A Brazilian Dentist Transformed All of These Smiles for Free

Sure, how we look isn’t the most important thing in the world, but there are two things Dr. Felipe Rossi (and his patients) know: First, you can’t put a price on confidence. And second, there are some people out there with teeth so bad that even eating the foods they enjoy becomes nearly impossible to do. After all, people actually do need teeth.

To help with both, Dr. Rossi and his NGO Por1sorriso travel the world putting smiles back on the faces of some of the poorest people on the planet, all for free.

Below are 18 of his greatest transformations – each guaranteed to put a smile on your face, too.

18. I bet she wants to smile all the time now.

17. It easier to make her laugh now, probably.

16. The look in her eyes tells the whole story.

15. He just lost 20 years.

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Se 75 % da nossa população idosa é desdentada total… temos um longo trabalho pela frente. Você faz parte desse processo de mudança. Uma grande oportunidade é se juntar ao nosso congresso onde sua inscrição será 100% revertida para @por1sorriso e suas ações . Não fique de fora e venha celebrar essa união da odontologia em prol do social!❤ 1º Congresso Odontológico 100% beneficente. Um congresso com um propósito nobre e um formato inovador. Palestrantes confirmados: • FELIPE ROSSI • LUIS CALICCHIO • FERNANDO SILVEIRA • THIAGO AVELAR • ROBERTO ZANGIROLAMI • VINICIUS MACHADO • VICTOR CLAVIJO • MARCELO CALAMITA • CHRISTIAN COACHMAN • RONALDO HIRATA • OSWALDO SCOPIN • MARISTELA LOBO • RAFAEL DECURCIO • PAULA CARDOSO • GUTO GIORDANI • THIAGO OTTOBONI • MARCELO GIORDANI • JOSÉ ARBEX • ANA CECILIA ARANHA • ANDRÉ CALLEGARI . MARCELO FONSECA e ROBERT COACHMAN Link pra compra dos ingressos estão na minha bio Já estamos no segundo LOTE! Corre lá! #odonto #dentista #dentes #facetas #odontologia #social #por1sorriso #antesedepois #congresso #dentistas

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14. That precious smile was there all along.

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Leia com atenção ? Arrasta o dedo ? Consultório PARTICULAR ou SOCIAL? Caso realizado por nossa equipe em Macururé,uma das 10 cidades mais pobres da Bahia. Pra chegar? 2 horas e 15 de avião de SP,mais 10 horas de ônibus . 30 min de deslocamento na cidade até chegarmos no sertão baiano. Sim ,é possível realizar tratamento de qualidade,mesmo com gerador a gasolina,cadeiras portáteis com compressor e toda essa logística. O social não vive apenas de ART e exodontias de raiz residual. Nós levamos o melhor pra quem já apanhou e apanha muito da vida. O social vai entrar é no digital. Aguardem…é melhor aceitar… os esquecidos serão lembrados e nós estaremos lá ❤ @por1sorriso #odontologia #odonto #dentist #dentistry #por1sorriso #social #odontologisocial #justiçasocial Da tempo de sair da bolha que habita a odontologia?

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13. Her eyes are sparkling.

12. She looks like her, only more confident. Go, girl.

11. His expression makes me want to give him a hug.

10. I love it.

9. I bet he becomes a dentist one day.

8. What a beauty.

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É com esse sorriso que anunciamos nossas agenda de ações 2020! O futuro importa e nossas ações não podem parar ?♥. . ?Janeiro Dia 27 a 31 – Ação Nova Olinda Ceará . ?Fevereiro Dia 10 a 14 – Ação Salvador Ilê . ?Março Dia 16 a 20 – Xingu/ Kisedje . ?Abril Dia 17 a 26 – Missão África/ Moçambique . ?Maio Dia 4 a 8 – Sertão Nordestino Dia 15 a 24 – Quênia / Nairóbi . ?Maio/Junho 30 a 6 – Amazônia 22 a 26 – Vale do Jequitinhonha/ Virgem da Lapa . ?Julho 13 a 17 – Vale do Jequitinhonha/Diamantina . ?Agosto 9 a 15 – Xingu Povo Pavuru . ?Setembro 21 a 25 – Sertão Nordestino . ?Outubro 5 a 9 – Sertão Nordestino . ?Novembro 16 a 20 – Sertão Nordestino . ?Dezembro 30 a 4 – Sertão Nordestino . #sorrisosolidario #transformeseulike #sorrisoquetransforma #transformacaosocial

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7. It’s hard to believe what a difference it makes.

