Statues Nobody Will Ever Tear Down Because They’re Awesome

We’re going through a time of reflection brought on by the protests of Black citizens of the racism they face by law enforcement and in all areas of their everyday lives.

As we strive to have meaningful conversations about race, one of the casualties of the Black Lives Matter movement has been the statues of Confederate generals and early explorers like Christopher Columbus. There are further calls to keep toppling statues until every reminder of racism is removed from sight.

So is any statue safe? Sure!

On Twitter, author and historian James Barr asked a provoking question about the value of statues occupying public parks and streets. He got plenty of answers.

Here are 12 statues everyone seems to like.

1. Tokyo

A life-size Gundam!

2. Dublin

The Famine statues were presented to the City of Dublin in 1997.

3.  Sheffield, United Kingdom

Bronze sculpture by Martin Jennings that remembers the women of Sheffield who worked the steel factories during WWI and WWII.

4. Norway

By Gustav Vigeland. The babies are evil spirits.

5. Vancouver

Terry Fox was a Canadian athelete and amputee who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

6. Vaxjo, Sweden

Whacking Neo-Nazis!

7. New York

By artist Paige Bradley to show a figure disconnecting herself from attachments.

8. London

Mary Seacole was a Black woman who traveled the world and helped people in need. She was best known for her work as a nurse during the Crimean War.

9. University of Maryland

Jim Henson and Kermit The Frog sit on a bench in front of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union Building deep in conversation.

10. Sao Paulo

Commerating Brazil’s essential workers.

11. Denver International Airport

Blue Mustang. Also called Blucifer. Actually killed his creator, Luis Jiménez.

12. Seaham, Co. Durham

Great War soldier by artist Ray Lonsdale.

Just as there are statues that commemorate people who are no longer considered heroes in the current context, there are many more honoring the lesser known men and women who changed the world in valuable ways. Other statues are artistic works and we need art to make us look at life in different ways.

Our history may be considered a source of misery, but we also need to remember the ones that made it as beautiful as they could–and still do. May we learn from them.

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Memes About the 1990s That Should Make You Feel Very Nostalgic

When it was happening, I didn’t think the 1990s were a great time to grow up, but in hindsight, it was pretty awesome.

Good music, good movies, good TV shows, and the world wasn’t totally on fire yet. At least for the most part.

Looking back on it, that decade really does seem like a more innocent time and I, for one, miss those days.

Let’s enjoy some memes about that glorious decade that will make you sit back and remember the good old days.

1. Oh, I remember…

I remember it well…

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Frozen pizzas were LIFE.

Now I’m craving one of these bad boys.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Name the movie!

This just screams “early ’90s” to me.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Did you play this game?

It seemed like it always ended that way.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. It sure has come a long way.

The old days were a little rough.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. It can’t be!!!!

Crazy how time flies.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. That was bad advice.

And this needs to be corrected!

Photo Credit: someecards

8. This happened to me SO many times.

And, if you were playing outside, sometimes you got mud on your face from the ball. Good times!

Photo Credit: someecards

9. That was the ultimate burn.

Hard to come back from that one.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Time to start crying.

Sorry…we had to…

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Nice and colorful.

Just a little bulky, though.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. You had to!

But did it ever work, though?

Photo Credit: someecards

That was a fun trip down memory lane!

Now we want to hear from you.

What are some of your favorite memories from the 1990s?

Talk to us in the comments and tell us what you think!

The post Memes About the 1990s That Should Make You Feel Very Nostalgic appeared first on UberFacts.

Great Facts That We Think Will Impress You

It takes a lot to impress people with all the information we’re bombarded with on a daily basis.

But our fact sets have gained a reputation as solid, interesting, and dependable because we do our best to cultivate the most interesting things out there.

We love to give you the good stuff!

And here’s another set of facts that we’re confident will impress you mightily.

Enjoy these 10 facts and feel free to share them with your family and friends!

1. That’s why they’re called that?

Did you know that?

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

2. Join the club, Mr. Jefferson.

So many people have this fear.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

3. Meteor town.

This is really cool.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

4. Never been one case.

Light it up and puff, puff, pass!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

5. This makes sense.

Does this fact describe YOU?

