On-the-Job Fails That Remind Us We’re All Just Doing Our Best

We all have a ton of things going on in our lives.

Working a job you don’t love day in and day out can be challenging.

And sometimes, people just don’t quite bring their A-game.

But that’s why subreddits like r/NotMyJob exist, right?

Here are 15 absolute job fails, to make you feel a little better about whatever you did this week that wasn’t quite perfect.

1. When Poorly Drawn Lines isn’t just a fun cartoon

I mean. They tried. Right?

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

2. Sometimes you need coffee more than you even know

OR maybe it’s some secret code, a silent scream for help.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. The ramp to nowhere

I feel like someone could’ve used context with their work order.

I made the wheelchair ramp, boss from NotMyJob

4. The gate to nowhere

Where to begin. I guess it’s a beginning.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

5. It’s only nonstick until it isn’t

But was the pan at fault? Or the sticker?

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. They came, they saw, they painted

It just looks prettier that way, TBH.

It’s part of the bench now. from NotMyJob

7. Taking the term soccer “pitch” literally

Defined as: the steepness of a slope.

Builded boss from NotMyJob

8. The Elsa you need as a conscience

She will silently judge everything you do.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

9. Close enough

Directions are for tools.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. May have followed the directions too closely

Not their job to question the directions.

Put the wall in, Boss! from NotMyJob

11. Tired Man

It’s the Diet Barbie version of Iron Man.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

12. Plumbing is not my strong suit

Creative but lazy solutions to mistakes, that’s my bag.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

13. Job title is pipe-layer

No one said anything about moving boulders.

Ah, good enough from NotMyJob

14. It’s a new way of cutting pizza

Winner gets the little piece in the middle.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

15. Do you want light, or do you want safety?

You obviously can’t have both.

Installed the railing boss from NotMyJob

The point is, we all have bad days. I’ve certainly had my fair share of doozies.

These definitely made me feel better about the times I didn’t quite measure up.

What about you? Did we leave out any impressive job fails? Drop them in the comments!

The post On-the-Job Fails That Remind Us We’re All Just Doing Our Best appeared first on UberFacts.

These Cringeworthy Sign Fails Have Us Feeling Very Human

When you run a business, it’s all about building the brand the best way you can. And one of the best ways to do that is through your logo and your signage.

There’s nothing worse than when something goes wrong–it seems like it could cost you a lot of money to do over. Some businesses choose to live with it rather than paying to have it redone.

And who can blame them. When you mess up your only job, how do we know you’ll get it right the second time?

Here are 14 classic examples of cringe-worthy sign fails from the subreddit r/NotMyJob.

1. Welcome to the Upside-Down

It’s fine as long as they can read it, right?

Signs up, Boss! from NotMyJob

2. Still needs Spanish

But at least they know their weaknesses, I guess.

Grocery aisle sign reads 'fruit snacks' and then underneath 'need Spanish'.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. Which came first?

Either way, the signs might be the easiest part to fix.

I did my job boss from NotMyJob

4. Levitate here to see how you measure up

No cheating now.

Giraffe holding a ruler to measure kids was installed on the wrong wall at the mall, so the ruler is on the wrong side of a barrier, where there is a drop to the floor below.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

5. Nothing to see here. Just a paint store.

You might have to read it again.

Paint store sign uses a paint roller in place of the P and from a distance it looks like an inappropriate word instead of paint.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. Watermelons for everyone

This one is maybe not the sign’s fault.

Stocked the watermelon bin, boss from NotMyJob

7. 20 years experience

Will accept years worked in childhood and earlier.

Sign: Cashier wanted. Must be 18-years-old with 20 years experience.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

8. Here we go again

They did their best.

Put up the prices boss from NotMyJob

9. When you can’t tell your Rock from a Vin on the ground

Bald action stars everywhere are taking offense.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. Nothing is impossible

Even reading white paint on a white background.
Try harder.

Sign is meant to say 'Nothing is impossible' but the 'im' is written in white on a white background, so it appears to say 'Nothing is possible.'

