A Person Waited Years to Get Revenge on a Co-Worker Who Got Them Fired

If you’re very lucky, you’ve always loved your coworkers at every place where you’ve worked. But if you live in the real world, then you’ve probably had a coworker or two who just gets under your skin.

And sometimes, you have that coworker who you just do not get along with no matter what.

Most of us have been there. Sometimes the situation escalates to the point of no return, and one of you even ends up losing your job.

That’s what happened to this person, who decided to tell the internet all about that one time a coworker got them unjustly fired… and how they finally, finally got their revenge.

It all starts with a little history, to set the scene:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Intriguing, right? Revenge that takes years to come to fruition is definitely pretty fascinating.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

And then… the opportunity!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

The background sounds extra, but it is definitely worth it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Fast forward!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

If you’re still following along, this is when things start to get very interesting:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

We have all had co-workers like this, right? Read on:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

It’s always someone else, isn’t it?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

You can totally understand why she wanted to get out of the office as soon as possible, but nooooo:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Can you even imagine?! But luckily, the person’s fortune began to change:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

It is pretty amazing that people were working together to try to out this terrible co-worker.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Did you see this story escalating to this degree?!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

You knew it, right?!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

That story is wild, right? Don’t forget to let us know which part had you absolutely howling in the comments!

The post A Person Waited Years to Get Revenge on a Co-Worker Who Got Them Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

A Person Waited Years to Get Revenge on a Co-Worker Who Got Them Fired

If you’re very lucky, you’ve always loved your coworkers at every place where you’ve worked. But if you live in the real world, then you’ve probably had a coworker or two who just gets under your skin.

And sometimes, you have that coworker who you just do not get along with no matter what.

Most of us have been there. Sometimes the situation escalates to the point of no return, and one of you even ends up losing your job.

That’s what happened to this person, who decided to tell the internet all about that one time a coworker got them unjustly fired… and how they finally, finally got their revenge.

It all starts with a little history, to set the scene:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Intriguing, right? Revenge that takes years to come to fruition is definitely pretty fascinating.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

And then… the opportunity!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

The background sounds extra, but it is definitely worth it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Fast forward!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

If you’re still following along, this is when things start to get very interesting:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

We have all had co-workers like this, right? Read on:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

It’s always someone else, isn’t it?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

You can totally understand why she wanted to get out of the office as soon as possible, but nooooo:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Can you even imagine?! But luckily, the person’s fortune began to change:

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

It is pretty amazing that people were working together to try to out this terrible co-worker.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Did you see this story escalating to this degree?!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

You knew it, right?!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

That story is wild, right? Don’t forget to let us know which part had you absolutely howling in the comments!

The post A Person Waited Years to Get Revenge on a Co-Worker Who Got Them Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories of Huge Mistakes They Fixed Before Anyone Noticed

Have you been in this situation before?

Maybe it happened at work, or maybe it happened out in public, but you BLOW IT and FUCK UP in a huge way and you go into panic mode.

Now you need to fix your FUCK UP before anyone notices.

It’s a race against the clock but somehow you pull it off.

Whew! That was a close call!

AskReddit users shared their stories that are just like this.

1. Whoopsy daisy.

“Fucked up numerous times working on live applications. The best one was accidentally deleting the user table.

I was trying to delete a subset of users and managed to hit the key to run the statement before I’d written the “where” clause. If you don’t have a “where” clause to tell the database which records you want to delete, it just deletes all of them.

Luckily, the user table was only ever read by the application on log-in, so no one was going to notice unless they happened to log-in in the 2 mins or so it took me to load the records back in from a back-up.”

2. Working with acid.

“Working at a laboratory that used acid solutions to dissolve geological samples for various tests, my technical manager left a component of a machine in a plastic beaker filled halfway with concentrated hydrofluoric acid, unlabeled, in a fume hood that other people used regularly, “to see what it would do”.

I dumped it in a neutralizer and this asshole had the balls to yell at me for ruining his “test”. I told him it would etch and dissolve the part because it was glass, and he didn’t require a test because that’s already a known property.

Had someone spilled it on even a gloved hand, the hydrofluoric acid would pass through protection and enter the bloodstream without sensation, where it would leach calcium out of the bones, wreaking havoc on the nervous system causing a horrible, agonizing death.”

3. In the trash.

“I once had a roommate who didn’t speak English too well. She was moving away, and she was leaving in a hurry, and before she left she asked me to “take care of” a big bag of what was apparently clothes.

