What’s the Best Joke That Not Many People Know? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.

I don’t know about you, but I’m in dire need of some new material.

I’m talking about JOKES, people.

And we’re all in luck, because there are a ton of jokes to enjoy coming right up.

People on AskReddit were nice enough to share their favorite jokes that not many people know about.

Let’s check them out!

1. I love North Korean humor.

“Why do North Koreans draw the best straight lines ?

Because they have a supreme ruler.”

2. Elderly love.

“An elderly couple were celebrating their 50 year anniversary at the local pub. After a couple of drinks, they started reminiscing about their s*x life in the earlier stages of their marriage.

They remembered one hot and heavy session they had behind the pub, with the husband doing her against the fence. They decided to try it again, to see if they could still do it.

A policeman overheard their conversation, and decided to follow them outside as he didn’t believe an elderly couple would ever be able to pull off such a manoeuvre! Low and behold, the man had his wife up against the fence, going at it hammer and tong with loud moans and screams!

When they had finally finished, the policeman HAD to know their secret and went over to ask.

‘Well’ said the wife, ‘the last time we did that the fence wasn’t electric!’”

3. Wow…

“A horse walked into a bar.

The bartender asked “Why the long face?” The horse said, “My alcoholism is destroying my family.””

4. He was shamed.

“What did the elephant say to the naked man?

“It’s cute, but can you really breathe through that thing?””

5. Guys…

“Three men are walking one day when they are confronted by a genie. The genie, in his generosity, grants each man three wishes.

The first man wishes to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and a stunning model is willed into existence, madly in love with him. The second wishes for nigh infinite wealth, and he immediately gets a notification on his banking app showing a deposit several figures long. The third man wishes for his left arm to always rotate counterclockwise, and his arm begins making strokes in the air.

The first man then wishes for knowledge of all languages, and it is granted. The second man’s second wish is for a spacious, luxurious mansion, and the deed to the estate is his. The third man wishes for his right arm to always rotate clockwise, and both of his arms are now making wide circles in opposite directions.

The first man’s final wish is to return to when he was younger, and he immediately ages back to when he was in his early 20s. The second man’s final wish is for enlightenment, and the secrets of the universe are revealed to him. The third man’s final wish is for his head to always nod up and down, and his head begins making large bobbing motions.

The three men decide to reconvene years late to update each other on their wishes. The first man, with his eternal youth, seduces his beautiful wife in every language imaginable.

The second man used his wealth and spacious estate to teach others the secrets of the universe. The third man approaches the others and says “Guys I think I f*cked up.””

6. Breakdown.

“A man’s car breaks down outside a monastery, the monks inside see that it’s late, so they put him up for the night. Whilst sleeping, he hears a strange noise, hard to describe.

When he wakes up, he asks a monk what the strange noise is. “I’m sorry my friend, I can’t tell you because you’re not a monk”. So he fixes his car and is on his way. Three years later he’s driving and breaks down next to that same monastery. The same happens, and he’s allowed to sleep there once more.

He hears the strange noise again, and the next morning he asks yet again. “I can’t tell you, you’re not a monk” “Alright then” he says,”How do I become a monk?” The monk tells him that he must count every blade of grass on the earth, and every grain of sand, and only once he has done that, will he be a monk. So 70 years later, the old withering man returns.

He tells the other monks his count, and is allowed to discover the source of the noise. He is taken to a door, that he opens, and behind it is another door. And another. And another. And so on. He opens doors for many hours, until finally he sees it.

He knows what the noise is. But I can’t tell you, because you’re not a monk.”

7. Lost in the desert.

“3 guys are lost in a desert, and keep traveling.

Eventually, they find an Oasis and drink from it, but what they don’t know is that the Oasis is frequented by a patrol from a nearby tribe. They’re captured and sent to the tribe.

The tribe is basically in a jungle of sorts with all sorts of fruit trees around them. The chieftain tells the travelers to pick one of a fruit of their choice for a challenge. Some time later, Traveler 1 comes back with a berry.

