People Share the Things That Make Them Get Furious with Other People

I try to be positive and be kind to everyone, but man, sometimes people really get on my nerves and I can’t help but get incredibly annoyed at them.

Hey, I’m working on it, okay?

Hopefully, these AskReddit users, are as well, because they are pretty fired up about people right now.

1. Turn on your signal!

“When people slow down as soon as they cut in front onto your lane on the highway. Worst is when they do it with no blinkers.”

2. Before you accuse me…

“When people twist the truth and accuse you of things you didn’t do and people side with them.”

3. I said ‘no’!

“People who can’t take “no” for an answer and will push you to agree/accept what they say.

People who can’t accept criticism when they fuck up and affect other people’s lives.

People who can’t have a discussion where they are being told a fact and they disprove it because “back in the day…” or authority arguments should always win.

It teaches you some hardcore patience when you have to deal with people like these on the daily.”

4. I would be LIVID.

“My dog ran away 5 days ago and I’ve been posting on every website trying to find him. Someone posted him as FOUND yesterday and SOMEONE ELSE CLAIMED HIM. Had to contact the police to help me finally get him back after 5 hours of headache because the person that found him blocked me and they were only trying to cooperate after the Facebook group that originally thought he was returned to his rightful owner put them on blast for stealing my dog. People fucking suck man.”

5. Just admit it.

“When they did something obviously wrong and still openly denies it.”

6. There’s a lot of this going around.

“People who abuse their power and get away with it scot free.”

7. Clean up after yourself.

“People who say “Oh it’s their job to clean up after me” or “I’m making sure that they’re still employed” as an excuse for not cleaning up after themselves in public.

Like NO.

You don’t leave a soda spilled everywhere and then not even attempt to clean it up.

You don’t leave rolls and rolls of toilet paper all over the floor in the bathroom.

You don’t leave bags of popcorn and drinks and popcorn all over a theater floor and seats.

Take responsibility.

Clean. Up. Your. Mess.”

8. Sketchy folks everywhere.

“People that find the utmost joy in saying nasty shit behind others back.

Either that or people that plot on other peoples demise, you know like sit there and watch them make a mistake only to use it against them for their own personal gain when they could have just helped them in the first place.”

9. One of my biggest pet peeves.

“People who litter. Especially when there is a bin literally a metre away.”

10. That was supposed to be private.

“When a coworker decides to “correct” me by sending a passive aggressive email and copying the boss and the whole group instead of just saying something to me privately and in person.”

11. A huge red flag.

“People being assholes to servers/hosts at a restaurant.”

12. Put it back where it belongs.

“People who don’t return their grocery cart. Like, who do you think you are?”

13. Amen to this one.

“People who mistreat animals. I just can’t fathom the mindset that enables someone to hurt truly innocent creatures.”

14. I totally don’t understand this phenomenon.

“Youtube/Instagram/social media “influencers” who make a living off being an obnoxious piece of shit, with thousands/millions of mindless drones rooting them on, buying their merch, giving them advertising power, and imitating them.

And to clarify, I’m not talking about all “influencers”, I’m specifically talking about ones who harass, annoy, and distress people (usually completely random bystanders), cause drama, and have a mindless legion of followers who support it all the way.”

15. A sad sight, indeed.

“Graffiti on historical monuments/buildings.”

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The Man of the Future

Back in the early 1980s, orthodontist David Marshall, from Syracuse, NY, liked to speculate about what humans would look like 2 million years in the future. Or what “Future Man” would look like, as he referred to our descendants. Based on previous trends in our evolution, he concluded that Future Man will be hairless, big-skulled, […]

10 Foods You May Have Been Eating the Wrong Way This Whole Time

Have you ever noticed that, sometimes, you eat certain foods differently than “normal” people? 

For example, I have a thing for pizza combos. And there’s only one way to eat them. Pop a few into a toaster oven for a minute, then when they are warm suck the cheese out of the center, then eat the pretzel. Odd right?

Buzzfeed opened up to their community about the strange and perhaps a better way of eating our favorite foods.

