life on trying to please people that weren’t true friends. I think about all the good friends I probably missed out on because I was so dependent on them for so long.

8. Going to college together – or not

We were completely inseparable through middle and high school and had always planned to stay together through college. She didn’t get into my choice schools, so (being an extremely dumb and anxious teenager) I foolishly agreed to attend a second-rate school with her instead… as not to be alone.

Shortly before the start of our freshman year of college she informed me she was no longer going to school with me and was instead moving to NYC to live with a boy she’d met on the internet. She’d known this for months but neglected to tell me until it was too late for me to do anything about it.

9. Free taxi

A few years ago I saw one of those tumblr posts that went something like “don’t go across the ocean for someone who wont cross a puddle for you,” or something along the lines of needing to reevaluate friendships if you’re the one reaching out all the time.

So I stopped being the first one to message her, and immediately our communication levels drop. And when she does message me, its always asking me to drive an hour plus to drive her another hour somewhere, so she wouldn’t have to use the bus. She never repaid me in food or gas ever, even when asked, so I made myself less available. Most of the time I was actually busy, trying to manage two jobs.

As soon as I stopped being a free taxi, she no longer had a use for me. The last time she reached out was 2 years later, when she wanted me to donate money to her so she could buy a tablet.

10. She doesn’t see the problem

I had taken her to a concert she wanted to go to and had permission to have my 7 month old there with me because no babysitter at the time. I paid for everything and she decided after i parked it was fine to smoke weed inside my car with my 7 month old right behind her. I handed her the tickets and left her there, have never talked to her again. She doesn’t see the problem with what she did.

11. Smack talking

She couldn’t stop smack talking me to everyone. She had incredibly low self-esteem and when I met her, so did I. But each step I took towards being more confident in herself, she saw as a threat.

I started working out and losing weight. She told everyone that I was trying to look better than her; eventually that turned into “she stopped going to the gym and just did coke to stay thin”. Nope, never done hard drugs in my life and I was attending double sessions at the gym.

I started seeing this guy who was really sweet and nice to me; she said I was just seeing him to show her what a jerk her boyfriend was.

I was getting a dog after moving out of the apartment; she said I was doing it to taunt her since her new place didn’t allow dogs and mine did (I specifically looked for dog-friendly places).

I’d hang out with different groups of people because my anti-depressants had kicked in and I wanted to be social again; she said I was going out to make her feel bad for not having friends. Except that I’d invite her to come. But she told me she didn’t like those people (whom she’d only met once and was rude the entire time).

I changed my major to business while she was in writing because I found business to be ridiculously easy; she said I did it because I wanted to make her feel poor after graduation.

My parents rented a place at the beach and I invited her along and told her that they’d cover expenses because my parents remembered being poor college students and wanted us to have good meals and fun; she went but later said I invited her along because I wanted to show off my family’s wealth. We went off-season to a cheap place within driving distance.

It got to the point where I couldn’t say any longer that the people telling me these things were lying. It seemed like almost every day I was telling someone they must have misunderstood her, that she wouldn’t say that. But nope. She reveled in being a frenemy and I thought I had a friend. I distanced myself and she went nuclear. I had friends send me screenshots of the insane messages she was sending them about me, completely unprovoked. We haven’t been on speaking terms in almost a decade.

12. Yikes…

He fucked my girlfriend 3 years ago, pretended we good and all for over a year, and now they’re getting married.

Needless to say i’ll rip his fucking heart out if i ever see him again.

13. “I’m actually glad”

I broke off all contact to my best friend of 22 years after I got into a pretty severe depression and she showed no sign of caring about it. I mean I didn’t want her to nurture this devil inside of me, but she just expected me to function like I did before I got sick, and whenever I dared to say it was too much for me to handle, she would be really offended. After unsuccessfully trying several times to explain to her what was going on, I just had to give up because every time we met I would feel physically ill. The weird thing is that I don’t miss her at all. I’m actually glad she is not part of my life anymore.