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

6. Flatter than a pancake.

It’s true! Here’s the proof!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

7. A total accident.

Thankful for this mistake.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

8. They were this close.

Imagine what the world would be like.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

9. Ancient warnings.

Going back centuries.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

10. Another reason to like them!

They really are great dogs!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

Color me impressed!

Okay, now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, please share something that you’ve seen or learned lately that has impressed you.

It could be a fact, an article, a story, etc.

Thanks in advance!

The post Great Facts That We Think Will Impress You appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Remember the 1990s, These Posts Are for You!

Growing up in the ’90s was the last real era where everyone wasn’t connected to the whole world every second of the day.

No cell phones or social media meant that you had to venture out on a Friday night and just see what was happening and hopefully you’d run into your friends and happen upon something fun.

Things are so different now that it’s sometimes hard to fathom what it was like.

It really was a great time!

Are you ready for some major 1990s nostalgia?

Let’s do it!

1. What a letdown that was!

And it happened all the time…

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Definitely a simpler time.

Can we go back to that, please?

Photo Credit: someecards

3. No shit…

That makes me feel very old…

4. Times have changed…

Enough with the gym videos!

5. I remember it well!

It was all about baggy EVERYTHING.

6. I think she’s losing her mind.

But at least he’s entertaining!

7. It would really be nice if this was normal again.

Think we can make that happen?

8. What does the 8-ball say?

Your fate was in the hands of the 8-ball…

Photo Credit: someecards

9. This is very interesting.

Wait, what?

10. A totally different ballgame.

Let kids be kids!

Photo Credit: someecards

11. A lot of legwork.

And that was just the beginning…

Photo Credit: someecards

The nostalgia just came flooding back in a major way.

How about you?

What are some of your favorite memories of the 1990s? The music, the clothes, the movies, THE HAIR?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post If You Remember the 1990s, These Posts Are for You! appeared first on UberFacts.

Vintage Parenting Photos That Would Probably Get Parents in Big Trouble If They Happened Today

I have three older siblings, so by the time my parents were raising me, they were less strict with me than they had been with all of them.

That’s a win for me!


Because I was allowed to get away with much more than they did and my parents weren’t as hung up on everything like they had been previously.

Parenting changes throughout the years and what one generation did is looked down upon by the next group of folks as dangerous and reckless.

We have a feeling that these old-school parenting photos would get these moms and dads in a whole lot of trouble if they were to happen today.

Let’s take a look…

1. That looks safe.

A girl and her bear.

My mother-in-law riding a bear at 2 years old from pics

2. Oh, boy…

Not good at all.

Back in the day. 1950s to be exact. Checkout that car seat. from pics

3. Have some fireworks.

Oh, the kid will be fine!

My dad showing off his parenting skills 1985 from OldSchoolCool

4. This is amazing!

And it was the NINETIES! We’re not talking about 1975 here…

Me back in 1991 just your typical Aussie kid drinking XXXXlight beer(I wasn’t aloud heavies back then) and holding a baby crocodile! from OldSchoolCool

5. What’s that smell?

Definitely in the 1970s.

California marijuana initiative rally 1972. That’s me in the box and my parents in the picture. from OldSchoolCool

6. Kicking back with a cigar.

And looking very cool.

Me again, 1958, relaxing after my bath with Toby, I was never again this cool from OldSchoolCool

7. That looks very dangerous.

It’s a loooooong way down.

My mother and grandmother demonstrating safety standards in the 1960s. from OldSchoolCool

8. Just a little sip.

Of the hard stuff!

13 y/o Dad having a taste while the grownups are busy playing cards; upstate New York, August 1954 from OldSchoolCool

9. The Tiger King.

Your mom is right about this one.

Just A Photo of Yours Truly (at 11 yrs.) Petting a Full Grown Tiger. My Mom Calls it Her "Bad Parenting Moment" from pics

10. Get that kid a helmet!

This won’t end well.

A couple ice skating with their baby, 1937 from OldSchoolCool

11. Father and son.

Smoke ’em if you got ’em!

A photo of me dressed up as my Dad, with my Dad (1982) from OldSchoolCool

12. Have a drink on me, kid.

Bellied up to the bar.

Infant me, my mother & father at a bar because that’s how parents rolled in the early ’80s from OldSchoolCool

13. This is great.

Safety first!