10. A new way to enjoy nachos!

@cheyannemehus says: My grandma takes Nacho Cheese Doritos and covers them with shredded cheese them bakes them until the cheese melts.

9. A taco technique to ensure you don’t lose the good stuff.


@jayleeh: Eat tacos from the top not the side because everything falls out

8. You’ve haven’t eaten a Pringle until you eat it topside down.

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Ich habe gerade noch ganz spontan einen langen Spaziergang mit meinem Papa gemacht. Ich wusste schon, dass er mit mir reden wollte. Wegen der Essstörung und meiner momentanen Verzweiflung wegen der Klinik usw. Es wurde dann auch ein sehr tiefgründiges Gespräch. Mein Papa schafft es wirklich, mit mir so darüber zu reden, dass ich nochmal nachdenke und nicht auf meiner Meinung festgefahren bleibe. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass er mich immer annehmen würde, egal wie dick oder dünn ich bin. Wir sind sogar nochmal bei meiner Tante gewesen, sodass ich ihr doch noch zum Geburtstag gratuliert habe. Meine Mama hätte mich nie überreden können, aber bei meinem Papa ist das einfach anders, weil er ruhiger ist und mich nicht gleich wegen allem anfährt und die Entscheidung am Ende trotzdem noch mir überlässt. Er kann zwar nicht nachvollziehen, warum mir gewisse Dinge so schwer fallen, aber allein, weil er mir seine Sichtweise schildert, gehts mir besser und ich betrachte das Ganze aus einer anderen Perspektive. Zum Beispiel meinte ich vorhin, dass man vielleicht nicht sieht, dass es mir schlecht geht, wenn ich im Normalgewicht bin. Dann hat er entgegnet, dass man so im Untergewicht denkt, es geht mir immer schlecht und wenn es mir mal gut geht, sieht man das ja dann nach meiner Denkweise auch nicht. Darüber habe ich noch nicht nachgedacht. Ich bin gerade einfach nur dankbar. Sorry für diesen verwirrenden Post, ich musste das gerade irgendwie niederschreiben. Morgen kommt dann mein Post über die Ängste. Macht euch einen schönen Abend ❤ . #weightgain #weight #minniemaud #gewicht #zunahme #pringles #essen #food #foodporn #foodinspiration #chips #keks #biscuit #healthy #pringleschips #magersucht #anorexie #essstörung #anorexia #ed #edrecovery #edwarrior #challenge #fearfood #fearfoodchallenge #recoverywin #recovery #recoveryisworthit #healthyfood #edfam Werbung

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@wavesandwonder: “Sometimes the bottom sides have a little flavoring because of how they’re stacked in the container, but most of the flavor is from the top side!”

7. A perfect breakfast treat.


@kirstinpeter82: “Bite off each end of a Twix so you can use it like a straw in your milk, hot chocolate, or tea.’

6. If you freeze your gummy bears, they become sweeter!

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#heaven #frozengummybears

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@mentalcandy0702: “”They become sort of like mini popsicles!”

5. A gourmet grilled cheese by simply adding sliced tomatoes.


@royairavani01: “You can cook them in there or ~porn it up~ and add cold tomato slices after the sandwich is already grilled and melty.”

4. Cream cheese bagel? Amp it up with jelly!


@buckedupbabe: “I grew up with my grandma making cream cheese and jelly sandwiches. Toast the bread first, then put cream cheese on one side and your fave jelly or jam on the other. Heaven.”

3. Turn boring vanilla ice cream into a cereal topping explosion

@mtyskies: “It’s so good, and it works with any sugary cereal!”

2. Instead of putting seasoning on your fries, add it to your ketchup. YUM!

h/t: vivianc4f70749fa

1. A frozen pizza can become a calzone.

@smrtblonde77 “When I lived in a dorm without a kitchen, I used to pull frozen pizzas out of the freezer and let them soften enough to fold in half. Then I cooked those bad boys in a George Foreman Grill. Quick and easy calzones!”

Any food hacks you want to share? Leave them in the comments!


