People Share The Facts That Were Hidden From Them As Children


It has come to our attention that in most places it is NOT, in fact, illegal to have your vehicle’s interior cabin light on at night.

It’s just really distracting and annoying.

Some day some parents decided it was just easier to say it was illegal and it kind of stuck since then. Parents have just been out here telling kids half-truths like it’s literal law.

Reddit user jagenton25 asked: 

“What’s a fact that was hidden from you as a child?”

I know I just said half-truths, but some of these are outright lies—and outright brilliant.

Official Policies

“It is actually not the official policy of Wonderland (large amusement park near where I grew up) that you are only allowed to visit once per year.”

“I’m not mad, I actually think it was hilarious that my parents convinced us of this.”

– pm-a-surprise

“My parents let us believe that you were only allowed to go to Chuck E Cheese on your birthday (or your sister’s birthday, I guess).”

– kaleidoverse

“As a parent who had to pay for Wonderland…. this is amazing.”

– QueenA68

The Trade-In Program

“There isn’t a trade-in program to bring in old legos to get new ones. Some f*cker just stole all my legos from our parked car and my parents told me this so I would not be sad.”

“I hope he experienced the small parts choking hazard himself, the c*nt.”

– Buroda

“I know they’re expensive, but there has to be a special place in hell for someone who steals Legos.”

“You have to know you’re stealing from a child. What a piece of sh*t…”

– JADW27

Special Tailored

“Birthday Suits are not real suits.”

“Growing up in a household where the attire was a cross between business attire and church clothes, I always assumed the term Birthday Suit was a special tailored suit that was given to you on your birthday.”

– brokenturle

“Yeah. I made this mistake, except I made it when I was older and working.”

“I was so excited about going out for my 21st birthday with my brand new outfit. I told everyone I was going to wear my birthday suit.”

“A coworker had to pull me aside and tell me what it was. He was almost in tears from laughing so hard at me.”

“I still say it though because it’s funny and a great memory.”

– WeHaveGuns

That’s Illegal – Or Is It?

“That playing around with the interior lights while in a moving vehicle is actually legal… It’s just annoying.”

– Atomic_Chad

“I thought this was illegal until even after college.”

“Thanks, Mom and Dad. So many times it would have been helpful to turn the inside light on while I’ve been in the car in the dark!”

– Kartash

“My whole life is a lie!!!”

– ABotchedVasectomy

“My parents were the same. They would freak out if I turned it on.”

“I found out after turning 16 that it was because the windshield of our van became a f*cking mirror when a light was turned on inside while it dark outside.”

“Couldn’t see a f*cking thing.”

– gslwbfianf


“I grew up thinking I had a 6th sibling—a stillborn brother named Steve.”

“My older brothers told me about ‘Steve’ when I was about five, and I didn’t believe them, so I went to verify this information with my mother.”

“My mother has run a tutoring business out of our house for as long as I’ve been alive. She’s usually exceptionally busy; I think she had about eight students when I went to ask her.”

“My mom had five young kids. We were poor. She was always hustling and exceptionally busy.”

“She didn’t have time to deal with our crap while she was tutoring, and we mostly just asked her if we could get food and she would usually respond yes.”

“So I ask her whether I had a sixth sibling named Steve. She doesn’t even look up.”

“She just says something like “Yeah, yeah, now go play somewhere else.”

“I, of course, take this as unequivocal proof that Steve existed and that he was dead. It came from my mother’s own mouth, after all.”

“I believe this for the next decade. I only think about poor stillborn Steve once in a while on his supposed birthday, and I don’t bring it up again for eleven years.”

“I was at a debate tournament with my brother, hanging out with all my closest friends, when we start talking about dead family members.”

“Somebody’s grandmother is dead. Somebody lost their brother. I mention I have a dead brother, too. His name was Steve.”

“And then this uncomfortable exchange happens in front of everyone.”

“‘Who’s Steve?’ my brother asks.”

“‘Our stillborn brother, remember?’”


“‘You told me about him when I was five?’”

“A slow grin spreads across my brother’s face. I know this grin. Everyone in my family calls it his Chinese Devil Grin because it means trouble.”

“‘Wait,’ he says. ‘You’ve believed that for eleven years!? We made that up’.”

“‘But mom confirmed it!’”

“‘Nope. Totally made up. I can’t believe you actually thought that for eleven years!’”

“I’m not going to explain what happened afterward, but people called me ‘Steve’ for weeks. Also, I double-checked with my mother. There was no Steve.”

“So the fact that I DIDN’T have a brother named Steve was hidden from me as a child, I guess.”

– Thomhobbes

That One Tomato Plant

“My parents were gardeners.”

“We were pretty poor, so we did subsistence gardening and ate out of that garden most of the summer, and fished for protein.”

“BUT they also grew this herb, which looked a lot like tomato plants.”

“That’s what I thought it was—except it never grew tomatoes and was kept in a separate garden.”

“I did finally catch on, but it took a while.”

“Young mary jane plants look a lot like young tomato plants. My folks were hippies who had a very decent crop, which I now understand in retrospect.” 

– calcaneus

“We had a huge garden, but my father always kept one tomato plant growing in a lighted box in the basement closet.”

– Rosyshortcake

“The funny thing is it kind of smells like tomato plants, too. Oh, and they also have nearly identical nutritional requirements.”

– Capt_Hawkeye_Pierce

I Ain’t Afraid Of No Magic

“My dad had a 45rpm of the Ghostbusters theme song. He would play it for my brothers and I, and then say that he was magic and he would make the words disappear.”

“He would pick the record up, shake it around, say some magic words, and put it back on the record player.”

“Lo and behold, when the song started playing again, there were no vocals.”

“It blew our minds! Our dad really knew a magic trick!”

“Then I forgot about it for 15 years.”

“My dad decides he wants to get rid of most of his record collection, and asks me if I wanted any before he gave them away.”

“So, I’m sorting through the stack of 45s and there it is; The Ghostbusters theme! I excitedly hold it up, and remember the magic trick.”

“Then I flip it over and see that the B-Side was the instrumental version.”

“Of course I burst into laughter at the realization that I fell for such a simple trick. But I still had to confront Dad.”

“So, I bust into the kitchen all serious and toss him the disc.”

“I said accusingly: ‘what’s this!?’”

“‘Uh….The Ghostbusters theme song?’”

“‘Yeah, and what’s the B-Side?’”

“‘The instrumental version?’”

“‘Magic words my ass!’”

“The memory suddenly clicked and he started laughing hysterically. I guess it was something we had all forgotten.”

– ChuckZombie

So now that you’ve had some time to recover from the shock of that whole interior light thing, and you’ve read through what Reddit has to say, it’s your turn at the mic.

What truths did your family hide from you as a kid?

