People Reveal the Ways Poor Folks Pretend to be Rich

I’ve never been rich in my life. And I probably won’t ever be. And that’s fine, as long as I can live a decent life.

But there are some people who, for a variety of reasons, would love to be PERCEIVED as rich, even if they don’t get any of the actual experiences that come along with it.

What screams "I’m poor but pretend I’m rich"? from AskReddit

How do we tell when this is happening? Reddit has some examples.

1. Showing off your cars

There is a security guard that works at a popular bar/club in my city. He managed to buy an old(er) Lambo recently.

On the weekends, he will drive by the bar several times before his shift as people are lined up outside revving his engine while at the stoplight. His new thing is pulling onto the sidewalk in front of the bar, parking it, getting out, saying hi to everyone he works with, waiting for people to walk by the car so he can let them know it’s his, and then leaving (again-revving the engine as loud as possible on the sidewalk).

He does this for about 2 hours before his shift starts at 11 or 12…..If you have money and can afford nice cars, you do not need to show them off.

– 2med_or_2bed

2. The special plate

A few years back, my dad brought home one of those fancier looking square plates. He then told my mom that he wanted all of his dinners served only on this plate.

We lived in a trailer park and always had cheap things for dinner but for some reason he felt like he was special enough to only use this plate and be the only one allowed to use it too.

At some point, she forgot and put his food on a different plate. He yelled at her, threw that food in the trash, and broke his special plate.

Dude is poor financially and poor in his treatment of his family so this is a pretty good answer to me.

– LiaLovesCookies

3. The social media grifts

Asking people on Facebook to get in on your Herbalife scheme

Bragging about how you’re going to get rich from crypto but you keep talking about a different “coin” every week

– garlic_naaaannn

4. Just braggin’

Bragging about wealth or high paying jobs.

Most of the rich people I’ve known in my life were actually quite quiet and secretive about their wealth.

– slider728

5. Flexing

Honestly, anyone that feels the need to openly display how “much” money they have.

By flexing designer clothes, talking about their income, showing off their car, etc.

It just screams insecurity.

Aside from maybe a few outliers, the only people who do this are poor or kids spending their parent’s money.

– ur_boy_skinny_penis

6. Putting everything on credit

I worked a min wage job for a long time and it was crazy to me how many of my co workers always had the newest iPhone, an expensive Starbucks drink twice a day, and obviously expensive clothes, hair, and makeup.

It just all went on credit.

However, it is ridiculously expensive to live where I am ($1 million for a 1000 square foot home built in the 1980’s level expensive) and I think the apathy over knowing they will never own a home no matter how hard they work and save leads people to simply buy what gives them that rush of dopamine and makes their day to day life more enjoyable.

Rent is also super expensive here, about $1500 a month for a 1 bedroom ~500 square foot place. It’s hard to blame people for spending the little bit of money they have left over at the end of the month on fun things rather than saving it.

– FromDwight

7. Making a persona

I have a high school friend who is a self proclaimed rapper.

We are in our late 30s.

He has LV and Burberry everything, and posts photos of his shoes, belts, sunglasses, and even face masks. He poses in front of his apartment that I know is not the best. He also has a go fund me for studio time. He has a few kids and I’m in touch with his first baby momma. She says his income reported to the court does not match his lifestyle.

I am hoping he has success in his career, for the kids’ sake.

– d0m1ng4

8. Flashing it

Blatant displays of trying hard ‘wealth’ in the form of ostentatious brand names, flashy accessories, etc.

A couple of genuinely rich people I know keep it very low key.

They have money in stuff like property, don’t flaunt their wealth in your face, and often look/dress like Joe Average from the suburbs.

– MisterMarcus

9. The Mountain William

My aunt was what we call a “Mountain William”. It’s a term for a hillbilly (which we are, to a degree) who has had a taste of the finer life and wants everyone to think they are rich and high society. I loved her to death, she was and is my favorite aunt. Sweetest most generous woman I might ever meet.

But her home had an air of… Falseness about it that shaped my view of people well into adulthood.

She loved “crystal”. Bowls, lamps, chandeliers in every room made of crystal or fake crystal. Baskets that were supposed to mimic wicker, but we’re woven with fake gold wire with crystals embedded aesthetically. She had fancy looking furniture, and it was probably expensive, but the fact that her massage chair was probably the most expensive thing in her whole house just enhanced that fake richness of the whole thing.

Don’t get me wrong, her home was beautiful and as a kid, I was so afraid to touch anything because it looked so nice. But it also just felt fake. So to me, surrounding yourself with grandeur like that feels fake.

– SickViking

10. Twisting the numbers

I tell people I made a 140% profit on AMC when it exploded a few days ago.

Which is true.

What I leave out is that I only put in 5.75, so my 140% profit is like 7 dollars.

– 52-61-64-75

11. The Great Gatsby

It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but at some point they discuss the differences between those with new money and those with old money.

I think that people – who are over-zealous in showing/spending their money – indicate an insecurity in their wealth. It is one sign that they may be a poor person pretending to be wealthy.

This is not entirely the case, but definitely something to think about.

– Alfred_The_Porcupine

12. Just rudeness

Talking down to people in service jobs. The cashier, waiter, guy stocking the shelves is not your personal servant and you don’t yell commands at them.

One of my friends comes from a generationally wealthy family who has a live-in butler. The family speaks to the butler with the utmost respect.

There’s a certain professionalism with the butler (doesn’t get too close with the family for example), but he was not looked down upon in any way.


13. Counterfeit clothes

I work at a sneaker store and it is FILLED with fake designer clothes and rare sneakers.

Every time I see one I make a point to greet that customer and ask where they got it.

It’s hilarious to watch them scramble for an answer.

– CRRudd98

14. The posing

Me taking pictures of myself on vacation staying in luxury hotels knowing good and well I couldn’t afford to stay in these places without splitting the cost of the room between me and my three closest family members.

That’s fun!

– blackwidowinsc

15. It’s in the bag

Seen hordes of women shopping at a walmart with luis vuitton handbags, gucci clothes etc, but they buy the cheapest food we have.

They think spending their money on a f**king several hundred dollar handbag is more important than healthy food.

What a joke!

– Swimming-Perception7

The reoccurring theme here is that most people who are truly rich would really rather not advertise it – they don’t want you bothering them.

But what do you think about this?

Give us your thoughts in the comments.

The post People Reveal the Ways Poor Folks Pretend to be Rich appeared first on UberFacts.

Housekeepers Talk About the Biggest Secrets They Discovered on the Job

I’m not rich enough to hire a housekeeper or a maid or any kinds of help. I’m barely even rich enough to pay myself in my own time to clean my own kitchen.

But for those who are – what kind of implicit social contract is that? And how does it all shake out?

Housekeepers of reddit, what do you know about the owners of the houses that they don’t know you know? from AskReddit

Let’s snoop with some Reddit folks, shall we?

1. The recovery

Dog walker, here. I was dog sitting for an older work friend once and saw her “days sober” calendar.

I was simultaneously sad, because I had no idea she was struggling, and happy for her because she had almost a full month marked off.

– cleanandclaire

2. The loud talker

I’m a nanny. The last family worked for I overheard the Dad calling his insurance asking if a certain Rehab was covered.

He talks LOUD naturally.

I heard what he was going for and everything. Nobody knew not family not friends. Just me and them. They never knew I knew.

– Thesugarsky

3. The Narnia office

A bit of an innocent one but while I was cleaning I saw this cabinet that was very large. Like someone could fit a body in there.

So, being curious, I opened it and saw A WHOLE ROOM. It was crazy!

Inside there was a bed and lights attached to these tall wood pieces. Then a mini bookshelf with some books and a desk and computer. It was absolutely amazing.

– LemmeHear

4. Silent but deadly

Not a house keeper but a nanny.

A family once took me on vacation with them so I could watch their kids while they‘d go out and explore the area.

That week, my bed was the couch in the living room. It’s late at night, the kids are sleeping, I’m laying on the couch and the parents get back.

The dad says, “is she sleeping” referring to me? I didn’t say anything so apparently he assumed yes. He then started farting very loudly.

– sisof2

5. The expectation

Our maid service found our positive pregnancy test in the bathroom trash, after presumably finding negative pregnancy tests in the bathroom trash for the previous 12 months.

Left us a nice little congratulations note on my wife’s nightstand.

– fizzleguy

6. Playtime

I’m not a housekeeper but my late aunt used to be.

One of her clients, who was fairly well-to-do, had a whole closet full of genital themed toys. And when I say “toys,” I’m not using a euphemism for “sex enhancement items” or anything like that. Literal genital toys.

