History Buffs Share What They Believe Are the Greatest Real-Life Plot Twists in History

This is gonna be fun…

Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it, of course, and so if you’re someone who likes to see everything coming, you’re going to want to be up on the unbelievable, real life twists and turns.

I’m not promising that studying the past can help you predict the future, but – hey. It can’t hurt.

15. He must have been a lawyer in a future life.

It’s definitely Darius the Great’s ascension to the throne of Persia. Basically, he was caught literally red handed standing over his dead predecessor with a knife.

“Oh shit,” thought Darius.

“Oh shit!” said the magi. “Call the guards, this guy just murdered the emperor!”

“Whoa whoa guys, listen,” interrupted Darius. “I know what this looks like, but it’s not what it looks like. Not only did I NOT kill the emperor, but I can tell you who DID kill him. It was this dead motherfucker right here, who I realize looks quite a bit like the emperor but what you need to understand here is that he was actually a shapeshifting wizard, right? So he killed the king and pod-peopled his way to the throne, and all you guys are just lucky that you had someone like me here to avenge the rightful ruler, who I totally miss dearly.”

The magi consulted, and with a chorus of “why would someone lie about something like that?” They unanimously decided to raise Darius the wizard slayer to the throne of Persia.

14. A great do-over.

On June 28th, 1914, Gavrilo Princip’s group “The Black Hand” fucked up the first time when it came time to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. His colleague was to throw a grenade under the carriage as the Archduke and his wife passed over. The grenade delayed and blew up as the next car came by. He panicked, swallowed a cyanide pill, and jumped in a nearby river. Except the cyanide pill just made him vomit, and the river was 6″ deep, so he was caught pretty easily.

Gavrilo Princip was pretty damn dejected and went to get some food at a local restaurant at this time. After the assassination attempt, Archduke Franz Ferdinand told his driver to head to the hospital where he and his wife could visit those injured from the failed plot on his life. Cars hadn’t been around for too long, so when the driver got lost and tried to reverse the car, it stalled…right in front of the restaurant where Princip was finishing lunch. He walked outside, saw the Archduke standing there, and fired into his neck.

The most revolutionary event of the 20th century was a do-over.

13. Maybe we should have seen this one coming.

I’m going to simply take the answer /u/beardedmessenger gave 10 months ago to the same question:

“After World War 1, France dictated the terms of armistice to the Germans. A mere 20 years later, after Germany had just got done with powering through the french in 6 weeks, Hitler set up a meeting in the same train car, in the exact same place as the armistice was signed after World War I. Except this time, he was making the terms for the armistice to the French. ”

And, as /u/hellsheep added:

“and, even better, a few years later the Germans blew the train up while retreating so they wouldn’t have to suffer the humiliation of signing another armistice in the exact same train car.”

12. This is almost too strange to be true…but it is.

At the start of the Cold War, Henry Murray developed a personality profiling test to crack soviet spies with psychological warfare and select which US spies are ready to be sent out into the field. As part of Project MKUltra, he began experimenting on Harvard sophomores. He set one student as the control, after he proved to be a completely predictable conformist, and named him “Lawful”.

Long story short, the latter half of the experiment involved having the student prepare an essay on his core beliefs as a person for a friendly debate. Instead, Murray had an aggressive interrogator come in and basically tear his beliefs to pieces, mocking everything he stood for, and systematically picking apart every line in the essay to see what it took to get him to react. But he didn’t, it just broke him, made him into a mess of a person and left him having to pull his whole life back together again. He graduated, but then turned in his degree only a couple years later, and moved to the woods where he lived for decades.

In all that time, he kept writing his essay. And slowly, he became so sure of his beliefs, so convinced that they were right, that he thought that if the nation didn’t read it, we would be irreparably lost as a society. So, he set out to make sure that everyone heard what he had to say, and sure enough, Lawful’s “Industrial Society and its Future” has become one of the most well known essays written in the last century. In fact, you’ve probably read some of it. Although, you probably know it better as The Unabomber Manifesto.

Edit: Thank you for the gold.



There was a samurai in Japan, circa 1600(?), named Miyamoto Musashi, who was frequently late to his duels. He was very skilled and world renowned as one of the most talented samurai to have ever lived.

