Running Once a Week Is Linked to a Decrease in the Risk of Early Death

This is excellent news for all you runners out there. And for those who don’t incorporate running as part of your regular routine, this might make you dig out your jogging shoes and hit the gym or the track pretty soon.

A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine compiled data from 232,149 people whose habits were tracked for between 5.5 and 35 years. The researchers found that those who ran had a 27% lower risk of death than people who didn’t run.

Tp be clear, the study doesn’t guarantee that being a regular runner will lower your risk of early death, but it shows that there is definitely a link between the two.

Running with Sue

The results of the study also suggest that you don’t need to be an extremely dedicated runner to get some of the health benefits, either. Researchers found that people who run less than 50 minutes per week, only once a week, or at speeds below 6 mph had similar results as intense runners re: early death rates. Non-runners did not.

Željko Pedišić, a co-author of the study, said, “This finding may be motivating for those who cannot invest a lot of time in exercise, but it should definitely not discourage those who already engage in higher amounts of running.”

Jogging 2010

So if you’re not a serious runner, or your schedule of work, family, kids, etc. doesn’t allow for you to run every day, at least consider getting out for one long jog a week or a few shorter jaunts.

Pedišić says that this also might help with your blood pressure, cholesterol, and keeping cancer and cardiovascular disease at bay.

Get out there and start running!

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Donor Blood Was Found to Contain Xanax, Caffeine, and Cough Medicine

A quick note: receiving any of these things through a blood transfusion wouldn’t be problematic for most people, so it shouldn’t put you off receiving or giving blood.

That said, the results of this Oregon State University study does offer some pretty interesting insights into what’s keeping many people in our country on their feet.

Researchers sifted through 18 batches of scanned human blood and, using a mass spectrometer, learned the samples were laced with all kinds of drugs.

In fact, every single one of the samples contained caffeine.

Many of the others contained Xanax, over-the-counter cough medicine, or a medication for type 2 diabetes – and though the sample size is small, the director of the Oregon State study speculates it could be indicative of a widespread trend.

“We can only speculate on how widespread the problem is. Another thing to consider if that we found drugs that we just happened to be looking for in doing the drug interaction assay validation – how many others are in there too that we weren’t looking for?”

Still, they stress that the contamination wouldn’t be an issue for the majority of people in need of donor blood.

“From a ‘contamination’ standpoint, caffeine is not a big worry for patients, though it may be a commentary on current society,” explains Luying Chen, a PhD student who was part of the group. “But the other drugs being in there could be an issue for patients, as well as posing a problem for those of us doing this type of research because it’s hard to get clean blood samples.”

So coffee drinkers: you should continue to give blood when and where you can – even if you’ve just chugged a venti coffee on your way there.

It’s a good deed, and no one wants you to fall asleep at the wheel on the way there.

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People Born in December Have Advantages over Others, Studies Show

We all like to to give a shout-out to the month we were born (February, what up!). But is there really any advantage to being born in one month as opposed to any of the others?

Surprisingly, studies point to YES. And I’m talking about multiple studies that suggest December is the best month in which to be born.

Let’s look at the evidence.

First, one study showed that babies born in December fall asleep faster and earlier than babies born during the summer months. Furthermore, another study suggested that December babies are more likely to be “morning people” than people born in any other month, and we all know that is a MAJOR life advantage.

Bebe durmiendo.

Second, research shows that people born in December have a better chance to live to the age of 100. The study also showed that an impressive number of December-born folks actually lived to be 105 or older.

Studies also show that those born in the twelfth month of the year have lower rates of cardiovascular disease than those born in the other eleven months of the year.

Elderly couple

What about the brains of December babies? Well, because they are usually the youngest in their classes, they often benefit academically. It can be hard being the smallest kid in the class when you’re younger, but think about how ahead of the curve you’ll be when you apply to colleges.

One more thing: if you’re worried about what kind of career your kiddo might have, consider this: people in December are the most likely to work as dentists, for some reason, which is definitely a good thing.


Now I’m kind of bummed I was born in February…thanks for nothing, Mom and Dad!

