Parents Share the Petty Things Their Kids Won’t Let Them Forget

In a perfect world, we’d let every little thing our parents did slide by the wayside and we’d never bring it up…

But you know that’s not gonna happen!

And if you have kids, you DEFINITELY know it ain’t happening.

Because they never forget anything…even if it happened 25 years ago.

Check these tweets out and you’ll get what I’m talking about.

1. This could get ugly.

Only downhill from here.

2. It wasn’t me!

Get with the program, Gramps!

3. A cautionary tale.

Won’t let that happen again.

4. Something’s missing…

She’s a sharp one.

5. Uh oh…

This is a bad one!

6. He never delivered.

I’d keep bringing it up, too.

7. This is brutal!

Gonna be a handful.

8. Can’t seem to let it go.

There will be a novel one day.

9. Should have never told him.

Too late now…

10. You’re overexaggerating!

Come on now!

11. Don’t hurt me, Mommy.

It was three years ago!

12. Snoozing on the job.

A big NO-NO.

Now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us about the things your kids will never let you forget about.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Parents Share the Petty Things Their Kids Won’t Let Them Forget appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit What Always Makes Them Cry

Do you consider yourself a cryer?

It’s okay if you are, no judgments here, friend!

And if you seem like a real harda**, chances are good that certain things still make you break down and weep.

AskReddit users went on the record and talked about what always makes them cry. Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Legends.

“When the musicians in Titanic start playing Nearer to My God Thee after saying goodbyes and then joining together till the end.

What a group of legends.”

2. Sorry for your loss.

“My dad passed very traumatically from a house fire.

He kept running back in the house to make sure everyone else was getting out okay, and he was struck and burned by debris. He spent 5 days unconscious in the ICU before his heart failed.

He had a small youtube channel where he would mostly record engines he was working on, and when I miss him a lot, I go to those videos and cry every time.”

3. Great movie.

“The ending monologue of movie The Shawshank Redemption.

“I find I’m so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border.

I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.””

4. Terrible.

“Can’t Gelp Falling in Love by Elvis.

Was supposed to be the song my sister and her fiancee danced to at her wedding. Instead it was played walking into the church, at his funeral, after he took his own life.

My poor sister was so strong that day, but that song still gets us both.”

5. If I knew him now…

“Thinking about how poorly I treated my dad when he was still alive. He was always trying to find things in common with me to connect with me.

When I found out he liked something I also liked, I just changed my mind and found it uncool. I looked down on the tv shows he liked and didn’t realize until later that he had an awesome taste for quality campy television like The Adventures of Brisco County Junior and other classics from that era of ’90s syndicated television.

If I knew him now he’d be my best friend. I did try to connect with him in the last few years of his life but he had dementia by then and couldn’t follow things I knew he would have found interesting before.

His last words to me were “It hurts” while I held his hand during catheterization on his last trip to the hospital. I was too embarrassed from seeing his pe**s to offer any true comfort.”

6. Always so hard.

“Thinking about my dog’s last day.

She was 17 years old and her organs were shutting down. Before we took her to get put down she was in the backyard eating her food. She walked slowly to us while wagging her tail and we took her in.”

When we got home to bury her I looked over at her dog bowl and there was still a bit of food in it. K**ls me every time I think of it.”

7. The kitten.

“Thinking of that abandoned little kitten I found. I called him Mortimer.

Tried to keep him alive. Bottle feeding him. Keeping him warm, skin to skin. Staying awake through most of the night. Calling in sick day after day to stay with kitty. Emergency vet scheduling with them saying he probably won’t make it.

Kitty didn’t make it. It’s when my oldest cat slowly stalked up to the cat, nudging her nose against Mortimer’s head. Mortimer didn’t move. Didn’t react. I put him in a shoebox with his blanket… So he would not be cold.

Buried him and left a little pebble for a tombstone.

That was twenty years ago.

I’m sorry, Mortimer. I couldn’t save you.”

8. A sad one.

“The end of Homeward Bound.

Especially when Shadow says “Peter! You’re ok!”

Like, they went through all of that and almost d**d multiple times and Shadow was just glad to know Peter was ok.

Gets me every time.”

