People Tweet Very Good Advice That We All Should Consider

I’m not sure that anyone likes getting unsolicited advice on how to life their life (especially from their parents), but there’s no denying that people who have lived long and hard and well often have wisdom worth imparting to those who are still coming up the ranks.

So, if you’re in need of a bit (or a lot) of tips on how and why to do things better, these 11 pieces of very good advice are ready and waiting.

11. There’s something to that whole “self care” thing.

Even if the term is getting annoying.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Take a deep breath.

Consider whether or not your really want to go there.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

9. This girl is goals.

May we all accept that lesson so young.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

8. From an unexpected source.

And very deep, if you ask me.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Once you sit down it’s all over.

Don’t even put on your comfy pants.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

6. You have to be able to roll with the punches.

And to be gentle with yourself first.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Don’t consider it a loan.

If you get it back, you can be pleasantly surprised.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

4. It’s always better to take a break.

Before you end up broken.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Take a deep breath is always good advice.

And don’t work for people you don’t respect.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

2. We’ve all seen Home Alone.

And few of us are as ingenuitive as Kevin McAllister.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

1. You have to start somewhere.

Might as well start high.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

I love the way people put things sometimes, don’t you?

Share your favorite piece of life advice in the comments!

The post People Tweet Very Good Advice That We All Should Consider appeared first on UberFacts.

People Offer Advice About Things That Teenagers Should Try To Avoid

I have a 14-year-old niece who I’m constantly trying to give life advice to

Of course, she usually rolls her eyes at me and only half-listens, but I still try to do my part because I want her to stay out of trouble…

And we all know that teenagers can get into TONS of trouble.

So I guess the only thing we can do is still try to impart our infinite wisdom to them and hope they’ll take a moment to look up from their phones and listen up.

AskReddit users shared what things they think teens should avoid. Here’s what they had to say.

1. My ears!

“Really loud music.

The kind at a concert front row loud, because tinnitus really sucks.

And not only tinnitus. I damaged my ability to hear certain frequencies when I was a teenager by going to loud punk gigs. It makes it really hard to hear people speaking over background noise. Doesn’t sound too major, but it makes socialising in a pub or club or public place that bit more challenging. I guess I lost the frequency range that distinguishes speech from general noise.

When you’re a young adult, you do a lot of your socialising in such environments, so don’t add an extra challenge to your social life.”

2. Pick a direction.

“Avoid waiting for life to begin.

It already has.

Go in some positive direction, even if you’re not sure it’s the exact right one.”

3. That’s smart.

“Work on your credit skills (and subsequently self-discipline) immediately.

My advice is to get approved for any credit card you can with any limit, doesn’t matter. Then, use that card on ONE thing. Groceries? Fuel?

Something small and exclusive so you’re definitely able to pay it off in full every single month. A good credit score at a young age does wonders, especially considering your peers.”

4. Nothing is forever.

“My mom found her dream job in her thirties and my current stepdad in her fifties. Don’t be too concerned with whether the things you’re doing now is gonna be forever.

Do what you can to open doors for yourself but don’t feel forced to think you need to know with who or what you should spend the rest of your life with at this point. Time gives you time to discover more things.

Discover more things, and eventually you’ll find your way, even if you didn’t realize it. Stop thinking in today and forever. You got all the time to figure it out. Just get yourself a solid foundation and explore.

Except for drugs. Don’t explore things that you could get addicted to for the rest of your life.”

5. Be yourself.

“Stop trying to tailor your personality to appeal to each new person you meet. You’re not required to be everyone’s best friend. It took me so long to figure this out.

It wasn’t until my early 20s that I figured out how I like to dress, what I like to do, or what music I enjoy because I used to change according to other people’s tastes.”

6. Get ‘er done!


Not as big as the other ones but my God, procrastination can get so bad and affect you so horribly if you let it get out of hand.”

7. Find the good ones.

“Fake friends.

It’s honestly better to have no friends than people who gossip about you and make snide remarks to you.

I know everyone says this but you will find your people.”

8. Take care of those choppers.

“Avoid skipping the dentist.

Even if money is tight professional cleanings and preventive maintenance will pay dividends later in life.”

9. Don’t smart.


I’ve been smoking for 10 years (ever since I was 14) and nicotine is absolutely the worst drug and the hardest to cut out.