6. You won’t even believe it.

5. This is such amazing work!

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Nosso desafio é manter a excelência nos tratamentos oferecidos e, partir disso, conquistar espaços para disseminar e impactar em vários cantos desse mundo. . Priorizamos a competência e atenção que nossos voluntários dedicam (entregam) em todas as ações. Além de contarmos com uma tecnologia avançada para atuarmos em comunidades carentes com baixa infraestrutura, graças aos patrocinadores e parceiros que confiam e apoiam nossa causa. Contamos também, com recursos doados por meio de diversas parcerias especializadas, mas necessitamos constantemente de materiais para suprir a demanda que cada ação do projeto nos exige. Acreditamos que todas as pessoas são iguais em sua essência, porém não em oportunidades. Diante disso, a nossa missão é oferecer odontologia e medicina humanizada, para que cada pessoa possa florescer todo o seu potencial. . SOMOS porque vocês são ! Obrigado por nos acompanhar em mais uma de amor. ??♥

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4. So handsome!

3. Wow, amazing!

2. Just looking at this picture makes me want to cry along with her.

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Daliene Souza, 26 anos ❤ . “Não consigo mais ver minhas fotos de antes” ? . E assim fechamos os números da ação de Nova Olinda: ? . ATENDIMENTOS ODONTOLÓGICOS COMPLETOS: 286 . PROCEDIMENTOS ODONTOLÓGICOS: . 658 Restaurações 286 Orientações de higiene 155 Endodontias 188 Exodontias 120 Radiografias 20 Aplicações de flúor 19 Selantes 47 Profilaxias simples 140 Raspagens supra e sub 4 Ajustes oclusais 11 Pinos 36 Facetas 32 Reconstruções em resina composta 7 Coroas 1 Remoção de núcleo metálico . . PROCEDIMENTOS PROTÉTICOS . 26 Próteses totais 53 Próteses parciais removíveis 2 Consertos . ATENDIMENTOS MÉDICOS (clínico, pediatria e ginecologia): . 220 . @fundacaocasagrande @sejasemente @2dedoadeprosa.soma #por1sorrisoemnovaolinda #sorrisoquetransforma #sorrisosolidario #transformeseulike

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1. This sweet little boy.


I couldn’t love this story more. Truly.

Have you had your teeth fixed or straightened? Did it change your life? Please tell us all about it in the comments!

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A Study Shows There Are Several Reasons to Eat a Banana Every Day

People seem to have firm thoughts on bananas, both for and against, but if you’re not feeling bananas – or you don’t eat them regularly – here’s a reason you might want to start: University of Alabama researchers have recently concluded a study that found eating a banana (or two) every day can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

They were investigating how potassium affects blood flow and artery health, and quickly found that mice who were given higher levels of potassium showed less artery hardening and reduced stiffness in their aortas.


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This study joins previous research that has determined potassium is good for heart health, says cardiologist Ragavendra Baliga.

“One analysis published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology in 2011 included data from 11 studies and 250,000 people. This study reported that an average increase of 1540mg of dietary potassium per day is linked to a 21% reduced risk of stroke.”

This most recent study, though, is the first to investigate and link potassium to artery health specifically, explains preventative cardiology dietician Michelle Routhenstein.

“When potassium is deficient, low levels can cause heart arrhythmias and potentially impair blood flow to the brain, muscles, and organs.”


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Scientists think potassium improves your heart’s function by helping to regulate your heartbeat, digest carbohydrates, and build muscle, which could combine to prevent heart disease and strokes into the future.

Though the results are promising, they need to be duplicated and tested in more animals – and humans – before we can say for sure how much help ingesting enough potassium could give us, warns Ali Webster, an associate director at the International Food Information Council.

“It certainly won’t hurt to eat potassium-rich foods every day, unless you’ve been instructed to watch your intake. But we can’t say that one specific food is going to prevent cardiovascular disease. You need to consider the whole diet as well as other risk factors, too.”


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If you really hate bananas, there are other foods – sweet potatoes, beans and dark leafy greens, to name a few – that can contribute to both of your potassium intake and a generally healthy diet.

