These 15+ Kids Have No Idea How Hilarious They Are

Kids can say some truly hilarious things without even meaning to. I mean sure, sometimes they’re inopportune and inappropriate and we can’t actually laugh at them in the moment, but that doesn’t make them any less funny.

Lucky for you, these 17 kids aren’t yours. So feel free to go ahead and laugh right away.

#17. “We had a local elementary school decorate paper bags for Earth Day, and I found this one leftover.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Complete tragedy that this bag wasn’t featured front and center.

#16. “My friend’s son struggling to pick up a book.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hey, they can’t all be geniuses.


Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. “I, too, have a daughter going places.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Such a proud moment.

#13. “My friend got her daughter’s basketball team pictures today.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Framers. Every. One.

#12. “When your 3-year-old tells the man at McDonald’s that his pants are falling down.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

He calls ’em like he sees ’em.

#11. “My 11-year-old has started drawing fat, middle-aged Batman at the beach and it’s everything you never knew you needed in life.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

I’m going to need this movie adaptation immediately.

#10. “My daughter has been picking her own clothes and watching her big brother get on the bus.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

This picture is perfection.

#9. “I might need to have a talk with my daughter, but I’m not sure what I’d even say.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Maybe just save yourself.

#8. “Toddler was asked to feed the cat.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

You’re going to need to be more specific.

#7. “This kid was a fart for Halloween.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

First, farts are funny. Second, never squash anyone’s creativity, man.

#6. Welp, we had a good run.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. “At five months old my son already has the best school photo ever.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

How will he ever top this?

#4. “How I find out that my son tried to access my tablet.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

The progression is everything.

#3. “My 7-year-old sister loves dinosaurs, but my parents got her a dollhouse for Christmas. This is what I came home to tonight.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hey, dinosaurs need homes too.

#2. “My daughter’s Christmas list.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

If you don’t get her a cat after all that, you’ve got no heart.

#1. I’d say call that a parenting win and move on.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I mean…smart kid.

These are almost enough to make me want to have another child. Almost.

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These 18+ Memes About Parenting Will Tickle the Funnybones of Moms and Dads Everywhere

There are some things that only parents understand, and these 20 memes fall into that category. So, if you are in the process of raising children, sit back with your glass of wine (or beverage of choice) and have a good laugh. You deserve it.

#20. Such a beautiful day.

#19. “What are you doing?” / “WHAT DO YOU THINK?”

#18. Does anyone know where I can get one of those?

#17. Wait, your second kid is supposed to have their own room?

#16. Leaving anywhere, basically.

#15. Introvert nightmare.

#14. They never listen.

#13. How do they do that?

#12. And so it begins.

#11. It is our battle cry.

#10. Basically.

#9. Send wine.

#8. There is nothing more disconcerting, y’all.

#7. If only they understood.

#6. Do you want to die?

#5. No one can make you raise your hand, people.

#4. No words necessary.

#3. Wait for it…

#2. Just don’t.

#1. What?


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Science Says It’s Pointless to Try and Pressure Picky Eaters into Being Adventuresome

There are two types of people in the world – people who, when faced with food, shrug and dig in regardless of preference and people who wrinkle their noses and would rather go hungry than take one single bite of food they don’t 100% enjoy.

Now, being one of the former (there are very few foods I’ll flat-out refuse to eat, and some of those are due to food allergies), I can say that it can be hard to understand the picky eaters in my life. Food, in general, is just enjoyable for me, and the concept of deciding not to eat rather than just try something that I might not like is completely foreign.

After reading this new study published in the journal Appetite, though, I may have to change my attitude – and the practice of trying to cajole the picky peeps into trying new things – because according to science, it just doesn’t work.

Photo Credit: aboutislam

Not only that, but forcing kids (and presumably anyone) to eat unwanted foods doesn’t affect any outcomes later in life. When it comes to children (actual children), the tension that can invade mealtime over food battles can also damage the health of your overall relationship.

According to Dr. Julia Lumeng, the author of the study, pediatrician, and professor:

“Parental pressure is having no effect, good or bad, on picky eating or weight in this population. The kids’ picky eating also was not very changeable. It stayed the same whether parents pressured their picky eaters or not.”

The study followed 244 ethnically diverse toddlers and compared the pressure tactics of parents to the children’s healthy growth and the eventual reduction of picking eating and found zero to support the position of forcing kids to clean their plates of everything they hate.

“We found that over a year of life in toddlerhood, weight remained stable on the growth chart whether they were picky eaters or not.”

Photo Credit:

Basically, stop worrying so much about every left piece of broccoli or perfectly delicious rice that’s met with a turned-up nose. Sure, you should still introduce your kids (and others) to a variety of foods in the hopes that one day they’ll acquire a more refined palate, but otherwise…don’t stress.