There’s no satisfying “high” to it, just cravings and dizziness. Any other drug would give you more bang for your buck.”

10. It’s good for you.

“Lack of sleep. It doesn’t make you cool.

Go to bed early and enjoy full 9 hour night.”

11. They can hurt you.

“Avoid taking out large loans.

Any loans if at possible, though thats difficult if you go to college. Buying a brand new car at a young age is a bad idea.

The majority of your small paycheck will be going toward that loan and the insurance.”

12. Let it all out.

“Suppressing emotions.

It’s okay to feel sad, angry, anxious, etc. don’t be made to feel bad for feeling this range of emotions through your teenage years.”

13. Avoid at all costs.

“Adults trying to be to friendly/date you.

You’re not mature for your age, people their age don’t want to be with them or around them for a reason.”

14. Not worth it.

“It’s cliche as hell to say, i know, but drugs. Absolutely avoid drugs. Drinking too.

It is easy for a full grown adult to use a drug and get addicted before they are even aware there’s a problem, so it’s stupidly easy for a teen to get form a runaway addiction that can last years if it doesn’t out and out kill you from an accidental overdose. But even if you eventually were able to break the addiction, the changes it made to your brain chemistry could he permanent.

That’s exactly what happened to my brother. He got hit by a car at the age of twelve and his dumb *ss doctor put him on percocet and that was all she wrote.

From then on it was an ever sinking sh*t fest of one OD after another with more and more delusional behavior and psychological damage to the point now that at 28 he literally has the mind of a 14 year old cause the drugs never let him grow up properly.”

How about you?

What do you think is some good advice that all teenagers need to listen to?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post People Offer Advice About Things That Teenagers Should Try To Avoid appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They Think All Teenagers Should Definitely Avoid

If there’s one thing I definitely remember about being a teenager, it’s that I didn’t really listen to the adults in my life who tried to give me good advice.

I guess that’s what all teenagers, do, right?

You know that’s the truth!

But I guess those of us that have been there still need to try to do our best and give these young folks advice and just hope that they listen to us…because we’ve been there and we’ve done that.

AskReddit users talked about what they think all teenagers should avoid. Let’s take a look.

1. All of this stuff.

“Don’t practice unsafe s*x. Condoms and pills are cheaper than having to raise an unplanned child.

Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. No, they don’t make you cool.

They are very addictive, and you can’t easily shake off the habit.”

2. A deep, dark hole.

“If you haven’t been financially educated, credit cards.

It’s far too easy to get into debt with them and can really destroy your future for years.”

3. You have to open up.

“Emotions were discouraged in my household. Well, positive emotions were fine. But if I didn’t look happy my parents would get angry and yell at me.

Now I’m trying to fix it by teaching myself what my parents didn’t. But to be fair to them they were raised like that too and didn’t know any different.

So to anyone who’s going to have children or already has them, one of the biggest favors you can do your child is work through your own sh*t. Because it will follow them and you’ll realize it way too late.”

4. Totally creepy.

“Older men.

Teenagers often think that they’re cool for hooking up with dudes who are far older than them, but the people who hook up with teenagers as older adults are not the cream of the crop.

Everyone wants to think they’re mature enough to date an older person, but most of the time there’s going to be a power imbalance.”

5. Don’t ignore them!

“When you are little, it’s sweets which rot the teeth.

As we get older, the issue is different and you should be more concerned with bacteria on the gum line- cavities are still a thing, but so is inflamed, retracting gums.

Brushing before bed helps a lot. A lot. And flossing is also good. Take care of your gums.”

6. Avoid them.

“Toxic friends.

Seriously, if your friends only ever get you in trouble and treat you like a burden, they’re not your friends.

By all means the prospect of leaving a social group to find another social group can be pretty scary. Facing that fear is better than being around sh*tty people.”

7. Go easy on those things.

“I’m honestly surprised I dont see this mentioned yet, but energy drinks (at least not in moderation).

Especially the newer ones like Bang, that have a ton of caffeine. I was drinking upwards of 3-4 Monsters a day as a teenager and wondered why I had “insomnia”.

I’m pretty sure I dont have a heart problem, but even 1 cup of coffee makes my chest hurt a little now. Take care of your bodies, kids.”

