People Share the Simple Daily Habits That Changed Their Lives

You might think that a small change to your daily routine doesn’t mean much, but these things really do matter!

So if you really do want to make some changes in your life, start small and go from there. Things will start improving before you know it!

Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about the daily habits that changed their lives.

1. Cycling.

” I hate running but recently picked up road biking in NYC and it’s fantastic.

Super stress free, cars are used to bikers here, and I just feel more comfortably doing it physically even when going hard.”

2. Get ready for tomorrow.

“Prep for the next day the night before: I put my clothes out, sort whatever I’m taking with me if I need to go out, and as a last thing grind coffee for the morning.

I’m almost never in a rush now even when I’m really busy and it just helps knowing that the daily stress of what to wear and holy sh*t where did all the socks go etc etc is all taken care of.”

3. We should all do this.

“I do a 15 minutes core workout almost every night.

Pretty much cured my back problems.”

4. Get it done.

“Making my bed in the morning, specially during my worst depression times.

Cause I would feel like a useless piece of sh*t, waste of oxygen in the world, but making the bed makes the room feel more clean and that helps you feel a bit more productive and then you’re less useless.

Also if at the end of the day you didn’t do sh*t, everything went wrong, you can look at your room and say “hey, at least I made my bed”.”

5. Do something!

“Making a mental list of what I was going to do that day.

Made sure I always got off my *ss and did something, even if it would have been a lazy Sunday, and I always felt/feel better for it.”

6. Just put it away.

“Not looking at your phone at all before going to bed. The brightness of your phone keeps you awake.

Falling asleep goes so much smoother!”

7. Yoga is good.

“15 minutes of light yoga every morning and evening.

I work an office job and used to have so much back, neck and shoulder pain because I was sitting all day.

Now I can move pain free and I have more range in my movement that I had in my 20s.”

8. Extra effort.

“Always do something today to put yourself in better stead/preparedness for tomorrow.

Can be as simple as making lunch the day before, ironing a weeks load of shirts on Sunday.

A little extra effort is appreciated by your future self and those things soon become habit and you’ll grow with continual reflection of where you were.”

9. Just three times a week.

“A 15 minutes exercise regime 3 times a week.

Around 10 yrs back I was experiencing plummeting immunity and stamina in.spite of healthy eating and supplements. By chance I stumbled on ‘Prevention ‘ magazine in the bookshop. This issue demonstrated this 15 minute exercise regime, thrice a week with a claim that it would boost immunity, improve stamina, burn calories.

I began with it and yes , it did all the things it claimed . Losing 4inches of waist in 6 weeks was.a pleasant side effect. Since then I have been advising people to exercise thrice a week , if they don’t have the inclination or will power to work out daily.”

10. Dogs are good!

“It really wasn’t a choice, but more of a need.

I adopted a puppy and, of course, I want to give her the best life possible. So, I walk her every day – which is something you should do anyways if your health allows for that kind of mobility.

Just being outside with her, seeing her happily sniff stuff and roll in the grass has made a huge impact on my mental health.

Also, taking the time to play with her and her toys, even if I’m really tired from work, has also contributed immensely to my own happiness.”

11. This is good.

“I learned a simple phrase that changed my life:

“Don’t put it down, put it away.”

If anything leaves my hand, it should be going to its home. Wiped my hands on a towel? Don’t put it on the counter, put it on the towel bar.

Had a glass of water? Don’t set it on the table, put it in the sink. Taking off my shirt? Don’t throw it on the bed, put it in the hamper.

My house is much cleaner, and my cleaning goes much faster, because 90% of what would need to be done gets done automatically.

Don’t put it down, put it away.”

12. Do it!

“100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, everyday.

Started with pushups, and got results in the first week.

I eat and sleep better, get noticed more, and most importantly my energy throughout the day is absurd.”

13. You don’t always have to be looking at it.

“Setting auto Do Not Disturb on my phone to start 3 hours before I plan to try to sleep, and 2-3 hours after waking.

That means no notifications for anything (except calls off known numbers – I have it set so if they ring twice within three minutes the call will come through the second time).

I don’t use my phone for anything a few hours before bed, or after getting up, unless I actively need my phone for something. It’s incredibly freeing to know that time is not for ‘being productive’ (emails) / faux productive (clearing app or social notifications.

Easy to stick to, as it’s automated, and no downside. I wholeheartedly recommend it.”

14. A world of difference.

“Today marks the 177th consecutive day that my wife and I have gone for a 45-minute walk.

Some days we walk for up to 2 hours but 45 minutes is the minimum. Taking a walk is now integrated with our daily life.

It has made a world of difference in the quality of our lives.”

15. Had enough of that.

“Cutting out all televised news and anything online featuring audio/video clips. It cuts out an incredible amount of absolutely pointless stress.

The world is a garbage fire, especially lately. Most people I see on TV news are politicians who I’d p*ss on before ever speaking to. Then on top of those scumbags, you get rid of the utterly useless talking head pundits who bring zero legitimate journalism to the table other than sensationalizing bullsh*t for ratings.