Windup penises with googly eyes on them, PEZ dispensers shaped like the most browsed pages of a skin mag (I suspect these weren’t official PEZ brand), rather risque variants on “pin the tail on the donkey”, a Nerf-like gun that fired foam phalluses . . .

– Times_Hunger


My aunt is currently a house keeper.

The had this one client who would throw used feminine hygiene products under the bed; pads specifically. No matter how I think about this I just can’t imagine how someone can get to that level of grossness.

If you’ve ever had a heavy menstrual cycle and wore a pad, you know sometimes not everything is absorbed into the pad. You need to immediately sit down in the toilet or it can quite literally go everywhere.

– aamirazeal

8. Drink it in

That she got a DUI. Typical religious white collar family; husband, wife, and 4 teen kids.

She had one of those at home breathalyzer tests from the court sitting in the master bathroom, it takes your picture as you blow into it and it sends it to your probation officer. I only know because I was on probation a few years ago and had one too.

Curiosity got the best of me and I looked at her public record…yup. DUI and she messed up on probation too, had another court date. After that I started noticing 12 step books and such.

– LunaTheFerret

9. Enjoy your stay

Working in hotels is similar to cleaning someone’s house, because those comfortable will lay it out for you.

You can tell if someone is messy or tidy at home, how well they take care their things, what they eat, how much they drink, what medical problems they may have, and if you get the chance to meet them you can piece together why they live the way they do by telling their stories.

I never made fun of our guests or judged them. That would be so unfair and intrusive.

– silly-noodle

10. I’m not telling him, you tell him

Man of the house ask me and the other cleaning crew ladies if we have ever seen this type of dog leash. Holds up what is clearly a under bed restraint system looking confused. I didn’t say s**t. We all looked at each other like “f**k no im not telling him” he says “mmm, maybe she wants a dog. Why was it under the mattress ???” He just wandered off dragging this thing behind him.

He was a nice guy worked a lot, tipped well, gave us holiday bonuses. She was a trophy wife, and was not nice to him.

They divorced while i still worked their, he got a dog named mayonnaise and was much happier. It was a rescue greyhound. Sweet dog. I don’t live in that town anymore but i hope mr jim is happy still.

– Kantotheotter

11. LOL look at the username

My cleaning guy caught me leaving the house once.

Said he knew I smoked pot because he’d find stuff for it a lot and asked if he could find me some for a camping trip with his wife.

I freaked a little after he just said “I know you do marijuana”. I was like am I catching a lecture

– 420Minions

12. Inside out

Not the housekeeper, but,

I thought I had this brilliant hiding spot. And when I lost my wallet, my Maid told me “you should hide it with those papers inside your nightstand next time”.

I felt such fear. She knows the house better than any of us.

– AndreZB2000

13. Twilight breaks

Buddy of mine used to clean houses with his mom.

He told me about this one massive mansion they would clean and how there were no mirrors in the entire house. There also weren’t a lot of windows and if there were, they had thick drapes.

He met the family only once and told me they were very pale and quiet people.

He worked for f**king vampires

– drop-mylife-away

14. Everything

Honestly, everything. I worked in a house manager/butler type of position, and there is nothing you don’t find out eventually.

The trajectory of the toothpaste droplets on the mirror would tell me which of the women had spent the night. I knew passwords to computers, alarm systems, bank accounts and safes that I hadn’t necessarily been provided with.

Drugs, kinks, medical history, sordid family secrets, skeletons in the closet, you name it. I think that’s the reason salaries get obscene if you stay long enough, your silence is literally golden.

– CopingMole

15. The embezzler

I wasn’t exactly a housekeeper but I was cleaning up files at a job that I quit a few years ago.

Within a week, I found out that the owner never paid any of her bills and used government funds (that was supposed to go to the adult care center she ran) to buy herself expensive cars and houses that she shouldn’t have been buying in the first place.

– curlyquinn02

The intrigue is absolutely scintillating.

Have you ever been in a position like this?

Tell us about it in the comment.

The post Housekeepers Talk About the Biggest Secrets They Discovered on the Job appeared first on UberFacts.

“Rich” Behaviors that People Think are Highly Suspicious

There’s absolutely no shame in being poor. Or at least, there shouldn’t be.

It is, after all, the state that the majority of humans live their lives in, usually through no fault of their own.

And yet we do so closely associate being financially poor with being a failure as a person. Which is probably why so many poor folks just decide to pretend they got money.

What screams "I’m poor but pretend I’m rich"? from AskReddit

Reddit’s got some examples of this strange phenomenon.

1. Just showing it

It’s generally good advice if you have a lot of money to keep your wealth secret or at least ambiguous else people try to take advantage of you.

Most wealthy people follow that rule, or they learn it pretty quickly.

So anyone trying to show wealth is either new to it or showing more than they have.

– Nirosat

2. The tracksuit don

I have a relatively poor friend who doesn’t have a tv or anything, but they go around in a several hundred pound tracksuit and wear fake diamond rings they bought on wish, which he tells people are real

– IrishPotato28

3. The $10 Cadillac

Use to work at a 7/11.

Once a month for a week this guy would come in with a rented green Cadillac and a very obvious prostitute on his arm.

Would flash a wad of money while in the store and make it VERY specific that he wants $10 on “THAT GREEN CADILLAC RIGHT THERE!” Co-worker told me he does it with his SSI check.

– ScreamingBaboon

4. The MLM babe

Women who post a bit too often about how great it is to be your own boss and be living a plush life and here are pictures of me by a pool wearing a sparkly swimsuit and you too can be rich, set your own hours, travel, and get to lounge by pools if only you sign up with this definitely-not-a-pyramid-scheme company.

Bonus points for having a glass of wine in the shot and forgetting to move the box it came in out of the shot, thus ruining the illusion that it was expensive wine.

– Eliott_of_Elsinore

5. The sad reality

As much as some of these examples are based on s**tty choices, there’s also the fact that the poorer people get, the less stake they have in any kind of future or long term thinking.

That’s not a critique of their intellect, it’s just their reality that they’re never going to be able to travel, own a home, any of the basic aspirations that used to be drilled into people as options if they worked hard.

So where I might see a big TV as something that’d be nice, but I don’t need one right now, they see that as being as good as life gets, watching bulls**t in increasingly higher definition, because poverty doesn’t have room for long term gratification.

– EndlesslyRotatingNed

6. The 80’s vibes

When my sister and I were little we would unplug the receiver of the phone, take it outside, and pretend to talk on it.

The hope was that someone would see us and think we had one of those new-fangled cordless phones and be jealous.

– rleash

7. Dubai, Felicia

For British people – holidays to Dubai.

Often the same price as going to Spain but somehow seen as ‘flashy’ and aspirational despite being a miserable hole built on slavery


8. The shilling

Shilling online coaching on how to get rich. Usually business/trading/crypto stuff if you’re a man and MLM/manifestation stuff if you’re a woman.

Not that there aren’t people who get rich, through selling courses, not through the methods they’re teaching, but the market is oversaturated.

– Nemesinthe

9. Way out of whack priorities

Too many times I clean up after evictions and there is empty bottles of grey goose, Hennessy

Expensive clothes, shoes.

Many things that if they just bought cheaper stuff or nothing at all they would have been able to pay the rent.

– TJTurner912

10. Getting way too excited about having stuff

Posting literally everything you buy on your Instagram story.

No one really cares about how many gym pants, make up or other packages you bought.

It just always gave me the vibe of you’re not used to getting nice things so whenever you do, you post it everywhere.

Kinda has the opposite of the intended effect

– ocs_123

11. The bigger, the badder

Any clothing with big brand name lettering all over it.

The more expensive the brand and the bigger the lettering the more it shouts “I’m actually poor”.


– Kopites_Roar

12. The YOU show

People who post every single thing they do in their social media, like pretending they’re some kind of super famous models and everyone needs to be aware of what they do.

I don’t think it means “I’m poor” in an economic way but rather “I’m poor in my life and I need strangers to be interested in what I do in order to fill the emptiness in me”

– Mingura666

13. Can you tell?

Honestly it’s hard to tell sometimes. A lot of people here probably think that “real” rich people live in a modest house with a base Corolla/Camry with the beige interior, super cheap budget and live like they have no money… And to me I don’t want to be that guy but I feel like some people who vehemently say/comment this feels like just a confirmation bias to take up the moral high ground on other people who spend their money in more obvious ways.

I worked with CEO’s of airline companies, hedge fund managers, CEO’s of law firms and I can without a doubt I’d can tell you MANY rich people don’t live like broke college students and “modesty” is relative.

