Memes That Might Feel a Little Too Real

When I die, rather than have some pithy quote as my epitaph, I’d like chiseled upon my gravestone the meme that I found most relatable in my lifetime. It could easily become a trend among those of us who have lived our lives mostly or entirely in the era when memes are practically the most common form of self expression. Keep your Shakespeare quotes and your “loving husband” designations and what not, I’ll take a classic Salt Bae or Dat Boi to express what my life was all about.

Of course, with so many highly relatable memes out there, it would be a difficult prospect to choose just one to truly represent me. Here are a few possibilities.

11. TV troubles

The children of today don’t know the burdens of our past.

10. PJ armor

You don’t expect to GAIN weight during a crisis, but, here we are.

9. Tastemakers

Whew, I’m safe.

8. Don’t @ me

Actually do @ me, please, I crave validation at all hours.

7. Night and day

Can’t sleep in if you don’t sleep.

6. Struttin’

Still gonna expect that assignment submitted by the stroke of midnight, though.

5. Consider carefully

I guess technically I’m a con man?

4. Microbro

This has a real heady feel to it.

3. Pave the way

Like getting a speed boost when you’re not racing.

2. Sky high

Santa has never looked so lost.

1. Eyes on the prize

At least I’m reading.

I just can’t decide what meme best expresses me. I’d better do some more research; there’s lots more to sift through on this great big internet of ours!

If you have to pick one meme to express who you are as a person, what would it be?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes That Are So Stupid They Might Be Genius

Even though I’ve worked in comedy on and off for a long time, there are still certain comedy-related concepts that I just can’t quite find words for. One of them is that feeling of something that’s so stupid you laugh at it, and then get kind of angry at yourself for enjoying it, because you know, deep down, that you should be more sophisticated than that, but you aren’t.

So far as I know, no such English word exists – yet. Guess we’ll just have to come up with one ourselves. In the meantime, here are 10 examples of the kind of thing I’m talking about.

10. No bones about it

The ancients worshiped the spooky boi of wisdom.

9. Crash diet

“Hey wine is a vegetable, right?” – people in the 70’s.

8. On a roll

I looked at this meme and suddenly three couches appeared in my yard.

7. Thicc burger

Nothing wrong here, move along everybody.

6. They grow up so fast

Seriously was looking at a real baby considered a sin?

5. Road.exe has crashed

Why do these options even exist, my computer literally never cares.

4. Toaster coaster

It’s a rootin’, tootin, shiny scootin’.

3. A sign of the times

OK but in 2020 this is actually super necessary.

2. Good fountains

“It was as if a thousand dads cried out at once, and then suddenly, silence.”

1. Saucy times

She pleas for the cheese.

Welp, all of that was extremely stupid and enjoyable. I still don’t have a good word for it though. Shamegiggles? Dumbchuckling?

Do you have any ideas for what this kind of humor should be called?

Share ’em in the comments.

The post Memes That Are So Stupid They Might Be Genius appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Posts About the Struggles of Exercising at Home

We feel you on this one

Everyone’s world was suddenly turned upside down, we’re all stuck at home all the time, so how are you supposed to exercise if you’re used to going to the gym…which is definitely closed down for now?

You don’t want to put on too much weight during the lockdown so you’re determined to get into a workout routine at home…but that couch is calling your name, isn’t it?

We’re in the same boat!

And that’s why these memes and posts about trying to work out at home really speak to all of us…let’s take a look.

1. Once is enough.

Now go back to bed.

2. I agree with you!

I think a lot of other people do, too.

3. Here’s your new routine.

This should do it!

4. I’ve been crying almost daily.

But for other reasons…

5. You are an elite athlete, sir.

And I salute you!

6. You’re doing it the right way.

You gotta get that cheese in.

7. That means you’re doing ZERO.

And I salute you, too!

8. Damn straight!

That would be interesting…


Don’t mess with Maury. He’ll find out.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. That looks very difficult.

Have you tried this yet?