Most people in the U.S. don’t eat as much potassium as experts recommend, so clearly adding a few more bananas – or these other options – to your diet isn’t going to hurt!

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15 Very Funny Tweets About CBD

Every time I turn a corner these days, there’s a CBD shop staring me in the face.

Which I guess is a good thing because (apparently )it helps out a lot of people who have to deal with anxiety, depression, and other ailments.

And one thing is for sure: people seem to LOVE it.

Are you one of them? Enjoy these tweets.

1. What is this feeling?

2. Might’ve chilled him out.

3. Not gonna work this time.

4. Chill out, pooch!

5. Thanks, Gramps.

6. Not the greatest side effect.

7. Give it a shot.


9. I’m sure it’ll be here soon.

10. You’re canceled.

11. Do it together.

12. Listen, I’m gonna fill you in…

13. It’s different, you see…

14. Gonna leave a mark.

15. Yes, pretty much.

I might have to give this CBD thing a shot…all the kids are doing it!

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Horseshoe Crab Blood Has Saved Millions of Lives

I’m not very familiar with horseshoe crabs. It turns out there’s a lot to learn – because any species that has managed to survive for 450 million years likely has at least a couple of evolutionary tricks up their sleeves.

If crabs had sleeves, I mean.

First up: horseshoe crab blood is bright blue, due to copper-based hemocyanin it uses to transport oxygen (instead of the hemoglobin that makes our blood red). Also, instead of using white blood cells to fight infection, they use amebocytes – and the Atlantic horseshoe crab has evolved to the point where their amebocytes of great value to the medical community.

These amebocytes coagulate around extremely small amounts of bacterial contamination, and the reaction takes only 45 minutes as opposed to the 2 days it takes most mammals’ immune systems to respond. Medical laboratories use it to test equipment and vaccines in a much more efficient manner, which prevents people from dying of infections.

The value of horseshoe crab blood is unfortunately leading to overharvesting – a quarter of a million crabs are harvested for their blood every year – and the population is in a steep decline that may be impossible to recover from, unless extreme measures are taken.

The crabs aren’t killed for their blood, though; 30% of their blood is harvested, then they’re returned to the ocean. That said, around 10-30% of the crabs don’t survive the process, and females who are bled often breed less afterward.

But the blood goes for $15k a liter, so I doubt people are going to stop anytime soon.

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10 Random Facts About All Sorts of Stuff for You to Ponder

We’re serving up some good facts for you here today!

So sit back, relax, and let’s learn about a bunch of different subjects together.

Start now!

1. Do you know anyone who might need this?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. That makes sense…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Placebo sleep.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. I’ve always wondered about that…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. This can’t be real!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

6. You’re not alone, fruit flies…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. Two kinds of nostalgia.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. I love this!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. I did not know that!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Please don’t tell me this.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Nothing like a good fact set. NOTHING.

Please feel free to share with your family and friends…it might do them some good.

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15 People Share How They Got Their Scars

I have a couple of memorable scars on my body. One is from when a kid on the school bus in 8th grade (he shall remain nameless) cut me on the hand with his homemade wooden knife. Another is from getting burned by a piece of plastic that melted onto my right-hand ring finger. That was about 25 years ago, and it still looks fresh! (PS: we were really smart kids).

AskReddit users tell us the stories behind the scars on their bodies.

How did you get your scars? Share your stories in the comments.

1. A black eye for Christmas.

“I have a scar on my eyebrow from when I was an asshole 4 year old. I threw a tantrum and tried to pick up a small plastic kids table to throw it over my head. Instead I dropped it, the leg hit me with a sharp broken edge on the eyebrow/eye, I started bleeding, and I had a black eye for Christmas.”

2. X marks the spot.

“I was making a paper plate mask in grade 3 and stuck a pair of scissors through the plate for eyes… Right into my other hand.”

3. Hockey scars for life.

“I have like 5 or 6 deep ones in both eye brows from hockey and hair doesn’t grow there very well so they look all weird.”

4. Didn’t work out so well.

“I was four. I was bouncing on a beachball. My mom told me to go upstairs to bed, so I thought I could bounce up the stairs on the beach ball. I missed the first step and got stitches in my forehead. That’s kid logic for ya.”

5. Very unsightly.

“When I was 15 I had keyhole surgery for appendicitis. Three barely noticeable scars, one of which is in my belly button. Unfortunately, something was left inside me and the morning after being discharged I woke with a fist-sized cyst on my abdomen.