9. Dealing with grief.

“My wedding song.

My husband d**d in an accident a little over 3 years ago only 5 months after we got married.

All I need to hear is the 1st note of the song and the grief hits hard.”

10. Nostalgia.

“Strategically placed albums from my youth.

If I am half drunk and someone begins to play the album “Four Cornered Night” by Jets to Brazil, I will become uncharacteristically nostalgic, and then openly sob at the idea of how good I was at being 18 years old, vs how shi**y I am at being 38 years old.

Getting old is weird.”

11. Oh man…

“Watching “Fox and the Hound”.

I was watching the part where she releases Todd with my 5 year old daughter. Her with a catch on her voice asking why. Me explaining. Her in tears saying she’ll take him, she’ll take care of him.

Now I cry. Every. D**n. Time.”

12. A happy ending.

“The ending of The Pursuit of Happiness when he finally gets the job.

The struggles leading up to that point makes me tear up all the time when they finally give him the position.”

How about you?

What never fails to make you cry?

Talk to us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Admit What Always Makes Them Cry appeared first on UberFacts.

A New Orleans Bar Sets a New Standard for Dealing with Spiked Drinks

As women, we have to be constantly on our guard, especially out at drinking establishments.

The threat of someone spiking an unattended drink is a fear we can all relate to.

That’s why it’s so heartening to hear a story about people watching out for one another.

Back in April, Reddit user xXSlimi_Gacha009 asked:

Bartenders of reddit, what was the weirdest/craziest thing you have overheard while making someone’s drink? from AskReddit

There were lots of interesting responses, but the story that really stood out came from a user called Pinkyfitts, who was not actually a bartender.

The year was 2007 or 2008. The bar was called Tipitina’s, a venue in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Don’t know if this is common but:

Was sitting at a bar with a band. It was noisy and crowded. Some girl comes up next to where I was sitting and tells the bartender “excuse me, but I just saw that guy ( customer) right there put something in that girl’s drink”. I didn’t see the guy she pointed to. Bartender turns around and said something, I suspect a code word to somebody, and BAM. Immediately all the lights go on, the manager steps on stage, stops the band, and makes the following announcement:

Color me impressed already. I can’t believe they actually stopped the band.

The manager said:

“Attention: We have a report that someone in this room possibly drugged a young ladie’s drink. We request that all women here immediately put down your drink and don’t take another sip. We will replace your drink for free. If you are that young lady, we will notify you when you come to the bar. If anyone is feeling sick or weak please let us know.”

I’m especially pleased to see this response from management.

They not only at the cost of the alcohol, but they sent a signal to their patrons that women were safe and valued, and that antisocial behavior would not be tolerated.

Pinkyfitts goes on to explain:

Wow. Lights stayed on. Band remained off. For a long time, maybe an hour. Cheers from the crowd and nobody complained. Don’t know what the guy did because I didn’t know which guy it was.

That place rocks.

Another bar shared a story how they did it…

Image Credit: Reddit

Like many of the commenters stated, if I lived locally, Tipitina’s would become my new favorite watering hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

And they’d get some BIG tips.

Image Credit: Reddit

Interviewed by Bored Panda, Pinkyfitts tells more of the story:

“The bar is a very old bar in New Orleans, it’s a music venue/bar. It’s loud and hot. It has a ticket entrance, and has some pretty good bands. It’s well known, called Tipitina’s. I have been going there since the late 1980s, so already had an impression of the place. Typical non-French Quarter music venue/bar, more local than touristy. It’s not fancy, but has great music and is usually crowded.”

I will now be telling everyone I know who wants to take in a show in New Orleans to check out this place.

Pinkyfitts also told Bored Panda:

“The bar did not get less crowded, but then there was a charge to get in, and it was clear the band was going to restart, so that may have played a big role. I could not tell which woman’s drink was involved, or which man was suspect as I didn’t see who the witness pointed at. I don’t know if the police were called or a confrontation with the involved people, but that could have easily been out on the sidewalk.”

Although the events in this story occurred shortly after the time of Hurricane Katrina, it’s good to know that the bar is still in business.

And thankfully, Tipitina’s owners appear to have found a way to survive the pandemic, including by streaming some of their shows online.