Photo Credit: someecards

11. It’s nice to dream…

It’s not gonna happen!

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Very dangerous stuff.

Don’t try this at home!

Photo Credit: someecards

Hey, keep trying! Eventually, you’ll get used to it! Hopefully…

Okay, we want you to be honest with us…

Are you having a hard time sticking to an exercise routine while you’re stuck at home?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know how it’s going!

And, if you are doing a good job, give us all some tips!

The post Funny Posts About the Struggles of Exercising at Home appeared first on UberFacts.

Mom Buys a Dress for Her Son’s Wedding, Bride Loses It

There’s a ton of stuff that goes into planning a wedding. Where will it be, who do we invite, what will we eat, what will it cost, etc etc etc. But one stress that probably few people are expecting is “Will my mother in law dress like the bride in some kind of crazy attention stunt?” That was the situation one Reddit user found herself in recently. The user goes by the name AITAthedress, so she must have created this account specifically to pose this question. It was posted to r/AITA, or “Am I the as$hole?,” a forum where people describe their situations and users weigh in on who’s in the wrong. Here’s the original post, in which she uses “MIL” for “Mother in Law” throughout:

AITA for making my MIL buy a different dress for my wedding? from AmItheAsshole

The comment section, which at the time of writing is approaching 500 contributions, revealed two things very clearly:
1) This is a surprisingly common problem that happens to more brides than you’d expect
2) Literally nobody thinks OP is the as$hole in this situation

This is not bridezilla behavior.

Via Reddit

Apparently this happens quite a bit?

Via Reddit

Why would you even want to do this?

Via Reddit

She needs to get off this train.

Via Reddit

Even this woman who let a similar situation go didn’t find fault with OP.

Via Reddit

Many mistakes were clearly made.

Via Reddit

Pics or it didn’t happen?

Via Reddit

There’s no way she wouldn’t have foreseen this.

Via Reddit

There’s really only one answer here.

Via Reddit

This particular comment deserves a thread all its own.

Via Reddit

So there you have it. Don’t dress like a bride unless you are a bride. Even the most unsophisticated among us can probably hold that particular piece of etiquette in our heads. Don’t spoil someone else’s special day, they paid a lot of money for it.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen at a wedding?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Mom Buys a Dress for Her Son’s Wedding, Bride Loses It appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Asked If She’s Wrong to Take a Spare Key Back From Friend She Found Snooping in Her House

I have friends who’ve given people spare keys before to let out their dog and they later found out that the person they trusted had been digging around their house while they were gone.

That’s just a huge NO-NO in my book, so I wasn’t surprised when they took the keys away from their s0-called friends and those relationships definitely suffered because of it.

A woman took to Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?” thread and asked the folks on that forum to ask if she was wrong for taking a spare key away from her friend who she unexpectedly surprised in her own home.

Read the story below and we’ll see you on the other side to discuss this situation.

AITA for taking away my friend’s spare key after she went into my house without permission from AmItheAsshole

First of all, I’m not really sure I even believe her story about trying to find her necklace. Secondly, what consenting adults choose to do in their own homes in no one’s business.

People on Reddit had a lot of thoughts about this story.

This reader definitely did not think that she was in the wrong and believes that the whole situation seems a little…fishy…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person responded that her “friend” who had the spare key broke the sacred bond of trust and that no one should ever snoop around another person’s home.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another commenter recommended changing the locks ASAP…which is a pretty good idea.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Here’s another take: this reader seems to think that the whole interaction was set up to be an intervention about the homeowner’s lifestyle choices.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this person believes that the woman who used to have the spare key needs to apologize and atone for her discretions or else the friendship should be terminated.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Was her friend way out of line or did this woman overreact a little bit to her friend who is concerned about her?

Let us know what you think in the comments, please!

The post A Woman Asked If She’s Wrong to Take a Spare Key Back From Friend She Found Snooping in Her House appeared first on UberFacts.