8. You don’t need all that stuff.

“Aside from pregnancies and drugs, I’d say going into debt for stuff that’s not actually necessary to survive, like buying the newest phone, or car, or whatever.

Where I live it’s still pretty common that younger people take up loans or enter subscriptions/contracts (think phone, internet etc) to have the newest gadgets, only to realize they cannot afford after a while, then the late fees pile up etc, it can end badly.”

9. A really dumb move.


One of my school friends did this years ago. This doesn’t make you cool, he now has a criminal record, prevented him from getting jobs when he was 16.”

10. Good advice.

“Not picking up a creative and/or athletic skill.

One of the problems people face today is obsolesence: the skills you learned in your youth become useless because something new over the horizon will replace it. Kids today look up to influencers and are amazing at making tiktoks, but honestly, that’s not gonna last.

An athletic skill will give you a strong and healthy body for your entire life. A sport develops a competitive and goal orientated mindset that translates easily into any job. A creative skill develops sensibilities that will shape your worldview. Displaying your creativity gives you the opportunity to express and share yourself.

Not to mention that both develop responsability, time management, and a love of practicing to perfect those skills. In the long run, any of these skills is worth more than any amount of likes.”

11. Be your own person.

“Letting other people make your decisions.

I let religion, family, friends society etc. dictate my behavior. It’s comfortable because you tell yourself they know what they’re talking about… They don’t.

Sure, you’ll make bad choices, but at least they’ll be yours and you can learn from them. There’s a special kind of regret you feel when the bad choices you make are a result of other people living your life.

Trust yourself enough you fail. Think, make a choice, and actually live.”

12. Plug up those ears!

“Loud concerts without ear protection.

Seriously. You get a decent set of earplugs and in 10 minutes you don’t even realize you’re wearing them and your ears are better for it in the long run.”

13. You’re going to change.

“A hard set beliefs of any type.

People change as they get older and their beliefs change with more information and experience.

Brains in humans do not fully develop until about 25.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share some good life advice that you think teens should hear.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Share What They Think All Teenagers Should Definitely Avoid appeared first on UberFacts.

What Should You Do in Your 20s to Avoid Regrets Later in Life? Here’s What People Said.

Life should be about constantly evolving, constantly learning, and constantly trying to improve yourself.

You go through a lot of peaks and valleys during this interesting ride, and sometimes you just have to experience things firsthand for them to really sink in and force you to make changes.

BUT…I have to admit that if I could do it over again, I would’ve done some things differently in my twenties so my thirties would have been a little bit easier.

But we all live and we learn…

Check out these words of wisdom for twenty-somethings from AskReddit users.

1. Important.

“Learn how to budget. Even if it’s just a simple excel or google sheets file with one column of income, and one of expenses.

When you see everything you buy in a month next to each other, you realize where you can save money pretty well.”

2. Do it yourself.

“Learn how to be independently happy.

I wish someone could have screamed this in my face with a megaphone whenever I was about to do something codependently stupid in my 20s and early 30s.”

3. Good advice.

“Don’t smoke.

Don’t drink every day


Eat healthy.

Save your $ and invest.

Don’t marry crazy regardless of how good the s*x is.”

4. Go for it.

“Take chances.

Someone you fancy? Ask them out.

Want to try a new education path or hobby? Do it.

Have trouble with anxiety/self worth/past crappy experiences? Get a good therapist and work on it.

Your 20s are the time you get to figure out who you are.”

5. Very true.

“Protect your hearing!

Wear ear plugs at concerts and don’t always crank up the music in your car.”

6. Goals are good.

“Make sure that if you have a relationship with someone you actually nail down the long term goals and agree on them.

Like kids. How exactly will that work? Marriage? Find your deal breakers and take them seriously.

From 20-30 the time really flies and you don’t want to miss it.”

7. Be active.


Even lightly once a week. Just do something. Stretch too, yoga is great.

Some won’t try it because of the stigma, but just do it at home with YouTube videos if you want to.”

8. Do it!

“Learn how to cook and eat healthy.

You’ll save money and your body will appreciate it.”


“Live your life the way you want to, not the way your parents tell you is “best”, and not the way society “expects” you to. Unless that actually lines up with what you want.

