Men and Women Confess What Really Goes on at Bachelor Parties

Yeah, people still do crazy shit at bachelor parties. Because, technically, they’re not married yet. So one last fling isn’t that bad.

Except, ya know, it’s cheating and RIGHT before your wedding.

These 20 men and women tell tales of cheating and being cheated on right before they got married.

1. Well, he definitely deserved it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Do. Not. Ever. Tell. Anybody.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. You have every right to tell him you DO NOT want him to do that.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Up to you. Can you live with that knowledge?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, you aren’t the only one. Don’t be a martyr.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Look like it’s time for a talk..

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Everybody deserves to be forgiven at least once.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Boom.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Do whatever you need to do.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Good for you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Well, cheating isn’t normal. Bad guys cheat in that situation. Dump the bad guys.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh, this guy is a complete POS.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. And… what do you do after you found out?

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Talk to him.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Oh. My. God. That is so fucked up.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. I don’t think the strip club thing is that big of a deal. But everybody has their own line in the sand.

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. You gotta do what you gotta do…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Go.

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Feel betrayed. Hurt. Untrusting. All of those are valid.

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. Well, isn’t she progressive!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Okay, I’m wrecked.

Faith in humanity completely lost.

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13 People Who Weren’t Pleased That Their Widowed Parents Started Dating Again

Losing a parent is one of the hardest events a person can go through in life. But this opens up a new question for your surviving parent: how soon is it okay to love someone again?

The answer is different for everybody, but the decision to date again can really upset a child.

It takes some folks time to adjust… while others never cozy up to the idea.

These 13 people share their stories… and, well, you’ll see…

1. I mean, this is understandable. But… it’s not your life.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Just tell him no. But if she sticks around…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Sorry to see this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Sounds like something was up…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, that’s PLENTY of time to grieve. You gotta get over this. Sorry.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Totally fine to have these feelings, but he needs to live his life.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Not a thing you’ll ever probably know, so why worry about it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. She wasn’t his property. She needs to be able to move on. Period.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Sounds like this isn’t the reason you’re sad…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Ouch.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. I mean, two years is a decent chunk of time. Best to just roll with it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Finally! A healthy take!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Wait… it has been FIFTEEN YEARS?!? GET OVER IT!!!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

The end for some doesn’t need to be the end for others.

Have you dealt with a situation like this? How did you respond?

Let us know in the comments!

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10+ Couples Explain Why They’ve Had Such Long Engagements

Why do some people rush into marriage? You’re going to spend THE REST OF YOUR DAMN LIVES together, so why not just ease into it?

That what some couples thing. They’ve waited for YEARS AND YEAR to tie the knot. However, sometimes it can be a sign of trouble in the relationship.

If your partner is making you wait and wait without setting any sort of date, then something might be up.

1. Probably doesn’t…

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Forever alone…

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Time to get some therapy!

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Then don’t get married. Easy!

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. To each their own…

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Well, that’s just lazy…

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. I mean, in some states it’s already official!

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Nothing wrong with planning and getting costs together…

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Yeah, this is really common. Why not just do it at the court house and then have a fun party at your house?

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Good! Love it when couples are on the same page!

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Probably won’t happen if that’s your attitude…

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Then time to have a conversation…

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Well, at least you’re similar!

Photo Credit: Twitter

What do you think? Should people be engaged for however long they want or is there a time to put up or shut up?

Sound off in the comments!

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Married Couples Confess: We Haven’t Consummated Our Marriage yet

This is quite strange…

So, what if this happened to you…

You save your virginity for your marriage and then, on your wedding night… nothing happens.

Not only that, nothing happens for a week, a month or more!

Would you be surprised to find out how many people have NOT consummated their marriage after getting married?

Get ready to read some craziness!

19. There’s always annulments…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Sounds like you had sex before though, so…?

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. This really sucks.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. I’ll tell you what’s going to happen: divorce.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Time to talk to your SO!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Ummm, that’s not how it works…

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Okay, this is a happy ending! Finally!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha, yeah, you really should.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. I would be!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, I honestly can’t say I blame him…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. That’s a LONG time to wait.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. It really shouldn’t be a fight. There’s something wrong.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Go. To. Therapy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Some men do have low sex drives…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Okay, NOT the same thing!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Talk to somebody about it. You have to get past this.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yes. She will. Get ON it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, it would be nice.

Photo Credit: Whisper

1. Never think that!

Photo Credit: Whisper

A wedding night situation wouldn’t be a big deal for me because there’s no reality where I would marry someone and wouldn’t have slept with them.

But if a couple weeks went by and I was getting rejected… time to get an annulment!

Sorry, not sorry.

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People Share the Real Reasons Why Their Engagements Have Lasted Forever

Some couples honestly don’t mind waiting a bit before they tie the knot, but others definitely think it’s a sign of trouble in a relationship.