People Unmask “Virtues” That Are Really Toxic

We’re about to go down a morality rabbit hole. Parsing out what is noble and ignoble behavior is definitely nothing new. It’s been the obsession of religion and philosophy for pretty much as long as we’ve been able to put thoughts into words.

But as time goes on, and fields like psychology become more robust and accessible, the discussion around what’s good and bad behavior has stopped being the exclusive realm of a few, and has become more democratized, with a larger conversation opening up in the general public. A great example of that phenomenon is this post on r/AskReddit by user darkwulf1:

What is a toxic behavior that is disguised as virtue? from AskReddit

It’s a great question, and it prompted a lot of pretty thoughtful answers.

Here are some of the more interesting ones to consider.

1. I’ve heard this referred to as a sort of martyr mentality.

I had an in-law who talked constantly about how generous and compassionate she was.

She could be both… But she had a tendency to get carried away by what she wanted for you rather than what you actually wanted.

She was the kind of person who would throw a big party for you when you explicitly told her you didn’t want a party, and she would talk constantly about how overwhelmed she was planning the party and how you should help in all these ways because, “I can’t do this on my own.”

– Squiddification

2. Know when you’re needed.

Mum says several people on her facebook are ANGRY that they were told their services weren’t needed when they signed up to the towns volunteer service to help folk during this crisis (we had an amazing number of people come forward).

They’re mad because they “want to help” and “do their bit” and honestly she realised so many of them are the ones who do charity drives and stuff like that just to show off how much of a #GoodPerson they are and to have others praise them for being a #GoodPerson

The ones we know who are helping are getting on and doing it. Odd picture or post but certainly not what these people would be doing.

– VulcanHullo

3. Support where it’s due.

Supporting a person to a fault. In other words, being an enabler.

– mingmingcat

4. You’re nobody’s referee.

When people get involved in and regulate other people’s relationships.

They try to act like they’re helping but they always make it worse.

– IDressUpAsBroccoli

5. Romanticism has given us a lot of bad ideas.

Grand “romantic” gestures.

I teach high school and it’s crazy how many times you see a kid basically bully their crush into being with them.

They make this huge public display and the kid is too shy to say no in front of everyone. It’s embarrassing and distressing for that poor kid.

– PanoramicTrouble

6. As a former academic over-achiever, oof.

Over-studying, over-burdening, and excessive academic anxiety/self-doubt does not make for a dedicated pupil, but an unbalanced and miserable human being.

– DudeAbides101

7. Suffering is not a contest.

When you tell people about how you’re feeling (to vent or when they ask how you’re doing in general) and they one-up you to make you feel like you don’t get to feel tired or sad or stressed etc cause they’re clearly having it harder than you are.

I was tired from school and work one day and I told my old roommate that I was feeling a little tired, and he hits me with “Oh YOU’RE tired? I only had 5 hours of sleep and I had to wake up early this morning cause I had PT (he’s in ROTC)”

– japanesepopstars

8. Don’t validate yourself at the expense of others.

Telling kids that they are so different than everyone else while implying that they are somehow better.

The actual healthy thing to do is to stress that everyone is unique, and the kid’s natural gifts make them who you are just like other kids’ gifts make them unique.

– InnocuousDaisy

9. As a freelance artist: SCREW. THIS.

Working for “exposure”.

This one gets me because companies use it as an excuse to not pay someone or not pay them the amount they deserve.

They claim “exposure is your payment” but last I checked exposure doesn’t pay the bills.

– christian_daddy1

10. “Strong” can be a euphamism.

The entire “I hAvE sTrOnG pErSoNaLiTy” kind of people

– JSteus

11. The American worth ethic in a nutshell.

The rise and grind mentality, saying if you’re not working towards something you’re wasting your time.

It’s important to take time to just relax or pursue a passion without monetary gain.

But society as a whole has deemed this as wasting your time.

– RedditRum87

12. Blood doesn’t necessarily mean devotion.

“Family comes first.”