Basically you eliminate a ton of utterly useless infotainment trash, and you don’t have to hear some politician spewing their sh*t into your living room, office, wherever you may be.

I’d encourage anybody to switch up their news to reading only. If you can’t cut the cord that severely, at least cut out the 24/7 news stations.

Give yourself a little bit of headspace.”

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what small daily habits you think have changed your life.

We’d love to hear from you!

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How Your Tattoos Might Be Messing With Your Sweat Glands

Tattoos are very common today. Back in the day, only fun ladies and military dudes (or I suppose convicts) really sported ink on a regular basis, but since the nineties, they’ve continued to trend as a common, if permanent, accessory.

Perhaps that’s why scientists are really just beginning to wonder whether or not there could be any long- or short-term effects of having ink deposited right beneath your skin – and this recent study seems to conclude that one of those effects could be a poor ability to sweat.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The paper was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, and featured a pretty small sample size of 10 participants. The subjects wore tube-lined suits containing warm water, which induced them to sweat – though skin covered by a tattoo or tattoos produced 15% less sweat than skin left unmarked.

This research joins more like it, like another small 2017 study that used an electric current to produce sweat, and found that inked skin produced 50% less perspiration, but is belied by at least one study that found no difference in sweating ability between inked and non-inked skin.

Image Credit: Pexels

There doesn’t seem to be conclusive evidence, nor does the study make any comment on why or how a tattoo could affect one’s ability to sweat.

For now, it seems like you’re safe to continue amassing as much ink as you like, though if this does eventually prove to be an issue, the more tattoos you have, the more trouble you might have cooling off on a hot day.

Image Credit: Pexels

Then again, people with full body tattoos have been staying cool with no trouble since forever, so you’re probably fine either way.

You do you, my friend, and leave the scientists to their business.

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A Picture of a Child Crying Over Distance Learning Confirms Everyone’s Fears

For most families right now, distance learning or homeschooling is not their first option. There are kids who are going to thrive, parents who have the privilege to manage it, but for the most part, everyone is just making things work the best that they can.

When we realized that distance learning would likely be at least part of the story this autumn, parents and teachers and lawmakers all had concerned about what that could mean for the smallest of students. Would they get enough social interaction? Would they be able to figure out school and a classroom dynamic over a screen? Would they have the physical and mental capability of sitting in front of a computer for hours?

We’re figuring things out as we go, but as this image shows, it’s not been an easy adjustment for too many kids.

The picture was shared by Jana Coombs, a mother of four from Coweta County, Georgia. She snapped the image as her son became overwhelmed trying to keep, started to cry, and wiped his own tears with his t-shirt.

A moment later she encouraged him to take a break, come get a hug, and suck in a few deep breaths.

She spoke with a local news station, as well as CNN, about why she wanted to share the moment.

Image Credit: iStock

“I just took that picture because I wanted people to see reality. Education is essential for these children, and it’s more than one plus one equals two. Socialization and hands-on experience is how elementary kids learn best.”

She also admitted that it’s not just her son and other young kids who are struggling, either.

“Juggling a household, having an infant in the house, getting 5,000 emails a day from all their teachers, trying to keep up…different apps, different codes, different platforms, some links don’t work…”

Image Credit: iStock

It’s a lot, is what she’s saying.

And even though we all know that keeping ourselves and our families, friends, and neighbors healthy has to be the priority right now, it’s okay to step back and admit that this is hard.

It’s hard for all of us, but hopefully, it won’t be forever.

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A Veterinarian Weighs in on What Items to Avoid at Pet Stores

If you’ve ever had a pet, you know there are an overwhelming amount of choices when you walk through a pet store. Toys, supplies, supplements, training, leashes, food…the list goes on and on, and honestly, most of it can feel superfluous.

I mean, people had dogs and cats and birds centuries ago, and I doubt they had this many options.

So, if you’re wondering what exactly your pet needs – and not only that, what items could actually be harmful to your pet once they’re in your home, this veterinarian has a few thoughts.

Image Credit: TikTok

The main points of advice from Dr. Hunter Finn’s first video were mostly treats and chews to avoid.

First up, rawhides with double layered ends – apparently they are choking hazards.

Image Credit: TikTok

I definitely am guilty of buying these!

Next, he says to avoid fatty treats like pig’s ears, because they can upset doggie tums, and in rare but serious cases, can cause pancreatitis.

Image Credit: TikTok

Dr. Finn also says that both raw and cooked bones can break teeth and cause intestinal issues, as well, so it’s best to avoid them.

Image Credit: TikTok

His advice is that if you can’t easily make an indent with a fingernail, it’s too hard.

Image Credit: TikTok

Jerky treats, especially those that originate outside of the US, can also contribute to renal disease in pets.

When it comes to cats, Dr. Finn says to avoid giving them stringy toys when you’re not able to supervise, since they can get lodged and tangled in cats’ digestive tracts easily.