If you want to go the extra mile, Dr. Lumeng also suggests using the words “choosey” or “selective” instead of “picky” in order to keep your child’s associations with food and mealtime more positive.

Honestly, I feel like this study just set me free as a mother, friend, and wife. Now, I can let my husband and my toddler eat the same types of meals six days a week and know that at least one of them will probably still turn out okay.

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This Extremely Lucky Mom Will Never Feel Bad Nagging About Car Seat Safety Again

If you’re a mom or have friends who are moms, you’ve definitely seen a picture of a baby strapped into a car seat pop up in your timeline at one time or another. There’s also a good chance you’ve seen one mom comment to another about how their kid is improperly or not safely restrained in their car seat. The straps, the adjustable head support, the clips…it’s a lot to take in when you’re a new parent (which is why you should totally get your local fire department to double check your installation!).

That said, most of us get the hang of things pretty quickly once we’re putting our precious bundle in and out of that seat, sometimes multiple times a day. Other people, though, sometimes don’t quite get why we’re so militant.

I know my parents always want to help by putting the baby in and out of the cars eat, and I know how many times I’ve had to correct them or check again once they’ve got him ready to go – and how many times they’ve exchanged looks, tried to tell me he was in too tight, or probably thought I was over the top.

The same is probably true of mom Rebecca Tafaro Boyer, who replied to this photo her husband sent of their infant son with some “nagging” feedback about how he was strapped into his seat.

She “nagged” him about William’s position in the car seat – the straps were too loose and the chest clip was too low (it should be nipple height), and felt sure that her husband listened and made the corrections.

Later, she would be 100% glad she hadn’t feltbad about her nagging, because the two of them were in an accident.

“David just didn’t have enough time to stop – it could have happened to anyone. He slammed on the brakes at nearly 50mph before colliding with the front passenger side door of her SUV. My precious little bundle of joy was so well restrained in his car seat THAT HE DIDN’T EVEN WAKE UP.”

Her husband and baby went to the local hospital to get checked out, and though William was fine, her husband did suffer a broken foot – but there’s no way to know if that would have been the case had she not asked him to tighten up and re-adjust William’s straps that morning.

“I am so thankful that my husband took the extra one minute that was necessary to put William in his car seat safely. I can’t even begin to imagine how different the outcome could have been. I truly believe that the reason my family is at home sitting on the couch with a pair of crutches instead of down at the hospital is because of my annoying nagging mom voice.”

So if you have one of those (I know you do, it comes with the baby!) don’t be afraid to use it when it comes to your child’s safety. Like Rebecca reminds us in her now viral post, “The car is a loss, but cars can be replaced – my boys can’t!”

No one can, so stay safe out there, friends, and remember that if your car seat has been involved in an accident, it needs to be replaced. Ask your insurance if it’s covered and get a new one!

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Mall Santas Share the Most Disturbing Things Kids Told Them…While on Their Laps

There are likely several perks to being a Santa Claus at the mall or department store. Not only do you get to earn a few extra bucks for the holidays, but kids are adorable and have a way of reminding us what the holiday season is supposed to be about (most of the time).

That said, kids can also be creepy…and sad because the world and adults suck sometimes. Just wait until you see these answers.

#15. Hey, Santa…

“Had a kid ask “Santa, what happens to all the dead kids toys”?”

#14. She does that every year.

“I was Santa for corporate holiday parties one year. I was in my 30s but used a spray for my beard. Looked lifelike, Kids dug it, so did one mom/aunt who threw a kid off my lap (hers, I hope) and whispered that she wanted Santa to fuck her from behind while pulling her hair. She didn’t seem to be drunk. I was very uncomfortable… Then the meeting planner told me she does that every year.”

#13. I wish…

“I wasn’t a santa but my roommate was. This was at a spot in east brooklyn, a super impoverished area riddled with a lot of drugs and violence.

He said it was disturbing how many kids had literally nothing, so they asked for the most basic things. Or they just asked to get out of shitty situations. He said stuff like this was common:

“I wish my mom would stop hitting me”

“I wish my brother was still alive, he got shot”

“I wish we had enough money for a microwave”

“I wish my daddy would stop doing heroin”

stuff like that was everywhere.”

#12. For the venison.

“I wasn’t a mall Santa, but I played one of his elves. I think the worst thing a kid ever asked for was some reindeer sausage. He figured Santa could slaughter one of his reindeer for the venison.”

#11. Creeped the hell out of me.

“Not a mall Santa, but my fire department does a Santa visit to all the houses in my town. We have a few guys dress up as Santa and we drive around going house to house in the fire engines.

One year when I was Santa we go to a house with a married couple and two kids. The woman is clearly pregnant. The daughter, about 10-12, creeped the hell out of me.

I asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she looks at her I assume step mom and says dead pan. “I want the baby to die ”

Jesus christ kid…..”

10. Get the deputy sheriff.

“I have been Santa for several seasons, I had a special needs young woman (approximate age of 40, emotional of 12 perhaps) ask me to make her boyfriend quit hitting her. I told a lady who was helping me to get the deputy sheriff at the event to come see me. I whispered to him what she had said. He came back 10 minutes later and asked if I would speak to her in a private area. There the deputy and Santa got a clearer but very disturbing picture of how she had been repeatedly abused.

In May the deputy let me know the offender had been sentenced to 8 years and the girl had been relocated to new care facility.

Edit: Thank you for the Gold and the praise. The real gold in life comes from doing for those that can do nothing for you.”

#9. A new dad.

“My friend’s dad used to be a Santa. He couldn’t stop crying after a shift one time. When we finally got him to say what was wrong he said a little girl told him she didn’t want any item for Christmas. She wanted a new Daddy who won’t touch her. Her dad was there with her. Friend’s dad had to enact the emergency protocols.

Girl didn’t want to talk to police about it unless Santa was with her. He heard some shit.”

#8. The magic was gone.

“Not me, not creepy, but a bit haunting. My dad used to be the Macy’s Santa (in NY). He had a kid come in who wanted his brothers cancer to go away. Brother came to the store too, a couple weeks later. Of course Santa has no control over these things, but being the Macy’s Santa has some power. He was able to get the store to let them come in at a special time and pick out pretty much whatever they wanted. It was magical, and he still has the pictures. He would regularly write to them as Santa until after the brother died and went to visit him as Santa before he died. Tried to stay in touch with the family but I think it was just too sad and the magic was gone”

#7. They don’t wear any.

“Years ago, I was in line with my 6yo nephew for his visit with Santa. When Santa asked my nephew what he wanted for Christmas, he said, “Could you get Mommy and Daddy some pajamas? Cuz they don’t wear any….” The whole line broke up, including Santa.”

#6. NOPE.

“Former mall Santa, even bought a professional suit because I hated the one they provided. I got a few creepy stories that involves, college students and adults.

Kids: A little girl no more than 5 was screaming bloody murder when it was her turn. Kids get scared of Santa, not that uncommon. Her dolled up mom was having none of her child’s tantrum and the Elves were pleading with her to not put the girl on my lap. She did and at her kid instantly stopped screaming. Just had this look of pure hatred at her mom for the remainder of the photo session. I swear, I thought I was on Candid Camera (before YouTube y’all) it looked so acted out. Attempting to talk to the little terror, I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she looked at me and softly said just above a whisper, “for my Mommy to die”. NOPED myself to a break after that one. It was the inside joke for the rest of the mall Santa season, (whispering between kids) “I want you to die!!!!”

College Students: One rather lonely overweight gal kept getting in line several times a week to get pictures with Santa. I was in college myself back then and I’m pretty sure she was working herself up to asking me out. Extremely shy, awkward and had some hygiene issues. She only paid for one of the photos but the elves remember seeing her throughout the week when I wasn’t on shift. Apparently only got pictures with me.

Adults: I was in my 20’s and the perverted things the MILF’s whispered into my ear while sitting on Santa’s Lap were definitely something for the naughty list to be sure. It became so frequent for the younger santas to get groped, teased and molested that the Elves were told to stay close when adults got their pictures taken. Elf security to be sure.”

#5. Just sad.

“Just sad rather than creepy. Kid came in and wanted nothing except from a Matchbox car. He told me how every week he heard his mom sneak into his bedroom and take the pocket money (that she had given him) to buy cigarettes. I felt so terrible for him that I gave him 3-4 different presents, rather than just 1.”

#4. I broke the poor guy’s heart.

“Not a santa, but I remember being in hospitals a lot as a kid with serious stomach issues. I remember asking a mall santa if I could “get better and not die” once when I was about eight or nine years old. When the mall santa looked at me sadly and said he couldn’t do that, almost in tears, I asked if my old dog that died as a puppy could be brought back as a zombie so “we could both be dead together” and if I could “come back as a zombie too so I could stay with my parents so they wouldn’t be sad”. Looking back, that was really creepy and I think I broke the poor guy’s heart.”

#3. The worst thing.

“My uncle was a mall santa for a while.

He said that the worst thing he was asked for by a child was “Can you get daddy to come home?”

He also had quite a few kids tug on his beard (which was a real beard) to verify that he was actually santa.”

#2. Dream big.

“Never was a Santa, but once while being the Easter bunny I had a kid tell me “I wish I could poop chocolate eggs like you.”

#1. A grim one.

