Fascinating Facts to Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive

There’s a pretty good chance that one of the reasons you follow this page is because you love facts of all kinds – and we all know we could go on for days if started listing all manner of random facts.

These 10 facts are some that are not only wild, but will get your brain juices flowing in a way that will have you clicking onto another page, then another, and another, until oops! Rabbit hole.

We’re not going to apologize, though, because we love a good rabbit hole, right?

10. We have created a zonkey.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Why? Apparently because we can – it’s what you get when you breed a zebra and a donkey.

I guess if it works it can’t be too much against nature.

9. A mysterious, vintage Coke machine used to live in Seattle, WA.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

For decades, there was a vintage Coca-Cola machine in Seattle, and if you put in 75 cents, it would give you a mystery can of soda. Sometimes you’d get a newer can, but other times your prize would be a can of soda that had been discontinued years earlier.

No one knows who stocked and maintained the machine – or who removed it in 2018. It was there for nearly 30 years, and then it wasn’t.

8. The oldest animal alive was born in 1832.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Jonathan the Tortoise has lived his whopping 189 years in the Galapagos Islands.

7. Sperm whales don’t like to sleep alone.

Image Credit: Pexels

They sleep in large pods, and they all snooze while vertical.

I’m not sure why I never imagined whales sleeping, but I never would have guessed they sleep like this, either!

6. Shakespeare may have lost his head.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A group of archaeologists got together in 2016 and used ground-penetrating radar to study the contents of Shakespeare’s grave, and get this – he doesn’t appear to have a head.

This seems to confirm a tall tale that circulated for years, that a group of thieves in 1794 broke into the coffin and stole Shakespeare’s head in order to sell it for 300 pounds.

It doesn’t, of course, tell us where that head might be now.

5. The world’s oldest wine survived for almost 2,000 years.

Image Credit: Speyer

The 1700-year-old bottle from a gravesite in Speyer, Germany, is still in its liquid form, which is basically unheard of.

Experts think it was able to survive so long because they poured olive oil into the bottle to seal it off from the open air before placing the cork.

4. During prohibition you could get a prescription for whiskey.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Pharmacists were allowed to fill prescriptions for “medicinal whiskey,” which basically gave them a monopoly on selling alcohol during prohibition.

Running a pharmacy was quite lucrative at the time because of that fact, drugstore owners (like, say, Jay Gatsby) were essentially making money bootlegging whiskey.

3. There was a backup speech in case the moon landing didn’t go as we hoped.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

It’s always good to be prepared, and of course no one knew what would happen if Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made it to the moon but couldn’t make it home.

Here is the full text:

Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.

These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.

These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.

They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.

In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.

In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations.

In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.

Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.

For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.

2. A frog in your milk can keep it fresh.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Before modern refrigeration was a thing, people in Russia dropped brown frogs into their milk because they claimed it made it stay drinkable and fresh for longer.

It sounds crazy, but Russian brown frogs actually secrete a gooey substance that has strong antibacterial properties.

So, I have no idea how the first person to figure this out did it, but they weren’t wrong.

1. Some very inept thieves tried to ransom the FIFA Cup in 1966.

Image Credit: Mpilcher84

The cup was stolen in London, just a few months before the tournament was set to begin. The police received a ransom note and the public began to panic, but before anyone could decide what to do about the 15,000 pound ransom, the trophy was found.

The hero of the day was a dog named Pickles, a collie who sniffed the trophy out in a bush while on his evening walk – proving once again that dogs are the absolute best.


I’ve got to go find out some more details on some of these myself, I swear.

What’s the best rabbit hole you’ve tumbled down lately? Share with us in the comments!

The post Fascinating Facts to Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive appeared first on UberFacts.

This Guy Got Revenge on Someone Who Was Vandalizing Mailboxes

If you act like a jerk, it’s eventually gonna come back to bite you.

And that goes double for folks who intentionally mess with other peoples’ property.

And, at least in my humble opinion, this person definitely got what was coming to him…

Take a look at this story from Reddit about a vandal who learned his lesson in a painful way.

Intentionally unintentional revenge on a mail box vandal.

“This is my dad’s revenge, not mine and this happened last summer.

My parents live out on a lake just outside of town. Their property extends to both sides of the road, and their mail box is on the opposite side of the lake and the house.Over the 4 years they had lived at the property, a black SUV has knocked down their mail box 6 times (they catch the vehicle on the security camera on the gate but get no identifying info).

