Ontario, a province in Canada has a apology act– “apologies do not constitute an admission of fault.”
A Texas high school honor student was thrown in jail for missing classes, despite the…
A Texas high school honor student was thrown in jail for missing classes, despite the fact that she was working full- and part-time jobs, taking advanced courses, and caring for her younger sister as her divorced parents moved away. The judge said he wanted to make an example of her.
Smoking in the presence of a child is considered physical…
Smoking in the presence of a child is considered physical abuse in Latvia.
When in 2007 Minnesota passed an anti-smoking law that banned smoking in public…
When in 2007 Minnesota passed an anti-smoking law that banned smoking in public buildings, there was a line that said only actors who had to smoke were allowed to do so. Thus, the Barnacles Bar declared that everyone in the bar is an actor in a live performance.
A US company cannot legally forbid you to talk about pay with…
A US company cannot legally forbid you to talk about pay with your coworkers.
It is illegal to refuse a person a glass of water…
It is illegal to refuse a person a glass of water in the state of Arizona.
You need a license to dance…
You need a license to dance in Sweden.