The earliest form of smallpox immunization was used in China in the 1500’s. Doctors would take ground up scabs from people with mild cases of the disease, and blow the material into their nostrils. This lead to a mild version of the disease which had a mortality rate of ~2%. (20-30%if untreated)
Only Two Groups Pay for Fully Half the Anti-Vaccine Ads on Facebook
Anti-vax ads are a big source of controversy, since the entire movement is based on “research” that has been debunked and maligned by educated medical professionals across the globe. Some think that platforms like Facebook should ban any “ads” by labeling them as misinformation, while others think they fall under the umbrella of “free speech,” and are therefore untouchable.
With diseases like measles making a comeback, though – 1,261 cases (and counting) in the U.S. in 2019 up from just 86 in 2016 – the people driving vaccine hesitancy are causing trouble for us all.
And it turns out that only a few organizations are paying for these advertisements – ads that have the potential to sicken and even kill people.
According to Vaccine, more than half of anti-vax ads on Facebook come from the World Mercury Project (WMP), which is chaired by Robert F Kennedy Jr., and Stop Mandatory Vaccination (SMV).
The World Health Organization lists vaccine hesitancy as a threat to global health, and the spread of misinformation, exacerbated by social media, is how its being largely driven.
The new study examined over 500 advertisements placed between December 2018 and February 2019. Researchers noted how many of them were fairly uniform and stuck to the same non-facts about the supposed harms of vaccines.
Facebook has rules governing political advertisements, but often anti-vax ads get around the restrictions by using words like “freedom” and “choice” instead of talking about vaccines themselves, says David Broniatowski, a principal investigator for the study.
“By accepting the framing of vaccine opponents – that vaccination is a political topic, rather than one on which there is widespread public agreement and scientific consensus – Facebook perpetuates the false idea that there is even a debate to be had. This leads to increased vaccine hesitancy, and ultimately, more epidemics.”
There are other avenues for misinformation, of course, but the social media pioneer is taking a lot of heat – rightfully so, says Broniatowski.
“Worse, these policies actually penalize pro-vaccine content since Facebook requires disclosure of funding sources for ‘political ads,” but vaccine proponents rarely think of themselves as political. Additionally, vaccine opponents are more organized and more able to make sure that their ads meet these requirements.”
Actually scientific studies have conclusively shown that vaccines are not only safe, but save millions of lives all over the world.
Facebook has promised to work on updating their policies in an attempt to curb anti-vax ads on the platform, but, as with all promises from big business (and this one in particular), only time will tell whether or not they actually follow through.
In fact, it’s been 6 months already.
In the meantime, go ahead and block and report them – it can’t hurt.
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These Interesting Facts Might Make You Say ‘Wait, What?’
These facts are good. Damn good, if I do say so myself.
I think you’ll agree.
Go ahead and see for yourself…
1. There’s something out there…
Photo Credit: did you know?
2. That sounds nice right about now.
Photo Credit: did you know?
3. I’m in big trouble.
Photo Credit: did you know?
4. They are definitely real.
Photo Credit: did you know?
5. Gotta pay your dues.
Photo Credit: did you know?
6. Yes! More of this!
Photo Credit: did you know?
7. A legend.
Photo Credit: did you know?
8. Gettin’ it on!
Photo Credit: did you know?
9. That makes perfect sense.
Photo Credit: did you know?
10. Does this pertain to you?
Photo Credit: did you know?
Are you wowed? Like, majorly wowed?
I think you are…thanks for stopping by!
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Here’s a Great Product to Remove Irritants/Venom so Bites/Stings Don’t Itch
Obviously bug bites AND stings are VERY common problems we all share, and when either of those situations arise, the vast majority of us turn to creams and ointments that treat the symptoms, not the cause.
Well, now there’s a product that literally gets to the heart of why you itch and scratch after getting bit or stung.
The Bug Bite Thing was created by Florida mom, Kelley Higney (pictured right), who wanted to find a better, drug-free way to help her kids with the bug bites that always irritated their skin.
