This Man’s Astronomical Hospital Bill Paints a Sad Picture of Healthcare in the U.S.

If you live in the U.S., affordable healthcare is pretty much unheard of. If you’re unlucky enough to suffer an emergency while uninsured (or underinsured), you’re pretty much screwed, as one man’s stunning hospital bill shows.

A user on Reddit posted a photo of the itemized bill that he received after an infected knee sent him to the hospital for a month. The total adds up to more than half a million dollars.

$618,967.78, to be exact.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The bulk of the cost was for “room & care,” which totaled over $300,000. That means just occupying a bed in the hospital cost this man about $10,000 per day, which is truly unconscionable.

But the ridiculous prices don’t end there. Anesthesia adds up to almost $18,000, lab work is over $25,000, and medication is over $92,000. There are also sky-high costs for lab services, medical supplies, surgery, and even food.

Photo Credit: iStock

This particular man happened to be insured when he suffered this injury. The insurance company paid for nearly the entire bill; he owed just $21 out of pocket.

Still, the fact that these services cost so much in the first place is shocking. It’s hard to even make sense of it.

“Is there any logic to these numbers or did someone just mash the keyboard?” one commenter asked.

Many Redditors pointed out that this experience is distinctly American. Healthcare in other countries sure ain’t perfect, but medical costs are never this high, whether one is insured or not. Many people in other countries were aghast that this is the situation in the U.S.

Photo Credit: iStock

“It gets to a point where all you can do is laugh,” another Reddit user commented.

“It might have been cheaper just to amputate,” another joked.


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Patients Share Jaw-Dropping Confessions About Their Stay in Mental Hospitals

There’s no shame in seeking help when your mental health is suffering. And sometimes that means you have to end up in a psychiatric ward for help.

If you believe the media and movies, these places are strange, scary, dangerous places… but is that the reality? At least the reality THESE days? Only people who have been inside know for sure.

These 20 confessions are from patients who’ve been institutionalized, and their stories will surprise you…

20. That’s a long time to feel like you’re not part of the world.

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Hmmm, you probably didn’t have to lie about that…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. I bet that’s a common feeling.

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Damn.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. So that happened!

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. That sounds exhausting…

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Everybody deserves a chance to get well.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Haha… well, hope that didn’t fuck with people too much.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. It gets better with treatment…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. The world could use less judgement and shame. For real.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Good to know!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Hope it works out!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. I can imagine that working in those places take their toll…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Make friends however you can…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Sorry it didn’t work out.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Glad you got better!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. BFFs!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Join us…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, that’s probably true. But can you really live like that forever? Probably not.

Photo Credit: Whisper

1. Bummer. Sorry to see this.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Sounds like some serious shenanigans can happen in mental hospitals!

Who knew?

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This Nurse Has a Very Powerful Message for Anti-Vaxxers

Meggy Doodle is a nurse who’s had enough with all these anti-vaxxers talking about how “Big Pharma” is just out to get you. Considering she’s a nurse, we’d say she knows what she’s talking about. Maybe that’s why her Facebook rant on the issue is going viral.

Here’s how it starts:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Don’t want to vaccinate, don’t do it. Fair enough. She continues:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Well, that seems harsh. I suspect there’s a reason for this, though.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Ah, things are coming together. I wonder what else “Big Pharma” is behind?

Photo Credit: Facebook

No getting away from “Big Pharma,” then. Fair enough. This isn’t all she has to say to anti-vaxxers, though.

Photo Credit: Facebook

I think they have a different definition of “research.”

Of course, anti-vaxxers may think that since everyone else is vaccinated, they’re okay. Doodle points out that that’s not actually the case.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Mic drop.

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12+ Cases That Still Make Doctors’ Skin Crawl

There’s a reason why those of us with weak stomachs don’t become doctors. They see more blood, gore, and bile in one week than most of us do in a lifetime. But everyone has their limits – even doctors – and sometimes things poke through the patina of professional ability.

If you decide to read through these 15 doctors’ confessions about what still gives them the heebie-jeebies after years of practicing medicine, I hope your stomach is strong.

#15. Absolutely ghastly

“Doctor. Nothing visual/physical really gets to me these days. Smells can be absolutely ghastly. But people’s suffering can be profoundly affecting, both patient’s and families.”

#14. Chilling to the bone

“How cruel people can be. Dealing with disease is one thing, but dealing with victims of any kind of assault, domestic violence or mass tragedy is chilling to the bone.”