One day, he decided to challenge the leader of the Yoshioka School, Seijuro to a duel. Seijuro agreed, and as always, Musashi came late. He struck Seijuro with a single blow, crippling his arm and knocking him out. Seijuro decided to pass ownership of the school down to Denshichirō, who immediately challenged Musashi back for revenge. Again, Musashi arrived late, disarmed and promptly defeated Denshichirō.

Here is where the plot twist comes in to play. The head of the Yoshioka school is now the 12 year old son of Denshichirō, Matashichiro. He (and his entire force of archers, musketeers, and swordsman) challenged Musashi to a final duel. Musashi decides that this time he is to arrive EARLY and hide nearby! Fantastic! So when Matashichiro and his army come marching by to the place where the duel is to occur, expecting a tardy Musashi as always. He springs from his hiding spot, and runs to Matashichiro, completely demolishing this 12 year old kid. He then escapes from the force by drawing his second sword.

TL;DR Samurai defeats an entire lineage of a martial arts school by changing from his usual routine of showing up late.

Edit: Circa 1600 and his name was Miyamoto Musashi, for those wondering.

Edit 2: Words

Edit 3: More words.

10. He beat the game twice.

Yi Sun-Sin. Pretty much all of this guy’s life was an epic twist. He joined the Korean military back in the 1500s when they were being invaded by Japan. He became a top commander and helped save his nation from being conquered by the Japanese. Then his jealous rivals had him framed, tortured, and imprisoned. When he was released from prison he re-enlisted in the military at the lowest rank, then was promoted all the way back up to commander and once again saved his nation from defeat against impossible odds.

Edit: fixed for accuracy.

9. What are the odds?

The real life story of Squanto.

Squanto (or Tisquantum) was captured by early explorers around 1590 and taken to Europe as a slave. He escaped and spent the next 20 years or so earning enough money to get passage back to the New World.

When he finally gets back to his home village he finds that just about every single American Indian on the East Coast has either died of disease or fled west. His village is abandoned.

He lives a pretty solitary life for a year or so until he comes across these starving Englishmen trying to make a colony in Plymouth. Since Squanto can speak English he is able to help the Pilgrims and shows them how to grow native crops in his family’s abandoned fields.

Thus Thanksgiving….

The odds of a struggling colony landing in an almost completely depopulated land (disease ravaged just 2 years before landing) and also finding a Native who speaks English… astronomical.

8. At least he was right about it being painless and humane.

When King Louis XVI suggested the guillotine be triangular shaped, then the people used it to kill him.

7. Huh. Wonder why nobody stopped him.

That a small time, strip club owner can walk into the Dallas police station and shoot the man who shot the POTUS 3 three days earlier in front of the entire police force.

Edit: grammar

6. The Vikings always found a way to win.

The English fought off a Viking invasion only to be invaded from the South by Normandy.

Plot twist: Normandy was under the rule of the descendants of vikings. So the vikings still conquered them.

5. France just couldn’t shake him.

Napoleon escaping Elba and sweeping back into brief power only to meet his Waterloo was a nice series of twists and turns.

4. They were only making things worse.

During the 14th century, cats were killed en masse due to the belief that cats were in league with the devil and the cause of the Black Death. If the cats had remained alive to keep rodent populations down (the hosts of the fleas that were the actual cause), the plague would have had much less of an impact.

Edit: For everyone saying cats would have fleas: Yes, and they would carry/transmit the disease as well, but due to predator to prey ratio (roughly 1:50 for cats), the density of the disease vector would be substantially reduced. Much like reducing the density of a forest can slow or stop the spread of fire, lowering the density of a disease vector can slow or stop the spread of said disease. It would have still existed but not in the same severity.

3. Let’s just have a little chat.

Attila the Hun turning back from his conquests after talking with Pope Leo I.

2. Spy stories never disappoint.

A man who was seriously considered to be the future leader of MI-6 (the British equivalent of the CIA) during the cold war with the Soviet Union was actually a highly effective spy for the USSR. If one of his mentally unstable friends hadn’t defected to the USSR, casting suspicion on him, he may have become head of MI-6. Name was Kim Philby, and he eventually defected to the USSR.

Another one of his friends from uni ended up as the royal art curator for the Queen, and was highly respected in academic circles for art analysis and he too was a highly placed spy. This was kept under wraps until Thatcher “outed” him in the early 80s

1. I’m not sure that was how they hoped it would work.

The treaty of Versailles. Ends the the worst war known to man at the time, but sparks a Second World War, set up the modern day boundaries of the Middle East with no cultural considerations, and Woodrow Wilson denied Vietnam self-determination from France in order to get the treaty passed, eventually sparking the Vietnam war. The treaty that was expose to end all wars, sparked many of the current problems today.

