Record Cold Temperatures Don’t Mean Climate Change Isn’t Taking Place

It’s cold outside! Really cold!

We aren’t even into December yet, but much of the country has already seen frigid temperatures and huge snowstorms this fall.

So, predictably, some climate change deniers and skeptics have rushed out (as they are wont to do) and cried from the rooftops that global warming and climate change don’t really exist. Just look at this cold, snowy weather we’re having…right?

WRONG. These short-term bouts of unusually cold weather don’t really have any effect on long-term temperature averages. Let’s look at the reasons why.


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If you’ll recall, a polar vortex developed in early 2019 and then split apart, sending a swath of cold air to the Great Lakes region. Amy Butler, an atmospheric scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, explained it this way, “Like a rock in a stream—in this case, the jet stream—[the polar vortex lobe] helped keep the jet stream pushed southward, which encourages cold air to be transported from Canada and the Arctic into mid-latitudes.”

The split polar vortex and other factors combined to create these cold conditions in early 2019, and some experts believed that the cold temperatures wouldn’t last long. And although the frigid conditions were uncomfortable and seemed to last a long time, the average monthly temperatures last December and January were actually above average for that time of year.


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In other words, random cold spells will always take place and weather is chaotic, but that does not mean that climate change isn’t occurring right now as we speak. Zachary Labe, a climate scientist at the University of California, Irvine, said, “The weather frequently changes from day-to-day or even hour-to-hour, while changes in our climate occur in the long-term, such as over 30 year periods. Therefore, we cannot say that one cold outbreak or weather event is evidence for or against climate change.”

And people tend to remember exceptional (read: cold) weather events rather than the normal, average days. But the fact is that winters have been warming. Over the past year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded 11,404 daily record lows across the globe. But the organization also recorded 21,907 new record HIGH temperatures.


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Bob Henson, meteorologist with Weather Underground, said, “That ratio [of record highs to lows] has been getting bigger over the past few decades. Cold doesn’t go away, it’s just less frequent.”

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Sweating Is Not at All Detoxifying, FYI

It feels good to feel your muscles sweat and work, and something about feeling the sweat pop out on your skin makes me feel accomplished, like it might all be worth it in the end.

But of course, you don’t have to exercise to sweat. Hot yoga, saunas, and sweat lodges have become more and more popular, at least in part due to their claims that they help you “sweat out toxins.” But well…that’s not even a little bit true.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Actually, your liver and kidneys do all of the heavy lifting when it comes to toxins, and exercise isn’t going to make them more or less functional.

Sweat is made up of mostly water, with a bit of sodium, chloride, potassium, and trace amounts of proteins, fatty acids, and maybe a stray “toxin” or two, says dermatologist Tsippora Shainhouse.

“Most of the ‘toxins’ that concern people include pesticides, residue from plastics, or from air pollution. These tend to be fat-soluble, and do not dissolve well in water, so they will not be removed from the body in any significant quantity, given that sweat is 99 percent water.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

In fact, attempting to detox merely by sweating can backfire. If you don’t drink enough water to replace what you’ve sweated out, your kidneys have to work overtime while you’re dehydrated – and if your kidneys are working especially hard, they may not be as efficient at weeding out actual toxins in the meantime.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Which is not to say sweating is bad, nor is exercise. Just don’t expect it to do what your kidneys and liver are already doing, and make sure to drink plenty of water when you’re done.

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15 People Weigh in on the Idea of a 4-Day Work Week

Microsoft Japan recently tested a 4-day workweek and reported upsides galore – but do you think it would work across the board? What would be the benefits? The downsides?

Well, these 15 Redditors have thought it through, and their musings are definitely a good place to start.

15. More time to dig into what you love.

Life would be that much better. I would have somewhere around 50 extra days a year to do all the yardwork and home projects that I don’t want to spend all weekend doing.

14. It’s just science, people.

While having the option to do 4 10 hour days would be nice (people could decide if it would improve their lives), it’s a terrible plan from the perspective of societal benefit. No matter how much idiot workoholics claim otherwise, productivity is not steady across an 8 hour day. Most people can do, in a 6 hour day, the same level of productivity they could in an 8. Maybe 10% less. MAYBE.

If we want to make society better people should work closer in line to school. 9-3 (30 hour week) makes a lot more sense and then most of us wouldn’t need a 4 day week to get stuff done. There’d still be time to get stuff done during the week.

And those without kids? Give them the option of 4 8 hour days. Most of them would probably prefer the day off.