I had gone septic and had to have whatever was left inside of me removed via non-keyhole surgery which left me with a neat straight line scar about 12cm long. Also had to have a drain into my lower abdomen so I’ve got a big ol’ hole about 6cm below my belly button. Unsightly as hell.”

6. Cat scratch fever.

“I have a pretty noticeable scar on the right side of my neck that often gets mistaken for a really bad hickey. The story I tell everyone because I’m sick of explaining is that I was stabbed in the neck with a knife. The real story is that when I was 5, I had been scratched in my eye from one of our house cats while I was asleep. The scratch had infected lymph nodes in my neck, causing it to become extremely swollen, where it was difficult for me to even breathe.

Doctors were baffled by what it was, where I spent several weeks/months in and out of the hospital. They speculated it was lymphoma at the time. I had my neck drained from the fluid from massive syringes that I still have nightmares over, and also have a paralyzing fear of needles. The scar ultimately came from me undergoing 3 separate surgeries where they removed infected lymph nodes from my neck, and late discovered I suffered from a very severe case of cat scratch fever. Yes it’s a Ted Nugent song, and yes it also my anthem.”

7. That’s a bummer.

“Got shingles on my face as a teenager. Do not recommend. The bonus though is that the scar kind of looks like a love heart.”

8. Probably not a great idea.

“Catching a peacock. They have sharp talons.”

9. Boys will be boys.

“My brother and I were playing WWF in the house (even though we weren’t supposed to!). He grabbed the back of my head and slammed my forehead into the “turn buckle” which was the wooden corner of the arm rest on our couch. Blood started running down my face, he ran and hid under his bed. I got 7 stitches in my right eyebrow.”

10. What’s next for you?

“I have what I lovingly refer to as “Jesus Scars”.

When I was 13, I was trying to pry something apart with a chisel and stabbed myself in the right hand by accident.

When I was 23, I was using my box cutter at work to separate some boxes and cut my left hand in almost the exact same place.

Cant wait to see what stupid thing I do at 33.”

11. A whole list of them.

“Needle piercing my cheek during mother’s labor

Forceps tore the ish outta my face

Flint rock on my bare foot at 3, many stitches

Face smash, concrete

chicken pox

lawn mower muffler

angry rabbit”

12. Lucky to be here.

“I have a big scar down the center of my chest, and 2 little “star scars” right under it.

I had just turned 3 and I was at my grandparents’ house with my family. My older cousin was spinning me around in a swivel chair. I fell off of the chair and landed on my side, on top of my grandmother’s knitting stuff that was sitting in a basket by the chair. A knitting needle went through my side and pierced my heart. My aunt thought the needle was just caught in my shirt, and ripped it out of me. I went unconscious almost immediately.

By time I got to the hospital, I had lost a lot of blood and the doctors basically told my parents to prepare for the worst. Luckily, there was a badass heart surgeon there that performed emergency open heart surgery and saved my life! The star scars are from feeding tubes that were hooked up to me post surgery.

Very thankful!!”

13. Quite a story.

“Two scars on my left arm:

On my wrist from a bicycle wreck

On my bicep from when my arm was blown open by a homemade pipe bomb.

I was working a sketchy, under the table semi truck washing job. This job is typically done on a weekend when the trucks are home, usually on an unsupervised lot or farm.

A person we worked with, Person A, loved pranks. Their favorite, was to stuff some Piccolo Pete fireworks into a plastic 2 liter bottle and toss it at someone. Being plastic, the bottle would melt, and just make a super loud bang, scaring the shit out of someone.

Well, Person A had someone working him him, Person B. Person B also loved pranks, and tried to mimic Person A’s prank, but with PVC pipe instead of a plastic bottle. r/whatcouldgowrong

Person A tossed it my way. How neither of them knew PVC pipe would frag out instead of melt, is beyond me. So I’m washing this truck wheel, when out of nowhere, I get flashbanged Call of Duty style. Loud bang, vision went white, and all I could hear was ringing. I remember screaming “what the fuck”, but not because I heard myself say it; because I felt my vocal chords vibrating so hard.

Anyways, I come to, and my arm is just red. Completely red. I try to spray it off, but my boss is sheared and spewing water everywhere. My buddy nearby was also coming to, and saw what happened, so now we’re both in panic mode. I end up getting rinsed off, and I can see into the muscle of my arm. We get a towel wrapped around it, and get me to the hospital.