History is pretty hilarious and interesting when you find the right stories!

Do you have a favorite straight-out-of-the-history-books tale? Share it with us in the comments!

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10 Great Facts to Get Your Day Started on the Right Foot

We all need to get our days started in a positive way. Some people exercise, some do yoga, some meditate, some drink two pots of coffee.

Whatever you do, you can add these facts to your morning routine to make your day even better!


1. Some things never change…

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2. I did not know that!

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3. Cool!

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4. Time to reset

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5. That’s tragic.

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6. I always feel like…

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7. That’s not good.

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8. A symbol of friendship.

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9. Makes perfect sense.

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10. Justice warriors.

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We hope you enjoyed those facts!

Have a great day!

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10 Interesting Facts to Get You Thinking

We’re almost at the end of the year, and it has been a loooooooong twelve months.

But I’m gonna power through, and I know that you can, too!

So put aside all the worry, turn that frown upside down, and enjoy these 10 wonderful facts that we’ve selected out of our extensive archive.

Let’s see those pearly whites!

1. Kindness for a hero.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. A case of the Mondays.

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3. A great idea!

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4. That makes sense.

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5. This is amazing.

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6. Stressed out.

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7. And they never forgot about it…

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8. Put on your dancing shoes!

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9. An end to slavery.

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10. The seas are rising.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Have a great day, happy holidays, and keep SMILING!

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This Is the Traditional Reason Many Jewish Families Eat Chinese Food on Christmas

Have you ever wondered about this?

Ed Schoenfeld, the owner-operator of RedFarm, an Asian-fusion dim sum restaurant with two NYC locations, and Decoy, a West Village shrine to traditional Peking duck, compares his Christmas Day-business to a holiday miracle:

“I think on that day we do more business than many restaurants do in three months. We serve all day long, we stay open all day long.”

You might think that Jews opt for Chinese food while their Christian counterparts feast on turkey or ham because those restaurants are almost always open on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but culinary experts and food historians promise there’s more to it.

Many Jewish people developed a taste for Chinese fare as they left Europe for America between the mid-1800s and the 1930s. They settled into Manhattan’s Lower East Side, a cheap neighborhood that teemed with tenements, docks, and factories, but that also played host to synagogues and kosher butcher shops.

The neighborhood was next door to Chinatown, where many Chinese immigrants settled after completing work on the Transcontinental Railroad. As they sought out new business opportunities, many went on to open restaurants.

The Jews found community on the Lower East Side, but they also discriminated against by many outside their faith, says Sarah Lohman, author of Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine.

“There was a lot of discrimination against Jews at the turn of the century. They were often criticized not only for not dressing like Americans and not speaking the language, but also for not converting to an ‘American’ religion.”

That often wasn’t the case at the neighboring Chinese restaurants, though, as the owners and operators made little or no distinction between Christian New Yorkers and Jewish immigrants. Not only that, but the restaurants were nearby, they were inexpensive, and they gave Jews access to the American custom of dining out.

Yong Chen, a history professor and author, explains the concept in his book:

“Diners were attracted to Chinese food because, in their mind, it represented American cosmopolitanism and middle class status.”

In the process, many developed a taste and love for the food – and purposefully didn’t ask what was in it, so they could continue to pretend it was kosher.

Not only did they not have to worry about mixing meat and milk, but non-permissible meats, like pork, were often so finely chopped it could easily go unnoticed, Lohman says.

“You could kind of willfully ignore that there might be pork in there. It’s like a vegetarian eating a soup that has chicken stock. If you’re a little flexible about your Judaism, you would just ‘not notice’ the pork in your fried rice.”

Also, even though the food was exotic and new, many of the dishes and flavor combinations, like basing dishes around eggs or combining sweet and sour flavors, were familiar.

As Joan Nathan, author of King Soloman’s Table: A Culinary Exploration of Jewish Cooking from Around the World, recalls, “Chinese restaurants had these pancakes, which were like blintzes,” and also that the wontons resembled kreplach.

All of this, combined with the fact that the Chinese and Jews were both large immigrant populations and that Chinese restaurants were open on Christian holidays, bonded the two groups.