My dad would report it every time, but not much could be done. It was knocked over by a drunk driver once as well, but he crashed a bit further down the road so that was the only time that my dad got reimbursed for the damage.Well after the seventh time it was knocked down, he had had enough.

The land on the opposite side of the road dropped off steeply immediately after the shoulder, so my dad contracted some guys to build out a small gravel pad (15 feet long and 3 feet deep or so) so he could set his mail box back from the road. My dad told me that if someone tried to knock it down now, they would regret it.Well about 4 months after the work was complete, my parents were awoken to a loud crash in the middle of the night.

They called the police and went out to investigate. They found the black SUV off the road and having crashed into a very large tree.The guy was taken to the hospital and was charged with a DUI from the crash as well as possession of drugs they found in the vehicle.By building out the gravel pad and moving the mail box back by just a few feet, it still appeared that the mailbox was on the shoulder, and still seemed like an easy target.

In reality, those 3 feet made all the difference. Because the pad was so short, the vandal left the roadway before the pad started, and when the right side of his vehicle went off the shoulder, he car went veering down the steep incline.

The dude was pretty badly injured, and I know my dad felt bad about this. I think this was much more effective than he had in his mind.

My dad isnt the kind of person to intentionally injure someone, so I am sure he was hoping to just cause damage to a vehicle and teach a lesson that way.”

Wow…what a story…

Now let’s take a look at how Reddit users reacted.

This reader said they wouldn’t feel bad at all about what happened because the person was driving under the influence of alcohol.

Justice was served!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that it didn’t really turn out the way the dad wanted, but the guy got what he deserved.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said there might be some potential legal problems here for the dad, so they offered up an excuse about an excuse he could use if asked about what happened.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this Reddit user said that the dad was not to blame here and that this guy, who is obviously a jerk, did this to himself.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Guy Got Revenge on Someone Who Was Vandalizing Mailboxes appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Refused to do Extra Work After She Didn’t Get the Promotion She Was Promised

I think we’ve all been in this position before…

You’re promised something at work and then it doesn’t happen. It’s a bummer but we’ve all been there.

But a woman took matters into her own hands about how she’d work moving forward when this happened.

Let’s see what went down.

So I’m not getting the promotion you promised? Then I’m not doing the extra work.

“This isn’t my story, but my wife’s. She doesn’t have Reddit and said I could share her story with you lovely people. Allow me to set the scene.

My wife – Harper’s – official title is Mental Health Professional, or MHP, and she has been in this position for three years at a live-in care facility for adults with mental illnesses. Before that, she work for several years on the mental health ward at the hospital, so she had more experience walking into her current position than anyone else they had hired.

Within her first year, she got 2 lifers to progress in their treatment plans so thoroughly that they both got the okay to move out into the sister program that has more freedom and independence. She was working with a third “lifer” who was about ready to apply for the sister program when lockdown hit and the transfers between housing, or even non-AMA releases, were suspended.

All this is to say that she has made some very serious and positive changes for this facility from the moment she started working there. They made her the Lead MHP, and her direct supervisor’s boss started giving her more responsibilities; like the morning team report for the whole facility, handling client money, making decisions on big changes to help the overall workload, ect.

Her yearly review happened in December, which was promised to come with a large raise to reflect all the added responsibilities she has been gradually given. Of course, it didn’t. She stayed on HR about her raise for a month or so after the review itself until the big boss finally brought her into his office to discussed with her a promotion.

It would be a bit tricky because she has her Bachelor’s in psych and social work, but not her Master’s – which we’re working on getting her back in school soon to complete, and which she needs to officially fulfill the job title they had in mind.

Still, she was clearly leaps and bounds beyond her coworkers, often staying over to help clients or to help finish paperwork, filling in wherever she’s needed. So, promoting her would be cheaper than hiring on someone new, and of course this would come with an even better pay raise.

So, for the last few months my wife has been doing even more for her supervisor’s boss and the big boss. Anything they ask of her, dangling that official promotion over her head, constantly saying it would be a “gradual transition” and she needs to learn this or that – do this or that – to train for it. Out of her own pocket, she bought new binders and other supplies that made the various parts of her job and theirs easier.

She planned, reorganized, filled-in, whatever. The supervisor’s boss even told her verbatim “I don’t know what I would do without your help!” several times. All this with the promise of an official promotion and a raise.