13. People don’t want to be shells.

Describing my life even with time off for vacation. I work 205 days per year, about 10-12 hrs per day (salaried), and I’m a shell of a person. No matter how hard I work, there is no progress, nothing gets better, the system sucks the soul from you, people come up with ideas that make things worse, everyone pretends like things are good, and no one has the resources to do what needs to get done.

12. Oh, how I wish this mentality would prevail.

In my experience, people will still slack off if they have the ability to, especially if they getting paid by the hour. Give them the incentive of “you can go home when you get x finished” and the uptick in productivity is amazing. Though, you also run the risk of half assed work that way.

11. Some people definitely love it.

My new job is 4 day, ten hour work shifts (Wed-Sat, 7:30 – 6) and it’s honestly worth it just for the 3 day weekend.

I have yet to feel a case of the “Mondays”, I’m properly rested despite 10 hour shifts, and Mondays/Tuesdays are perfect “odd” days for things like hitting the gym, grocery shopping etc. since it’s hardly crowded.

10. The three-day weekend is huge.

My company switched to 4 10 hour days. We are diesel technicians and work 7-5:30. Half of us work Monday through Thursday and the other half work Tuesday through Friday. We have did this for over two years and we all love it. It is so nice to have a three day weekend every week. Another thing about it that is nice is if you doctors appointment or something I can make it on a Monday and don’t have to miss any work.

9. When you love what you do…

It really depends on the work. I’ve worked jobs where 30 hours was hell, jobs where 60 was a breeze, and everything in between. I remember one particularly long couple weeks (pretty sure I cleared 160 hours that pay period) that was stressful at first but turned into a cakewalk with a lot of babysitting equipment and just being available at the site if the remote engineers needed my hands for something (and steak/beer on the company dime every night for 2 weeks,) but I also remember a summer at a different job with 4 12s a week in a 120 degree room full of plastic fumes and a plant supervisor that saw sitting down instead of standing at a sorting table as some sort of moral failing…

8. Even for less money.

Fuck it. I’ll take the drop in salary. My biggest complain…probably in general, is that there is no way to take extra time off. I can only take 2.5 weeks a year and that is just stupid. Life becomes slaving away constantly without leaving the same 10 mile radius. That goes on for decades. Leads to extreme depression.

We only get one life and we make a sick joke out of it because there is no other way to survive. And then it degrades your morale even more until you are a helpless husk of a person who can’t find a way out.

7. Let’s all stop working for the weekend.

I would gladly work 4 ten hour days to have an extra day off. 2 day weekends are too short. They’re gone just as soon as you start to feel comfortable

6. Way too much time, indeed.

I feel like people are missing the point, which is that we need to shorten the work week/amount of time spent at work. When people say we should switch to 4 day work weeks, they don’t mean 4 tens or 4 twelves. We need to WORK LESS, meaning 4 day weeks that are still 8 hour days (or less, because most people could get the same amount of work done in 4 five or six hour days as they do spreading it out over 5 eights and procrastinating at work as much as they can). With adding in commuting time, and any time outside of work spent thinking about work, answering texts or emails, etc., the average adult spends way too much time on work.

5. There are benefits for employers, too.

My employer gives us every other Friday off. We work 80 hours over 9 days (M-F, M-Th). It’s really helpful to have those Fridays to schedule appointments, and I have less desire to burn PTO throughout the year just to take a much-needed Friday off (through the end of October, I had only used 2.5 PTO hours for the year, mostly for doctor’s visits). The only real downside is that on the Fridays that we do work, nobody wants to do anything.

4. You’ll still need work-life balance.

I’ve stopped donating time and freely use the phrase “donating time”, which nips in the bud any implied requirement to work past 40 hrs. My bosses have always known if there’s an emergency, I’ll be there with bells on and do whatever it takes (including being on site until 4 in the morning and back to work the next day), but other than that, they know to leave me alone.

Don’t get me started on the ‘must take an hour for lunch’ standard. The entire point of that is they know a lot of people will work at their desk while eating, so they get 9 hrs out of you instead of 8. I take my full hour at a local park.

Work-life balance is all about setting boundaries.

3. You can’t lose the benefits, though.

I’ll take the drop in salary.

Me, too. My biggest concern is that health insurance, retirement benefits, etc., are tied to employment in the United States. I’d happily work fewer hours for less pay if I could also maintain healthcare coverage and other benefits.

Health insurance and retirement benefits shouldn’t be tied to employment. It hamstrings employees, effectively retracting our freedom to move on to other employment or start our own businesses.

2. It could ease up on stress.

I work 4 9 hour days and then half-day Fridays. The Fridays themselves are awesome because even though it’s a “half day”, with the proximity to the weekend and how many people take those days off they’re barely work days at all. Not stressful at all. This is awesome too because you can get a 3 day weekend by only taking a half-vacation day.