I assumed those were trash she didn’t want to take with her, and she just didn’t have time to throw them away, so once she left, I took that bag to the trash canister outside. A few hours later, that interaction just came back to my mind and seemed strange to me. I went back to the trash canister, the bag was still there, and brought it back inside.

The next day, she came back to get it and thanked me for “taking care of it”. She was a nice, poor girl from a rural region that was already struggling in the city, and I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I had to tell her that I threw her clothes into the trash.”

4. A wonderful song.

“Worked at a record / video rental store. After work on a weeknight, we close at 10pm, clean the store, count the register, lock the safe and go home.

When we clean the store we would often play a CD someone may have returned or which we wouldn’t normally play. Tonight it was 2 Live Crew’s ‘Banned In The USA’ CD with their hit single, ‘Pop That Pussy’. We put this on and crank it and start falling over laughing.

The bass is insane. We have 8 speakers set up around the perimeter of the store, all on shelves hanging near the ceiling. We hear this loud “THUNK” and cannot pinpoint what it was. We notice a speaker is “missing”… then find the corpse. It had jumped off it’s shelf and split into several chunks in the aisle.

Our night manager acted fast. “YOU!” she said, pointing to the 18 year old cashier. “Here’s $10. Go next door to Walgreens and get wood glue!” He’s gone. We start seeing if we can piece it back together. He returns. We glue it up and gently set that bitch back up on it’s shelf and left the speaker wire oh-so-gently unhooked.

The store closed about 6 years later and the manager never found out! We won! Yay Miami bass! Yay Pop That Pussy!”

5. Life and death.

“I was mixing IVs at the hospital.

Someone had put the wrong bag in the wrong bin. I didn’t notice.

I proceeded to make a batch of epidurals out of the wrong medicine. No one caught it. It somehow made it to the OB floor.

I came back into the IV room and saw the empty bag hanging and my stomach dropped. I called OB to ensure none had been used and to make sure it wouldn’t. Brought them back and wrote myself up.

If I hadn’t caught it, it would of caused major issue’s including the possibility of killing the patients. There were 12 syringes if I remember correctly.

I learned a very valuable lesson that day.”

6. Chicken drama.

“This is great timing, I was just thinking about this a few hours ago.

I rented a room from a couple and one of the rules was that I could not enter their yard. In their yard they had all sorts of animals a lovely quaky duck, a few cats and chickens. The chickens were in a big coop cause the cats hunting instincts were still to prevalent.

One weekend they asked me to feed the chickens while they went on a trip. On the last day of feeding all the chickens got out (5), and I noticed just in time to rip one of the chickens from the cats mouth.

After another hilarious 30 minute chase I’d put all the chickens back in the coop, minutes before they came home. I don’t think they noticed.”

7. That was awesome!

“Years ago, I lived in DC. One morning, riding in on the Metro I was changing trains from the Red line to the Blue. I heard the door chime and realized I wasn’t going to make this train. As I stopped, a guy bumped into me and ran on around and jumped on the train as the door chime sounded again. As he passed, I heard a thump and saw his cell phone hit the ground.

In one motion, I knelt down, grabbed the phone, stood up and under-armed the phone 20 feet and hit hit smack in the middle of his chest. He caught the phone, and looked up right at me in shock- then the door closed.

I said to myself, “Well, damn. No one saw that so I can never brag about it.” Then I heard a voice behind me say “Holy shit! That was awesome!” Guy who sat in the office right next to me was coming up behind me, heading into work at the same time. So since Tony saw it, I get to brag about it!”

8. That’s not good.

“Working on a presentation and managed to misspell the CEO’s name.

We’d been working on it for weeks, the name had been there probably since day 3 or 4. No one spotted it cause who would be dumb enough to get it wrong? I finally caught it about a week before it went to the presentation.

Definitely one of my sections, so glad I got it before it could do damage.”

9. A lucky break.

“Worked in an IT company. Had to switch of the routines for data backups because of I even don’t know anymore. Forgot to switch them on again. After around 2 years I noticed it more by coincidence. Felt very warm and sweaty instantly.

If data loss had happened, that would have been the end of the company. And the end of my career of course.”

10. Almost a bad accident.

“Caught a coworker pulling safety pins out of a support stand for a rather large and heavy jet engine component. I had two guys under the component and she was about to pull the last pin when I stopped her.