Here are 11 people who share why they think their engagements are lasting FOREVER…

1. Uh oh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, sounds like you two need to have a talk…

Photo Credit: Whisper


Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Good thing you took the time!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, this is a little complicated…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Jeezus! 17 YEARS?!? You’re already married.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Definitely understand this!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. So why haven’t you told him?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. You can afford to get married…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Time to move on!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. “Doesn’t” want to marry you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

I mean, people, if you’ve been going on and on and on with your engagement, just speak up for yourself.

Talking about any situation solves it. It’s not always the solution that you want, but it’s a solution that will help you both move on with your lives.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

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12 People Share the Shocking Moment They Realized Their Spouse Was Not the Person They Thought They Knew

Everyone says you can’t really know a person until you live with them – and even then, they manage to keep some secrets – but most people will never wake up to the kind of surprise these people got long after they said I do.

#1. Third wheel for life

“My first wife had an identical twin. Do you want to be a third wheel the rest of your life? Marry a twin.”

#2. She was a ghost

“She didn’t finish high school.

After we got married I found out that she couldn’t see anything moderately difficult through to the end. Including our marriage.

She ghosted me while I was at work 3 years 3 months 1 week and 3 days in. I haven’t seen her since.”

#3. Alcoholic in waiting

“My ex, when we first started going out, would have a little too much to drink every few months. She would say each time, as I was holding her over the toilet, “Never again.”

Well about 10 years later it was still happening. She ended up meeting some girlfriends that were​ all of the same well-lubricated frame of mind. Things got very messy after that and I felt that I was no longer an equal partner, but a babysitter. When that happens, there really is no way of coming back.”

#4. Your brain on drugs

“Same as others. Immediate family relationships were overlooked/ignored. Her parents were gigantic enablers. Her parents didn’t believe in counseling. Since her father was a drug rep, there was a pill for everything. As soon as we had our first kid, stress and anxiety showed its face. She turned to xanax and ambien. She never learned any coping skills. I was 29 when we divorced.”

#5. Cheaters cheat

“She cheated to be with me.

No one ever listens, do they? People need to make their mistakes, it seems.

As it begins, so it ends. Always.”

#6. Green flags

“I had an opposite experience. She showed GREEN flags after marriage.

Prior to marriage she was very meek with anyone other than me. Her parents were very strict so even as an adult she was too afraid to tell them we were even engaged. What they said went even though we were living together “as roommates.” More than once she called their house to let them know she was going out as if she wasn’t allowed to otherwise.

There were issues with a few friends that clashed with me (they were pretty toxic and I don’t placate that type of behavior so I’m not always well received – doesn’t bother me) and I saw her comforting people who were treating herpoorly after we clashed over it more than once. She’s a bleeding heart and couldn’t stand to see people upset even when the upset was caused by their own misdeeds. I felt like she didn’t always have my back, but I never thought it was something I needed, and I would always have hers.

She let people walk all over her while I’m the first person to put my foot down. In that aspect we were the most different.

Before marriage she also had a huge amount of medical issues and I was more than willing to accept a life of working to keep her alive, and supporting her as a stay at home wife when she got too sick.

Then we got married, and she changed.

I think she finally saw us as a package deal. While my girlfriend was meek and weak my wife became outspoken not only socially but politically. She started calling me on my shit (something I appreciate greatly – I like learning about things I can work on), but would absolutely slay people who weren’t treating us well. We ended a lot of friendships that weren’t healthy and were stringing along because of her bleeding heart after the wedding. It was like she was a Phoenix rising from the ashes of shit friends.

She is still medically frail but I think she sees a future to fight for now. The fact that I make more than her isn’t just a fact now, it’s a challenge.

She wants to be the breadwinner so that I can quit my job and go back to my career in art (I did great but the market was so unpredictable I needed to leave my dream for stability).

She is still beautiful, caring, and gentle, but since being married that caring aspect includes caring for herself. She doesn’t let anyone dictate her life (especially her parents) and because of that she has healthier relationships with everyone, including me.

I would also like to state that once she knew she locked me down she opened her own kink floodgates and sex has never been the same. We do things to each other that most churches won’t even preach against in sermons because they’re ashamed to discuss the acts.

That ring and those vows somehow told her she was worthy of self respect and self expression. I love her.”

#7. For the kids

“Not me, but my mum. Dad was a perfect gentleman, then came the wedding night. He had had a lot to drink and Mum was just trying to put him to bed and he says to her “shut up bitch, I own you now”. I would’ve left there and then, got an annulment. Mum stayed and 2 years later had my brother, 2 years after that she had me, 5 years later and after a lot of emotional and physical abuse (staying “for the kids”) my brother says to her “do we have to live with Dad, he scares me”. We packed up everything the next day while he was at work and left. She’s now been happily married to my stepdad for the last 10+ years while my Dad is a lonely pathetic arsehole living by himself in a shitty block of granny flats who hasn’t seen either of his kids in 15+ years.”

