People Who Definitely Didn’t Get What They Ordered Online

Well, this should be interesting…

Online shopping has never been more popular or more important. The brick-and-mortar retail stores I grew up with are slowly disappearing, and I’m not complaining about it, because honestly, shopping in my underwear without being arrested is great.

But there is one major disadvantage to not being in the physical place; you can’t see and hold the thing you’re buying in person. You can look at pictures representing what you’re ostensibly ordering, but you can’t check it out to be sure until you’ve already paid your money and it shows up on your doorstep. Usually the result is mild inconvenience, but sometimes its hilarity, like these great examples of online shopping expectation vs. reality.

12. The reality stones

Said it came with ten large stones. from ExpectationVsReality

11. Faux Faux Fox

They better give me a refund from ExpectationVsReality

10. More scruff than fluff

I’ve brushed its fur for 10 minutes from ExpectationVsReality

9. At least you tried

Expectation vs. Reality after a 6-month backorder from West Elm. from ExpectationVsReality

8. Alice in diner-server land

Children’s party entertainer (Alice in Wonderland) from ExpectationVsReality

7. Congratulations?

I just won this clock from ExpectationVsReality

6. Mirror, mirror, on the key chain…

Wow. The wall will be nice ? from ExpectationVsReality

5. If at first you don’t success, cardigan

It’s.. not even a cardigan ?? from ExpectationVsReality

4. Deady bear

It didn’t come with nearly enough thread, but this is possibly entirely my fault. from ExpectationVsReality

3. Feeds a family of -1

Bread for scale from ExpectationVsReality

2. Is this a magic trick?

Tricked by the packaging of my moisturizing cream from assholedesign

1. Plastic is a synonym for rugged, right?

Colleague bought a Harley and wanted some boots. He was impressed with the $39 price tag online. Not so much when they arrived. from ExpectationVsReality

So just remember the golden rule of online shopping: before you click buy, check the return policy.

Have you ever run into a situation like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post People Who Definitely Didn’t Get What They Ordered Online appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Envy About the Opposite Sex

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, right? As a millennial, I can’t relate to this at all because I’ve never had a yard. But I think the point is we tend to envy what we don’t/can’t have by default. This was put into a more thoughtful context when user Straifex-yin took to r/AskReddit to say:

What is the thing you envy of the opposite sex? from AskReddit

It’s an interesting question with a broad range of answers. Of course, more of us are becoming aware that sex and gender are separate areas, and that neither are actually binary, but the question remains, what do we see in others that we want for ourselves? Check out some of the responses.

1. The subject of children came up a lot.

As a man, being able to be friendly with kids that aren’t my own and nurturing in general without being worried about how it’s perceived by others, well some at least, as being sinister or weird.

Don’t like to say good things about myself, raised to be modest and all. But I’m really good with kids. Able to engage with them at a level they understand and teach them while being friendly.

Probably comes from having a sis 6 years younger. Be patient, entertain and protect.

I understand why people are suspicious these days but if I was a woman I don’t think I’d have to worry about it so much. That would be nice.

– Fuzzyphilosopher

2. Some answers were pretty light-hearted.

Female here.

Things I envy about men:

-Decent pockets in clothing

-Never expected to wear heels

-Can pee standing up (without making a mess)

-Much less shaving needed to be socially acceptable in summer

-Can usually reach higher shelves without a step ladder.

– MerylSquirrel

3. And sometimes, just typing out “why can’t I…” made users realize, they totally can.

Clothing options. I feel like women have such a broad range of clothing options compared to men.

And you can wear leggings without being seen as weird

Edit: fuck it, I’m buying some leggings

– Sinthex

4. It’s truly unfair to punish people for living in the time dimension.

Easier ability to age and it not be considered something to hide or cover up, but something that can even be seen as more “distinguished” or “respectable”.

– InannasPocket

5. Guys just wanna have not fun and have that be ok.

Not being ridiculed for being emotional and vulnerable.

– Mild_Wings

6. We need better birth control stat.

Not having to deal with the side effects of birth control

– jsmi813

7. A lot of men hate feeling like a constant threat.

Not being seen as always chasing sex.

I hate that I can’t sit down and get to know someone without them thinking that I want to get in their pants.

Also, people cross the street so they don’t walk next to me at night (I’ve started crossing the street first so they don’t have to and because I don’t want anyone to feel unsafe).

I totally understand why this happens, and why it should happen, and I support people protecting themselves! I just wish we didn’t live in a society where this was necessary.

– the_colton

8. A lot of women don’t feel heard.

I just want to be listened to. You have no idea how impossible it is to be a woman in a small town where everyone still holds the same 1950s values.

Nobody ever takes me seriously, nobody listens to what I have to say, and nobody thinks I have good ideas until a man repeats them.

– ArcadiaPlanitia

9. Some things are universal.

It’s much rarer for a guy to get a compliment than a girl.