I grew up thinking that I had a very close extended family until I realized just how sh^tty and miserable most of them were.

I have cut them out and feel so much better about it.

– cosmonaut205

13. Not all that glitters is gold.

Toxic positivity, ie: people who try to find the good in everything.

There’s a lot to be said for having a positive outlook but it quickly becomes toxic when you start defending abusers (I’m sure your parents still loved you in their own way) or trivializing people’s sadness (so you got fired – it just means you get to pursue a new opportunity!).

Sometimes the appropriate answer to a situation is to just acknowledge that things suck.

– schnit123

14. Corporate morality is literally “what can I get away with?”

Corporate passive aggressive behavior.

Yes, you’re saying all the right things and everything checks out if read back on a transcript, but you and I both know you’ve simply found a way to abuse the rules for your own gain.

– InternetKidsAreMean

15. You’re not special for being mean.

People who say ” This is just the way I am; If you can’t handle that, oh well”.

Like… No. You’re wrong.

I understand to an extent that if people don’t like you for being yourself, they can go f*ck themselves; BUT, if you are a person who seriously does not know how to speak to people or are just rude in general and claim “that’s just how I am”, you’re wrong.

People need to know it is not okay to be rude or obnoxious and that you should be able to know the difference of being yourself and just being a d%ck.

– Dos_Henny

It’s a pretty fascinating thread to get lost in, and there are thousands more comments to comb through if you want to check out the original page. Remember everybody, be kind. Don’t make excuses. Consider others.

What are some other examples of this sort of thing?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Unmask “Virtues” That Are Really Toxic appeared first on UberFacts.

Behaviors That Seem Nice, But Are Toxic AF

Are you ready for some real talk? Let’s talk about the way we treat each other, and the way we disguise the bad as good and the good as bad. That’s the kind of conversation that got kicked off in a post from darkwulf1 on r/AskReddit:

What is a toxic behavior that is disguised as virtue? from AskReddit

The post quickly amassed thousands of comments – a few jokes here and there, but mostly honest feedback and frustration examining morality. Here are a few examples of some of the most interesting points.

1. Do you work to live or live to work?

The workaholic.

It’s fine to work hard at something you love, but not at the expense of everything else.

– kazu-sama

2. Don’t take autonomy.

People saying they did stuff that directly affects us without our permission for ‘looking after your best interests’

– dhavalaa123

3. “Chasing” can be pretty creepy.

Persistence in relationships.

It’s always sold in Rom-coms and in relationships.

But usually your persistence is a complete lack of respect for other people’s boundaries or holding onto things that aren’t working out.

– fishnugget1

4. Good action, bad motive.

People that do good deeds so they can brag about it or use it to their own advantage.

“Look at me, I’m such a good person! I do all these nice things, not because I wanted to be a good person or anything, nope!

Just so I could tell everyone about all the good things I do! Repeatedly. Like all the time. Because I’m a good person, remember?

Hey by the way, could you do me a fav-.”

– bayleaf0098

5. We’re not all on an even playing field.

That kind of Hustle Culture where successful people give “motivational” speeches (or more often Instagram captions) where they say stuff like “if you’re not succeeding you’re not working hard enough” or “we all have the same 24 hours.” We don’t all have the same 24 hours.

If you have kids, subtract a couple hours. If you have kids without a live in nanny subtract a bunch of hours. If you have to work a minimum wage job to make rent subtract hours. If you don’t have help to cook/clean/grocery shop/etc, subtract hours.

That’s part of why Kylie Jenner’s whole “self-made millionaire” think bugs me. Even IF she came up with her own ideas and did her portion of the work, she never had to worry about financial support to start her brand, or childcare while she was working, or who was going to cook meals for her and her kid or clean her house. Her lip fillers alone, which are a huge portion of her brand, can cost up to 2000 dollars a pop.

You’re not “self-made” if you couldn’t have done it without your parent’s money.

– tomis2003

6. This is called being an enabler.

Being the “supportive” friend/significant other who will never say no even if it’s a really bad idea.

