Tricks That Might Actually Deserve the Title of Life Hack

I don’t when the term “life hack” first occurred.

I remember it starting to pop up around, I don’t know, 2013 maybe? It was a term that started getting applied to every asinine half-baked craft involving hot glue and old soda bottles that anyone could come up with.

But if you ask me, those are not the true hacks of life. The ideas in these posts? They’re the real deal. Let me show you how you can improve the following situations:

15. Being chased by an animal

Which animal doesn’t really matter, they all know the rules of the jungle.

14. Chip consumption

Don’t lie to yourself, you’re gonna eat them all.

13. Drinking efficiency

Now that’s what I call a well-balanced diet.

12. Job hunting

Just hope your friends are good actors.

11. Internships

You’d be surprised what you can get away with.

10. Shopping

Way to go?

9. Healthy cooking

Who on God’s earth decided we needed to start eating kale?

8. Socializing

They’re called universal for a reason, baby.

My dad apparently sneaks his remote into a local bar so he can change the channel when he doesn’t like what’s on. I’m equally embarrassed and impressed. from funny

7. Valentine’s day

You’re never alone if you’re forever haunted by your thoughts.

Life hack 100 from PewdiepieSubmissions

6. Accidental spills

Go from trashy to cultured in no time!

If you stain a shirt, you can simply outline the stain with a sharpie and give it a name. This will make it seam like you visit islands. from ShittyLifeProTips

5. Furniture assembly

A stand is a stand, man.

I figured out you don’t actually have to assemble these things. from funny

4. Landscaping and measurement

This is actually pretty clever. Take a thing of known height and compare.

My brother wanted to measure the trees in his yard. This is how did he did it. from funny

3. Disaster preparation

You don’t wanna be caught unawares.

Well if it works it works from memes

2. Kitchen decorating

It’s a hit at all the parties.

SLPT: If you’re broke and can’t afford coasters grab some flooring samples from Home Depot. They are free and come in a variety of colors and finishes! from ShittyLifeProTips

1. Dating

Good luck.

SLPT (Please Remove If Repost) from ShittyLifeProTips

With those kinds of tips, you should be out hacking away at your life in no time!

What other lifehacks do you suggest?

Share them with us in the comments.

The post Tricks That Might Actually Deserve the Title of Life Hack appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Tricks for Teaching Little Kids, According to Teachers

Teaching is a profession fraught with frustration and difficulty, but it also presents adults with a unique opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life.

Luckily, there are a some ways to make teaching a little bit easier, and thankfully there are teachers out there who are ready to share their tips with the world. Here’s a small sampling of their wisdom.

10. Call Them by Their Preferred Name

You expect your students to respect you, and that’s why you need to show them you respect them as well. You may have a student that prefers to go by a nickname, middle name, or even rapper name. Ask them what they’d like to be called and abide by this.

9. Take Nothing Personally

Kids can do things that make you angry, but they also have a short memory for that sort of thing. Try to help them understand their actions in the moment, but don’t hold a grudge or take things personally. It doesn’t serve either of you.

8. Enforce Rules Consistently!

Not all children have adults in their life that enforce rules or boundaries. They may actually like you for this. One teacher mentions that she and her students think of rules together and commit to following them during the academic year by signing a “contract.”

7. Give Talkative Students Something to Do

There’s always a chatterbox in the room. Extroverted children love attention, so give them a task to do. This will get things done and make them feel good, too.

6. Laugh!

Teachers are often told they need to be tough authoritarians. This is sometimes appropriate, but remember: you’re human. Kids will appreciate an honest sense of humor, especially if you keep it in good taste.

5. Admit to Your Mistakes

Everyone misspells something or gets it wrong. It’s healthy for children to see that you can ‘fess up to your wrongdoings.

4. Provide Cell Phone Parking

Phones are a distraction to students, but they’re a necessary part of our lives today. Provide a space where your students can keep their phones during class. They’ll know it’s there when they need it, but they won’t be distracted by it.

3. Contact Home for Positive News, Too

Teachers often contact parents when there’s trouble. Make sure to let them know when their child is doing well!

2. Create a “Study Space”

One teacher mentioned having a table full of things their students can do without having to ask for permission every time. They’re allowed to staple things, get extra supplies, and grab assignments they’ve missed if they were absent. Teach them to be independent while limiting distractions

1. Consider Not Raising Your Voice

Older children (junior high and high school) may have a rebellious streak, but speaking in a quiet voice can help them calm down.


Are you a teacher? What wisdom do you want to impart to your peers? Share below!

The post 10 Tricks for Teaching Little Kids, According to Teachers appeared first on UberFacts.

9 Insanely Brilliant Ideas We Wish We’d Thought Of

Every now and then, I come across someone on the internet who has had an idea that is so brilliant and simple that I feel like kicking myself.

So now, I share them with you…

1. DO IT

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. I did the ‘name your kid’ thing all wrong

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. WUT!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Already on the ‘to-do’ list

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. YES

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. OH. MY. G….

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Unnecessary, but I like it…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. “Brand new”? Excuse me? Jane’s Addiction, anyone?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

You know what, Internet? I can’t thank you enough.

The post 9 Insanely Brilliant Ideas We Wish We’d Thought Of appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Hotel Hacks to Remember on Your Next Trip out of Town

I love to travel, but I have to admit there are definitely parts of that I kind of dread. From less-than-stellar hotel sites to long plane rides, there’s a lot that can mess your day up.

While there isn’t a fix for all of those woes, we do have some pretty handy tips about getting the most out of your hotel stay. Read on!

#1. Those hospital corners are good for something after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

I might even start using them at home.

#2. Sneaky…

Image Credit: Reddit

As long as someone doesn’t pilfer your Chapstick. Or you don’t lose it (I’m always losing it).

#3. They may not give you a fridge, but they give you a bucket.

Image Credit: Reddit

And free ice.

#4. This is a game-changer for international travel.

Image Credit: Reddit

One adapter plus a power strip instead of half a dozen adapters? Yes!

#5. Blackout curtains in a flash.

Image Credit: Reddit

Because hotels should be good for sleeping in, if nothing else.

#6. Another phone hack!

Image Credit: Reddit

And this one keeps the germs off in the process.

#7. Instead of buying those expensive little travel containers that break, use something you probably already have…

Image Credit: Reddit

An old contact lens case.

#8. This hack has saved a suitcase full of clean clothes more than once.

Image Credit: Reddit

Seriously, it’s worth the time.

#9. When you just can’t be bothered to hold your phone.

Image Credit: Reddit

And you’re too cheap to pay for a flight with television.

#10. Need more counter space?

Image Credit: Reddit

There’s a hack for that!

#11. No bottle opener? No problem!

Image Credit: Reddit

Your door might be able to do double duty.

#12. Never leave your phone charger behind again.

Image Credit: Reddit

Just attached your car keys to it and problem solved.

Happy travels!

The post 10+ Hotel Hacks to Remember on Your Next Trip out of Town appeared first on UberFacts.