American Kids Are Starting to Sound British After Watching Too Much ‘Peppa Pig’

It’s a pretty well-known fact by now that young kids love Peppa Pig. Like, a LOT.

The popular children’s show debuted in 2004, and has steadily taken over the world by indoctrinating the world’s children ever since.

Photo Credit: Entertainment One

But American parents have noticed lately that there’s been one strange consequence of their kids’ watching lots and lots of Peppa Pig.

Photo Credit: Twitter

As strange as it sounds, parents in the U.S. are noticing that their little ones are developing British accents from watching Peppa Pig.

And this guy isn’t alone. Look at all these other folks who are also experiencing the same phenomenon.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Roberto Rey Agudo, language program director of the department of Spanish and Portuguese at Dartmouth College, says the British accents are weirdly prevalent among kids in the U.S. “in part because Peppa Pig has been such a phenomenon with the 2 to 5-year-old crowd and it’s considered cute, whereas I don’t know what other shows have that kind of currency right now.”

I wonder why this didn’t happen with Mr. Belvedere when I was a kid…

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These People’s Families Were Upended by DNA Websites, and Here Are Their Stories

I know a lot of people who have done DNA tests and gotten some fascinating results. Personally, I’m still wary of handing over my DNA to some corporation, who could easily decide to sell their database of information to, say, a pharmaceutical company.

Judging by these responses from AskReddit users, I think I might have the right idea.

1. Holier than thou

“Spouse found out his dad wasn’t his dad. His judgmental holier than thou Catholic mom had some explaining to do. He lost an immense amount of respect for her, especially when the bio dad tried to reach out to him. She is still in contact with the married man she had an affair with over 4 decades ago. He refuses to speak to him and has limited contact with her.”

2. Neanderthal

“I discovered that I have some of the highest known Neanderthal DNA, more than 99% users and over 4% of my total DNA. 3 tests submitted and a flight provided to a university in Australia for a testing. Was cool at first, and then not.

It bothered my wife a bit at first thanks to watching a couple documentaries.”

3. No one ever told them

“Not me, but one of my bar regulars did the test with her older sister. Turns out not only are they not related to each other, but both of them are adopted. And, their adoptive parents are both dead. And, their entire extended family knew the whole time but no one ever told them.”

4. I feel like this probably happens a lot

“I found out I’m not Irish after taking one….I have an Irish tattoo. My mom’s family always bragged about how Irish we were. My life obviously wasn’t destroyed but funny anyways.

It was over twenty years ago, I was 18 and stupid. The tattoo is a nautical compass with a Celtic knot in the middle on my shoulder.”

5. A happy ending

“My story has a rough beginning, but a happy ending. I apologize, this will be a bit lengthy.

I ordered 23andme to try to figure out “what” I was, not to track down any long lost family members. I had known since I was a teenager that my dad who raised me wasn’t my biological father. I used to ask my mom if I was adopted because I don’t look like anyone in my family.

My mom is almost 100% Irish and my dad (who raised me, he is and always will be my dad) is also Caucasian and I look a bit ethnically ambiguous. Olive (but fair) skin, dark hair, and green eyes; no one else in my family looked like me. My mom finally told me the truth when i was 16.

When I got my report back, I was mostly European by my breakdown, I was still confused. I had several cousins show up, but contacting them didn’t interest me at all. One day I got a notification that I had new relatives and a half sister popped up. This caught me completely off guard and I didn’t know what to do…because I wanted to contact her.

For the first time ever, I wanted to know more. I messaged her, not telling anything about myself, just that if she’d like to know more about me, I would be open with all that I knew. I never got a reply, this kind of broke my heart if I’m being honest, but I accepted that she probably knew nothing of me and that the revelation of my existence may have hurt their family horribly.

A few months later a second cousin popped up and she was shown to be the first cousin of my “half sister,” this confused me even more. Why was she my second cousin and my half sisters first cousin?She contacted me because she thought I may have answers for her, I told her that I had tried to contact my half sister but heard nothing and apologized for not being able to help her. (Her story is oddly similar to mine.) She also told me that she had communicated briefly with her first cousin, but after bringing me up, she cut off contact with her.

That made me feel horrible. But through our brief interaction, i realized that the three of us were connected through my “half sisters” maternal blood line. I know my mom is my mom, there’s no question there, so I started thinking, how could this be?..then I realized that my “half sister” was actually my aunt, my biological father’s sister. Half-siblings, aunts and uncles, and grandparents all share 25% of their DNA, all the connections on these websites are based on probability.