14. Everyone’s a critic, but especially this dude

After several years just realized I always felt awful about myself after leaving his and his family’s presence. Our mutual friends had a saying “it’s not a trip to XXXX’s house until you get criticized. From the clothes you were wearing, to how dirty your car is, just a barrage of shit.

The final straw was when I was dating my now wife, we went to go hang out at his house, and he immediately pounces on my appearance (was wearing a hardhat all day do my hair looked a little funky), then handed me a bag of aluminum cans for me to recycle “and put towards my house fund” (was in deep saving mode). Fortunately my wife was a good sport, but realizing what the hell this guy was trying to accomplish… embarrassing me in front of someone I’m interested in for no reason at all? Walked out after that and never looked back. Cut out completely.

15. “I was getting male attention and she wasn’t”

This will probably get buried, but I had a best friend who I really loved and thought of as a sister. Our friendship was great up until I started expressing interest in a man she and her boyfriend introduced me to. She started spreading rumors about me and started telling me to my face that I wasn’t good enough for the guy I wanted to be with. She kept making comments about how it didn’t make sense that men liked me and not her and that it wasn’t fair. I’m not really sure what her issue was; I never believed that she actually had feelings for him. I always felt like she was just threatened that I was getting male attention and she wasn’t. I knew she was deeply insecure about her appearance, and I thought this was part of her insecurity. I thought we’d be able to work through it, but it never ended. She wouldn’t even acknowledge what she was doing; if I tried to talk to her about it, she’d just insist I was lying to make her look bad. Her behavior escalated to the point where she sent me a text message telling me she did not care about me or my happiness at all and that my feelings and well-being would never come before her pride. I cut her off right then and there.

For years, we did not speak. After three years, she sent me a message saying she was sorry and she had changed and was a better person now. I tried to give her another chance, but as soon as the conversation started, she brought up the guy from before and immediately started telling me that I wasn’t good enough for him and was not allowed to be near him, etc etc. I cut her off again. Over the past year, she’s been trying to contact me in various ways, but I keep blocking her because I just don’t need this in my life. I can’t understand why she’s so hung up over this guy. I haven’t spoken to him in years. And I don’t need someone in my life who thinks she can control my relationships with others or take out her insecurities on me. It’s really sad because I really did love her, but that girl who I thought was my close friend is completely gone. She’s become someone who treats me with jealousy and hostility, and I don’t want that in my life.

16. Stopped responding

I noticed that they slowly stopped responding to my texts, and/or would take days to respond. I stopped texting to see how long it would take for them to text me first , and I haven’t heard from both of them since January. It hurts. Needless to say, it’s been a very hard year. I have lost 3 very good friends. But it just gives me more time to focus on people who really care about me. And to try and see the positive, I took a deep look Inside to see how I could be a better friend. But also, fuck them.

17. “Swallowed up in all this negativity”

she was incredibly toxic. we had been best friends since grade school, i had moved states but we maintained long distance contact for years, tho it became clear we were headed in different directions. i was eager to get started on my life and my studies. she was more interested in relationships. there were a few years i didn’t have the funds to visit her in person, it wasnt until two years ago that i was able to. and by then she was a completely different person, which she had been hiding in our conversations. she had very low self-esteem, refused to acknowledge her mental illnesses, self-harmed, and placed all of her value within relationships, sex, and really just the attention she could receive from men in general (all of this from a very abusive relationship she had just gotten out of of). i was completely the opposite. i visited her often and while i still found fragments of the person i loved and cherished, it was sorta swallowed up in all this negativity. i ignored it for as long as i could, before i started listening to the people around me that kept telling me it was time to let her go (my mother, my sister, my boyfriend, and even some of my own friends). she was extremely irrational, had become reckless with her choices, and was deeply unhappy. i tried the best i could to help her, but it was affecting me as well. by the time i stopped visiting her, she had entered another toxic relationship despite my warnings; she had told me, to my face: “nobody can convince me to not be with him. not even you.”

i cut her off earlier this year, and i still miss her like crazy. but i notice my anxiety has really toned down since then.

