People Explain Which Household Items Need To Be Cleaned More Often Than Anyone Realizes

If you’re in your nice clean home just hanging out enjoying the cleanliness, this article might come as more than a little distressing to you.

Because your home is probably nowhere near as clean as you think it is.

Reddit user FoxMachine asked: 

“What common household item is rarely if ever cleaned, although it should be?”

So listen, we’re going to be honest with you.

If Thanos popped up right now and said the fate of the world depended on finding someone whose fan blades, air vents and lighting fixtures were completely dust-free … well … it’s been fun while it lasted.

Lets take a look at what else is likely to get us Thanos-snapped out of existence.

We’re Toast

“The bottom of my toaster is a graveyard of charcoal crumbs.”

– CubaGoodingIII

“Working from home I was in a meeting so boring I realized I hadn’t cleaned the crumb tray of my toaster in years.”

“Imagine a meeting so boring you think about the crumb tray in your toaster. And I wasn’t even in the kitchen.”

– JustaRandomOldGuy

Just Washing The Maggots

“Once a month,the dishwasher gets the full treatment in our house.”

“Some family members are plumbers. They’ve seen things. They’ve smelled things.”

“Fun fact: most dishwasher pumps fail because of maggots. Clean your f*cking catcher and rinse off the chunks, people.”

“Maggot eggs are eeeeverywheeeerre. You can also get mould mites, drain flies, cockroaches….it’s a humid, dark environment with food scraps.”

– Taleya

Component Care

“Your computer components and setup.”

“My mouse is clean as it’s easy to swab with a q-tip… my keyboard… my keyboard is one with the dirt. You can run it through the dishwasher and still have hair stuck.”

“I’m honestly not even exaggerating. I’ve had the same mechanical keyboard for 8 or 9 years and ran it through the dishwasher multiple times, but it’s impossible to get completely clean.”

“The key caps themselves never seem too bad, it’s just getting the film of grime and dirt out from under them and between the switches.”

– ApprehensiveAd3778

“Yeah, same with keyboard and mousepad, they’re absolutely disgusting.”

“Oh yeah and DO NOT forget the chair, I found moldy food under the pillows of my friends gaming chair. one of the most disgusting things ever.”

– marcago

You Need To Shampoo That

“SOFA! maybe because it’s so hard to clean your sofa, but it’s really dirty and has dirt all over the years.”

– thitgahamtonghop

“I shampoo mine about once a month. The water is always brown.”

“I know people who have NEVER shampooed theirs. I can’t even imagine the water.” 

– Gingerbrew302

“Here in Germany, we have several stores which rent out for free a big… Wet vacuum?”

“In one container, you fill a soap solution. You spray it on the sofa.”

“The vacuum then takes in the solution and dirt. It is often shocking.”

– Joe_Rapante

That’s Not A Paint Job


“I went around my place last winter after I lost my job and started washing all my walls. My family was telling me it looked like I painted them.”

– Smil3yAngel

“I have a steam mop that has a handle that detaches so it’s like a wand.”

“I steam cleaned my bathroom walls because the previous tenant was a smoker and had that nasty yellow residue on the walls. Biggest pain in the ass project, but totally worth it.”

“Cleaning my other walls is on my to-do list.”

– spitfire07

If That’s Dirty, So Are You

“Shower curtains they get so nasty people!”

– Rat_Queen91

“I don’t understand how people let theirs get so nasty. My brother’s is slightly moldy on the bottom.”

“My last place was really (pre 1920s) old with a sh*tty bathroom and mold build up in the grout around the shower/wall tiling.”

“There was also a full sized fucking window in the shower (of all places to put a window lol) with unsealed wood trim that got moldy too!”

“I don’t know how my room mates could stand it! I replaced the shower liner every few months on my own due to mold, because they just wouldn’t.”

“So glad I moved somewhere new, no one should have to fear that they are breathing black mold every time they shower.”

– QuasarsRcool

Dangerously Dry


“Once every 4-6 weeks. Lint blocks the air. It’s a fire hazard and a bad hair day hazard.”

– Steen70

“I almost bought a new blow dryer one time because it had become so useless.”

“I realized how clogged with lint it was, cleaned it out, and it was like brand new!” 

– pink_mango

Cabinets Shouldn’t Be Sticky

“In your kitchen: The underside of your cabinets (as well as the top of them if you can).”

“All of the food you cook, sautee, etc. sends tiny particulates of oil and other parts of your meal into the air. It settles on all surfaces, but you clean most of them regularly.”

“The top of your cabinets is usually ignored, but it can develop quite the gunky buildup if you don’t do a fairly regular cleaning. Say, once a month or so.”

“The underside of cabinets – especially near your cook surface – should be cleaned every week or so. That oil and muck will eventually start to dry and cake on, attracting bugs and rodents and emiting a not-so-fresh smell.”

“Get a good degreaser cleaner and give those surfaces a thorough cleaning.”

– ilikemrrogers

“Can” You Imagine?

“Can opener. Look at yours and despair.”

– IAmEggnogstic

“I literally never even thought of washing one until i moved in with my wife. Blew my mind when she threw it in the dishwasher”

– 1seacow

“Isn’t it the dirtiest thing in the house? I’ve seen that a lot. Because people never think to wash them.”

– appleparkfive

“The blade under your automatic can opener.”

“People use it for all sorts of things like dog food. It can get gross.”

– chillflyguy33

Phone Check

“How often do you clean your phone?”

“How often do you check your phone in the bathroom?”

– FatsDominoPizza

“Your phone.” 

“If you actually use it for calls then it’s covered in your face oils, spit and germs from your mouth, and possibly ear wax.” 

