Check Out the Ways You Can Make a Complete Stranger Smile

All of us could use a smile from a stranger these days.

In fact, according to SCL Health:

When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. Then other neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins come into play too. The endorphins act as a mild pain reliever, whereas the serotonin is an antidepressant. One study even suggests that smiling can help us recover faster from stress and reduce our heart rate.

With that in mind, going out of your way to help someone smile seems like quite an act of community service.

But how do you bring a smile to someone’s face? That’s where random acts of kindness come in.

Here are 9 ways you can make someone smile–and make yourself feel good in the process!

1. Literally just say hello

As funny as the Progressive commercial is where the seminar instructor says, “The waiter doesn’t need to know your name,” sometimes it’s nice to make that personal connection.

They probably don’t care about your name, but I’ve seen servers who seem touched and genuinely surprised when I ask how they are.

Sometimes, just waving at someone or saying hello is enough to remind them that they’re not alone, they’re not here just to serve you, they’re not here just to get yelled at by the guy who wanted something they couldn’t give.

So make that personal connection, and you just might make someone’s day.

Image credit: Mayank Baranwal via Unsplash

2. Be the office snack fairy

It’s no secret that the office-shtick can get pretty dull.

Same old work, same old breaks, same old snacks in the vending machine.

You will immediately have more friends if you surprise your coworkers with a treat for National Donut Day.

And it doesn’t have to be sweet treats. People love free food. (Maybe not spinach.)

Just make sure that if you’re bringing them nice treats you’re not a total goblin the rest of the time, or they might not trust the snacks you suddenly bestow!

Image credit: Devon Divine via Unsplash

3. Think of the children

It honestly doesn’t take much to make kids happy.

Couple crayons, a pad of paper or a coloring sheet–restaurants figured it out years ago.

Reader’s Digest points out that such items can be donated to local police stations.

When the police are called to a home where there are children, one officer can engage the kids while the other handles the situation. This is a great way to calm and distract children during what can be a very frightening experience.

I never would have thought of this, but it seems like a great way to help a kid in need.

Image credit: Lucas Alexander via Unsplash

4. Help out a selfie-taker

It’s one thing when you’re a tourist yourself.

You and a stranger are standing there taking the same picture of the same thing.

You offer to take their picture for them, they offer to take yours next.

But you can also make someone’s day by being the friendly local.

When you see a tourist trying to take a selfie, if you have the time to stop and offer to take their picture for them, it can really make a difference in their experience of your city.

Image credit: Erik McLean via Unsplash

5. Buy a lottery ticket – and give it away!

Half the fun of a lottery ticket is the game, right?

Whether it’s a scratch off or a big prize, the fun is in the possibility and what it might represent.

They’re not expensive, but everyone loves to talk about what they would do if they won, even if they never play.

Why not buy one and just *poof* – give it away?

Maybe your good karma will return to you in unexpected ways.

Image credit: Emiliano Vittoriosi via Unsplash

6. Check on the elderly

Maybe it’s a friend, a neighbor, or a family member.

Maybe they’re shut in most of the time with no one to talk to, or they just need a hand around the house.

Whatever the reason, the elderly are often forgotten as we get busy and go about our lives.

Time speeds up for us, because we have 1001 things to do: work, kids, walk the dog, make the dinner, prep for the meeting, fold the laundry, wash the dishes, rinse, repeat.

But sometimes after retirement, especially if you’re on your own, time can start to slow down and feel endless, even as the days blur together.

So give them a call. Write them a letter. Drop by with treats.

Just let them know they’re not forgotten.

Image credit: Nick Karvounis via Unsplash

7. Help a friend who needs self-care

It’s hard to remember to slow down and unwind.

Sometimes, if you can even find the time, it’s hard to give yourself permission.

But it’s EASY to remind other people and give other people permission.

When you can see what a friend needs, remind them that it’s okay.

Whether that’s helping them remember to take a deep breath and feel their feelings when they’re stressing out, suggesting a book to read, inviting them on a walk, or even offering to take their kids off their hands for long enough for them to do their errands in peace…

People generally know what they need, but they’re hesitant to ask for it–or allow themselves to have it.