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

11. Sneaking in is welcome!

Honestly, maybe it’s a hidden message to scrappy local teens in need of wholesome mischief.

My local drive in last night from NotMyJob

12. Upside-down again

These things really need to come with ‘this way up’ markers.

Another upside down sign.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

13. Sometimes they have instructions

But you still have to read them.

Its probably not a big deal anyways dude from NotMyJob

14. And make sure they’re facing the right way round

Quick tip: road signs should face the road.

Re-installed the speed limit sign facing our backyard, instead of the highway. from NotMyJob

These mistakes are absolutely cringe-worthy, but what can you do?

We’re all just doing our best, even when the best we have to offer isn’t the best we’re capable of.

Have you seen any great sign mishaps?

Share them in the comments.

The post These Cringeworthy Sign Fails Have Us Feeling Very Human appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Think You’re Bad at Your Job, These Fails Might Make You Feel Better

If nothing else, we think that these disastrous job fails you’re about to lay your eyes on will at least make you feel better about your own job and your own life.

And that’s something, isn’t it?!?! I sure think so!

Hey, if it takes the misery of other people to make yourself better, then I say just embrace it.

Are you ready for a pick-me-up. Let’s take a look at these job fails.

1. I’m sorry to hear that.

But just go ahead and use your finger, okay?

One space was all it was needed from onejob

2. Don’t get into any trouble in this area.

Just trust us on this one…

I feel so safe from onejob

3. Elmo has been possessed by the Devil.

Oh my God, he’s levitating off the bed!

Elmo born with eyes on the back of his head from onejob

4. No expiration date. EVER.

Oh, that’s good to know.

Legend has it that it’s still good to this day from onejob

5. You had one job!

That sure didn’t go very well.

Trick or Trick from onejob

6. How did they get THAT wrong?

Some people, I swear…

I know this year has sucked, but c’mon… from onejob

7. You did a bang-up job!

I think you deserve a promotion.

Installed the sink boss! from onejob

8. Anyone care to explain this?

Yikes…not a good look.

Nope, no problem here from onejob

9. What are you complaining about?

But you’re right, someone did not perform their job correctly.

My KitKat was just a bar of chocolate from onejob

10. That’s not very helpful.

Can someone point that down here, please?

Light up the stars, baby! from onejob

11. A good use of cardboard, paper, etc.

Come on, people!

I ordered a precision screwdriver and it got delivered like this from onejob

12. That is NOT a can of corn.

Not even close…

Opened a can of corn and… from onejob

Well, those made me feel a little bit better about my work performance.

How about you? Have you ever really biffed it at your job?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post If You Think You’re Bad at Your Job, These Fails Might Make You Feel Better appeared first on UberFacts.

You Had One Job! Check Out These Sad, Sad Work Fails.

It’s pretty amazing how many people are bad at their jobs and they still manage to float through life…and to never get fired. They blow it time and time again and there just never seems to be any consequences.

You know what I’m talking about, right?

Of course, you do!

Because these kinds of folks are EVERYWHERE.

Yes, I know we all make mistakes at our jobs, but sometimes people just really blow my mind with their laziness…it’s enough to get me all fired up!

Are you ready to see some infuriating job fails? Let’s take a look.

1. That was not even close!

You spent a few weeks on this, didn’t you?

No wonder I was struggling… from onejob

2. Get into the holiday spirit!

Wait a second…those look like…

Got the Christmas lights up. They’re… candles. Yeah. Really. from onejob

3. Now what am I supposed to do?

Well…that’s a little unusual.

I am so confused from onejob

4. They do now!

Just go with it!

Apparently, mermaids have butts. from NotMyJob

5. But what will it do to my hands?

Sounds like it could be dangerous.

Posted the sign, boss … from onejob

6. I’m totally confused.

Who’s responsible for this?

Visible confusion from onejob

7. This is gonna take a little while to fix.

Somebody is in big trouble!

it was almost fine from onejob

8. I enjoy biking very much.

This is just plain LAZY.

Finished labeling the package, boss. from onejob

9. Don’t go near that thing.

You might be in for a big shock.