She was working with knowledge from a different style engine, and would have been correct on that model. In our model, she would have dropped a ton of metal on two guys.”

11. That would’ve been very embarrassing.

“I am a University professor.

I was watching porn one morning and closed my laptop without closing the browser. I then went to class, plugged the computer into the teaching station, and opened the screen. I was saved by the very brief delay between the image on my screen being displayed on the teaching station and it being displayed on the projector.

I managed to rip the HDMI cable out just before I projected to 100+ students.”

12. Catering.

“I work in catering, on multiple occasions have noticed food that has managed to be packaged on site, hasnt reached its sell by date (most foods we label with a sell by date of 3 days after packaging) and yet has mold on it. I’m sure I dont have to explain the consequences of that, physical or legal.

Also one time i was on my break and the food on sale was curry and somehow the one batch they happened to serve first managed to be ice cold because some how they managed to forget to heat that one up.

Luckily I was the first person to take some so I picked it up before the customer otherwise there would have been issues.”

13. Don’t play with fire.

“I was lighting matches and throwing them around a yard beside the one that I grew up in and bf it was so sunny out I couldn’t see that I started a grass fire and it had gotten big. ( the grass was also dead) I managed to find an old oil drum, tipped it over and rolled it all along the perimeter of the growing bush fire.

If I hadn’t had that barrel I would have burned down several graineries and possibly vehicles. If it had gotten into the tree line, my yard would have gone up. Only you know about this. None of my family.”

14. Dodged a bullet.

“Was going on a three night backpacking trip with friends, it was my job to round up three breakfasts.

At REI I picked up what I thought were six packages of freeze dried eggs hanging from a peg. Turns out only the first was eggs, the ones behind it were Neapolitan ice cream. The packages were identical, only a small label indicated the contents.

Fortunately for me the first day and night of the trip we were harassed so badly by biting flies and mosquitoes everyone wanted to abandon the trip as nobody brought bug spray.

I only discovered my mistake days later. Bullet dodged.”

Whew! Those were some close calls!

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us your personal stories about mistakes you fixed at the very last second before anyone noticed.


The post People Share Stories of Huge Mistakes They Fixed Before Anyone Noticed appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work Unusual Jobs Talk About How Folks React When They Tell Them About It

Not every job is 9 to 5.

A lot of folks out there work jobs that some people don’t even know exist.

It’s always interesting to learn about the different vocations that people have and you’re about to hear about a bunch that you might not be familiar with.

Let’s dive into the responses from AskReddit users who opened up about how folks react to their unusual occupations.

1. Wow!

“I had a brief stint as a “junior cheese evaluator.”

People loved hearing about the cheese tasting part, but what is less known is the business analytics side of things — we have to know what good cheese is and what consumer tastes are like and how to influence those tastes to make room for company products that maximize profits for the cheesemaker and retailer.

There’s a whole national certification exam I was studying for before I decided to take a drastic career shift because the whole cheese thing wasn’t paying the bills and it was too much work holding down three jobs.”

2. That’s pretty cool.

“I produce subtitles, for TV and now for online learning at a university. It’s been amazing how many people have thought that either A, a computer does it or B, I’m a sign language interpreter.

I was also a teleprompter / Autocue operator for a while, when I first left uni, and it was one of the best jobs I’ve had. Though again, people thought a computer did it. And I’ve had likes of actors literally laugh in my face because they consider it beneath the lowest of the low apparently (until it breaks…)”

3. That’s interesting.

“Train Controller.

People ask me if I drive trains. I am in the habit now of just pre-empting people and saying “It is like air traffic control but for the rail network”.

In the U.S.A. I believe it is called Train Dispatch. People are generally sort of impressed and want to ask questions about the railway.”

4. Get out the mannequins!

“I work on a truck doing simulated emergencies with high fidelity mannequins . The mannequins have pulses they breathe, you can listen to lung sounds, and their eyes move back-and-forth.

We take the truck to fire departments and critical access hospital‘s in our state to provide emergency training at no cost to the fire departments and hospitals. There are only five states that I know of in the nation that do this training.”

5. Still around?

“Chimney sweep

Usual reaction: that’s still a thing?”

6. Could you do this?

“A friend of mine is a harbor pilot.

Brings huge ships in and out of harbors. Makes mid 6 figures. A lot of boredom with high stress in the middle.”

