People Talk About the Statement, “Sleeping in Your Car Should Be Legal, and Not Looked Down Upon”

I’ve never actually lived in my car, but I’ve had a few nights when sleeping in my car was the best or the only option and I snoozed the night away in the backseat on a side street somewhere.

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do…

So why is there such a stigma around sleeping in our vehicles?

AskReddit users discussed whether sleeping in your car should be legal and shouldn’t be looked down upon.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Your decision.

“To me it makes no sense that you can’t legally sleep in your car in certain places. Like sure if you’re on someone else’s property you should find a better spot.

But there are whole cities where it is flat out illegal to sleep in your car on public property overnight. You own your car, it should be your decision if you can sleep in it.”

2. Agreed.

“It’s liability issues, but I agree with you.

If I was traveling around the country I’d hate to have to pay for a bunch of hotels when I could just chill in my car for a couple nights.”

3. You can make it work.

“You just have to have the right car, correctly set up. If they can’t see or hear you in the back of your vehicle, and if they have no reason to believe the vehicle is occupied, you’re golden.

I’ve done this with a cargo trailer that I set up inside as a camper with a bed, fridge, microwave, etc. Also, car camped for a while with a Honda Element that I put curtains over the windows. A panel van would work well too.”

4. From someone who’s been there.

“I slept in my car for 5 months.

I also had a job delivering sandwiches so it worked out. I usually slept in Walmart parking lots and never got bothered unless i parked literally anywhere else. Ive never had more run ins with the cops than when i lived out of my car, but on the flipside, they were all very understanding and never wrote me any tickets.

Living out of your car is very scary at first, but you get used to it and it is very eye opening/ enlightening. You get an outsiders perspective of the rat race. Everyone around you is in busy mode, chasing the next dollar just so they can afford a place to put a mattress.

In the city, sleeping is the only thing you’re not aloud to do anywhere else besides a home. You can literally do everything else you need to do to get by.

Living in your car gives you this sense of freedom that you’ll never get anywhere else besides an RV i suppose and even then, i would imagine you could get stuck in bed like you do at home. When you wake up from sleeping in your car, you’re up and ready to take on the day.

There is no sleeping in really because when you wake up you have to find the nearest bathroom before you sh*t your pants. The cleanest bathrooms that you can go in without looking weird because youre not buying anything are at the dollar tree. But they open at like 9am so i would always have to use Walmarts when i woke up. I will say, thunderstorms are pretty f*cking scary when you live in your car.

Every storm feels like a f*cking tornado is about to blow you away. But yeah. There are a lot more people who live out of their cars than you think.”

5. Might be true.

“I’m convinced the money hotels make from sleeping in a car being illegal is a contributing factor to why it’s still illegal.

Also, the general hatred of poor and homeless people in this country.”

6. Can be sketchy.

“Truck stops can be safer but it depends on where you are at.

Theres no way in hell id sleep at the TA truck stop off I 95 near New Jersey nor the one in Baltimore. Hell most of the truck stops whether they’re part of the Big 5 (Loves, Travel Centers of America (TA), Pilot, Flying J and Petro) or not, i wouldn’t stay at in the north east at all.

They’re incredibly unsafe, most are dirty and if you attempt to camp out via an RV or even just a tent and your car, you’re likely to have some very unwelcome attention from not just the truckers but also the truck stop employees and locals….. Most truck stops now will absolutely boot or tow your car/pickup if you are parked there for more than one or two overnight visits.

As for parking at Walmarts… No. Absolutely not. You cannot park, camp or stay overnight in Walmarts any longer due to the issues that are brought about by such things… Namely idiots leaving trash, dead food out in the parking lot, people using the parking lot as a bathroom, abandoning pets and just trashing the place for no reason (since there are trash cans everywhere).

Most Walmarts that allow you to camp out or even sleep in your vehicle on their property are very few and far between. Even asking management before you head to bed won’t do any good if theres a city ordinance that says no camping… Since 95% of Walmarts lease their land from the cities they operate in.

I was a trucker for 7yrs.”