Reminding someone that it’s okay to take time for themselves can be exactly what they need.

Image credit: Toa Heftiba via Unsplash

8. MAKE your friend practice self-care

We’ve all been feeling the distance lately.

It’s hard when the ones you love are far away.

Never forgotten, but not always front of mind–sometimes we need to step back and think about them, and find a way to make sure that they know that we are.

You could send them a gift card for coffee, or mail them a nice letter.

Did you know that you can actually have SOUP delivered these days?

There are lots of ways to show someone you care.

Image credit: Natural Chef Carolyn Nicholas via Unsplash

9. Leave some coins behind

Ever been at the laundromat and realized you were short on quarters?

Or the vending machine ate your last dollar and you have a major case of the afternoon hangries?

Or how about that person who blows out their tire at midnight coming home from the airport, and they need quarters for the air pump for the spare? (Yes, I’ve been that person.)

Leaving a roll of quarters, or even just a dollar’s worth of change, with a note that they’re free could really help a person out of a jam.

Image credit: Matthew Lancaster via Unsplash

Well I’m sold. Those are all great ways to make someone smile, and feel like you’re making the world a little better.

What’s your favorite random act of kindness? Drop it in the comments.

The post Check Out the Ways You Can Make a Complete Stranger Smile appeared first on UberFacts.

Jaden Smith Has a Restaurant that Feeds the Homeless for Free

Sometimes I look around and the world seems pretty awful.

But that’s big picture. It’s funny because the song “From a Distance” talks about how if you zoom out far enough, the world looks fine and we’re all just people. No hunger, no war, etc. And that’s fair enough. Mother Earth looks pretty beautiful from Space. But all the bad stuff in the world–war, poverty, pandemics–those are all big things. And it’s easy to get overwhelmed by them.

Sometimes you have to put the big picture stuff on hold, and look for hope in the details. Like teenage Mari Copeny, aka Little Miss Flint trying to solve not only the water crisis in Michigan, but to help kids out in other ways too.

Or young Greta Thunberg inspiring an entire generation to work towards climate change. And don’t forget Boyan Slat who, at the age of 18, began to take on ocean plastic. This generation of young people is AMAZING, and there are so many stories of them that make the future seem a lot brighter.

One example is 22-year-old Jaden Smith, off-spring of LA power couple Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, who is working hard to solve the food crisis in LA. Two years ago, Jaden started a food truck called “The I Love You Restaurant” with a mission of supplying healthy, vegan meals to the homeless on Skid Row for free.


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The reason behind this act of charity is pretty clear: selfless love for others.

But Jaden didn’t stop there. According to Tank’s Good News:

During the pandemic, Smith found a way to supply care packages to Skid Row that included food, masks, other clothing items, and hand sanitizer.


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Taking care of those in need is a pretty epic way to exist in the world.

Together with partner Drew FitzGerald, Jaden launched a charity cleverly named 501cthree with a mission centered around “deploying solutions for energy, food, water & shelter.”

They started with a water box to provide clean, filtered water in Little Miss Flint’s domain.


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Still running the food truck, and popping up in places like the Midnight Mission to scale up their services, Jaden is looking forward to a new endeavor.


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Next up will be an actual physical dine-in version of the “I Love You Restaurant” food truck, still free for the homeless, but serving the entire community and charging customers who are able to pay, to help fund the endeavor and allow diners to “pay it forward.”


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What a remarkable young person. The kids really are all right. I can’t wait to see what they do next.

Do you know of an amazing teen or young adult that is going to do big things in the world? Tell us in the comments.

The post Jaden Smith Has a Restaurant that Feeds the Homeless for Free appeared first on UberFacts.

A New Orleans Bar Sets a New Standard for Dealing with Spiked Drinks

As women, we have to be constantly on our guard, especially out at drinking establishments.

The threat of someone spiking an unattended drink is a fear we can all relate to.

That’s why it’s so heartening to hear a story about people watching out for one another.