– SoundedDoughnut

7. Nothing special about being mean.

People that say they’re always 100% honest and aren’t afraid to speak their mind.

It’s definitely useful when needed, but all the time just makes the person seem insufferable and rude.

– RackingRods

8. Don’t speak for me.

Being offended on behalf of another person without knowing or wanting to know their opinion.

– Dr-Sateen

9. Corporate morals are profit-driven.

Woke companies.

They are literally just trying to sell more sh^t by piggybacking onto whatever is the cause of the day.

– Trip_The_3rd

10. Back off a little.

Helicopter parenting, that sh^t scars you, makes you unable to function like a normal adult and struggle to make your own decisions when it comes to responsibility.

– bovineexcrement

11. Be real with yourself.

Constant self-diminishing and downplaying of your abilities as “humility”.

Just accept and recognize that you’re pretty skilled / have a lot of experience in something, instead of saying that it’s easy, that anyone could do the same and the list goes on.

– Chrysophren

12. Be vigilant around charisma.

Over-the-top kindness often masks agenda. Charisma goes a long way toward hiding darker traits.

– everysperm_is_sacred

13. Self-care vs selfishness.

Aggressive self-care — sometimes people use this as a hard stop to get out of things that they do not want to do because you can’t argue with someone saying that they need self-care.

But there’s a line between doing what you need to in order to bolster emotional and mental health and being lazy/taking advantage of people who want to support self-care more.

– BoundlessResonance

14. Your nihilism isn’t impressive.

The super ultra laid back mentality.

Not everything is ok. Not everything is a joke or is cool.

It’s good to have boundaries and to take things seriously.

– coldbloodedcreatures

15. This one’s called the “Golden Mean Fallacy.”

Accepting the objective truth in the form of a compromise.

IE If one person says the sky is blue, and another says the sky is yellow, the compromise would be that the sky is green (blue and yellow mixed), which is onviously not the objective truth.

– LondonDude123

I highly recommend scrolling through some of the other top comments on the original post, it’s a really fascinating bit of human self-reflection.

What else could go on this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Behaviors That Seem Nice, But Are Toxic AF appeared first on UberFacts.

Humorous and Accurate Tweets About “Adulting”

Rmember that scene in Billy Madison where Adam Sandler kind of loses it on the kid who says he can’t wait to grow up and go to high school?

Yeah, that’s kind of what being an adult feel like most of the time.

You miss being a kid and you miss when life was simpler and everything was a bit slower.

Adulting? Pssssshhhhhttttt.

It’s totally overrated.

Here are some funny tweets about what it means to be an adult…enjoy…if you can…

1. Over and over and over.

And then it’s ALL OVER.

2. I sure do love that one…

We have a special relationship.

3. Time is running out…

Live it up…while it lasts.

4. You got that right.

Lots and lots of water.

5. Can’t handle this anymore.

It’s too much pressure!

6. That’s a big kick in the gut.

Doesn’t go very far, does it?

7. I’m sorry, Mom…

For the chicken and everything else.

8. That’s called being responsible.

Growing up in front of our eyes.

9. Turn that thing off!

You think money grows on trees?

10. Wait, what year was I born…?

I think I’m between 38 and 52…

11. Home sweet home.

Nothing like it!

12. Adulting is VERY lame.

But, it’s the little things…

13. That easy chair is my life partner.

Don’t you dare sit there!

14. It’s so much fun!

Which game is your favorite???

Okay, you’ve had your fun. Now it’s time to get back to WORK because that’s what you do when you’re an adult. You WORK…and then you die.

But, before you go, please tell us how YOU feel about adulting.

Let us know in the comments!

The post Humorous and Accurate Tweets About “Adulting” appeared first on UberFacts.

Hysterical Memes About People Who Really Don’t Like Their Corporate Jobs

Some people are really cut out for corporate jobs and some definitely are not.