7. I feel this comment.

“I’ve watched too many horror movies and documentaries to sleep in my car on the side of the road.

Like I’m legit afraid some hillbilly might kill me.”

8. I don’t think that would fly here.

“Apparently in a lot of Scandinavia they have “wanderer’s laws” or something that allow you to camp and forage on even private property in most cases.

Kind of an interesting concept.”

9. Shouldn’t be an issue.

“Honestly, it shouldn’t be an issue, so long as it’s limited to one or two night stay within a certain area, within a certain period of time (say per acre/per week).

And you must be low impact unless otherwise stated (no fire, no garbage left behind, no destruction of the property). Sadly, it only takes a few to ruin it for everyone else.”

10. Not in my backyard.

“I don’t want homeless people sleeping in front of my house.

I want my tax dollars to provide safe and adequate solutions for people.”

11. No winners here.

“This was actually a big thing where I grew up.

It was a very safe, upper middle class area with very little crime to pursue. Police spent a lot of their energy trying to hand out DUIs, but also fined people for sleeping in cars or leaving their car overnight.

It created a no-win scenario of either driving illegally or parking illegally.”

12. All about money.

“This is the reason right here. So many laws exist to force you to have to spend money on things.

“What you found a way to live that doesn’t force you to rely on consumerism and capitalism and doing work for you that makes you money that pays me less than I’m worth? To buy goods and services and products I don’t actually need and could find ways to do without paying?

We can’t have that!””

13. One night only.

“There are tons of places in the US where you can, but most only allow you to stay for a night.

Cracker Barrel, Walmart, Home Depot, etc., you just have to check for signs prohibiting overnight stays. I’ve parked my RV overnight in all of those places. Rest stops as well.

In smaller cities without big box stores, simply asking the local police if its OK always worked, especially when I mentioned getting a little too tired to drive.”

How do you feel about this?

Should people be able to sleep in their cars legally and without judgment?

Tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks in advance!

The post People Talk About the Statement, “Sleeping in Your Car Should Be Legal, and Not Looked Down Upon” appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Completely Legal Things That Make Folks Look Like Really Bad

What I’m doing is LEGAL! I’m not breaking the law!

How many times have you heard that in your life out in public when someone is acting like a total psychopath? Probably more than a few, right?!?!

Human beings sure are weird, and we’re about to get a heaping helping of weirdness from people on AskReddit.

Let’s check out their thoughts on what legal things people can do that make them look like total psychos. Enjoy!

1. No, I’m good.

“Walk into any store and just lay down.

If anyone asks if you need help, tell them you’re fine.

Then, after a minute or so, stand up and go about your business.”

2. Whatever floats your boat.

“Take a stroller/chest carrier with a fake baby in it, proceed as if it is in fact your living child.

Bonus points if you can throw your voice.”

3. Creeping people out.

“Sitting on a park bench as a grown man brushing your dollie’s hair and telling her what a pretty girl she is.”

4. You looked crazy, I’m sure.

“I went on a little hike with my family. We got lost and went on the wrong trail.

Dumped the kids stroller with a big monkey from Ikea in it. Carried my daughter on the shoulders.

Anyway I went back at 18:00 to pick it up and retrieve our car as well. Sweden so its black outside. So I walk with a stroller with a monkey in it in a pitch black trial in the woods.

If someone saw me, they would think i was a psychopath.”

5. Do you need some help?

“Do T-Rex arms while humming quietly to yourself the Jurassic Park song.

When someone looks at you, stare back and start humming louder.”

6. Pretty specific.

“Wearing a pair of whitey tighties on your head so your eyes see out the leg holes and you can feed yourself through the Y-front.”

7. I’m gonna be sick.

“Take a mayonnaise jar, empty its contents, and fill it with vanilla pudding.

Sit down and eat in public.”

8. I’ll try this.

“Eating a burger upside down.

People look at me like I’m crazy but it’s the best way to get the flavor”

9. Perfectly legal.

“Sit on your front porch in a bathing suit and start eating jello with great enthusiasm.

Then begin rubbing it all over your body.