The post 10 Foods You May Have Been Eating the Wrong Way This Whole Time appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Redditors Remember the Strangers from Their Past That Made a Lasting Impact On Them

Have you ever met a stranger who left an indelible impression on you? Maybe it was something they said to you or just something you saw them do – either way, it’s something you remember for the rest of your life.

Reddit users were asked one simple question: “What stranger do you still think about?” The answers they provided were funny, heartwarming, and all-around fascinating.

1. What…?

I went to the municipal administration to authenticate my documents. While waiting, a dude comes in and says “Hey you! Hey bro! Make like this” and he turned his arm in a weird way. “Yeah you! Do this like I’m doing it” and turns around his arm again. So I do what he wants me to.

He comes closer to me and asks me to do it again, so I turn around my arm again. He shakes my hand and tells me, that I will always be his homie and he will never let me down. He goes to the door and asks me to turn around my arm. I turn around my arm and he says “You are the coolest guy ever. Peace out.” Walks out, runs to the other side of the street, while there was plenty of traffic and nearly gets overrun. He runs away as fast as he can. Never seen him again nor do I know what the hell just happened.

2. “I’ve got your back… and your neck.”

This man in a Red Sox hat that I met on a connect flight from Pittsburgh to California. We both forgot our neck pillow and decided to go with each other to buy some because a kiosk had a “buy one, get one 50% sale.” He ended up paying for mine too. I think about him every time I board a flight with that neck pillow.

3. Don’t worry, be happy.

I was in Bergen with a friend doing a tour around Norway. We were in a park and this guy, curly hair, around 40 years old, smiled at us. The happiest, nicest, beautifulest smile of all. He walked away, and we turned to look at him. He was looking at us too, and waved at us. I like to imagine he is still smiling at people in this park and being happy.

4. Sometimes, words aren’t necessary.

Random girl I sat next to on the subway. We both read our books the whole ride. At her stop she said “It was really nice riding with you” and left. We hadn’t spoken or made eye contact the whole time.

5. Never underestimate the power of a compliment.

I was at the supermarket about two years ago, just buying groceries. My week wasn’t the best and I was feeling quite a bit lower than usual, but hey, I gotta eat. I was grabbing some yogurt, and all of a sudden I feel something wrap itself around my right leg. A little girl, about 3 or so, stares straight up at me, smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on a child that age, and proceeds to proclaim, “Wow, you’re really pretty!” A bit shell shocked, I thanked her as her mother came hurrying over. The mom apologized and told her daughter to do the same for “bothering the nice lady,” but honestly I’ve never felt so honored in my life. The girl is probably five or six by now, and I guarantee I’ll never forget her. She made my day so much brighter, and I find myself giving compliments to random people more often now.

6. Man hath known no greater embarrassment.

The guy who waved at me at a bus stop several years ago, but he wasn’t actually waving at me, he was waving at a guy behind me, and when I waved at him, he laughed. I think about him basically every time I go out now that I live back in the same city that it happened in, and worry I’ll see him again, and that I’ll die.

7. Is he a time traveler?

This man who was about to get off the bus at the station, who, before exiting, turned to my dad and said in a very peaceful voice, “You’re going to live to be a 100 years old. I can see it in your face”. It was such an odd, but nice encounter. He was an older man himself. I hope he’s doing good.

8. A reminder to be good to other people.

The Canadian dude who helped me and my baby daughter out at Toronto airport. I was travelling back from the UK, where I had taken my daughter to introduce her to my family, flying back to Baltimore, where my husband was waiting for us. The check in clerk at Heathrow had told me my luggage would be checked straight through, which was totally wrong. I arrive for my connecting flight with my carry on, and my 11 month old kid in her car seat carrier, and they ask me where my luggage is. I have to go back to the other terminal, get my luggage, go back through customs and make my flight, all while toting a baby, with no Canadian money. Also, I’m hugely upset because I just left all my family behind. I get back to the terminal, get my luggage and the customs guy yells at me for being late getting my stuff, basically implying I’m using my baby and connecting flight to manipulate him into letting me through without inspecting my luggage. So 23 year old me bursts into tears in the middle of the airport. This dude notices, asks me whats wrong and goes about fixing it for me. Gives me a dollar coin for the luggage trolley. Yells at the Air Canada staff that they have screwed up, and gets them to get me through staff security so I make my flight – all that stuff I should have been doing but I was so gired and upset I just couldn’t do myself. I never had the chance to give him back his dollar coin since as soon as I was ok, he disappeared, but I keep it in my purse, even now, 15 years later, to remind me to be good to other people.