What month were you born? Share with us in the comments!

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Anti-Vaxxers Tried to Come up with a New Name for Themselves and It Didn’t Go Well…

Anti-vaxxers have a pretty bad reputation in the media. At this point, when you see the word “anti-vaxxer” in a headline, you can pretty much guarantee that you’re about to read an off-the-wall story. That’s why anti-vaxxers are sick of being called that name. They’d like to go by a new name now…

But Twitter is not having it.

The anti-vaxxer website Crazy Mothers posted a demand for media outlets to “please retire the use of the term ‘Anti-vaxxer.’” They say that the term is “derogatory, inflammatory, and marginalizes both women and their experiences.”

“It is dismissively simplistic, highly offensive and largely false,” the statement read on Instagram.

Their new name of choice? “Vaccine risk aware.”

Interesting! The post went viral, and not in a good way. People all over Twitter are mocking the statement and the new name.

Many have chimed in with their own new names for anti-vaxxers, which are decidedly less polite.

“If you don’t want Anti-vax, the only thing left is Self-Indulgent And Irresponsible Crazyperson,” one immunologist wrote on Twitter.

“Would Pro-Diptheria be better?” another person quipped.

Other suggestions included Pro-Epidemic, Pro-Death-From-Preventable-Illness, Plague Enthusiasts, Child-Death Enthusiasts, Pro-Disease, and Clown.

And that’s just the beginning! The new nicknames were endless.

We’re guessing this is the exact opposite outcome that the anti-vaxxers were aiming for. Whoops!

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15 Amusing Tweets About Going to the Dentist

When I was young, I was terrified of going to the dentist. TERRIFIED. I still don’t necessarily enjoy it, but I don’t lose sleep over it and almost have a nervous breakdown in the weeks leading up to my appointment anymore. Mostly.

The dentist really has the power to elicit some incredibly strong responses and opinions…so let’s look at the evidence.

1. Flossin’ all night.

2. Yassss, Queen!

3. Might make things a little easier.

4. You’re good to go!

5. You’re doing it right.

6. It’s a give and take relationship.

7. I want to hear this…

8. I feel this tweet in my soul.

9. Nailed it.

10. Look away!

11. I’m kind of a big deal.

12. Not gonna happen.

13. It’s HELL.

14. You do you.

15. I can’t imagine why…

How do you feel about going to the dentist? Do you dread it? Do you love it?

Let us know in the comments!

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The Right Beer Might Be Just as Good for Your Gut as Probiotic Yogurt

This is good news for all of us who can barely choke down yogurt (isn’t it just slightly spoiled dairy?) but still could benefit from the boost the probiotics give the microbiome in our guts: beer could perform the same handy trick.

Probiotics are important resources for many people who want to maintain a healthy microbiome – and a healthy microbiome is important for everyone, since our bodies contain almost as many bacteria as they do individual cells.

That said, you might be able to ditch the sauerkraut, yogurt, and kimchi in favor of a brewski, says University of Amsterdam’s Eric Claassen.

“In high concentrations, alcohol is bad for the gut, but if you drink just one of these beers every day it would be very good for you,” he said at a conference.

The first part of that is important. Many studies have confirmed that heavy drinking has a detrimental effect on gut bacteria because it upsets the composition of intestinal microbiota, so please remember that moderation is key, here.

That said, some types of stronger Belgian brews are fermented twice in order to further break down sugars into alcohol, and the extended process uses a type of yeast that produces acids that devours illness-causing bacteria in the gut.

So every time you drink one of those particular beers, the microscopic defenders in your belly are reinforced.

It’s also worth pointing out that while the anecdotal and theoretical evidence for the positive effects of probiotics are strong, the hard science is out as far as which microbes, exactly, are helpful for the body. Also, many doctors and scientists are skeptical that consuming them as food does much good at all, as many would be unable to survive digestion in stomach acid and make it into the lower digestive tract, where they’re really needed.

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Stupid Silly Sour #yardhouse #stuipdsillysour #belgiansourbeer

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None of these foods are going to hurt you, though, so if they might help – or you feel better when you eat and drink them – there’s no harm in trying!