Then it happened. Last week, Harper was tasked with sorting through potential new hires – as they had been hurting for more MHPs for some time, and the bosses had taken some of Harper’s clients off her work load to make room for the new responsibilities – she noticed that of the stack she was given, all applicants had a Master’s or qualifying credential in social work. Hmmm… Worrisome.

Two days ago, it was business as usually for most of the day until about an hour before Harper was supposed to clock out. She called me in angry tears ranting about the conversation she had just had with the supervisor’s boss. He told her she would unfortunately be taking on more clients, and the promotion would be put on hold for the time being.

She said he didn’t come right out and say he had decided to hire one of the people with a Master’s instead for the position, but what he did say was “you’ll have to relinquish any added responsibilities and return to being just an MHP”.

Okay. Bet.

After trying to calm her down, I gave my normally frustratingly accommodating wife a nudge in the malicious direction. One of the first added responsibilities she was given was the morning report. It was her job to have all the staff gather during the clients’ breakfast to relay what happened during 3rd shift, the plans for the day, coordinating client appointments, ect.

She would have to be in the facility before 3rd shift clocked out to get their notes, and then plan a traveling and gas budget for all the appointments, review any safety concerns or incidents, and this all added about an hour to her morning.

So, how happy was she the next morning when she got to snooze her alarm and sleep in a bit longer. When she got to the facility at her usual clock in time as an MHP, she said the place was already in chaos.

A fight had broken out and someone had some money stolen out of their room (all normal events for this place) but no one was exactly sure on the who or why of it because 3rd shift had had no one to pass along the notes so they just filed them and left. Of course Harper knew where they had been filed, because she organized the filing system no one had thought to check.

As soon as supervisor’s boss saw her clock in, he asked why she wasn’t there for report. See, he is always a seemingly sweet and soft spoken man, which made the sudden change of mind all the more surprising. Harper said she just stared him down, trying not to grin, and said “I’m just an MHP. I can’t handle the morning report.”

She then spent the rest of the day giving him the cold shoulder; relaying only necessary information to him while focusing on her clients and paperwork. I want to be clear, it isn’t that the chose a more educated person for the hire position.

That makes plenty of sense. It’s that they promised her that position, spent the last few months transitioning her responsibilities to that position, promised her the pay raise to go with it, and then ripped it out from under her. That’s some underhanded bulls**t.

Oh, and since she isn’t getting the promotion, she went to HR to see about her over due yearly raise. She was told no one is getting a raise at the moment because of Covid.”

Now let’s take a look at how readers responded to this story.

This person said that you should always be on the lookout for what else is out there in your field, no matter what.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said the woman needs to take advantage of her new title and start looking at other companies if her current boss is going to drag their feet.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader shared their own story: sometimes, you just have to play hardball.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person brought up a good point: these kinds of work experiences can actually cause PTSD for some folks.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you think you would’ve handled this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Woman Refused to do Extra Work After She Didn’t Get the Promotion She Was Promised appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Asked If They’re Wrong for Not Sharing Their Hotel Room With Their Family That Never Plans Ahead

This kind of stuff drives me up the wall.

I’m talking about when people keep putting stuff off, keep putting it off even longer, and then they turn to you to fix it…

Even though you were the one telling them to do it in the first place…

Take a look at this story from Reddit and see if you think this person acted inappropriately.

AITA for not sharing my hotel room with my family that never plans ahead?

“My family has a wedding coming up next month. Knowing I would be in the wedding I went to book my hotel room as soon as I knew the date, about six months ago.

I was shocked to see that all the nicer hotels in the area were going for $600 per night, which is too much especially since I’m in the wedding and will stay multiple nights. I ended up just getting at a room at an okay hotel near the venue. And for just ten dollars more a night at 150 I got an upgraded corner room. (Single room but larger with a pull out couch).

I told my family about the hotel situation and told them to book it now, especially since they wouldn’t be charged until check in and could cancel up until the day before check in.

At the time they made fun of me for staying at such a budget hotel. Basically saying they wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like that and if it’s their first hotel stay since covid they want to stay somewhere nicer.

A few months go by and the bride messages me to make sure I booked a room cause the hotel prices are ticking up, 800 for the nice hotels and 200 for the budget one. I tell her I am good and remind my family to book ASAP.

Well here we are a month before the wedding and they didn’t book a room. They thought the prices would come down as the date got closer. Now the budget hotel is fully booked and the only hotels within 30 minutes are 1000 per night.