Safety first from onejob

10. Those darn Socialists are at it again…

I’m a little bit worked up about this.

to fend off covid from onejob

11. Yeah, that is not correct.

I wonder how avocado ice cream would taste, though…

I’m pretty sure that’s an avocado! from onejob

Those poor people…

But enough about them. Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, share your own stories of work fails with us. We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post You Had One Job! Check Out These Sad, Sad Work Fails. appeared first on UberFacts.

Epic Work Fails That Are Bad Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry

I have to say, the older I get, the more it angers me when I see people being lazy on the job.

I mean, I understand that we all have bad days here and there, but come on, people! Put some effort in and be proud of your work, no matter what you do!

Some of the job fails you’re about to see might make you angry, annoyed, and they’ll definitely make you laugh.

Are you ready to have some LOLs at the expense of other people who probably got in trouble at work for their mistakes? Me, too! Let’s do it!

1. Are you sure that’s Big Ben?

It looks like something I’ve seen from another country…

Big Ben Looks Funny from onejob

2. Hahahaha. Amazing.

Well, I guess they took your directions literally.

“Write congrats on them” ( two cakes ) from onejob

3. Who’s ready to eat?!?!

It sounds good to me…

MMM! Lung damage! from onejob

4. I guess it happens from time to time.

Don’t even worry about it!

Don’t apologize, it happens? from onejob

5. Well…I can’t see the speed limit…

So, what am I supposed to do…?

Not sure if that’s how this works from onejob

6. Not getting the message across to people…

Nice try, though.

My churches anti racism slogan from onejob

7. Wow, that is kinda sad.

Who’s responsible for this?

Restored the sculpture boss from onejob

8. This is a total disaster.

Turn around and walk away…

Hit yourself you will from onejob

9. How did it taste, though?

Thank you, sir, may I have another?!?!

I found a use by date sticker in my burger… from onejob

10. The stuff nightmares are made of.

This poor kid is gonna get heckled.

Left: how it should be Right: how they did it from onejob

11. Would you want to work here?

You might never leave…just a warning…

Food may contain human flesh from onejob

How about you?

Have you ever had a monumental fail at work?

Share your horror stories with us in the comments. We can’t wait!

The post Epic Work Fails That Are Bad Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry appeared first on UberFacts.

Epic Job Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Head

Here we go again

It’s time for another painful installment of people who really biffed it at work and probably paid the ultimate price for it.

No, I don’t mean they got hurt, or anything like that! I mean that they probably got fired…because these fails are NG. And where I come from that means NO GOOD.

Take a look at these job fails and say a little prayer for these folks and hope that they’re still employed.

Let’s dive in!


Well, I guess this person doesn’t have a choice.

How hard is it? from onejob

2. This isn’t going to end well.

I’d stay far away from this truck if I were you…

Don’t worry boss, I wrote from onejob


Well, that wasn’t cool…

Who’s idea was it to put an elastic band around this… from onejob

4. You sure about that?

I’m not taking your word on this one, sorry…

Chicken nuggets from onejob

5. Sending some mixed messages.

The idea is not clear here.

adorpion from beatMeatToIt

6. I don’t think anyone’s gonna buy that.

Would you?

The sticker got a little too sticky from onejob

7. The guy got a little drunk.

And this is what happened…

How in the name of all thats holy did you manage to do that from onejob

8. Be careful with this one!

You might hurt yourself.

That’s definitely not "Bath" Sponge. from onejob

9. WEELCOME to our home!

This is not a good omen…

There was an attempt to write Welcome in the floor using stone inlay. from onejob

10. Had a few too many Appletinis.

You can hardly even notice!

He was “just a little” drunk when painting from onejob

11. Can anyone explain this to me?

I’m totally LOST.

I made the sign boss. from onejob

12. No wheels of any kind, I guess?

Or something like that…

Ah yes, skateboard from onejob

Okay, friends, now we want to hear from you.

Have you ever witnessed someone really blow it at work? Or maybe you’re the one who did it?

Please share your stories with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Epic Job Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Head appeared first on UberFacts.