During the early 20th century, the number of Chinese restaurants grew quickly, with Jewish people accounting for 60% of the white clientele in NYC and Philadelphia’s establishments. By the mid-20th century, Chinese restaurants were basically the social clubs of Jewish communities – everyone left with their bellies full of food and their ears full of gossip, and nowadays, the hankering for Chinese food on Sundays (and holidays) has stuck around for many. As Ed Schoenfeld says,

“Jewish guests want to go out and eat Chinese food on Christmas. It’s become a tradition, and it’s extraordinary how it’s really grown.”

If you ask me, any day is a good day to eat Chinese – Christmas and Easter included.

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The 2020 Irish Farmers Calendar Is Here and It Is Wonderful

I think you need this in your life. And I do, too!

The 2020 Irish Farmer Calendar is here, and let me tell you, it’s even better than last year’s version. This is the eleventh year of this wonderful collection of Irish farmers doing their thing, and it’s an annual hit.

Let’s take a look at some of these fellas.

Buy yours HERE.

1. Rub a dub dub.

Win 1 of 10 copies of the Irish Farmer Calendar!! Simple Like, Share or Tag a friend who'd ❤LOVE❤ an Irish Farmer on their wall!! ?– farmercalendar.com

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Tuesday, November 19, 2019

2. In the pumpkin patch.

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Wednesday, October 30, 2019

3. We all need to read this book.

100% Irish Beef! January from the 2020 editon of the Irish Farmer Calendar ❤ Available now from http://farmercalendar.comPhoto credit: Ian Shipley

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Saturday, October 5, 2019

4. With a little friend.

Welcome to December ? Don't forget to order your copy of the Irish Farmer Calendar in good time for Christmas ?Only at farmercalendar.com – Worldwide Delivery

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Sunday, December 1, 2019

5. Whittling some wood.

Farmer Maurice aka Mr. March doing some beautiful woodwork on Corballis Farm on Donabate strand, Dublin ?– farmercalendar.com

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Thursday, November 14, 2019

6. The big race.

And the winners are … Sandra Jane, Denis McAuliffe, Helen Osborne, Maura Clarke, Susan O’Leary, Donie Anderson, Margo…

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Sunday, November 24, 2019

7. Let me play you a song.

Introducing Jamie aka Mr. April having a good oul singsong with the dog ?To have Jamie feature on your wall for 2020, visit farmercalendar.com ?Worldwide delivery!

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Thursday, November 7, 2019

8. Let’s get this baby running.

Last call fellas! Get your image in NOW to be featured in the 2020 Irish Farmer Calendar! Photoshoots take place in Dublin and Kilkenny. G'waaan!!! Info@farmercalendar.comPhoto credit: Fran Marshall

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Sunday, July 14, 2019

9. Smiles all around.

Introducing Ger and his laughing horse Tina! Ger can't get enough of the Farmer Calendar having also featured in the…

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Thursday, October 17, 2019

10. Let’s get a selfie.

Happy St. Patrick's Day Irish Farmer fans! ☘– farmercalendar.com

Posted by Irish Farmer Calendar on Sunday, March 17, 2019

Let’s be honest…you know you want to hang this in your home or office.

What are you waiting for?!?!

The post The 2020 Irish Farmers Calendar Is Here and It Is Wonderful appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out the History of the “Shiny Brite” Christmas Ornament

I bet that your grandmother had box-loads of these beautiful, brightly colored and extremely fragile ornaments. You can also find them in antique and vintage stores, and, if you’re lucky, thrift stores. They’re called Shiny Brite, and the story behind them is rooted, surprisingly, in war.

Photo Credit: Public Domain

Shiny Brite originated with a German toymaker named Max Eckardt. Eckardt was born in 1890 in Oberlind, which was 20 miles away from the glass ornament hub of Lauscha. In 1926, he opened his first ornament company in Oberlind with his brother, Ernst. Presciently, they also opened an office in New York City, where Max emigrated in the late 20s.

In 1937, Eckardt foresaw a second world war on the horizon, and he feared he would no longer be able to import his glass ornaments from Germany. So he decided to open his own factory stateside. He called it the Shiny Brite Company because the insides of the balls were coated with silver nitrate, which kept them shiny and reflective.

That same year, Eckardt approached the Corning Glass Company. He told them Woolworth’s would buy a sizable amount of ornaments if their light bulb production machinery could be modified to make the glass balls. Corning was able to successfully produce the glass globes that Eckardt needed – and Woolworth’s very first order was for 235,0000.