18. Coming out

I came out as a lesbian in my early 20’s and my BFF from the time I was in kindergarten didn’t take it well. She stopped talking to me and eventually I gave up trying to communicate with her. It did break my heart, we’d been very close for a long time, but I was ok with her going her own way if she couldn’t support me being me.

19.  Just drifting

Guess life just organically pulled us apart. He was my best friend for the better part of 15 years, went through everything with me, was in my wedding, everything. He took over his fathers company, I don’t know if it was the work or the money but we just started to drift. I couldn’t keep up with his life style (he became very wealthy) and wanted to be a single bachelor, while I was at home with my wife and newborn. It’s been about 3 years since the drift and about a year since we last talked. I have tried to reach out multiple times but to no avail. Like I said, nothing bad happened and I harbor no ill will, just 2 adults going their own separate ways in life. I hope he is happy and successful!

20. Never compromising

I was best friends with someone for 12 years and we did everything together. Well, everything that she wanted. It was always about her and her schedule, never compromising for me. I went to every event she had, even her parents anniversary dinner. One year my mother had just passed away and I was home alone. I asked her to come over and she said she was going to a friends house to party because she broke up with her boyfriend. We havent spoken to each other in probably 2 years and I’ve never been happier.

21. “Disappeared from each others’ lives”

We grew up together only 2 houses apart, and then I moved… went to the same school, but we had different crowds. It was just really hard to hang out with her. Her personality was negatively emotional and took subtle hints to the next level though; for example would be the day I told her I lost my virginity, and she automatically claimed me to be a whore (in a serious way). Felt really weird after that, and just stopped telling her things. Then we just completely disappeared from each others lives… last time I tried to make a connection was only a few years ago when I came to her house to “trick-or-treat” (this used to be OUR thing) anddd her mom came to the door, explaining how she is sick and can’t come to the door. Not sure how she is or what she’s been up to but I still wish her the best of everything.

22. Hurting each other

We were terrible for each others’ mental health. She didn’t see it, but I did. She was pretty happy to be wallowing in her depression and not get help. I realized I couldn’t keep doing that because every time I sort of started to get better she was embodiment of everything negative in my head. Not intentionally, but it was there all the same. I told her why I couldn’t hang out with her as much/anymore and eventually just reached a point where I went cold turkey. It’s been twelve years and I still miss her, but it was for the best.

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Brave Passenger Live-Tweets the Entire Viking Sky Cruise Ship Ordeal

The recent disaster with the Viking Sky cruise ship that was stranded off the coast of Norway after it lost power has been the subject of national and international news.

But what most of you probably don’t know is that on board that ship was a true hero, a shining example of humanity who goes by the name of Alexus Sheppard.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Alexus basically live-tweeted the entire clusterf*** as it was all going down.

Her videos had us all SHOOK.

Those waves were no joke!

As the world anxiously watched on, Alexus kept us all constantly updated.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Even with her battery dying and probably very few options to charge her phone, she documented the whole thing.

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Photo Credit: @alexus309

Photo Credit: @alexus309

BUT WAIT, that’s not all! You see, she was also SIMULTANEOUSLY tweeting about gay rights in Tennessee!

So while everyone else onboard was looking haggard, Queen Alexus was lookin’ like this:


Eventually, conditions started to improve…

… And everyone made it safely to shore.

Before she was even on dry land again, Alexus was already tweeting about Mayor Pete.

I think it’s safe to say we all have a new gay icon now, and her name is Alexus Sheppard.


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9 Insanely Brilliant Ideas We Wish We’d Thought Of

Every now and then, I come across someone on the internet who has had an idea that is so brilliant and simple that I feel like kicking myself.

