People Debunk Misconceptions About Ethical Farming Practices

The Internet is a vast resource for discovering all kinds of information, but these days it can be difficult to sort what is true from what is false.

Misinformation can spread easily, even if unintentionally. It’s important to correct false claims when we see them, like users did in this Tumblr thread on the ethics of raising bees and chickens for their honey and eggs.

From the get-go, there seems to be a misunderstanding on some basic fundamentals of caring for honeybees and chickens.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

The first user states that they don’t understand why some vegans refuse to eat “backyard eggs,” or eggs that are harvested locally from someone’s back yard, and blasts those who refused to support local farmers.

Chicken eggs that are fresh and local, from hens that are raised humanely, are much different than the average carton of white eggs you’ll find at the grocery store. I can tell you from experience, they’re usually brown or blue, and their yokes are darker and richer.

Consuming local honey is also better for your environment and community, especially if you have allergies. But user “feminist-james” disagrees.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

The claim that beekeepers collect all of a hive’s honey is not accurate. Skilled beekeepers will make sure to leave enough honey in the beehive for the survival of the colony.

It’s also not accurate to say all chickens are only meant to lay eggs once a month. It all depends on the type of chicken.

Luckily, a genuine beekeeper swoops in to school this misinformed user.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

As satisfying as it can feel to call somebody out or stand up for a cause you believe in, you will look very foolish if you start doing so without doing thorough research.

It’s one thing to think you know how an industry works, but when someone from that industry speaks up, it’s important to listen.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

This beekeeper explains that harvesting honey is actually part of taking care of their bees.

They say that the bees need space in the hive for giving birth to and storing eggs.

If a hive loses its queen and there’s no queen brood to replace her, that hive is done for.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It is in the best interest of bees and humans for the beekeeper to pay close attention to the health of their hive.

If they want to continue harvesting honey, they need their bees to be healthy and happy. It would be counter productive for beekeepers to starve out their hives by taking all of the honey and providing no supplementary food source.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

This beekeeper is right again. There is a big difference between factory farming and traditional farming.

Factory farms are generally much more crowded, with animals kept in small, cramped cages or enclosed areas.

They have a negative impact on our soil, air, and water. Their practices often include the use of antibiotics and hormones on animals to promote growth and prevent disease, which studies show can have negative impacts on the humans who consume them.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Our beekeeper ends their post with suggestions for what other topics we can research if we’re truly motivated to protect animals and our environment.

Another user joins in to speak to the claim that chickens weren’t meant to lay eggs more than once a month.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Forced molting is the action of denying a flock of laying hens food and sometimes water for 1-2 weeks. This is usually implemented when egg-production is naturally decreasing, toward the end of the first egg-laying phase.

By not allowing the hen’s body the necessary time to rejuvenate during the natural cycle of replenishment, farmers can increase egg quality and productivity.

But as this user points out:

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It is definitely possible to raise chickens humanely while still repeating the reward of fresh eggs.

My grandparents were old-fashioned famers, and I grew up visiting my cousins on their farm.

Their animals had room to graze and walk about. They were treated well, and in return my family members grew up eating delicious, fresh eggs.

Actual farmers can attest:

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Taking care of farm animals is hard work. It takes a lot of time and energy, and because of this, many farmers love their farm animals. Chickens can be a pet, just like a cat or a dog.

Also, chickens don’t need their unfertilized eggs, and there’s an easy way to ensure that a hen’s eggs remain unfertilized.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Eggs are quite nutritious. They’re a good source of vitamins B2, B5, B12, folate, phosphorus, selenium, and of course protein.

They also contain choline, an important nutrient that most of us don’t get enough of.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Purchasing eggs and honey (or any meant/produce) locally is always the best option if available!

From an ethnical stand-point, purchasing locally allows you to get to know the farmer and to ask about their farming practices, so you can ensure their animals are treated well and not pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.

Purchasing local is better for your community, it lightens your carbon footprint, and the food you consume will be much fresher and tastier. That is a fact, no misinformation here.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

As we already learned above, farmers can deny hens food to force them into a stage of not laying eggs. It stands to reason that if you continue to feed your chickens they will continue to lay.

If you’re interested in purchasing local produce and animal products, I highly encourage you to research and visit your local farmers market. This is the best way to meet farmers, buy from them directly, and sample what your community has to offer. By talking to farmers you can get the truth about their farming practices, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Are you a beekeeper or do you raise chickens? What’s your opinion on the ethical treatment of animals? Let us know in the comments below!