Even though this is exactly how every bar should behave, it’s really good to hear about it actually happening.

Many Reddit users had similar stories of bartenders to the rescue. What about you? Share your story in the comments.

The post A New Orleans Bar Sets a New Standard for Dealing with Spiked Drinks appeared first on UberFacts.

What Never Fails to Make You Cry?

I simply can’t watch videos about dogs being abandoned or about to be put down or sick or injured ones.

Why, you ask?

Because they make me cry, okay?!?! There, I said it!

What always makes you cry?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. A beautiful letter.

“My late partner passed away from leukemia at 38 years old. He hid a letter for me in our room incase he didn’t make it. It’s the most beautiful and eloquent thing I’ve ever read.

He talks about regretting not being able to see my hair turn Grey, or seeing me accomplish my dreams. He gives me permission to fall in love again, be messy, and move forward. The level of support is so encouraging.

It’s also a heartbreaking read and I’ve only read it 3 times. I will read it again on the 2 year date of his passing at the end of this month.”

2. Horrible.

“One particular patient I had working in a trauma center. 19 year old girl I’d never seen before, and didn’t know at all.

She was ejected from a vehicle and then crushed because her boyfriend was trying to show off. I was training new staff, and they were at the end of their training so I was only in the room to provide supervision and step in if necessary and I spent the entire trauma holding her hand (on her request) and trying to comfort her and keep her mind off of the injuries to both of her legs.

Her last words were spoken directly to me: “this really hurts. Can I go to sleep?”

I cried for days after. I’ve never had a patient’s death hit me as hard before or after.”

3. Sad.

“I live with my autistic son and when he is with me and not with his mother I have literally no time or energy to think.

When I am alone every future for him plays in my mind and I can’t think of a happy ending. Some day he will lose me and his mom and will be alone in a place for people with special needs.

And I read tons of articles and others how this all is for autistic people like him. It breaks my heart every time to think about him as an elderly person who has a broken heart but can’t communicate it straight.

I hope I will be live long enough to outlive him, I am just 20 years older.”

4. Brutal.

“The scene in Saving Private Ryan when the medic gets shot and d**s on the field with the rest of his group desperately trying to save him.”

5. Pets are family.

“One of my cats stopped eating on Friday, and Saturday we took her to emergency after we got the bloodwork from our regular vet.

Some sort of super aggressive bone cancer, and making the decision to euthanize her is the hardest thing I’ve done so far.”

6. Gone too soon.

“My daughter’s best friend d**d in a car crash a couple of years back.

She was 18.

She’d been coming to our house since she was 4 or 5.

She’d become a part of our family. Even when her and my daughter would have the silly arguments kids have when they become teens and a bit more independent, she’d still make herself at home the next time she was round.

She had a smile that lit up the room.

When I think about the night she died, I cry.

When I think back to the heartbroken faces of 8 teenagers that appeared at our house an hour after it happened, I cry.

When I think about how her family must feel, I cry.

When I think about how her death has impacted my daughter’s life, I cry.

When I think about how her life could’ve turned out, I cry.

Even writing this, tears run down my face.”

7. In recovery.

“I’m a member of a 12 Step program and in meetings we give out chips or keychains for different amounts of clean/sober time.

After giving out multiple years, one year, six months ……. etc etc, the meeting chair will ask if there’s anyone new or “coming back” (relapsed and is returning to the program) who wants to take a 24 hour chip.

When anyone gets up and takes their 24h chip, the room INVARIABLY gives them the loudest applause and cheers and welcomes them back.

The whole room knows how much courage it takes to come back and how scary it can be to get up and walk to the front of the room for that chip. It’s such a beautiful thing to see and it makes me cry every time.”

8. What I missed…

“It’s my kids.

When they were little, my mom had a brain aneurysm, my dad spiraled into a deep depression and they lost their home and business. At the same time, my mother in law has a stroke and my in laws’ finances collapsed and they were on the verge of losing their home too.

So I worked crazy hard to be everyone’s rock. I worked multiple jobs to help out my family. When I wasn’t working, I was taking care of them emotionally and physically. I so drained that i didn’t have much left to give to my kids.