I messaged her again and told her that I thought she may be my aunt and I told her more about myself…my birthdate and where I was conceived, and that if she had a brother who was in that area at that time, he was my biological father. She messaged me back in no time. It turns out that my paternal grandfather had passed away years ago and when she got the first message and saw the half sister connection, she assumed her father had a child that none of them knew about. I’m younger than her and her siblings, obviously, so I would have come along after them.

She didn’t contact me because she didn’t want to hurt her mother, and I’m sure she was hurt by this too. I understood, completely. She then went on to tell me that they all knew about me but didn’t want to disrupt my life. She said my biological father never forgot about me…I had always thought I was his dirty little secret. (He and my mother were both married to other people when I was conceived..that’s another long story.)

Anyways, my husband, children, and I have since met them all. I actually have three half siblings that also knew about me. It was so strange to finally meet people who I resemble. I’m a spitting image of my paternal grandmother when she was young, they were all blown away by that. We stay in contact and I couldn’t be happier that I bought the 23andme kit.”

6. Scandalous

“My 75-year-old grandmother just found out her dad was not her real dad. Turns out her mom had an affair with the family doctor and never told a single soul. Not only did she find out her family doctor was her real dad (the one who birthed not only her but also all of her own children) but turns out this family doctor was sleeping with a lot his patients.

She now has a bunch of new half sisters and brothers, some of them knew who their real dad was and some of them didn’t. My great grandmother was quite the secret keeper.”

7. White mystery

“My dad turned out not to be my dad. So the basic 23andMe family surprise I guess? Also found out that my heritage can best be described as white mystery.”

8. Pissed

“When my birth mom was pregnant with me she was too ashamed to admit who my father was. She was too young to be a mom and so she gave me to my current parents when I was born.(they were 10 years older than her and already had a kid) I love my parents and couldn’t care who my birth father was but I wanted to see what I was made of.

Everyone was pretty pissed when we found out my dad was my birth dad.”

9. At least three

“Not destroyed, it just confirmed what we already knew that there was more than one Father between 5 siblings. At least three as it turned out.”

10. Dreading the future

“My grandpa passed away from Alzheimer’s, so my family uploaded our raw DNA to another site to see if any of us have the same genes that make it likely for any of the rest of us to have it as well. Luckily most of us didn’t have the gene my grandpa had, but my uncles have it. So while my immediate family knows we’ve got average chances, my poor uncles are probably dreading the future.”

11. Finding family

“I’ve been searching for my father my whole life and through 23andme I just found a half-brother, finally answering the question. Our father is unfortunately passed, but we’re meeting in person in April.

A couple weeks after we found each other we were also contacted by another half-sister.”

12. Inconclusive

“My brother got our whole family 23andMe kits for Christmas last year. Everyone did the swab and got their results back which showed how we’re all related and yada yada yada, but my results came back inconclusive. 23andMe sent me a new kit to do it again and THAT one also came back inconclusive. So the company sent me an email basically saying I can never do it again probably because I’m using a bunch of resources with no results.

Anyway now my family says I don’t have any human DNA and that I must be a lizard. They make lizard sounds when I’m around and I am ashamed.”

13. What are the chances?

“Kind of the opposite. I found out I have an older sister, apparently my dad was being a little promiscuous lol. RIP old man. And she also shares my birthday, what are the chances?!”

14. He didn’t know

“I just got off the phone with my newly found bio dad. My mom died in 1980, my dad in 2012. I logged Friday in to AncestryDNA to get my results from their Black Friday sale. It said that this person in NC was my father, no doubt. Turns out it was my moms boyfriend before my dad came along. I have no idea if anyone knew. My newly found father certainly didn’t.”

15. Oh, Papa

“Ours was backwards. A French lady messaged my mom and said she thought they shared a father. Very believable because Papa was a proven whore. Sure enough she did a 23andMe and sure enough papa is a great big slut. Rest in peace.”


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Lotto Winner Shows Up to Collect His Winnings Wearing a ‘Scream’ Mask

A lot of people may not know this, but every state has different laws about whether or not a lottery winner is allowed to remain anonymous. I’m not really sure why that is, because I know I certainly wouldn’t want the whole world knowing who I am and what I look like if I’d just won a fat stack of cash.

This lottery winner from Jamaica had the right idea when he showed up to claim a prize worth $1.17 million (U.S.) wearing the famous Ghostface mask from the Scream movies.