Nothing illegal about it.”

10. Not cool.

“Sitting next to someone on public transport, when there are plenty of other seats where you wouldn’t have to sit next to anyone.”

11. You’re scaring people!

“Taking photos of people on the street, or even on their property.

If you can see them from public locations it’s perfectly legal to photograph them here, but can be creepy as f*ck.

It’s for this reason I don’t do street photography – too easy to be seen as a creeper!”

12. What are you doing?

“My husband likes to go outside and cut the weeds in our lawn with scissors and put them in a small plastic bag because our pet Guinea pigs like to eat them.

A few neighbors have stopped to ask him why he’s cutting his grass with scissors, and he just tells them he’s the new landscaper.”

13. Hmmm…

“Apparently, eating cold spaghetti out of a plastic bag, because my friends constantly give me sh*t for it.

It’s a versatile food container, it will fit wherever you put it in, and the only dish I have to worry about cleaning when it’s done is the fork if I even brought one.

Cold spaghetti for the win.”

14. Uh oh.

“Fill a Windex bottle with Gatorade and drink in public.

One of my friends did this the last day of middle school.
It was funny until a teacher had a full panic attack and both poison control and an ambulance was called.

He was heavily reprimanded and barred from participating in the graduating ceremony once he finally had a chance to explain that it was just blue Gatorade.

It’s a day that lives in infamy only just eclipsed by the hot sauce incident.”

People sure are weird, huh…?

And now we want to get even weirder!

In the comments, tell us about more things that are perfectly legal that you can do but make you look like a psycho.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Completely Legal Things That Make Folks Look Like Really Bad appeared first on UberFacts.

What Legal Things Make You Look Like a Crazy Person? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it looks normal, folks.

We don’t think about it very often, but we’re allowed to do all kinds of wild, weird, and crazy stuff that is totally, 100% legal…but it still makes us look like psychos if we actually do them in public.

Are you ready to get weird?

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Out on the street.

“There’s a guy in my town that has a portable karaoke machine and casually walks around singing to himself and dancing.

He’s not a busker or entertainer, just in another world.”

2. I live here! I swear!

“Lockpicking the door to your own house because you’ve lost your key.

Did that a few years ago at my old apartment, a few times actually.

Then the hair salon downstairs was broken into one night, back door had the lock picked.

I then quickly became the prime suspect…luckily I was in the next state that night due to a morning funeral, got there a day early because I wasn’t going to be a pallbearer right after a 4 hour drive.

Believe it or not, caskets are  heavy.”

3. Just minding my own business.

“I’m not sure if other people see me this way, but I always feel like a creep when looking straight ahead alone.

I feel like the person in front of my is gonna turn around, see me, and think I’m a creep.

What’s worse is I forcefully look around, but I also feel like that’s weird, and that people will think I’m trying to make it look like I’m not looking at them when I really am.

It’s a weird dynamic.”

4. What are you doing?

“Jogging in place. Anything short of waiting for a light to change and it’s just odd.

In line at the DMV? Jog in place.

Waiting to use the bathroom at Starbucks? Jog in place.

Standing awkwardly in the middle of a full park when you don’t have kids? Jog in place.

Waiting for the hot dog vendor to add relish? Job in place.

Waiting for the waitress to come back with the check? Jog in place.

Standing in an elevator? Jog in place.”

5. I need directions.

“Asking a person for directions like “which way is the forest?” and then going the completely opposite direction.

I didn’t want to go to the forest, my dude!”

6. Gross.

“Empty a chocolate sauce bottle and use it as a water bottle in the gym.

That was tasty.”

7. You look crazy.

“My old landlord’s husband was clearing out a bunch of stuff recently after an operation, and the dude collected medieval weapons that he had to get rid of. Asked me if I wanted one, I said sure it would be pretty sick.

So walking back to the car at 10:30 at night, in pitch black, lit only by streetlights, I discovered there is no way to hold a two-handed axe without looking like a crazy person.”

8. You okay, Mom?

“My mom legit started vacuuming the lawn one day when I was in high school.

Mom… wtf are you doing?”