History Buffs Share The R-Rated Facts That Don’t Get Taught In School

I love history.

It’s a lifelong soap opera because history is actually riddled with drama and crazy.

But most of it is hidden from us.

Why is that? Don’t educators realize that the more salacious it is the more everyone will pay attention?

I’ve learned things about the past out of school that would’ve gotten me an “A” in class, because my attention would’ve been peaked.

An unknown Redditor wanted to get into some scandalous information we missed out on when we were younger.

They asked:

“Knowledgable Redditors, what are some R-rated facts about history that usually get left out of the average middle/high school classroom?”

Let’s get to learning.

Snip, snip, snip…

“JFK was the first US President to be circumcised. He was 22 at the time.”  ~ otis_the_drunk

The Most Powerful Symbol

“Ancient Romans drew penises on everything.”  ~ CorporalThornberry

“They also wore necklaces with winged cocks on them.”

“It was replicated recently by a jewelry company and turned out to look like a cock-cross so the Catholics all said nay nay and they cancelled it.”

“Source:“.  ~ rezlang

Hiding the truth…

“Powdered wigs became popular because they hid the baldness caused by syphilis, which was rampant in Europe during the 17th century.”  ~ Reddit

“Another crazy fact about these wigs, right before the French revolution.”

“The wigs the French aristocracy wore at the time were massive. To keep them from losing shape, they starched them.”

“Meaning they used edible grain to create wig starching powder. While the population couldn’t afford to eat because a loaf of bread became more expensive than a week’s wage.”

“It’s no wonder the revolution started and ended the way it did. French aristocracy was literally using foodstuffs to make their giant wigs stay up.”  ~ Mister_Dink

How Very Fifty Shades of It All

“History is really, really kinky.”

“Some ancient temples and holy places, especially in India, depict acts that range from orgies to bestiality.”

“Temple prostitute is one of the oldest professions and were widely accepted in early history, showing up as early as the Epic of Gilgamesh, which coincidentally also featured bestiality.”  ~ xenomorphs_at_disney

“Considering the number of ancient cultures that had ‘God have sex with animal’ as a prominent story it amazes me that people don’t realize how prevalent it has been throughout history.”

“I mean, there’s a whole story about Loki turning into a horse and doing it and birthing a superhorse, not to mention all the Roman/Greek deities gettin’ crazy.”  ~ losian

Oh My Anne…

“The diary of Anne Frank also included detailed accounts of her exploring her sexuality/ masturbation which was quickly edited out before it was published.”  ~ bttrflyr

“That was brave when she was living in a small space with several other people. I mean the masturbation is one thing, but writing about it in front of people with little to do? Damn.”  ~ Merle8888

Sacrifice the Children

“Infanticide happened through ‘almost’ every culture, on every continent, throughout history, to a significant degree.”

“Sometimes gender was a factor, sometimes it wasn’t. Ancient Egypt was the exception, but unwanted kids usually became slaves instead.”  ~ TimelyKaleidoscope

“The biggest reason in Christian Europe was birth defects.”

“A daughter could still pull her weight on the farm but a child with spina bifida or Downs or missing limbs couldn’t.”

“This was even worse than it seems because the rural poor, who made up over 90% of the population, were so inbred that up to one in eight children were born with an identifiable defect.”  ~ Reddit

“Pretty much. And there were myths that grew around these things to justify them, such as human beings being switched with troll babies, identifiable because the switched baby seemed sick and wasn’t thriving.”

“They were supposed to basically torture it until their ‘real’ child was returned.”  ~ TimelyKaleidoscope

A Scandalous Expedition 

“The were able to follow the trail of Lewis and Clark by finding mercury. Which they were taking to combat syphilis.” ~ Klaxon722

“York, Clark’s slave who accompanied the Corps, had a lot of sex because of his curiosity as a Black man.”

“Few Whites were ever in the area at all and no Black person ever made it that far up. It was mostly French trappers and Russian or Spanish explorers.”  ~ AudibleNod

2 is Too Many

“Twins were a scourge and were left in the wilderness. What a burden to a family.”

“I think we don’t appreciate how besieged by death and illness everyone was. A family could have 20 children and see 5 raised to adulthood.”

They weren’t inured to it or callus, they loved and grieved their children the same as we do.”

“They had God, family, friends, and untreated depression, alcohol, and suicide to get through it. And a lot of hard work.”

“So killing an infant they can’t care for was a mercy for the children they already had.”

“If you have 5 mouths and money barely to feed the 7 of you, it is cruel to all of you to bring in another 1 or 2 and make the lot of you starve.”

“Even more so if that child is born with a mark on them that shows it won’t make it past a few months or a few years.”

“Why starve 2 children when you can kill only 1? They didn’t do this cheerfully.”

“They did it to survive.”  ~NotMyHersheyBar

The Stench of It All

“Not R rated on its own, but have you ever considered how smelly history would be?”

“Imagine the signing of the declaration of independence.”

“A reportedly hot day, during a time when people didn’t bath often, people wore a bunch of layers, and you have a bunch of dudes packed into a room for hours.”

“The R rated part, all of these people had sex. And it would smell so bad.”  ~ jpterodactyl


“The Aztecs would wear someone’s skin for days until it peeled off as a ritual sacrifice to the maize goddess during the new harvest season, the skin was supposed to represent the husk of corn and how it would dry up and peel off the cob, also around this time they would have priests wear penis hats to represent fertility.”  ~ lizardlord217

“Let’s be honest, it’s the Aztecs we’re taking about.”

“A literal society based around human sacrifice, whose founding myth involves the revelation that the gods wanted human sacrifices “‘ike tortillas fresh off the griddle.’ (I.e., early and often).”

“What do you think the answer is?”  ~ DowncastAcorn

Now that is fun.

We really should scatter the fun with the just OK parts of history.

Scandal is the bedrock of every nation.

Just let the freak flag fly!

People Debunk The Most Commonly Believed ‘Facts’ That Are Actually Untrue

The line between truth and fiction can be a difficult one to find sometimes.

We are bombarded by dueling viewpoints a thousand times a day and it can be challenging to pick out what information is real, and what is just believed because it’s been repeated so many times.

In an effort to root out some of the falsehoods we believe, Redditor and Original Poster (OP) Mutating_Mammal asked:

“What are some common ‘facts’ that people believe to be true even if the existing evidence states the contrary?”

This theory doesn’t hold any water.

“Camels don’t use their humps to store water.”

“They use them to store fat reserves., Because storing fat reserves around the body like humans would keep them too warm, so they have it all in one spot.”

“Edit: since the day metabolizes as water and CO2, it is in a way a water source.”~ Cielbird

Speaking of water…

“Oooh, my time to shine.”

“I used to test pool water/hot tub water as a part time job.”

