People Discuss How Introverts Want to Be Socially Interacted With

I think the responses you’re about to read are going to be very helpful!

Because we all want to know how to interact with people who are different from us and how to make them feel comfortable, right?

Darn right! One of the best things about being alive is meeting a variety of folks!

Folks on AskReddit talked about how they think introverts really want to be interacted with.

1. They don’t like this.

“I don’t like when someone points out my quietness when I’ve been sitting there the whole time building up courage and/or waiting for the right moment to say something.

When someone points it out, I even become more quiet because now I’m nervous people are waiting for me to say something.

Then I would get teased by comments that I’m “making too much noise over there” when I’ve been sitting silently for what feels like hours. Now I just want to leave.”

2. Boundaries.

“Respect our boundaries and don’t be afraid to invite us left and right. Even if we don’t want to go we really do appreciate your offer, it shows you like us enough to wish for our presences.

Also, if things are becoming really awkward we will greatly appreciate any form of rescue that you could think of. And lastly, give us some time.

Once you get to know us we are pretty decent people, that can be pretty bas**t crazy as long as the occasion is favourable.”

3. Leave me alone.

“I just want to be left alone when I want to be left alone. If I say I don’t want to go out, don’t continue to pester me and make me feel bad about it.

Also, just because I don’t want to do something tonight doesn’t mean I won’t want to do things ever. Sometimes my friends will make plans on a day that I would like to go out and be around people, but they don’t invite me because they think I will just say no.

Social battery is real ladies and gents. Sometimes it needs to be recharged by being alone, sometimes it’s full.”

4. In a group setting.

“If we’re in a group conversation, give us the time and space to talk back/interact.

It’s not hard to recognize who is introverted and such, so make us a part of the conversation.”

5. Draining.

“Kind of an extroverted introvert so not sure if my experience will be the same as everyone else’s but I don’t really struggle with socialization its more that spending time with people is draining in a way.

I feel like I’m subconsciously paying attention to my posture or how I hold myself or a million other things and it just sucks the life out of me and I end up needing time to myself to let all those muscles relax and have my battery recharge.

So I guess what I’d say is pay attention to when introverts need some of that alone time because you people exhaust me”

6. Not a fan of the shallow stuff.

“The shallow conversations that are completely fake k**l me.

Like you say it’s great to see me, but I bet you never even gave me a thought. And you want to get together soon? I mean it when I say it so don’t say it if you don’t, and I know you don’t mean it because I never hear from you.

It’s okay to be nice, it’s okay to be respectful but don’t schmooze me with white lies that you think are necessary. They aren’t and you using them feels cheap. You can be polite and friendly without using these fake overtones you don’t mean. I do it so i know others can too.

I just want to talk to people who are genuine. I don’t understand those that aren’t.”

7. Advance warning.

“Don’t invite us to a group setting without telling us it’s a group setting! I have a friend that constantly invites me to do things. I have no issue with that as I’m comfortable around her.

However, she has started inviting me to hangout with her without the prior knowledge of the other 6 people there. May just be me but just because I’ll hangout with you, doesn’t mean I’ll hangout with you in a group”

8. Make it genuine.

“Have a genuine conversation. Polite small talk is taxing and pointless, and I can always tell when people approach me as a way of “doing me a favor” or out of pity bc they think i’m lonely.

The latter upsets me the most; people tend to talk to you like an awkward child. Being quiet doesn’t always mean shy – theres no need to force someone of their shell.

Take social ques. If the conversation is draining me or I wanna leave I let people know, subtly as to not hurt their feelings, but i notice they either don’t care or don’t pick up on it. I once had a friend stay an extra 2 hours at my house even tho i made it clear i was tired. She has not been back to my house since.

Just be respectful and understanding of how they deal with social situations.”

9. It’s the thought that counts.

“Invite me to things. Even if I might say no, invite me if you want me there. Make me feel like I am wanted.

It sucks being caught in the cycle of being scared to be in group settings but not getting invited and feeling like nobody likes me or wants to be around me.

Part of that is anxiety. But I want to feel wanted.”