Back in April, Reddit user xXSlimi_Gacha009 asked:

Bartenders of reddit, what was the weirdest/craziest thing you have overheard while making someone’s drink? from AskReddit

There were lots of interesting responses, but the story that really stood out came from a user called Pinkyfitts, who was not actually a bartender.

The year was 2007 or 2008. The bar was called Tipitina’s, a venue in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Don’t know if this is common but:

Was sitting at a bar with a band. It was noisy and crowded. Some girl comes up next to where I was sitting and tells the bartender “excuse me, but I just saw that guy ( customer) right there put something in that girl’s drink”. I didn’t see the guy she pointed to. Bartender turns around and said something, I suspect a code word to somebody, and BAM. Immediately all the lights go on, the manager steps on stage, stops the band, and makes the following announcement:

Color me impressed already. I can’t believe they actually stopped the band.

The manager said:

“Attention: We have a report that someone in this room possibly drugged a young ladie’s drink. We request that all women here immediately put down your drink and don’t take another sip. We will replace your drink for free. If you are that young lady, we will notify you when you come to the bar. If anyone is feeling sick or weak please let us know.”

I’m especially pleased to see this response from management.

They not only at the cost of the alcohol, but they sent a signal to their patrons that women were safe and valued, and that antisocial behavior would not be tolerated.

Pinkyfitts goes on to explain:

Wow. Lights stayed on. Band remained off. For a long time, maybe an hour. Cheers from the crowd and nobody complained. Don’t know what the guy did because I didn’t know which guy it was.

That place rocks.

Another bar shared a story how they did it…

Image Credit: Reddit

Like many of the commenters stated, if I lived locally, Tipitina’s would become my new favorite watering hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

And they’d get some BIG tips.

Image Credit: Reddit

Interviewed by Bored Panda, Pinkyfitts tells more of the story:

“The bar is a very old bar in New Orleans, it’s a music venue/bar. It’s loud and hot. It has a ticket entrance, and has some pretty good bands. It’s well known, called Tipitina’s. I have been going there since the late 1980s, so already had an impression of the place. Typical non-French Quarter music venue/bar, more local than touristy. It’s not fancy, but has great music and is usually crowded.”

I will now be telling everyone I know who wants to take in a show in New Orleans to check out this place.

Pinkyfitts also told Bored Panda:

“The bar did not get less crowded, but then there was a charge to get in, and it was clear the band was going to restart, so that may have played a big role. I could not tell which woman’s drink was involved, or which man was suspect as I didn’t see who the witness pointed at. I don’t know if the police were called or a confrontation with the involved people, but that could have easily been out on the sidewalk.”

Although the events in this story occurred shortly after the time of Hurricane Katrina, it’s good to know that the bar is still in business.

And thankfully, Tipitina’s owners appear to have found a way to survive the pandemic, including by streaming some of their shows online.

Even though this is exactly how every bar should behave, it’s really good to hear about it actually happening.

Many Reddit users had similar stories of bartenders to the rescue. What about you? Share your story in the comments.

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People Share Stories of Times They Got the Help They Needed, and We Can All Learn from Them

While the narrative of the “self-made man” is one that’s been pushed a lot over the last few decades, the fact of the matter is that everyone needs a helping hand now and then. Even the world’s most powerful CEO is helpless if his sports car breaks down on a remote country road. There’s no shame in it, and it’s important that we give people the help they need when they need it, because you never know how much it might mean to the person you’re helping.

These 10 Twitter users shared their personal stories about when they were in dire straits and received a helping hand that they haven’t ever forgotten about.

1. “It is never wrong to help someone.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. It gets better.

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Everyone deserves a chance. 

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. A little goes a long way…

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. “…more than many will ever know.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. “Quite well” ain’t too shabby.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Teach your children well.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. “You can’t teach a hungry child.”

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Pay it back x 100.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Hard work.

Photo Credit: Twitter

This is why it is important to never assume anything about anyone, because you never really know where they’ve been and what they are going through unless you’ve walked in their shoes. And if you know someone is in need, help them out in any way you can. Paying it forward is real.

The post People Share Stories of Times They Got the Help They Needed, and We Can All Learn from Them appeared first on UberFacts.