It’s hard for moms to get enough alone time, especially when our kids are little – and that’s in the best of times. 2020 is definitely not that (though describing it is a bit tough), and with everyone at home far more than they’re anywhere else, what’s a mom to do?
Sure, virtual happy hours are fine, but if you really want to indulge yourself, these 8 moms are sharing their tips and tricks for some deserved and necessary self-care.
8. One of the many reasons to get a dog, I think.
Image Credit: Pexels
“I take the dog for a walk. I also have to work outside of the home so my drives in and out are my ‘me’ time. Taking/teaching yoga classes on Zoom in our office is my solo time too.
It is all thanks to [my husband]. We actively work to schedule time for ‘me time’ breaks.”
– Christina Dunbar, North Carolina
7. Enlist your partner’s help.
“Some days I have zero [alone time], but that’s because I choose to snuggle with my boy in bed when he naps.
Sometimes I nap with him, sometimes I just watch Real Housewives. I’m lucky that when [my husband] comes home from work, before we have dinner, I take 30 min to myself to do whatever.
Usually, I sit outside with a glass of wine and call my dad. Sometimes I just sit and do nothing. But, I always have those 30 minutes.
It’s not much, but it’s mine, all mine.”
– Krissy Youngquist, Wisconsin
6. Early bedtimes for the win!
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“When I was little my siblings and I had a 7 p.m. bedtime. I hated that we could still see the sunlight through the curtains and hear kids outside playing.
I get it now. Our kids’ bedtime is 7:30 pm. I have to take advantage of any chance I get.
Right now, I have the three older kids doing school work downstairs, two playing with a train set, and the baby playing in a playpen while I am in my room. [My husband] tries hard to make sure if I need to check out for a bit that he makes it happen for me (going on walks, etc.)
– Lisa Emrick, Indiana
5. Those blessed solo Target runs.
“I’m working from home full time with two young kids so [alone time is rare].
Thankfully my 2-year-old still naps, so I work out during that time. Otherwise, [I get alone time] at night time once the kids go to sleep (but I’m also exhausted then), when my husband takes both girls on a walk, or when I drive to pickup dinner/Target solo.
I know it’s a crazy time, but we can and will get through this!!”
– Kristin Martinez, Illinois
4. This lady is crazy! Ha!
Image Credit: Pexels
“I do yard work. That way I can leisurely do something productive and also listen to music or Audible.”
– Rachel Jaworski, Michigan
3. Remember, you can’t work all the time (she tells herself again and again).
“I take my lunch break right after [my daughter] goes down for her nap at 12, and I take a book and sit out on my porch and read in the sun!
So relaxing and it’s an hour I get all to myself.
Should I try to use that time to get extra work in? Maybe. But, I don’t regret it!”
– Jenny Saul, North Carolina
2. But how does she stay up past nine, though?
Image Credit: Pexels
“At night I have been putting the kiddos down by 7 p.m. and, here in Minnesota, it doesn’t get dark until around 9 or 10 p.m., so my husband and I are able to sit outside and talk, or I hop in the tub, or go for a walk.
[My husband] normally stays up late and plays video games so I watch my TV series then, too.”
– Kilee Buck, Minnesota
1. It’s the little things, and the hours alone.
“I started taking an hour every Sunday to do a long (5k) walk by myself and I listen to Brené Brown’s podcast. Starts my week off with a better mindset and ‘hopefully’ encourages me to move more the rest of the week.
I also always grocery shop by myself. Have done that since [my first] was born and can be the best hour of my week.”
– Allison Nichols, Indiana
I’m dying, you guys. I knew I’d have to get creative to have some alone time, but wow! Exercise?! Ha!
What’s your favorite way to keep your family at bay for a few hours? Share with us in the comments!
The post Moms Share Their Secrets to Still Managing to Get Some Time Alone appeared first on UberFacts.