For me the pretending to be rich folks are people who window shop with no real intention of buying items at luxury stores to basically take pictures of themselves with luxury items/goods. People don’t like this but when you go to fancy stores like Louis Vuitton, a Mercedes dealership or Burberry the staff are VERY judgmental and I can tell you it’s not really about what you’re wearing that tips them off.

– deathaddict

14. The mismatch

Putting 5$ gas in your fancy a** car, I have seen a bunch of people drive cars they can’t afford while working at a gas station.

– Lachigan

15. Grills?

I had a guy with a grill in his mouth try to intimidate $20 out of me on the street the other day, so I’d say grills.

– backreddit

Sometimes *I* pretend to be rich by making two raman packets at once. Don’t hate, jealousy is a disease.

But what do you think about all this?

Give us your opinions in the comments.

The post “Rich” Behaviors that People Think are Highly Suspicious appeared first on UberFacts.

37 Times People Were Given Horrible Financial Advice

Bad financial advice can come from all kinds of people, sometimes even from folks who really believe that they have it all figured out when it comes to finances.

But you always need to be wary and you need to do your homework when you get money advice from anyone, no matter who they are.

Folks on AskReddit shared stories about really bad financial advice they received.

Let’s see what they had to say.

37. Thanks, Dad.

“My dad in 2008 – “Don’t invest that $1,000 into Apple.”

My dad in 2012 – “Tesla is a pipe dream. Stock won’t be worth the paper is printed on.”

36. Hmmm…

“Don’t pay off your entire credit card balance when the bill comes.

Pay it slowly so that it shows your ability to pay debt over time.

This will help your credit score.”

35. Don’t take that advice.

“”Lease a car, don’t buy used”

leased car price -> $25,000

My used car I drove for multiple years without maintenance (aside from tires/oil) -> $3,000.”

34. Time to leave.

“My husband and I were looking to sell our home and buy another and the realtor told us to put 99 dependents on our taxes so we make more. She said she had done it for years and it was fine.

We left pretty quickly after that.”

33. Doesn’t work for everyone.

“Take out a student loan.

You’ll be able to pay it back easy when you have a degree.”

32. Go your own way.

“Don’t be a programmer. Your job will get outsourced to India.” – my dad when I told him excitedly as a teenager that I tried coding and loved it.

I ignored his advice and I’m now a programmer and still love it. Oh, and the pay is great too. I am now making a lot more than he ever did.”

31. Just do it!

“To buy a house when they were giving them out like candy several years ago. I had bad credit and an unstable job, I said no way.

So many people were pressuring me. All those people lost their houses. Those balloon payments are no joke.”

30. Don’t understand…

“Recent terrible advice: I got hit while driving on a highway and have a crinkled in rear side fender and cracked tail light. I can still drive it, but who knows what damage is underneath.

My car is only 5 yrs old with maybe 60k miles, so it’s still a great car. Yet, my early 20s friend said I shouldn’t get insurance to fix it and instead just “pocket the deductible to save up for a down payment on another car”. Or maybe file the claim and pocket the money.

My deductible is $300, and I wasn’t at fault, so the other person’s insurance is likely going to pay my deductible. I just straight up cannot understand where he is coming from. Why wouldn’t I get the car fixed so I have a fully functional, reliable car? It’s, at most, $300. I just don’t understand.”

29. A big mess.

““If you can’t afford to pay back your student loans just ignore it. Can’t bleed a turnip…” – My father.

He followed it with something along the lines of “what’s the worse they can do to you?”

The answer… ALOT. They can do a lot to you.”

28. Can’t do that.

“My parents and grandparents keep pressuring me to quit my job because I’m pregnant. They think my husband’s job will sustain us and we’ll just have to penny-pinch a little more.

I don’t know if they realize that we all live in America. It will absolutely take both of our incomes to raise our child, especially since I’ll be taking 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave in about a month.”

27. Never heard that before.

““Saving money attracts bad luck” “Do not save or else you’ll end up using it for an emergency”

It’s a Filipino superstition that “saving” attracts an emergency. Do not save so that you don’t experience an emergency.

Being frugal is frowned upon. What happens if an emergency happens and they have no savings?

They “borrow” money from frugal people and if you say no to them because you know they spent their money on useless things they will say “you can not bring all your wealth to your grave”.

I choose the people who I lend/give money.

“Buy things to see the fruit of your labor”

When buying new expensive items, sometimes things they don’t really need. I have no problem on this if only they use this words once in a while but do it every paycheck is too much.

Then they will proceed to tell me buy stuff like them and not be frugal because you know, you can’t bring all those money to the grave so might as well use it immediately.”

26. Sure about that?

“Several years ago, my company went under new management. They were going to have to pay us all of our remaining, unused PTO. I figured, great, I have a ton of PTO left, like $5000 worth. (I had A LOT of unused hours)

One of my colleagues said “YOU’RE going to be hit with taxes.” And she said it like “oh, you better be prepared. Don’t get excited, they’re going to tax the s**t out of you anyway so don’t expect much!”

I get hit with taxes every paycheck, lady. And when I did the math, they didn’t take out a higher percentage of that PTO than I normally have taken out of my paycheck, so when I did the math beforehand, I managed my expectations well

Then, I was a manager of a call center. The call center agents made 12.00 an hour, but once I came in, I raised it to 15.50 an hour. One of them complained to me that this means her taxes are being raised and she’s earning less. She didn’t see the higher number on the bottom of her check for some reason.”

25. Oh, Dad…

“My father would tell me to max my credit card on a new car and if they asked for payments just say “F**k em, what are they going to do?”

My father is several levels of debt hell deep that he’s trying to get out of now, but he’s at least trying.”

24. That’s a bummer.

1976 San Francisco. Keep renting, no one will ever pay $35,000 for a 2 bedroom house and garage with a sweeping view of the East Bay.

I went back to visit the old neighborhood a few years ago, those $35,000 stucco homes up many flights of steps perched on the top of Potrero Hill were now all gentrified, remodeled, gated, and asking $1M+ and that was 5 years ago.”

23. About that iPad…

“About 5 years ago, I had a friend who was trying to convince me to study through a private college because they “gave her a free ipad”.

She never finished the course, but kept the iPad (you only got to keep it once you pay your fees and graduate. Mind you, the price of the course included the iPad so it wasn’t free).

So last year, four years later, I get a call from the college asking for her contact info. She put me down as a reference and they were chasing her down because she still owed her fees and wasn’t entitled to keep the iPad.”

22. Not too bright.

“My cousin bought a camper, went camping once, and then decided camping wasn’t for them.

Rather than selling it they decided to just stop making the payments and “let the bank come and get it.”

Which, eventually, they did.”

21. Hmmmm…

“Don’t take a raise if it puts you into the next tax bracket.

And pay the minimum on your credit card to establish good credit.”

20. Ouch.

“”Don’t major in computer science. Computer scientists are a dime a dozen.”

I did not take that advice.”

19. Just run away!

“Guy I haven’t seen in three years or so wanted to talk me into starting a business with him, because he just got into college for a bachelors degree in business.

Yeah sure, let me get my check book out in this badly illuminated garage while we’re both dr**k. Guy also got into MLM and weird self-optimisation preachers.”

18. Okay!

“Get a bigger mortgage, you can deduct more from your taxes!

Yeah dumba**, and I’ll be spending double that amount in interest so why should I?”

17. Ignore it.

“Just ignore the collection call and eventually they will leave you alone….

I didn’t follow this advice.

I had a parking ticket I didn’t know about that ended up on my credit and the guy I mentioned it to gave me that bit of wisdom.”

16. Not a great time to do that.

“First year outta college, working for a financial advisor, and he tried to convince me to put 5% down and buy an apartment in Chicago.

It was the summer of 2007.”

15. Did the right thing.

“”Don’t go to community college, you’ll never get a job. Instead apply at X and X colleges.”

My grandmother, aunt, uncle, and cousin all told me this, and I really considered their advice because my parents really didn’t give a s**t what I did.

Since I didn’t get any scholarships from high school, I decided at least if I went to CC and didn’t get a job I wouldn’t have student debt and I could just do something else.

I went to CC for two years totally free on FAFSA grants (it was 800$ a semester LOL) and did so well I transferred to a university with a (almost) full ride.

I am now a semester away from graduation with a job lined up and all of 4k of student debt which is likely to be forgiven anyway.”

14. Come on!

“Incite me to go to a real expensive restaurant where you can spend easily $250 without drinks at a time I only had $700 in bank account and had not paid for my car, groceries and stuff .

Because “Come on we only live once”.”

13. Time to take a trip.

“My ex (in his mid twenties and lived at home with no expenses) went out of the country for two weeks with a budget of $2700.