Which sucks because compliments are just nice to get.

– Ericbazinga

10. And some things are…just ridiculous.

Being able to pee your name in the snow.

– snozberry_pie

Just remember: your identity is your own. Don’t hold yourself back from living the way you want to.

What do you think about this question?

Let us know in the comments.

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Man Gets Revenge on Greedy Landlord Years Later By Random Chance

As more and more people are renting because they have no better options, the few who hold the properties are coming under closer scrutiny. Laws concerning what a landowner can and can’t do in regard to a tenant are complicated, vary from place to place, and many know that tenants simply won’t know their rights in that regard and can thus be taken advantage of.

Just like any position, there are good landlords and there are bad. This story, posted to Reddit by user RockyMoose, is about a bad one, and is particularly satisfying because it ends in a revenge that couldn’t have been engineered. Read on.

Chapter 1: Ante Up

Chapter 1 – Part 2

Chapter 1 – Part 3

Chapter 1 – Part 4

Chapter 2: Raise and Fold

Chapter 2 – Part 2

Chapter 2 – Part 3

Chapter 3: The Turn

Chapter 3 – Part 2

Chapter 3 – Part 3

Chapter 3 – Part 4

Chapter 3 – Part 5

Chapter 4: All In

Chapter 4 – Part 2

Chapter 4 – Part 3

Chapter 4 – Part 4

Damn! Whether or not you believe in karma has some real outside force, there’s no denying that treating others poorly can come back to bite you if they’re given the chance to have anything to say about it.

What’s been your worst experience with a landlord?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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This Instagram Account Specializes in Inspirational Signage

Everyone needs a little affirmation sometimes. Or a lot. If you’re looking for a sign, this Instagram account has got what you need. Literally. They post artfully manipulated photos of signage to read as affirmations and reminders for their 1.6 million followers.

The account (run primarily by an artist named Koreen Odiney) is called @werenotreallystrangers – which is also the name of the card game they produce. We’re Not Really Strangers, the game, is described as “a purpose driven card game and movement all about empowering meaningful connections” on their website. It’s clear this company is focused on connection and insight, and they make some pretty compelling art in that realm.

10. The cards

The game itself seems really interesting, and might be good stuff for a date if you want to seriously get to know somebody.

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Vulnerable Sunday

A post shared by We’re Not Really Strangers (@werenotreallystrangers) on

9. Open and shut

Love these jagged, broken lines.

8. Observe and report

I’d definitely stop if I saw this.

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Today’s feelings

A post shared by We’re Not Really Strangers (@werenotreallystrangers) on

7. Got a handle on it

This is a-door-able.

6. One thing at a time

And some things never.

5. Embrace imperfection

This looks like a Dairy Queen sign and now I want ice cream.

4. Keep perspective

You’re only one piece of this.

3. Heavy load inside

Don’t carry that around.

2. The circles of life

Break ’em.

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What do you keep doing that keeps hurting?

A post shared by We’re Not Really Strangers (@werenotreallystrangers) on

1. Cleverly obscured

We’re never fully visible.

Pretty cool, huh? Be sure to give ’em a follow if you want more. At the time of writing they’ve got nearly 500 posts so if you’re looking for a little boost, that oughta cover you for a while.

Which one is your favorite and why?

Tell us in the comments.

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A Student Took Revenge on a Group Project Classmates Who Did Nothing

There are only two kinds of people in this world, those who do work in a group project, and those who watch other people do work and then take the credit.

If we’re being honest, we’ve probably been both to some degree, which is ok, as long as you don’t take it to extremes. You know… like do nothing and try to cut out the person who did all the work. Because if you’ve done that… well, stop reading now. This post is LITERALLY about you.

Yes friends… you might just find yourself ensnared in the cunning trap of a motivated student who’s not ready to put up with your garbage. Enter Reddit user sara19 on the ProRevenge page with their tale of a thorough take-down of some classmates who wouldn’t pull their weight.

Chapter 1: The Business of Business

Chapter 2: The Assignment

Chapter 3: Mr. F

Chapter 4: The Revenge Begins

Chapter 5: The Fight

Chapter 6: The Reveal


Personally, I’ve never understood people who want to take the time and money to go to college but don’t want to put any effort into learning things while they’re there. Learning IS fun. Being smart IS fun.

But hey, you do you… enjoy the next 20 years of student debt, I guess. Hope you had some good parties.

Have you ever had to deal with a situation like this? Tell us about it in the comments.

The post A Student Took Revenge on a Group Project Classmates Who Did Nothing appeared first on UberFacts.

High-Value Memes You Should Invest a Bit of Time In

I checked with my financial planner and I’m becoming more and more convinced that we’re getting very close to a future where memes will be used as currency. That being the case, you’re going to want to stock up on some higher value memes now; to do otherwise would just be irresponsible.