The pinnacle of parenting: 1930s swimming lesson. from WTF

14. This is crazy!

What were they thinking?!?!

Car seat safety in 1958. Not strapped in to anything, these seats relied on the mother to put her arm out and stop the baby from falling forward. from OldSchoolCool

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about the way you were raised.

Or tell us about how you’re raising your own kids these days.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Thanks in advance!

The post Vintage Parenting Photos That Would Probably Get Parents in Big Trouble If They Happened Today appeared first on UberFacts.

These Photos Look Like Accidental Renaissance Art

This is very interesting

Sometimes, great art is accidental, what else can you say? You point and shoot your camera and you get something you totally weren’t expecting.

And that’s definitely the case with these wonderful photographs.

They may have all been taken recently but what they capture looks like accidental Renaissance paintings.

They’re really very remarkable.

If you want to explore more photos like this, head on over to the Accidental Renaissance page on Reddit.

Let’s dive into these pics!

1. At least six feet away.

A sign of the times.

The Modern Plague from AccidentalRenaissance

2. Wow. Very sad and timely.

Definitely looks like a painting, don’t you think?

Volunteers from Red Cross in Bergamo, Italy, checking up on a 88yo women suspected to have covid-19. Photo: Fabio Bucciarelli from AccidentalRenaissance

3. A beautiful photograph.

This young person is full of fire.

A young man, illuminated by mobile phones, recites a poem while protestors chant slogans calling for civilian rule, during a blackout in Khartoum, Sudan from AccidentalRenaissance

4. We need some peace.

Can’t we all have an olive branch right now?

Italian nurse holding olive branch from AccidentalRenaissance

5. Her two beautiful children.

Well, close enough…

Venus and her fallen children / 1495 Italy from AccidentalRenaissance

6. This is a great shot.

The whole world needs to be disinfected right now.

The disinfector arrives from AccidentalRenaissance

7. Time for a snooze.

We all need some downtime.

da Vinci’s "Downtime of the Essential Overworker" from AccidentalRenaissance

8. A break amidst the chaos.

I love the colors in this one.

A Woman Reading from AccidentalRenaissance

9. This kid is over it.

Oh, the humanity!

Took a picture of my son bored out of his wits by the lock down. Turned out to be my first picture worthy of this sub! from AccidentalRenaissance

10. The mighty horse.

In all its glory!

Horse Worship from AccidentalRenaissance

11. This is amazing.

Jesus is on the move.

the decent of Christ from the cross in the Italian city of Taranto from AccidentalRenaissance

12. I’ll be what I am. A solitary man.

I love the light coming through the window.

Study of a man in isolation from AccidentalRenaissance

13. The Pope taking public transportation a dozen years ago.

A man on the move.

Pope Francis circa 2008 from AccidentalRenaissance

Those are pretty great.

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share your own photos that you think look like accidental Renaissance art.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post These Photos Look Like Accidental Renaissance Art appeared first on UberFacts.

Modern Photos That Are So Good They Look Like Renaissance Paintings

Have you ever snapped a picture on your camera or your phone that you thought was so impressive, it almost looked like a painting?

That’s exactly the case with these beautiful photographs that were all taken in recent years but somehow ended up looking like Renaissance art.

They’re really awesome and I think you’re going to be blown away!

Photos like this are collected on a Reddit page called Accidental Renaissance.

They are quite impressive! Let’s take a look.

1. A classic portrait.

One question: what’s on his head?

My grandfather looking like a classic portrait from AccidentalRenaissance

2. That’s a great photo.

It looks like time stood still there.

Sunset by the Canal.. from AccidentalRenaissance

3. It’s all about the light.

Definitely a Renassaince photo.

A photo of my friend – the light just hit right… @matthew.robin from AccidentalRenaissance

4. The hand is all you need to see.

Doesn’t that look familiar?

Found in a hostel in Florence from AccidentalRenaissance

5. A tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

I hope he got that sandwich back…

The attempted salvage of the post Oktoberfest Döner from AccidentalRenaissance

6. Take good care of him.

Taking the late subway home.

The Death of Adrian from AccidentalRenaissance

7. What a beautiful pic.

The colors are wonderful.

Took this photo last year in Khan El-Khalili in Old Cairo, Egypt. Sorry not right dimensions but I hope that it fits here. from AccidentalRenaissance

8. Wow. That is amazing.

And it looks very dangerous.