The biggest downside that people don’t realize is how much working a 9 hour (or 10 hour, usually I’m here from 8-6) day really sucks. You arrive when it’s dark, you leave when it’s dark, and by the time you get home it’s 6:30/7 and you can do 1 thing before needing to go to bed. Working out, cooking, cleaning, all become a lot harder when you’re home at that hour instead of home at 5/5:30 every day.

The half day Fridays themselves can be a lot of fun in summer when there are things to do, but you know what happens in winter? I go home at 12 and sleep for a couple hours to make up for sleep deprivation earlier in the week lol. It all evens out in the end.

1. More tools to fight rising depression.

Working a 5 day work week just makes life seem so much more pointless. By the time I get the other things I need to do (grocery shopping, appointments, etc.) done, its Sunday night. A 4 day work week might give me time to play the piano I bought to combat depression.

I mean, working one less day is kind of a no-brainer, right? I definitely think so.

Would you rather keep the status quo? Sound off as to why or why not in the comments!

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In Honor of Movember, Here Are 15 Epic Moustaches

Each November, men all over the world grow moustaches for Movember, a nonprofit organization that raises awareness for men’s health issues such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and mental health.

Their goal: to stop men dying too young.

In honor of Movember, let’s take a look at some pretty impressive cookie dusters.

1. Solid and timeless.

2. Black and white action.

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Perfect moustache day •

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3. A young Bill Murray. Legend.

4. This fella is not messing around.

5. Kind of terrifying, TBH.

6. Damn right it’s epic.

7. A little Rollie Fingers action.

8. I want to meet this guy.

9. A sharp looking ‘stache.

10. This man is a legend.

Do you have a killer ‘stache that you want to show off?

Maybe you’re even growing one for Movember?

Share your pics in the comments!

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This Is What You Should Know About the Hymen

Too many people don’t understand the female body well enough (or at all). The recent revelation that rapper T.I. asks his daughter’s doctor to check her hymen to ensure her virginity on a yearly basis is the (extremely disgusting and invasive and inappropriate) proof. And the fact that so many people support him makes a lot of women very uncomfortable.

In case you’re someone who would like to know more, or who would like to be able to educate other people who should know more, here’s some general information for all of us about a part of the female body.

First up, fact check: the presence of an attached hymen does not indicate whether or not a woman has had vaginal intercourse.


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"We have yearly trips to the gynecologist to check her hymen."⁣??‍♀️ ⁣ Yup, TI the rapper said this on a podcast recently.⁣ I can’t make this up. ⁣ If he would have come into my office asking for this I would have laughed in his face. But seriously, there are a lot of people that don't know that you actually can't tell if a woman is a virgin or not just based on an exam. It just doesn't exist.⁣❌ ⁣ ⁣So what is the hymen? It is a thin piece of tissue that covers the opening of the vagina. The hymen can stretch or tear as a result of various behaviors, by tampon or menstrual cup use, pelvic examinations with a speculum, regular physical activity, sexual intercourse, insertion fingers or items into the vagina, and activities such as gymnastics. There are different types and shapes.⁣ ⁣ When a dad puts their daughter in this predicament then she can't trust him. He is humiliating her and possibly making her hide things behind his back. In this case it is making his daughter and other women believe that sex is bad and is not healthy. Her outlook on sex is totally different now and possibly gives her a subconscious thought to thinking that controlling her is ok. She also will possibly view going to the gynecologist or any doctor for that matter as a bad experience, and that could potentially have health consequences for her future. ⁣ So how do we tell if someone is a virgin or not? ⁣ You ask them! ⁣? That's it.⁣ Plan and simple. ⁣ Communication is key as a human being, between friends, between father and daughter, mother and son, doctor and patient.⁣?? ⁣ Let's learn from this and hope that in this century we can dispell myths on virginity, what sex means and hope that women are not scared to see doctors for their health concerns. I hope his daughter can overcome this and have a healthy sexual relationship in her future, because she is after all 18 years old and an adult!⁣ ⁣ FYI, In October 2018, the UN Human Rights, UN Women and the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that virginity testing must end as it is a painful, humiliating and traumatic practice, constituting violence against women. Let’s end this violence! Keeping it real! Dr. E

A post shared by ✨Erica Montes, M.D.✨ (@the.modern.mujer) on

The hymen is a thin piece of membranous tissue that partially covers the vaginal opening. It’s usually half-moon shaped, but every body is different. The general belief is that when a woman has sex for the first time the hymen is “broken,” but in truth, it’s typically stretched and only sometimes torn.

Again, that doesn’t happen for everyone.