“This is what I learnt from reading the material that the company gave me, but my advice always seemed to work so I think it’s pretty solid.”

“There are two types of chlorine: Free Chlorine and Combined Chlorine.”

“Free chlorine is generally odorless in the pool.”

“It’s the chlorine that can attack bacteria.”

“Combined chlorine is chlorine that has already attacked some type of bacteria.”

“All it just stays in the pool and doesn’t do much.”

“That combined chlorine can make your pool smell like chlorine, or even make your pool cloudy.”

“If a pool smells like chlorine, it has too much combined chlorine.”

“To get rid of it, you need some type of oxidizer.”

“Like a calcium hypochlorite or something along those lines.”

“So in other words. Even if a pool smells horribly like chlorine, it can still be very unsanitary and unsafe to swim in.”~ Fangore

It doesn’t add up.

“That Einstein was a bad student, and was bad at math.”

“It’s just not true.”

“He got average-high marks, and was really just disdainful of the structure of school.”

“And he was good at math. Physics is like 90% math.”

“I get why people share it, it’s to make struggling students feel better about themselves, but can’t we tell them about something else instead of lying?” ~ nonfiction42

Honesty isn’t an official policy.

“People still think an undercover cop has to tell you they’re a cop.”

“How does that even make sense?”

“Months of preparations ruined on the first day because someone happened to ask the magic question.”

“Cops are allowed to lie to you and they will pretend to be your friend to get what they need from you.”

“Side note: Even if you’re innocent of a crime, the first words from your mouth should be ‘I want a lawyer.’ and you don’t provide any information until you have one.”

” ‘Anything you say CAN and WILL be used AGAINST you in the court of law.’ ” ~ sc0n3z

Never wait.

“It is rarely necessary to wait 24 hours before filing a missing person report” ~ emil199

There are, apparently, lots of water-related myths.

“A person drowning is not likely to be flailing wildly and yelling like in the movies.”

“Drowning can often happen with mostly silence, especially with kids.”

“Read up on the signs, it might save a life.”

“I was drowning and lost consciousness when I was 5, I was told I barely made a sound.”

“I went under, sucked in lungs full of water when I tried to cry out in surprise and blacked out.”

“If it wasn’t for my dad’s instincts and quick action I’d be dead.” ~ Guitar3544

Pack mentality.

“Alpha theory in dog training.”

“The researcher that originally described the dominance theory was watching captive wolves at a zoo- a pack that was artificially created from unrelated specimens.”

“The hierarchy in this curated collection was determined through fights and struggles for dominance and this dynamic was then applied to domestic dogs and how they view themselves in relation to humans.”

“This drove the ‘dominate your dog’ style of training popular with Cesar Millan and his acolytes.”

“When the scientific community was able to observe a wild wolf pack, however, they discovered that wild packs are family units and operate much the same way with a parental breeding pair at the top and their younger offspring forming the pack, sometimes several litters at a time.”

“As the pups grow older, they break off and form their own packs.

“The researcher that dismantled the theory, David Mech, described it thusly:”

” ‘Attempting to apply information about the behavior of assemblages of unrelated captive wolves to the familial structure of natural packs has resulted in considerable confusion.’ “

” ‘Such an approach is analogous to trying to draw inferences about human family dynamics by studying humans in refugee camps.’ “ ~ Still_Mighty

Speaking of animals…

Chicken is cooked when it is no longer pink and the juices run clear.”

“In fact, it’s cooked when it hits 75C (165F) and that’s it. What it looks like depends on the cut.”

“Chicken breast often has significant pink in it when it hits the temperature, which is why most people complain about dry boring chicken, because they overcook it.”

“On the flipside, wings can look cooked when they aren’t, which is why they’re a major source of food poisoning.”

“The most important thing I learned working in a commercial kitchen.” ~ aegeaorgnqergerh

A hard day’s work.

“People have a misconception that we work less today than we have throughout history.”

“In actuality, hunter-gatherers worked an average of 3 to 5 hours a day.”

“Ancient civilization farmers only worked during seasonal and agricultural periods, averaging about 10 hours a day for only 120 days a year.”

“Roman documents show that most artisans only worked about 6 hours a day from the hours of 6am to mid-day. They were given multiple holidays from frequent festival days.”

“Medieval farmers and peasants worked about 8 hour days in the summer, but worked less in winter months due to less daylight, averaging only about 5.5 hours of work each day.”

“It wasn’t until the mid-18th century that workdays became longer, with the invention of replaceable part.”

“Workers in London in 1750 worked 11 hours per day, five days a week.”

“Sunday was the day of rest, but those in gainful employment also skipped work on Monday, which was dubbed ‘Saint Monday’ at the time.”

“The industrial revolution was the kickstart of long workdays and few holidays or leave.”

“Factory workers in mid-19th century England worked 16 hours a day, 311 days per year”

“Comparatively, the average office worker today in the USA works 7.8 hours a day, 311 days per year.”

“TLDR; we work more today than almost every other generation leading up to the 18th century.” ~ SaltySFSailor

We tend to accept the things that we hear over and over again, but repetition does not mean accuracy.

Take a harder look at the long-held “facts” that you believe, and you might just find that they don’t hold up as well as you thought.

People Break Down The Wildest Rumors From High School That Turned Out To Be True

As often as we were told not to believe—or spread—them, we tended to love rumors in high school.

Whether it was an overheard tidbit flying around the hallways or some juicy gossip in the lunch room, it wasn’t uncommon to find ourselves bending our ears to hear every eye-widening detail.

Apparently Redditor tall_hopelessromantic was feeling a bit deprived of the tea lately, because they kicked off a thread with the following question:

“What popular rumour in your school turned out to be true?”

Plenty of people, of course, spoke of romantic affairs. 

“Our science teacher was having an affair with our science technician and regularly left the class to have sex with her in the technicians room.”

“That rumour started day 1, then 4 years, 2 divorces and 2 very quick departures later it was confirmed and what was left behind was a technicians daughter in my year whose life had fallen apart.” — Porochaz

Some were quite upsetting. 

“That a 12-year-old 6th grader had gotten pregnant over summer break. Our Los Angeles county suburb (it was a small and far-separated from LA itself, see how large that county actually is on Google if you are unawares)…”

“…was so scandalized by this ‘rumor’ that a newspaper article came out with a cartoon drawing of a pregnant girl in a pretty little girl dress and ribbon in her hair — playing with dolls and kneeling next to a doll-house — accompanied the story about the ‘little girl who got pregnant and planned to keep the baby.’ “

“She was interviewed. I remember her name but it’s unnecessary— the whole damn town knew who it was.”

“What’s wild is that the kids in Jr. High actually had a baby shower for this 7th grader as she got close to full-term, and all brought in packs of diapers and formula for her on a designated day. With the teachers, principal, and probably the school district in support of this. The year was 1984-1985.” — RelentlesslyCrooked

But others were a bit more wholesome.