Found in r/HeavySeas from AccidentalRenaissance

9. The end of a long day.

The bride deserves a drink, okay?

The bride after dark from AccidentalRenaissance

10. Weddings always take a toll on people.

Have another drink. You’ll need it.

The Aftermath of the Wedding from AccidentalRenaissance

11. Everyone still needs to eat.

A lonely food cart…

Hunger doesn’t stop for a pandemic. from AccidentalRenaissance

12. This photo is kind of terrifying.

But very beautiful.

Easter in Spain from AccidentalRenaissance

13. That doesn’t even look real.

A painting come to life.

Uncertain, Texas from AccidentalRenaissance

14. A perfect example of what we’re talking about.

Just take it all in.

The night before the wedding from AccidentalRenaissance

Aren’t those awesome?

Have you ever taken any photos that you think look like accidental Renaissance art?

If so, please share your photos with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post Modern Photos That Are So Good They Look Like Renaissance Paintings appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman’s Bra Cup Design Turned into the Popular N95 Mask

Sometimes, the best innovations come out of nowhere. In the case of the N95 mask, that’s exactly what happened.

This particle-filtering mask has become even more popular due to the coronavirus pandemic. Due to its ability to block out 95 percent of airborne particles, it’s a staple in surgeries and other medical areas.

However, did you know the inspiration for the N95 mask came from a woman who originally designed a bra cup?

Meet Sarah Little Turnbull.

Turnbull worked for the 3M company back in the late 1950s. During that time, she worked with Shapeen, which is a non-woven material made of polymers typically used for decorative ribbons. She utilized this material to create the first-ever pre-made bows used for wrapping gifts during the holidays.

A true innovator, Turnbull came up with a ridiculous number of ideas. She presented 3M executives with a lengthy overview of her lineup. They liked her work enough to get Turnbull started on designing a molded bra cup.

However, with three sick family members, Turnbull spent a ton of time in medical environments. She realized that medical workers needed a better solution than the thin masks they often worked with.

So, she came up with a solution.

Mental Floss explains more:

By 1961, they introduced a non-woven lightweight medical mask based on her concept, with elastic bands instead of strings, an aluminum nose clip, and a form-fitting “bubble” shape. (The bra patent was approved in 1962.)

Though innovative, the mask couldn’t block pathogens for medical use and was marketed for dust filtration instead. An improved respirator hit the market in 1972 that was suitable for other industrial purposes. As the mask’s filtration evolved, so did its usefulness.

In 1995, the N95 respirator was introduced in the health care field, fulfilling Turnbull’s original ambition.

Sara Little Turnbull passed away in 2015. But during her lifetime, she proved to be a creative thinker who inspired a key piece of protective gear utilized more than ever today.

If you could create a new design to help fix a problem, what would it be? Tell us about your creative ideas in the comments below!

The post This Woman’s Bra Cup Design Turned into the Popular N95 Mask appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit Propaganda They Used to Buy Into, but Later Realized Was BS

These days, a lot of people live in complete echo chambers and they never hear any dissenting opinions or information AT ALL.

And sometimes those echo chambers are filled with misinformation, lies, fake news, and absolute BULLSHIT.

But that’s how propaganda works.

And that’s just the world we live in right now.

Let’s hear from some AskReddit users who talk about how they used to buy into certain propaganda only to later learn that it was total BS.

1. YOU’RE the idiot.

“When I was a teenager I thought that everyone over 30 is old and doesn’t understand me.

I was a fucking idiot.

It’s something in the brain chemistry but to the teenager, life experience is irrelevant because that life took place before I was born and therefore is now out of date and not in the slightest but applicable to me.”

2. Pretty rare, actually.

“That most people achieve success in their lives during their 20’s. This is bullshit in the grander scheme of things. Lots of super talented people end up becoming successful in their late 30’s, 40’s, and even 50’s.

The same goes for the concept of “If you want to get good at something, you have to start super young..” Which does SOMETIMES work. But a lot of people can actually get good at a skill in older ages.

You can learn the Piano in your 30’s, and get really good at it. But you’re not going to be doing concerts or anything. But it doesn’t mean that you’re not good/great/exceptional at it.”