I missed soccer games and school plays and trick or treating and first words and countless other things. Thankfully, my wife was there for them. So they got to experience all the good things in childhood….I just wasn’t there for it. Even when I was physically present, I was exhausted and cranky.

Now they are teenagers and don’t want to be around me. I just want to hold their hands, tell them that I love them and do something fun with them — anything at all, I just want to be with them. But my chance to hold them, teach them new things and experience the amazing joys of childhood with them are long gone. It tears me up inside….I’m bawling on the couch right now typing this.

Yes, all the work paid off. Amazingly, both my mom and mother in law are alive (with physical impairments). My parents lost their house and business but they’re in place that works for them. And my in laws went through bankruptcy but were able to keep their house. I’m glad it worked out. But god….it hurts thinking about what I missed.”

9. RIP.

“I miss Robin Williams.

Remembering that he’s not around anymore always makes my eyes sting a little bit.”

10. Addiction.

“Whenever my addict Daughter gets arrested (4 times in the last two weeks).

Whenever a look at a picture of her. Whenever I remember a memory of her when she was little and she was still my angel. Whenever I try to think of something I could do to help her and realize that I’ve already done everything a parent can do, and it hasn’t helped .

I cry when it gets cold out, and wonder if she is stuck out the night somewhere, cold and lonely. I cry when I look at her 8 year old daughter, that My wife and I are raising. I cry a lot lately.”

11. A sad song.

“Hearing ‘The Living Years’, by Mike and the Mechanics.

My dad is still alive and I hug him whenever I can.

But man, this song hits me in the feels.”

Okay, now it’s your turn.

What always makes you cry?

Talk to us in the comments! Thanks!

The post What Never Fails to Make You Cry? appeared first on UberFacts.

These Border Collies Replant a Burned Chilean Forest

Herding dogs are smart and high energy.

When we first met ours at a rescue shelter, she was so excited she raced around the yard in circles like a cartoon Tasmanian devil.

That combination of energy and intelligence makes Border Collies the perfect breed for a very special and unexpected environmental task.

Meet Das, Olivia, and Summer:

They live in Chile, where in 2017, fores fires decimated the landscape. described the fires in El Maule in stark terms:

The worst wildfire season in Chile’s history ravaged more than 1.4 million acres early in 2017, destroying nearly 1,500 homes and killing at least 11 people. More than a dozen countries sent fire-fighting specialists to help battle the dozens of destructive blazes.

According to Green Matters, the damage was estimated at $333 million, but the loss of trees and their impact on the environment as a whole is likely immeasurable.

It will take decades to regrow the forest land–but first, new trees must be planted.

Enter sisters Francisca and Constanza Torres and their three Border Collies:

Together, they train the dogs to race across the forest floor wearing backpacks full of native seeds, which they purchase with their own money.

As the sheepdogs run, the seeds spill from holes in their special doggy bags, and spread out where they can begin to take root and regrow the once-lush environment.

It may seem like work to humans, but for the dogs, it’s just a raucous good time.

In an email exchange with Mother Nature Network, Francisca explained:

“They reeeeeally love [it]!! It’s a country trip, where they can run as fast as they can and have a great time.”

And when their bags are empty, the dogs return to their owners for treats and cuddles, and a refill on the seeds.

It’s quite the sight, to see the dogs bounding through the scrub.

And it’s a good thing they have so much energy. According to Green Matters:

This system is also more efficient than having people spread the seeds manually. These speedy canines can race through a forest and cover up to 18 miles a day. Humans, on the other hand, can only cover a few miles each day. These pups can scatter over 20 pounds of seeds, depending on the terrain.

Johnny Appleseed, watch out!

They may not be able to cover the entire forest, but the work these very good girls are doing is already paying off.

The BBC even did a story about them:

It seriously blows my mind to think that two women and their gorgeous pups are changing the world all by themselves and in such a big way.

This Earth Day it makes me wonder, what more could I be doing? What about you? Did your heart just grow three sizes like mine did? Let us know in the comments.

The post These Border Collies Replant a Burned Chilean Forest appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Selfless Thing Folks Did For Them Without Realizing It

Sometimes in life, people will do things for you that really touch you in a special way and they don’t even realize it.