“In my Catholic (Jesuit) high school, one of the priests and one of the nuns were very close friends. We all loved them, and we could see that they were quite fond of one another (and they made a really nice looking couple).”

“We used to affectionately kid them about ‘meeting in the tunnel’ between the convent and the rectory. A few years after my class graduated, they both left their Orders, got married, and had kids. We’re all happy for them.” — SmokeHimInside

Other rumors hinged on crime and other questionable activities.

“In high school: that the biology teacher was growing weed in the environmental lab. Supposedly he did it for 30 years without anyone noticing. No one could ever prove it though.”

“Later on, I was assigned to be the agent taking care of some of his financial matters, so I went to his house to have him sign some paperwork. He had a hydroponic setup there, so I asked him about the environmental lab. It was like Han Solo in The Force Awakens.”

“ ‘It’s true. All of it.’ Then he offered me a brownie.” — JayMax19

In one case, the truth was stranger than fiction. 

“That one of the students was actually a cop. Turns out he was a cop and busted one of the actual students for selling handguns in school.”

“If you thought 21 jump street was unrealistic think again. Cop was a 33 year old male and undercover for like half the semester.” — AllThotsGo2Heaven2

Then there was the horrifying kind. 

“That one of the seniors in my school wrote all over the men’s room bathroom about bringing a bomb to school.”

“The bomb squad evacuated us all, dogs came and they found one in a random locker. It was absolutely nuts, kid got arrested two seats next to me in english class a couple of days later once they could prove he did it” — Alienexxa227

And of course, more weed. 

“There was always a rumor that the head janitor was a huge pothead and would smoke with students in one of the storage sheds away from the main building.”

“I always figured it was bullsh** until my friend CJ sent me a pic of him and the janitor smoking weed while surrounded by folding chairs.” — apocalypticradish

In one case, the rumor was shownto be true, rather than told

“At our school this one kid was rumored to be a son of one of the local gyms amateur boxer teacher. Non of us had no real reason to think twice about it. Once we got to high school this kid started teasing that kid.”

“I had a couple of mutal friends with the bully so I warned the guy he might want to let up on teasing him. A couple days go by the dude didn’t stop. And the boxer’s kid proceeded to give this guy one of the worst one sided fights I have ever seen.”

“The bully learned his lesson and never bullied anyone else for the rest of our high school years. So it turned out to be true.” — gibry12

For one teacher, the scientific method left every door open. 

“Biology teacher decided to use the scientific method to personally prove or disprove to himself that humans could photosynthesize.”

“He did this by laying bare ass naked on his front lawn, landing him a public nudity charge.” — Arikan89

And some were just plain bizarre.

Like this one, which involved an animal.

“this was a roumour that went around my elementary school. basically my school had a lock down but they didn’t tell us what it was for.”

“one kid came in the next day and told us that his sister said it was a cow in the field in between the high school and middle school. so my second grade class went and told everyone else in the school. the next day we had an assembly that confirmed this rumor.” — Ptential_Hedgehog92

Or this one, which also involved an animal. 

“In middle school, there was a rumor my 7th-8th grade Social Studies teacher owned a pet donkey. Turned out to be true. The donkey’s name was Pedro the Donkey.” — MasterAqua2

But no matter how wild or out there these rumors may sound, we can rest assured there plenty more—perhaps wilder—out there as well.

Only you know how your school stacks up .

What White Lie Do You Tell About Yourself Because the Truth Is Too Complicated?

It happens to all of us sometimes…

Someone asks us a question that is probably meant to be an icebreaker or they’re just trying to avoid awkward silence and we clam up.

Because the question asked would produce an answer that is just way too complicated and involved to even get into…so you just tell a little fib so everyone can continue on with their day and you hope it won’t come up again.

People on AskReddit admitted what little white lies they tell people because the truth is too complicated.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Just go with it.

“That I’m married.

My wife and I are separated but get on well enough to raise our daughter but not be together emotionally or s**ually. I still live in the house and we pool our money to give our daughter the best environment we can. Oddly we fight WAY less than we did before so the environment has improved massively.

We both just have FWB or f**k buddies that we see when time permits although we have an explicit rule about introducing people to our daughter AND no banging at home if there’s a chance the other/our daughter may come back home.”

2. Keep it movin’.

“”I have a boyfriend” instead of “We just started talking in a game and you’re asking me out. I don’t know you and now I’m creeped out”.”

3. Good plan.

““I don’t have a mic.”

Usually if I end up talking on video games and they realize I’m a girl, their conversation becomes uncomfortable or just annoying.”

4. This is my friend.

“I always just say “my friend” instead of saying “my daughter’s mom” or “my ex” because the latter two give off an awkward tone in conversations.

And whatever I’m bringing up usually isn’t related to the fact that she’s in the role that she’s in, so it’s not something that really needs to be specified anyway.”

5. Don’t get into it.

“That I am mildly allergic to garlic and onions. Technically I am Dimethyl Trisulfide and/or diallyl disulfide intolerant.

It is similar to lactose intolerance and is not an actual allergy, but that takes a fair amount of explaining.”

6. Nobody’s business.

““I can’t have kids”.

Easier than trying to explain the medical condition that necessitated removal of both of my Fallopian tubes. Technically I can still have kids, I’ll just never conceive them naturally.

Although if I’m having a particularly bad day, or someone won’t let it go (I’m looking at you “it’ll happen when you least expect it” lady from last week) I’ll give them my whole medical history.. usually makes people very uncomfortable, which serves them right IMO.

Stop asking people you barely know about their reproductive plans! Maybe they’ve experienced recurrent miscarriage, maybe they have been trying for years, maybe they have genetic conditions they don’t want to pass along. Or maybe they just don’t want them! In any case they don’t owe you an explanation.”

7. Don’t touch.

“That I don’t like to shake hands.

In reality, I’m totally fine with it. However, I have a condition known as hyperhidrosis, which means that my sweat glands are hyperactive. I sweat A LOT and pretty much constantly.

For me, I sweat the most from my hands and feet, but others also sweat heavily from their underarms. It’s not something I can control or manage easily. People who have shaken hands with me are grossed out and actively try to avoid me touching them.

So rather than tell people this and open myself up to “Ew, that’s so GROSS,” and stuff like that, I just say I don’t like physical contact.”

8. I can’t hear you.

“I moved from the West Coast to Upstate NY.

I started a new job at a hospital and couldn’t understand what anybody said. Everyone spoke so fast. I told all coworkers and patients that I was deaf in one ear and to speak more slowly, please. And they did! Everyone was so nice and so sorry for me.

Also when people ask me how many kids do I have, I say 2. I actually have 3. My daughter d**d from cancer and I just don’t feel that I have to explain this to strangers. The important people in my life know and they’re the ones who count.”