He was real proud of his breakdown: $1000 credit available on credit card A, $1000 credit available on credit card B, $300 in available overdraft, $100 in checking, $300 in savings.

I tried to explain that this is not a great way to budget for a trip, and his response was “credit cards are meant to be used. As long as you pay the minimum payment, you’re good. What do you know about credit cards? You never use it? Start using yours more before you talk to me about money”.”

12. Car talk.

“My aunt took me to a car dealership when I was looking to buy my own first car. I was looking at the clunkers I could afford, but she said I should be looking at the new cars.

She said, “the total price doesn’t matter because you make monthly payments.” I suddenly understood too well why she had always been so financially unstable.”

11. Not gonna happen!

“A relative tried to recruit me into Amway.

He wound up stuck with a garage full of their products.”

10. Nope!

“Yeah even if they’ve recently robbed you, you should still lend them the 500$ dollars they need to move to another city, they’re your family after all.


I don’t even know how mom married your dumb a**.”

9. You sure about that?

“My FIL when I mention our retirement plan “I never contribute to my retirement account. Money now is always better than money later”.

I needed to have a conversation with my husband how we would NOT be supporting his mom and dad and their insane spending when they have no retirement plan and make huge financial mistakes on a weekly basis (good news is they both make good money).”

8. Son, let’s have a talk.

“I got 90 dollars and my 11 year old son told me I should buy 90 dollars worth of kazoos.

No real plan past that…”

7. Rent to own.

“”Just get it at Rent-A-Center.”

I had a coworker that got pretty much everything there.

“It’s only $20/week, and they’ll replace it if it breaks.”

$20/week for how long? Oh cool, so you’re paying more than double for it? Got it.”

6. Burning a hole in your pocket.

““Spend it quickly or it’ll get stolen.”

Coming from someone with a history of losing and blowing their money.”

5. Not a joke.

“That an emergency fund wasn’t necessary when you can always get a payday loan or use your credit card.

He wasn’t joking.”

4. Really bad advice.

“One of my uncles once told me that I never really had to pay my phone bill.

He suggested that I simply jump to another carrier and let the first company cut you off.

His life has turned out exactly as you’d imagine.”

3. Oh, boy…

“”Once you cut up the credit card, you don’t have to pay it.”

My cousin is not doing so hot.

I’m pretty sure there are warrants out for his arrest in several states.”

2. I’m just vibing over here.

“”Just get another credit card”.

From my friend who hasn’t worked in 3 years and is currently just vibing with his new credit cards he somehow got approved for.”

1. Don’t listen to them.

“So when I was 24, I was financially struggling. I had a job that worked me a LOT of hours, but only paid me $10 an hour.

My parents talked me into buying a BRAND NEW 2004 4-Door Honda Civic, the pre-interest price tag on it was about $25,000. A few weeks after getting it, my hours got regulated and it took one entire paycheck to make the monthly note on it – I could NOT afford the insurance on it.

I very quickly realized my parents were bad at money.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, please tell us about the worst financial advice you’ve ever received.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post 37 Times People Were Given Horrible Financial Advice appeared first on UberFacts.

32 Interesting Facts That Are Also a Bit Tragic

The world is filled with sadness.

It’s a fact of life and yes, it’s a huge bummer.

So I hope you’re ready to get a little depressed today…

What’s the saddest fact you know?

Folks on AskReddit spoke up.

32. Bad luck.

“A guy in my area had just retired on a Friday. The following Wednesday he was out fishing and a thunderstorm came up.

He pulled his boat out of the lake and while standing next to his car on the boat ramp lightning took him out.

5 blessed days of retirement.”

31. Goodbye.

“Read about a dolphin who had learned some basic communication and was in some sort of pen.

Dolphins can s**cide by going under water and refusing to go back up for air. This dolphin was miserable and told it’s handler goodbye before going under and ki**ing itself.

The fact the dolphin was sentient enough to choose s**cide breaks my heart.”

30. Emotional animals.

“Elephants will mourn other elephants in their group dying and will hold funerals for them and will even recognize the bones of said elephant and cry out in sadness.”

29. Wild kingdom.

“Penguins sometimes get r**ed by sea lions.

These young seals are those who can’t mate with a female because a larger sea lion controls a massive harem.

After getting r**ed, the penguins’ head are munched off most of the time.”

28. Terrible.

“There is a genetic disorder that makes it impossible for some people to sleep.

So far only 20 people are known to have it, and none have lived past 30…”

27. Very sad.

“One of my neighbors has a nine year old daughter who has a very rare genetic condition.

She’s not expected to live much beyond her mid – late teens. The girl doesn’t know and believes she’s a perfectly normal child.

It’s heartbreaking to hear her saying that she wants to be a hairdresser when she grows up. She ain’t never gonna grow up”

26. Missing him.

“That I won’t get to feel my husband’s presence anymore.

He passed away suddenly on the 11th.

I miss him every minute of the day.”

25. Part of life.

“The older we get, the older our parents get.

My mom was 22, and my father was 24, when they both had me. At the age of 8, my father passed away. He was 32 years old at that time.

Now, I’m 23 years old, and my moms 46……only got one parent left, and as much as I hope to have her forever, sadly, one day, I’ll lose her, too.

And that’s just life.”

24. Lost forever.

“There are over 2,500 ancient languages that are either already extinct, or in danger of being forgotten forever.

Most of these languages are tribal in nature, such as those of Africa, and Central/South America.

Many of the Native American languages here in in the US are dying, but some are being preserved in language learning apps, such as Texas Caddo, and Cherokee.”

23. I’m gonna cry.

“There’s a recording of the last Kaua’i Oo bird singing before it went extinct.

It was a mating call sung by a male bird. The song has breaks for the female bird to respond.

There’s no response because the male Kaua’i Oo was the last of its kind.”

22. Jeez…

“Some people, either through loneliness, age, or mental health, are so closed off from the outside world that they either can’t or don’t know how to take care of themselves until they d**.

Most of the time the only way for anyone to notice that something is wrong is either by accident or the smell.

There is/was a Dutch guy who films the cleanup of those kinds of houses (he has a cleaning service specialized in those kinds of extreme cases). One woman’s toilet backed up and she just did her business on the bathroom floor for months.

In another case a guy had a square meter of space to sleep in, the rest was literal garbage halfway up the wall. He even made holes in the walls and floors to stuff it in.”

21. Poor cats.

“Cats are the most euthanized pets in shelters even over pitbulls.

I worked at an animal shelter when I was a you g lad and every f**king time someone came to adopt a pet it was a dog! I even heard a family say “ we want a dog only cats don’t love you”

I socialized many of their cats and most of them were so sweet, and cuddly and made me just so sad inside everyday watching people adopt dogs and ignore the cats. This was a no k**l shelter but still it was so heart wrenching I quit because of that.

Cats do love you back you just have to earn their trust and they show it differently than dogs. All animals show love in their own special way.”

20. Stressed out.

“Mother hamsters will sometimes eat their newborn babies.

This can be for a variety of reasons, but one of the major problems is that a mother hamster will get stressed out and assume that she does not have enough food or space for all of the babies to survive inside of their tiny cage.”

19. This is too bad.

“Overfishing has caused sharks to move further inshore to hunt for food.

You know what happens when they move closer to the shore? Yeah, we k**l them. They’re just trying to survive.

Also, the shark fin trade is brutal. People will catch live sharks and slice their fins off before releasing them back into the ocean.

Without their fins, sharks can’t swim and subsequently d** a painful d**th.”

18. Awwwww.

“A dog will lie awake at night after getting in trouble or having a bad day thinking about it.

Additionally, dogs feed off our energy so if you are having a bad day, anxious or depressed that actually rubs off on your dog.”

17. Awful.

“For me it’s the d**th of the 13-year-old Colombian girl Omayra Sanchez in 1985.

She was trapped in water after a volcanic eruption, kneeling with her legs trapped under debris, and there was no way to extricate her without triggering a rise in the water level, which would have dr**ned her. Responders considered amputating her legs but decided that she probably wouldn’t survive, and that the most humane thing to do was to let her d**.

The would-be rescuers and some journalists stayed with her for three days while she joked and prayed and sang and left messages for her mother before d**ng of either gangrene or hypothermia.”

16. Heartbreaking.

“A researcher played a recording of a recently deceased elephant to its family. The family recognized the sound and went crazy, running around trying to find their buddy, visibly distressed.

The researcher felt really bad afterwards and said he’d never do that again. Man, when I heard this story, it just broke my heart.”

15. The day the world changed.

“At the 9/11 museum I learned the unfortunate fact that Flight 93 flew upside down for a period of time before crashing in the field.

