You try to do your best for those little monsters but sometimes you just gotta do YOU. But parenting is a tough gig, right?
None of these folks are in the running for ‘Parent of the Year’ and if these look familiar, you probably aren’t either.
1. Might’ve overdone it
Today’s assignment:
Go to kids’ karate classes and keep screaming “FINISH HIM!”
— Jake Vig (@Jake_Vig) January 8, 2018
2. Do what you gotta do
Nothing says “I’ve got this parenting thing under control!” like using my son’s last juice box as a mixer.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) September 10, 2018
3. Earmuffs
7yo: The tooth fairy didn’t come last night!
Me: That bitch.
7: What?
Me: What?
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) June 3, 2019
4. When you’re in jail…
Heard my 7yo call my 5yo a dick & I told her it isn’t a word she can say & she asked if she can say it when she’s 15 & I said no & she asked if she can say it when she’s an adult & I said no & she asked if she can say it in jail & I said if she goes to jail then she can say dick
— Ash (an female)
(@adult_mom) January 15, 2018
I’m trying to enjoy every minute but kids are such freaking idiots most of the time.
— MamaFizzles (@MamaFizzles) January 28, 2019
6. Major headache
The 4 yr old is wandering the house in a life jacket, crying b/c it's clipped. He also cried when I unclipped it.
We don't even own a boat.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) July 18, 2017
7. Not cool
My kid got invited to a birthday party and I don’t like that kid’s mom so I bought a musical instrument set that includes a drum, a recorder, and a harmonica. I’ll see you in hell, Bethany.
— Sassparilla (@Megatronic13) January 27, 2019
8. Might want to listen in
Just overheard my 5-year-old tell her sisters, "…and that's how you defuse a bomb," and now I feel like I should probably pay attention.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) June 8, 2019
9. That’s why
3yo: Do you want to play princesses with me?
Me: Of course!
3yo: Ok, I’ll be Ariel. Who do you want to be?
Me: Sleeping Beauty.
3yo: How come you always pick her?
Me: *already asleep on the couch*— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) March 14, 2019
10. Which one is worse?
Don’t know what’s worse
1) My 8yo called me upstairs to bring him a towel that was two feet away from him
2) I did it— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) March 22, 2018
11. Ugh
me *brings toddler his juice* What do you say?
toddler: Finally— Josh (@iwearaonesie) May 19, 2018
12. Pray they don’t notice
I'm the kind of mom who burns one side of the grilled cheese, serves it to her kid with the non-burned side up, and crosses her fingers.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) May 26, 2017
13. Sure…
Pediatrician: They're only getting two hours of screen time a day, right?
Me: HAHAHAHA! I mean, yes.
— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) May 5, 2017
14. It’s over
Husband: So we've basically given up.
Me: On what?
H: *gestures to 4yo carefully piling spaghetti on his head*: Parenting.
— Mom Psychologist (@mompsychologist) January 31, 2017
15. Flip ’em the bird
I don't like to point fingers, but sometimes I really want to point my middle finger at the 1yo.
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) February 21, 2019
Maybe shoot for 2020 ‘Parent of the Year’?
Something to strive for…
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