In fact, you’ve probably done things like this many times in your life and really made someone’s day and you never even knew.

What’s the most selfless thing someone did for you that they are unaware of?

Take a look at these stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. Car wreck.

“I was driving and hit another car.

He was stopped to turn and I simply wasn’t paying attention. I rear-ended his car at about 30 miles per hour. Set off my cars air bags. I managed to pull over to the side, he completed his turn. I was in shock and blundered right into the highway.

He ran out, pulled me to safety and as I’m sobbing and apologizing, he just gave me a big hug and kept telling it’s ok, we’re ok, cars can be fixed. He was so sweet and calm when I was a complete mess.

Found out from my co-worker a week later, the gentlemen I hit had lost his wife to cancer the week before.


2. There’s another way.

“When I was in grade 3 my teacher invited me to have dinner with her and her family. My family life was not good.

I never had a dad. My mom is an alcoholic (She has been sober now for 30 years). I did not know what a normal family was like until that dinner and night at her house. It was just so calm and stable.

I remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was almost 40 years ago. It made me realize that there was another way to exist.”

3. Compassion and understanding.

“My daughter has a progressive neurological issue that is slowly taking away her right side. A few years ago, when she was 12 and could still ride a bike, we were riding to a place to watch fireworks on the 4th of July.

She was struggling to ride and was somewhat unsteady and couldn’t make quick moves. We weren’t riding far. As she was riding by a new Mini Cooper, she was struggling to keep her bike straight and her handle bar hit the side view mirror of the guys Mini. He was in the car and and just smiled and waved us on saying everything was fine.

I think he had a sense that my daughter had to work extra hard to ride her bike. After we moved out of the way, I went to thank the guy but he drove off. I know she broke the glass on his mirror, I heard it. I’ll never forget the guys face and how compassionate and understanding he was.”

4. A nice gesture.

“I have a genetic condition that makes me look rather awful. People are often uncomfortable around me. I get it, totally – but still, it hurts.

One night, I was a church activity, and they told everyone that they could go target shooting (I know….weird). That’s not my thing, and so I just stayed by the campfire. After everyone left, a girl stayed there with me and just talked.

As we were talking, a few bugs came and landed on my face, and she brushed them away – like it was the most normal thing in the world. People never touch me at all – or at least not without fear.

I know that is not really doing much – but I think that she must have gone through a lot in her life – in order to be around someone like me, and not be afraid.

It’s been years since that happened, and I still get that ache in the throat just thinking about it.”

5. Still think about it.

“I was severely depressed at that time and I was sitting outside in the veranda on a bench when my 4 year old cousin came and stood on the bench and just hugged me.

I asked her what are you doing and she replied, “maya korchi” which means “showing you love”.

I still think about it when I am feeling down.

6. Tea time.

“I’m a nurse in a public hospital and every day, no matter how s**t my shift is going, I look forward to my morning tea.

This consists of a banana and a very strong coffee. Simple, but a puts the spring in my step. Anyway one morning I LOST my banana. Could not find it. I was having a rough morning and really needed my banana. Anyway I just got on with it and went on with my day, albeit a little bit sulky haha.

About 20 minutes later an orderly comes up to me holding a banana he had gone all the way to another floors kitchen to get for me. He was like “I heard you lost your banana, I know you needed that. Go have a break, eat this and I’ll listen out for your call bells.”

This was over two years ago and probably seems so small, but I still think about this and it makes me so fuzzy to know the compassion and kindness of the people I work with. What a legend.”

7. Almost homeless.

“My ex’s mother took me in for a few months and refused to accept any money from me. My ex didn’t tell her how bad my situation was.

If she hadn’t taken me in I would literally have been homeless. I had already asked about emergency housing at the local council offices and had gone to the homeless shelter. Neither could help me.

All because my mother went back on her word and said I could move in with her if I couldn’t pay rent that month on the house she owned when I was temporarily unemployed.”

8. You can see again.

“An organ donor saved the sight in my left eye when I was 20. The law in Australia prevents me from ever knowing who the donor was but I hope their family knows how grateful I am and are proud of them.