#13. I’m taking a bath in bleach

“Patient has Mrsa : skip the gown because we all have it, it’s fine what Evs

Patient has scabies / bed bugs: JeSus fucking Christ where the fuck is my 3rd PPE gown tie, I need 6 gloves and 4 Shoe covers and if they even so much as touch me I’m taking a bath in bleach , I left my phone in the break room because if it fell outa my pocket it will stay there till the end of time .”

#12. There’s something about that open nose

“I work at a maxillofacial surgeons’ department and I’ve seen a lot of procedures which don’t phase me; teeth extractions, upper and lower jaw realignment, traumas of all types (broken jaws, broken orbital sockets, …) oncological procedures, explorations. The lot.

But there’s 1 procedure that makes my gut wrench; rhinoplasties. There’s something about that open nose, and people cutting and prodding around that makes me so uncomfortable. I don’t know why.”

#11. I have to suppress a shudder

“Anesthesiologist here. Blood, gore, and people trying to die on me don’t really phase me much. But when I’m in the eye room and the surgeon sticks a needle into someone’s eyeball I have to suppress a shudder.”

#10. Parasites

“I can handle skin sloughing diseases, gore, and meth head tweeters just fine… But damn, I hate parasites….. bed bugs, scabies, tapeworms (fun fact- you can end up with tapeworm eggs in your brain if you have tapeworms and your hygiene is rank enough).”

#9. Full body skin conditions

“I’m a trauma surgeon so blood and mangled bodies doesn’t really phase me, but full body skin conditions do! Things like eczema herpeticum and Norwegian scabies make me itch all over and really uncomfortable.”

#8. Chopped fingers still get me

“I’ve seen all sorts of disgusting and gory things which uniphase me but for some reason chopped or dismembered fingers still get me.”

#7. The common thing we all hate…

“For me it’s nasty teeth. There are very few things that move me in any way (medicine or otherwise) but daaaamn nasty teeth. I could never ever be a dentist.

My friend works in emergency medicine and can’t stand hand wounds. She’s the toughest, most bad-ass lady I know but hand wounds make her swoon like a medieval maiden.

Among other doctors I know it’s usually skin conditions and burns.

The common thing we all hate is abuse.”

#6. Living where they shouldn’t be

“All the creepy crawlies living where they shouldn’t be. The more slithery the worse it is.

A kid is awoken by intense pain and a scratching sound in the ear? Usually a cockroach – not so bad, but a hassle to remove piecemeal leg by leg if it comes to that.

Some guy is complaining of nasal congestion and some bleeding months after a vacation? Yup, leeches in the nasal cavity. I’m never going swimming in any rivers ever.

Diabetic patient complaining of a non-healing wound behind his ear? I scoop out dozens of maggots from underneath the skin flaps and they’re falling on the patient’s stretcher.

A pregnant patient admitted for delivery is complaining of itching down there after maybe straining a bit too much? An Ascaris roundworm is poking its head out the butt and saying hello.

Always makes me gag when I have to be the one to remove them.”

#5. Botflies are a common theme

“Large Parasites that live in the skin.

I can deal with worms in the organs, or microscopic spiders living in my face pores, but when it comes to scabies or botflies I want to claw my own skin off.”

#4. A big NOPE

“Very little does… I can see blood, guts, death, and very little phases me. But watching any video of somebody breaking a bone gets a big NOPE out of me.”

#3. Suctioning out saliva

“I don’t mind pus, blood, poop, urine. But, for the love of god, I can’t stand saliva. It grosses me out when anesthesia suctions out saliva.”

#2. Phantom itching for hours

“I can’t even see or hear the phrase “Fournier’s Gangrene” without cringing. (Don’t Google image search that at work unless you also work at a hospital.)

Also I reallllly don’t like going into patients’ rooms when they have bedbugs. Even if I gown and glove before heading in and only touch them to do an exam, I will have phantom itching for hours and then change clothes in my garage when I get home because NOPE.”

#1. Unclean nose issues

“My wife has been a family practitioner for 10 years. She says the only thing that really still grosses her out is nasty, unclean nose issues.”

Brb barfing.

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Bedlam, Bethlem Royal Hospital, may surely be one of the most famous psychiatric…

Bedlam, Bethlem Royal Hospital, may surely be one of the most famous psychiatric institutions in the world. its been around since 1247 and is infamous as a lunatic asylum. In the 18th century people used to go to Bedlam to stare at the lunatics. For a penny one could peer into their cells, view the freaks of the “show of Bethlehem” and laugh at their antics, generally of a sexual nature or violent fights. Entry was free on the first Tuesday of the month. Visitors were permitted to bring long sticks with which to poke and enrage the inmates. In 1814 alone, there were 96,000 such visits.