What’s the Difference Between England, Britain, and the U.K.?

This is a question I hear people talking about all the time. If you don’t live there, it can be confusing…What’s the difference between England, Britain, and the U.K.?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Let’s start with the countries. The United Kingdom is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. All of these are separate countries that fall under the U.K. umbrella and have some autonomy. A lot of people (at least ones I’ve talked to) make the mistake of thinking the Republic of Ireland is part of the U.K., but it is its own sovereign country.

Photo Credit: InfoPlease

Great Britain is actually the largest island in the British Isles (which also includes the island of Ireland and 186 other inhabited islands).

Photo Credit: Project Britain

The term “British” can cause some confusion for people. It can refer to the U.K. as a whole, the island of Great Britain, or to the current and former British colonies, such as Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So as you can see, as long as you do a little research, you won’t sound like a dummy next time you have to speak to someone from that part of the world!

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9+ Facts About Mummies

You a history buff? How about ancient history?

Even if you’re not, you’ll definitely learn a lot from this fact set about mummies.

1. Dinosaur mummy

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2. Mummy Brown

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3. That’s a lot of babies

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4. Climate change

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5. Mummy weed!

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6. My Adidas

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7. Ötzi

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8. Fatty

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9. The process

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10. Pigments

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Your Dog Can Sniff out a Bad Person… It’s Science

Has your canine companion ever had a bad hunch about someone? We’ve never been quite sure how dogs have an innate ability to sniff out trouble… until now!

A recent study shows that dogs can and do analyze a person’s reliability!

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The researchers were out of Kyoto University in Japan, and designed a 3 part experiment that would tell them whether or not a dog would trust someone after they lied to him or her.

First, a person would point to a container with food, and the dog would go to it. Next, they would repeat the gesture, but toward a container without food. When the person who had previously lied about food pointed again, the dogs – not one of them – went to the container.

What does it prove? Well, that dogs prefer to be certain about the humans in their lives, and in the world in general, according to the Animal Cognition Journal. 

Photo Credit: Pixabay

They prize reliability in people – and not only that, previous research shows that dogs will avoid or snub people who are rude to their owners. So, if your dog wants nothing to do with that new guy or girl you bring home, well…maybe you should listen.

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These 8 Popular Genetic Traits Prove We All Have More in Common Than You Thought

When you take a long, hard look at humanity, there’s no denying that at our most basic, genetic level we’re all inbred. Maybe not to the point where our kids turn blue, but still – we have way more things in common than than not.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In fact, if you are a human being, you more than likely have every single one of these super common, dominant genes.

If you are not a human being, please know that we come in peace.

#8. Your Eyes Are Brown

55% of the world has brown eyes, which means more people are brown-eyed than all of the other colors combined. Take that!

Photo Credit: NBC

#7. You’re Right-Handed

70-90% of people have a dominant right hand (it used to be more when people forced children to be right-handed, despite preference!).

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#6. Look At Those Broad Eyebrows

Don’t feel bad if you have to pluck to get thin, arched brows – thick and bushy is the dominant trait, but the unibrow is not.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#5. You Have Dark Hair

More than 50% of people in the United States sport natural dark locks, but there are cultures around the world where that percentage is 98% or higher.

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures

#4. Your Left Thumb Automatically Crosses Over Your Right

Well over half of the world’s population display this random genetic predisposition.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#3. Your Eyelashes Are So Long

The cosmetics companies would have you believe that you need that mascara and the falsies, but in reality, long lashes are a dominant trait enjoyed by the majority of the population.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#2. You’ve Got A Round Face

In a world of squares or rounds, you’re most likely the latter.

Photo Credit: MGM

#1. Your Earlobe Hangs Free

No definitive study exists, but estimates are that this dominant gene exists in about 2/3 of the world’s population.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Did you just touch your earlobe? I bet you did…

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You Probably Didn’t Know These 7 Facts About ¡Mexico!

If you’ve ever visited Mexico, then you know how much wonderful culture you can find there. And if you haven’t, then you might be interested to learn a little more about the country.

Check out these cool facts about our neighbor to the south!


