10+ Everyday Problems That Are Just The WORST

Life is hard. Just when you think things are going your way, you run into something that ruins your day. Sometimes the problem is big, but more often than not, it’s just some small pet peeve that happens at the perfectly wrong moment. For me, it’s the so-called “easy-open” bags that somehow seem even harder! This list is made up of other things like that — things that should make your life easier but definitely don’t, or things that should be simple but instead turn out to be very, very hard.

#1. Again with the “easy” open lie.

Image Credit: Twitter

Okay, not they’re just mocking me.

#2. When you can’t find your phone, and it’s like you’ve lost an appendage

Image Credit: GIPHY

Or a child.

#3. OCD friends, look away

Image Credit: Twitter

Crumbs. In. Butter…[face melts].

#4. When the person in front of you in line gets chatty with the check-out person…

Image Credit: Pixabay

I have places to be, people!

#5. Man vs oven

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. Why doesn’t everyone use the easy peel stickers?!?

Image Credit: Pruefplaketten-news-de


#7. No one’s fingers fit in there.

Image Credit: Twitter

But you’ll get zipper burn trying.

#8. Just say no to reusing your knife, people

Image Credit: Twitter

No joke, this should be outlawed.

#9. Three words: spreading hard butter.

Image Credit: Twitter

Don’t pretend like you don’t empathize.

#10. Seriously, don’t tease me

Image Credit: Pr0gramm

Just looking at this gives me the rage shakes.

#11. Instant angry face

Image Credit: Twitter

They’re conspiring to make my day worse, aren’t they?

#12. Hard Nutella is no better than hard butter

Image Credit: Twitter

In fact, it’s worse because you want its creamy, hazelnut-y goodness so much more.

Ah yes, the gates of hell. I remember them well.

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Woman Pays It Forward at Starbucks as a Social Experiment, and the Result is Spectacular

Have you ever “paid-it-forward?” For those who may not know, paying it forward is the idea of doing something nice for someone, and then asking them to return the favor by doing something nice for someone else. There’s something truly beautiful about bringing a smile to a stranger’s face through an unexpected act of kindness.

With that in mind, one woman decided to attempt a little social experiment.

Photo Credit: Imgur, @kellylymcdaniel

<Eats popcorn> Read on…

Photo Credit: Imgur, @kellylymcdaniel

Looks like paying-it-forward is, indeed, contagious. Are you smiling yet?

Photo Credit: Imgur, @kellylymcdaniel

Smiling now? I thought so. Think about this the next time you’re in line at Starbucks, the grocery store, or even a drive-thru, consider treating a stranger to a smile and pay-it-forward. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

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The Latest in the Fight Against School Shooters? Trained Dogs

Given the lack of action we’ve seen in the face of school shootings becoming an epidemic in our country, educators have been forced to get creative and come up with their own solutions to keep our children safe. There’s ALICE trainingRun Hide Fight, and even an extremely controversial idea of arming teachers. Amongst all these ideas, nothing seems to have really taken hold.

Maybe keeping trained attack dogs in schools – not exactly a new idea, but one that seems to be gaining traction – will be different.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Real Deal Dog Training in Norco, CA, and Active Shooter K9 in Chariton, IA, are two of the companies working to train dogs.

James Greco, the head trainer for Long Island K-9, told the New York Times that “the best trained dogs have an accuracy rate of 85 to 90 percent. This sniffing ability means K-9s could help detect the tens of thousands of guns that are brought to school by students across the country each year.”

To be clear, the idea is that having trained dogs in schools could help prevent a shooting before it starts because the dogs will (hopefully) be able sniff out guns and ammo on students. It is not so much that the dogs will be able to stop a shooter who is already on the loose (although, maybe it could happen that way).

If they are successful, these dogs could mean the difference between happily boring, repetitive days at school and the nightmare that too many American kids have already experienced first-hand in recent years. At the very least, taking this step, in addition to others, could help parents and educators feel as if they’re doing something useful to prevent the loss of their children.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In this day, when so much is so scary and uncertain, simply feeling less impotent is worth a lot.