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Honeybees sleep between five…

Honeybees sleep between five and eight hours a day, some bees hold each other’s legs as they sleep. Colonies are divided into different sectors of work. There are cleaners, nurses, security guards, also collection bees whose sole job is to cache nectar in comb. Promotions happen as well.

500 Million Brazilian Bees Died in Only Three Months

You’ve probably heard by now that the world’s ability to produce food is connected to the availability of a thriving bee population. Bees are nature’s most integral pollinators, responsible for pollinating 75% of the world’s crops.

And they’re dying at a rate that’s almost impossible to comprehend – to the tune of 500 million bees in Brazil alone in just three month’s time.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Between December 2018 and February 2019, 400 million bees in Rio Grande do Sul, 7 million in Santa Catarina, and 45 million in Mato Grosso do Sul lost their lives, and Aldo Machado, the vice president of Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul’s beekeeping association, is concerned.

Image Credit:

“As soon as the healthy bees began clearing the dying bees out of the hives, they became contaminated. They started dying en masse.”

Researchers are blaming Brazil’s decision to allow the use of 300 new pesticides on crops in 2019; many of the dead bees contained traces of fipronil, an insecticide commonly used to rid dogs and cats of fleas and ticks.. The U.S. EPA classifies it as a possible human carcinogen, but if you’ve got a dog, you may have some in your house.

Image Credit:

Alberto Bastos, the president of the Apiculturist Association of Brazil’s Federal District, told Bloomberg that the “death of all these bees is a sign that we’re being poisoned.”

Not to mention that bees provide billions of dollars worth of agricultural benefits that will disappear along with them if they go.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Will people listen? Will it be too late by the time food shortages begin to make their way into developed corners of the world?

Only time will tell, but the people who are hearing what the bees have to tell us are already beating the drum.

The post 500 Million Brazilian Bees Died in Only Three Months appeared first on UberFacts.

Honeybees can be trained to…

Honeybees can be trained to locate landmines due to their acute sense of smell. Croatian scientists mixed a sugar solution with a small amount of TNT — and after about five minutes of hunting for this doped sugar solution, the honeybees are trained to flock to the smell of TNT.

6 Little Things You Can Start Doing Today to Save the Bees

Bees play a vital role in sustaining life on earth – over 20,000 species of bees around the world are essential pollinators for all kinds of crops. Unfortunately, bee populations have been declining steadily for several years now

“Populations are declining due to a variety of factors including human development, pesticides, disease, and a changing climate,” a representative from The Honeybee Conservancy  told Bored Panda.

If you’re concerned and want to do your part to help, below are 6 simple ideas that could make a difference for the bees in your yard – and beyond.

#1. Protect their habitat.

Image by Thomas Schiewer from Pixabay

Create gardens everywhere there’s green space – wildflowers can populate street corners, balconies, along roadways, and yes, in your backyard.

#2. Sponsor a hive.

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

There are initiatives in many communities that build and install stocked honeybee hives and solitary bee homes. You can donate today to sponsor one or more habitats you don’t have to build or maintain. It’s a win for everyone!

#3. Create a bee bath.

Image by Cornelia Moore from Pixabay

Much like a bird bath, a shallow dish or container filled with clean water and pebbles or stones that poke out of the water is a great retreat for tired bees in the middle of a long workday.

#4. Plant trees.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

It’s not just flowers that bees love – they also adore trees. Tree leaves and resin provide the nesting materials necessary for bees and many live in the trunks and thick limbs.

#5. Build a bee hotel.

Image Credit: Danie Ware

Most people associate bees with hive living, but the truth is that most bees are more solitary, with 70% living underground and 30% living in trees or hollow stems. You can find plans for a bee condo or bee hotel online and build your own if you want to attract pollinators to your yard.

#6. Avoid harmful pesticides.

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

If you do have a garden, check the products you’re using to reduce pests. If the chemicals they contain are part of the neonicotinoid family, you’ll want to ditch them. Instead, check for organic options or try introducing natural predators like praying mantises or ladybugs to your space.

I’m off to do my part…as soon as spring finally gets here.

The post 6 Little Things You Can Start Doing Today to Save the Bees appeared first on UberFacts.