They now want to stay in my room with my husband and I. It would be my parents, sister, brother and his girlfriend. They want to bring air mattresses. I mean technically we could fit but I just feel like they never plan ahead and I am always going out of my way to solve their problems. Plus my husband and I haven’t taken any time off since our wedding in 2019 and since we are saving for a house I don’t see us doing another trip anytime soon.

I told my family this but they think I think I am too good for them. I just want to spend some quality time with my husband and their lack of planning shouldn’t derail my weekend.

Am I the a**hole?”

Oh boy…let’s see how people reacted.

This reader had the perfect response for how the person should respond to their family member.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person offered up a great quote.

Words to live by, in my opinion!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual brought up a very good point.

That room would be a madhouse!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this reader made it plain and simple: this isn’t their fault and they should be able to enjoy their vacation without these kinds of distractions.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

Do you think this person acted like a jerk in this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know. Thanks!

The post This Person Asked If They’re Wrong for Not Sharing Their Hotel Room With Their Family That Never Plans Ahead appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Friend for Not Buying Her House

It’s strange to me what people choose to get competitive about in life…

Especially with people who are supposed to be their friends…

But you see it all the time! And here’s another glaring example from the “Am I The A**hole?” page from Reddit.

Take a look at this story and tell us if it sounds familiar at all…

AITA for telling my friend her parents bought her house, not her?

“The title sounds bad but hear me out.

Backstory: I (F28) have a friend (F28) who purchased a house late last year. It’s an awesome 2 story town house and I’ve been over there plenty of times to help out with moving/decorating and for hanging out.

As mentioned in the title, her parents purchased the house for her and her partner. I truly have no issue with this as the housing market is terrible for buyers so more power to them for being home owners. I recently, unfortunately inherited my parents house, which is 3 bedroom, out in the sticks.

The issue: We went appliance shopping because most of the the stuff in the house was 10-15 years old. We were standing with an employee who I had asked to recommend some smaller items like toasters and kettles when the employee asked if I was moving out as general chit chat. I told him I was moving, and he asked whether I bought or rented.

I told him bought, because it was just easier and less awkward than telling him I inherited the house. He told me that was cool and began talking about the toasters again when my friend cut in that I had inherited my house, not purchased it. The employee went quiet and I gave her a “what was that” face. I was taken aback, she continued on saying “Yeah, I purchased my house”.

I asked “does it really matter? I’m here to buy some kitchen appliances not tell this guy my personal issues.” She grinned and said “it’s just for the record” which made me more confused and annoyed. (You can probably see where this is going) I replied “Oh okay then if it’s just for the record your parents purchased your house for you.”

The employee quickly retreated and she walked outside of the shop. I caught up with her and she said I was a massive a**hole for pointing out she couldn’t afford to own without her parents help. I returned with a very similar “my parents also helped me with getting a house too, just in a really terrible way.”

My partner agrees with me, saying that she’s the one that opened that door, but our other friends are split almost 50/50.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts about this story.

This reader said that the woman who wrote the post is not an a**hole and that her friend sounds very catty.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that the woman should have defended herself.

I agree!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual argued that this woman might want to reevaluate her friendship with this person…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user shared their own personal story about how some “friends” can get pretty jealous and competitive when it comes to houses AND house sizes.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this woman acted like a jerk?

Or was this no big deal?

Sound off in the comments and let your voice be heard!

The post This Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Friend for Not Buying Her House appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Person Wrong for Telling Their Family the Real Reason They Wanted to Move In With Their Dad?

This story is a bit of a heartbreaker, FYI…

It involves family, stepparents, stepkids, and a lot of mixed emotions.

Take a look at this post from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page and read on to see how people reacted.

AITA for why I want to move in with my dad?

“My mom and stepdad are foster parents, but living with foster kids is kind of awful. Nothing against them and I really hope they’re getting the help they need, but it sucks. I was forced into the tiny room, which is fine, but I also cant really leave my room. I cant play music or video games, I always have to let them pick movies and tv shows.

I feel like a prisoner in my own home and I cant speak up about it because then I’m being ungrateful. I know its nowhere near what most kids experience, but I still h**e it.

For months I’ve been begging my dad to let me move in with him. I spend all my time there and it would just make more sense. Logically I know I’ll never be able to – he’s working seventy hours a week living in a one bed apartment. But its fun to pretend.