9. Nothing to see here.

“Talking alone/to yourself.

I do it sometimes when alone but it makes you look like a crazy person if you do it in public.”

10. What’s in the box?

“It’s fine to carry around human bones (*ahem* I mean legal specimens) in creepy looking boxes.

Everyone in my anatomy class was given a box and we took public transit with it while smelling like death.

You could literally see creepy people on the bus move slowly away from us.”

11. I’ll take that!

“Taking somebody’s groceries at the checkout.

They haven’t paid for it yet, so it isn’t theirs”

12. Digging graves?

“Digging at night.

I’ve dug a lot of holes at night. It’s too hot to dig during the day.

But the whole time you are thinking, I probably look conspicuous to the neighbors.”

13. Now, here’s a story.

“This one time my ex girlfriend asked me to pick up her prom dress from a friend. I went to the friends house at around 9 pm and picked up the dress. She gave me no coat hanger or anything so I just carried the dress in my clenched fist.

As I was walking back home through a dark alleyway It occurred to me that my hand is pretty sweaty and the dress might actually start smelling bad from all the sweat of my hand. I wanted to check the situation so I smelled the dress.

As I was standing in the alleyway in the darkness of the night, smelling a red dress that I was gripping in my sweaty hand I saw a woman standing several feet from me, scared sh*tless, reaching for something in her purse (a phone? A pepper spray?).

At that point I became more scared/embarrassed than her and ran off. I assume that to this day she’s telling her friends a story about how she was almost murdered by a dress stealing maniac murderer…”

What do you think?

What perfectly legal things make you look like a crazy person when you do them in public?

Sound off in the comments!

The post What Legal Things Make You Look Like a Crazy Person? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Illegal but People Act Like It Isn’t? Here’s What People Said.

We sure live in a weird world, huh?

Some people obey the law and some don’t.

And then some folks choose WHICH laws they choose to obey, which is a whole different issue…

What’s actually illegal but people act like it isn’t?

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Not cool.

“Teenagers with leaking each other’s nudes.

I’m a teen myself and seen it happen to many classmates.

Lots of kids don’t realize you can get charged with CP as a minor.”

2. Interesting…

“In the US, telling non-managerial employees not to discuss wages. The National Labor Relations Act — which was passed in 1935 — makes it illegal for an employer to prohibit you in any way from discussion of your wages with others.

Nnless you’re management; as in, actually have control over others’ salaries. Then they can tell you not to disclose those.”

3. Pick it up!

“Not picking up after your dog.

There’s an awful lot of doggie landmines in the dog walking trails where I take my dogs.”

4. It’s not free.

“Stealing artwork and photos from the Internet and using it for commercial purposes without permission (logos, t-shirts etc.).

I’m talking artwork done by currently living artists who are most likely trying to make a living off their work.

Too many people think that just because it’s on the
Internet, means it’s free to use.”

5. Not good.

“I work in downtown Seattle a lot.

So heroin and having your d*ck out.”

6. This scares me.

“Texting while driving.

I live in a college town, and I take a mile walk every morning, and I like to people watch while waiting at crosswalks. It’s infuriating how people can just stare at their phones while driving.

I could understand if it was just when stopped (though you shouldn’t do it even then) but these people roll up to a light, head tilted 90 degrees to the side, one hand on the wheel and it drives me nuts.”

7. Out of the road!


I always wondered where this was actually enforced. Thought it was big cities like New York.

Then I went to New York and realized you cross the street whenever you think you can do so without dying.

Still wondering where it’s actually a thing.”

8. Litterbug.

“Dropping the cigarette butts on the ground.”

9. People do it.

“Recording a baseball game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball.”

10. Pretty trashy.


Holy sh*t, the amount of people that I saw when I had Tiktok actively encouraging and giving tips for shoplifting was f*cking insane.”

11. Gross!

“”Sampling” bulk candy in grocery stores.”

12. A dumb move.

“Drinking and driving.

It’s actually frightening how many people drink and drive regularly.”

13. Too much red tape.

“Giving a homeless person a place to sleep.