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10+ People Share the Most Improbable Thing That Ever Happened to Them

Have you ever had a moment where something happened that you just couldn’t believe? Something that made you think, “What are the odds?” You hear people say that a lot, but it’s not usually about anything that improbable.

These folks on AskReddit, however, have had some extremely random things happen to them — some downright weird, lucky, random things.

See for yourself.

1. Stolen ID

“In 2012 I was mugged at gunpoint while walking home late at night. Lost my wallet and phone but fortunately was fine. Reported to police and never got my stuff back, no surprise.

4 years later I had moved 4500 km away and got a phone call from my sister. She was at a music festival and lost her ID. A guy camping next to her found it, noticed the address on her drivers license. He recognized it because it was the same as the address of the fake ID he had been using. He had my ID from my wallet that had been stolen 4 years earlier.

My sister handed him the phone and I was more amazed than anything, but I asked where he had got it from, and it sounded like it had been passed around a few people at the school he went to. I told him I didn’t want it back, but asked him to promise to not give it to anyone else, and not to steal my identity.

So far my identity hasn’t been stolen.”

2. Freeze!

“I had a police helicopter light me up in my car with the spotlight and red and blue lights. Pulled over and waited for what I assumed was a swat team coming to get me. Waited 10 mins and then the lights went off and it flew away.

The statistically improbable part is that I was selling weed and had just made a drop. So I thought I was done for. Nope…. Never found out why they lit me up.”

3. WOW

“I have a good one!

When I was still dating my wife, she was on vacation with her parents in Cancun and her flight was cancelled due to a storm. She had a hugely important job interview coming up and no one in the airport could get her on a flight home in time. She called me, frantic, from her hotel asking me to help.

So, I went on the airport website and found a single first-class ticket to fly to JFK that same night. I bought it, knowing it might not still be available after calling my then-girlfriend to confirm. $1,400 later, I call her hotel in Cancun only to find she and her parents have checked out and are nowhere to be found. This was quite a while ago, so they did not have cell phones with international plans.

Now freaking out more than a little, I call both the hotel and the airport multiple times trying to get in touch with her. No luck. So I Google to see if there are any other numbers listed for the airport, where I assume she must be, and I come across a crappy looking little website listing what it claims to be the phone numbers of a bank of pay phones in the airport.

I called the first number on that list of pay phones. It rings for a while, and someone picks up. It’s my wife’s voice. In the middle of a Mexican airport jam-packed with stuck travelers, she overheard that exact payphone ringing and happened to pick it up.

I passed her all the flight details, spoke again with the airport to confirm she could board. She got on the flight to JFK with 15 minutes to spare. She now tells this story as the day she decided to marry me.

Oh yeah, and she got the job.”

4. Seriously, what are the chances?

“I bought a family reunion T-shirt (not my family) at a thrift store outside Houston. Two years later at Northwestern University outside Chicago I was wearing the shirt, and I ran into a guy in the dining hall wearing the same shirt. He was also not in the family.”

5. Weird

“When I was in middle school I friend requested around 30 people with the same name as me. only like 4 accepted but around 6 or 7 years after that I was scrolling through Facebook and saw my name was tagged in something. The picture was at a basketball tournament I went to the previous weekend but when I looked at the picture while I was on the other teams beach the person that was tagged was playing against us.

The crazy part was we both travelled 500+ miles from different sides of the country to play in the same tournament on different teams in the same game and picture. And the only reason I saw the picture was I friended other people with the same name as me when I was 11.”

6. That’s…extremely bad luck

“Not me, a friend.

He was very depressed and became a hermit, picking up agoraphobic fears. He was convinced bad things happen when he leaves the house. Usually referring to injuries or mess sups that did happen to him.

Myself and others convinced him to take a college class just to get out of the house 3 hours a week. He already had a college degree, even from an ivy league school.

It was an elective class, only 15 people. The only thing he had to do for the class was a group project with two other people. One member never showed up, so he spent all his time with the other student.

The partner was a transfer from one of those good California schools. My friend bonded with him in class. Things were looking up for my friend’s morale.

3 days before they were set to present, the entire college shut down because of a murder. His partner was the culprit.