7. If you’ve got the guts…

“Once upon a time I worked at a boarstud. I got hired in the lab preserving semen for sale. Dull, morning headachy work staring at semen under a microscope.

Buuut the shed often needed help collecting semen and a fun, well paying, easy job. Go get the pig, get him to mount, grab a penis and then nap as they ejaculate for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat.

I got paid $27 an hour to sit on a stool and hold a curly penis three days a week. I now work 6-7 days, collect blood samples, monitor surgery, take phones, do inventory and handle angry clients with a smile for $16 as a vet tech. Hmm.

If you’ve got the guts, consider pig wanker.”

8. Never heard of this.

“I was an enucleator.

When people passed and wanted to donate their corneas I would retrieve their eyes from their body and take them to the lab to process for transplant. When people found that out they were either completely grossed out or thought it was really interesting.”

9. Sounds…erotic.

“My boyfriend’s parents own their own erotica publishing house. They hire ghost writers to churn out the kind of smut you can get for $2 on kindle.

My boyfriend narrates the audiobooks.”

10. Make it look good.

“I was talking to a food stylist and there is one lady who does all of the sour cream commercials because she can make perfect dollops.

Apparently they call her “The Dollop Queen of Georgia”.”

11. Sounds like a big job.

“I’m a procurement officer for an airline, I order parts for planes.

No one seems to realise my job exists but everyone gets it when I tell them what I do.

Reaction is generally wow that’s so cool! In reality I raise purchase orders all day. But it’s pretty cool to wander out to the hangar when a plane is in.”

12. A lot of cash.

“I work for a pond and water garden company specializing in Japanese koi fish sales.

Nothing too crazy, but people always seem a little surprised when I tell them I sell imported koi fish for way too much money.”

13. This is a job.

“One of my best friends’ husbands job was to read Bill Gates’ mail with the intent to prevent crazy people from showing up at the Microsoft campus demanding to speak with him.”

14. Espionage.

“I was an industrial espionage specialist for a year. Basically companies would pay the company I worked for to gain intel on their competitors, their distribution chain, expansion plans, contracts etc.

My job was to gather intelligence, sometimes I would go undercover as a low level employee, sometimes I would go undercover as a headhunter & interview current employees, carefully using questions to elicit information, sometimes I would use a “discretionary fund” to “purchase” intel from employees, once I even went undercover as a reporter to interview a logistics manager.

Sometimes I would just spend hours reading information on the stock exchange, government planning departments etc.

It was a weird job, but I could usually piece together a good amount of info.”

Do you work an unusual job that most people don’t even know exists?

How do people react when you tell them about it?

Please share with us in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Who Work Unusual Jobs Talk About How Folks React When They Tell Them About It appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Times People Accidentally Texted Their Bosses

There was a time when you only spoke to your boss face to face, or maybe, occasionally, over an inter-office phone system. For most of us, that’s long gone. The people we work for, or at least the ones we work immediately under, are generally accessible through a few twitches of the thumb on our smart phones. This can be really handy. It can also be super annoying and potentially dangerous.

Like in these 12 examples of times people definitely shouldn’t have texted their bosses, but did. (Pro tip: depending on what device you’re viewing this page on, you may have to click on the tweets to see the entire screenshot.)

12. Loving matrimony

This is the start of a beautiful relationship.

11. How do you really feel?

Cause I’m losin’ my sight, losing my mind, wish somebody would tell me I’m fine.

10. Burn

Geez, she could have at least been nice about it.

9. Cat calling

I am dying to know how this went.

8. Welp

That’s one way to get it done, I guess?

7. Shannon panic

That’s no way to speak to your boss.

6. Two modes

The feeling of being late on the train is the worst thing in the world.

5. Butt of a joke

So you’re just packing up and moving out of the country now, yeah?

4. Copy

Who…who was this supposed to go to?

3. Sleep-texter

I think your phone is possessed.

2. 100% chance of heavy no

We really don’t see enough sleeveless suits on television.

1. Blocked

Anyone who sends these texts should be fired, regardless of where they send them.

If you’ve got a good boss, maybe send ’em a quick text telling them you appreciate them. If you’ve got a bad boss, maybe just never text them ever to be safe.

Have you ever been in a situation like this?

Tell us what happened in the comments.

The post Funny Times People Accidentally Texted Their Bosses appeared first on UberFacts.