My mom and stepdad dont seem to understand where I’m coming from. I should be grateful – I have clean clothes on my back and food in my stomach. Whenever I try and explain they never listen and point out how much better I have it.

Anyway, I was talking to my cousin on Monday, and mentioned staying with my dad this weekend. She asked why, and I explained that I just dont like being at home. She asked why and if thats why I want to move in with my dad, and I said yes and explained how I felt. She eventually went home and told her mom (I guess?). Yesterday my aunt pulled up and basically demanded to know what was going on.

I dont know what exactly happened but they got into an argument and my cousin came up to help me pack some clothes for a few days. When we went down my parents accused me of making things up, saying that I had no need to feel the way I do.

My aunt didnt really give me a chance to reply before we left. I went home today to grab some stuff, and they called me selfish, saying I’d created an aggressive atmosphere which wasnt good for he foster kids. I said, “I dont care about the foster kids right now. Why do they matter more than me?”

My stepdad told me to get out and I did. A whole bunch of family has blocked me on socials and my foster sister has been posting about how I’m selfish and only care about my own feelings.

My dad is now clued in, and he and my aunt are both saying that I’m not in the wrong for feeling the way I do, but no one else seems to agree.

So, AITA?”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this…

This reader said that the mom and the stepdad are clearly ignoring the mom’s biological son in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person thinks the mom and stepdad might be fostering kids just to have some extra money rolling in…

Could be…

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual made it simple: the mom needs to put her biological son FIRST.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another reader said that this young person is not an a**hole at all and that they deserve to live with their dad where they’ll be taken care of in the right way.


Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about how this person acted?

Were they a jerk?

Or did they act appropriately?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!

The post Was This Person Wrong for Telling Their Family the Real Reason They Wanted to Move In With Their Dad? appeared first on UberFacts.

Go Ahead and Follow These 11 Facts Straight Down the Rabbit Hole

Is there anything better than that moment you read something you’ve never heard before and you hear your brain sort of take off, chasing down all of the other little bunny trails left by the million follow up thoughts and questions that arise?

I think not – rabbit holes might be time sucks, but if you ask me, it’s time better spent than scrolling your social media feeds.


If you feel the same way, brace yourself for the deep dives that follow these 11 random facts.

11. This man was struck by lightning 3+ times.

Image Credit: Wikimedia

They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but Major Walter Summerford would disagree – he was struck three times while he was alive…and then his tombstone was struck by lightning after his death.

No fooling, y’all.

10. The Zodiac Killer really tried to help the police catch him.

The Zodiac Killer continued to send letter and ciphers to San Francisco newspapers a decade after his last (purported) killing, but more than 50 years later, his crimes remain unsolved.

Recently, though, his ciphers have started to be unraveled.

A team of cryptologists solved one that the FBI later confirmed, and a French engineer claims to now have solved the final two – one of which reveals his identity at last.

Here’s what the first one revealed:


The second two are very short and lack context, which has made them tough to solve, but French engineer Faycal Ziraoui claims he’s finally done it – and here’s what they say:


“My Name is KAYR.”

Experts believe the second is meant to say KAYE and is a typo.

One of the primary suspects in the case was Lawrence Kaye, who lived in South Lake Tahoe. Harvey Hines, one of the lead detectives on the case, was convinced Kaye was the killer but they never had enough evidence to arrest him before his death in 2010.

Is it solved? You decide!

9. Another serial killer was once a contestant on a dating show.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Rodney Alcala murdered 7 women in the 1970s, and in 1978 he appeared on The Dating Game as Bachelor Number One.

Backstage, he told Bachelor Number Two “I always get my girl,” but even though Alcala was chosen by bachelorette Cheryl Bradshaw, she never went on a date with him,

According to producers she backed out, saying “I can’t go out with this guy. There’s weird vibes that are coming off of him. He’s very strange. I am not comfortable.”

He was arrested a year later.

8. Space has a very distinct smell.

Image Credit: Pexels

You can’t just stick your nose out and take a big whiff, but astronauts have confirmed that the smell clinging to their spacesuits is very distinct.

That said, they also say it’s “hard to describe,” but say it’s “metallic, like the fumes of a welding torch,” or even like a “seared steak.”

I guess most of us will never smell it for ourselves and it doesn’t sound like something that will be made into a candle anytime soon.

7. African elephants have three times the neurons of humans.

Image Credit: Pexels

The average elephant’s brain has 257 billion neurons – our own look pretty puny in comparison!

