People Share the Things That Get a Lot of Unnecessary Hate

I’m gonna say it: I LIKE GUY FIERI.

I think he’s super nice, super positive, he obviously loves what he does, and he does a lot of good work for charities.

I think his TV show is good, too.

So why all the hate?

Some things and people just get hated on. It’s a fact of life.

AskReddit users weighed in what they think gets a totally unnecessary amount of hate.

1. Don’t hate on it.


Most of the videos are made by kids or teens. Let’s admit it, most of us would be making TikToks too if it had existed when we were 13. Instead, we had marquees and wacky-colored cursors on MySpace.

Those kids are doing the cringy shit we did, they just do it on video.”

2. I wish I did it!


Sure it’s intense compared to your average gym session, and without doubt there are a handful of shitty coaches out there, but it’s a great social activity, teaches people to move well (yes, yes, there are shitty coaches) and understand the mechanics of their body.”

3. It’s very popular…


It’s just another genre of music but in a different language, yeah fans can be cringy but pretty much fans of anything can be cringy, and kpop groups tend to get even more hate than western artists just for being asian, even though most kpop idols are less or even not problematic at all.”

4. Not your business.

“Not wanting or liking kids. If it’s none of your business, spend your energy on something positive rather than useless judgement.

It is a little frustrating how many people’s responses to a post about lessening your judgement… is to judge and complain.

You know you guys are proving my point, right? Like super explicitly. I hope it’s helpful to readers of the thread.”

5. Thank you!

“Guy Fieri.

He seems like a genuinely good person.

In 2017 and 2018 he cooked for thousands of victims and first responders affected by the California wildfires.”

6. She’s just a kid.

“Billy Eilish.

People who talk shit on her are literally talking shit on a kid. Do you have nothing better to do? I get you don’t like her music, I don’t necessarily favor her music either but that’s no reason to attack her personally.”

7. Look into it.


Yeah there are a lot of vegan idiots you hear about, but you don’t hear about all of the vegans with completely normal lives. Veganism is simply food without chicken, cow, pig, fish, eggs, or dairy.

You can find protein and vitamins from other sources. But some people go extreme with either raw vegan, fruitarian, low carb, etc.”

8. This one is very weird.

“Greta Thunberg.

People hate her with a passion and it’s ridiculous.

A girl with a lot of foresight: “We should save the planet, make a future for our young”

Some asshole: “I wish you were dead, little girl”

I genuinely don’t understand that train of thought.”

9. Unions.

“Labor Unions.

Since the vast majority of people are working stiffs that would benefit so much from being in a union, it’s amazing that they’re unpopular at all.

Groups of worker who essentially band together so they’re able to bargain for a more fair share of the profits their labor produces. Throw in some great health insurance for you and the family and a pension so you can retire in dignity.

Seriously, what’s not to like?”

10. Furry alert!


Like, yeah, sexualizing anthros are weird and like mmmmmake me uncomfortable. But children who role play as warrior cats? Neuro divergent teens who find comfort in it?

Yeah, I think spending thousands of dollars on a fur suit is silly, but their out here living their best live sooooo. Cringe culture is all about making fun of children (well mostly adults who are into kid things) but like why??

Their life doesn’t affect you in any way???”

11. Good point.


Feminism is female equality. I feel like we all agree that women should be legally allowed to vote and given constitutional rights. So why hate on feminism?

Bunch of right wing propaganda masquerading as memes about fringe wackos who want men to donate their paychecks or some stupid shit. You can’t achieve equality by reversing injustice.

Those people aren’t feminists, they’re angry assholes.”

12. Politics as usual.

“The other political party:

I’m just being honest. Due to the structure of algorithms and confirmation bias, people on both sides are fed straw-man arguments of the people that are different from them.”

13. Live and let live.


Not “smoking”. I think that smoking receives the appropriate amount of hate. Smoking sucks. Smokers get a lot of shit though, just for having an unhealthy vice. I’m not trying to throw stones though, I have a few unhealthy vices myself.

I have a friend who got irritated when some second hand smoke wafted past them in a movie theater parking lot. The lot was behind the theater, the smoker was far way from all the exits and not anywhere near a high traffic walking area.

My friend said “Ugh, gross. Isn’t that so inconsiderate?” I said “…no, man. This guy is like…as far away from people as he can reasonably be, and the wind just happened to carry a little of the smoke the 40 feet between you two.

Where do you want this guy to go to have his smoke, Mars?”. My friend was then annoyed with me.”

14. Capitalism.


I want to be rewarded for working hard. If I’m not incentivized to work hard, I’m not going to. I’m not a billionaire. I’m not a millionaire. I don’t hate poor people. I don’t like Trump or Bloomberg. I think our healthcare, education, and housing is fucked and should be socialized.

I just think it’s stupid how much reddit hates capitalism. The world is a cruel place. People are assholes. Life isn’t fair. The government can’t create a system to change that.

Socialism only works if people love their jobs and never want more in life.

If someone told me that no matter how hard I worked, I would never be able to attain X because things are supposed to be equal, I would either say fuck you and go and attain X because I can, or I would be spiteful and do 0 work and actively look for opportunities to fuck the government.”

15. To serve and protect.


Yes, we need to reform how police forces are trained and be able to hold them accountable for their actions. But the broad sweeping generalizations that people make about how all cops are horrible and you’re afraid you are going to get shot when a cop pulls you over for a tail light is ridiculous and makes for an unproductive conversation.