Apparently, people all over the plane were vomiting. If you’ve even been on a flight where someone throws up nearby, you can imagine how disgusting, awful, and traumatizing this had to have been. Breaks my heart just thinking about it.

Another sad fact is that 8 children were on those planes. 3 were on a trip to California with their teacher. Two siblings (ages 8 and 3) were traveling with the parents, and after missing their original flight, were put on Flight 77 (crashed into the Pentagon.)

I was in middle school at the time, but nearly 20 years later, 9/11 facts continue to haunt me.”

14. Man’s best friend.

“Hachikou was a Japanese Akita dog who each day would wait at the train station for his owner to return from his commute.

One day his owner had an aneurysm at work and passed away. Hachikou would spend the next ten years waiting at the station.

We don’t deserve dogs, they are too good.”

13. Beautiful song.

“The song (Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay is technically unfinished. The whistling you hear at the end of the song was an ad-lib, intended to be a placeholder for a final verse.

Unfortunately, Otis Redding d**d in a plane crash before he could record that final verse and we will never know how he wanted it to end.”

12. Let’s hope not.

“Bananas could go extinct soon.

There is some kind of fungus or disease wiping out the trees, once they get infected its a total loss.

Eat em while you can.”

11. Famine.

“The Ukranian Famine (Holodomor) ki**ed at least 3.5 million people back in 1932-1933.

Stalin’s insane plans to optimize state crops while starving out the farmers themselves is some of the most horrific s**t I’ve ever heard of.

D**th by starvation has got to be one of the worst possible ways to go.”

10. Does it exist?

“There isn’t “someone for everyone”.

There are plenty of people all over the world who will go through their entire life never having a romantic partner, regardless if they want one or not, because of whatever reason (unattractiveness, poor social skills, poor mental health etc).”

9. Horrific.

“Dozens of sailors trapped in the USS West Virginia when it was sunk in the Pearl Harbor attack survived several days.

A few lasted over 2 weeks. Salvage crews could hear them banging.”

8. Look it up.

“The federal government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition so that it would k**l people to “prove” how dangerous al**hol is.

They literally m**dered their own citizens to prove a danger that wouldn’t have existed at all without them.”

7. Wow.

“The money in off shore bank accounts 5 years ago could end world poverty for 50 years.

Forbes once had the headline: “Poverty is a choice, just not by the ones in poverty.””

6. Terrifying.

“The crew of the space shuttle Challenger (or at least a good number of the crew) didn’t d** when the fuel tank exploded.

They instead d**d upon impact with the ocean after their cabin fell 65,000 feet back to the ocean.

There is also good evidence that they were conscious for their almost 3 minute fee fall to Earth.”

5. The way it is.

“The fact that in the grand scheme of things, nothing you do, say or feel matters.

You will be d**d very soon and the history of the human race is a very small blip in time with a very very small impact on the galaxy, let alone the universe.”

4. One more dog story.

“Greyfriars Bobby is a dog that guarded his master’s grave for 14 years.

He was two years old when his master d**d, and Bobby guarded his master’s grave until he d**d when he was 16 years old.

His grave is placed next to his master’s grave, because he became a local celebrity during his life, and it reads “let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all.””

3. All alone.

“I learned today that if a grizzly bear has a single cub it will abandon it.

The hypothesis is that a single cub will need three years of care, while if she abandons a single cub now, next year or the year after that she is more likely to have twins or even triplets.”

2. Terribly sad.

“785 million people do not have access to safe water.

Access includes having having water within a 30 minute round trip for collecting it and carrying it home.”

1. Not fair.

“Bill Finger, the man who created a vast majority of if not everything that makes Batman a success today, not only never got credit in his lifetime, but was also called a liar by Bob Kane.

Kane who came up with an idea of a bat themed vigilante called The Bat-Man, later used his fathers law firm to make up a contract in which he not only got sole credit but also any major proceeds stemming from the success of Batman.

Bill d**d penniless and on his couch in a s**tty apartment in 1974 while Kane was running around telling everyone he created Batman and such.”

Do you know any sad facts?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post 32 Interesting Facts That Are Also a Bit Tragic appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What’s Much More Dangerous Than Most Folks Realize

There’s danger lurking around every corner every time you step outside your house.

Speeding cars, wild animals, sketchy people, etc.

And there are also a lot of dangerous things out there that you don’t even realize…

People on AskReddit spoke up about what is much more dangerous than most folks realize. Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Risky.


It’s actually a lot easier to overdose on than most people realize, and it slowly destroys your liver over a period of days.

Not a fun way to d** to put it lightly.”

2. Can be dangerous.

“Exploring abandoned places.

When I was a kid I would do it all the time and take photos without any form of facial protection. Fast forward years later and I learn about how toxic certain molds can be, how many older buildings used materials like asbestos which can be in the air when places are left to rot, etc. At this point I just thank God I never had to deal with the aftermath of any of that!

Also to anyone who enjoys doing this, I get it. I just want to bring awareness to the fact that if you participate a respirator and goggles should be a must!

Also as a side note, be wary of scrappers and individuals looking for a place to do drugs had a run in like that during one of the last excursions I made and it’s not fun.”

3. Gotta be careful.

“Touch screen consoles in cars. Mazda now disables touch functionality in their vehicles because they found that when drivers interact with the touch screen they drift the vehicle to the right.

Taking your eyes off the road to press 3 buttons in three different positions on the touch screen, with a latency each time you press a button, because your seat heaters are literally burning your a**, while trying to maintain control of the vehicle during freeway traffic is God d**ned dangerous.”

4. Eyes on the road.


Over 120 people a year d** from deer directly, and another 175 to 200 from car accidents caused by deer (with some 10,000 injuries), and more d**ths and injuries related to deer hunting. By the way, deer are pretty mean and terrible parents.

I have seen a deer push her fawn ahead of her near the food, to see if there is a predator, then, if the fawn is ok, go out and hit the fawn to get at the food herself.”

5. Heavy machinery.

“Adam Savage has a good explanation about respecting workshop equipment. Last year, he had an accident with his lathe where it almost destroyed his hand.

Seeing him get emotional about not only the accident but also that he allowed it happen was quite sobering. I think he claimed that the brief lapse of judgement was almost akin to him putting too much trust into it and he felt like he didn’t respect it at that moment.”

6. Gotta know what you’re doing.

“Horses. They weigh 1200 pounds, they’re extremely jittery, and they can crush you or kick you to d**th on accident.

And that’s just horses in general. Stallions will try to hurt you just to assert dominance. And these are animals that have been known to bite each other’s throats out when they fight.

Don’t mess with horses unless you know what you’re doing. Always be careful, even if you do.”

7. Keep an eye on that thyroid.

“Anything to do with the thyroid.

It’s a bit more well known nowadays, but when I first was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (they told me it was Hypothyroidism at first), I didn’t even know what the thyroid was.

For people who might not know, the thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in your throat. Without getting into it too much, it releases hormones that regulate many things. You wouldn’t expect this tiny little organ to be so important, but holy c**p it is.

I found out I had thyroid issues when I was 15 after I was constantly tired, had irregular periods (I’ve gone two months without a period before), my weight was out of wack, my mental health was constantly declining, and I had issues with breathing among other symptoms.

Apparently if I hadn’t started taking thyroid medication when I did, I would’ve gone into a coma within 2 weeks.

It didn’t help that I had a dad who constantly made fun of my weight and appearance even after finding out I had thyroid issues and learning how hard it was for me to loose weight. Turns out, his two sisters had Hypothyroidism and his brother had Hyperthyroidism.

It took quite a few years to finally find hormonal balance and I’m 20 now, but I’m doing a lot better than I was before, physically and mentally.”

8. Get moving!

“Lack of exercise.

People think if they’re sedentary but just eat so little that they don’t get overweight, then they’re just as healthy.

Sadly, no. Simply being thin does not equate to being healthy.

100 calorie snacks are not saving your life, they’re nothing but another sales tactic. A way to sell you less for more.”

9. Get out while you can.

“Toxic relationships.

Far too many s**cides happen because of bad relationships and no other way out.”

10. Swept out to sea.

“I live on the north coast of California.

People do not take seriously the signs that are posted on the beach regarding sneaker waves. If you are standing along the shoreline and not paying attention water can rush past on overtake you.

So when walking on the beach keep your head on a swivel and be mindful of the water.”

11. Don’t do it!

“I’ve heard enough horror stories from my parents who are both nurses to last me a lifetime.

Legs on the dash of a car are not allowed while I’m driving for this reason alone”

12. Put down the work once in a while.

“Working to d**m much.