The way it works is deceptively simple: by suction.
See, when you get bit the insect’s saliva or venom gets under your skin. This causes a reaction and a red, itchy welt is the result.
That’s where the Bug Bite Thing springs into action. You just place it over your skin, pull up on the plunger and let the natural suction do its work.
The company posted this tutorial to show how easy it is…
It’s just that easy. And it’s honestly one of those ideas that make you think, “Why haven’t I thought of that?”
People are so impressed by the product, that they’ve taken to social media to share their stories…
Because this thing is a life-saver…
And it even helps people who have more serious issues with bug bites lead a normal life…
The reviews on Amazon speak for themselves…
The results are especially good for kids because it’s pain-free and drug-free!
So where can you get one?
The Bug Bite Thing retails on the company’s website for $9.95, and you can also buy it on Amazon.
By the way, fun fact about the company… they were recently on Shark Tank and got funded by inventor & entrepreneur, Lori Greiner!
Here she is talking about how much she loves the product!
They even moved into new offices!
Definitely keep your eye on this company for more amazing ideas to help you lead a healthier, happier life!
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Middle School Students Protested the Lack of Free Tampons at School with Inventive ‘Tampon Cookies’
These kids weren’t messing around…
Having periods can cost you roughly $18,000 over the course of your lifetime, according to 2017 analysis by HuffPost. It doesn’t quite seem fair that half of the population should have to pay out of pocket for an uncontrollable health necessity, which is why many folks have recently begun advocating for free tampons and pads at work, schools, and public places.
Now, even young people are getting in on the fight.
A group of middle schoolers organized to ask the principal to start distributing free tampons in the bathroom. The male principal refused, claiming that kids would “abuse the privilege.”
Whatever that means…
The students didn’t give up, though. They protested by making cookies in the shape of tampons.
Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, is the friend of the parent of a seventh-grader at the school. She told the story on Twitter.
My friend’s 7th grader goes to a school where the kids organized for free tampons in the bathroom. The male principle said no because they would “abuse the privilege.” The kids decided to stage a cookie protest. Behold the tampon cookies!
— ilyse hogue (@ilyseh) October 30, 2019
“The kids decided to hold a cookie protest,” Ilyse wrote. “Behold the tampon cookies!”
The cost of tampons is especially unfair for young students, who have no control over their parents’ level of income or wealth. Kids who don’t have reliable access to menstrual products may not be able to attend school consistently.
The cookies appear to be made of wafers, red and white frosting, and string.
In response to Ilyse’s tweet, other Twitter users shared stories of similar actions at other middle and high schools.
I as in the restroom restocking the shelf when some guest students came in. They were excited to start a similar shelf in their school. If we give the kids an opportunity, they will be kind and generous.
— Cate W (@CateWalton59) October 30, 2019
They also mocked the principal’s concerns and praised the students’ creativity.
Is he afraid girls are just gonna start having periods for fun?
— JDArsen (@JonDArsen) October 30, 2019
I am obsessed with this and the kids at this school??
Love to be reminded that the kids are DEFINITELY alright— Women with Warren (@WomenwithWarren) October 30, 2019
As one user wrote: “The kids are DEFINITELY alright.” And hopefully, their efforts are successful!
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The Taj Mahal Installed Air Purifiers to Defend Against Choking Smog
Unhealthy air pollution in India has hit record levels, and India’s most iconic and most visited attraction is attempting something to make tourists more comfortable.
One of the New Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal sits in Agra in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state, around 130 miles (210 kilometers) south of New Delhi. Approximately eight million people tour this UNESCO World Heritage site every year.
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According to authorities in Uttar Pradesh, a “private firm” has provided several air purification vans for the city to use wherever and however they want. Officials chose to place two of these vans at the Taj Mahal. Few details on how the vans work or how long they would be there were given.