The wound itself was somewhat of a lightning bolt shape (Like Harry Potter’s scar, or the Metroid logo). So the doctor had to cut out the jagged inside to create a clean hole to stitch up. Fucking gnarly. 8 stitches. Being a stupid 19 year old with no money or understanding of how a lawsuit would work, I didn’t want to make a huge deal out of it and told Person A, you either pay for all of this and we leave it at that, it I sue the shit out of you. They paid all my medical expenses, and we left it at that.

And 6 years later, the story lives on through Reddit.”

14. Avoid the grill.

“I backed my arm up against a barbecue grill when I was younger. I was the perfect height to get my entire upper arm. Elbow up to shoulder. I still have noticeable scars 20 odd years later.”

15. This is interesting.

“Ben Carson looked at my brain.

Had craniosynostosis when I was born and he went in to put some bolts in my head. 152 stitches across the top of my head.

His politics are whack but dude saved my life.”

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10 Simple Ways You Can Help out the Environment

There are always little things you can do to help out the environment. Even if they seem inconsequential to you, taking small steps adds up – especially when countless other people are out there doing the same thing.

So try to implement these habits into your daily lives, and we’ll all be better for it in the long run.

Cause we’ve got a crisis on our hands, and every little bit helps.

1. Turn down the brightness on your monitor.

Desk Upgrade

You can save up to 20% of your monitor’s energy just by adjusting your brightness from 100% to 70%. Go on and do it now…I’ll wait.

2. Think about your music streaming.


A study says that today’s music streaming might produce up to double the greenhouse gas emissions as compared to music streaming in the early part of this century. Consider downloading music instead of streaming and do a little research about which streaming companies use cleaner energy.

3. Streaming devices are important, too.

RCS_7989 - IPad - Game Changer

A gaming console might use 30 to 45 times as much power to stream a movie than a regular media player.

4. Order more.


If you buy things online, order more than one item at a time. This cuts down on delivery and packaging in the long run.

5. Search engines matter.

Search engine optimization

Different search engines give back to the environment in different ways. For instance, Ecosia donates ad revenue to plant trees and, according to their website, they run net carbon negative. Do some research and see which ones are doing green work.

6. Unplug it.


When you’re not using your charger, unplug it. Simple as that. Phone and laptop chargers draw electricity even if you’re not actively charging a device, so give those breakers…a break.

7. Or use a surge protector.

Surge protector

Surge protectors with an On/Off switch are a good option too for those hard-to-reach plugs.

8. Get on that bike.

Kamilah on a Bike

Biking may actually be faster than driving a car in some American cities, so hop on that bicycle of yours to get to where you’re headed.

9. Spam is bad.


Roughly 62 TRILLION spam emails are sent each year. Something you may not think about often: sending email actually has a carbon footprint from servers working. Which means those spam emails equal about 20 tons of CO2 each year. So go ahead and hit the “Unsubscribe” button, please.

10. Buy used and vintage clothes.

Thrift Store

According to The Economist, “From the pesticides poured on cotton fields to the washes in which denim is dunked, making 1kg of fabric generates 23kg of greenhouse gases on average.” Seems like kind of a waste, doesn’t it? So consider heading to the thrift store instead of grabbing a new flannel.


Give us some of your tips as well in the comments!

We’re in this together, so let’s all do our part, okay?

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Playgrounds for Elderly People Increase Activity and Decrease Loneliness

As people get older, they become more isolated. After all, it’s just harder to get out an about, and the people you know have the same trouble.

It’s also a face that often times aging people exercise less, if at all.

So how do we solve the problem? Playgrounds!

I have yet to see one of these in person, but I have to say, I think this is an amazing idea.

The phenomenon of playgrounds for adults is still kind of new in the United States, but the original concept dates back to 1995 in China.

They proved to be very popular in China, and soon spread across the globe to Europe, Canada, Japan, and the U.S. The trend has become especially popular in Spain, where the city of Barcelona alone has more than 300 adult playgrounds.

Playgrounds for older adults feature low-impact exercise equipment that’s designed to improve flexibility, balance, and core strength among users, all key attributes that undoubtedly lead to better overall well-being for elderly people who take advantage of these spaces. Some of the parks even feature group exercise classes so older folks don’t have to work up a sweat all by themselves – plus, they get the opportunity to meet people.