I know, it’s expected, you’re a lazy f**k if you don’t. It leads to not getting rest so your body can heal, a really f**ked social life (i.e. none), and just general stress, which suppresses your immune system, appetite, and even your heart.

Also, people that nag about you not working enough. Huge health risk, both to themselves and others. We aren’t ever gonna make them happy no matter what, so f**k em, let them freak out and have a heart attack.”

13. Not worth it.


People are way too eager to prove who’s the bigger bada**. Hit someone the wrong way or start something with the wrong person and someone’s not going home. Then if the police show up, someone’s getting charged.

Depending on the severity of the other parties injuries and the word of witnesses, you could be going away for a very long time. Not to mention the civil suites that may bury you in debt.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think is much more dangerous than people realize.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About What’s Much More Dangerous Than Most Folks Realize appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They’re Good at But They Don’t Brag About

Go on wit yo bad self!

Yeah, I’m talking to you!

You deserve to brag a little bit about yourself because we think you’re being way too humble about your awesomeness.

Can you dig it?

AskReddit users talked about what they’re good at but they don’t like to brag about.

Check it out.

1. I’d like to see that.

“Being over 6 ft, broad as a s**t house, think Scottish accent, beard down to my middle of my chest…

I can skip surprisingly fast, like I can skip faster than I can run.”

2. That’s great!

“Making people feel good about themselves by helping them understand their worth and finding strengths and positives in most human beings.”

3. Handy.

“I am a very handy individual with little formal training.

From replacing a timing belt to wiring a house, building a roof or a patio, computer repair, stripping and waxing floors. I can do or fix it all.

Luckily I have a career doing maintenance and custodial work, so I never need to spend money on equipment repair.

And just bought a fixer upper home that requires a lot of fixing.”

4. Quite a life.

“I have done a fair amount of disaster relief work.

I’ve held people and cried with them as they told me of their lost family members, their destroyed homes, and been able to compartmentalize that and lead groups of volunteers to build shelters.

I’ve dealt with corrupt politicians, dangerous gangs, almost died in an earthquake, and been about to keep going when it was so hard, my body hurt so much, and I was so emotionally drained.

I’ve had my moments. I’m currently depressed and in a very dark spot, but dammit, I’ve helped this world. I’ve helped people who were sleeping in the dirt to get under better shelter.

I’ve helped a baby whose mother was crushed in an earthquake get formula when no women were lactating in her village. I’ve played with children in a refugee camp and given my heart fully.”

5. That’s a good skill.

“I am a great time manager.

I can get so much work done without having to cancel anything important and I never leave anything last minute.

I don’t like to brag about it because I know how many people struggle with that and I don’t want them to feel insecure about it.

I don’t know how I got that skill but I feel really privileged with it especially after I seen how many closed ones suffer from the lack of it.”

6. Home is where the heart is.

“I never take credit for being an excellent homemaker.

Now, to be fair, I only work p/t so I do have more time on my hands than the average person.

BUT still… I keep a spotless, lovingly decorated home and I love to cook a good meal for visitors.

Not too many people enjoy or are good at homemaking these days.

It’s a lost art, if I do say so myself.”

7. Lifesaver.

“I saved a kid from drowning.

She and her sis had swam too deep for them to reach the bottom and the waves were going over their heads. Even I was slightly overwhelmed with the strength of the waves. She could barely pop over them to breathe occasionally. If she didn’t have her big sister with her to yell for help she’d have drowned.

It was years ago, but I still think about it sometimes. I always squish the impulse to talk about it, although it’s on my mind every once in a while. Sounds like bragging of the worst sort.”

8. Can’t talk about it.

“I ghostwrote for Columbia Records but ghostwriting is taboo in hip-hop so I can’t really talk about how awesome of a writer I am.”

9. I’m jealous!

“I read OBSCENELY fast.

Like, on a day where all I do is read, I can do three or four novels.

My friends timed me once and it was between 8 and 11 seconds per page.”

10. Good skill to have.

“I’m very, very good at mental math. Not savant level but it really used to wow people when I was a kid.

Now that I’m an adult with a job with no connection to math it doesn’t come up much.”

11. Multi-talented.

“I can mix drinks really well and have a great sense of what would go great in a cocktail since I was 14 because my mother used to own a restaurant and bar.

I’m 18 now and make good stuff for my parents.

I’m also well versed in French and Northern Italian cooking and can make amazing dishes.

It comes from the fact that my father is a good cook and my aunt is a professional chef and will own her own gourmet past restaurant in a year.”

12. Break it up.

“I’m ridiculously good at mediating fights/arguments.

Used to do it constantly for my mom and her ex-boyfriend as a teen.

Could’ve been a career path if I wasn’t mentally unstable myself.:

13. Can I come over?

“I make amazing chicken soup. I am making some tomorrow.

I make the stock from scratch. It’s actually a 3 day thing. Day 1 I roast a whole chicken covered in rosemary lemon butter. I shred the leftover meat off the carcass.

Day 2 I make chicken sandwiches out of some of the leftover meat. Basically a chicken melt on sourdough bread with the leftover chicken, Jarlsberg and smoked gruyere cheese.

Then I make the stock out of the chicken carcass, herbs, carrots, celery and onions. I add the last of the chicken meat and egg noodles to make the soup. I’m no pro chef but it’s really good soup.”

Now you’re up!

In the comments, tell us about what you’re good at but you don’t like to brag about.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Share What They’re Good at But They Don’t Brag About appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Worst Example of Brown-Nosing You’ve Seen In Your Life?

Is there anything worse at work or school than a huge brown-noser?

It’s enough to drive me (and you too, hopefully) up the wall!

But, as you already know, these types of folks are lurking around everywhere…and I think we should all do our best to avoid them as much as possible.

So, what’s the worst example of brown-nosing you’ve ever seen.

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Trying to prove himself.

“The worst was a guy I worked with at my last job doing HVAC…because the boss was going to get a full report on whatever crew he worked with that day.

If you said something negative about the boss, he was going to tell. If you were a minute or two late coming back from lunch, he had a pic on his phone with the time stamp. If you didn’t hang something perfectly level or straight, he’d toss a level on it, snap a pic, send it to the boss. He also came in every Sunday and washed all the trucks (with no pay) to make sure we kept a good image,

Found out eventually it had nothing to do with the job…he was just dating the boss’s daughter and he was trying to “prove” himself.”

2. What a jerk.

“Had a coworker in my marketing team who was a lead designer.

He was often pretty dismissive of junior level employees, or would try and one-up everyone’s stories (you tell him you stayed at a hotel at the beach over the weekend, he tells you he stayed in a penthouse at the same beach for a whole week).

He also always tried to be in proximity of senior staff members and would brag loudly if they were within an earshot, hoping they would hear how awesome his life is, I would assume.

One day, a VP from our company had come up to talk to somebody in a pod close to ours. The pretentious designer loudly asked me about my weekend, I gave him an answer.

He responded loudly, one upping my answer, noticed the VP wasn’t paying attention to him at all, quickly got up, hovered behind the VP while he was talking to the other employee, eventually the VP cracked a joke and the designer let out the loudest, fakest laugh I’ve ever heard, startling the VP, who up until then was not aware that this guy was standing behind him. VP just got an awkward close lipped smile, quickly nodded his head, and walked away.

Designer came back to our pod, sat down, and started working as if he was never mid conversation with me.”

3. Embarrassing.

“Coworker would talk up the boss during meetings.

“Mrs. Boss, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever known! I wish I had some of your brains.”

4. A real a** kisser.

“Other receptionist at my work is a huge a** kisser.

Calls herself the head receptionist when she’s really just a part timer that doesn’t do her job right. Will constantly have “meetings” with the bosses and take credit for things other people do.

Most recent example is when a client brought us donuts and left them at the front desk. I was in a room but heard the convo between the client and her about the donuts being a gift.

Then heard her walk to the back and announce to our boss that she (receptionist) ordered them donuts because they work so hard.”

5. That’s enough.

“Fake laughter at the boss’s jokes.

Laughter that goes on for WAY TOO LONG so that even the boss notices and gets PO’d.”

6. Cringeworthy.

“This f**ker at my work was just promoted because he’s an a** kisser.

Constantly jumps over people to perform a task, but only when the manager is around, that kind of c**p. Recently, he wrote on our manager’s door (he has a dry erase board for messages) “(Managers name) is the GREATEST”.

F**king cringe. I h**e this dumba**, and I respect my manager less for falling for it.”

7. Weird.

“This was actually pre-work.

Canada’s largest airline had an unqualified secretary screening the applications for pilot positions. She would determine who got interviewed and who got put to he bottom of the pile.