Woolworth’s Five-and-Ten-Cent Stores started selling them in 1939 for up to ten cents each.

Eckerdt’s foresight paid off. By 1939, with Hitler in power and the British setting up blockades, glass ornaments from Germany were impossible to import.

Corning was making 300,000 Shiny Brite ornaments a day by 1940. They lined the balls with silver nitrate and coated them with lacquer before sending them out to the artists, including the ones at Eckerdt’s factory, for decorating. After the artists painted the silver balls in vibrant colors, they were packaged to be sold in their iconic brown and green boxes.

Over time, other designs emerged such as tops, bells and icicles.

While World War II waged overseas, Eckardt had to make some adjustments. Silver nitrate and lacquer became scarce, so the company had to paint directly onto clear glass. Metal caps and hooks were eliminated in favor of cardboard and yarn. And the tiny bits of tinsel inside some of the ornaments had to be taken out altogether.

Then, when the war finally ended, the U.S. government asked Eckhardt to go to West Germany and help rebuild the original ornament industry there.

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?”It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”? This is my favorite part of my Christmas decor, and this is part of my collection of vintage glass ornaments. I don’t always save it for last…it just worked out that way this year because I ordered a new flocked tree for these beauties to shine so brite. It arrived a few days ago, and I’ve been busy with other things ever since. But now is the time! See you in a couple of days! ???????????????????? * * * * * #shinybrite #vintage #vintageornaments #vintagechristmas #crazy4christmasdecor #tujloveschristmas #acottagegirlcrushes #fleamarket #fleamarketdecor #cottagesandbungalows #thrift #thriftstorefinds #familyheirloom #madeinpoland #madeingermany #madeinjapan #flockedtree #christmasdecor #christmaspast #vintagepackaging #retrochristmas #ourthriftstoredecor

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Here in the States, Eckardt’s business continued to boom, with thousands of machine-painted Shiny Brite ornaments flying out factory doors daily from four facilities throughout the 1950s.

Eckardt died in 1961, right as plastic ornaments began to get popular. Glass ornaments slowly fell out of favor, and their production eventually stopped.

Then, in the late 90s, designer Christopher Radko obtained the Shiny Brite name and began making and selling replicas.

But keep an eye out for boxes of the original Shiny Brite ornaments – if you spot one, you’ll get to hang a little vintage luxe in your tree.

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The Melting Permafrost in Siberia Revealed a Mysterious 18,000-Year-Old Puppy

It turns out that maybe humans haven’t changed all that much in the past 20,000 years.

At least, not when it comes to puppy love.

Scientists believe the male animal, found near the Indigirka River in Siberia, was around 2 months old when it died. Despite it being preserved by the freezing temperatures with its fur, whiskers, and teeth intact, researchers are not entire sure what species the little guy belongs to.

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Un cane di 18.000 anni. In Siberia è stato trovato  un cucciolo di animale di circa due mesi perfettamente conservato in uno strato di permafrost: risale a 18 mila anni fa e gli scienziati, che l’hanno mostrato lunedì per la prima volta dopo il ritrovamento avvenuto un anno e mezzo fa, lo stanno analizzando tramite prove sul DNA. Nonostante sia ben conservato, con naso, pelo e denti ancora intatti, la creatura ha spiazzato gli stusiosi. I test, infatti, non sono stati ancora in grado di stabilire la sua specie. Forse un cane dell’era glaciale, forse un lupo. O, ancora, l’anello della transizione evolutiva da lupo a cane Il cucciolo, che era maschio, è stato chiamato Dogor: ha pelliccia, scheletro, denti, testa, naso e baffi ancora intatti. #dogor #siberia #ritrovamenti #scienza #science #animals #life #evolution #anellimancanti #curiosità #scoperte #scopertesorprendenti

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“The Centre has Europe’s largest DNA bank of all canines from around the globe, yet in this case they couldn’t identify it from the first try,” admits Love Dalen, a representative from the Swedish Centre for Palaeogenetics.


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They do know it’s around 18,000 years old, though preliminary gene sequences was unable to confidently call it a wolf or a dog – or really anything we currently know about.

Well-preserved remains of an ice age wolf were discovered in the area a few years ago (40,000 years old), and dozens of woolly mammoth bodies have also been recovered from the frozen ground. Some scientists hope they’ll be able to use the partial DNA sequences to bring the species back to life (because clearly they’ve never seen Jurassic Park).