9. Can’t deal with it.

“That’s I’m allergic to shrimp.

Nothing else seafood related, just shrimp.

I have an irrational fear of them, which people always question me about. It’s just…the…way…they…curl…”

10. Too much background.

“I tell folks I’m from Texas, or if I’m in Texas, that I’m from California.

I usually say those white lies because they’re technically true, but actually I’m a refugee from a country that broke up in a civil war.

No, I don’t want to talk about that experience. And no, I don’t want to explain how old I was and all that other stuff.

Like, other folks don’t have to tell their entire life story to a salesman in Men’s Warehouse.”

11. No drinks for us.

“That we dont drink because we don’t really like it.

My husband is a recovering al**holic and is nailing recovery like a bada**, but it just makes things awkward!”

12. It’s easier this way.

“I dont have a sense of smell.

It’s easier to say that then explain what smells I can actually smell, or the fact that I cant identify smells correctly.

Example: My parents and I were looking for a new house. We walked in and I was pleasantly greeted with the strong smell of lemon pledge. My parents and boyfriend were complaining of headaches, dizziness and nausea.

I just thought it was too strong for them to handle. My mom then informed me that what I was actually smelling was cat pee.

Other examples would be things like…

Stir fry smells like spaghetti

Cinnamon smells like that generic flowery smell in women’s products

Meat loaf smells like cookies (which is extra disappointing because I’m vegetarian).”

Do you ever do this?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What White Lie Do You Tell About Yourself Because the Truth Is Too Complicated? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the White Lies They Tell About Themselves Because the Truth Is Too Complicated

Sometimes, it’s just easier to tell a little white lie to people instead of getting into some long, convoluted story that’s just too complicated to explain.

And we all do this once in a while, right?

What little white lies do you tell yourself to avoid telling the complicated truth?

Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded.

1. In pain.

“I often make it seem like I can only use a wheelchair to get around the place…

Rather than explain just how far I can walk before the pain gets too much…

Which is a horribly short distance BTW.”

2. A bad memory.

“My number of siblings.

No one wants to hear about a long-d**d sister.

It just makes people uncomfortable, and there’s no reason to do that.”

3. A curveball.

“I had to leave the Army because life threw me a curveball.

What I really mean is I was honorably discharged because I couldn’t provide a satisfactory family care plan on where my daughter would go if I had to go to the field for a few weeks of training or got another long deployment.

I became a single parent suddenly when my wife was k**led by a drunk driver after I returned from my second deployment to Iraq.

This explanation usually leaves an awkward silence because no one knows what to say.”

4. Mom.

“I tell them my mother is d**d…

Not a paranoid schizophrenic who kidnapped me at 8 m.o and left me in a drawer of a dresser in the closet of a hotel room alone for days. (who any time was in my state after that required me to have a police escort and spend lunch and recess in the principal office. )

It used to suck trying to lie about why I was in detention or why the police came to school for me.

The last time me and my mom spoke was years ago: she offered to take me to dinner. Drove me to the gas station dinner three blocks from my house, said she wasn’t hungry and had to leave soon then made me walk home before we could even order food. I hadn’t seen her in 8 years.

We spent less then 30 minutes together. I was 17. When I got home there was a message on the answering machine of her telling me what a loser I was.

So she’s dead if anyone asks.”

5. OD.

“That my dad d**d in his sleep.

In reality, he died of an overdose of sleeping pills while in a hotel with some random woman. I have heard conflicting stories all my life.

I was told by some it was suicide, some he was drinking, took pills, forgot he took them, then took another dose, some say it was actually heroin

I don’t think I will ever really know.”

6. Unlucky.

“I tell them I left one of my jobs because they didn’t accommodate my school schedule.

In actuality, I quit because I got demoted when I reported my co worker of $40,000 worth of credit card fraud from our customers. The company was Samsung, American division.

They made my life a living hell because my manager was upset that I didn’t tell him about the fraud. (I told the security team anonymously and obviously they didn’t keep it anonymous!).

My manager would have gotten a bonus if I had told him about the fraud, so he took it as disloyalty and demoted me, and told everyone I was a snitch.

I quit because I put so much into that job but it got too stressful.

I was unemployed for a year after that. And then Covid hit.

I’ve been pretty unlucky these past few years.”

7. I live in the city.

“That I live in ___ city.

I really live in a suburb right outside of it, but nobody ever knows where it is because there aren’t many houses.”

8. Just keep it simple.

“”I don’t drink” is so much easier than explaining my complicated and unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

And also… If it turns into a discussion, you’ve sort of already “chosen sides”, and it’s much more of a hurdle to turn around and drink then.

If I am honest about being conflicted, you inevitably run into people who try to sway you to “their side”, and the bar for doing it will be much lower.”

9. Keep the nosey ones out of it.

““My brother is visiting me”

In truth, actually one of my closest friends from college is a guy and I’m a woman. He’s very close with my family and comes up to stay with me every couple months for a weekend.

It’s awesome, however I really don’t love my one nosey coworker asking me if I’m dating said friend every time we all discuss our weekends at lunch. it makes it a throwaway small talk line to say “oh my brother is visiting”.

10. Wow.

“My name.

My first name is Seven and people always ask about it. My mom never really gave me a straight answer so I like to have fun when people ask. A few of my most used replies are as follows.

I actually have 6 younger siblings

My mom’s a gambler and 7 is her lucky number

My mom really liked that Eddie Murphy movie

My mom is incredibly religious and believes 7 is a holy number.”

11. No shame in that.

“That I drive my older car because it’s paid off and I don’t want a car note. In all honesty it’s because I can’t afford a new car and my credit is totally f**ked.

I work for myself, dropped out and got my GED, have no college under my belt and on paper resume don’t qualify for a decent paying job. I’ve got a repo on my record from when I was knee deep in my addiction and drinking, recently hit my 6 month sobriety marker.

Trying to better myself, but it’s a baby step game, trying not to get discouraged but my credit is a dark cloud over my head at times. Restricts me from getting a better place to live, or a better car situation.”

12. Take care of yourself.

“”Oh, I just took some time off school”.

I was actually in psychiatric hospital for three months.”

13. Lies!

“I work for a third party broker representing a national client (M&M’s candy) in retail stores. Some people have no idea what that means so I just tell them I work for M&M’s. And I still hear-

So you just hand out candy?

It must be tough working with kids.

How do you stay slim when you eat candy all day?”

14. You’re Russian.

“When I was 16, one of my lab partners at school (a guy I didn’t know very well) told me that I looked like I was Russian (and yes, I do look like it).

I’m half Polish, but when I tried to correct him, he cut me mid-sentence and started asking me questions about Russia, which I could not answer because the teacher came and told us to shut up.