Some guys would send her chocolates…literally….and get an interview two days later, where others had waited years. Others would send flowers.

It was close to criminal the way she got bribed, and there were a lot of examples. She was finally heavily demoted for her actions, but she should have been canned.”

8. Annoying.

“I called my boss by his first name and my coworker scolded me after he walked away saying, “No! You call him MR. so-and-so”.

She’d also always go out and buy him his lunch.

He cut your maternity leave short and he underpays you. What’s in it for you?”

9. You are The King.

“At my job there was this guy who kept buying his direct supervisor lunch every day.

One time the supervisor asked him why he kept doing it, he responded with “The king’s gotta eat”.

Everyone in the immediate area cringed super hard at that, including the supervisor.”

10. Incredibly annoying.

“One particular co-worker is almost insufferable with his behavior.

Constant trumpet blowing with his lackluster work, endless comments about how much money he has, degrading other team members to get some kind of moral high ground and get in good graces with management.

What’s more cringe is his posts and interactions on the team member WhatsApp group, really fake or cheesy c**p that definitely is not his character at all.

Basically everything that he does involves trying to s**t on someone to look better at his job.

Anyway, he thought he was top s**t after one of the managers recently left and applied to take the advertised Duty Manager role. He was shut down almost immediately and apparently one of the night managers straight up told him that they did not want him to work nights due to nobody wanting to work with him.”

11. No thanks.

“As a blackjack dealer in a casino I had a floor manager that h**ed me. The feeling was very mutual.

One day I was secret shopped and received a 100% with some outstanding personalized comments on it. The higher ups were so impressed that the head of Table Games came down from on high to give me 50.00 worth of cash gift cards (unheard of, we normally get 5.00 buffet vouchers).

This all took place in front of the floor who h**ed me. Then he reaches in his pocket and hands me a card for “an entry into a drawing for a 10.00 cafe credit” and tells me I did good. F**ker used my 15 seconds of fame to make himself look good to the dept head.

It kinda backfired when I handed it back and said “no thanks, I know you don’t mean it.” Dept head hauled my a** upstairs and asked what I meant. I didn’t need the job so I unloaded every single instance of harassment, s**ual harassment, hr investigations, and backed them all up.

Covid hit while he was suspended and he was not invited back when they reopened.”

12. Wow.

“I had a coworker that went to the boss’s apartment to massage his feet.

The boss was a power-mad tyrant with zero oversight.

The coworker was a complete sh**bag. I think he made it to work on time only 1 time in 2 years. And he was a compulsive liar. He lied about s**t that he didn’t even need to lie about.

Coworker was having car troubles so the boss let him borrow one of his cars. The coworker let slip that he had been at the boss’s place massaging his feet.

He said it absentmindedly, as if he wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying. I was like, “Hold up!” He tried to claim he was just joking about it but I could tell the truth.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the biggest b**t kissers you’ve ever met.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

The post What’s the Worst Example of Brown-Nosing You’ve Seen In Your Life? appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever had an experience where you said to yourself, man…I’m a bada**?

I personally have not, but I’m hoping that it happens sooner than later…

There’s still time, right?

These AskReddit users had totally bada** moments.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Like an action movie.

“I was running through a building, down a ramp with polished cement floors, and I somehow ended up falling down on one knee.

With my high momentum I managed to slide all the way down the ramp (it was very long) and then kick myself back up into running again.

It all happened completely smoothly and it felt like an action scene.”

2. Saved the day!

“I went on a snorkeling trip off the coast of Kauai.

There was a newlywed couple there that I could tell weren’t good in the water. We’re out in the water and they’re off by themselves and I can see that the wife is crying and the husband has a panicked look on his face.

Turns out they didn’t realize that skin contracts in water and he lost his wedding ring off his finger. I scan around for a while and find it 30 feet down or so. I run down and get it and give it back to them. They were thrilled.”

3. Oh yeah!

“Chucked a piece of cardboard at a recycling bin at work, it was about 30 feet from me.

A draft caught it and took it 40 feet up and it did a double loop before slamming directly into the bin. One old lady saw and went “wooow!”

Felt like a f**king champion all day”

4. The big play.

“Little League baseball. Late 80s, early 90s.

Our coach was fantastic. All of the team played and rotated through every position.

This one game it was my turn to be second base.

There’s runners on first and second. The score is tied for the moment, but the game’s close to over and we’re getting tired. Plus it’s mid-July and it was hot.

The other team had a kid who was older than should have been on (but his dad was the coach, so…) and he had a mean swing.

He belts a line drive over the pitcher – I just start running. I snag the ball from the air a few steps into the grass towards center field, then make a u-turn and run back, tag second base (second base runner is out) and tag-out the runner who was trying to get back to first.

The adrenaline surge was enough to get us the win in the next inning.

We ended up being undefeated that season.”

5. Nice work!

“I saved my husband’s life using the Heimlich maneuver, on the first try, never having done it before.”

6. Boom!

“Start of UK lockdown my dishwasher broke down and since shops were closed, I was looking at minimum three months of doing the dishes by hand.

F**k that.

Went to YouTube, watched a bunch of videos, took the pump apart and found a piece of broken glass which was f**king it up.

Put it back together, worked perfect, f**k you entropy and washing dishes.”

7. A helping hand.

“I share mine with my dog. Did the adrenaline pumping, car lift thing.

My idiot neighbor was trying to change his own oil, and didn’t have the jack in the proper place. Whatever metal it was on, bent, and the car lowered onto him. Him which had his body positioned perfectly so the front tire would crush his dumb a**. My dog was out back and started going insane barking, so I bolted outside, wondering what could be wrong (he only barks when something’s wrong, like my kid left the yard or something).

I see my neighbor’s legs sticking out from his freaking tire, race inside screaming for my brother, then bolt back out and try to lift the car. My brother comes out and as I somehow manage to lift the car just enough, he pulls the neighbor out. I was expecting him to be dead, but he stood up, coughed a few times, and said thanks.

We called EMS to get him checked and they took him to the hospital. He had some internal injuries, but survived and recovered fully. What I remember most is flopping to my butt in the driveway, thinking, “S**t. That guy is an IDIOT!”

It was my brother that said I’m a bada**. And as the real hero, yes, doggo got all the pats and scritches and treats.”

8. Survivor.

“I got lost alone in Yellowstone, after sunset.

But I’d come prepared with a headlamp, kept my cool & found my way back to my car alive. My detour added several miles to the route, and it was & still is the most I’ve hiked in a single day, probably just under 14 miles.

I could barely move when I got back to my car. I had to just sit for about 20 minutes before I was able to drive. But I got the most amazing view of the Milky Way of my entire life along the way. Totally worth it for that alone.

Any mishap you survive becomes an adventure.”

9. Backed down.

“I was at a party and apparently some guy had a problem with me (I didn’t even know him).

I was sitting with friends and from across the room he yelled something to me, but with the music I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

So I said “What??” And he yelled it again. But again, I couldn’t hear him. So I stood up and said (more forcefully) “WHAT?!” His face dropped, he shrunk back a little, said “never mind” and sat down.

My friends laughed their a**es off. I genuinely thought this dude had a question. But I had inadvertently backed him down. My bada** moment was an accident.”

10. Take your best shot.

“Back in the day, I trained a few years in judo. A few regional tournaments convinced me that I am a fairly mediocre martial artist.

Ten years later a big, athletic guy (outweighed me by probably 80 pounds) took a swing at me outside of a bar, and I threw him with a massive shoulder throw with basically zero effort or thought. I started to lock his elbow on the ground, but realized he was mostly knocked out, so I just stood up.

I left as quickly as I could, but I saw like a dozen guys with open mouths saying things like, “Did you see that s**t?”

I pulled over to throw up on the way home.

A few years later, I related this story to a friend who works in military special operations, including the embarrassing part where I barfed. He said something that I’ve never forgotten: “That’s not a big deal man, a lot of guys get sick before every big mission. Bada** motherf**kers are guys who do bada** things. Sometimes, you are terrified, and you push through it to do bada** things anyway.”

I am in no way, shape, or form anything resembling a bada**. But I like my friend’s definition of courage. Who cares if you are the cool guy in the movies who walks away from explosions? What matters is if you pulled the girl out of the car before it blew up.

Doing what is necessary even if you are scared (especially when done for the benefit of other people), is the real definition of bada**ery.”

11. Just like Pee-Wee Herman!

“I went to a shop to buy a new bike… and I went there on my old bike.

I came back home riding my new bike and by holding the old one with one hand. Everything was going fine, until the bikes abruptly turned sideway and sent me flying over the handle bars.