Bhuvan Prakash Yadav, a representative from the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) told CNN, “This is on a trial basis for 10 days, but we are trying to get [the private firm] to continue it for some more time.”
Smog engulfs the world famous Taj Mahal (Agra, UP)
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 6, 2016
Although the identity of the private firm was never confirmed, ads for telecom giant, Vodafone, are featured on the side of a few of the vans.
According to CNN, Yadav also said that each van is able to purify 1.5 million cubic meters (53 million cubic feet) of air in eight hours. Yet, the vans don’t have sensors, so verification of these numbers isn’t possible.
It may be the vans are more for public relations purposes than actually cleaning air.
About 1,000 children ran a race in thick smog in the Indian capital New Delhi – while schools closed due to hazardous air quality
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) November 14, 2019
India’s high court challenged the government to take better care of the site in 2018. Much recent damage to the Taj Mahal has come from pollution in the air and contamination in the nearby Yamuna River. Since then, crowd control in the form of a visitor time limit and hiked ticket prices have been implemented.
Air pollution has been an ongoing and serious problem in India, home to 22 of the 30 most polluted cities on the planet. New Delhi, India’s capital city is the number one most polluted city in the world. Lately, pollution levels reached a record high of approximately 9x more than the World Health Organization’s recommended “safe” level – the problem is rated “severe.”
New Delhi closed all schools for 2 days because toxic smog is getting worse. Air pollution is 9X safe levels, blocking the sun and causing breathing and eye problems.
The smog is mostly caused by car exhaust and farmers burning fields in nearby states.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) November 14, 2019
Fossil fuel usage, crop burning and vehicle exhaust have all contributed to the problem.
Planes are even getting diverted from landing at New Delhi’s airport. Authorities say control measures are in place, but they will not be enough to stop the damage to Indian property and lives – the damage is already being done.
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The Science Doesn’t Lie: You Need to Make Sleep a Priority
We’re all different when it comes to our sleeping patterns, but I’ve never been able to understand how some people can get by on four or five hours of sleep a night. If I don’t get a solid seven or eight hours, I feel like a zombie.
It turns out, maybe I’m the one who’s always been right in this department!
According to sleep scientist Aric Prather, “Sleep is so critical for so many parts of our body and our mind. Sleep is like the dishwasher of the brain.”
I like that, the dishwasher of the brain.
Prather means that sleep strengthens the immune system and can help regulate your metabolism. Sleep also clears out toxins that build up in your brain and can prevent neurodegenerative disorders.
In other words, sleep does a body good. Really good.
Prather also says that all phases of sleep, from light snoozing to deep sleep, are important for helping the brain and body recover from the day. Sleep can also help us learn and remember information more efficiently.
One more thing to keep in mind: abnormal sleep is known to play a role in some diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Disturbed sleep can even be measured to detect the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
There is still a lot that researchers and scientists don’t know about sleep, but one thing is clear: sleep is very important and is good for your mental and physical health.
You know what you should do right now? Go get some ZZZZZZZZs!
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A Lab Worker Pricked Herself with Genetically Modified Smallpox and the Resulting Infection Was No Joke
It’s estimated that smallpox has killed around 300 million people throughout history, and it remains the only infectious (human-borne) disease to have been completely eradicated worldwide. Because it is easily modified, however, similar viruses can be found in laboratories and other testing facilities around the world.
And that’s how one lab worker got into some very terrifying – and disgusting – trouble.
When the 26-year-old scientist got notice that she would be changing jobs to one that would involve working with the vaccinia virus (VACV) – a large, complex virus related to smallpox – she was informed of the risks and advised to get a vaccination against it.
She declined, citing concerns about adverse effects and worries over managing the infectious lesion at the injection site…a choice I feel comfortable saying she probably regretted.
Because soon after starting her job, she accidentally pricked herself with a needle containing the genetically altered strain while she was attempting to prick a mouse.
Though she immediately washed the wound, notified her supervisor, and visited the local emergency department, the wound got far, far worse before it began to get better.