My friend was called in for questioning, but that’s it. The other student was found guilty and is now sitting out a life sentence.

If that wasn’t enough, we convinced my friend to take another class at a different college the following semester.

He became friendly with the kid that sat next to him. A month in, the other student went missing, then found dead. Authorities say it was a suicide.

We’re not making him take anymore classes. He hasn’t left the house since.”

7. Gramps?

“When at college we had old style (plug in) phones in each of our rooms. Never used them, didn’t even know the number. One day mine rang, I picked it up and some old guy was asking for a Phillip. I told him that, no, there wasn’t a Phillip here – but this old guys voice sounded really familiar, like really really familiar, like I was 90% sure, so I asked,

“Grandpa? *(Insert grandpa’s full name) Is that you?” (It was)

Turns out he was trying to call an old friend, and had been pressing 2 instead of 5 when dialing the number ie 2782 387 instead of 5785 387. And it happened to be the phone number to my room.”

8. See you in the sky

“My father and I are both airline pilots. Early one morning I am working a flight from Louisville to Detroit and he is going from Columbus to Chicago. It’s quiet on the radios at that early hour when ATC calls out some traffic for us to look for, and us to another aircraft. When I hear my dad answer the radio. Shortly after that, he says hi to me, and I reply with “Hi Dad.” Then we passed directly over his aircraft by 1000 feet. One of the coolest moments of my flying career to date.

Follow up: Thanks for all the support. It means a lot to know people find it as cool as I did. It was a pretty significant moment for me because I was a little a**hole when I was young and flying and our shared love for aviation was what really made my Dad and my relationship take off (pun intended).”

9. What are the odds?

“I was telling my coworkers about an interesting customer of mine from a month before, who looked like a hobo but bought a very nice product and talked about his international travels, to remind them not to judge customers on appearances only. Right as I finished the story, he walked in to buy another identical one as backup.

Cue a month or so later and I was telling the story again to a different coworker, with the update that he’d appeared as if summoned the last time… AND YET AGAIN he walked in right on the heels of my story about him, to buy again.

…he’s probably standing at the locked door of the closed store now since I told the story again….”

10. Magic wallet

“I lost my wallet one night partying in Redondo Beach. About a month later I was sitting down on some big boulders that make up the breakwater again in Redondo and I looked down by my feet and there was my wallet, sitting there water logged on one of the rocks. Nothing missing out of it. About a year later, the same wallet goes missing again. I’m like wtf is going on? No idea. So a month later, I’m in a random grocery store and the cashier sorta recognizes me and says “hey stay right here” She goes over to an office and comes back with my wallet. Nothing missing. Had all my cash still there.”

11. What just happened?

“Opened a beer while sitting around a bonfire, threw the cap in the fire and it bounced in the air off a log and landed on top of my friends beer. We just froze. I don’t even want to know the chances of making that happen again.”

12. Oh, hi there

“I went to a small university in the midwest, less than 6,000 students.

I bumped into an old classmate one day. On a train in southern Japan.”

13. Pain in the ass

“Someone with multiple felonies has my same birthday to the year and first, middle and last name as well as the same eye color and height in my state. It makes all background checks a big pain the ass as well as renewing any official documents like my drivers license.”

14. Old friends

“I run into the same Ukrainian guy every time I go to the Vegas airport. He was my roommate briefly in college and since then it’s happened three times.”

15. Same name

“First day of fourth grade a guy and I were confused because we both have the same name and last name, no middle name. Had to deal with that through elementary and middle school. He goes to the same college as me and back in the day we were pretty good friends.

An annoying thing is that we’d get each other’s papers, grades, Test scores handed to each other. Just from habit I know his old school ID number to this day, as well as his birthday lmao. Even a couple years back a guy sent me a message on FB saying that I’ll be his roommate but I live at home. I immediately knew he was talking about the other guy and gave the other guy’s account.”

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10+ People Reveal Their Guiltiest Secret Pleasure

We all have a guilty pleasure. It’s okay, there’s no shame in it. For me, it’s the fact that I started watching America’s Next Top Model as a way to share an activity with my wife, and now I’m more into it than she is!!

