Was a Woman Wrong for Letting Her Dog Push Over a Young Child? People Shared Their Thoughts.

You never really know what’s gonna happen when dogs are around children.

That’s why both parties need to be responsible to make sure no one gets hurt. The most loving dog in the world might snap for some reason and bite a kid.

Or a child might do something to harm the animal. You just never know…

And a young woman took to Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page to ask readers if they thought she was in the wrong regarding an incident with her dog and a child.

Let’s take a look.

AITA for letting my dog push over a toddler?

“I (20f) have an 8 month old puppy.

He’s generally very well behaved, we’ve been going to a trainer with him since he was 4 months but he’s still an excitable puppy. I have him around young kids pretty often but I have them greet him properly first so they can play safely.

I take him for two walks a day which double as training sessions since he gets really hyped up outside and pulls/jumps which we’d like to stop even though he’s not particularly big and that means we’re frequently stopping and starting.

Today he started pulling near a local daycare, I stopped and he corrected himself so I gave him a treat and we went to head on when two young girls (2f, 4f) rushed over.

I knew them, they’re my neighbours and I generally get along with them so I paused to say hi, letting them know that my dog was okay to pat if they’d let me settle him down first since he gets a little excited and I didn’t want him jumping on them in case they got hurt. The girls seemed to understand but their dad came over and told them to “hurry up and pet the dog so we can go home”.

I tried to explain to him that I needed them to wait a second since he loves kids and if they wanted to pet him I just need to grab his collar and have him sit since he was still in training but he wouldn’t listen and told the girls again to “just pet him”.

So they did and my dog who was getting increasingly more excited about all these people immediately did what I warned and jumped up. The older one didn’t mind to much and let him lick her but the other fell over and immediately started screaming.

She didn’t seem hurt, just startled, but the dad immediately went off at me for having a “feral, untrained mutt” and told me I should never have my dog near kids before stormed off with his kids.

I did try and warn them but I love little kids and I feel awful about her being knocked over, especially since I probably could have grabbed him if I was paying more attention to my dog and less to the dad.

AITA for what happened?”

Here’s how people reacted on Reddit.

This reader said that the other dad in this situation is definitely to blame and that the guy is, quite simply, a d**k.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said this boils down to one thing: entitlement from the dad in this story.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual pointed out that the person who wrote the post tried but the father put his kids in danger by acting like this.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this Reddit user said that the person who wrote the story was trying to do the right thing and he did everything he could in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this woman acted irresponsibly?

Or did she teach this parent a lesson?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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If You Think Your Kid Doesn’t Need a Dog, These Wholesome Pics Should Change Your Mind

I had a great childhood, and one of the things I’m most grateful for was that we had a family dog growing up.

His name was Quincy and he was really something. All of us kids loved him a lot and he was a constant in our lives for the 12 years we were lucky enough to call him our own.

What am I rambling on and on about?

I’m trying to say that a bond between a kid and his or her dog is something that they’ll cherish for the rest of their lives.

And here are some great examples of exactly what I’m talking about!

1. Wow! This is amazing!

Never underestimate the power of dogs.

8 months ago, our son got a support dog. Our son was mostly wheelchair dependent. We hoped his dog would help him grow stronger. I think we can conclude that together they succeeded! from dogswithjobs

2. These two make quite a pair.

I bet they get into a lot of trouble together.

A Baby and his dog from MadeMeSmile

3. These two will have a lifetime of fun together.

It made us smile, too!

I volunteer for a dog rescue, we love seeing updates of the dogs in their new homes. This one made me smile! from aww

4. Providing all kinds of comfort.

What a great duo.

My son has autism and one of his unique trait, is his need for physical contact at all times. Barb came into our lives and elected herself to the position of weighted blanket & bodyguard. from AnimalsBeingBros

5. Two kids helping out a hurt pup.

Is this wholesome, or what?

6. Doing great work!

We love rescue pups!

My daughter has a huge heart for dogs and begged for months to get another rescue. She even used all her money to pitch in for the fees. Here she is with our third rescue pupper, Daisy. from aww

7. You win the Internet today.

This looks like a very happy family.

A sleeping baby, dog, and cat. I think I win the internet high score. from aww

8. It all comes full circle.

A new addition to the family.

And I never thought that 17 years later, my best friend would live to meet my first child from pics

9. Where did the dog go?

Oh, there she is!

So, Cassidy (my daughter) was snuggling Elsa (our rescue pup) under her hoodie. I walked into the room and asked "Where’s Elsa?" Well, Elsa tried to get to me…..guess which hole of the hoodie she tried to use?? 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 from aww

10. Waiting for treats.

We can wait all day long if we have to.

Our neighbor gives treats through the fence. Recently he has been giving my daughter treats too. This is them waiting patiently today. from aww

11. Wow. That’s pretty interesting.

The dog was worried about the little one.