6. Harriet Tubman led troops into battle.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You know she led slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad, but you might not have been taught that she also led a successful raid on Combahee Ferry during the Civil War, freeing 700 slaves in one go.

She also worked as a spy for the Union, and was referred to as “General Tubman” by John Brown.

Tubman was a shrewd and careful strategist whose work was eventually recognized with her induction into the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.

5. Adolf Hitler and J.R. Tolkien battled each other in WWI.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

They fought on opposing sides at the Battle of the Somme (or the Somme Offensive), one of the largest and deadliest conflict in the first World War.

Other veterans of the battle include Otto Frank, Harold Macmillan, and Ralph Vaughn Williams, all of whom were lucky to survive – close to a million others did not leave the battlefield.

4. The moon was terrifyingly made.

Image Credit: Pexels

The most widely-accepted theory on how the moon was formed is called the “giant-impact hypothesis.”

It posits that a Mars-sized object crashed into Earth, shooting huge chunks into space, and forming the moon as we know it in the process.

3. The Ferris Wheel was meant to be a giant middle finger.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris, and nearly 2 million of the attendees came just to see that one attraction.

When the 1893 World’s Fair rolled around, Chicago held an open competition for architects and designers to try to beat its success.

The winner was George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., an engineer from Pittsburgh, and the rest is history.

2. One headless rooster survived for a full 18 months.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

This might be the most bizarre fact on the list – a rooster named Mike (later Mike the Headless Chicken) was beheaded (presumably ahead of dinner) on his Colorado farm in 1945.

He failed to die for the next 18 months, during which he was fed a liquid diet straight into his esophagus and paraded around the country as a minor celebrity.

America is so weird, y’all.

1. The International Space Station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes.

Image Credit: Pexels

It moves at 5 miles per second, which means it doesn’t take long for it to take a spin and enjoy the view.

I just hope anyone taking a ride doesn’t get motion sick.

I’ll see you later – I’ve got some research to do.

Which of these are you going to follow first? Tell us in the comments!

The post Go Ahead and Follow These 11 Facts Straight Down the Rabbit Hole appeared first on UberFacts.

A Struggling Uber Driver Explained Why Tips Are Necessary in Emotional Video

A lot has changed in the past few years, and the way most of us get food delivery is definitely different. Although delivery services from a variety of restaurants – and even grocery stores – has been an option in big, coastal cities like New York for years, the concept has just made its way through the middle of the country.

Because of that, some people might not realize how the pay structure works for those folks who depend on delivery driving as a source of income – which is something Uber Eats driver Riley Elliot hopes to change.


TIP YOUR DELIVERY FOLKS! #ubereatsdriver #notips #pandemic #homeless #helpme #fyp #deliverydriver #delivery

♬ original sound – Riley Elliot

So let’s get into it.

During the crazy year that was 2020, delivery drivers have become more than a convenience – they became essential.

Image Credit: TikTok

But Riley Elliot had a frustrating day at work and took to TikTok, saying that he wished people who ordered “understood what it’s like to be a driver.”

“I just spent 45 minutes on a delivery, and had to pay $3 for parking to bring this person their food because there was no free parking. And they refuse to come out and meet me.”

That’s inconsiderate, which is something you never want to be to a person who has access to your dinner.

Just saying.

Image Credit: TikTok

“They tipped me $1.50 and Uber paid me $2.50. I gotta prove 3 times the rent for income in 2 weeks, and I can’t. And it doesn’t matter that I’m working multiple jobs, it doesn’t matter that I rarely sleep and can barely afford to feed myself.”

Life is tough out there, as is evidenced by his anguish and the tears in his eyes, and that’s something we would all do well to remember.

The video has clearly resonated, earning nearly half a million views on TikTok.

“I’m about to be homeless for the third time since May, and it’s all because people don’t tip their delivery drivers. Like, how hard is it to throw us 5 bucks?”

If you can afford to pay for dinner out and pay extra to have the convenience of having it delivered, it stands to reason that you should be able to tip the people bringing it to you appropriately.

You wouldn’t go out to eat and then stiff the server, right?


Image Credit: TikTok

Even though Elliot said he made the video off the cuff and wasn’t expecting anything, he’s received donations totaling around $55k.

Which must be nice, and also prove to him that not all humans are incapable of extending a helping hand to others.

Riley didn’t even keep it all, because he walks the walk, y’all.