9. Michael the Firefighter.

I was in a car accident in 2005. I hydroplaned during a rainstorm and slid through 4 busy lanes of rush hour traffic, catching the freeway divider and finally ending up facing into traffic as cars whizzed past me in the rain. I called my husband to tell him I loved him because I was pretty sure I had minutes before a car slammed into me. I had no idea how I was going to get my car turned around, or if I could even drive. I knew I was in pain and I was scared to the point of just helplessly sobbing and screaming. A truck slowed down and parked in front of me. It was this big Ford something-or-other and a man got out. He had a white pearl snap shirt and a grey cowboy hat on (this was in Texas and that’s still kind of distinctive). He said his name was Michael and he was an off-duty firefighter. He asked me if I was able to get out of the car. I nodded tearfully, and as soon as I was out of the car I sobbed in his arms like a little kid. I was in my mid-twenties, but I didn’t care. He checked me over and said we had to get my car off the freeway. I agreed, and we checked to see if it would start. It did. I could see the nearest hospital over the nearby businesses, and he said he would get me off the freeway and I was to go directly there and he’d meet me at the ER to make sure I was okay. Then he slowly pulled his truck forward to make a barrier (it’s still freeway rush hour and cars are still in the rain. He parked it, got out, and started to wave his hat to slow more cars down to a stop. They did. I was able to pull away and drive to the hospital, dragging the rear of my car in a loud mess behind me. My husband got there just as I did, frantic, and he helped me inside so I could get checked out. I had whiplash, bruises, and soft tissue damage in my lower back. My shoulder was subluxed from the force of the steering wheel jerking. I had chocolate Slim Fast shake in my hair. I never saw Michael again. I checked the news to make sure no one hit him while he pulled that stunt to get me off the freeway. I had no last name to go by, and wasn’t sure what department he worked for. That was the second firefighter to save my life. I didn’t know the first one because I was a newborn, but I go out of my way to thank every firefighter I meet. He was off-duty. He could have just drove by, but this man stopped and helped me when I was scared and hurt and in danger. Thanks Michael.

10. Blast from the past.

The older gentleman who knocked on my door one day and asked if he could possibly come inside and revisit the home in which he had lived over 55 years ago. It was a pleasure to show him around and to hear his recollection of things that had happened within those walls many years ago – some of which were eye-openers. I never saw him again because he was visiting from the other coast, where he now lives. Still, he told me tales of the house and neighborhood I won’t forget.

11. A kind stranger.

Had a long conversation one afternoon in Washington Square park with an old man who saw me looking at pigeons and started talking to me about bird behavior. We wound up talking for like 3 or 4 hours and he was pretty wise and kind of eccentric, never mentioned any family or anything. I never saw him again.

12. Bonus points for great comedic timing.

When I was around eight, my mother and I were at a bank standing in line behind a guy with two fingers missing on one of his hands. He caught me staring and started telling me a long winded story about how he’d gone to a gator show in Louisiana. The tamer did a trick were he had the gator hold its mouth open as he swiped his hand between the teeth thee times. He then offered a cash reward to anyone in the audience who could repeat the trick and the man telling me the story had volunteered. He went up to the gator and had it open its mouth. He swiped his hand through and nothing happened. He swiped his hand through again and nothing happened. He swiped his hand through a final time… and nothing happened. The man then told me to always make sure a lawnmower is off before I try to unjam it.

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Dean Karnazescan run without ever…

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Tumblr Provides Definitive Proof That Humans Are Adorable

In this world of crazy, bad news all the time, it’s nice to have the occasional reminder that most people are good and decent. Thankully, this Tumblr thread is here to remind us of the adorable things that humans do. For example:

Photo Credit: Imgur

Ow? Ow!