Incredible amount of regulation involved in putting someone in a sheltered bed for the night, yet the general public assume it’s an easy process.”

14. Sounds bad.

“In South Africa, literally everything.

It’s not illegal if nobody important sees you and even if they do see you they either dont care or you can probably bribe them.”

15. Weird.

“In the Netherlands, scaffold theft.

It is insane how much scaffolds get stolen.

Worth of thousands of euros.”

What do you think?

What do people not think is illegal, even though IT IS.

Talk to us in the comments!

The post What’s Illegal but People Act Like It Isn’t? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Worst Legal Things That You Can Do

Just because something happens to be legal doesn’t mean that it’s right or moral in any way, shape, or form.

All you have to do is look back at things THAT USED to be legal in this country and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

And there are still plenty of things that are legal today that are still messed up.

“What’s the worst LEGAL thing you can do?”

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Happens all the time.

“Fire all your employees and move your business to East Asia so you can essentially use slave labor.”

2. That’s disturbing.

“As a fertility doctor, in most states, it’s totally legal for you to inseminate a patient with your own sperm instead of their selected donor.”

3. Thank you!

“Listening to music and/or talking on the phone with volume up in public with no headphones.”

4. Who the hell would do this?

“Put your dog down because it’s inconvenient.

I know a woman who had a perfectly fine Yorkie put down because she was moving and didn’t want to deal with a dog during the transition. Then she immediately buys a maltipoo puppy upon arrival at the new destination.

Now she’s moved again and has a new dog, but no longer posts about the maltipoo. I suspect the worst, and it’s a shame because we would have gladly taken him if she didn’t want to move with him.”

5. People still smoke inside?

“Smoke in the same house that your children live in, forcing them to inhale toxic chemicals that damage their bodies.”

6. Enough of this.

“Bully someone. Mentally abuse someone.

Make them feel bad about themselves their whole life.”

7. So terrible.

“Claim that access to water isn’t a human right and then forcing people in third world countries to buy your shitty products at exorbitant prices because there’s no alternative.”

8. Messed up.

“Hire employees to temporary casual positions so you don’t have to pay them benefits but make them work full time hours.

Bonus: Dangle full-time employment in front of them, then fire them just before they would have gotten it, and since they’re a temp, they don’t qualify for unemployment benefits.

Happened to my husband. It took him a year to find another job.”

9. Does this sound familiar?

“Put your $$ in an offshore account so you can avoid paying BILLIONS in taxes.

Then complain that the lower classes are mooching off YOUR money.”

10. These people are scum.

“Protesting and insulting somebody who sacrificed their life in the military at their funeral.

Regardless of your stance on the military, that’s pretty fucking bad.

Looking at you Westboro Baptist Church…”

11. Don’t do this, men.

“Strolling up to a bank of a dozen urinals, all of them except the one someone else is using being empty, and choosing the urinal next to that person.

Then proceeding to try to have a conversation with them.”

12. Terrible parents.

“Have too many kids, raise them to blame everyone else for their problems, kick them out as soon as they graduate high school/turn 18.

Whichever comes first.”

13. And repeat…

“Crash the housing market, receive a taxpayer bailout, pay yourself an obscene bonus, invest while market is down, use that wealth to fund legislative rollbacks of restrictions.


14. They need to be socialized.

“Homeschool your child since birth, prevent them from ever leaving the house or socializing with others. (My house, my rules).

On their 18th birthday, kick them out of the house with nothing in their pocket.”

15. Don’t do it!

“Farting in an elevator.”

16. That is scary.

“Buy drug companies, remove their entire research & development team/staff, then inflate the cost of the drug 5000%

This is what drug company Valeant did regularly (just like Martin Shkreli did but on a much bigger scale)

There’s a whole documentary about it on Netflix called “dirty money”. Nobody went to jail, but thousands of people died from not being able to afford new prices, and the whole US population had to pay higher healthcare premiums because of this tactic. A few people did get filthy fucking rich though.”

How would you answer this question?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Talk About the Worst Legal Things That You Can Do appeared first on UberFacts.