“Once we reached the point where we were like, ‘OK, now we’ll definitely be able to get into a place, we don’t need all of this,’ I started literally just giving money away. We sent money to folks in Texas whose pipes had burst, we send money to folks who needed medication, sent money to friends who were struggling. We spent about $15,000 that first day, just helping people out with their situations.”

Paying it forward. I love it.

Now there are tears in MY eyes.

He also made a followup video that acknowledges that at least some of his money troubles were due to the companies like Uber not paying their drivers enough, not just the fact that some people aren’t the best at tipping.


Delivery apps won’t pay their drivers more until you make them #ubereatsdriver #raiseminimumwage #tipyourdriver #tiktokchangedmylife #fyp #grateful

♬ original sound – Riley Elliot

Here’s what he said, in case the video doesn’t play.

“I just wanna take back one thing I said in my video that blew up.

It’s not entirely the fault of people who don’t tip.

It is absolutely the fault of these companies like DoorDash and Uber Eats who don’t pay their drivers very much.”

Either way, if you have the means to help out a fellow human – especially one doing you a solid – you should do it.

So should we all!

The post A Struggling Uber Driver Explained Why Tips Are Necessary in Emotional Video appeared first on UberFacts.

Guy Wonders If He’s a Jerk to Choose Sleeping With His Dogs Over His Girlfriend

Most of us treat our dogs like family, but not everyone agrees that letting them sleep in the bed is the way to go.

We all make compromises when we enter into new relationships, especially when we get to the stage of moving in together, but for this guy, his new relationship with a woman and his decades-long relationship with his dogs have come to a head.

My girlfriend (20) and I (21) have been discussing moving in together in the same city, I have two dogs so we were discussing expectations and roles we’d play in the house. The dogs will be my responsibility only, not hers. She likes the dogs and is sweet to them. But last night we had a disagreement about sleep arrangements.

He has always slept with the dogs in his room. Not on the bed, mind you, but in the room, on the floor.

She says she’s not ok with this, and he’s obviously heartbroken at the thought of upending these dogs’ lives after they’ve been doing the same thing for their entire lives.

She said my dogs can’t sleep in our room. She doesn’t want them on the bed and neither do I, but she won’t even say yes to them on the floor. I have each of them for 8* years and they’ve spent almost every night of their life sleeping in the same room as me. If I were to kick them out of the room they would make a huge fuss and keep us up.

He came up with the solution of sleeping in the second room with the dogs, but she didn’t like that either – she feels like he’s choosing the dogs over her.

She said it’s non negotiable so i said I’ll just sleep in the second room with them, but that upset her too that i would sleep with them over her.

He wants to stand his ground for his heart and the dogs, but is wondering whether he’s making the wrong choice, here.

AITA for standing my ground about this? The dogs are my family, one of them is 11 and on his last few years and I’d feel mean for making my old pups change what they’ve been doing their entire life.

What does Reddit say? You know they love dogs, so…

They say she’s not wrong and neither is he, but this is an issue that could mean living together isn’t the right move. Womp-womp.

Image Credit: Reddit

People pointed out that, given the dogs’ ages, she could just compromise for now, and set the rule of no sleeping in the bedroom if there are future dogs.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s probably good they’re having this “priorities and values” discussion now, actually.

Image Credit: Reddit

She’s not being cruel, but she’s also not showing a lot of empathy or willingness to compromise.

Just saying.

Image Credit: Reddit

This seems to be the general consensus.

Image Credit: Reddit

It might seem silly to think about ending an otherwise good relationship over where the dogs sleep, but listen – anyone who has been married or lived with someone knows how important it is to know where lines will be drawn ahead of time.

Should OP stand his ground? Give in? Give us your opinions in the comments!

The post Guy Wonders If He’s a Jerk to Choose Sleeping With His Dogs Over His Girlfriend appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman’s Roommate’s Parents Want to Set Rules For Her As Well. She Revolted.

I think the majority of parents in the world realize that, once children go to college, your children are going to make their own decisions – good or bad, against the rules they’ve always had or not, but it’s time to let go.

Some parents don’t realize that, apparently, and believe that, because they pay the bills, they’re allowed to set the rules and expect them to be followed.

This woman lives with a roommate. Both girls are 21 and split the rent, with OP paying her half and her roommate’s parents paying her half of the rent.

Her roommate, Emily, has strict parents who have informed OP – through Emily – that they expect the “no boyfriends sleeping over” rule to be followed.

