In 1954, an Irishman, after taking “a good swig” from a beer bottle, saw leprechauns all over the place. Unfortunately, the beer bottle contained not beer but a highly poisonous industrial chemical. He realized his mistake at once, drunk salt water and got some of it up. Nevertheless he was “deeply inebriated” and went into […]
In 2001 Philip Morris published a report saying cigarettes…
In 2001 Philip Morris published a report saying cigarettes saved the government money because smokers die before retiring.
After President Carter retired, he started an effort to eradicate…
After President Carter retired, he started an effort to eradicate the Guinea Worm, which infected millions of people with worms that slowly and painfully burrow out of the body over 3 months. By 2001, the infection rate was reduced by 98%, with 80% of the remaining cases in the Sudan warzone.
FDR founded an organization to find a cure for polio, and believed…
FDR founded an organization to find a cure for polio, and believed that if every American gave only a dime, polio would be eradicated. Because of this motto, after his death in 1945, FDR’s face was put on the dime, and his organization was renamed “The March of Dimes.”
Scientists recreated a 9th century onion and garlic…
Scientists recreated a 9th century onion and garlic eye remedy from an Anglo-Saxon manuscript, and found that it killed 90% of antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria (MRSA).
There are areas where it is common for people to live over…
There are areas where it is common for people to live over 100 years are known as “Blue Zones”. There are 5 on Earth: Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; and Icaria, Greece.
In 2003, the US sugar industry lobbied congress to block…
In 2003, the US sugar industry lobbied congress to block a WHO report which would set guidelines for sugar intake at 10% of daily calories. Congress blocked the report by threatening to cut all WHO funding if it was released, and backed the industry’s sugar intake recommendation of 25% daily.
30 minutes of kissing can reduce the effect of allergic reactions…
30 minutes of kissing can reduce the effect of allergic reactions among atopic and allergic patients.
A man woke up from a coma after 2 years but was unable to show any sign….
A man woke up from a coma after 2 years but was unable to show any sign of it, and so was trapped in a lifeless state for a further 10 years whilst being fully aware of everything going on around him.
British researchers found a 60-year-old woman who has been unable…
British researchers found a 60-year-old woman who has been unable to recognize voices, not even her own daughter’s. Unless she sees the face of the person speaking, she has no idea who is talking to her. After university research, she was found to recognize only one voice-that of Sean Connery.