3. Not true!

“That carrots give you exceptional night vision.

I later found out that that particular belief became widely accepted due to a British propaganda campaign from world war II designed to hide the invention of radar from the Germans. They claimed that the reason their air force pilots were so effective at night was due to them being fed carrots to increase their night vision. It was so effective that people still tout that particular benefit of carrots years after the war ended.

Edit, a couple corrections: While carrots are rich in vitamin a which helps prevent your eyesight from deteriorating, they still do not give superhuman vision like the propaganda claimed. The myth isn’t that they are good for your eyesight. It is an exaggeration of how effective they actually are.

Also I was incorrect when I said that the British were trying to cover up the invention of radar. They were in actuality trying to cover up an an advancement in radar technology that they didn’t want the Germans finding out about.”

4. Cult life.

“I was born into the cult of jehovahs witnesses. I left at 25 when I found out the leaders were covering up child abuse and then instead of changing their rules to protect victims they enforced their archaic rules and then told elders to burn and delete any evidence relating to past cases.

Sick bastards, but Ofc I get shunned and disowned and called a worker of Satan, an agent of the devil, a spiritual warrior committing acts of warfare against god sent to dissuade gods chosen people from the one true god….(who’s chosen peoples leaders cover up child abuse. ) when all I did was try to show my friends and family the multitude of court cases against them

Least I got a badass title.”

5. Accept it.

“Trivial but I bought into the lie that the more you cut hair, the more it grows. I’ve been shaving my beard for years hoping to get a nice thick bush to no avail.

I just have to accept that nature played me and deal with my patchy face hair.”

6. Imagine that! Reading!

“Anti-vax. At one point I was completely sold on the whole “how can you inject infants with dangerous chemicals” thing.

Then I read up on the actual science and realised how uninformed I was.”

7. GMOs.

“GMOs are dangerous for your health.

Not only is the idea that they’re bad bullshit, the global food supply would be more expensive, less plentiful, and poor parts of the world would experience more frequent, prolonged shortages of crucial items if it weren’t for GMOs.”

8. Not for everyone.

“That the only way to achieve success in life is to study hard, get top grades, and go to university and study something like law or medicine.

Plenty of people I know have achieved success and happiness without top university education. I also believed the idea that the career you study for is for life.”

9. Conspiracy theory.

“I totally bought into that ridiculous Denver airport conspiracy for a few months after a friend showed me it in high school.”

10. Going on a mission.

“Mission trips are for helping others…. really it’s just a huge ego boost for many people who want to exploit people’s needs to feel better about themselves.

Plus the whole part where it might actually be more harmful than helpful…”

11. Chiropractors.

“I had always thought chiropractors were bullshit, but what confirmed it for me was when one day after hurting my back a friend recommended I try it and I thought “meh I guess it’s worth checking out at least.”

So I called but forgot it was a Sunday and they were closed, but I left my name and number saying I was interested in making an appointment. While I was at work the next day and couldn’t answer, the chiropractor left me about 7 or 8 voicemails, each one sounding like one of those gym sales people trying to get you to join.

After that I was like yeah no legit healthcare place would be trying to sell me this hard on making an appointment offering this discount or the other just to get me in the door.”

12. Just say no!

“The anti drug campaigns we all had to listen to as a kid.

The cop that came to my school to give our anti drug talks ended up drinking himself to death at 51.

Guess no one told him alcohol was more dangerous than what he was telling us not to take.”

13. Total fiasco.

“Iraq had WMDs.

I believed it well before Bush came into office. I would read in the paper how even during the Clinton era that Saddam would block actively block weapon inspectors. To me, that sounded like he was hiding something. I still believed it months after the invasion.

Then the truth started coming out, ‘Curveball’ was some taxi driver that made shit up, Cheney outed a CIA agent because she found out that Iraq wasn’t going for nuclear material and it went against their narrative. It would be one thing if they have bad intel, but this was intentionally falsified intel to justify their war.”

14. Too bad a lot of people still believe this shit.

“I used to be big into conspiracy. Alex Jones was right, Clinton’s are actually alien lizard people, and all sorts of crazy stuff.

I even believed Obama was a secret agent Muslim going to install martial law and kill all non muslims. It got to the point I was even considering grabbing guns, I even thought about if I attacked a mosque that I could help stop the Muslim takeover.

