This is What Happens When You Drink Saltwater (Pssst: Don’t!)

We’re taught not to drink the water in the ocean. It’s not the same as other water, though our parents rarely explain why beyond telling us “it will make you sick.”

We read horrifying stories about disasters at sea, where men and women are stuck without food or water, and eventually succumb to the lure of seawater, only to make things worse.

Why is drinking it so bad for us, though, and what happens to our bodies when we do?

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You might think it’s counterintuitive, this avoiding of saltwater, since our bodies contain – and depend on – both salt and water to function.

Water is a universal solvent and is essential in helping us metabolize food, use our muscles, pump blood, and even for brain function. Salt is necessary for those same chemical reactions to take place.

That said, you likely already know that consuming too much salt is not so great for our bodies. It can lead to issues like high cholesterol levels, and our bodies need to stay under a salinity of 9 in order to function properly – that means for every 1000 grams of fluid we consume, we need 9 grams of salt.

Saltwater is a hypertonic fluid, which means it contains more salt than our blood, with a salinity of 35 – and it throws our body’s coping mechanisms completely out of whack.

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Our cells have membranes that prevent salt from wandering into them unwanted, and although our bodies can use built-in mechanisms like these to an extent, they struggle with extremely high concentrations of salt.

When those concentrations are higher on the outsides of our cells than on the inside, water movies outside, too, trying to correct the imbalance. That leaves your cells devoid of water on the inside, and that’s never a good thing.

This process, called osmosis, can be disastrous in the case of consuming seawater. Our cells will shrink, and to correct that problem, our kidneys start to excrete the excess sodium in our urine.

The kidneys can only produce urine slightly less salty than saltwater, though, so they start making us pee more and more in order to keep up, dehydrating us in the process.

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Basically, you’re peeing out more water than you’re taking in, which means you’ll only get more thirsty, not less, if you give into the temptation of drinking saltwater.

Not only that, but the body compensates for fluid loss in other ways, too – increasing your heart rate, constricting blood vessels in an attempt to maintain pressure and flow, nausea, weakness, and delirium that can lead to more bad decisions.

If you’re not able to consume fresh water in a short amount of time, the result will be organ failure and ultimately, death.

So, if you find yourself marooned or adrift at sea, resist the temptation and wait for rain.


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Hilarious Jokes About the Misery of This Pandemic

Hey there…

Here we go again

Yes, it’s another installment of jokes about the pandemic. And do you want to know why? BECAUSE THIS THING IS STILL HERE SEVEN MONTHS LATER.

And it really doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere for a while, does it?

It’s sad, but true. But we have to deal with it and get through it, right?

And one of the  ways we can do that is with humor.

So, without further ado, enjoy another installment of jokes about this crazy time in world history…and remember to wear your mask when you go out in public!

1. Are you guys okay?

Now I’m depressed, too…

2. Hahahaha. Burn!

You showed them!

3. You’re doing good work.

No, make that GREAT work!

4. Doesn’t seem realistic, does it?

That’s not gonna happen!

5. Jack might have overreacted just a bit.

I mean, the whole thing with the axe? C’mon, bro…

6. No way around it.

Just wear it and keep your mouth shut. Okay?

7. The new normal.

Okay, I’ve had enough for today.

8. That did not work out very well.

What the hell is going on out there?

9. They’re working for me, too.

Been ordering all kinds of stuff!

10. This is very true.

Covid got snubbed!

11. You did your best.

And maybe Mr. Newton would be proud of you.

12. I’m pretty over it…

Not gonna lie…


In the comments, talk to us and give us a life update.

How are you doing? How are you holding up?

Thanks! And please stay safe and healthy out there!

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This is What Happens to Kids When You Let Them Go Barefoot

We’re a “shoes optional” family. We don’t wear shoes in the house, and despite the dog poop landmines, wooden deck, and potential for stepping on a bee, if it’s a warm day, you’re as likely to find my kids outdoors without shoes as with.

Same goes for in the house, though we do opt for socks on cold days!

But while baby and toddler toes are impossibly cute, the temptation to buy almost-equally adorable tiny footwear is definitely there. We buy babies shoes to take those first steps, thinking that it must be easier to walk with shoes on…but it turns out, that way of thinking is flawed, because studies show that walking barefoot is beneficial for a child’s development.

In their early years, a child’s sensory system is growing and changing all the time. Their brains are learning to grow, learn, and adapt, and being able to use all five senses simultaneously is the best way to encourage the process.