Image Credit: CDC
The emergency room physicians washed it again, advised her not to let it come into contact with others, and sent her home with a prescription for continuous monitoring.
After 10 days, it had worsened to the point that she was referred to the CDC. Two days after that, she ended up in the emergency room again, this time with a fever, swollen lymph nodes, pain, and a worsening infection in her finger.
She was given vaccinia antibodies to help her immune system fight off the virus, as well as antibiotics for a secondary infection in her open wound, and she felt better after 48 hours.
The infection, however, did not completely clear up until Day 94.
Image Credit: CDC
It’s not clear, still, what strain of the virus infected the lab worker, which is a bit concerning, says the case report.
“Neither the patient nor the occupational health physician could specify the concentration or strain of VACV preparation used by the patient. Upon inquiry, the study sponsor informed investigators that one of two genetically altered Western Reserve strains could have been involved. The patient was injecting multiple groups of mice with different strains and did not recall which strain she used when the needlestick injury occurred.
The infection cleared up on Day 94, though the worker was relieved of lab duties for 4 months due to her necrosis and a continued potential for transmission.
Alls well that ends well, I suppose. It’s what those poor mice would say, anyway.
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Some Anti-Vaxxers Shamelessly Made Fun of Immunocompromised Patients in the ER
Anti-vaxxers aren’t shy about their opinions, but one pair of anti-vax parents really took things too far by publicly making fun of immunocompromised patients in the ER.
A Redditor posted a screenshot of the parents’ facebook post in a subreddit appropriately called r/Trash.
The anonymous couple had to take their son to the ER, where they were quarantined due to their son’s unvaccinated status. Unvaccinated people pose a serious risk to immunocompromised folks, who often can’t get vaccines because of their condition. Immunocompromised people are vulnerable even to infectious diseases that vaccinated people are immune to. Thus, the quarantine.
Photo Credit: Pexels
“We had to come to the ER after an emergency with my son falling at the playground,” the parents wrote. “We were questioned about our vaccine choices, then it was brought up 3 times on how we should give him a tetanus shot and then 6 hours into our visit we were ‘isolated’ in a room with gowns and gloves so we don’t ‘infect’ any of the immunocompromised patients.”
They then posted a photo of their response to that concern. In the photo, both parents are flipping the bird.
They finished by reassuring readers that their kid is ok. “Had a little surgery and he is on the mend.”
Commenters on Reddit were furious — the title of the post is “I’m Ready to F*cking Fight,” which everybody was upon reading this post.
“Why even bother going to the hospital if they don’t believe in medicine?” one commenter asked.
“Imagine knowing the symptoms of tetanus and deciding that it’s ok and worth the risk,” another pointed out.
Sigh. At least the hospital did their job to protect their patients by quarantining these parents who clearly don’t give AF.
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You Can Stop Putting These Foods in the Fridge
Some foods will quickly spoil if you don’t put them in the refrigerator.
And then there are other foods that you should honestly never put into the fridge at all.
Some of these foods simply don’t need to take up precious fridge space when they could easily sit out on the counter. Others can actually become lower-quality in the fridge.
In the first category are pickles and hot sauce. Both contain ingredients that naturally keep the product from going bad, even if they’re not in the fridge. Nuts are another example of foods that easily stay fresh at room temperature.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
In the second category, there are many types of produce that don’t need to be in the fridge, including onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, whole melons, and basil. In all of these cases, the cooler temperatures actually change the texture of the produce, making them less fresh.
Instead, store these in a dry place with plenty of ventilation.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
The fridge can also interrupt the ripening process for certain types of produce. Avocados can go in the fridge or on the counter, depending on whether they’re ripe (if ripe, put in fridge to keep them good for longer). Stone fruits like peaches can also be left at room temperature to ripen perfectly.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Other items that should never go into the fridge include olive oil and honey, which can actually turn solid when cold (and it’s kind of icky).
The more you know!
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