Sometimes I think being a landlord would be a nice way to earn more money.
But then I read stories like these about just what it means to be a landlord in this day and age, and I’m not so sure.
1. Collecting rent isn’t easy
And sometimes, your tenants will try to get even.
Image credit: Whisper
2. It doesn’t get easier
Deadlines mean nothing, apparently.
Image credit: Whisper
3. But when the going gets tough… just call their mommy
No one comes to the rescue like a mom.
Image credit: Whisper
4. Maybe they’re not paying you enough
Do you charge by the hour?
Image credit: Whisper
5. Apparently being a landlord is not all it’s cracked up to be
Good old fashioned bartering just isn’t appreciated like it used to be.
Image credit: Whisper
6. Then again…
I hope he’s knocking something off her rent at least.
Image credit: Whisper
7. Because some landlords only dream of that opportunity
When she’s cute, she’s cute, right?
Image credit: Whisper
8. And it could always be worse
Because who wouldn’t rather think about lubed pipes than clogged ones?
Image credit: Whisper
9. But what do you do when it’s just not working out?
I guess you better have a “get-rid-of-narcissist-free clause” in the contract next time.
Image credit: Whisper
10. Now this right here, this is the way to do it
Player knew what was up.
He probably never did any work during group projects either.
Image credit: Whisper
11. Honestly, some guys have all the luck
I mean, at that point do you start to worry that your rent is too high?
Can you at least list the place as “haunted” now?
Image credit: Whisper
12. Just remember that there’s a reason you do background checks
And always have an alibi, I guess.
Image credit: Whisper
The thing is, people are just generally weird. And the more people you have to interact with, well… the more weird experiences you’ll have.
What’s the most off-the-wall thing you or your landlord have ever done? Let us know in the comments.
The post Check Out These Secrets That Landlords Revealed About Their Tenants appeared first on UberFacts.