Our sense of touch is often seen as less important than the others, but anyone who has ever heard the term “sensory bin” knows that for toddlers, it’s definitely on par with the others.

There are two sensory systems that are super important for little, developing brains – the vestibular system and the proprioceptive system – and walking barefoot helps improve both.

Proprioception is the ability to understand motion and how it relates to our body’s positioning. Receptors in our muscles, joints, and other tissues send signals to the brain, while the vestibular system helps with coordination and balance, along with our center of gravity.

With shoes on, kids aren’t as able to receive input for the proprioceptive system, and input for the vestibular system is diminished, as well. Without tactile sensations, the feedback is muted, the sensors unstimulated – think of what it feels like to walk barefoot in cool grass, to wriggle you toes in the sand, and things like that.

It’s great, it’s new, it gets your neurons firing on whole new levels, and that’s exactly what developing babies and toddlers need.

So if it’s a safe space, even if it’s not entirely clean), forgo the shoes. It will be winter soon enough, and you’ll have all kinds of chances to show off those adorable kicks.

I promise.

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A New Study Claims That Using Mouthwash Could Be Dangerous

All of us need take care of our gums and teeth, right? And there are a lot of tools out there for doing so. Toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash… there are so many options!

While brushing your teeth is always advised, and flossing is never a bad idea, it turns out that mouthwash might actually be doing more harm than good.

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Some prescription mouthwashes can increase your blood pressure, and a new study published by Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology indicates that it’s possible that using any kind of mouthwash can upend the delicate balance of good and bad bacteria that exists in our mouths.

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Good bacteria are important because that’s what helps our bodies convert dietary nitrate into nitric oxide (NO).

Reader’s Digest recently explained it this way:

Mouthwash contains an antiseptic compound called chlorhexidine.

It can destroy the bacteria in the mouth that produces nitric oxide.

The study of 26 people showed that using mouthwash with chlorhexidine twice a day for a week was associated with a “significant” increase in systolic blood pressure.

Photo Credit: iStock

Lead study author Nathan Bryan says,

We know one cannot be well without an adequate amount of NO circulating throughout the body.

Yet, the very first thing over 200 million Americans do each day is use an antiseptic mouthwash, which destroys the ‘good bacteria’ that helps to create the NO.

These once thought ‘good’ habits may be doing more harm than good.

Luckily, when the participants stopped using the mouthwash, their good bacteria came back.

What do you think of this study? Do you use mouthwash?

Let us know if this changes anything for you in the comments!

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This is How Therapists Say a Lack of Alone Time Negatively Affects Mothers

It’s true that if there are small beings who call you “mother,” you are hardly ever alone.

Not in the bathroom. Not while you sleep. Not while you try to answer that email or order groceries or trim your nails. It’s part of the gig, honestly, and most of us have adapted to the point that on most days, we barely notice the fact that we’re being touched around 95% of the time.

What do therapists say about the toll it takes on a human to be that present for other people literally all the time, though?

Image Credit: Pexels

Well…it might be harder on us that we realize.

Licensed therapist Emma Bennett told Romper that alone time is “a necessity, not an indulgence.”

If we don’t get enough of it, moms are likely to experience parental burnout, feelings of resentment, isolation, anger, and to feel overwhelmed or like they’ve lost their grip on themselves.

Mothers are human beings, after all, and when we feel like we can’t manage the mental, psychological, and emotional load of motherhood and life, serious mood and anxiety disorders can develop.

Erica Djossa, a psychotherapist, concurred, warning that a “lack of emotional or physical support can put moms at higher risk of developing a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder and lack of support/understanding can exacerbate those symptoms.”

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A 2018 study found that parents have an average of 32 minutes per day “alone,” and moms are shouldering more of the child-rearing responsibility than they were before 2020.

Which is all to say, experts like Djossa believe “alone time” isn’t an indulgence – it’s essential.

Djossa says,

“When moms are communicating they want time alone it usually means they want a break.

I think that moms don’t get time alone when these connections and supports are lacking.

They may feel both isolated and burnt out all at the same time. A remedy to this is ramping up supports and connections in order to have the ability to take a break.”

If you’re feeling like you’re tired of being touched or you need a breather, do something that recharges you personally -watching a show only you enjoy, taking a bath, reading for an hour or two, taking a walk with a hot cup of coffee, whatever works.

Whatever it is, Djossa says just “prioritizing what you need is the key.”