The chieftain then reveals that the challenge is that they must put the fruit of their choice up their bums without moving or flinching. Traveler 1 does this easily.

Traveler 2 comes back with an apple. They tell him the same thing, but Traveler 2 fails the challenge and is killed on the spot.

All of the sudden, Traveler 1 busts out laughing, and is killed on the spot.

In the after life,

Traveler 2: “Why did you bust out laughing like that?! You were so close to living!”

Traveler 1: “I saw Traveler 3 coming back with a Pineapple.””

8. Nerd alert!

“A neutron walks into a bar and gets a drink The Neutron asks how much for it?

The bartender says: For You, no charge.”

9. At the musem.

“The Museum of Natural History in New York wanted to put up a mural in honor of General Custer called “Custers last stand.” The commission finally found an artist to do and they went to work.

Huge curtains up around the exhibit were up for weeks. Management asks him “what’s taking so long?” The artist says “I’m almost done.” Weeks and weeks went by and he finally emerges out of the curtain. They set a date for the reveal and hundreds and hundreds of people show up.

They drop the curtain and the mural is as follows: There’s a fish jumping out of water with a halo over with thousands and thousands of Native American Indians having s*x over the landscape. In the bushes. The trees. Falling out of the sky. Management is furious “how could you do this to us?” They asked.

To which the artist replied “well what do you think Custers last words were?” “Holy mackerel! That’s a lot of f*ckin Indians!!!””

10. Smart*ss.

“Old man sitting on a park bench, little girl comes and sits at the other end.

She takes out a candy bar and gobbles it down. Pulls out another one, gone in two bites. Takes out a third, nom nom nom gone. “Gosh little girl you sure do eat a lot of candy bars.”

“Yeah, well, my grandfather lived until he was a hundred and four.” “How’d he do that, by eating candy bars?”

“No, by minding his own d*mn business.””

11. A horrible headache.

“One day, a man began experiencing a horrible headache.

He went to multiple doctors, all of whom couldn’t give him an explanation or a solution to the headache. After years of the same symptoms, the man finally found a doctor who can fix the situation.

The doctor told him, “The good news is I can fix your headaches so you’ll never have them again. The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition, which causes your testicles to press on your spine, creating one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove the testicles.”

The man was depressed because two of the three things that made him a man will be removed. Realizing he had no other choice, he agreed to the castration.

When he left the hospital he was without a headache for the first time in 10 years. He decided he would make a new him, where he has no worries of headaches. He saw a tailor shop and thought, “A new suit is fit for a new man, a new me”.

After entering the shop, he asked the tailor for a new suit. The tailor said, “Hmm… Looking at you, you are size 44 long.” The man surprised asked, “That’s right, how did you know?” “Been in the business for over 50 years!” The man tried on the suit given and it fit perfectly.

The man realizing he needed a shirt for the suit asked for one. The tailor looked at him and said, “Hmm… you are a 35 sleeve and 16 neck.” Again, Joe was surprised, “That’s right, how did you know?” The tailor responded again, “Been in the business for over 50 years!” The man tried on the shirt, and it fit perfectly.

The man decided he needed new shoes with his suit and shirt. The tailor looked at him and said, “Hmm… you are 9 1/2.” The man was surprised and exclaimed, “That’s right, how did you know?” The tailor responded again “Been in the business for over 50 years!”The man tried on the shoes and they fit perfectly.

The tailor said “How about some underwear?” The man was startled but realized the logic. Since he already got everything else, he said yes. The tailor looked at him and said, “Hmm… you are a size 36.”

The man laughed catching the tailor. “Ah ha! You’re wrong! I’ve worn size 34 since I was 18 years old.” The tailor shook his head, “No, you can’t wear a size 34. A size 34 underwear would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache.””

Okay, wiseguys and wisegals, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us some of your favorite jokes.

Thanks in advance!

The post What’s the Best Joke That Not Many People Know? Here’s What Folks Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

Delicious New Tweets For You to Enjoy

Do you sou smell that?