As far as humans, it appears that they settled in the northernmost parts of Russia around 32,500 years ago. Previous research suggests that people began domesticating dogs anywhere between 10,000-40,000 years ago, so this little guy could have been a pet, a protector, a working dog, or a wild wolf species – we just don’t know.

Scientists have called in Dogor, which means “friend” in the local Yakut language.

“This is intriguing, what if it’s a dog? We can’t wait to get results from further tests,” says Sergey Fedorov from the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North.

I’d have to say that’s an understatement, because I don’t think I’ve ever been more curious about an 18,000-year old anything in my entire life.

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The First Makeup Museum in the World Will Open in New York City in 2020

Because there’s basically a museum dedicated to everything these days, it makes sense that a museum dedicated to makeup should exist, too. And, frankly, it is sure to get some folks pretty excited.

In May 2020, the Makeup Museum is set to open in New York City. The museum is dedicated to telling the story of the impact that makeup has had on society, and the first exhibit will be called “Pink Jungle: 1950s Makeup in America.” This first installation will highlight the icons, entrepreneurs, and artifacts that defined that fascinating decade.


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Co-founder Doreen Bloch said,

“The Makeup Museum is a critical institution for the cultural landscape in New York because makeup has a 10,000-year history. There is so much that the Makeup Museum wants and has to explore. The 1950s is a perfect time period for the Makeup Museum to start within the debut exhibition because the 1950s is the birth of the modern cosmetics industry.”

Posted by Makeup Museum on Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The museum’s Facebook page talks about the mission of the organization:

“The Makeup Museum is the world’s leading institution exploring the history of beauty and its ongoing impact on society. The Makeup Museum is dedicated to empowering all people to learn about and have fun with beauty. The Makeup Museum brings beauty to life through large-scale exhibits, events, and interactive and shoppable programming.”

The museum will be located at 94 Gansevoort Street in New York City.

What do you think? Are you going to check this out when it opens next year? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Ancient Watermelons Tasted Awful. So How Did We Get to the Delicious Summer Treat?

Refreshing slices of watermelon on hot, summer days are one of the best treats of the season. But it wasn’t always like that.

In ancient times, no one wanted to eat a fruit that tasted as bad as those old, pale melons.

Photo Credit: Flickr

So, how did we get from a fruit that was so unappealing and bitter, to the flavorful, ruby-colored delight watermelon is today?

Archaeologists have found wild watermelon seeds and other evidence of their presence in ancient tombs (including King Tut’s) across the continent of Africa, dating back to as long as 5,000 years ago.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

But why? The fruits they grew were nasty.

According to Harry S. Paris, a horticulturalist at the Agricultural Research Organization in Israel, the reason for growing the unpalatable melons and putting them in tombs with pharaohs is because of their water content. Egyptians liked to give them to livestock to keep them hydrated in arid conditions.

For the same reason, the melons were included in tombs: to keep pharaohs quenched in the afterlife.

As those still in the land of the living also needed water, it’s likely that travelers would take some watermelons to use as water bottles—a predecessor to the modern day Hydroflask, if you will. As travelers moved across the continent, dropped watermelon seeds spread the fruit.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Eventually, the Greeks got a hold of the fruit. They would cook and eat it, but they also used it as medicine. Pliny the Elder thought it made an excellent laxative.

One can only imagine.

Greek physicians also like to place rinds on the head to ward off heat stroke, which I can see working to some extent.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

As they were selectively bred over the next few centuries, watermelons got sweeter and pinker. Paintings of feasts throughout the ages began to show dark pink slices of watermelon staged along with figs and pomegranates. And voila! We arrive at today.

Super glad we didn’t just give up on them. Summer wouldn’t be as sweet without watermelons.

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These Great Facts Might Make Your Day a Little Bit More Interesting

I need some good brain food to get through the day sometimes.

Know what I’m saying?

Well, I have just what you need! A great set of facts for you!

Let’s begin!

1. The world’s smallest park.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Wow, that’s fascinating.

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3. The name game.

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4. Roly poly.

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5. I’m not even gonna try.

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6. Nazi hunters.

Photo Credit: did you know?


7. But…why?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Interesting…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. The demon cat.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. They’re everywhere.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Have a great day, a great week, and a great month!

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