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Some moms might feel anxiety about leaving their child with someone new, but Bennett would remind them that first, it’s okay if a trusted caregiver doesn’t care for your child exactly the way you would, and second, it’s important to introduce your child to a wider circle.

“Giving our children the opportunity to build other loving attachments to additional caregivers can be a good experience for children.

It is OK to accept those feelings of nervousness and also try to work with them so you can have some separation.”

Be kind to yourselves, mamas. We can only be at our best for our children when we’re feeling rested and 100% ready to take on whatever life and parenting throws our way.

And I know you think your kids deserve the best – but so do you.

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Here are the ‘Do’s and Don’t’s’ From the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic

We’ve been here before as far as pandemics go—exactly 100 years ago. But have we learned anything since then?

From 1918 to early 1920, the world was held captive by a virus known as H1N1, or the Spanish Flu. Like COVID-19, it spread across the globe within a matter of months. When it was all said and done, 500 million people—about a third of the world’s population—had been infected, and approximately 50 million people died.

COVID-19 is a different virus, but the story of its spread is quite similar; people even had the same arguments about wearing masks and social distancing that we have today. The evidence is in this “Do’s and Don’t’s” lists from the 1918 pandemic that appeared on Twitter and immediately went viral.

The most important things on the list—wearing a mask, washing your hands, and avoiding crowds—are things we’re supposed to be doing today. But even 100 years ago, we had to plead with people to heed this advice and listen to scientists.

Most people complied, but a lot didn’t; there were four waves of the disease before the pandemic ended in April 1920.

Had they done what they were supposed to do, there’s no doubt that the infection and death tolls would have been lower, and the pandemic would have ended earlier.

We’re still relatively new to COVID-19, and we can still mitigate the damage. While there’s no way of eradicating COVID-19, we can pay attention to science and keep ourselves and others safe.

You know what they say: “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Are you doing all you can to keep yourself and others healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic? Let us know in the comments below!

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An Arthritis Drug Might Make Gluten Safe for Celiac Patients

You probably know someone who eats “gluten free.” It’s become something of a fad, with even people who have no medical reason to eschew gluten sure that doing so makes them “feel better.”

And you know, everyone can decide for themselves what they do and do not want to eat.

For people with celiac disease, though, ingesting gluten can have some very real, and extremely uncomfortable, gastrointestinal effects. With gluten sneaking its way into tons of products – including those that claim to be gluten free – relief could be a huge deal for so many.

A case study that was published in Annals of Internal Medicine detailed a male patient who was treated with Tofacitinib, a medication used for people with rheumatoid arthritis and alopecia. When he returned for a followup appointment, doctors found that his celiac disease had gone into remission.

Normally, celiac patients have to avoid gluten for the rest of their lives in order to stop long-term damage to the mucosa in their digestive tracts, but his man found he could eat and tolerate it with no trouble after going on the Tofacitinib.

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Special thanks to @theallergychef for this beautiful graphic! I often see clients who are continuing to have symptoms even after they think they’ve removed gluten from their diet! This is such a great reminder that gluten can be found in the most uncommon of places! ? Need help searching for the gluten in your kiddos diet? I’m now accepting clients into my 6-week comprehensive course designed for individuals new to gluten-free eating! Apply for my program using the link in my bio ? #celiacdiet #celiacdiseaseawareness #glutenfreefoods #glutenfreemeals #glutenfreekids #glutenfreesnacks #glutenfreegirl #glutenfreenutrition #glutenfreefamily #celiacsafe #celiaclife #celiacfriendly #celiacdisease #glutenfreefood #glutenfreeeats #glutenfreecooking #glutenfree #glutenfreelife #momhelp #celiacmom #glutenfreemom #glutenfreemomma #celicfamily #familynutrition #momnutrition #familymealplanning #glutenfreeme #wheatallergy #momlifebestlife #momlife

A post shared by Betsy Britt, Dietitian (@the.celiac.nutritionist) on

The patient, who was seen at the University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium, had previously been controlling his celiac disease with a gluten-free diet. Then, he began a regimen of Tofacitinib to treat his alopecia. The medication inhibits enzymes associated with worsening severity of rheumatoid arthritis, mainly, though it has previously been used to treat certain bowel diseases.

His celiac disease showed complete histologic and serologic remission, even after he returned to eating a normal diet that included regular gluten.