10. I’m just a normal person.

“Treat me like normal.

I just get full of of social interactions, and need some quiet, or even better, someplace outdoors with lots of trees, to process the social interactions.

Usually, I’m pretty worn out by Friday, but I will still go out, I just may not stay out all night.”

11. Uncomfortable.

“Don’t force us into a position where we have to be social.

If we like you, talk to us, but if it’s just us doing something, don’t try to rope others into the plans without asking us first and getting approval.

That just makes socializing harder for us and can be really uncomfortable.”

12. FYI.

“From a respectful distance.

The worst thing people can do is get too far into my personal space. Thats an immediate nope out of the interaction if I can. (Although it depends on the company. It’s mostly ok if it’s someone we know well).

For as long as we can handle. Everyone is different, but long interactions can be exhausting.

Very important at least to me: no yelling/strong arguments/conflict in the presence. It can be catastrophicly frustrating, to the point of noping out of any form of interaction in the future.

Oh and another one: don’t be insulted if we talk only to one person in the big group. It’s hard to be involved with everyone at the same time.”

What do you think about this?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Memes That Only Introverts Will Truly Understand

I’m a pretty introverted person. In fact, I was cautious to even start writing this intro. I was afraid to put it in front of people.

Do you like it so far? Have I called too much attention to it?

You know what, forget it, nevermind the intro, I’m going back to watching Netflix, but here are some introvert memes ok thanks bye.

15. Heavy subjects

You can get in here if you really want to but like why?

14. Cancel culture

The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to avoid the world!

13. Upper limits

I’m not sure mother nature really likes me all that much.

12. Bed ridden

Look, nobody gets a year, we all just have to survive them.

11. Tall order

Please don’t leave me, I’m lanky but very scared.

10. Stay in your lane

You make a compelling case, me.

9. Two-step program

And honestly this is already in priority order.

8. The spice of life

That’s where the magic happens.

7. My own worst enemy

Together, there’s nothing I can accomplish.

6. Mixed signals

I want to feel loved, not seen.

5. Sleep tight

Not super sure what you mean by this “plan” thing.

4. Hitting the limit

That’s a dope spread, though.

3. Keep comfy

I like sweats, not sweating.

2. The descent of man

Are you kidding me?

1. Plan Z

And so it’s come to this.

Alright, that’s enough of everything for today, my blankets are calling.

How introverted are you?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets for Deeply Introverted Folks

I finally took the Myers-Briggs personality test after a lot of egging on from a friend of mine and it told me that I’m an INTJ which I guess means “Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging.”

Which makes sense to me. I’m pretty intuitive, especially when it comes to quickly realizing how bad I’ve screwed something up. I can’t stop myself from constant thinking, even if it’s about nothing in particular, and I’m always judging everyone.

But most of all, I am an introvert. Just as the people behind these tweets clearly are.

11. Check it out

Please don’t bring attention to me, this is the opposite of what I wanted.

10. I can dig it

It takes me about as much time to psych myself up for one anyway.

9. Pick me up

Oh, I’m sorry, you very clearly mistook the nature of this interaction.

8. Keep it cool

Ice makes drinks better and insulates the poles of our planet, let’s keep it around.

7. A celebration

It’s January 2nd, apparently. So that we can all recover from the horrors of having to attend NYE parties.

6. This rules

I’m the president and soul member.

5. Two out of three

Hey man, the system works.

4. Risk and reward

If I keep this up I may soon never have to speak to anyone again.

3. Cute but deadly

Please don’t leave me, I’m small and very afraid.

2. Generic title

Generic joke.

1. Drop the beats

And yet somehow this does not stop everyone.

Hang in there, fellow introverts. We’ll all get through this together, on our own.

How introverted are you?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets for Misanthropes to Enjoy…If That’s Possible

There’s a great word that I feel doesn’t get used enough despite ample opportunity and applicability. That word is “misanthrope,” and it’s defined thusly:

Mis•an•thrope – noun – a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.

Pretty relatable right?

But it doesn’t stop there. You can toss it in as an adjective (“misanthropic”), an active noun (“misanthropy”), or even throw it around as an “ism,” (“misanthropism”).

