These Kids Are The Reason Parents Say “Bless Your Heart”

As moms and dads, we love our kids unconditionally. That means we adore them when they’re annoying, when they’re sweet, when they’re giving us hugs and when they’re running away naked, dirty diaper in their hands.

And yeah, even when they say or do something that makes you plant your face straight in your palm – which is how these 11 parents must have responded in these moments.

11. Boys, I swear.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

10. There can be no further argument.

This one took talent, my friends.

dont bring your kids when shopping for a phone from KidsAreFuckingStupid

9. So stinking sweet.

And also, HIS OUTFIT.

Image Credit: Tumblr

8. That makes for one awkward parent-teacher conference.

I am mortified on their behalf.

When I was a kid I was fucking stupid from KidsAreFuckingStupid

7. The face I am making right now.

Why are kids so gross??

My 3 year old, everybody. from KidsAreFuckingStupid

6. They had an adventure.

Sometimes I miss being a kid.

Oh no, we’re lost. from KidsAreFuckingStupid

5. I mean it kind of makes sense?

In their inexperienced little brains.

A absolutley phonemenol title from KidsAreFuckingStupid

4. It makes it worse that she screamed it.

Somehow. Her poor parents.

3. She did a good job getting underneath it.

Maybe she can’t lift her head.

My niece’s hiding spot from KidsAreFuckingStupid

2. Wow, I bet that really changed his life.

I cannot imagine. Ha!

Me being a dumbass child from KidsAreFuckingStupid

1. Just TRY to convince her to eat them.

If you’ve got an hour to spare.

My kid won’t eat her eggs because they have "dark spots". Yeah, that’s the fork. from KidsAreFuckingStupid

But seriously, bless their hearts, though. They don’t know what they don’t know, and that makes us all laugh a lot louder, right?

So hey… those are my thoughts… and they’re brilliant (I think we can agree)… but I want to hear from you!

What’s something your kid has done that falls into this category? Share the story with us in the comments!

The post These Kids Are The Reason Parents Say “Bless Your Heart” appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Prove Children Are as Goofy as They Are Adorable

I really love kids (my own especially), and one of the most charming things about them is how they think they know everything when they literally know nothing.

And to top it all off, they think we’re the ones who don’t know anything!

If you need any further proof that kids are charming idiots, I really think these 13 memes should suffice.

13. We’ve all been there.

Somewhere along the line we stopped crying about it, though.

Image Credit: Reddit

12. They have no idea what time is worth.

But why should they?

Image Credit: Reddit

11. Someone’s parent or teacher dropped the ball.

His pose with the cigarette makes this whole picture.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. This is a nightmare of epic proportions.

How do you come back from this?

Image Credit: Reddit

9. I, too, used this word without realizing what it meant.

It was not a good day in the 4th grade.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. He thought no one would notice.

And if he’d been playing with other kids, they might not have.

Image Credit: Reddit

7. The drips.

Y’all. I can’t.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. Is that slime?

Dear God in heaven.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. How…did this happen?

I’m not even going to ask why.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. I bet his mom was so proud.

And by “proud,” I mean “wanted to die.”

Image Credit: Reddit

3. I mean…some of that was right.

He might want to rethink his career path.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. I’ll take “ways to get kicked out of school” for $200, Alex.”

Sweet summer child.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. A sad day.

But perhaps an important one for the whole reality thing.

Image Credit: Reddit

Bless their hearts, right?

What’s the dumbest cute thing your kid has done? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Memes That Prove Children Are as Goofy as They Are Adorable appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Prove Children Are as Goofy as They Are Adorable

I really love kids (my own especially), and one of the most charming things about them is how they think they know everything when they literally know nothing.

And to top it all off, they think we’re the ones who don’t know anything!

If you need any further proof that kids are charming idiots, I really think these 13 memes should suffice.

13. We’ve all been there.

Somewhere along the line we stopped crying about it, though.

Image Credit: Reddit

12. They have no idea what time is worth.

But why should they?

Image Credit: Reddit

11. Someone’s parent or teacher dropped the ball.

His pose with the cigarette makes this whole picture.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. This is a nightmare of epic proportions.

How do you come back from this?

Image Credit: Reddit

9. I, too, used this word without realizing what it meant.

It was not a good day in the 4th grade.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. He thought no one would notice.

And if he’d been playing with other kids, they might not have.

Image Credit: Reddit

7. The drips.

Y’all. I can’t.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. Is that slime?

Dear God in heaven.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. How…did this happen?

I’m not even going to ask why.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. I bet his mom was so proud.

And by “proud,” I mean “wanted to die.”

Image Credit: Reddit

3. I mean…some of that was right.

He might want to rethink his career path.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. I’ll take “ways to get kicked out of school” for $200, Alex.”

Sweet summer child.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. A sad day.

But perhaps an important one for the whole reality thing.

Image Credit: Reddit

Bless their hearts, right?

What’s the dumbest cute thing your kid has done? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Memes That Prove Children Are as Goofy as They Are Adorable appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Times Kids Amazed Us By Being Clueless

Kids are pretty clueless a lot of the time, but I’m not giving them a hard time for that. It takes years and experiences and independence and a whole bunch of fails to actually have a clue about how to do life, so they can’t be expected to know it all before they graduate from middle school.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t chuckle at them being clueless, right? I hope not, because these 10 kids are totally going to make you laugh.

10. Someone has been failing their spelling tests.

Time to start studying.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. I had a similar experience with starfish.

Those things really smelled, too.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. How are water and windows connected?

I have a lot of questions, y’all.

Image Credit: Reddit

7. That’s one way to get a cake all to yourself.

Maybe that was his plan all along.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. You just sped up the process a little, that’s all.

What a sensitive little soul.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. This kid is banned for life.

His parents too, for good measure.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. I bet he thought he was being smart and resourceful, too.

Poor sap.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. I’m sure that seems legit.

If you’re 6 and don’t know what “camo” is.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. That educators have to send these emails.

I bet it kills a little bit of their soul.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. I bet this kid grew up to be a storyteller of some sort.

I actually love this confession.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’ve never laughed and shook my head at the same time so hard in my life!

What’s something your kid has done that could go in this forum? Share it with us in the comments!

The post 10 Times Kids Amazed Us By Being Clueless appeared first on UberFacts.