The 9-5 grind can be a real grind, sitting in traffic both ways and having to deal with corporate culture in all its glory. The rules, the regulations…the bullshit.

Here are some hilarious memes that will definitely look familiar to those of you who work corporate gigs.

Let’s take a look!

1. It’s okay if you have to cry…

You still need to stack that paper, right?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Here it comes again…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Trying to be polite…

But you’re getting on my nerves…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. You gave it your best shot.

Don’t beat yourself up about it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. And never come back!

Have you tried this one yet?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. I’m THIS close.

And getting closer every day.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. It’s a very precarious situation.

But you’ll get through it! We believe in you!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Let’s just forget about today.

And forget it ever happened…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Take some deep breaths.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Oh Jesus, not again…

I don’t know if I can handle this today.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. THAT’S how I’m doing.

If you really must know…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. All fired up!

But it’s best to just keep those thoughts to yourself.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Are those accurate, or what?

Okay, now we want to hear from all you who work 9-5, corporate jobs out there.

Tell us what you like most AND what you like least about your job in the comments.

Do it when the boss isn’t looking!

The post Hysterical Memes About People Who Really Don’t Like Their Corporate Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at the “Wipe It Down” Challenge on TikTok

Trends come and go on social media. Some are good, some are bad. The “Wipe it Down Challenge” on TikTok is definitely one of the good ones.

Have you heard about it yet?

Here’s the deal: set to the tune of BMW Kenny’s song “Wipe It Down”, people are posting videos of themselves magically transforming just for a second into a dressed-up version of themselves or maybe in cosplay when they wipe down their bathroom mirrors. Then folks are really perplexed.

It’s a whole lot of fun, and here are some of the best examples on TikTok.


1. Harley Quinn.

A total transformation!

@iamlaurencomptonWait what? ##cosplay ##Harleyquinn ##harleyquinncosplay ##wipe ##morror ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

2. Black Panther!

That’s a pretty dramatic one.

@richblackguyWhen you remembered something petty your cousin did. ##cosplay ##blackpanther♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

3. What just happened there?

Pay close attention to this one…

@coltonjusticezHold up? ##fyp ##foryou ##finalsathome ##tiktokrestarea ##marshmello @marshmellomusic♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

4. Hello, graduate!

On to bigger and better things.

@ayychrissy##pov You’re casually cleaning your mirror and see a glimpse of the future after the pandemic. ##fyp ##foryourpage ##InTheHouseparty ##transition♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

5. It’s Luigi!

Straight off the video screen.

@kyrramarie_guys i think my mirror is cursed ? ib @iamlaurencompton ##wipechallenge ##wipe ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

6. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Peter Parker, in the flesh.

@airhaydenUhhh… ##wipeitdown ##spiderman ##mirrors ##foryou ##foryoupage ##fyp ##marvel ##cosplay♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

7. Going wayyyyy back.

A view of your younger self.

@team2momsJumping on this ##Trend! ##wipeitdown ##fyp ##lgbt ##lgbtq ##WeTried ##viral♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

8. This is good.

Thank an essential worker today!

@nickandsiennaThank an essential worker today. They need to hear it , trust me ???##wipeitdown ##corona ##firstresponder♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

9. Haters Back Off.

Do you know this show?

@colleenbad things happen when i start cleaning. ##wipeitdownchallenge♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

10. Rediscovering your youth.

A blast from the past!

@leilaexkerWait til the end? ##foryou ##fyp ##wipeitdown ##trending ##featureme ##irish ##xyzbca ##viral ##ireland ##nana♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

11. Sir, you are now a doctor.

Good luck out there!

@johnnysins##wipe ##wipechallenge ##fyp ##foryoupage♬ Wipe It Down – BMW KENNY

Hey, that’s a lot of fun, isn’t it?!?!

Have you gotten in on this latest social media craze lately?

If so, please share a link to your TikTok video with us in the comments.

Let’s see what ya got!

The post Take a Look at the “Wipe It Down” Challenge on TikTok appeared first on UberFacts.