You can do all of this to sound just a little more sophisticated while explaining to the people around you that you hate the people around you and want nothing to do with them. That is, if you’re anything like the folks who wrote these tweets.

10. Alone again, naturally

This has pretty much been me for the last year, I must confess.

9. Dog eat dog

Canines are infinitely better than humans.

8. What do you think you’re doing?

I’m gonna need way more information before I make even a verbal commitment, this might be a trap.

7. It’s no surprise to me

‘Cause every now and then I kick the living sh*t outta me.

6. Remember, remember

I see no reason the random light treason should ever be forgot.

5. Asked and answered

It’s a dangerous game that you’re playing.

4. Downright neighborly

The less they know of my existence the better.

3. Squad goals

Oh, I’m dead serious about that.

2. Back off

I’m sorry, do you know who I am?

1. Checking in

Yup, it’s still pretty stupid out here.

We misanthropes gotta stick together. But separately, because ew.

Would you define yourself as a people person? Why or why not?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets for Misanthropes to Enjoy…If That’s Possible appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes For People Who Don’t Really Like People

Do you ever feel like you just don’t like people very much?

Do you ever have like, a few thousand of those days in a row?

Do you ever think that maybe it’s not the day’s fault, and that maybe it’s more a matter of you just genuinely not liking people because people suck a whole bunch?

Well, you’re not alone. Unfortunately. Let’s look at some memes about it.

15. Take a break

This is my home. I live here now.

Via: Someecards

14. True colors

Once you hit a certain age, why hide it?

Via: Someecards

13. Priorities

So say we all.

Via: Someecards

12. The corner

This is what we came here for, right? To anti-socialize?

Via: Someecards

11. Surrounded!

It’s like every place I look, there’s another.

Via: Someecards

10. Checking in

Yup, still pretty bogus out here.

Via: Someecards

9. Pick-me-up

Are you sure you’re not all just doing drugs?

Via: Someecards

8. Sorry not sorry

There have been some major overhauls recently.

Via: Someecards

7. Fitting in

Erm…careful what you wish for?

Via: Someecards

6. Nope

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Via: Someecards

5. Unwelcome mat

We really don’t need to go through this again.

Via: Someecards

4. Clarifications

See how that works?

Via: Someecards

3. Totally rad

Now stop asking.

Via: Someecards

2. The black book

A literary classic, but hard to get through.

Via: Someecards

1. Don’t worry

Well, that’s quite a relief.

Via: Someecards

I don’t know what all these people are here for, but I’m here for some good alone time away from them.

How much of an introvert do you consider yourself?

Tell us in the comments.

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Hilarious Memes About Life as an Introvert

The pandemic we’re currently living through most likely affected you one of two ways.

If you lean towards being an introvert, then it didn’t really affect you THAT much and you’re pretty much going about your business as usual.

If you are NOT an introvert, then this shutdown and quarantine has probably been kind of a nightmare and you’re itching to get the heck out of your house.

The people who will identify with these memes definitely belong in the first category above, because they speak to the heart of what it really means to be living that introvert life.

So if that describes you, then sit back and get lost in these memes that might seem like they were made just for you.

1. No small talk.

Never. Ever.

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. I’m not sure how I feel about this.

But it’s not great.

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. My new best friend!

The best Uber ride of all time.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. That depends…

This is usually never a good thing.

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Avoid at all costs.

No one will get near you.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Sorry, it’s an emergency.

Time to flee!

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. I’m now a hero.

And you’re welcome.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Just checking in.

Now it’s back to my room.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Can we end this conversation?

I can’t take it anymore!

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. The secret to life.

Feel free to use it!

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. No changes here.

Are you seeing a pattern?

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. Now what do you do?

Think, man, THINK!

Photo Credit: The Chive

13. And…I won’t be joining you.

Sorry, not gonna happen.

Photo Credit: The Chive

Now we want to hear from you!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us a little bit about yourselves. Thanks!

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Tweets That Will Make Sense If You’re an Introvert

I think I straddle the introvert line pretty well in my life. I have a lot of good friends and I enjoy being social sometimes, but I really, really love my alone time.