In moderation, of course. Too much yogurt is as icky as too much beer, if you ask me.


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Birth Control for Men Injection Might Be Available Soon

For centuries, most of the responsibility for long-term birth control solutions has fallen on female shoulders. And even though the side effects of non-barrier contraceptives range from annoying to life threatening, women have done it because being able to have some semblance of control over what happens to our bodies and lives is important.

That said, I imagine many females around the globe will heave a sigh of relief at hearing a male birth control method is on the horizon. Finally.

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India will soon get world's first male contraceptive. Thoughts? ______ The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has successfully completed clinical trials of the world’s first injectable male contraceptive, which has been sent to the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) for approval, according to researchers involved in the project. . The contraceptive is effective for 13 years, after which it loses its potency. It is designed as a replacement for surgical vasectomy, which is the only male sterilisation method available in the world. To read more on this, visit . #contraception #malecontraceptive #sexualhealth #sexeducation #InstaWithHT #birthcontrol #india #healthylifestyle

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The Indian Council of Medical Research has announced the end of clinical trials for the world’s first injectable contraceptive for men, a treatment that’s now awaiting approval by the governing body in India. If approved, it could be available within with next 6-7 months.

“The product is ready, with only regulatory approvals pending with the Drugs Controller. The trials are over, including extended, phase 3 clinical trials for which 303 candidates were recruited with 97.3 percent success rate and no reported side effects,” confirmed Dr. RS Sharma, the senior researcher who led the trials.

It lasts up to 13 years and is a non-surgical alternative to a vasectomy.

So here’s how it works: a polymer is injected directly into the vas deferens, which are little tubes outside of the testicles that transport sperm to the penis for ejaculation.

Don’t worry, guys, they totally numb the area first, and the recovery time is nothing compared to a vasectomy.

The polymer coats the inside of the vas deferens and, basically, destroys the sperm as it goes through. And it’s completely reversible. Speaking of which, the procedure/product is called reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance (RISUG), and it “can safely be called the world’s first male contraceptive.”

Indian scientists have been working on making this moment a reality since the 1970s and have persevered through a number of setbacks to make it to today.

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A male contraceptive that reportedly will last around 13 years could be available to the public in the next seven months, according to scientists in India. The Indian Council of Medical Research completed clinical trials for the contraceptive, which has been sent to the Drug Controller General of Indian for approval. The contraceptive is a replacement for surgical vasectomy and loses potency after about 13 years. “The product is ready, with only regulatory approvals pending with the Drugs Controller. The trials are over, including extended, phase 3 clinical trials for which 303 candidates were recruited with 97.3% success rate and no reported side-effects. The product can safely be called the world’s first male contraceptive,” Dr. RS Sharma, senior scientist with ICMR said. . . . . #malecontraceptive #doctors #hospital #pharmacist #scientist #medicalschool #treatment #clinic #research #university #healthy #medicos #Nigeriandoctor #Nigeria #surgery #doctor #nurse #Nigeria #mymobiledoccares

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The market for a product like this has been increasing in recent years, and more offerings are likely to be offered in the near future – one of which is a gel rubbed onto the shoulders that causes a decrease in sperm production.

Weird, right?

However it ends up happening, though, I know I’m not alone in believing it’s high time men shouldered some of the responsibility for not making babies. However they choose to do it, it’ll be nice for them to be able to take control in some situations, too.

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Cure Your Cold Symptoms with a Warm Drink of Whiskey This Winter

Drink up!

The common cold sends millions of people to the couch every winter with congestion, sniffles and a deep desire to sleep the symptoms away. While there isn’t a fool-proof cure for a cold, a warm drink of whiskey can actually provide some much-needed relief.

Be warned: This isn’t an invitation to finish off a bottle of Jack Daniels or Jameson. However, a small amount of the belly-warming liquid can alleviate some of the nasty cold symptoms that sideline many of us each wintertime.