So now, I share them with you…

1. DO IT

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. I did the ‘name your kid’ thing all wrong

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. WUT!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Already on the ‘to-do’ list

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. YES

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. OH. MY. G….

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Unnecessary, but I like it…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. “Brand new”? Excuse me? Jane’s Addiction, anyone?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

You know what, Internet? I can’t thank you enough.

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25 Essential Rules for Parents Whose Kids are All Grown Up

A parent’s job is never done. Even when your kids are grown up and moved out and have lives of their own, you’re still their parent and they’ll still look to you for guidance and support.

Here are 25 important rules to help you do your best at parenting your adult children:

1. Stop asking when they’ll get married. Seriously.

2. Always pay for the meal at restaurants.

3. Support their choices – if they’re happy living in the weird part of town in a dingy studio, act as though you love it too.

4. Don’t embarrass them by pulling out awkward childhood photos.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

5. Be ready to become a storage facility for at least some of their unused stuff.

6. Don’t use emojis in text unless you really know how to use them. It just looks awkward.

7. There’s a 70% chance that clothes you bought for them without them being there won’t fit.

8. Let them be the one to suggest FaceTime. Don’t surprise them with it.

9. Stop messaging them video links on Facebook.

10. If they don’t want you on their Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc., respect that. Honestly, you may not want to see some of it anyway!

Photo Credit: Pixabay

11. Even if they’re having a tough time (heat turned off, noisy neighbors, etc.), don’t force them to come sleep at home. Let them know you’re here for them, but let them try to resolve things themselves.

12. Don’t be mad if you don’t get a “Thanks!” for helping them move, covering some groceries, buying furniture, or landing a job interview. Being a parent is a thankless job, and you already know that.

13. If they say something is a huge crisis, act like it is. Don’t try to downplay it.

14. While there’s nothing wrong with being sex-positive and helping your kids make better choices, don’t go overboard either. Even as adults, no one wants to talk to their parents about their sex life.

15. More often than not, your trips down memory lane are best kept to yourself.

16. Much like marriage (see Rule #1), don’t pester them about having kids.

17. Always help them with shopping for their grandparents. They have no idea what to get.

18. Don’t turn up to their place unannounced. You’ve been warned.

19. If you think they’re leaning towards a bad decision, gently question it, but don’t go too hard one way or the other. Ultimately, it’s their decision to make.

20. Your adult kids don’t need your help – until they do.

21. They may not always remember your birthday. You must still never forget theirs.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

22. If they haven’t answered your texts for a little bit, don’t freak out.

23. Unless there’s a ring on it, you don’t need to buy their significant other a holiday gift. It may backfire if a “casual” friend (kids these days) gets the wrong idea.

24. Be comfortable with the fact that you might be on a need-to-know basis when it comes to their lives. Don’t worry, when they really need you, they’ll come to you.

25. Stop pressuring them. You’re probably doing it even when you think you aren’t. Stop.

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Apparently, Twitter Users Have Strong Feelings about Why 1-Ply Toilet Paper Should Be Banned

1-ply toilet paper. Why? Yeah, it’s cheaper, but is it effective? When will the FDA and Consumer Reports step in and lay down the law to say it’s unsafe and impractical?!


These Twitter users have something to say about 1-ply, and it’s safe to say we can all relate.

1. Passive aggressive wife knows no limits

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

2. When 1-Ply loses friends

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

3. Someone finally said it!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

4. The Chronicles of 1-Ply

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

5. This is a relationship deal breaker

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

6. That’s just wrong and oddly hilarious

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

7. Truth

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

8. “You have been sentenced to life with 1-ply”

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

9. We are all wondering the same thing

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

10. Literally her “inner self”

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

11. Please illegalize the use of 1-ply

Photo Credit: Petty Mayonnaise

And with these real complaints, I say all 1-ply be banned.

The post Apparently, Twitter Users Have Strong Feelings about Why 1-Ply Toilet Paper Should Be Banned appeared first on UberFacts.