Later that week, many people asked me about it (I went to a school where there was basically no one with slavic heritage), and soon the entire school was convinced I was from Russia. I couldn’t be bothered correcting everybody, so I just went along with it.

Don’t know if it qualifies as a white lie, but here it is.”

How about you?

Do you ever tell any white lies to make your life a little bit easier?

If so, tell us about them in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Admit the White Lies They Tell About Themselves Because the Truth Is Too Complicated appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s a Ridiculous Lie Your Parents Told You? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Parents gotta do what they gotta do…

They’re in charge of making sure their kids survive and thrive, so sometimes they gotta lie to make things run a little bit smoother.

But then there are some parents who really go over the edge with the whole lying thing…

AskReddit users went on the record and talked about the most ridiculous lies their parents told them.

Take a look!

1. He did the right thing.

“My dad got fed up of watching Barney the dinosaur when I was a kid, and one day when I asked to watch it, he said:

“You can’t”


“Because Barney died”

I never did watch Barney again.”

2. Now I’m scared.

“When I was little, my mom told me if I didn’t finish my dinner my stomach would get very hungry and come up and eat my brain.

A few nights later I woke her up at midnight crying because my stomach growled and I needed a second dinner or it would eat my brain.”

3. Poor Alice.

“That my siblings and I had a sister named Alice.

Apparently she wouldn’t stop talking in the car so they dropped her off on the side of the road…never spoke on road trips ever again.”

4. Joke’s on you.

“When I was a kid my father told me about “the can”.

He said it contained a family secret of incredible value, and that when I turned 18 I could see it. On my 18th birthday I asked my father about the can, he said “what the f**k is the can?” and after I reminded him of it, he burst out laughing, saying that he was f**king with me.

For almost a decade I believed that I would be privy to some cosmic secret on my 18th birthday, turns out I’m just very impressionable.”

5. Sad.

“My dad d**d in a car accident a few years ago. And till this day my mom says that he is still on vacation.

I don’t know if it is a coping method for her but i haven’t said anything about it.”

6. Beware…

“That if I didn’t brush my teeth, tiny teeth goblins would sneak into my room at night and pull out my teeth while I slept.

I was genuinely afraid of the teeth goblins.”

7. In denial.

“I lived with my grandma until I was 16.

My mom is currently telling me that never happened and she never left me with grandma. I guess I imagined my entire childhood

‘Lived with’ doesn’t do it justice. Grandma raised me. I alternated weekends between my mom and dad but I’m sure her 4 days a month are made up too.”

8. They really like me!

“My birthday is the 11th of July.

The gas station 7/11 gives away free slushies on 7/11. At 7, 8, & 9 years old my parents just told me that the 7/11 wanted to celebrate my birthday by giving me free slushies and I did not question it.

I thought the gas station just really liked me.”

9. Weird.

“If I acted up my mom would say she was sending me to the hospital to be put down.

It really really f**ked me up.

She even drove a sobbing puking me to the hospital to be put down one day, she said she would give me a second chance and didn’t take me in.”

10. Hungry?

“When I was younger i learned that mushrooms were a fungus and refused to eat them.

My dad made me some soup with mushrooms in it and i threw a fit about eating it, so he inspected the bowl and told me they were whale toes.

Apparently i was old enough to know that mushrooms were a fungus but not old enough to know that whales didn’t have feet.”

11. It’s in there somewhere.

“When my dad wanted me to stop bothering him he would send me on aimless errands.

“Go to the shed and get me the chain stretcher”.

I’d be looking for hours.”

12. Lame.

“Parents always claimed we were a poor family growing up so didn’t have money for sport clubs/hobbies or expensive school trips.

Got older and realized it was due to the amount of money they would spend on weed.

They still don’t see it as an issue to this day.”

13. Better watch your step.

“They told me kids came from a government agency called the CAA (Child Assignment Agency) and that they could exchange me when ever they want if I ever misbehaved.

They told me they were eyeing a “well behaved little girl” but hadn’t decided yet.

They used it against me for years.”

Did your parents ever tell you any outrageous lies?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post What’s a Ridiculous Lie Your Parents Told You? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Things That People Faked for Attention

We all need a little attention from time to time. But how far are we willing to go?

For some, the answer is clear: WHATEVER. IT. TAKES.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Oh boy, does Reddit have some stories.

1. A heart attack

My grandmother faked a heart attack because she and my dad got into an argument at Thanksgiving.

Grandfather was so embarrassed.

– acorngirl

2. The “asthma” attack

One of my classmates got an asthma attack and everyone was flocking over to them to make sure they were okay.

On the other side of the room another one of my classmates also got an asthma attack, even though it was common knowledge that she didn’t have asthma (there were very few people in class that had asthma and we all knew just in case it was an emergency). They faked the hard breathing and exaggerated gasps.

It was weird that someone would do something like that just so they would have attention.

– AmeriRos

3. The hallucination

One of my friends friends pretending to be hallucinating.

She even had the nerve to ask me “how long do hallucinations last?”.

She was doing it to see how her boyfriend would react.

– Anqel_Celeste

4. The seizure

A girl in my class faked a seizure after someone got injured in baseball practice, she loved the attention.

Her seizure magically came to a halt when I suggested we call 999

– chocotripcookies

5. The possession

Being possessed by the devil.

He would ask people to hit or slap them to prove that it didn’t hurt him as if that proved he was possessed.

This went on for like 3 months until he got bored and just started acting normal again.

– dylan7404

6. The center of attention

There was this one dude, Jake, hated it when the attention wasn’t on him.

This was roughly 12 years ago but once after a party ended he was deemed too drunk (he had a beer and 2 shots of sour pucker liquor) he stayed the night them pretended to sleep and that he was a soldier during nam and was running all over the place with his eyes closed.

One of his buddies ended up tossing a bucket of water on Jake but that didn’t wake him up. That same buddy tackled Jake before he ran outside to make a scene and that magically woke him up.

Whenever there were get togethers he would saying he’s gonna hurt himself when people weren’t interacting with him.

People stopped paying attention cause he would say it every single time and when he realized it he’d start throwing a tantrum that everyone hates him and that he has no friends so no one would care.

I responded, “the police will care. Let me call them” he stopped that act real quick

– SingleWar5

7. The other woman

In high school I had a toxic, controlling friend. She once set me up with this classmate of ours, essentially pushing for it to make us both just feel cornered.

A week or so later, he breaks up with me (didn’t really give a s**t, really) and then not quite 12 hours later, she calls me and confesses that he loved her all along and how guilty she felt but this is the man for her.

She’s just going on and on. His sisters are supposedly pressuring him to confess that he’s gay but he denies it, says he and my friend have s** all the time. So she runs with it, allowing this ongoing lie that they’re having all this s**, they’re so in love, just really laying it on thick.