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#Repost @plannedparenthood • • • • • • “Sex” means different things to different people, so “virginity” does too. But whatever you believe, the fact is you can’t tell if someone’s had sex by checking their hymen (the thin, fleshy tissue that’s located at the opening of the vagina). Hymens are different for everyone. Most hymens naturally have holes in them, and some are more open than others. Many other activities besides sex can stretch your hymen — like riding a bike, doing sports, or putting something in your vagina (like a finger or tampon). ?: @emilysweirdembroidery #misogyny #misogynior #virginity #sexed #hymen #embroidery #sexeducation #womensrights #genderbasedviolence #genderequality #genderequity #equality #equity #feminism #feminists #feminist #oppression #oppressed #marginalized #disenfranchised #virginitytesting #antiwomen

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Not only that, but some girls are born with open hymens, some don’t have one at all, and others naturally stretch or tear their hymens through activities like gymnastics, exercise, or horseback riding – even using tampons, menstrual cups, and regular gynecological exams could cause stretching and/or tearing.

The idea that if a woman is a virgin she’ll bleed the first time she has sex? Also a myth, for the reasons mentioned. Also, even if a woman is a virgin, and even if she has a hymen, her hymen may not bleed if it gets stretched and/or torn.

The bottom line? No one should be examining a woman’s hymen or bedsheets for proof of her virginity, or in order to verify rape allegations – it is useless and can potentially cause physical and psychological harm.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) condemn virginity testing for those reasons and because, in some countries, if an unmarried woman is determined to not be a virgin, she may be publicly shamed, beaten, and imprisoned. Not to mention she may be more likely to consider suicide – or even be murdered.

“The practice is a violation of the victim’s human rights and is associated with both immediate and long-term consequences that are detrimental to her physical, psychological, and social well-being. The harmful practice of virginity testing is a social, cultural, and political issue, and its elimination will require a comprehensive societal response supported by the public heath community and health professionals.”

Also, the concept of virginity itself might be a topic for another day, but this bears repeating: virginity is a social construct, and, in most cases, a holdover from a very different time. A time when women were controlled like property by the men in their lives, and a time before we had technology that could address concerns like paternity and inheritance.

Whether or not a woman has had sexual intercourse has no bearing on her value to herself, her family, or to society at large.

The sooner we all accept that and stop (literally, in some cases) poking our way into other people’s business, the better off everyone will be.

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This Is Why Your Arm Gets Sore After You Get a Flu Shot

It’s important to get a flu shot, but they can come with some annoying side effects. Namely, they often make your arm sore at the site of the injection, often for a day or two afterward.

But although the soreness isn’t pleasant, it’s actually a good sign that the vaccine is doing its job.

Soreness after a flu shot happens due to your body’s natural immunologic response. The flu shot introduces an “antigen,” or a protein that allows your body to recognize a foreign object so that it can fight it with antibodies. In this case, the antigen is a tiny deactivated version of the flu virus that teaches your body what a real, live flu virus looks like. That way, your body is prepared to quickly fight off illness if you encounter the flu out in the world.

However, this means your body recognizes the inactive flu virus as a foreign object – that’s the whole point. Your body notices the antigen and goes into attack mode, and since the antigens are deposited directly into your arm muscle, that’s where your immune system begins the attack.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Part of that immune response includes inflammation. In the event of a real infection, inflammation is helpful — it helps repair damaged tissue and helps your body fight invaders.

But it can also cause soreness.

In addition to the flu shot, other shots also tend to create soreness, including the live varicella vaccine. The good news? The stronger your immune response (ie, the soreness), the stronger the immunity tends to be.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

However, just because you don’t feel any pain doesn’t mean the shot isn’t working. Everybody who receives a flu shot experiences inflammation. It’s just that not everybody experiences it to the point of pain. Only about one in five people have this local reaction, depending on the specific vaccine.

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In 1929, W. Forssmann performed…

In 1929, W. Forssmann performed the first human heart cath on himself. He tricked the OR nurse, put himself under local anesthesia, inserted a catheter into his arm, then walked to the X-ray room to see if it reached his heart. He was fired from the hospital, but awarded the Nobel Prize in 1956.

Michael Jordan Opens a Clinic for Patients with Little or No Health Insurance in North Carolina

Some call Michael Jordan the greatest basketball player of all time, and while he still remains in the game as owner of the Charlotte Hornets, he has also shifted his focus to helping out the needy in North Carolina.

Jordan recently opened the first of two clinics that he funded in Charlotte. The Novant Health Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic will serve the Charlotte community and will help uninsured and underinsured residents.