People on AskReddit also ‘fessed up to things they’ve been ashamed to admit they like. Honestly, some of them sound pretty great to me, so go figure.

1. Hey, whatever works

“I love using escort services.

Most of the escorts I’ve met have been great sex, and really great company. One of them showed me pictures of the house she was saving up money to buy back home in Poland. Another wanted to cuddle afterwards.”

2. Enjoy yourself!

“Picking my nose, like so deep inside all the way. Don’t judge me, I just enjoy doing that when nobody’s around.”

3. Just let it out

“As a metalhead, I’m always ashamed to admit I love Lady Gaga. She’s so talented and the way she controls her voice and gives it authority is really awing. At the same time this leads to other artists I’m ashamed of saying I’m a fan of but Lady Gaga is def the biggest.”

4. You’re not alone

“Very trashy romance books. The ability read them in sometimes less than one sitting is perfect for calming my brain.”

5. Nothing wrong with that

” “Fast food pizza,” i.e. Domino’s, Pizza Hut, etc.

It’s by no means great. But there are so many inconsistent-to-subpar New York-style pizzerias in my area (which is far from New York), and they all have the same recurring problems: greasy cheese, crust that’s too tough or too thin (ultra-thin crust that isn’t crispy is pretty gross), and occasionally a scorched pie from being baked in an oven that wasn’t cleaned properly.

Wood-fired oven pizzerias are becoming more popular, but I’m not a huge fan of the almost-burnt crust.

There’s one place near me that does Chicago-style pizza, but it’s both relatively pricey and feels more like I’m eating a casserole than a pizza. Good, but I can’t be eating anything that rich all the time.

So if I’m very tired, not feeling very adventurous, and just really craving pizza, I’ll usually order up from some chain joint. It’s not glamorous and it’s not the pinnacle of dining, but it’s consistent.”

6. Sure!

“My Chemical Romance has some genuinely good songs.”

7. Interesting…

“The sound of high heels.

Hate feet, hate heels, but the sound is just comforting and rhythmic that I like.”

8. Same!

“Eating food alone in my car.”

9. A common one

“Having someone else take care of me.”

10. Makes sense in a weird way

“I’ll never admit it to anyone in real life, but sometimes the reason why I’m so gung-ho when sh*t goes sideways is because I’d quite like to get hurt.

When I’m legitimately incapacitated is the only time I feel like I’m really allowed to switch off and it’s nice, sometimes, to get in to some clean, warm, dry gear and let somebody else look after you for a bit. No worries, no responsibilities, just…quiet.

I’d never do anything to get anyone else hurt, of course, but I’ll take risks with myself that, in all honesty, nobody with their head in a good place ever would.”

11. Harmless fun

“About once a week I go to my local laundromat and peel off the lint from their dryers.”

12. Challengers

“Welp, I’m a grown a** man who for some reason keeps on logging back in to get his butt kicked by 12 year olds on Fortnite. So there’s that.”

13. It was fantastic!

“Last year I got my appendix removed. I stayed 2 nights in the hospital, and it was fantastic. No responsibilities, nice nurses, good food (believe it or not). I got to take the whole week off work, and I swear it was the best week of my life. All I did was sleep, play video games, go on walks, and hang out with my cats.

Some days I find myself wishing to get in a car wreck. Not so bad that I’m seriously injured, but enough to get me at least another week off.”

14. No shame in your game

“Professional Wrestling.

Been a fan for close to 20 years, and I only feel comfortable telling my close friends about it.”

15. Tell me what to do

“Being subordinate. As someone who’s held management positions in every job I’ve had from the bottom to the top of the food chain, there’s nothing I’m more ashamed of loving more than being told what to do.”

Any of yours make this list?

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7 Fun Party Games to Play with Your Friends

Spending time with your family and friends can be pretty great, but there are always times when you might find things getting into a bit of a lull. It happens to all of us. Maybe the conversation might be getting stale or the music isn’t quite right. Maybe there’s no real reason – sometimes the evening can just be a drag for no particular reason at all.

That’s where these fun party games come in! Next time you find the energy in the room getting a little lame, whip one of these bad boys out.