Their dog hasn’t eaten well since they brought their baby home – dog kept taking food into the living room and leaving it there. Someone suggested the dog might be worried the baby isn’t visibly eating, so is “feeding” the baby. They tried giving the baby a bowl of food at the same time. It worked! from MadeMeSmile

Okay, now we want to see your pics of your dogs and kiddos together!

Please share some good ones with us in the comments.

We can’t wait!

The post If You Think Your Kid Doesn’t Need a Dog, These Wholesome Pics Should Change Your Mind appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Wholesome Photos of Kids and Dogs

They’re called “man’s best friend” for a reason, people…

Because it’s 100000%, unequivocally true that dogs are our best companions!

They help us get through the hard times, they love us unconditionally, and, if you were lucky enough to grow up with a dog, you know that it made your childhood a lot more special.

Here are some incredibly wholesome photos of kids with their dogs that we think will brighten your day.

Let’s take a look!

1. Not nervous anymore.

Is this sweet, or what?

My daughter was nervous around dogs, and then she met this guy. He let her love all over him for 20 minutes and afterwards, her fear was gone. Thank you, sweet boy, for making her into the dog lover she is! from aww

2. I bet she loved it!

I have a feeling that these two are best friends.

It’s my dogs 4th birthday, my daughter spent all her pocket money buying her a steak. from aww

3. A proud older brother.

Keeping watch on the little one.

Our dog has hardly left my wife’s side since baby arrived. He’s a proud older brother. from aww

4. This is very sweet.

And he’s a very good boy.

My dog is 18, has trouble standing. Since Clare was born, he stands for hours watching. Good boy from pics

5. Two peas in a pod!

You gotta love it!

Our son had a heart transplant. My wife made him a Tin Man costume. Cowardly Lion played by Murphy Jenkins. from aww

6. The start of a beautiful friendship.

That’s what dogs are for.

The 12 week old guarding the 1 week old. Something tells me this is the start of a beautiful friendship. from aww

7. Just out for an afternoon stroll.

A boy and his dog.

PsBattle: this kid walking his dog in full astronaut gear from photoshopbattles

8. Therapy dogs are the best!

And Maddie looks like a real champ.

Our daughter was visited by Maddie, a therapy dog, before her (successful) surgery at Phoenix Children’s Hospital … this dog helped all of us more than she will ever know … she’s not a good girl, she’s a great girl from pics

9. What a great photo!

They make a dynamic duo, don’t you think?

My son and daughter 💙 from aww

10. The best farm dog you could ever imagine.

I’d love to cuddle with this pooch.

Our Good girl, Stella. Picked her up a year ago at the pound. The best farm dog ever. from aww

11. He looks vicious…

But he was just sneezing.

Step 1: try to take cute pic of dog and baby. Step 2: dog sneezes during pic. Step 3: accidentally capture my dogs inner demon, and my son thinks it’s funny. from funny

12. They can’t get enough of each other.

And they’ll have a great bond as they both grow up.

My son and his puppy — they can’t get enough of each other. from aww

Those really bring a smile to your face, don’t they?

And now we want to see some more!

In the comments, share some pics of your dogs and kids having fun together.

Thanks in advance!

The post Enjoy These Wholesome Photos of Kids and Dogs appeared first on UberFacts.

A Howl-Off Between a Boy and His Beloved Dog Will Brighten Your Day

There’s nothing quite like a child and their beloved dog, am I right? Videos like this are one of the main reasons I’m dying to adopt a dog for my littles, even though my husband and I agreed that we would wait until they were both out of diapers before we made another potty-training commitment.

I just want a dog!

If you’re in the same mindset as me, well, you might not want to keep scrolling, because this video of a toddler and his dog having a howling contest is going to send us all straight to the humane society.

This is what you get when your Toddler realizes he can talk to the Husky 🙆🏼‍♀️To purchase this video for media use visit http://video.storyful.com For Storyful Newswire subscription inquiries, please contact sales@storyful.com

Posted by Alixandria Smith on Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Michigan mom Alixandria Smith caught the moment when her 2-year-old son Braxton and their husky, Boston, having a bit of a friendly competition.

“This is what you get when your Toddler realizes he can talk to the Husky,” she writes as a caption.

Photo Credit: Alixandria Smith

Braxton starts the howl off, but as the dog – and a husky to boot – I can assure you that Boston is the clear winner in the end.

Boston’s returned conversation makes Braxton dissolve into giggles that just make the whole thing, and the pure joy everyone (literally) gets from the video is just the best thing about being alive in 2020.

Photo Credit: Alixandria Smith

The video has been watched over 3 million times since it was posted, and people love sharing it with their friends.

If you know someone who needs a smile, I mean…what better way to give them one, so pass it along!

The post A Howl-Off Between a Boy and His Beloved Dog Will Brighten Your Day appeared first on UberFacts.