Photo Credit: Twitter

The man’s name was released, but A. Campbell was determined to keep his face hidden from the public…probably a good idea. Campbell said the win has caused some issues: “My head hurt me for three days because I was thinking so much. [Wondering] if what I’ve been longing for really come true. I had a belly ache for two weeks, sometimes I feel so much pain I forgot that I had won.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

The big winner said he’s now on the hunt for a new house.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Congrats Mr. Campbell! Spend it wisely…

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This Chart Shows the Fastest Growing Jobs in Every State

A friendly word of advice: if you live in California or Hawaii, you may want to consider a career in installing solar panels. Alternatively, if your home state is Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, or Iowa, a job servicing wind turbines might be your best bet.

Yahoo! Finance put together this handy infographic, using statistics compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, to show what is the fastest growing job in each state in the country.

Photo Credit: Yahoo Finance

The results are pretty interesting and represent a shift in how many Americans work. As mentioned earlier, solar panel installer jobs are the fastest growing in California and Hawaii, but that’s also the case in several other states in different parts of the country, including Florida, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Minnesota. Here is how the western United States and Alaska and Hawaii shapes up.

Photo Credit: Yahoo Finance

Another rising occupation is statistician. The median annual salary for a statistician in the U.S. is $84,060 and these number crunchers are the fastest growing occupation in Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, and Connecticut.

As we move east through the Midwest and towards the Atlantic, here are the fastest growing occupations.

Photo Credit: Yahoo Finance

The East Coast is a unique mix of positions, including the aforementioned solar panel installer in two states, biomedical engineer in Maine, costume attendant in Georgia (because of the thriving film/TV industry), and  gambling industry worker in New York.

Photo Credit: Yahoo Finance

Let’s hope the economy keeps on revving along and people in all industries in America continue to move up the ladder.

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Apparently, Smelling Your Partner’s… Gas… Could Help You Live Longer

In today’s edition of adorable but also disgusting news, scientists have determined that smelling your partner’s… gaseous emissions (aka farts)… may just help you live longer.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A study in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications showed that exposure to hydrogen sulfide, the same gas you that pass, can help ward off mitochondrial damage that causes various health problems.

Researcher Dr. Mark Wood said, “Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could in fact be a healthcare hero.”

Photo Credit: Flickr,Eli Duke

The study showed that exposure to hydrogen sulfide in small amounts can help reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and cancer. Another researcher spoke about how the team created a new compound called AP39 that they believe will help the body produce the right amount of hydrogen sulfide and that the compound can be delivered to certain cells. Matt Whiteman said:

When cells become stressed by disease, they draw in enzymes to generate minute quantities of hydrogen sulfide. This keeps the mitochondria ticking over and allows cells to live. If this doesn’t happen, the cells die and lose the ability to regulate survival and control inflammation.

We have exploited this natural process by making a compound, called AP39, which slowly delivers very small amounts of this gas specifically to the mitochondria. Our results indicate that if stressed cells are treated with AP39, mitochondria are protected and cells stay alive.”

Now that you’re armed with this information, you know what you have to do…

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This Woman Finally Got the ‘Smoking Hot Body’ She Always Wanted… In Her Obituary

If you’re fortunate enough to live a long life, one long enough that you can actually plan for your passing away, do yourself a favor and write your own obituary.

If you need more convincing, take the example of Sybil Marie Hicks. She wrote her own obituary shortly before she died on February 2, and it is absolutely hilarious.

Hicks started the obituary by saying, “It hurts me to admit it…but I, Mrs. Ron Hicks from Baysville, have passed away.”

She also called her husband a “Horse’s Ass” and joked about her children who she says she “tolerated over the years.”

But Ms. Hicks saved the best line for herself: “I finally have the smoking hot body I have always wanted. Having been cremated.”

Photo Credit: Twitter


Hicks also talked about a “Dorothy” now taking care of her husband, but some think it was just another example of the late woman’s sense of humor.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Hicks’ obituary rightfully went viral and her daughter commented on the attention.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Man, this lady was hilarious.

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Japanese Couple Makes Heartfelt Plea Begging Thieves to Water Their 400-Year-Old Bonsai Trees

A couple in Japan made the news after they sent out a truly heartbreaking plea to the anonymous thieves who took their centuries-old bonsai trees.

Seiji and Fuyumi Iimura of Saitama, Japan, have an impressive collection of about 3000 bonsai trees. Recently, they were victims of theft, during which the thieves got away with several of their most valuable trees, including a 400-year-old Shimpaku juniper tree – worth $90,000.

The trees are “deeply important” to Seiji and Fuyumi, as they wrote in a tragic Facebook post. Seiji begged anyone who’d seen the trees to let them know.