My roommate, who I’ll call Emily, and I (both 21F) are college students, and we live in an off-campus apartment together. We split rent and utilities 50/50. I pay for my part myself, but Emily’s parents pay for hers.

Emily’s mom is a bit overbearing and has a lot of rules for our apartment- the main one being that no boyfriends are allowed to sleep over, as it’s against her religion. She specifically told Emily to have a talk with me about this subject to tell me this isn’t allowed, AFTER we moved in.

Now, both OP and Emily have their boyfriends sleep over and neither of them has a problem with it. The entire situation rubs OP the wrong way, and she’s wondering whether she would be wrong to tell her roommate’s mother – respectfully – that she pays her own rent and won’t be answering to anyone else’s rules.

Emily doesn’t care if I have my boyfriend over for the night, as she does it all the time without telling her parents. However, it strikes me the wrong way that Emily’s mom feels like she can impose non-negotiable rules on ME when she doesn’t pay for any of my part of the bills.

Today Emily’s parents are coming to visit , and I expect her mom to go over all of the rules that she’s set with me. WIBTA if I told her mom that, with all due respect, I am paying my portion of the rent and she doesn’t have any control of the things I do in my own apartment?

She feels like it’s better to be direct but polite rather than just agree, knowing she’s going to go behind the woman’s back.

On one hand, I feel like I’m justified.

This woman is trying to impose her own religious beliefs onto me in an apartment that I pay half of the bills for.

The idea of just rolling over and telling her that I’ll obey her demands when just doing my own thing behind her back doesn’t sit right with me.

Her own mother thinks that’s the best course, though, and to let the parents believe they have some control over the situation since they do pay for half of the apartment.

However, after speaking to my own mother about the subject, she thinks that it would be disrespectful. She says that even though I am paying for my half of the rent, Emily’s family is still paying for this apartment and they should be able to have a say of what goes on, even if Emily and I just end up breaking those rules anyway.

The roommate doesn’t care either way, because she says her dad is ok with the roommate behaving the way she sees fit, so she’s wondering what the best way is to handle the whole thing.

I’ve spoken to Emily about this subject, and she doesn’t care if I tell her mom that I will or will not be following those rules, as long as I don’t indicate that Emily breaks them.

So, I was hoping to get some outside opinions here.

Reddit, what do you think? WIBTA if I told my roommate’s mom that I won’t be following her rules in my apartment?

She posted a lengthy update (or three) about their visit that reveals there’s quite a bit more going on that originally mentioned.

Okay so her parents just went home, so this will be the final update. As I expected, her mom DID bring up the rules, but it didn’t go in the way that I expected.

First, a little bit of background info about Emily’s relationship with her mom. They argue about politics a lot. I won’t go into specifics but essentially Emily is on one end of the political spectrum and her mom is at the exact opposite end. Her mom is also into a lot of conspiracy theories and this topic causes a lot of arguments between the two.

Anyways, I guess the entire time they were together yesterday, Emily and her mom were arguing over politics. This morning, when I came out of my bedroom, I overheard them arguing about it again. They stopped when they saw me.

I sat down and was having a casual discussion with Emily and her parents, and then her mom started saying something about the vaccine. Emily just snapped at her mom, and told her to not bring politics up. Emily’s mom was quiet for a minute, and then she brought up the rules. Emily snapped at her mom again, told her that she already talked to me about it, and to just drop it. It wasn’t brought up again.

And then that was that. We all talked casually about school and work for a little bit and then they packed up and left.

Nothing was said and the girls are going to continue about their business.

I honestly feel like this is what goes on for the majority of college students, but let’s see what Reddit had to say!

I mean, you can try it more nicely at first, but this has to be the bottom line.

Image Credit: Reddit

She should consider the potential fallout of confronting the woman, though, and decide whether or not it’s worth it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Sometimes avoidance really is the best and most mature course of action.

Image Credit: Reddit

Maybe just wait and see how things go down the road – we don’t always have to go looking for fights, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

If the mom brings it up, though, it’s perfectly fine and healthy to set your own boundaries!

Image Credit: Reddit

Reddit’s got it spot on here, I think, though it seems like OP sort of figured out the best course of action on her own, too.

What do you think? Were you OP or the roommate in college? Tell us in the comments how you handled tough roommate stuff!

The post A Woman’s Roommate’s Parents Want to Set Rules For Her As Well. She Revolted. appeared first on UberFacts.