It took so long to get my mind straight. It’s a slippery slope, and it’s not something I want anyone to go down on.”

15. Not getting laid.

“I bought into the abstinence-until-marriage crap in middle school, when they made you sign all the fancy pamphlets about why it’s the right thing to do. Really felt it would stop my fellow classmates from having sex until marriage.

My belief in that fell apart in high school. A teammate on my football team would tell stories in the pregame time for JV games about how he had banged some girl the other week. I can still remember 3 specific stories, one of which was how he had sex while wearing a ziplock baggie instead of a condom.”

16. Politics as usual.

“Everyone on my political spectrum are all good and everyone on the other side are terrible people who have absolutely nothing to offer in a discussion and no valid opinions”

In middle school, they made us take political party quizzes to see what we would vote. It became this whole us vs them atmosphere. This only became worse when my parents would be talking about the other side like they were all idiots.

I firmly believed growing up that anyone opposite to me on the political spectrum are evil, dumb people and any points that may align with them are bad. I believed you had to be all or nothing. I was very closed minded.”

Very interesting perspectives in there, that’s for sure.

How about you?

Did you previously believe wholeheartedly in things that you later realized were not true or even total BS?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Admit Propaganda They Used to Buy Into, but Later Realized Was BS appeared first on UberFacts.

Interesting Things You May Not Know About the Postal Service

We usually go about our weeks and days not thinking all that much about the federal postal service. Sure, we might crab about the lines at the post officer or the lack of employees there to help, as long as the mail is coming fairly regularly and we have somewhere to buy stamps, it kind of slides to the back of our minds, which is normal.

Sometimes, though, like when our illustrious leaders are taking about doing away with an institution established in the Constitution, the post office centers itself in a national debate.

Before you decide which side you want to come down on in this debate (or any debate) it’s a good idea to educate yourself on the issues. So, without further ado, here are 10 things you need to know about your federal postal service.

10. They have good reason to be wary of your dog.

In 2014, 5767 postal employees were attacked by dogs, with Los Angeles bringing home the dubious award for the most bites in the nation.

Mail carriers are instructed to use their bags to protect their bodies, though many also choose to carry mace for their own protection.

9. The mailboxes weren’t always blue.

They began painting them a uniform blue in 1971.

Prior to that, the color of boxes varied from a drab olive green to different shades of blue.

8. Several famous people began their working lives as mail carriers.

Walt Disney, William Faulkner, Steve Carrell, and many others carried mail before they became household names.

7. They have their owns stamp cave.

SubTropolis is a sprawling excavated limestone mine in Kansas City, Missouri.

The caves are home to many companies, and the USPS finds them an idea hub for stamp storage and distribution.

6. And a team to decipher the worst handwriting.

The Remote Encoding Center in Salt Lake City, Utah receives all of the mail that’s deemed impossible to read at a local level.

There are 1000 workers there to decode and solve the mystery – in an average of four seconds, which is insane!

5. The longest route in the nation is nearly 200 miles.

Sidney, Montana has the longest rural delivery and mail route – it’s 190.7 miles long.

4. The shortest is under 3 miles.

In Parker, Colorado, the carrier only has to travel 2.3 miles every day, and the carrier in Carrollton, Texas, only has to go 1.2 miles a day.

3. Some post is still delivered by mule.

Every day in the Grand Canyon, mule trains deliver around 4000 pounds of mail, food, supplies, and furniture to the village of Supai.

2. They also employ boats.

In Michigan, a 45-foot mail boat called the J.W. Westcott II delivers mail to ships passing on the Detroit River.

The post office has a legal obligation to deliver mail to all Americans. Boats also deliver mail on Alabama’s Magnolia River.

1. It’s part of the Constitution.

Benjamin Franklin was the country’s first Postmaster General, and when the Constitution was ratified in 1789, part of it gave Congress the ability to “establish post offices and post roads.”

In 1792, President Washington signed the Postal Service Act, which created the Post Office Department.

Today, it employs more than 7.3 million people.

I have to admit, I either didn’t know these things, or I never really considered them until now.

Did any of these surprise you? Which ones? Tell us in the comments!

The post Interesting Things You May Not Know About the Postal Service appeared first on UberFacts.