Image Credit: TikTok

If you’re wondering what dental treats would have the best shot at actually combatting your dog’s (or cat’s) terrible breath, Dr. Finn says to check the packaging for the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) stamp, and buy accordingly.


#petsoftiktok #veterinarian #vettech #veterinarylife I’m on vacation, but promise to make more videos if y’all like these. Cats next.

♬ Send Me on My Way – Guy Meets Girl

Our pets are family, after all, so you can’t be too careful.

Make sure you’re following Dr. Hunter Finn on TikTok for more tips and tricks for the future!

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This is Why the Flu Shot Makes Your Arm Hurt

It’s almost time to get your flu shot!

Shots aren’t a fun thing for anyone, and convincing your kids to go with you and sit willingly to be stabbed is even less fun than undergoing the stick yourself.

To add insult to injury, it’s not over and done with in a few seconds, as promised, either – for many of us, the injection site can be tender and achy for a few days afterward.

Image Credit: iStock

According to experts, though, the pain is a good thing – a sign that the vaccination is working – but what makes it hurt?

The vaccine works by injecting an antigen – in this case a dead, deactivated virus that’s similar to the flu – into your body. It “primes” your immune system cells so that they will activate if and when they encounter that foreign substance again.

You can’t get sick from the dead virus; it’s only goal is to sensitize your immune system to potential threats in the future.

Image Credit: iStock

Whenever a foreign “threat” shows up, your immune system also releases mediators like histamine, which can cause inflammation around an area of concern. The inflammation helps your body fight invaders and repairs damaged tissue, but as anyone who has ever gotten a bad bug bite or had an allergic reaction like hives knows, histamine responses can also cause soreness.

If your body responds to the shot with histamine, the site of the shot – usually your upper arm – could be sore for a couple of days.

Immunologist Richard Zimmerman told Popular Science that about 1 in 5 people have a painful reaction, and if it happens to you, some ibuprofen before the shot, and an ice pack afterward, should alleviate the discomfort.

It could also help to move your arm around after you get the shot, to diffuse the vaccine, and also to ask for the shot to be given in your non-dominant arm.

Image Credit: iStock

Definitely don’t let the pain stop you, though, because if you’ve ever gotten the flu, you know for sure you don’t want to do that again.

You’ll help contribute to herd immunity, too, which helps protect higher-risk population, so that makes you a low-key superhero, really.

Worth a few days of soreness, if you ask me!

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Research Shows That Microplastics Exist in All of Our Organs

You’ve probably heard about microplastics being present in the atmosphere, in the ocean, in our food, and even in the rain that splatters us on a cooler autumn day. It’s disturbing, and proof of how much of an effect our lifestyle has on our world, even if scientists don’t really know bad it could be for humans in the long run.

Recently, though, a study of cadavers has revealed that the tiny, microscopic plastics can also be found embedded in every last one of our organs.

Image Credit: iStock

The question of how dangerous these things could be, then, becomes even more relevant.

The study was conducted by two University of Arizona PhD students. In it, they examined 47 organ samples, including ones from lungs, livers, spleens, and kidneys that were obtained from a tissue bank that studies neurodegenerative disease.

The samples were put through a mass spectrometer, and every last one of them contained microplastics.

Dozens of different types of plastic were detected, with the most worrying types being polycarbonate (PC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE), and Bisphenol A (BPA).

A 2011 study published by NCBI found that all plastic materials contain harmful chemicals, though, and can lead to poor health outcomes like cancer, birth defects, reproductive issues, and the like across the board.

Image Credit: iStock

47 organs is a small sample size, but given that every single organ contained the microplastics, and it’s the first study to provide evidence that they can build up in our bodies, it’s still important.

A 2019 WWF study found that the average human potentially eats arou

nd 2,000 microplastics every single week, and another recent study found about 1,000 tons of them rain down on national parks annually, so it’s not a surprise that they’re floating around inside our bodies.

That said, proof that they’re building up in our organs remains concerning.

Charles Rolsky, a co-author on the new study, made this statement.

“You can find plastics contaminating the environment at virtually every location on the globe, and in a few short decades, we’ve gone from seeing plastic as a wonderful benefit to considering it a threat.

There’s evidence that plastic is making its way into our bodies, but very few studies have looked for it there.

And at this point, we don’t know whether this plastic is just a nuisance or whether it represents a human health hazard.”

The truth is, we have much to learn about these plastics, and how they might affect our bodies going forward.

Image Credit: iStock

The team behind this current study has plans to continue researching potential long term health effects.

Varun Kelkar, another co-author, continued his statement:

“We never want to be alarmist, but it is concerning that these non-biodegradable materials that are present everywhere can enter and accumulate in human tissues, and we don’t know the possible health effects.

Once we get a better idea of what’s in the tissues, we can conduct epidemiological studies to assess human health outcomes. That way, we can start to understand the potential health risks, if any.”

Which is all to say, don’t panic yet, because we don’t have all of the facts.

But also, there’s nothing you can do about it anyway.

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