Photo Credit: Seiji Iimura

The thieves took seven specimens total, a total value of well over $100,000. Bonsai theft is apparently a common problem for growers in Japan, since the small trees can be sold for quite a lot of money outside of the country.

Knowing that they may never see their precious bonsai trees again, Seiji and Fuyumi begged the thieves to at least take good care of the trees while they possess them. The Shimpaku juniper tree, for example, cannot survive a week without water.

“These bonsai that we raised like children,” Fuyumi wrote. “Are they being watered properly?”

Photo Credit: iStock Photo

Unfortunately, not a single tree has been found so far – but the Iimuras’ heartfelt pleas have people all over the world sympathizing with the gardening couple.

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10+ Simple Hacks That Can Seriously Improve Your Life

We’ve all had those mundane, everyday problems that sometimes get referred to as “first world problems.” You know, things like not being able to get ice cubes into your favorite water bottle or someone stealing a nonfat yogurt you were saving as a treat from the break room. Monsters!

But what if there were a few easy things you can do to eliminate the unnecessary stress in your life? These simple life hacks could make everything so much easier…

1. Why didn’t I think of that in college?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

2. For the absolutely paranoid life-hackers.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

3. Say good-bye to that pesky stem!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

4. Never lose another chip to staleness!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. You’ll never smash another finger.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. The lunch stealer won’t even think about taking your sandwich again.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

7. A game changer for the tailgate party!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

8. There is a future for the CD holder. #Upcycle

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

9. Hate throwing away toilet paper rolls? Keep them to start a garden.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

10.  A great way to keep the tooshie warm year round.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

11. Never have another watered-down glass of wine.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

12. Don’t trash your favorite jeans for a faulty zipper.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

13. Genius!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

14. Super smart way to keep your drink cool.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

15. Keep a bag of Doritos in your survival kit!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

Hope these help!

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A Man Smuggled His Dog into the Hospital to See His Dying Wife and Now We’re All Crying

There’s a reason this story has been going viral on Reddit and other social media sites: it’s absolutely heartbreaking, yet incredibly sweet at the same time. It also goes to show just how incredible the bond us mere humans can be lucky enough to have with our precious dogs.

The Reddit user shared his personal story about his wife and dog, Bella.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Uggghhhh. The man’s dying wife wanted to see her dog one more time, so the husband decided to sneak the pooch into the hospital in a suitcase.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Seems like Bella knew she had to be quiet so she wouldn’t alert the hospital staff.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The dog made it into the hospital and got to say goodbye to his mama before she passed away a few days later.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Where are the tissues? This story calls for at least a whole box.

As has been said over and over, we don’t deserve dogs.

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Behold the “Avozilla:” a Giant Avocado That’ll Make Millennials Go Berserk

The world’s recent obsession with avocados, possibly fueled by the millennial love for avocado toast, might have you thinking they’re a newcomer to the culinary scene, but they’ve actually been around for a long, long time. Avocados are heart-healthy, jam-packed with nutrients, and they pretty much go great with anything.

Basically, the only thing that could make an avocado better is if it were bigger, smoother, or more easily spreadable.

If only…

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

But, hang on. Agriculture heard our wails and has acted benevolently. Giant avocados – called “avozillas” – actually do exist. According to The Guardian Australia, a farm in Queensland is cultivating enormous avocados “as big as your head.” They are, in fact, about four times larger than a normal avocado.

Photo Credit: Peaches Fresh Food

Holy guacamole.

A company in South Africa owns the rights to the variety, which was produced via cross-breeding. Anyone interested in growing their own avozillas must pay to obtain permission and then pay royalties. Currently one farmer in Australia has the lock on a few hundred trees, so the giant fruit (it’s a fruit) is available in a few cities there. They have also exported them to England.

What’s keeping the avozilla from taking over? Ian Groves, the first to have grown them on his Australian farm, believes they may be too niche.

He also told The Guardian, “There is a nursery we buy different trees off, and when we were planting a bunch of avocados 10 years ago, they gave us one as a trial. And after about four or five years, we tried a few of the fruit and thought we’d give them a go. So we planted a small block of about just under 400 trees. They’re coming up to about four years and this is their first production.”

Clearly it takes some forethought to get from idea to table.

Avozillas may not be available everywhere guac fans are, but that hasn’t stopped the internet from falling head over pit for them.

Photo Credit: Instagram

The avozilla’s majesty is inspiring.

Photo Credit: Twitter

And brunch is served.

Photo Credit: Instagram

So, how about it, California and Mexico? Let’s have some avozillas!

We’ll wait.

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