Dude later comes out as gay and they were both still virgins. I just don’t get the point? She further ruined a s**tty friendship for a guy that was gay. But for what? People are f**king weird.

– bitterherpes

8. The miracle recovery

A girl said to me she has cancer 3 days after I rejected her proposal.

I still didn’t accept her in my head I was feeling terrible that I am such a bad person but 2 days after that she said she got cured.

So either I am crazy or there must be some fastass super effective chemotherapy out there.

– shrewdlyweird

9. The phantom pregnancies

A chick I went to high school with always faked pregnancies, did this multiple times.

It got to a point where she stole her sisters ultrasound pictures and posted it everywhere… Her sister ended up calling her out on her bs.

Then she claimed she had a miscarriage..which she also lied about multiple times.

– mynameis-human

10. The fight


I was in an argument with a girl in elementary school and she was being antagonistic.

She picked a scab and squeezed it until it started bleeding. She started crying as if I’d hurt her.

– Narrow-Ad-6338

11. The injury

I’m an aerial instructor, some of my students are young girls, between 9 and 14 yo..

One of them once said she broke her back and she wouldn’t be able to climb on the silks.

Then she spent several minutes crawling on the floor asking for help.

She had absolutely nothing, she always does that kind of thins the get attention

– TotalCardiologist793

12. The finger-pointer

A pupil with a grudge against a teacher at my school deliberately broke his own finger by slamming a locker door on it and then accused the teacher of slamming his finger in a door in a fit of anger, just to get him into trouble.

Of course, the problem was it was his index finger and he could not have had it so badly damaged without severely bruising/cutting/breaking the fingers on either side.

He was psychotic!

– VorlonKing

13. The hall of fame

we had a girl fake asthma (for years, she then became a smoker so), a couple faked mental health s**t like anxiety, depression, panic attacks and tics.

My personal favorite is this one guy faked having a record label sign him even though he was 12 and he would leave class on fake phone calls with his “producers” lol.

– punkmf

14. The inmate

A friend of my classmate faked her death once.

My classmate went on for five years believing that her friend was dead.

Turns out, the girl was just in prison.

Her grandparents (who she had been living with her whole life) told everyone that the girl had died and everyone believed it.

They even had a fake funeral for her. I don’t know much about it, but that’s what I do know.

– purple_flower18

15. The survivor

In second grade this girl everyone loved said her sister threw a plastic headband at her and it scratched out her eyeball, so she had to go to the ER and they dug through a bucket full of donated eyeballs to find one that matched her iris color.

She also told us she had her leg bitten off by a shark and had a prosthetic leg (but we all saw her at a water slide party a week later so that was hard to explain)

– OctopiBlobby

However lonely you get, try to never be this person.

Do you have stories like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Things That People Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Weirdest Things They’ve Faked for Attention

We all do stupid things for attention once in a while. For instance, I got a theatre degree.

But some people really truly take it too far. And it gets UNCOMFORTABLE real quick.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Prepare your shocked face for these tales from Reddit.

1. The speech impediment

A kid in elementary school faked a speech impediment so she’d keep getting out of class for speech therapy.

Initially it was real, but speech therapy had totally cured it. She just didn’t want anyone to know. One of the words she mispronounced was “yellow.” She would say, “Lellow” instead.

One day we were on the playground together and she said, “I’m gonna tell you a secret!” she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “YELLLLOWWWW,” with a hard “Y” at the beginning. Then she laughed and said, “Don’t tell anyone!”

So I didn’t, until just now.

– NeedsMoreTuba

2. The “cousin”

When I was in middle school, a girl who was a senior at the high school died.

This girl in my class said it was her cousin, she even broke down crying in class, shaking, hyperventilating..etc.

Turns out it was not her cousin, in fact, she never even met or knew of her till she died.

– Cannonfury

3. The stoner

In year 7 this kid always pretended to be high so he would seem cool in front of everyone, I’m pretty sure he’d never done any drugs of any kind since all he did was act like he was seeing stuff lmao.

Eventually he told everyone he was smoking weed in school and the headmaster called his parents and he got in s**t.

– Time-Sand-1452

4. The senator

One of our senators is the lunatic daughter of a late dictator

She never finished college, but keeps insisting that she graduated from Princeton, as well as one of the top law schools in our country. She doesn’t show any paperwork, photos, degrees, diplomas, or records of any kind.

She just insists it’s true despite it being the easiest thing in the world to debunk (as it was, over and over through a simple email or phone call to the schools in question.)

Her bizarre, elaborate statements to dodge simple yes/no questions about her academic credentials have become somewhat of a meme.

– AdvocateSaint

5. The hidden friends

In high school this kid passed away in a car accident. I didn’t really know him but was tight with his older brother.

The sheer amount of people who never associated with him that came out of the woodwork was f**king crazy.

Like the guy was really into riding dirt bikes and any x games types of hobbies (skating, bmx, snowboarding) and actively talked s**t on a couple of regular sports jocks. But apparently they were best friends when nobody, not even his brother knew they were. His brother just kinda eye rolled them to their face and talked mad s**t with us later on. It was really pathetic to take one families pain and try to get attention with it.

– No-Umpire4788

6. The big emergency

An acquaintance faked a kidney stone problem, demanded her husband take her to the hospital in the middle of the night, and then when he got dressed and grabbed the car keys, she insisted on going alone by car and warned him that she might get into an accident and end up getting killed, and it would all be his fault.

He insisted on taking her, and she wouldn’t go, she would only go herself, all alone, risking her life in a car accident.

So it’s either getting the kidney stones untreated, or risking her life in a terrible car accident that might happen.

They had a huge falling out and she went back to bed.

Of course, this was all a result of a previous fight they had earlier that day.

– madashmadash

7. The kidnapping

A boy i went to elementary school with faked being kidnapped in the middle of the school day. He disappeared for hours. The whole school was in a panic, especially his mother who was a teaching assistant.

They eventually discovered him “passed out” in the woods near the school.

He claimed that one of the Hispanic construction workers who was across campus working on a new building had abducted him, beat him unconscious and left him for dead in the woods.

However, he did not have any signs of being assaulted. He was just covered in dirt.

His mother was immediately suspicious of her sons behavior, not sure why, and told authorities she thought he was lying. The construction worker he blamed had several good alibis. He had a special trade that made his whereabouts particularly important for the project they were working on that day.

The cops investigated and his story quickly fell apart and he confessed to making it up. I’m not sure why he did it.

I went to school with him for years after. He was a weird kid and acted out on other occasions for attention just to a lesser degree.

He had great grades too and seemed to have a very loving family.

– valerieswrld

8. The “alter”

I knew a girl in high school who spent about half an hour lecturing me about creepypasta so that I would understand what she meant when she said Jeff the Killer was an “alter” of hers.