The results are promising, though they need to be replicated on a larger scale before gluten lovers everywhere can rejoice. The drug also has side effects that would need to be considered before doctors prescribed it to celiac patients en masse.

Still, hope is on the horizon, and sometimes, that’s all you need.

Well, that and to be able to eat garlic bread with your spaghetti.

Am I right?

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10 Ways To Avoid Germs on Your Next Flight

While the current pandemic has left most people burrowed indoors in order to maintain social distancing, others have to spread their wings and take flight.

Whether it is for business or for a much-needed vacation, it’s important to consider your health and safety the next time you travel.

Here are 10 ways to avoid germs on your next flight so you can boost your chances of arriving to your destination in good health.

1. Use online check-in

Keep your face-to-face interactions to a minimum by utilizing the online check-in option.

This feature allows passengers to check-in up to 24 hours before a flight departs. At the same time, it helps you steer clear of germs on the self-service kiosks at airports.

Photo Credit: Pexels

2. Disinfect high-touch surfaces at your seat

Airlines may have upped their cleaning game, but it’s easy to miss a spot or two. And in that case, you could expose yourself to germs.

Take the time to disinfect high-touch surfaces such as the armrest, tray table, seatbelt buckle, and screen controls. You never know what has been left behind by a previous passenger.

3. Pick a window seat

Did you know that where you sit on the plane could influence your exposure to germs?

With some airlines leaving middle seats empty in wake of the coronavirus pandemic, that gives you two seat options. A window seat is your safest bet because it gets exposed to the fewest people during an average flight.

4. Don’t forget sanitizer and wipes

You can never have too much hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.

These items are especially essential when traveling given your exposure to many people and surfaces.

You can bring bottles of hand sanitizer that measure 12 ounces or less as a carry-on in the United States.

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5. Make cashless transactions

Our money can be a festering ground for germs.

Instead of relying on cash at Starbucks or wherever else you prefer to purchase your pre-flight snacks, opt for the cashless method to reduce the chances of contamination.

6. Try not to touch your face

Did you know that one behavioral study from 2015 revealed that a person touches his or her face about 23 times per hour?

You definitely don’t want to do that at an airport or on a plane considering how much exposure you have to germs by touching public surfaces.

7. Keep items stored inside your bag at security checkpoints

Most people throw their personal items into the plastic bins at security checkpoints. Don’t follow that trend.

Instead, keep your phone, wallet, and other items inside your bag to prevent exposing them to germs.

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8. Turn on the overhead air vent

This may seem simple, but turning on the overhead air vent can provide an extra layer of protection against germs and viruses.

How does this happen?

An airplane’s filtration system can neutralize potentially harmful particles and keep you safe.

9. Avoid crowds

Do you seriously need a lesson in what social distancing means?

Maintain a six-foot gap between people in security checkpoint lines or luggage pick-up areas.

You may even want to board last so you don’t have to be stuck waiting in the walkway with a bunch of other passengers.

10. Wear a face mask

This should be a standard no matter if you’re traveling abroad or taking a trip to your local grocery story.

Wear a mask not only for your own protection but for everyone else’s, too.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Have you traveled on an airplane since the COVID-19 pandemic hit?

What changes did you make to your traveling routine?

Tell us your experience in the comments below!

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People Share the Weird Things Their Bodies Do That Kind of Seems Normal Now

Once we get to a certain age, I feel like nobody’s body really works quite right anymore. Things ache, you can tweak them without trying, and honestly, it never really feels good to move from a sitting position ever again.

What’s funny is how we just accept that’s how life is now – like these 14 people, who barely even notice the weird things happening in their own bodies anymore.

14. There’s an app for that.

I don’t feel dehydrated even though I am. When I was a kid, I’ve gone whole days without drinking anything.

I’ve just learnt to force myself to drink water every hour. Until I developed this routine, I never understood how my lips were supposed to feel like as they were always dry.

13. Fingers crossed on the synthetic insulin issues, though.

My pancreas just refuses to produce insulin.

It’s really annoying but what can you do? ??‍♂️

12. This happens to me, too!

 will just randomly get a huge chill which looks like a mini seizure.

People always ask what’s wrong.

11. This sounds a lot dirtier than it is.

“Voluntarily Piloerection” or to put it more cooler, I can raise my hair i.e. Have goosebumps at will.

It’s apparently rare but seeing the amount of people saying they have it too, you should get in contact with James Heather who is researching about the same

10. Lie down and close your eyes.

I get ocular migraines sometimes.

