Keep Your Fingers Crossed, America! Jack in the Box Is Testing Tiny Tacos in Select Locations.

Is this a sign of things to come in the taco game? If so, our fast food experience might get a lot more interesting in the near future. If you’ve never had the tacos from Jack in the Box, honestly you should give them a shot because they’re pretty decent. And I’m a self-identified taco fanatic.

But Jack in the Box is doing something a little bit different right now. The fast food chain is testing out tiny tacos in select markets to see how customers like them. They kind of look like little pizza rolls (AKA, delicious). The tiny tacos are served with a Ranch dipping sauce, a Taco Sauce, and the company’s new Creamy Avocado Lime Sauce.

They’re CHEAP, too. The prices vary a bit in the different test markets. In Dallas and Austin, Texas, you can get 5 tiny tacos for a single dollar, or 25 tacos for 5 bucks. Not bad at all. In Fresno, California, you can buy 15 tiny tacos for $3, or, wait for it…you can pay a single extra dollar to get the Loaded Tiny Tacos that have melted cheese, lettuce, and taco sauce.

I blame WilsonMini Tacos from Jack-In-The-Box

Posted by BP Burke on Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The trial runs in Texas and California last until September 1, 2019, and then presumably the bigwigs at Jack in the Box will make a decision about whether to make the tiny tacos a nationwide phenomenon. Don’t let us down, Texans and Californians! Americans all across this great land are counting on you to get the job done!

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The post Keep Your Fingers Crossed, America! Jack in the Box Is Testing Tiny Tacos in Select Locations. appeared first on UberFacts.

Keep Your Fingers Crossed, America! Jack in the Box Is Testing Tiny Tacos in Select Locations.

Is this a sign of things to come in the taco game? If so, our fast food experience might get a lot more interesting in the near future. If you’ve never had the tacos from Jack in the Box, honestly you should give them a shot because they’re pretty decent. And I’m a self-identified taco fanatic.

But Jack in the Box is doing something a little bit different right now. The fast food chain is testing out tiny tacos in select markets to see how customers like them. They kind of look like little pizza rolls (AKA, delicious). The tiny tacos are served with a Ranch dipping sauce, a Taco Sauce, and the company’s new Creamy Avocado Lime Sauce.

They’re CHEAP, too. The prices vary a bit in the different test markets. In Dallas and Austin, Texas, you can get 5 tiny tacos for a single dollar, or 25 tacos for 5 bucks. Not bad at all. In Fresno, California, you can buy 15 tiny tacos for $3, or, wait for it…you can pay a single extra dollar to get the Loaded Tiny Tacos that have melted cheese, lettuce, and taco sauce.

I blame WilsonMini Tacos from Jack-In-The-Box

Posted by BP Burke on Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The trial runs in Texas and California last until September 1, 2019, and then presumably the bigwigs at Jack in the Box will make a decision about whether to make the tiny tacos a nationwide phenomenon. Don’t let us down, Texans and Californians! Americans all across this great land are counting on you to get the job done!

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The post Keep Your Fingers Crossed, America! Jack in the Box Is Testing Tiny Tacos in Select Locations. appeared first on UberFacts.