I think she was hoping I’d be more impressed than I was.

– an_ineffable_plan

9. The pregnancy

A girl in my year at school faked a miscarriage and went ’round telling everybody that a guy from her class fingered her and he must have had some cum on his hands because she got pregnant and lost it.

The guy had an alibi, his friends confirmed he was playing football with them and a LOT of people called her a dirty slut.

Being fingered on a Friday evening and losing the “baby” on Saturday is quite impressive (/s) She got attention but I think she was expecting sympathetic attention and it backfired spectacularly!

– Retrosonic82

10. The relative

A friend of mine used to make up relatives and talk about them on a daily basis.

She apparently had an aunt that worked for the Rolling Stone, and would come into school saying her aunt interviewed Paul McCartney/Mick Jagger/*insert famous rockstar here*. We used to both use DeviantART on the regular and she actually made an account for her aunt and commented as her.

Also claimed to have a cousin who was in the SAS and would legit start the waterworks claiming he was leaving the country for his work.

Even faked a boyfriend at one point. Fake Facebook profile and everything. Always had an excuse for where any of them were whenever one of us would visit her house (despite them apparently visiting almost every day!).

These three were just a few of the supposedly massive family she had!

No idea why she did it, eventually these family members just faded out of existence, we never heard about them again after secondary school!

– geekitygeek

11. The liar

There’s a woman I work with that is a chronic liar.

Normally the stuff she makes up are about how she was a world renowned x. So far she’s been an opera singer, competitive swimmer, prodigal child, teacher in Mexico (doesn’t speak a word of Spanish), mensa member, coked out drag queen, figure skater, and has just a ton of obscure diseases.

The diseases obviously prevent her from being able to do certain things around the office but luckily never interfere with her ability to go out to her car to smoke on break.

What sticks out was telling everyone she was pregnant and later on that she miscarried. That one sticks out because it happen while another woman in the office was pregnant and getting more attention.

Currently a good friend of this person who also works with us is pretending to use a cane in order to try and get FMLA and avoud certain responsibilities. Which is…. Not boring…. if anything else. Luckily for her, despite not being able to walk 5 feet to check in stuff, she’s also still able to make the journey out to her car and smoke on her breaks.

– [deleted user]

12. The orphan

My “friend” who I cut off, pretended,

a) he had DID,

b) that his mom was dead.

Both of which turned out to be false, and even to this day I remember her face when she came to back to school night only to find out her son had told everyone she was dead.

I can only imagine what she felt.

– KingofChing

13. The phantom pregnancy

There’s a post on Facebook about a girl who faked a pregnancy for 9 months.

She got her bf to pay for everything, they had a gender reveal.

Just for 9 months to pass and nothing….

– mad_scientist434

14. The baboon

Here’s a doozie from college years ago: This attention-w**re-of-a-woman tried to convince all her friends that she not only received a baboon’s heart as a transplant, but then proceeded to win a marathon thereafter.

Like… WTF?

– eatababy

15. The survivor

Was dating this girl and things were getting serious, her best friend was jealous of the time we were spending together and faked a story about cancer.

Shaved her head and everything.

We found out it was a lie a month later when we ran into her dad

– DeftTrack81

What can I say but yikes?

Do you have a story like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Weirdest Things They’ve Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Ways to Turn Lies into Money

With all the lies we’re constantly surrounded by, it’s kind of frustrating that we can’t glean SOME kind of good out of them.

But what if we could…

Every time someone lies to you, $100 gets deposited to your bank account. What is the fastest way for you to get rich? from AskReddit

How might the denizens of Reddit capitalize on such a universe? Let’s find out.

1. Start a business.

Contract myself out as a foolproof lie detector.

– GMaimneds

2. Get both sides.

Ask my mum and dad individually about how their divorce went down

– maayooo6381

3. Pretty please?

Gather all your relatives and ask “I am beautiful, right?”.

Easy cash

– [user deleted]

4. Scam-a-thon.

Give you email address and phone number out at every available opportunity and let the scams roll in

– acrobaticalpaca6464

5. Be a vet.

I’m a veterinarian.

They’re not giving the pills to the dog like I told you to, the check is not in the mail, you’re not cutting out his treats, and you’re not exercising them enough.

Seriously, I’d make a fortune.

– Algaean

6. Shop around.

Attend one political rally after the other.

And if votes are not in season, go shopping for used cars or looking for houses.

– Treczoks

7. Doing the math.

I can say “1+1=3” in .72 seconds (yes, I did time myself). If I make a full minute of that, that’s 83 (.33) lies per minute. At x10 speed that’s 830 lies per minute. If I play this track over itself such that they never line up perfectly, then I can get a lie to start at each of the smallest increments the editing software can handle. So if it can handle .01 at the smallest, then you get 83×72 (5976) recordings in one track. Played at x10 speed, lol, you get 59,760 lies per minute for $5,976,000 per minute.

If you take that track and auto tune it to every possible frequency that can be assigned by the software you use (let’s pretend it’s 1000) then you can be lied to at every frequency in every split second at x10 speed. For 59,760,000 lies per minute. This makes a whopping 5,976,000,000 per minute. Suck a dick, Bezos.

Will this sound like garbage? Ya, totally. But if I quietly dub this over whatever songs are in my music playlists then I can listen to music while I get lied to. Hell, the music might even have some lies in it. Cardi can’t have a WAP 24/7, right? According to Ben that’s not healthy.

– Arkmer

8. Ho ho ho!

Talk about your suspicions of Santa’s validity, in a large crowd, while holding a 5y on your lap.

– [user deleted]

9. Spare some change.

Beg on a busy street.

“I’m hungry, do you have some change?”

– ozdkyt

10. Your own terms.

Make a website where someone has to check a box stating they’ve read and agree to the terms and conditions

– grungerat_

11. What an opportunity!

Go to an MLM convention.

Those hun bots will get you rich quicker than they claim LuLaRoe will!

– cmonyy

12. Be precise.

Ask them everyone how old they are.

They could say 26, but in reality they are actually 26 years, 3 months, 12 days, 8 hours, 2 minutes and 22 seconds.

– Ooodles-of-nooodles

13. Farm it out.

giving 10$ to every person that lies to you.

– NotAFatAlien

14. Work in tech.

I mean, I work at a tech company and we get lies all the time.

I’m pretty sure half of the people could just go to work and make an easy thousand dollars

– billionai1

15. Not OK.

Just go around saying “Hi, how are you?”



– peon2

Of course, the definition of “lie” might challenge some of these. Does it have to be something simply untrue, or something the speaker KNOWS to be untrue? Does anything involving an opinion count or does it have to be objective?

There are many things to consider.

Keep the conversation going in the comments.

The post Weird Ways to Turn Lies into Money appeared first on UberFacts.