1. Spoons

“It’s like a kinda violent musical chairs,” posted chewbaccasdadd. “All you need is some spoons and a pack of cards. You all sit round a table, and lay out spoons in the middle, one less than the total number of players. You then deal out all the cards in the deck. On ‘GO’, you pass one card from your hand to the person on your left. The idea is to keep it moving quickly, almost rhythmically, and the objective is to get four of the same cards, like having all four kings, etc.

Once you have four of the same cards, you can make a grab for the spoons in the middle. As soon as someone makes a grab, every other player can make the grab. Think of it as the music stopping in musical chairs. At the end, one person will be left without a spoon and they are out. One spoon is taken away, and the game begins again until only one winner remains. The overall winner gets great glory and riches.”

Photo Credit: Flickr

2. Cookie Pocket

Reddit user, Farkyfarkabc123, posted this about the game Cookie Pocket:

“It’s best played during winter when everybody is wearing jackets and multiple layers. You buy a giant party platter of cookies from the supermarket for everybody to use, and you try to reverse-pickpocket cookies into people’s pockets. If they don’t catch you in the act, they have to eat the cookie when they find it. If they catch you, you have to eat the cookie. I’ve seen somebody sneak 12 cookies into somebody’s coat, and they drunkenly ate all of them.

It sounds fantastic at first, but cookies add up very quickly. Twelve cookies is a lot when you’ve already eaten five or six.”

Photo Credit: Pexels

3. Murder Wink ‘Em

User ChaoticV likes this version of a Murder Mystery party:

“Everyone sits in a circle and draws a piece of paper from a bucket. Most are blank, but one will have an M or something to identify the ‘murderer’. A person is killed when the murderer makes eye contact and winks. The more dramatic and drawn out the death the better. The murderer tries to ‘kill’ as many people as they can without anyone seeing who they are and identifying them.”

4. Dictionary

Reddit user cptcliche explains:

“Basically, all you need is paper and a dictionary. Everyone has a piece of paper and one person at a time has the dictionary. That person opens to a random page, finds a word they don’t know, and announces it to the group. If nobody in the group knows the word, they can proceed.

Each person writes the word on a slip of paper and makes up a definition for it, except for the person who found the word (they write the actual definition). After writing, everyone turns in their definitions to the first person who proceeds to read all the definitions (fake and real) aloud to the group.

Everyone but the announcer gets one guess as to which definition is correct. After everyone has guessed, the announcer reveals the correct answer. If you guessed the correct definition, you get a point. If someone guessed your made up definition, you get a point for each time it was guessed. If nobody guesses the correct definition, the person who originally chose the word gets a point. Then the dictionary is passed to the next person and the process is repeated.”

5. Mirror Charades

PlatonicTroglodyte loves this game, posting, “Just like charades, but two people go up instead of one. One person knows what they are acting out and performs the charade behind everyone trying to guess. The other person does not know, and simply mimics the first person, since they are the only one who can see them. It’s odd how much harder this version is.”

Photo Credit: Flickr

6. Balloon Duel

Good game for kids. In teams of two, each person tapes a balloon to one of their legs. The first person to burst the other’s balloon wins.

Photo Credit: Maxpixel

7. Telephone Pictionary

Reddit user, SpenFen, suggests this game:

“Everyone, seated in a circle, has a sheet of paper and a pen. First, everyone writes a sentence with preferably vivid imagery. Next, everyone passes their paper, now with a sentence, to their right, and now everyone must draw a picture representing that sentence. Before passing the paper on, you fold over the sentence, leaving only the picture, with which the next person must describe using a sentence.

Repeat these steps until you get your paper back, and have fun charting the course of sentence and pictures!”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Knowing a few new games will make you a welcome guest at any party. Low tech laughs and good times are the best. Happy connecting!

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The Truth Behind How Alcohol Really Impacts Your Mood

It’s a pretty commonly held belief that if you’re stressed out after a tough day, a drink (or two) can help you wind down and relax. This belief is bolstered by the fact that a glass of wine in the evening has become a crucial ritual for many a stressed parent trying to relax.