We’ve got some fresh out of the oven tweets for you here today. Home made and hot on the plate, just like Grandma used to make.

Savor each bite and enjoy these 14 new(ish) tweetly treats.

14. Let’s get physical

I looked at it for a solid 8 seconds before it clicked and now I feel stupid.

13. Attitude

A picture is worth at least a thousand words.

12. City slickers

Cool, so you know your way back out then?

11. At least you tried

Here, have some gym shorts for your face.

10. Growing older

Where’s all the wisdom that was supposed to come with this age?

9. Bottomless regret

That face when it’s noon and you’re already spent for the day.

8. Milky white

What we will and won’t put in our bodies is basically a crapshoot.

7. False dichotomy

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

6. Quit your sass

Squidward is bitter because he knows in his heart he should have a better life.

5. Shut it down

Um, you sure? Cause I don’t think most states actually got the memo.

4. No peeping

If I need to write, delete, and repeat nine times before sending that’s my business.

3. Cat’s out of the bag

If you’re not about those felines how are you even living?

2. Let me get this straight

Is it weird that this is making me hungry?

1. Poor coverage

Well, I’m definitely getting mixed signals.

Absolutely deliciously delicious! Finally some good freakin’ internet food.

What do you go to Twitter for?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Delicious New Tweets For You to Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

13 People Share the Best Jokes They Know

Here we go…

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Who who?

Hey, we got an owl on our hands, here!

Okay, that was totally lame, but that is, technically, an example of a joke. Are you ready to hear some more?

What’s the best joke that you know?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. I laughed at this.

“Two guys are walking down the street when they see a dog licking his balls.

One guy says, “I wish I could do that.”

The other replies, “… well maybe just try petting him first.””

2. Hahahahaha.

“A penguin is on a long-deserved vacation from the zoo. He decides to take a road trip out west, where his car breaks down. Luckily, it’s right in front of a mechanic in town.

He drops the car off and tells the mechanic he’s going to get some lunch. Its a really hot day, so after eating he stops by the ice cream shop for a little treat.

Walking back to his car, the mechanic tells the penguin “It looks like you blew a seal.”

The penguin laughs: “Oh, no” he said, as he wiped his mouth “It’s just ice cream.””

3. Groan…

“I had a song stuck in my head the other day and kept singing it out loud.

My wife finally broke down and screamed Will you please STOP singing Wonderwall!?

I said maybe…”

4. Short and sweet.

“What did the sign on the door of the brothel say?

“Beat it, we’re closed.””

5. Gotcha!

“People are shocked when they find out what a terrible electrician I am.”

6. Not sure if younger folks will get this…

“Doc, you gotta help me. I can’t stop singing ‘What’s New Pussycat’.”

“Ah. That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome.”

“Is it common?”

“It’s not unusual.”

7. The island of cannibals.

“One day 3 people were stuck on an island with cannibals. The cannibals said, “if you do what we say, we wont kill you”. S

So the 3 people followed the orders the cannibals. So the cannibals said, “go into the forest and pick 10 fruits of the first fruit you see”. So the first person came back out of the forest with 10 apples. the cannibals said, “put the apples up your *ss without making a facial expression”. The person then made a facial expression after the second apple, so the cannibals killed him.

The second person came back out of the forest with 10 cherries. the cannibals said, “put the cherries up your *ss without making a facial expression”. The person then started laughing on the tenth cherry, so they killed him.

In heaven, the person with apples asked the person with cherries “why did you start laughing?”. The person replied, “I saw the third person come out with pineapples.””

8. Talking dog.

“This guy sees a sign: “Talking Dog $5”

He walks up and asks the man: “Does this dog really talk?”

Owner: “Yep”


Dog: “It’s true, I can talk.”

Man” Holy sh*t!”

Dog: “Yeah, I started out in the circus as a sideshow, until the CIA found me. They recruited me as a spy. No one suspects the dog in the room is listening to state secrets. After two tours, I retired here in the country to live out my days.”