Lucky for you, I’ve got some right here. Have a look, take your pick. Stick ’em in your savings account.

15. I’m baby

14. It’s an extended episode

13. More like lies potato chips

12. The no-explode code

11. Loneliness kills

10. A little goes a long way

9. Things took a turn for the worse

8. I think you’re muted

7. Fly, you fools

6. It’s…dense

5. We all need a cause

4. Take that, you filthy casual

3. Back away slowly

2. Coming out of my shell

1. Isolators, unite!

Now all you’ve got to do is wait for memes to replace money and you’ll be a gazillionare. Honestly at the rate we’re going, should be any day now, because I don’t think we’re going to get anymore help from the government. Wouldn’t that be amazing if we could just collect memes and THAT actually was currency. Oh, one can dream…

What meme do you think is the most valuable?

Tell us in the comments.

The post High-Value Memes You Should Invest a Bit of Time In appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Mental Health Memes That We Love

It’s important to look after your mental health.

And it’s especially crucial right now during this total shit show we’re all living through.

But we need to laugh in order to keep our spirits up, so let’s enjoy these tweets about trying to stay sane!

1. Here we go again.

2. Don’t leave me.

3. That was quick.

Oof ouch owie my mental health from dankmemes

4. Don’t make this a joke.

5. You’ll get through it.

Oof my mental health from dankmemes

6. Don’t try me…

7. Put on a smile.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Week! from dankmemes

8. You were saying?

9. Oh no!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. That’s not good…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. All of that stuff.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. This could be dangerous.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Those are funny…and totally accurate…

How are holding up right now?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post Funny Mental Health Memes That We Love appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Karen Tweets Everyone Will Probably Laugh At

There’s a word I like to use: “nontroversy.” I wish I could attribute it to whomever first coined it, but I can’t remember where I heard it. A nontroversy is a non-controversy, or, if you prefer, a nonsense controversy. My favorite nontroversy in recent memory is whether the “Karen” meme should be considered some kind of slur. You’ll catch think pieces and posts about it that are difficult to parse out; are they serious? Are they joking? Who would actually be upset about this?

To demonstrate the hilarity and thorough harmlessness of the Karen meme, here are some Karen tweets that should make just about anybody laugh, no matter their swoopy hairstyle. Some of them don’t even use the “Karen” as a punchline, but more of a comedic flourish.

10. This is my fight song

9. Every Karen needs a Floyd

8. Supply and demand, Karen

7. I was told there would be yarn

6. You’re losing kitchen privileges

5. More at 11

4. I’d like to bark at your manager

3. A natural disaster

2. Thing cost money!?

1. Such a Leo thing to say

If you don’t want to be seen as a Karen, the first step is probably not taking Karen jokes too seriously.

Which one is your favorite?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 10 Karen Tweets Everyone Will Probably Laugh At appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes You’ll Love or Your Money Back!

Memes sure are great. There’s really not a day so bad that it can’t be improved at least a little bit by a solid meme. But who’s got time to hunt them all down? No worries, you lovely, lazy, soul. We’ve got a collection right here.

Sit back. Scroll down. Enjoy these 15 thoroughly random memes.

15. We got a 23-19!

14. Good boi of the year

13. Tell Lexi I love her

12. Cat-itude

11. That’s one way to do it

10. If you’ve got time to lean…

9. Thank you for your service

8. Taste the rainbow

7. Fly, you fool

6. Tag yourself, I’m fire gator

5. Still too close together

4. But I read it on the internet

3. It’s a cera-bration

2. I for one welcome our merciful feline overlords

1. I don’t like the “w” in “wfh”

Feel free to go back through and look at them all again, if you want. It’s a free internet, after all.

Where do you go to get the best memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes You’ll Love or Your Money Back! appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets to Make Your Day a Little Bit Better

How would you rate today on a scale of 1 to 10? 1 being horrible, 10 being amazing. No matter where you fall on that scale, these tweets should boost you up by at least a couple of points. Yes, even if you’re at a 10, somehow. Be prepared to experience a 12.

Enjoy these fifteen funny food-for-thoughts from the world of Twitter, and let them brighten your day.

15. Deliver us from destruction

14. S**T: Chapter II

13. Flavor is fragile

12. State of the state

11. Ain’t no laws when you’re drinkin’ claws

10. Gonna just Zoom from the Tomb

9. Why does everything take effort

8. Egg-cellence in broadcasting

7. Pupper pundits

6. A window of time

5. Next level cold

4. We’re all Hollywood insiders

3. He pounce

2. Time is an illusion

1. Ask your doctor if giving up is right for you

If these have failed to raise your day quality by at least 20%, please send all complaints to Twitter. Just at whoever, I’m sure they’ll get it.

Which tweet was your favorite?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Tweets to Make Your Day a Little Bit Better appeared first on UberFacts.