I spent way too much time doing what I thought were the “right” things or the “best” things and I was actually miserable.”

10. Something to think about. 

“Don’t get married until you are able to be fully self sufficient. If you get married thinking the other half will “complete you,” you are dead wrong. Make sure you know who you are.

When in school get jobs in different fields that interest you. This will help you figure out what you really want to do.

Realize you aren’t stuck anywhere. You can change, you have time.

Have fun! You’ll have plenty of time to be miserable.”

11. Discipline.

“Create discipline.

Find what your goals in life are and set steps to achieve them. Create a minimal workout regimen that you must do (walk, push ups, swim, pullup bar by bathroom, whatever).

Create a diet you want to adhere to. 21 meals a week? You can only do fast food/unhealthy restaurant 4 times or so many desserts a week or so many unhealthy snacks a day.

Read! Read whatever interests you, and always try to find unbiased (yeah right) articles or at least read the side you disagree with too. Open your mind to feel empathy and know others live in this world.

Learn a little more than basic math. Learn an instrument or a couple songs on bass/guitar/drums. Get into at least 1 sport. Last, but not least, learn another language, more if you can.”

12. It’s harder to make friends as you get older.

“Seek out and/or retain social friendships.

College is over, and you probably won’t see a lot of those people very much anymore.

Don’t be afraid to look around for meetup groups or events in your area to meet new people.”

13. Let them know.

“If you don’t want to get married to the person you’re with, tell them.

It’s far better to have some hurt feelings now than to have severe regrets and a lot of legal fees later. Just listen to your gut.”

14. A black hole.

“Don’t get into credit card debt!

if you must get into credit card debt (life can be cruel sometimes), then know the best ways to pay it off over time and set a schedule for yourself. Then stick to it.

The minimum payments will kill you in the long run, but sometimes it’s the best you can do, and that’s okay. Credit card “debt” can save people from being homeless, take care of a medical emergency, help get more time with their kids, etc.

Sometimes it’s okay to but one thing that will help your mental health, too. Just know your limits and stop at one. Then make a plan to pay it off the way that works best for you and do it.”

15. It’s okay to change your mind.

“Always know that change is an option. Many people, myself included, start down a path and think that since I committed to that path, it’s the only path for me.

Don’t get caught in that thought process.

If a choice (career, location, relationship, etc) doesn’t feel right down the road, know you can make a new one. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you can make it through (and likely for the better).”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what advice you think all folks in their twenties should hear.

Please and thank you!

The post What Should You Do in Your 20s to Avoid Regrets Later in Life? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Good Habits That You Should Get Into in Your Twenties

Words of wisdom sure are great…

The only hard part is getting younger folks to actually listen to you when you try to give them advice about how their life might be a little easier once they get a little bit older.

But, you have to admit, you probably weren’t listening to many folks who were older than you when you were in your twenties because you already knew everything, right? Sure…we all did…and I’d like to go back and confront my 25-year-old self and smack him about a few things, if we’re being honest.

What should people do in their twenties do to avoid regrets later on?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about that.

1. A good tip.

“No unprotected *x.

One side of my family learned this the hard way. The kids are just terrible as well. Just for your own sake, absolutely no unprotected s*x.

Unless you just so happen to have roughly 40,000 dollars just floating around and genuinely think you’re ready.”

2. Go see the world.

“Travel, live abroad.

I was traveling around taking odd jobs between 23-28 and had a blast and had great memories with ppl from all over.

If I die tomorrow I can rest assure I had a hell of a ride back in the days.”

3. Get outside.

“Find and maintain hobbies that makes you active outdoors!

Nothing soothes the soul like being in nature!”

4. Do it while you’re young.

“If you yearn for adventure, go now.

You are young, your body is strong, and your obligations are few. Go now.

It’s so much easier to drop everything in your life for a 6-month hiking trip and then slide back into regular life when you’re 25 than when you’re 35.”

5. Interesting.

“If a job pays good money but it doesn’t fulfill you, STAY THERE!!!

I’m 50 and I’ve left good paying jobs because I wanted something better or more “fulfilling”, only to find it was never there. So I’ve jumped from job to job pursuing that “kick *ss” job. Instead I should have invested more time and effort into the decent jobs I had and built up a better portfolio.