Man: “My god, man! That is the most astounding thing I have ever heard! So, why the hell are you only selling him for $5?”

Owner: “Because that dog is a liar. He didn’t do any of that sh*t!””

9. LOL.

“The divorce court judge says to Mickey “Now let me get this straight Mr. Mouse, you want a divorce from your wife Minnie because she’s crazy?”

And Mickey says “No, I never said she was crazy, I said she was f*cking Goofy!””

10. See you in Hell.

“Three men went to Hell, and they stood before the Devil.

The Devil asked the first man, “WHAT DID YOU DO FOR A LIVING?”

The man answered, “I was a lumberjack.”

The Devil said “THEN WE WILL CHOP YOUR PEN*S OFF.” He turned to the second man, asking the same question he asked the first.

“I was a fireman,” said the second man.

“THEN WE WILL BURN YOUR PEN*S OFF,” said the Devil. He turned to the third man, asking the same question he asked the other two.

The third man thought about it, and finally answered the Devil:

“I was a lollipop salesman.”

11. In the woods.

“A pair of hunters from Illinois are out in the woods.

Whilst decending a hill one of them suddenly cries out in pain and falls to the bottom, clutching his chest as he hit the ground. The other hunter rushes to his side as his friend noticeably stops breathing. Pulling out his phone he quickly dials 911.

After a few rings the dispatcher picks up. “911 what is your emergency?” Asks the dispatcher. The hunter replies, “I am out near route 51 my friend has a heart attack i think he is dead!” “What do i do?” Asks the hunter. The dispatcher replies, “It is okay sir, can you calm down and make sure that he is dead?” The hunter replies, “okay.”

The dispatcher hears some rustling over the phone followed by the resounding boom of a 12 gauge. The hunter comes back on the line asking, “Okay, now what?””

12. Don’t even try it.

“What do you get if you insert human DNA into a goat?

Kicked out of the petting zoo!”

13. The priest and the plumber.

“Priest and plumber go golfing. It’s the last three holes after a close round.

Plumber misses his swing and curses “bugger missed”. The priest is mildly offended and chastises him “you shouldn’t curse in the lord’s presence”. The plumber laughs it off and looks furtively over his shoulder.

Next hole, the plumber is distracted and goofs on the putting green. He can’t help but curse “bugger this!”. The priest scolds him “i told you, if you curse again may the lord strike you down”. The priest takes the lead.

On the last hole, the plumber is sweating from the pressure, practicing his putting move. One points separates them on the green. He swings… connects… and the ball rolls on the lip of the hole and pivots off target into the sand bunker. “f*ckin f*ck!” the plumber rants.

Before the priest can chime in a mighty rumble is heard, the thick clouds overhead part and a bolt of lightning screams through the air. The priest is struck dead and a voice from the clouds says “bugger, missed”.”

Okay, friends, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, please share your favorite joke with us.

Let’s see what you got!

The post 13 People Share the Best Jokes They Know appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ You’ve Definitely Thought About but Would Never Admit

I’ll admit it: I’m definitely guilty of having thought about most of these at least once. Then again, I’m a pretty open guy.

Most people, however, tend to keep their weirdness hidden away. These are the kinds of thoughts most of us would never admit to, because then people might see you in a different (and potentially negative) light.

1. Oooh stealing

2. Yarp

Photo Credit: ejacutastic.tumblr.com

3. Same

Photo Credit: snoia.tumblr.com

4. Me

5. A happy ending

6. GO ON…

7. Of course

Photo Credit: bottledminx.tumblr.com

8. Don’t we all

Photo Credit: miyuki-naruto.tumblr.com

9. Omg me too

10. Uhhh…

Photo Credit: batreaux.tumblr.com


12. Only every day

13. Really tho?

Photo Credit: ameliahensley.tumblr.com

14. Also me

I feel more empowered already! Let’s go do so many things with our new, shared, unstoppable knowledge!

The post 10+ You’ve Definitely Thought About but Would Never Admit appeared first on UberFacts.