Cedric X. Bryant, president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise, says, “[Playgrounds for elders] focus on promoting balance, flexibility, and range of motion, all of which can help with the functional capabilities of older people and allow them to do more of the things they want to do.”

Some park are strictly for adults, while some allow seniors to play along with their grandchildren. Right now, there are 53 “multigenerational” parks in the United States.

Here’s a video of some older folks taking advantage of such a park in Colorado.

I’d like to see these all over the country!

No, all over the world!

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A Public Service Announcement Compares the Dangers of Kids Playing Football to Smoking

When I was growing up, parents didn’t think twice about letting their kids play organized football. I played myself for several years, and I never thought about any of the possible repercussions that came along with getting hit over and over again on the field.

But parents with young kids today, including several of my friends who now have children of their own, are adamant that they will never, ever let their children play football. And maybe there’s a good reason for that…

Letting kids play football has come under fire in recent years due to the knowledge about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), the disease that many former football players and others have suffered from after receiving multiple head injuries. To make the point, the Concussion Legacy Foundation released a public service announcement comparing the long-term effects of kids playing football to children smoking cigarettes.

In the PSA, a young boy says, “Tackle football is like smoking. The younger I start, the longer I am exposed to danger. You wouldn’t let me smoke. When should I start tackling?”

A study reports that it’s the number of years spent playing football, not the number of head injuries a person suffers, that impacts the severity of CTE.

The PSA calls for parents to wait until their children are 14 years old to let them play tackle football. Take a look at the PSA below.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you let your kids play football or do you refuse?

Sound off in the comments.

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Take a Look at the Case for Putting Your Kids to Bed Super Early

Some of us are night owls, others thrive in the early hours of the morning, but one thing is true across the board – we need solid, consecutive hours of sleep in order to perform our best.

And since many people find themselves on a forced 9-5 schedule because of, you know, jobs, our kids don’t have a whole lot of choice what time they get up in the morning.

So if you want them to get enough sleep, they probably need to be in bed around 7pm.

Image Credit: Pixabay

I know that probably cuts into your evening schedule, or practices, or even things like church, but listen: getting enough sleep lowers kids’ risk for future obesity, makes kids less vulnerable to illness, and primes them for better growth, academic achievement, and emotional wellbeing.

In fact, experts like Andrew J. Bernstein, a doctor and professor at Northwestern University, warn that kids with later bedtimes aren’t lucky at all, but set up to fail in many important ways.

“Children’s natural rhythm is to need to go to sleep well before adults do, and if children are kept up as late as their parents, they’re being deprived the opportunity to grow and learn as well as possible.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If your baby is under a year old, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends they get between 12-16 hours of sleep, while kids between 1 and 2 should be snoozing between 11 and 14 hours a day. Kids who are between the ages of 3 and 5 should sleep 10-13 hours out of every 24.

These recommendations include naps.

You might be thinking, well, as long as my kid sleeps 12 hours a night, why does it matter what time they go to sleep, but, well…multiple studies have shown that it does.

Kids who go to bed earlier get more quality sleep, and evidence suggests enough good quality sleep can help prevent emotional meltdowns, childhood obesity, and other childhood issues that could have lifelong impact.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A study published in The Journal of Pediatrics followed 1,000 kids from preschool into adolescence, tracking their bedtimes and other baseline factors the entire time. They found that 39% of the kids who went to bed after 8 p.m. were overweight as teenagers, compared to only 10% of the kids with earlier bedtimes.

Additional studies have linked high BMI to kids going to bed late, and have also supported the claim that “catching up” during the day doesn’t do anything to curb the increased risk of obesity.

“Napping during the day to make up for poor nighttime sleep is just catch-up sleep and is the sign of an exhausted child. That child still suffers from the lack of good consecutive sleep at night.”

Good sleep, and plenty of it, is still important to teenagers. With it, they’re more likely to perform better in school and to display more control over their emotions, too.

And no one wants a teen in the house with bad emotional regulation…



Anyone who has ever had kids can attest to the fact that bedtime can be one of the most challenging times of the day. Babies like to be held and rocked, toddlers have a million reasons they can’t just lay down and pass out, and older kids need one more drink or one more book.

But if you can come up with a routine and stick with it – even on the nights they’re fighting you – your kids will likely be the better for hitting the sack early.

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