Luckily, for us, it’s not an unsubstantiated practice. Believe it or not, studies have shown that certain types of wine can have legitimate health benefits beyond the mental stress relief.

Photo Credit: Pixabay 


Alcohol quickly boosts our serotonin levels, which results in an elevated or euphoric improvement to our mood. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a biological chemical, basically), and it’s a key player in our happiness and mood. People who experience anxiety and depression often have lower than average levels of serotonin in their gut, blood and central nervous system.

The problem is, after that initial boost in serotonin brought on by a couple of drinks, serotonin levels fall down even lower than they were prior to your drinking. So if you drink habitually, it means that you’re regularly lowering your serotonin levels to below what is considered average, and that can eventually rewire your brain.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re someone who doesn’t struggle with depression and anxiety, then you may not have anything to worry about – but if you do, having a drink or two every day might be something you want to rethink.

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Southwest Airlines Apologizes to a Passenger After Employee Mocks Her Daughter’s Name, “Abcde”

Ya know, I’ve seen some “weird” names in my day. Heck, i watch enough professional football to know that people can sometimes have… interesting… names (like Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, Taco Charlton, or D’Brickashaw Ferguson). I try my best not to be too judgmental. Apparently, the folks at Southwest don’t feel the same way…

Traci Redford, a Texas resident, complained that a Southwest employee mocked her daughter’s name. She said, “The gate agent started laughing, pointing at me and my daughter, talking to other employees. So I turned around and said, ‘Hey, if I can hear you, my daughter can hear you, so I’d appreciate if you’d just stop.”

Oh, I forgot to mention her daughter’s name. Are you ready for this? Abcde. It’s pronounced “Ab-city.” Yes, you read that correctly.

Photo Credit: pxhere

The employee apparently took a photo of the girl’s boarding pass and posted it online, which is how Redford found about it and reported it to the airline.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Southwest eventually apologized to the woman and Abcde, saying “We take great pride in extending our Southwest Hospitality to all of our Customers, which includes living by the Golden Rule and treating every individual with respect, in person or online.”

You’re probably not going to believe this, but there are several hundred people in the U.S. with the name “Abcde.”

Wow, we live in strange times.

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10 Scientific Reasons You’re Always Freezing, No Matter What

Are you someone who’s always cold? My mom is actually like that. No matter what the temperature indoors or out, she’s almost always reaching for a sweater. I think I at least partially inherited that tendency, because I definitely have a much lower threshold for cold weather than, say, my wife for example.

Maybe you know someone like this too? It could be your spouse, or a family member, or maybe a coworker. If so, you might want to show them these 10 reasons that might explain why they’re always cold.

1. Women are usually colder than men

Photo Credit: Pixabay

One study showed that women’s hands tend to be colder than men’s, so sex might just be one of the answers to this puzzling question. Sorry, ladies!

2. You might be anemic

Photo Credit: Flickr, Quinn Dombrowski

Iron deficiency (aka anemia) could be to blame for your chills. Iron is a key component of red blood cells, and if you’re lacking it, it’s tough for your blood to carry oxygen as efficiently as it should, which can lead to feeling cold. If you have anemia, you might also feel lightheaded, tired, and have a rapid heart rate or shortness of breath.

Anemia can also be the result of having low B12 levels, something that vegetarians and vegans should be on the lookout for.

3. You have a bun in the oven

Surprise! Many pregnant women wind up with anemia and poor circulation, which can cause them to feel cold or like they have a chill. Though you should definitely take a pregnancy test before jumping to this conclusion.

4. You’re dehydrated

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

Drink up! Water speeds up your metabolism and breaks down food, which creates energy and heat. Most people are at least a little dehydrated, so maybe you just need to drink a whole lot of water.

5. Anxiety

People with anxiety tend to feel colder than others. If you suffer from anxiety, your amygdala is activated, the part of your brain that is responsible for responding to danger and protecting the body. It floods your system with chemicals that force your body into using its energy to keep you safe because it thinks you are in danger.

But when your body is focused on keeping you safe, blood flow stops working the way it should to keep you warm.

6. Your age

The older you get, the more your metabolism slows down and the less heat you produce. Decreased muscle mass in aging people also contributes to feeling colder.