I ducked forward, landed on my shoulder and in a continuous roll, I got back on my feet and did a thumbs up to appease a startled passer by.”

12. The accident.

“Watched a late 1990s Ford Explorer (I thought) over correct and roll off the interstate. The vehicle had rolled and came to a stop about 100 feet away and down a hill near the underpass.

I was in a work truck with 2 of my co-workers, followed by another work truck with 4 workers. We sprang to action like some sort of emergency team. Numerous vehicles were pulling over and 3 of my co-workers stayed behind to call 911 and prevent people from getting too close. The wrecked vehicle was 2 adults, a toddler, and an infant. The infant was completely fine and still in a carrier, so one co-worker unclipped it and took it closer to the road to be safe and await medical

. The woman was thrown from the vehicle one of my co-workers was keeping her still and watching for breathing as she was in and out of consciousness. My “task” with my other co-worker, was to attend to the man and the toddler still in the vehicle. The man was pinned by his door and the steering wheel, and was pouring blood and screaming “my baby, my baby”.

I sent the co-worker to help him after we disconnected the car battery. I pulled the toddler out of the vehicle, the little boy was completely unconscious, bleeding from his mouth, nose, and maybe eyes, and not breathing. I made sure the mouth was clear and started compressions, compressions for 5ish minutes until help arrived.

Everyone lived, I still have nightmares, but “d**n, I’m a bada**.””

A note: a little blood is a lot of blood, and an actual lot of blood is terrifying.

Have you ever had any moments like this?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said.

Have you ever had an experience where you said to yourself, man…I’m a bada**?

I personally have not, but I’m hoping that it happens sooner than later…

There’s still time, right?

These AskReddit users had totally bada** moments.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Like an action movie.

“I was running through a building, down a ramp with polished cement floors, and I somehow ended up falling down on one knee.

With my high momentum I managed to slide all the way down the ramp (it was very long) and then kick myself back up into running again.

It all happened completely smoothly and it felt like an action scene.”

2. Saved the day!

“I went on a snorkeling trip off the coast of Kauai.

There was a newlywed couple there that I could tell weren’t good in the water. We’re out in the water and they’re off by themselves and I can see that the wife is crying and the husband has a panicked look on his face.

Turns out they didn’t realize that skin contracts in water and he lost his wedding ring off his finger. I scan around for a while and find it 30 feet down or so. I run down and get it and give it back to them. They were thrilled.”

3. Oh yeah!

“Chucked a piece of cardboard at a recycling bin at work, it was about 30 feet from me.

A draft caught it and took it 40 feet up and it did a double loop before slamming directly into the bin. One old lady saw and went “wooow!”

Felt like a f**king champion all day”

4. The big play.

“Little League baseball. Late 80s, early 90s.

Our coach was fantastic. All of the team played and rotated through every position.

This one game it was my turn to be second base.

There’s runners on first and second. The score is tied for the moment, but the game’s close to over and we’re getting tired. Plus it’s mid-July and it was hot.

The other team had a kid who was older than should have been on (but his dad was the coach, so…) and he had a mean swing.

He belts a line drive over the pitcher – I just start running. I snag the ball from the air a few steps into the grass towards center field, then make a u-turn and run back, tag second base (second base runner is out) and tag-out the runner who was trying to get back to first.

The adrenaline surge was enough to get us the win in the next inning.

We ended up being undefeated that season.”

5. Nice work!

“I saved my husband’s life using the Heimlich maneuver, on the first try, never having done it before.”

6. Boom!

“Start of UK lockdown my dishwasher broke down and since shops were closed, I was looking at minimum three months of doing the dishes by hand.

F**k that.

Went to YouTube, watched a bunch of videos, took the pump apart and found a piece of broken glass which was f**king it up.

Put it back together, worked perfect, f**k you entropy and washing dishes.”

7. A helping hand.

“I share mine with my dog. Did the adrenaline pumping, car lift thing.

My idiot neighbor was trying to change his own oil, and didn’t have the jack in the proper place. Whatever metal it was on, bent, and the car lowered onto him. Him which had his body positioned perfectly so the front tire would crush his dumb a**. My dog was out back and started going insane barking, so I bolted outside, wondering what could be wrong (he only barks when something’s wrong, like my kid left the yard or something).

I see my neighbor’s legs sticking out from his freaking tire, race inside screaming for my brother, then bolt back out and try to lift the car. My brother comes out and as I somehow manage to lift the car just enough, he pulls the neighbor out. I was expecting him to be dead, but he stood up, coughed a few times, and said thanks.

We called EMS to get him checked and they took him to the hospital. He had some internal injuries, but survived and recovered fully. What I remember most is flopping to my butt in the driveway, thinking, “S**t. That guy is an IDIOT!”

It was my brother that said I’m a bada**. And as the real hero, yes, doggo got all the pats and scritches and treats.”

8. Survivor.

“I got lost alone in Yellowstone, after sunset.

But I’d come prepared with a headlamp, kept my cool & found my way back to my car alive. My detour added several miles to the route, and it was & still is the most I’ve hiked in a single day, probably just under 14 miles.

I could barely move when I got back to my car. I had to just sit for about 20 minutes before I was able to drive. But I got the most amazing view of the Milky Way of my entire life along the way. Totally worth it for that alone.

Any mishap you survive becomes an adventure.”

9. Backed down.

“I was at a party and apparently some guy had a problem with me (I didn’t even know him).

I was sitting with friends and from across the room he yelled something to me, but with the music I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

So I said “What??” And he yelled it again. But again, I couldn’t hear him. So I stood up and said (more forcefully) “WHAT?!” His face dropped, he shrunk back a little, said “never mind” and sat down.

My friends laughed their a**es off. I genuinely thought this dude had a question. But I had inadvertently backed him down. My bada** moment was an accident.”

10. Take your best shot.

“Back in the day, I trained a few years in judo. A few regional tournaments convinced me that I am a fairly mediocre martial artist.

Ten years later a big, athletic guy (outweighed me by probably 80 pounds) took a swing at me outside of a bar, and I threw him with a massive shoulder throw with basically zero effort or thought. I started to lock his elbow on the ground, but realized he was mostly knocked out, so I just stood up.

I left as quickly as I could, but I saw like a dozen guys with open mouths saying things like, “Did you see that s**t?”

I pulled over to throw up on the way home.

A few years later, I related this story to a friend who works in military special operations, including the embarrassing part where I barfed. He said something that I’ve never forgotten: “That’s not a big deal man, a lot of guys get sick before every big mission. Bada** motherf**kers are guys who do bada** things. Sometimes, you are terrified, and you push through it to do bada** things anyway.”

I am in no way, shape, or form anything resembling a bada**. But I like my friend’s definition of courage. Who cares if you are the cool guy in the movies who walks away from explosions? What matters is if you pulled the girl out of the car before it blew up.

Doing what is necessary even if you are scared (especially when done for the benefit of other people), is the real definition of bada**ery.”

11. Just like Pee-Wee Herman!

“I went to a shop to buy a new bike… and I went there on my old bike.

I came back home riding my new bike and by holding the old one with one hand. Everything was going fine, until the bikes abruptly turned sideway and sent me flying over the handle bars.

I ducked forward, landed on my shoulder and in a continuous roll, I got back on my feet and did a thumbs up to appease a startled passer by.”

12. The accident.

“Watched a late 1990s Ford Explorer (I thought) over correct and roll off the interstate. The vehicle had rolled and came to a stop about 100 feet away and down a hill near the underpass.

I was in a work truck with 2 of my co-workers, followed by another work truck with 4 workers. We sprang to action like some sort of emergency team. Numerous vehicles were pulling over and 3 of my co-workers stayed behind to call 911 and prevent people from getting too close. The wrecked vehicle was 2 adults, a toddler, and an infant. The infant was completely fine and still in a carrier, so one co-worker unclipped it and took it closer to the road to be safe and await medical

. The woman was thrown from the vehicle one of my co-workers was keeping her still and watching for breathing as she was in and out of consciousness. My “task” with my other co-worker, was to attend to the man and the toddler still in the vehicle. The man was pinned by his door and the steering wheel, and was pouring blood and screaming “my baby, my baby”.

I sent the co-worker to help him after we disconnected the car battery. I pulled the toddler out of the vehicle, the little boy was completely unconscious, bleeding from his mouth, nose, and maybe eyes, and not breathing. I made sure the mouth was clear and started compressions, compressions for 5ish minutes until help arrived.

Everyone lived, I still have nightmares, but “d**n, I’m a bada**.””

A note: a little blood is a lot of blood, and an actual lot of blood is terrifying.

Have you ever had any moments like this?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s Your “I’m Pretty Awesome” Moment? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.