Jordan became emotional at the opening of the facility, saying, “As you can see, it’s a very emotional thing for me to be able to give back to a community that’s supported me over the years.”

‪“It’s not about the money. It’s not even about the name.” Michael Jordan at the opening of the @novanthealth Michael…

Posted by The Charlotte Post on Thursday, October 17, 2019

In 2017, Jordan committed to donating $7 million to open two clinics in Charlotte to provide healthcare to communities and people with little or no healthcare – and he followed through. The clinic will not only provide typical healthcare, but will assist patients with behavioral health and social services as well.

Carl Armato, President and CEO of Novant Health, said, “This clinic will not only provide access to medical care for those who need it most, but it will connect them to resources to ensure their health extends beyond the doctor’s office.”

Novant Health Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic

#MichaelJordan stopped by our new Novant Health Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic to get his #FluShot. ? We recommend everyone get their flu shot – and early! For more information about the clinic he made possible and its services, visit #FluShotFriday

Posted by Novant Health Hemby Children's Hospital on Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The site of the first clinic was specifically chosen because the location is in a part of Charlotte that is shown to have a high need for medical care. Area residents were also given a voice in the planning; they were consulted at meetings and forums so that Novant could learn what residents were specifically looking for from a healthcare facility in their neighborhood.

Jordan added about opening the clinic, “I believe that your ZIP code or neighborhood should not determine the quality of your health care – or whether or not you can even get care at all.”

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A Mother Posted Pictures of Her Drug-Addicted Son as a Warning for Others

For people who have only seen the versions of drug addiction that Hollywood puts out on television and in film, there can be some disconnect from what it is like in real life.

Jennifer Salfen-Tracy has been forced to learn firsthand how addiction wrecks the people we love – her son, Cody Bishop, is addicted to both heroin and meth.

Thank you everyone… Cody Bishop has been found and currently in A rehab facility where he is starting his road to…

Posted by Jennifer Salfen-Tracy on Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The two pictures were taken 7 months apart.

Instead of burying her head in the sand or acting embarrassed about the disease that’s found her family, she’s sharing pictures and speaking out so that others understand the fire they’re playing with when it comes to serious drug use.

Image Credit: Facebook

Addiction is widespread in the United states, with 21 million Americans reporting some kind of addiction, and 2.1 million with opioid addiction.

Image Credit: Facebook

Between 1999-2017, 700,000 Americans died after overdosing on drugs or alcohol, 130 a day from opioids.

Image Credit: Facebook

Perhaps the most poignant part of Jennifer’s messages is the comfort she derives from knowing she’s not alone in her struggle – and neither is her son.

Image Credit: Facebook

Others jumped on her post to tell tales of how they overcame their own addiction, how their own loved ones came back to them, or just to express love and support.

Image Credit: Facebook

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and ready to get help, please contact the National Drug Helpline at 1-844-289-0879.

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Students Make Tampon Cookies for Their Principal After He Refuses to Put Tampons in the Bathrooms

Leave it to a man to do something this ridiculous regarding women’s health. At a middle school recently, some kids got pretty peeved when the (male) principal argued against putting a tampon machine in the restroom because the students would “abuse the privilege”…whatever that means.

So what did these obviously bright and crafty seventh graders decide to do? They held a protest and baked some tampon cookies.

People thought the protest was pretty amazing, and the responses came rolling in.

“Each generation is incorporating feminism into child-rearing more and more. Yesterday’s ‘you can be a doctor’ is now ‘you can be a doctor and you can demand tampons.”

“She and every girl in the school should rally together and agree that every. single. time. they need a tampon, they should bypass all other adults at school and go ask for one from the principal directly.”

“Maybe the girls should demonstrate that they are not taking advantage of free tampons by returning them to the principal when they are finished with them.”

The girls who baked the cookies also released a statement under the name Revolutionary Girls’ Baking Society (this just keeps getting better) to update the world on what happened after the tweet went viral. The statement said, in part:

“After our cookie protest, our principal and the school board are now working to make sure every girl in our town will have the products they need readily available so no girl misses a day of school. We are very grateful that the school has taken our action seriously and is making a change. Feminine hygiene is not a luxury or a privilege, and not having tampons and pads is a barrier to every girl’s education.

Ours is a story of standing up with love and courage for our basic rights. Stand with us and work locally, nationally, and internationally to support the health and rights of all people. Check out or any of the hundreds of organizations working to ensure equal access to education for all.

Your actions can and do make a difference. We know, because ours did. If tampon cookies can spark a revolution, then the possibilities are endless!

The Revolutionary Girls’ Baking Society, baking a difference one bizarre confection at a time.”

You can read the full statement from the girls HERE.

I just love this story so much!

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