When I talk to people about organ donation, a significant proportion of people tell me that they leave corneas unticked so they won’t be donated. I will always tell the story of my donor and how much it meant to me.

No it didn’t save my life, but as an artist in a visual medium, I owe my career and success to someone I never knew.”

9. Never saw them again.

“I was having a really bad depressive episode and this man and their dog were walking down the street. I was waiting for my food and considering just walking saying f**k it and walking down to one of the bridges on the river.

The mans dog was walking with her leash dragging on the floor, and she came up to me and sat down on my feet and looked up at me and refused to move for about 5 minutes.

I don’t know if the man realized I needed this or what, but he didn’t say or do anything as I stood there crying and petting his dog.

When the dog decided she was done, she got up and they walked off and I never saw them again.”

10. Thank you.

“When I was 20 I had to have major surgery and was facing a life with a chronic illness.

When I was home recovering a friend came by and put me in her car and took me on a random drive down to the beach and just all over. It was so relaxing and healing for my mind.

I’m a grandparent now and have had challenges but have been fine and I’ll never forget what she did. Thank you Marie.”

11. Lunch money.

“While I was in college, I couldn’t afford groceries most of the time so a few of my friends would buy me lunch with their dorm meal cards.

I’m not close with any of them anymore but I still think about what they did for me a lot.”

12. Doing your best.

“I was on welfare in my early 20s and one worker would take time out of her day to listen to me and do everything she could to help me out.

She was only supposed to have about 15 minutes with me but she’d regularly stay with me for like 45 minutes. She helped me so much just by believing me and treating me like a person who was trying their best.”

Have you ever had an experience like this?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Discuss Selfless Thing Folks Did For Them Without Realizing It appeared first on UberFacts.

Dad Fails Guaranteed to Make You Chuckle

Hey dads, we’re sorry to do this to you, but you’re about to get put on blast.

I know, I know, you feel like you’re being picked on…well, that’s because you are! In a major way!

But we still think you do a great job…despite the fails like the ones you’re about to see. Let’s take a look.

1. Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

You won’t be playing “Airplane” anytime again soon.

2. I know I forgot something!

Sorry about that, son! (I’d probably still eat it).

3. Dad, let’s talk about the language we’re going to use in this house.

This is a major fail!

4. How’d you miss that one?

Whatever works, I guess.

5. Kind of a melted mess.

But it still looks delicious!

6. You’re gonna give the kids nightmares.

That is one creepy snowman!

7. What kind of outfit did Dad pick out for you today?

Not exactly a fashion plate.

8. You’re gonna be in BIG trouble for this one.

Better start thinking about how to make up for the accident.

9. A major Dad fail.

It doesn’t look HORRIBLE, though.

10. He called it an “inspired flop.”

Let’s give him an A for effort!

11. I hope that was his truck.

Santa’s gonna be just fine, children.

12. You’re clearly not the artist in the family.

Will she ever forgive you? That’s the question.

13. Someone got slimed!

That really does not look good.

Okay, now we want to hear from all of you!

In the comments, tell us about some of your own funny dad fails.

We look forward to it!

The post Dad Fails Guaranteed to Make You Chuckle appeared first on UberFacts.

Heartwarming Moments to Heat Up Your Cold Heart

We’re all going through difficult times these days and reading about tense things makes it harder.

I make a point to also look at warm, light content to bring me some comfort.

Here are 11 heartwarming experiences to look at and think about when you feel low.

1. Pure Joy!

Dog joy gives me life! Let’s take pleasure in the simple things like they do.

Image Credit: Someecards

2. Ah, memories

My grandma used to do this with money and candy. I loved that it was just between us!

Image Credit: Someecards

3. My heart

I really am sending warmth, love and compassion and I want you to feel that!

Image Credit: Someecards

4. Imagination

So sweet. Toy Story also made me wonder what my toys were up to when no humans were around!

Image Credit: Someecards

5. Rocking out

My grandpa and I bonded listening to music, too! It was lovely and he had great headphones.

Image Credit: Someecards

6. Thanks!

I cherish anyone rooting for me — even a vegetable. We all need positivity from unexpected places.