I do honestly believe there are good cops out there and there are people who go into the job wanting to serve their community even though it is a high stress job.”

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us about the things you think get hated on way too much.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Things That Get a Lot of Unnecessary Hate appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What Gets an Unwarranted Amount of Hate

A lot of people are haters.

It’s sad but true.

Some people hate on things because they don’t understand it. Other things get put down because they get too big or popular.

And some people hate things just because they’re negative and they like to be, well, dicks.

But some things out there get a lot of hatred and it doesn’t seem warranted.

Let’s take a look at what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Looking for some respect.

“Robert Pattinson. Sure, he got famous for the “Twilight” movies, and no, they’re not very good; but all of the weird independent films he’s made after that really scream that this poor guy just wants to be appreciated as an actor.”

2. Grosses some people out.

“The word ‘moist’.

I’m just describing this nice cake I’m eating and you’re acting like I’m reciting ancient curses from the Satanic bible.”

3. Remember them?

“The most celebrated Canadian alt-rock band of the mid 1990s, the Barenaked Ladies.”

4. Don’t hate the player.

“Basically anything that everyone under the age of 15 is into.

The irony is, the majority/plurality of people that hate on it; the thing that they were into at that age was the thing the Internet hated at that time in the same way.

“fortnite bad minecraft good”? I remember when Reddit (and the Internet in general) didn’t like Minecraft because it was full of “cringy pre-teens” in the exact same way that Fortnite is “hated” now.

I guarantee you, in 5-7 years time, Fortnite will be seen in the same way as Minecraft is seen now. It happened with Minecraft, it happened with Call of Duty, it happened with Runescape, it happened with Halo.

Heck, the likes of World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons always used to be stereotyped as “that game that only loser nerds in their mom’s basement play” (which was a dumb assumption to begin with), but now anyone and their dog can say they have an account/campaign and no-one bats an eye – you’d be raked over the coals for admitting that a decade or so ago.”

5. I love ’em!


I eat them regularly since I was a kid and it just blows my mind that there are people who take eating vegetables as punishment or they need to “learn” to like it or cook it because somehow they find it disgusting in raw state. I cant imagine not eating at least one kind of vegetable once a day.”

6. Nothing wrong with it.

“Shitty Beer.

Look, no one is making you drink bud light or coors. You can also choose not to drink if the beer that is provided to you is that bad.

I say this as a person who drinks way more than I should and chooses not to drink shitty beer.”

7. Don’t worry about it.

“Pop music.

Don’t like Taylor Swift? Don’t listen to her music. It has literally never, in the entire breadth of human history, been easier to find music that fits your taste.”

8. Yeah, this is weird.

“iPhone/ Android hatred.

Who the f cares what phone other people have!? I like my apple.

Why do people have to tell me their Android is superior and my phone is trash when they see that?!”

9. Another shot?

“People who have been in jail.

I mean they already paid for their crime. Can we let them have a regular job and  join society again without spitting on them for the rest of their life?”

10. Girly?

“Probably late to this, but I felt I should add, Men who are into “girly” things.

Like any male who likes something “girly” instantly gets criticized by the entirety of society, including their own parents, like wtf is up with this?”

11. Bang your head!

“Most metal bands.

Worst thing is, people who don’t listen to metal couldn’t give less fucks about these bands.

It’s the damn metalheads always criticizing bands for changing their sound too much or always sounding the same, or for sounding too much like other bands, or not sounding enough like their genre, or switching genres, or changing their aesthetic or not changing it, or being posers, or the feared going mainstream.

It’s like metal bands get a free pass on their first album and from there on it’s the shit avalanche.”

12. Teen stuff.


Especially teenage girls who dress similarly and act similarly. It happens in every single generation and will happen until the end of time. Everyone that age is impressionable and wants to fit in. You probably were too. It’s a part of life.

Grow up, stop gatekeeping everything, and stop trying to make them feel even more insecure all the time, especially if they aren’t even doing anything to you.

I saw a grown man the other day refer to a teenage girl wearing leggings and a generic “teenager-ish” outfit as an “abortion that should have been” and she didn’t even interact with this person, or really do anything at all. What kind of psychopath says that about a kid??

If you don’t like them, who cares. They’re teenagers. If you let teenagers just existing piss you off, you have a problem.”

13. I love Florida!


The Florida weirdness is a result of a transparency in government law that releases police report data to the public almost immediately (scrubbed of identifying information to protect privacy IIRC). That’s why you get all the “Florida Man _____” headlines where other states don’t have them. The state police were required to issue a bulletin and the news wires just babysit the feed waiting for interesting stories.”

14. I’m not a fan…

“Pineapple on pizza!

It’s actually weird cause so many people eat weird things together, but pineapple on pizza gets hate for some reason.”

15. Have some fun!

“Old people doing young people trends.

They just want to be a part of the fun.”

16. They do get a lot of hate.


The only explanation I ever heard for all they hate they get was that they were on the radio all the time.

This maybe due to the (done zero research on this) Canada having to air Canadian artists for a certain % of airtime. Heard the same of Bieber.

A reason the US hated on them is they also had an insane amount of airtime on radios because their music (studio/producer/whatever) was cheaper than most. And, like other commenters have pointed out, they are pretty talented.

So they were just hard to escape if there was a radio nearby.”

Some very interesting replies there…

What do you think?

Talk to us in the comment and let us know what you believe gets too much unwarranted hate.

The post People Talk About What Gets an Unwarranted Amount of Hate appeared first on UberFacts.