An Adorable Gallery of 11 Kittens

Here’s a question: can there be too many cats on the internet?

Answer: how dare you even ask that.

If I had a nickel for every cat picture I’d stared at, I’d use them to buy more cat pictures. I have a problem. But by golly, whether they’re the smolest baby or the biggest murder floof, there’s something magical and derpy about felines.

Let’s check out some now instead of doing work.

11. I juz needz mowr rest pls…

10. There can be only one

9. Things get better with age…

8. “Yeah…we’ll wait.”

Via solarpowers on imgur

7. Twinning!

6. Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

5. No bites please

Via solarpowers on imgur

4. “Your days are numbered, Karen.”

3. Homeward bound

2. Lost in a sea of blankets

Via solarpowers on imgur

1. The cats of the internet belong to us all

Welp, I’ve gotta go foster 11 cats now. Might need to rent a U-Haul.

While I’m doing that, share your cat pics and stories in the comments.

Because I need them.

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Grumpy Cat’s Successor Has Been Found – and She Might be Even Grumpier

No one can ever replace Grumpy Cat, but the folks at Bored Panda got the scoop of the decade with their expose on her spiritual successor.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you about OG Grumpy – whose real name was Tardar Sauce – the angry-looking kitty who took the internet by storm when her pictures were posted to Reddit back in 2012. Fun fact; she actually shared a manager with Keyboard Cat, and actually starred in a Lifetime movie where she was voiced by Aubrey Plaza.

Tardar Sauce unfortunately passed away in 2019, but her memes will be with us always. And they may have company from some very grumpy pics of Meow Meow, a Taiwanese cat who was introduced to the internet by her human Clare.

If your first thought is “Reincarnation???” you should probably note that, according to Clare, Meow Meow may well actually be older than the late great Grumpy Cat.

Just when I thought I understood how cat souls work…

Clare attributes Meow Meow’s angry aura to the “Batman”-like mask of dark fur around her eyes, and the internet seems to agree.

Like Tardar before her, Meow Meow is actually very sweet in person.

Her hobbies include bird-watching and massaging her human awake every morning.

She is sincerely grumpy about at least one thing, though: food. She hates pretty much all of it that doesn’t come from one specific can.

“She’s tried nearly everything but she only likes that one,” Clara said.

Facebook has been quick to offer their hot takes on this newcomer’s place in the meme-iverse.

Source: Bored Panda

Because is she really grumpy, or….

Source: Bored Panda

Some think Grumpy Cat would approve…

Source: Bored Panda

But what do you think? Is Meow Meow up to the task of carrying on the legacy of Grumpy Cat?

Give us your verdict in the comments.

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This Is Why Cats Can’t Get Enough of Cardboard Boxes

Cats and cardboard boxes go together like PB&J, right? Cats are drawn to those brown cubes like white on rice – or in this case, brown on cardboard. But why? Trying to decode cat behaviors may seem nearly impossible, especially when this obsession is universal in felines. But let’s explore anyway…

Cats crave security

Mark Freemen, DVM and an assistant professor at the VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine told Readers Digest,

“Cats are, by nature, cryptic animals, meaning they prefer to have a safe hiding spot from which they can observe the world around them. Cats are both hunter and prey, so having a secure space from which they can monitor for threats from predators as well as for appealing prey is ideal.”

Pretty neat. We cat owners tend to humanize our kitties, making us forget they have their own instincts for survival.

Photo Credit: Pexels, FOX

Kitties want to be warm

Cats need to maintain a certain temperature to remain comfortable. Wired quotes a 2006 study by the National Research Council as saying that “the thermoneutral zone for a domestic cat is 86 to 97 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s the range of temperatures in which cats are ‘comfortable’ and don’t have to generate extra heat to keep warm or expend metabolic energy on cooling.”

It would make sense that our furry felines find comfort within boxes. Corrugated cardboard is a type of insulator which can help regulate their inner temperature, ensuring the cat is comfortable. This can also help them preserve body heat when cold.

Cats may be searching for stimulation or an escape from anxiety

Have you found your cat loves to scratch, bite, and chew on cardboard? Some cats need to be stimulated more, and so find this activity fun. “You’ll often find them scratching, chewing, and otherwise mangling the cardboard, which is a great source of entertainment and pleasure for the cat,” said Freeman.

Photo Credit: Pexels, Peng Louis

But that’s not all! Felines have scent glands on their paws, so scratching leaves behind their signature mark – it’s part of how they mark their territory.

Cardboard can also be a great escape, particularly for cats that suffer from anxiety. “When a cat is over-stimulated, tired, or just in need of a break, a box gives them the ability to recharge until they’re ready to come out and play again,” Daniel Rotman, CEO of PrettyLitter, told RD.


Before you give your cat a box, make sure sure to remove any objects that may cause harm, such as staples in the seams. After that, let them enjoy their new space – and have a good time watching them.

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We Can’t Get Enough of This Adorable, Blind Kitten Name Merlin

I’ve never seen a cat quite like Merlin before – but I must admit, his name is honestly perfect for him. This tiny lil’ fella with the ice-blue eyes is stealing hearts everywhere.

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Nathaniel and Elliot Green were just married, but back in 2017 they were a newly minted couple and in the market for a cat they could call theirs. “Free Cat Friday” at the Lynchburg Humane Society seemed like the perfect opportunity to pick one up, and even though Elliot admitted he had gone looking for a Siamese kitty, Merlin fell right into their laps instead.

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Merlin is a fairly new and rare breed called a Napoleon, which is a mix of a Munchkin and a Persian cat, though his eyes are his alone – he’s mostly blind, but, according to the Greens, his eyesight doesn’t stop him from being a regular cat most of the time.

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.giriffith

They describe Merlin as affectionate and sweet-tempered, a lover of cuddles and scratches on the face.

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

He loves guests and other animals, though sometimes he gets bullied, especially by other cats.

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

I mean, they’re probably jealous. Just look at that face!

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Their Instagram is dedicated to their ball of fluff, and the gorgeously set and framed photos have earned the Greens – and their Merlin – more than 28k followers.

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Image Credit: merlin.griffith

Click here if you want to be one of them!

The post We Can’t Get Enough of This Adorable, Blind Kitten Name Merlin appeared first on UberFacts.