All jobs will suck or parts of those jobs will suck. If you can pay your bills and take care of your family then it’s worth putting up with some BS.”

6. Keep working on it.

“Find a skill-based activity that you can work on and improve at over time.

Piano, calligraphy, jiu-jitsu, golf, whatever.

It’s good for humans to have something they are constantly working on improving.”

7. A good idea.

“Take care of your mental health, see a psychiatrist and a therapist if you need to.

Don’t be afraid of the stigma.”

8. You’re gonna need ’em!

“Take good care of your teeth.

Two adages to remember:

“Brush your teeth in the morning to keep your friends. Brush your teeth at night to keep your teeth.”


“If you ignore your teeth, they’ll go away.””

9. Avoid the big ones.

“You will make mistakes. Don’t let that hold you back.

Just try to avoid the big ones (I.e. things that will land you in jail, marrying for the wrong reasons, having kids with a dumb*ss).”

10. Put yourself out there.

“Date, date, DATE!

I have some friends who are in their late 20’s and its a struggle to have them try to meet people. Not saying its pivotal to date, but its good to know how work with other people who’ve been in relationships.

And recovering from a breakup seems like a good life experience prior to 30.”

11. Words of wisdom.

“Learn what kinds of problems you like to solve and build a career around that. Don’t build a career around tasks. There’s always going to be things you don’t like to do. If you’re solving a big problem the crappy tasks are easier to endure.

Learn good work ethic and develop good habits: be clean, show up on time, be rested, etc.”

12. Own it.

“Don’t blame things that are out of your control before you’ve taken care of things that are under your control.

As an example, if you are obese but also don’t eat right, don’t exercise, don’t get good sleep, smoke, and drink too much alcohol, then don’t blame genetics for your obesity.

After you’ve taken care of those other things, if you are still obese, then you can talk about your genetics.”

13. Do it your way.

“Don’t live your life by the subtle pressures and expectations of family and society.

I lived my life way too long doing what other people told me was right. Women don’t get an education unless it’s to meet a husband, have your babies before your 30, build your life around your family, always do what your elders tell you to.

Now I’m a closeted 36 year old divorced single mother who’s husband left her for someone younger and more pliable, with no education, no friends and a family who looks down on me because I am CLEARLY built wrong.

Live your life on YOUR terms. Take into account the advice of those who have more experience, but ultimately it’s your life and your choice.”

14. I like all of this!

“Life is short.

When you’re 20, it feels like 40 is really far off (after all, that’s twice as long as you’ve lived). It’s not. It’s right around the corner and even then, you’re only half way thru your life.

Take care of your body. You’re tough now, but all that abuse will catch up with you.

Drama is a success killer. If anyone (ANYONE!!) has a habit of starting drama, drop them from your life now. No one is so important that they are worth being dragged down into that pit.

Live off of less than 80% of your take-home pay if possible. Take 10% of that, drop it into savings and another 10% and put it in investments.

Have a plan. Doesn’t matter what the plan is and it doesn’t matter if it changes, but make a plan. Don’t just go through life day-to-day aimlessly doing what feels good in the moment. Decide what you want and go get it.

You will stumble (some people will call it failure) but as long as you keep moving forward, you’re in better shape than most.

Eat twice as many vegetables as you are now. I know you think you’re eating enough, but you’re not. And drink some water, for hydro’s sake!”

How about you?

What advice would give to people going through those difficult years?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Discuss Good Habits That You Should Get Into in Your Twenties appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Three Words of Advice They’d Give to Their 18-Year-Old Selves

To be young again…

When a lot of us are 18-years-old, we think we know everything and we believe we know how the future is going to work out for us.

Of course, the older you get, the more you realize you didn’t really have much of a clue at all. So what would you say to your 18-year-old self if you could go back in time and give three words of advice?

This is the tweet that got the ball rolling.

Let’s see how people responded!

1. Oh, Jason…

Young love…jeez…

2. You can do it!

This is coming from Bill James, a great writer!

3. It’s a good thing.

And everyone can use it at one point or another.

4. That would have been nice.

If you could just do it over again…

5. It’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to.

So don’t sweat the small stuff.

6. Put the bottle down.

It’ll catch up with you at some point.

7. Don’t EVER give up.

Always keep moving forward.