Man Gets Revenge on Greedy Landlord Years Later By Random Chance

As more and more people are renting because they have no better options, the few who hold the properties are coming under closer scrutiny. Laws concerning what a landowner can and can’t do in regard to a tenant are complicated, vary from place to place, and many know that tenants simply won’t know their rights in that regard and can thus be taken advantage of.

Just like any position, there are good landlords and there are bad. This story, posted to Reddit by user RockyMoose, is about a bad one, and is particularly satisfying because it ends in a revenge that couldn’t have been engineered. Read on.

Chapter 1: Ante Up

Chapter 1 – Part 2

Chapter 1 – Part 3

Chapter 1 – Part 4

Chapter 2: Raise and Fold

Chapter 2 – Part 2

Chapter 2 – Part 3

Chapter 3: The Turn

Chapter 3 – Part 2

Chapter 3 – Part 3

Chapter 3 – Part 4

Chapter 3 – Part 5

Chapter 4: All In

Chapter 4 – Part 2

Chapter 4 – Part 3

Chapter 4 – Part 4

Damn! Whether or not you believe in karma has some real outside force, there’s no denying that treating others poorly can come back to bite you if they’re given the chance to have anything to say about it.

What’s been your worst experience with a landlord?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Man Gets Revenge on Greedy Landlord Years Later By Random Chance appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny and Painful Tweets About the Misery of Working

There’s no way around it: work sucks. There’s no way around it, we all have to do it, and we’re all gonna do it FOR A VERY LONG TIME.

But, if we can’t laugh at the hardships (and misery) in our lives, then what the heck are we doing on this planet?

So enjoy these funny tweets about jobs. And keep working, keep laughing, and try your best not to be too miserable.

1. Never be THAT GUY.

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Sounds good in theory.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. It definitely did not.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. It’s their fault.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. I’m sorry that I exist…

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Not quite the same, is it?

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. I’d read this blog.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Hmmmm…no thanks.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Fight to the death.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Plant the seed early.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Tend to overdo it a bit.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Might be a while…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Mostly sleeping.

Photo Credit: Twitter

It’s so funny that it hurts…literally.

Okay, you had your fun, now it’s time to get back to the daily grind.

But before you do that, give us a quick work update! How’s it going? Let us know in the comments. We won’t tell your boss!

The post Funny and Painful Tweets About the Misery of Working appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes to Celebrate the Joys of Adulting

When I grew up, I thought I was going to be rich and famous. But it doesn’t usually work like that.

Being an adult can be really liberating, but it can also find new and hilarious ways to disappoint you.

Let’s look at some of those ways now, in the form of memes. Naturally.

14. You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone

13. Time’s gonna move fast

12. You do make the rules

11. You gotta stay wild

10. You gotta look on the bright side

9. Nobody cares about your BFA

8. The internet is forever

7. You’ll get nostalgic

6. Coffee isn’t always the answer

5. You have to do it EVERY YEAR

4. Laundry doesn’t do itself

3. You gotta set realistic goals

2. It’s hard to keep up

1. You work for beans

What’s the most bittersweet thing about adulthood in your opinion? Or the most adulting moment you’ve had in the past year?

Tell us in the comments!

Then go do your taxes, slacker.

The post Hilarious Memes to Celebrate the Joys of Adulting appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Tweets About Work You Can Read Instead of Actually Working


You go to school to get a job. You apply to get a job. You interview to get a job. You hope and pray and do a summoning dance to get that damn job. Then you get it, and you actually have to work.

They say “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Do something you’re just kinda fine with and you’ll make funny tweets about it.”

Let’s look at some too-true tweets from the modern workforce. What else are we gonna do, work?

15. It’s called a day off, dammit!

14. Setting the right tone is important…

13. Aspirations change fast

12. Like I said…

11. I’d rather emails didn’t find me at all

10. I hope I’m contagious

9. Like a reverse Rebecca Black

8. It’s their fault I was up till 4 playing Zelda, right?!?

7. This cuddle could have been an email

6. These things take subtlety

5. Lord of the Fries

4. How dare you

3. This is how days get longer

2. Waking up is hard to do

1. As someone literally working from home right now, this!

What’s your favorite job you’ve ever had? What’s your least favorite?

Commiserate with us in the comments.

The post Hilarious Tweets About Work You Can Read Instead of Actually Working appeared first on UberFacts.