Rather than knocking back a shot, try mixing up your own hot toddy with a carefully crafted combination of whiskey, honey, lemon juice and hot water. This magic elixir can help clear nasal congestion much like a hot bowl of momma’s homemade chicken soup.

Science even suggests that whiskey can stop the sniffles. According to Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, alcohol dilates blood vessels and makes it easier for the body’s mucus membranes to deal with an infection.

While small amounts of whiskey will help alleviate cold symptoms, keep in mind that overindulging in alcohol is a recipe for disaster. Anyone who has stumbled home at 3 a.m. after bar-hopping can attest to the adverse affects of excess alcohol. From waking up with a dry mouth to trying to deal with a pounding headache, it’s clear that too much alcohol can leave you regretting that two-for-one special.

As a diuretic, alcohol pulls fluids from your body, which is the last thing you need when you are under the weather. So after you drink your hot toddy, make sure to stay hydrated with plenty of non-alcoholic liquids such as water, tea or Gatorade.

So whenever you are feeling a cold coming on, don’t be afraid to break open a bottle of bourbon. After all, it’s (basically) the doctor’s orders!

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A Company Will Pay You $3,000 a Month to Smoke and Review Marijuana. Really.

Are you on the lookout for a new gig? Does the new job you’re looking for ideally involve smoking a lot of weed and getting paid a decent amount of cash to do it?

Well, you’re in luck, my friend!

American Marijuana is an online company packed with information about medical marijuana, and they’re looking for product reviewers to test out marijuana products for their “cannabis product reviewer” position. I know many people who I think might be interested in this as a career move.

Here’s what the job entails. First of all, you have to live in a state where medical marijuana is legal. You’ll receive a monthly package on your doorstep filled with cannabis products that you’ll have to honestly review in blog posts and in short videos that you’ll film…so you do have to be kind of technically savvy and not high as a kite when you do the actual reviews.


To get the job, you also have to be physically fit and healthy. Most importantly, you have to know your shit. You need to have a lot of knowledge about marijuana and different strains. If you get the job, you’ll be paid up to $3,000 a month, and you’ll receive a whole lot of weed products. We’re talking weed, edibles, CBD, vapes, oils, etc.

Posted by on Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The company says, “This may not be for everybody but I bet you’re interested in this type of work. I mean, come on, who doesn’t want to get paid by doing what you love?”

What do you think? Are you gonna give it a shot?!?!

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The FDA Is Fast-Tracking a Second Psilocybin (Aka Shrooms) Drug to Treat Depression

If you’ve ever struggled with depression, then you know how difficult it is to find the right medication and the right dosage. People often spend months trying to find the right combination that works for them because no two people are the same, and doctors need to adjust.

Well, there might be some pretty good news on that front coming soon in the form of an unexpected source.

The FDA has given the hallucinogenic compound psilocybin a “Breakthrough Therapy” designation for the second time in just over a year. Psilocybin is the compound that gives “magic mushrooms” their hallucinogenic powers.

Magic mushrooms

The Breakthrough Therapy designation is meant to expedite drugs for development and review by the FDA. Furthermore, the designation is only given to drugs and therapies that have been shown to be effective in treating medical conditions in the preliminary phases.

Last year the FDA granted a Breakthrough Therapy designation to a company called Compass Pathways for using psilocybin to help with treatment-resistant depression. This type of depression has been shown to not improve with two or more traditional therapies. Also, earlier this year, the FDA approved a nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression that is intended to mimic the positive effects of the hallucinogenic drug ketamine. Remarkably, his was the first new antidepressant approved by the FDA in decades.


The difference with the new Breakthrough Therapy designated drug is that this time it is focused on major depressive disorder, which affects at least 17 million adults in America. The new research will go through the Usona Institute in Madison, Wisconsin, where trials will study how depressed patients do after being treated with one dose of psilocybin.

Most likely, it will be several years before any products related to this study would potentially hit the market.


Still, this is good news for the millions of people out there struggling with depression.

Are hallucinogens the wave of the future? Seems like the 60s all over again…

What do you think about potentially using hallucinogenic drugs to treat cases of depression? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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