8. It’s not for everyone.

But it is a good idea for other people…

9. Get out of that house!

Sometimes, you just gotta go.

10. Just say NO.

It’s usually a pretty bad idea for most folks.

11. If it’s a bad situation, get out of it.

And don’t look back.

12. Don’t get involved in online drama.

It’s not worth it.

13. You have certain gifts for a reason.

Use them wisely!

Now we want to hear from you.

If you could go back in time and give your 18-year-old self only three words of advice, what would they be?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Share Three Words of Advice They’d Give to Their 18-Year-Old Selves appeared first on UberFacts.

What Three Words of Advice Would You Give to Your 18-Year-Old Self? Here’s How People Responded.

Do you remember what you were like when you were 18?

I was pretty sure things would flow very smoothly and I’d be well on my way to…well, I don’t know what exactly, but I was sure I’d be on the fast track to something.

But, as you know, life has a funny way of working out and, for me, it’s taken many turns and detours that I couldn’t have seen coming.

It’s all good, but I still wish I could go back in time and give my 18-year-old self some advice to make things a little bit easier, which I’m sure a lot of you do, too.

This tweet was thrown out to folks and it got them thinking…

So let’s see how they responded!

1. It doesn’t always work out.

Sad, but true.

2. This is great advice.

We could all use a little bit more cash in the bank.

3. You got this!

And don’t let anyone tell you any differently.

4. Get out of bad relationships as soon as possible.

They’ll just get worse.

5. Make the move.

It’ll be good for you.

6. Definitely not for everyone.

If you know it’s true for you, just don’t do it.

7. It ruins many lives.

And it costs a fortune.

8. Things will look up.

So keep moving forward.

9. Get that degree!

And get out into the world!

10. This is very important.

Help each other out.

11. Always trust your gut.

Believe in yourself.

12. You don’t always have to be in a huge hurry.

Good things come to those who wait.

How about you?

What would you tell your 18-year-old self if you could go back in time?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post What Three Words of Advice Would You Give to Your 18-Year-Old Self? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at this Interesting Life Advice From Women

The more experience we have in life, the more we learn.

The more we learn, the more we wish we’d known back when we hadn’t lived very long yet. It’s inevitable, it’s a part of life. You only get good at a game by playing it, and if you’re kind, you’ll help some newbies find their way as well. There was plenty of such life advice flowing from one particular Twitter thread kicked off by user @GayatriiM, who wrote:

There are endless replies, and a lot of common themes. Here are some of our favorites.

15. “Treat the other as just a human”

We cannot expect perfection.

14. “Boundaries are super important”

You can’t be all things to all people.

13. “What angers you controls you”

Don’t hand over the reigns.

12. “Keep learning all the time”

You’re never going to know it all.

11. “Give importance to self happiness”

You’re only one person.

10. “Indulge yourself”

You’ve only got this one life to live.

9. “Choose your battles wisely”

Otherwise you might get drained.

8. “If you are kind to yourself…”

A glass can only spill what it contains.

7. “If you are happy…”

Remember what you can and can’t control.

6. “Relations change”

Nothing is set in stone, that doesn’t mean these things aren’t meaningful.

5. “Build your tribe”

You can be civil without being close.

4. “Say no sometimes”

If you do everything, that will be expected forever.

3. “Live in NOW”

The past is the past.

2. “Be the fulcrum”

We are, at the end of the day, very simple machines.

1. “Pain is overrated”

You’re not here to suffer for someone else.

I know these were written specifically for people in demographics I don’t fit, but still, SO much feels universal. Be good to each other, but also be good to yourself.

What piece of advice would you like to pass along?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Take a Look at this Interesting Life Advice From Women appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Life Advice That Has Made a Difference

A lot of advice is a dime a dozen and not that helpful, but every once in a while in life you’re smacked upside the head with GREAT advice that you hang on to forever.

Maybe it came from a parent, a sibling, a boss, a teacher, or even a complete stranger.

When you hear it and it sticks with you, you know it’s valuable.

Check out the best advice that AskReddit users say they’ve received.

1. Can you live without them?

“My grandpa told me this after I had moved into with my girlfriend and said living together was coming so easily:

It’s not the person who is easy to live with, it’s the person you can’t live without.