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Abraham Lincoln Was a Complete Troll and These 6 Stories Prove It

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most iconic presidents in American history. Everyone knows his greatest hits – freeing the slaves, winning the Civil War, creating the US Banking System, etc. What I bet you didn’t know is that President Lincoln…was a MASTERFUL troll. Like…of epic proportion. Check out these 6 amazing stories of Lincoln trolling the mess out of people.

6. He started the Emancipation Proclamation with…a joke

The Emancipation Proclamation. One of the most famous speeches/documents in American history. Freeing the slaves. A step toward equality. Apparently, Lincoln drafted the Proclamation himself and told his Cabinet as an afterthought that he planned to deliver it as a speech. Whoops.

Anyhoo, he kicked it off with a terrible joke that has no 21st century relevance. He only got a chuckle or two from the crowd, so he shouted “Gentlemen, why don’t you laugh? Without the fearful strain that is upon me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die, and you need this medicine as much as I do.” Then he delivered the Emancipation Proclamation.

Photo Credit: Facebook

5. He loved poop jokes

And so do I – but I’m not a president. I do find something about this very endearing, though. His favorite subject for poop jokes was George Washington. Another joke Lincoln liked was a story about a Revolutionary War hero, Ethan Allen, who visited England after the war. His hosts were trying to upset him by mocking George Washington, so they put a framed portrait of the hero in the most disrespectful placethey could think of: above the shitter. When they asked Allen what he thought about the photo, he responded, “Nothing will make an Englishman shit so quick as the sight of General Washington.”

The story may or may not be true, but Lincoln was a fan nonetheless.

Photo Credit: Facebook

4. He baited a bunch of kids into starting a house fire…just for giggles.

Abraham Lincoln did a lot of off-the-wall type stuff, as president and before. For example, while traveling for work as a lawyer, he once joined an impromptu axe-throwing contest…cuz why not? The best story, though, was when he convinced a group of kids to start a fire.

While staying at a hotel, Lincoln convinced some kids to throw an inflated pig bladder (basically a balloon) into the fireplace. Historians have no freaking clue why he did this other than to just get some damn jollies. The kids’ motivation, however, makes complete sense: When an adult (Abraham Lincoln, no less) asks you to set shit on fire, you follow orders.

The balloon exploded and shot sparks every which direction, which in turn caught the room on fire. Lincoln frantically tried to put the fire out with a broom…and it also caught fire. He barely managed to keep the entire hotel from burning down.

Photo Credit: Flickr

3. He got accidentally engaged…and then completely BS’d his way out of it.

As the story goes, in 1836, Lincoln was being hounded by a woman who wanted him to marry her sister, Mary Owens. He had no interest and thought the woman was boring and crazy…so imagine the sister, am I right? Well, in a last ditch effort, she said she would go home to Kentucky and bring her sister back with her to Illinois if he agreed to marry her. His response was basically a ‘Yeah, sure, whatever. Like that’ll happen.” A few months later…TADA! The woman shows up at Lincoln’s house thinking they’re engaged.

Mary Owens  
Photo Credit: Library of Congress

Lincoln didn’t want to be THAT guy and break off this (imaginary) engagement, so he started masterfully messing with her, sending her letters talking about how rich everyone was in Springfield, and how she couldn’t handle being so poor in such a wealthy place. When that didn’t work, he started telling her that she must be joking about marrying him because how could she ever want such a lowly and worthless guy. Either she believed him or saw through his game and thought he was a total dick. In either case, it worked, and Lincoln was off the hook.

2. He once publicly bullied a political opponent until he burst into tears

Lincoln must’ve been one hell of a charming dude because he openly mocked a political opponent on stage, in public, and still came out of it looking like the good guy. When he was in the House of Representatives, he was running against Jesse B. Thomas. Thomas went first, lambasting Lincoln and his allies. Rather than respond with arguments, Lincoln openly mocked Thomas; he made fun his voice, his appearance, and even how he walked. The crowd went nuts and applauded and cheered uproariously. By rule, Thomas had to sit there and silently take it. The mocking went on until Thomas burst into tears. And…well…there’s no coming back from that.

For what it’s worth, Lincoln later tracked him down and apologized. But I’m sure the salt levels were high, as Thomas had to watch Lincoln go on to become President of the United States.