“If you’re a normal person who just texts a lot, then it’s covered in everything you and your grubby little hands have touched.”

– Reddit

The Lid

“This is funny. I just noticed yesterday that I rarely clean the inside-top of my rice cooker.”

“Cleaned it last night and was like ‘I use this weekly and have never wiped this part down.’ Made me feel gross but yea.”

– [Reddit]

So now that you’ve seen what Reddit has to say, let’s talk about you.

What unclean horrors are you suddenly realizing you might need to clean?

Sound off!

A Handyman Made the Secret Boozy Staircase of Our Drunken Dreams

What would you include in your dream home? A pool? A library? Maybe something entirely novel?

Consider this idea. Murray Berrill of Murray Berril Constructions in Victoria, Australia has made quite a splash on social media with an unusual staircase that holds a delightful hidden secret.

Posted by Murray Berrill Constructions on Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The handyman custom-made the stairs for his sister’s home, and included a wonderfully creative surprise. You can see what appear to be drawers built into the stairs throughout. A clever storage solution, maybe?

Posted by Murray Berrill Constructions on Wednesday, April 1, 2020

But these drawers aren’t for just any purpose. Each one is designed as a sort of segmented wine-rack; the stairs double as a wine cellar. (Insert bad joke about a 12 step program here.)

Posted by Murray Berrill Constructions on Wednesday, April 1, 2020

With all 12 drawers combined, the staircase can hold more than 150 wine bottles, which would be impressive for any storage area, much less one so cleverly hidden away.

Ah, that's looking better Shaun and Trilby langdon

Posted by Murray Berrill Constructions on Saturday, April 18, 2020

Lovers of both booze and interior design spread the post like wildfire, and soon Berrill was doing segments with local news stations like WIN in Victoria.

He told WIN,

“It’s a matter of being smart, and utilizing your space, so that you’ve actually got a lot of good storage, but you don’t have to have a huge house.”

And Berrill joked about the capacity of these steps…

“If you start at the bottom and work your way up, I doubt you’ll get to the top.”

What do you think? Would you put one of these in your home if you could? Would you modify it in some way?

Tell us in the comments!

The post A Handyman Made the Secret Boozy Staircase of Our Drunken Dreams appeared first on UberFacts.

An American man who made…

An American man who made a fortune off the newly invented typewriter, built a mansion on Carleton Island in New York state in 1895. After the property was bult, he spent one night in it and then died of a heart attack. The mansion has now been empty for almost 100 years, yet still stands.

12 House Cleaners Dish on What You Should Be Cleaning but Probably Aren’t

Here are the 12 things cleaning professionals wish people would realize need to be cleaned – are you guilty?

#12. Go eye-level with your toddler

“If you have toddlers/short children – the entire inside perimeter of your house at the 2.5ft mark has a layer of snot encrusted dirt that’s built up over the years that you are most likely blind to by now.”

#11. Don’t forget the wash

“When I did housekeeping during college, I noticed that many people neglect to take down their shower curtains periodically for washing.

That’s the accumulation of body oils, fluids, etc that has splashed off your body. You can disinfect and make a bathroom sparkle, however, the stench off the ripe curtain…ick.”

#10. Head allergies off at the pass

“Their fans. Mfs be having the DUSTIEST ceiling fans in the world. How do y’all sleep with those things spinning? It’s like snow.”

#9. Remember to look up

“Coming from someone who is taller than average I’d like to mention that many people only clean to their eye level.”

#8. Take a whiff

“Clean the things you use to clean other things.

Replace your kitchen sponge at least twice a month. Wash your towels weekly. Leave the door to your washing machine open after each cycle so it doesn’t mildew. You get the idea. If these things aren’t clean, it can manifest in big ways. Ever met one of those people who has a faint musty/sour smell even after showering? Chances are they’ve been using the same nasty bath towel for weeks/months and don’t notice the smell from it anymore.”

#7. Never have I ever

“The dish drying rack. I’ve never seen anyone with one that wasn’t fucking horrific looking.”

#6. Wear gloves

“I learned about this when I was being trained to clean professionally…

You really need to take the toilet seat completely off every now and again – every 6 months minimum to clean the sludge that accumulates around the screws and fittings.

It’s really gross. Wear gloves.”

#5. The more you use them…

“People who are busy but wonder how it looks different when I do it, the finishing touches they miss are polishing or wiping down their kitchen bin, kettles and other shiny things on their counters. One job I struggle with is removing hair from a plug hole and as I rule, I don’t do it because i’ll spend the day heaving. People forget to clean their taps, door handles and light switches, yet they are probably the most used item.”

#4. Heavy-duty

“Honestly? Even in the wealthiest of homes the bathrooms were an absolute nightmare. Grime so thick on the walls you could make an entire bar of soap out of it. Hard water stains were even harder. We had this fancy pumice stone that we’d use to scrub majority of it away. A lot of us would use toilet bowl cleaner on the entire bathroom. It had some really strong compounds that would just cut right through that stuff.”

#3. I wish those things were self-cleaning

“I cleaned houses in college…clean your microwaves people.
Baseboards and windows are less disgusting, but more often neglected.”

#2. Fire hazard

“The fan heaters. I unplug mine and use a skinny crochet hook to yank the hair and dust out of ours.

I have seen one catch fire. Clean them, it’s important.”

#1. Buildup

“Not a pro, but worked housekeeping at a hotel for a bit. Wash your walls. You don’t have to go all out, just if you see scuffs wipe them off. Even if you’re not smoking inside or anything, so much grime builds up on walls.”

The post 12 House Cleaners Dish on What You Should Be Cleaning but Probably Aren’t appeared first on UberFacts.