#8. A basement dweller

“We met when I was 16 and he was 25. We lived together a number of years before we got married. We went together really well and I thought it was a good match, almost the day after we were married his family decided to set rules (he bought the house that we all lived in, it was large enough and we had the basement suite) we weren’t allowed out after a certain time, his mother and father could berate me as much as they pleased. He himself became very controlling, I wasn’t allowed to finish school or work and he would use these to mock and guilt me after saying I was a burden and a leech, a golddigger. They all decided for me that I would have his children and we would all stay in the house together, soon after I was taken off birth control I was no longer allowed out of the house without an escort, I wasn’t allowed to see my mother more than once a week. Everyone thought we were the perfect couple, I was isolated and after my mom moved away I had no one to turn to. He gained a lot of weight and started to tell me how fat and unattractive I was, he started looking at a lot of escort ads for Asian women, he brought over ‘friends for me’ (16 year old girls) he met on myspace and then would drool over them.

I never had his baby, we were married when I was 19 and I was gone by 25. I ran away in the middle of the night. I never tried to get alimony or spousal support, I left all of my belongings behind. He still has made the process of divorce difficult and I am almost 31 now, it’s finally going through. He still lives in the basement.

I had no fucking idea what I was walking into and I lived with them all for years before the control started. It was unbelievable how fast they changed.”

#9. People don’t change

“I doubt this will reach many people but it may help someone. I wasn’t married but my now ex and I dated for six years.

I thought i would get past her being a mean person. She said that her past boyfriend had a large impact on her and that she was mean to people now because of it. She had a malicious mindset where if someone hurt her it was her job to hurt them back (which was me more often than not)

If someone has a PERSONALITY that you don’t like — get out. They won’t change. Thats who they are. It will only get worse, and youll be miserable.

edit: I want to reinforce that they wont change. I’m serious, there’s no maybe they will maybe they won’t, that person will not change. Habits? you can work through those — thats a lot to put on yourself to take that on but it can happen if they want to. But personality? No, that’s going to be them until the day you die.”

#10. Trophy husband

“The pictures. We had to take a million fucking pictures of us doing stuff, any stuff.

Everything was on social media with a picture, every post was “my marine…” Every conversation was about her being a Marine girlfriend, etc.

It was all for show, I was a trophy.

When we got married she quit going to school and quit her well paying job. When she’d meet people and they asked what she did she said she was a military wife, etc.

We divorced and she has a kid now and everything is about being a mom. She just changed situations as far as I can tell.”

#11. Time to go

“Red flags are something you don’t pay attention to until it’s too late.

My ex husband had all the red flags of a sociopath. He would test to see how far he could go with making things up. And he learned what he could do to cover them up. He would use flowers or spend money on me to hide things he was doing. I learned what I was and wasn’t allowed to say in public (example- none of his friends knew he had a 12 year old child). I spent little time with friends and family because he would convince me that they weren’t supportive or make up things that I would believe because I trusted him. I left my career because he convinced me his pursuit was more important. Lots of things happened over the 10 years we were together. Most of them now I know were just lies to get him to where he wanted to be in life.

In the end, he had a 6 month affair. And the flags were all there. But after years of being manipulated I didn’t know what to believe. He managed to date her and then move to be with her on my dime by convincing me it had to do with his job. I even paid his rent for the first couple of months in hope he would come back. He manipulated everyone around him including his friends and even his boss. Now he is a person I don’t even recognize because he’s taken on the personality of his girlfriend. I feel bad for her because the same thing is happening to her but in a way I feel like she deserves it.

If you’re looking for an outline of what to look for I would say: 1- have you given up something you love for that person? 2- do gifts tend to arrive after something you weren’t quite sure was the truth? 3- do you feel like you’re begging the person to stay with you all the time? 4- do you find yourself above and beyond to please someone just for their affection?

Relationships should be relatively easy. Sure there will be fights and times where you aren’t sure. But if you’re giving up your values or your personality it’s time to go.”

#12. Never saw a “down”

“This was the case with my parents: my mother didn’t discover my father’s mental problems until later. The why is that they got married way too fast, two months, and bipolar disorders have natural ups and downs. She had only seen the up.

Textbook example of why you shouldn’t marry unless you’ve been with the person for a while.

Edit: can’t say I’ve had one explode like this before. Thanks for all the kind thoughts everyone!

Edit2: a common message from all the amazing stories people are sharing in this thread is that it’s not so much the disorder that’s the problem, as unwillingness to admit to it and deal with it. Such was the case with my father, but there’s a lot of positive success stories too.”

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