They’re not terribly frequent, though maybe once in a while they’ll be persistent for a week or so. It’s a strange experience. No pain, no headache, but an actual blind spot develops in my vision, that ‘appears’ sort of like a lightning bolt, it hovers there for about 20-30 minutes then gradually subsides. I’ll tend to feel a bit weird for maybe an hour or two afterward but then back to normal.

They seem to be triggered by a combination of poor sleep, dehydration and (maybe) caffeine + stress. Have had them off-and-on for about 10 years probably. Consulted with a couple doctors about it and they’ve said it’s probably nothing to be too worried about unless it starts happening more frequently/intensely.

9. This makes me sad.

I have spinal stenosis, basically my vertebra are thickening and pressing against my spinal cord in my upper neck and lower spine.

It causes numbness in my extremities and I have to do special stretches to help relieve the pressure but man sometimes I’ll sit for a little bit too long and it’s like my feet don’t exist. I’ll try to walk but it’s like walking on stumps.

Back to the stretches and within 10 minutes the feeling returns. I use to do 100 mile bicycle rides, now I’m lucky if I can walk three blocks without tripping and falling.

8. I think I need a video.

I can control my pinky toes separate from the rest of my foot.

Never thought it was weird until my mom was like what the fuck and apparently most people can’t do that.

7. This needs a new name.

I have Exploding Head Syndrome, which is a lot scarier sounding than it actually is– a sleep phase disorder.

Basically, when I’m falling asleep I occasionally hear random phantom noises that startle me back awake.

For me, I most commonly hear someone shouting my name, an unintelligible brief yell, knocking on the door, or the doorbell.

I’ve noticed over the years that it tends to happen mostly when I’m overtired and/or anxious, and I may not have one for months and then have them every other day for a week.

6. It seems like this would be extremely inconvenient.

I get sharp intense pains on the left bottom side of my ribs randomly. I just suck in air and hope my rib didn’t puncture my lung. Sometimes its when I’m working out, but sometimes I’m literally just standing there and whoops popped a lung.

I’m 18, and have been experiencing these since I was 15. Happens whether I breathe in or out. Hurts like hell for a minute and then passes, I mainly breathe in more air to stop myself from screaming.

I’ve never seen a doctor for it because I saw a post online saying that most teenagers experience this pain because “our ribs are growing”. Don’t know the medical truth of that but whatever it calmed my tits and made it easier to live with.

5. Middle school me called this “gleeking.”

Sometimes when I yawn saliva literally squirts out of my mouth.

No idea why, it’s kinda weird.

4. Only if it’s a really good stretch.

When I yawn and stretch I become blind for a few seconds, don’t know if thats normal

3. Brain stuff totally freaks me out.

I have neurological issues that make me have “phantom” feelings.

For instance the last two days I’ve had a burning sensation, like if I‘d rested a hot soup bowl on my thigh, but there’s nothing there.

It can feel like little bug bites, scratches or “streaky” burns. It’s never severe, mostly just weird to feel a distinct sensation for no reason.

Sometimes I’ll ask a family member to check for marks.

The other day I pulled up my shirt, turned around and asked my mom if there was anything on my back.

She was like, “Oh my goodness! There is! Looks like one of the cats got you!”

And we were both so weirdly delighted I’d actually been mauled. lol

2. I guess it would seem normal by now.

I was born with a disorder that makes crossover motion between both sides of my body more challenging. Riding a bike took me a year to master, for context.

The hardest thing for me to do autopilot is stairs, though. If I don’t think about it, my body automatically goes one at a time with both feet rather than alternating.

1. It is what it is.

I’m white and pale AF.

Normally avoid sun exposure due to not tolerating heat well and skin cancer running in the family.

But earlier this summer I spent quite a bit of time in the desert. I got several shades darker, except for a bunch of random spots that are still white.

They weren’t covered and had the same amount of sun exposure as the rest of me, but just no color change at all. Biggest spot is on my bicep but there are random spots everywhere.

I’ve always had a streak like that along my hairline (hair also grows in white there too) that my mom said was a birth mark. I’m guessing these “new” spots have always been there too but never apparent because I avoid sun exposure.

No one warned me it would be like this, y’all – why does my back hurt?

What does your body do that you’ve just written off with a shrug? Tell us in the comments!

The post People Share the Weird Things Their Bodies Do That Kind of Seems Normal Now appeared first on UberFacts.