“This is a grim one. My ex’s dad owned a restaurant and I worked there part time in my late teens so I witnessed this. Christmas Eve’s were usually really busy, so to earn more money his wife came up with the idea to pretend to be Santa for a few hours on Christmas Eve and charge something like £2 per kid. This one dad came up to my ex’s dad (my ex’s dad was Santa. Not me) and paid the money for his kid and then went to the toilet with his other child (a baby) leaving the kid with “Santa”. “Santa” asked the kid what he wanted for Christmas, and apparently the kid whispered in to his ear “I want daddy to go away.”.

He asked the kid to explain why, and apparently the dad had beaten up the mother a few hours prior and had locked her in the shed in their back garden, before taking the kid and his baby sister out to eat because they had been crying hysterically and he was worried the neighbours would hear and get suspicious. “Santa” then asked the kid for his address, and told my ex (who worked in the kitchen) to call the police. I think some police went to the house, and then some turned up at the restaurant to arrest the dad. A social worker also came to collect the kids. We never found out what happened to them after that, but it ended up in the local paper and got loads of promotion for the restaurant.

Edit: I mustn’t have made myself clear enough. I wasn’t Santa, I was the waitress who witnessed it from afar (my ex got me a job at his family restaurant). My ex’s dad, aka the owner of the restaurant was Santa. I didn’t realise that this would blow up like it did and I feel like I need to just clarify that.

Edit 2: I love Reddit. You guys have managed to put some kind of magical Disney movie spin on the thouroughly depressing situation which I’d never considered before. Shit this sounds snarky but it’s not. I appreciate it, makes it seem even slightly positive.”

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When Getting Your Daughter’s Hair Braided Exposes an Evil Racist…and It’s Her Mom

You would think people in 2017 wouldn’t behave this way, but here we are again. Nick Harris is a black man who has a daughter with a white woman. After he recently had their daughter’s hair braided, his “Babymom” was not pleased – at all. In fact, the woman clearly has some pent-up issues that we can sum up with one word: racism. Harris shared the interaction on Facebook for all the world to see.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

Damn. She really went there.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

Babymom then took the argument to another level.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

Then it got worse.

Photo Credit: Facebook, Nick Harris

After Harris shared the encounter on Facebook, people commented with their thoughts. As you can imagine, most were in favor of Harris and his seemingly harmless act of simply getting his daughter’s hair braided.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Poor kid. Hopefully “Babymom” will come around soon and see the error of her ways.

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Can You Solve These 5 Riddles Meant for Kids?

You’ve probably seen or heard of the show, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader, but how would you fare if you found yourself holding the buzzer? This might not tell you for sure, but if you can solve these 5 children’s riddles, I’d say you’re one step closer to claiming the title.

#5. Imagine you’re looking at this pyramid from above. Which view is correct?

Photo Credit: Brightside

Continue reading when you’re ready for the answer!

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These Hilarious Comics Show That Dads Change After Kids, Too

Weng Chen, a mother and the illustrator behind The Messycow comics, decided it was high time people saw how parenthood changes men as well as women.

“I don’t have big chunks of time to work, it’s always a couple hours in between chores and taking care of the kids,” she told Bored Panda. “But it’s fun and meaningful to document my children’s growth, as well as mine.”


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

Poop Stuff.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Image Credit: The Messycow

Shopping trips.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

Eating in the car.

Photo Credit: The Messycow


Photo Credit: The Messycow

And there you have it!

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Senior Class Pulls off an Epic Prank

This should make all seniors past, present, and future pretty jealous. I know I am. High school seniors in Cumberland, Wisconsin pulled off such a great prank that the local police department even congratulated them.

Looks like a car slammed through a wall at the school, right? WRONG. The crafty seniors used an old car, a black tarp, bricks, and some tapes to create the optical illusion. The back of the car said “CHS Class of 2018.”

Principal Ritchie Narges said, “It looked very, very real. But then I thought, ‘This has gotta be a prank. If this is the worst thing our kids are going to do, we’ve got some pretty darn good kids.”


h/t: Mashable

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15 Dead-On Tweets About Raising Daughters

Raising all kids is hard. As the mother of a boy, I have to believe that people who say boys are easier have either never had one or aren’t doing it right. That said, I definitely believe there are unique challenges to raising daughters as opposed to sons, and these 15 tweets capture those differences to a T.

#15. And don’t you dare interrupt!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. Everyone needs a coping mechanism

Photo Credit: Twitter

#13. Joke’s on you this time, kid!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. Sick burn

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. Real talk

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. One day

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. When you start to long for the days you’re supposed to dread…

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. Both valid qualities

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. Definitely ice cream

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. Consider your answer carefully

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. A real overachiever

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. Magical cheese

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. How chic and modern!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#2. Emotions are valid at any age

Photo Credit: Twitter

#1. That’s why you clean out their room while they’re at Grandma’s house

Photo Credit: Twitter

h/t: ScaryMommy

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