Photo Credit: Imgur

Well, yeah. Shiny things are great! And who doesn’t love the beach?

Photo Credit: Imgur

Soft, fluffy bedding sounds amazing.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Sneezes are kind of amazing. And frustrating.

Photo Credit: Imgur

I do love my reassurance treats. This note sums things up nicely.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Humans – we’re delightful (sometimes)!

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15 “Open-Minded” People Share the Seemingly Harmless Actions They Can’t Help but Judge

You know, I consider myself a pretty open-minded, easygoing person. For the most part, I’m content to just do my thing while you do yours.

That said, we all have that one thing we just can’t help but put on our judgy pants about, right? These 13+ people weren’t afraid to share theirs. Are you?

#1. Speakerphone

“People that are having a personal conversation over SPEAKERPHONE with other people in the room. Especially when the conversation is so loud you can’t talk with other people in the room who also have nothing to do with the conversation being had over the phone.”

#2. Move out of the damn doorway

“When people stand in doorways in public. I want to scream. I should not have to say “excuse me.” Moooove out of the damn doorway, it is for walking through!”

#3. No one is in there!

“People who leave lights on in rooms they have left and closed the door on such as a bathroom for example. No one is in there! No one needs any light to see until they arrive to use the bathroom at which point they flick a light switch. It drives me mad.”

#4. Stop acting like a jerk

“People who are rude/hostile to anyone assisting them.

Cashiers, waiters, bank tellers etc. Workers should be able to tell people to stop acting like a jerk. its not hard to be civil. If you can’t be civil don’t ask for help!”

#5. Kids

“I judge people who give their children electronic devices in places like restaurants and let the sound play on speaker. I fully understand that parents want to keep their kids entertained and quiet, but it is pretty inconsiderate to make everyone in a room listen to what your kid is playing just so you don’t have to deal with your own child.”

#6. 10 out of 10 times

“Anyone that has loud music in a public place like a subway or crowded street. That makes me judge that person as an inconsiderate asshole 10 out of 10 times.”

#7. Closing time

“Anyone in a retail store or restaurant who doesn’t respect closing time. I would never ever do this in a million years. People who continue to browse when the store closes in 3 minutes, WHY?”

#8. Just because they’re old

“Old people who think they can cut you in line, just because they’re old..”

#9. Slap people silly

“Passive aggression. It makes me want to slap people silly. Just say what you mean! Unfortunately it is mostly customers who do it so I can’t call them out.”

#10. On their neck or face

“I am heavily tattooed but I find myself judging people with tattoos on their neck or face.”

#11. Savages

“People who dont wash their hands. We live in a world

Of savages”

#12. Wear clothes that fit

“People (usually men, I’m sure women do it but have never seen it) who are super overweight and have a giant stomach that their shirt doesn’t cover so it sort of just hangs out. I don’t care that you’re fat, I’m fat, just wear clothes that fit. Edit: just to clarify, I don’t care about their weight. Seriously I’m obese and I have a huge tummy, I genuinely don’t care if you’re massive, I just don’t want to see your belly.”

#13. Grocery store etiquette

“When customers at the grocery store stop and leave their cart in the middle of the aisle making it impossible for others to pass while they look for their item(s) on the shelf.”

#14. Litterbugs

“People that routinely litter – especially in public parks and beaches.”

#15. Close the damn door

“My girlfriend’s mom will leave the refrigerator door open for 10+ minutes after taking out food to prepare it, before putting the food back in and closing the door.”

Any of these got you nodding right now?

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Of all the humans tested so far…

Of all the humans tested so far, everyone has contained the same DNA from 1 of at least 2 ancestors. Mitochondrial DNA being traced back matrilineally to a specific “mT-Eve,” and a Y-chromosome being traced back patrilineally to a specific “Y-chromosomal Adam.” We are not descended from a singular couple, but rather we are all […]

700,000 year old stone tools…

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