Image Credit: Someecards

7. Beautiful

Making a strong connection with a baby is so powerful and moving. I’ll never forget the first times my niece and nephew gripped my fingers for the first time.

Image Credit: Someecards

8. Furry friend

Dogs are the best greeters and they deserve to be paid well in treats and pats. I pat almost every one I see (with permission).

Image Credit: Someecards

9. Profound moment

I’m so sorry he lost his dad so young, but moved to see they’re bonding even after his dad died.

Image Credit: Someecards

10. In it together

As cliche as it is, life is a journey and it can help to be “stuck” with someone throughout it.

Image Credit: Someecards

11. Solidarity

I also feel compelled to rush over to connect over a shared passion I’ve just discovered. It feels so good!

Image Credit: Someecards

What heartwarming scenes do you play in your head to give yourself a boost? Let us know in the comments.

The post Heartwarming Moments to Heat Up Your Cold Heart appeared first on UberFacts.

Heartwarming Moments to Heat Up Your Cold Heart

We’re all going through difficult times these days and reading about tense things makes it harder.

I make a point to also look at warm, light content to bring me some comfort.

Here are 11 heartwarming experiences to look at and think about when you feel low.

1. Pure Joy!

Dog joy gives me life! Let’s take pleasure in the simple things like they do.

Image Credit: Someecards

2. Ah, memories

My grandma used to do this with money and candy. I loved that it was just between us!

Image Credit: Someecards

3. My heart

I really am sending warmth, love and compassion and I want you to feel that!

Image Credit: Someecards

4. Imagination

So sweet. Toy Story also made me wonder what my toys were up to when no humans were around!

Image Credit: Someecards

5. Rocking out

My grandpa and I bonded listening to music, too! It was lovely and he had great headphones.

Image Credit: Someecards

6. Thanks!

I cherish anyone rooting for me — even a vegetable. We all need positivity from unexpected places.

Image Credit: Someecards

7. Beautiful

Making a strong connection with a baby is so powerful and moving. I’ll never forget the first times my niece and nephew gripped my fingers for the first time.

Image Credit: Someecards

8. Furry friend

Dogs are the best greeters and they deserve to be paid well in treats and pats. I pat almost every one I see (with permission).

Image Credit: Someecards

9. Profound moment

I’m so sorry he lost his dad so young, but moved to see they’re bonding even after his dad died.

Image Credit: Someecards

10. In it together

As cliche as it is, life is a journey and it can help to be “stuck” with someone throughout it.

Image Credit: Someecards

11. Solidarity

I also feel compelled to rush over to connect over a shared passion I’ve just discovered. It feels so good!

Image Credit: Someecards

What heartwarming scenes do you play in your head to give yourself a boost? Let us know in the comments.

The post Heartwarming Moments to Heat Up Your Cold Heart appeared first on UberFacts.

Wholesome Memes To Help You Unwind and Relax

The world is going through a rough time and, like most people, I find I need to sit back and reflect on what matters.

Seeing wholesome content really helps me unwind!

Here are 10 precious moments that will make you go “Aaaw.”

1. Never too old

You are never too old to do the things you love. Fun is for all ages.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

2. Can’t forget that

It doesn’t matter if you’re running late or have to go up hill. You make sure you hug your mom before you go.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

3. House party

Our pets know a party with them at home beats anything else.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

4. Perspective counts

It’s all in how you look at things. Disappointments are often also opportunities and most mountains are climbable.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

5. Friendship and opportunity

Losing doesn’t necessarily mean loss. It can mean you gain something else.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

6. No guilt there

I never regret being generous. It feels so dang good, especially when I reflect on its impact!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

7. So proud

Showing mom you’re independent while doing something nice for her… Aw.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

8. Priorities straight

Doing something good for people who raised you is indeed a mission. And it’s a great one.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

9. Simple comforts

Being thoughtful and kind to someone is struggling makes a huge difference, plus it feels great. And I love this cat!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

10. Awwwww

Isn’t it lovely when things work out like this? And how precious are these cats!

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

Which of these images can you relate to and why? We’d love to get your comment.

Drop that and let’s chat!

The post Wholesome Memes To Help You Unwind and Relax appeared first on UberFacts.