We’re married now.”

2. This is good.

“My dad told me a story about a time he bought some firewood. He paid for a cord of wood, but the guy only dropped off half a cord.

When he went to the guy’s house to confront him about it, the guy pulled a gun on him, so my dad left.

“The lesson,” he taught me, “is that when you are dealing with crazy people, always leave them feeling like THEY owe YOU. That way, they will go out of their way to avoid you.”

I have used this advice several times in my life.”

3. Seems pretty true.

“Nobody has any idea what’s going on.

A lot less people actually have their sh*t together than you might think, but in reality everyone is just really good at faking it. Usually, they may have a true grasp of one or two things at best.

That advice made me a lot less anxious about doing things like trying new hobbies, giving presentations, or applying for jobs I know nothing about, because I know very few people are actually qualified to judge my performance.”

4. I like this one.

“My step-dad once told me:

If there is a problem and you know the solution, you can solve it, so stop worrying about it. If there is a problem you can’t solve, then there is nothing you can do, so stop worrying about it.”

5. Just enjoy it.

“The meaning to life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple.

Yet everybody rushes around in a great panic as if It were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves”

6. They’ll notice.

“When you find a place you like to work in, make yourself indispensable.

I’m a waitress and for the last 3& 1/2 years I’ve worked in a place I love to be in. There is no job there I turn down. I clean the toilets, I can run the potwash, I’ll do the hoovering.

If cuts ever have to be made, my name will not be on the list.”

7. Just go for it!

“There comes a time when one must risk something, or sit forever with one’s dreams”

8. You gotta go get it.

“I’m a 45 yo woman.

As a teen my dad told me to go after what I wanted… College, jobs, clubs, a guy I was interested in, any goal.

He said if we all just sat around and only took the opportunities that fell into our laps we would all be miserable, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Rejection can be survived, but there are some regrets from which you’ll never recover.

This has served me well professionally and relationship wise. My amazing husband only asked me out because I made sure he knew I was interested.”

9. Words to live by.

“Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard”

-College professor in my life drawing class when I got frustrated about not being as talented as other students in class, I buckled down and got my B and beat the class average by the end of the quarter.”

10. Don’t be an idiot.

“You are an idiot to focus on things you cannot change, instead of working on things that you can change.

That changed my life a lot.”

11. Use it to your advantage.

“The reason a lot of us experience anxiety is because we are idle or unhappy.

The best advice I ever got was from a random stranger. “Anxiety some times isn’t a bad thing it’s our bodies way of telling us to get in gear, and to press forward to give our life meaning and fulfillment” I went back to school quit my old job and it actually worked.

I have been Anxiety free for 2 years.”

12. Thanks, grandma.

“My grandmother was walking with me down the hall when I was in 3rd grade and noticed I was walking with my head down. She said, “always keep your head up high, and your shoulders back”.

I’ve done it ever since, and to this day I get compliments on how well I carry myself, and how much confidence I exude.

Every time someone says that, I’m taken back to that moment in time with my grandmother.”

13. It’s true!

“Every day you’re either getting better or you’re getting worse.

And the choice is yours.”

14. Do it the right way.

“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

That was my dad’s consistent line when I was growing up. Now I’m a thirty-something father, relatively successful in life, and that line is the consistent theme for me.

If I’m going to put effort into doing something, I will do the best job that I am capable of doing. Everything from home renovations, work projects, cooking a meal, to reading bedtime stories. Giving less than my best effort to the task at hand is doing myself a disservice, and the people I am working for.

That’s not to say everything has to be perfect all the time, sometimes your best effort is just getting the job done. But half *ssed attempts at anything mostly just lead to disappointment, and more work when you have to re-do the thing.”

15. Be positive.

“Go a week without complaining about others and yourself.

Actively stop yourself for a week and see how your outlook changes.”

16. It’s just the way it is.

“The world doesn’t care about you and it’ll leave you behind unless you try to make something of yourself.

The world isn’t cruel, it’s just apathetic.”

Do you remember the best advice you ever received in your life?

If so, please share it with us in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Discuss the Life Advice That Has Made a Difference appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Best Advice They’ve Ever Received in Life

Depending on who your role models were when you were growing into adulthood, you might’ve received great life advice when you were a kid in school, or maybe at your first job, or maybe from your parents.