7. Hormones might be to blame

Hormones in both males and females can affect body temperature. Women’s menstrual cycles can also cause changes in body temperature and sensitivity to the cold.

8. Poor circulation

If your hands and feet are much colder than the rest of your body, you might have circulation issues. Bad circulation can can be genetic, but it can also be a sign of cardiovascular disease. Smoking also contributes to constricting blood vessels, so if you can knock off the cigarettes, you’ll have a better chance of keeping warm.

9. A problem with your thyroid

Photo Credit: Flickr,Alpha

Your thyroid may be under-active (this is called hypothyroidism). Because the thyroid helps regulate body temperature, if you are constantly cold, it may be a sign it isn’t working like it should.

10. Check your diet

Certain foods might be to blame for your constant coldness. Clinical nutritionist Josh Axe says, “People who eat lots of water-dense, cold foods are going to feel cooler.” These include salads, smoothies, and iced drinks. Try eating more warm foods, like soups or stir fry.

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5 Uniquely American Traditions That the Rest of the World Find…Odd

People are different all around the world. From the way we eat o how we dress to the language we use, every country has its own unique culturat traditions. While that diversity is a beautiful thing, it also means that what might seem perfectly normal to you might seem absolutely bizarre to someone else.

Here are 5 things that Americans do every day that the rest of the world finds a bit odd:

Photo Credit: Pexel, rawpixel.com

Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving, shoppers head out in droves to claim steeply discounted merchandise for Christmas. A cheery, exciting day to bond with family and physically fight your way to the best deals. But Black Friday was not a positive term when originally coined in the 1950s. Back then, the mobs of shoppers and spectators out for the Army-Navy football game in Philly made it chaos for the police force. But retailer spun it into a positive by the 1980s. Yes, we still see the reports on chaos, but we don’t necessarily feel bad about it.

Whether we should is another question…


Photo Credit: Pexel

More Ice, Please!

In America, we love our ice. From iced tea to ice-filled fountain sodas to a refreshing glass of water, you can get a cold drink most anywhere drinks are served. But in many other areas of the world, iced drinks are nowhere to be found – in fact in many countries putting ice in your water is thought to be unhealthy.

Photo Credit: Pexel, Susanne Jutzeler

The Pumpkin Craze

You either love pumpkin or hate it. Since 2011, the pumpkin obsession has grown almost 80% – as measured in sales of pumpkin products by Nielson. What started out as a Halloween tradition quickly moved to a Thanksgiving dessert and then exploded with the pumpkin spice craze. Marketers capitalize on the pumpkin craze from the beginning of fall well into the winter.

Photo Credit: Pexel, J Carter

Baby Showers

In America, we celebrate everything “baby”, starting with a gender reveal with family and friends, name reveals after the baby is born, all the way to the over-the-top annual birthday parties! But let’s not forget the baby shower. A day devoted to “showering” gifts on the mom-to-be as she prepares for the birth of her child.

Whereas in Israel, families don’t even talk about baby names or set up the nursery until the baby is born. They feel the American way is a “counting your chickens before they hatch” mentality, which can come back to bite you in a worst case scenario.

Photo Credit: Pexel, Pixabay

Doggie Bags

If you don’t finish your meal, at many restaurants you are automatically asked by the waiter if you would like to take the rest home. And it’s normal to say yes. It means you don’t have to buy lunch the next day. Score!

Well, in certain countries, taking home food is a no-no. According to the manager of a fancy restaurant in Moscow, “We use fresh, high-quality products here. It makes no sense to let it grow old. Pasta dies after 20 minutes; things lose their taste.” Europeans believe it to be a health hazard and a way to avoid unnecessary food poisoning.

Photo Credit: Pexel, estocks.org

Coffee on the Go

Starbucks has changed the way we “coffee”. A quick stop at your local beanery, and your day is underway as you go out to win the business world. But overseas? Forget about it. Coffee is meant to be savored. It’s a way to socialize and relax. Most cafés don’t have cardboard cups, leaving you out of luck if you want to caffeinate on the run.

Silly Americans!

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