The Bullied – Jesse B. Thomas 
Photo Credit: Wikimedia

And the Pièce de Résistance…

1. Lincoln once won a debate…just by ripping open his opponent’s shirt

Lincoln was a master debater, capable of taking down anyone point for point…execution style. I mean, there is an entire style of debate named after him. But sometimes words aren’t even necessary. Early in his career, Lincoln was debating Democrat Colonel Edward Dick Taylor. Taylor was known for tearing apart Lincoln and the Whig party for their spending and perceived elitism. Well…Taylor went first in the debate, and just as he was beginning his speech about Lincoln and the “rich big Whigs,” Lincoln walked right up to him and ripped open his shirt, revealing a fancy ruffled shirt, a giant gold chain, seals, and tons of other bling. The crowd went nuts. Lincoln bowed and left the stage, having won the debate.

The Shirtless – Colonel Edmund Dick Taylor Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Lincoln is a widely revered President and historical figure…and a freaking troll. Well played, Mr. President. Well played.

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Did You Know These 9+ Fascinating Facts About Books?

Reading is one of the most rewarding ways to spend your time. I buy WAY too many books, and my house is starting to look like an episode of Hoarders. But it’s all worth it!

Read on to learn some interesting facts about books.

1. Iceland

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2. Reading is good for all of us

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3. Lies of the devil

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4. Dolly rules

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5. That’s a lotta readin’

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6. Dying books

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7. I have this problem

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8. Reading rage

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9. Floating book fair

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10. Live longer

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Check Out These 10 Interesting Facts About College

College is a time in life that many people reflect back on fondly.

Take a look at these facts about college that I’m willing to bet you didn’t know.

1. I like this idea

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2. Good job Nelly

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3. Scream!

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4. Study up

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5. Huddle up

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6. A++

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7. Oh mom!

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8. Better late than never

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10. Laugh…or else

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10 Fascinating Facts About Life in Our Universe

Our universe is FASCINATING! Fascinating, I said!

And these 10 facts prove it.

1. Lots of stuff in there

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2. Interactive

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3. The hexagon

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4. Poor Pluto

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5. Retro

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6. It’s a long way to the moon

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7. Mars

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9. Large quasar group

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10. Cool…

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The Origins of 5 of the Weirdest American Sayings

Slang is such a common part of everyday life that we rarely pause to think about where it originated.

Well, today’s your lucky day! Take a look at these 5 common sayings we use here in America and where they come from.

1. Riding shotgun

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

“Shotgun!” How many times have you yelled that on the way to a car with your friends and family?

This is another phrase that dates to the Old West. When stagecoaches crossed miles and miles of open land, danger lurked around every corner. The man who sat next to the stagecoach driver was known as the express messenger. That person was always armed with, you guessed it, a shotgun to protect the coach and its valuables/people.

2. “Stomping ground”

Photo Credit: pxhere

Another one you hear all the time. Hey, I even use it myself from time to time. The term originally started in British English around 1820 as “stamping ground” with an “a”. It referred to places where animals slept at night where vegetation was trampled down.

In the 1850s the term became “stomping ground” in America. Both terms are still used, FYI.

3. “Shoot the breeze”

Photo Credit: Public Domain

We all do this, some of us more than others. Just chit chat and talk about nothing in particular with a friend. The term originates in the American West, with its massive, wide open spaces. What better way to pass time than to shoot at, well…nothing. Passing the time by shooting into the air and making small talk eventually came to mean the same thing.

4. “My neck of the woods”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This phrase has two possible origin stories. The first is that way back in the 16th century, English speakers used the word “neck” to describe all kinds of narrow or constricted things. Examples include the narrow neck of a bottle or an inlet of water. So the term possibly originates there.

Author Bill Bryson believes the phrase comes from the Algonquin word “niack”, which means a corner or a point. If this is the origin of “my neck of the woods,” it truly makes the phrase an Americanism.

5. Spill the beans

Photo Credit: Pixabay

When a person (hopefully not you) divulges sensitive information or tells a secret, they spill the beans. There are two possible theories for the explanation of this term.

The first states that Ancient Greek societies used different colored beans to cast votes on new members and that all the beans were spilled out to be counted after voting was complete.

The second (and the one that is generally more accepted) comes from a book that describes a vote that took place in Maine all the way back in 1650. Beans and corn were used to vote “yes” or “no”. Beans symbolized a “yes” vote.

What do you think about the origin of these terms? What are some others that you’d like to learn about?

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