Heck, maybe you even got great advice much later in life.

It’s different for everyone and it’s good to remember that you can get some nuggets of useful wisdom at any point.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Here’s what people on AskReddit had to say.

1. Good advice.

“I was in a pretty negative place in college, being quite cynical and sarcastic and really insecure with myself, so much that I was ragging on friends and generally trying to build myself up by putting other people down (you know the type, the friend who thinks he’s busting chops but really is kinda just being a d*ck).

My well-liked, popular roommate/friend noticed this and sent me this little bit, which I always hang onto:

“Immediately stop picking on peoples weaknesses, do what I do, expose their qualities and strengths, it makes them feel good about themselves and you too for noticing. When you make people feel good when you’re around, they are going to remember that feeling whenever you show up, you’ll be well received and missed often. Plus don’t you want your friends to feel good about themselves?”

It made me re-visit the way I’d been treating people around me.”

2. It’s yours to use!

“”Use your vacation hours, and don’t be afraid to call in sick every now and then either”.

No need to work like a dog and ignore your benefits to please a boss who doesn’t notice. Vacation/staycation days are gems that everyone should take!”

3. The way you say it.

“It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

Changing the way one phrases things can have an incredible effect.”

4. A good fix.

“My current boss says something as a joke that has helped me a lot more than he realizes.

I am a mechanic but am not always the most confident (even when I know what I’m doing).

He says “only one way to fix it, fix it.” Weirdly enough it always makes me focus and remember there’s no secret trick he knows that I dont, just got to do it.

Applied that to other areas of my life and it helps so much more than I would have thought.”

5. Aim high.

“Marriage shouldn’t be a 50/50 split.

It should be a 60/40 split where both are trying to be the 60%.”

6. He was right.

“During my first internship, I was super keen to please my supervisors and was an eager little brown-noser. Anything they would ask me, I would respond with an enthusiastic yes and rush to do that, even with mindless things like, typing out someone’s meeting notes, going out to buy office stationery, and even served coffee to some guests a couple of times, no matter how much I hated doing it.

Two months into the internship, the boss called me for a catch-up and bluntly described me as ‘servile’ to my face, and said that with my attitude, I would never grow professionally.

He said, “it doesn’t matter if you’re an intern or a manager, if you do not get over your habit of wanting to please everyone, you’ll never learn or achieve anything of value.” Though I was shaken then and even hated him a little bit, I eventually came to realize the truth in his words.”

7. Don’t worry about it.

“Don’t worry about whether or not you “belong” somewhere, or if you’ll fit in.

Do your part, respect and support others.

If you do that and people don’t accept you it’s their problem not yours.”

8. Be kind to yourself.

“When you’re being too harsh on yourself, imagine if the person with those issues is one of your friends.

Treat yourself like you’d treat that friend.

That helped me be way kinder to myself than before.”

9. You do you.

“Do your future self a favor.

This relates to prepping for the next day (clothes ironed, lunch packed) to saving money to making healthy choices.

It makes for easier decisions and a better life.”

10. Own it.

“”Pick a failure.”

Sometimes the only options available involve some sort of failure. That’s ok. Just pick one, own it, and move on. There’s almost never an instant, magic solution without long term consequences.

That rare time there is, learn to really embrace it.”

11. Words to live by.

“Don’t be an idiot.

It changed my life. Whenever Im about to do something, I think, Would an idiot do that?

And if they would, I do not do that thing.”

12. Be wise with your money.

“Save your money and always live within your means.

As someone not working now, having some stashed away has kept our family afloat.”

13. People REALLY aren’t paying attention.

“Nobody’s looking at you.

They’re worrying about how they look.”

14. It’s okay to say NO.

“Learn to say no.

This is especially helpful for codependents. Any kindness you pass onto others will be far more genuine if you’ve taken care of your own needs first.”

15. Sounds like a smart guy.

“I went to work in construction right out of high school.

Before my first day my grandfather told me, to be successful, keep your ears open, your mouth shut, and constantly outwork the person next to you.

I lived that advice and it has served me very well.”

How about you?

What do you think is the best life advice you’ve ever received?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Share the Best Advice They’ve Ever Received in Life appeared first on UberFacts.