Being alone refuels my energy and is the only time I truly feel relaxed.

And I know there are a ton of other folks out there who are just like me!

Or maybe you like to go even further and spend almost ALL of your time by yourself.

Either way, being an introvert is a lifestyle and these tweets capture the spirit of it.

Let’s take a look at these tweets!

1. In most cases, you mean…

Let’s just be honest about it.

2. Amen to this.

This perfectly captures the essence of my being.

3. Feel like I’ve been on stage all day.

And I need a break!

4. That’s a good sign!

Yes, things really are that bad.

5. These symbols define me.

Let’s just type it out, okay?

6. This is very true.

You’re now part of the group! Whether you like it or not…

7. It took you a while…

But here you are!

8. Congratulations! You did it!

I’d like to thank myself…

9. The more they stay the same…

No change here, really.

10. I can’t seem to find the strength.

But I will do my best…

11. Please don’t look at me.

Animals, on the other hand…

12. Treat yourself!

I earned this!

13. That’ll do!

That might actually be enough interaction for the entire week.

Are you an introvert?

If so, did these tweets speak to you?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us how you feel about living that introvert life.

We can’t wait to hear from you! Thanks!

The post Tweets That Will Make Sense If You’re an Introvert appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets About Living the Introvert Life

I’m gonna go ahead and say it: I’m an introvert and that’s just the way it is. I like to go out once in a while, but sometimes I’ll spend a couple of weeks inside my house, just working and avoiding the rest of the world.

Are you like this at all?

If so, these tweets will look very familiar.

1. I think you might be mistaken.

2. Yes. Yes I am.

3. Don’t analyze it.

4. Here comes the panic.

5. Might take a while…

6. Nah, I’ll pass.

7. Let’s be honest.

8. Over and over and over.

9. Out of excuses.

10. I like this platform.

11. Gotta mix it up.

12. Hibernation time.

13. Thank you for this gift.

14. A lot of work went into this.

15. Yeah…not gonna happen…

Are you an introvert? Does the thought of heading out into public sometimes give the willies?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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15 Funny Tweets About Being an Introvert

Do you consider yourself an introvert? Does the very thought of going to a party and interacting with other human beings give you the heebie-jeebies?

Yeah…me, too…

If being around a bunch of people just isn’t your thing, these tweets will be right up your alley.

1. Sounds terrifying.

2. Too crowded down there.

3. All about me.

4. Might never come out.

5. Sounds like a great time.

6. A wild night in.

7. I’ll be inside. Don’t bother me.

8. It’s worth it.

9. Three to four hours still seems very long.

10. That’s a problem.

11. Oh, no!

12. Not gonna happen.

13. Might need to cancel that ride.

14. The only thing to look forward to.

15. All tapped out.

That pretty much sums up the life of an introvert…these tweets speak to me.

The post 15 Funny Tweets About Being an Introvert appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Things That Introverts Absolutely Love

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? We’re all a mix of both, but everyone tends to be more dominantly one or the other.

An easy way to figure it out is to think about your preferred way of spending time on a Friday night. Do you want to go out until the wee hours and party, party, party, or would you rather stay in with a good book and/or just a few close friends?

No matter what type of introvert you are, these tweets are sure to turn you on.

1. Endless possibilities.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Anythingpork

2. Finally…

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Frogerta

3. When the roomies are out of town.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @TKComedy2013

4. A wave is worth 1,000 words.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @HeyJake____

5. The three best words in the English language.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @ohhsquirrel

6. No one to steal your seat.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Brinettieee

7. You feel like a genius.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Brinettieee

8. Oh, boy. This list has us all hot and bothered.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @GoldenGirls85

9. It’s like it just magically appears.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @Anythingpork

10. Anything is just a click away.

11. Truly meditative.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @ToniQueene

12. Party of one, please.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @LackingStock

13. I’m undefeated.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @AminamAmbien

Ok, that’s all the excitement I can take for today. Time to go be alone for a while.

The post 10+ Things That Introverts Absolutely Love appeared first on UberFacts.