People Break Out The Best Hygiene Hacks They Know

We all like to think we’re clean people, and we probably are.

But there are probably still some ways we can improve, or ways to get things just as clean without all the time and effort.

Redditor ProudSilver1576 asked:

“What is a hygiene tip/trick that everyone should know?”

You Might Be Surprised What Is Dirty

“Occasionally wipe down your doorknobs and light switches. When I was a maid I’d clean people’s light switches and they’d be covered is brown gunk because they’d never been cleaned before. We touch them multiple times every day. They get nasty.” –yarnfrog

“At the start of the plague I deep cleaned the office. The worst part was the door. Not the handle but the door itself, because everyone touches the same spot to hold it open when they pull their key out. Also the armrests on chairs. I swear I went home and took two showers from how nasty it all was.” –shiguywhy

“Whenever I lysol wipe my phone, the wipe still has lots of life left so I’ll go wipe any switches, door handles, sink handles, fridge handles, microwave buttons, all that good stuff in the vicinity. Doesn’t take too long.” –drsandwich_MD

They’re Really Not A Luxury

“Don’t ignore a toothache. Abscesses can lead to sepsis that’ll destroy your whole body. Take care of those luxury bones!” –februarytide

“During the lull between the first and second covid waves, we had two admissions to our intensive care unit with pericardial infections secondary to dental abscesses. One died. Don’t ignore dental infections.” –Mouse_Nightshirt

“Brush your tongue and the top of your mouth along with your teeth.” –pdxblaxer

Bad Acne?

Could Be Your Pillowcase

“Clean your pillowcase regularly, it helps keep your face from breaking out.” –Amish_Juggalo469

“I change my pillowcase every 4 nights (1 night per side) originally because of breakouts. Helped a lot. Just went to a second hand store, got a ton of cheap pillowcases, washed them with hot water and bleach and voila.” –Balderdash966

“And your comforter/blanket if you’re like me and bring it all the way up to your face.” –Reamund

Your Hairbrush Could Use Some Love Too

“Washing my hairbrush. I used to just get rid of the excess hair but that was it: I never rinsed it out. I wash it in a mild soap solution and rinse in very hot water and it makes my hair smell so much better.” –Redditor

“I did this the other day, I was pretty grossed out by how dirty the water was afterwards.” –spitfire07

“Omg. Bc of product buildup, natural oils, dry scalp, wtf I’m doing this tomorrow thank you! Seems like common sense that a brush would need cleaning too 😂” –rayne-drops

The Sun Is Not Your Friend

“Maybe not hygiene, but use a face lotion with a SPF of 15 or higher. You’ll thank yourself later on in life.” –__Sentient_Fedora__

“I’ve been doing this daily since I was 18. I’m now 52, no wrinkles at all. I still get asked for ID. Do it.” –Acornpoo

“Mid-40s here: Same. My sisters and I have been putting on SPF daily since childhood. My mom was super stringent about it. Face and neck.”

“My mom is 70-ish and she looks like she could be early 50s. My sisters and I have smooth skin, no sun spots and no wrinkles. It could be genetics, but it could also be rigorous use of sunscreen.” –ResidingAt42

The Order Is Important

“Poop first, shower second.” –belachewm

“I poop 5 times a day and shower once or twice so this isn’t really sustainable for me.” __Guy_Incognito

“One word. Bidet.” –Canisnate

This One’s For Everyone

“Pee after sex! Male or female, everybody needs to pee after sex.”

“Also, if you’re reading this, you probably need to drink at least one glass of water.” –hananobira

“I don’t need to drink any more water. I work in construction and it is summer here. I drink plenty because I sweat it out like a faucet. What I need are electrodes especially sodium.”

“That ‘drinking lots of water is good’ mentality can be really dangerous. We periodically get reminded that drinking water is not a substitute for a rest to cool down because of how many people drink themselves to the point of water poisoning.”

“The peeing to prevent UTI is spot on though.” –idunnoijustlurk

Quick Fixes For BO

“You’re in public and your armpits smell disgusting. Use hand sanitizer because the smell is caused by bacteria, and the hand sanitizer killed it. Just don’t do this regularly because your skin is sensitive under your armpits.” –Toxicity5675

“Also don’t do this on freshly shaved armpits.” –standinginmyownway

“Pro tip for hairy guys: Shave your pits. Saves your shirts from stains and GREATLY reduces the smell. Also, your deodorant will actually work.” –Intyleryoutrust

“Years ago I had BO that would go through the best deodorant. My dermatologist told me to buy this product called Hibiclens – it has 4% chlorhexidine gluconate- and use on my pits when i shower.”

“Game changer. I still use it to this day, maybe 1 or 2 times a week instead of every time I shower.” –PAXICHEN

Nobody Likes A Wet Floor

“When you take a shower or get out of a pool, slide your hands down your legs, arms, stomach, butt etc a few times like windshield wipers when you turn the water of and there’ll be less on the floor when you get out and your towel wont be as soaking wet either.” –pURPleDorito4108

“Hand squeegies!” –II_Confused

“Note for my fellow hairy dudes: It still works somewhat but mileage may vary.”Ennbeard

points finger to temple”

“Dry off while standing in the tub/shower. No water on the floor.” –InanimateSensation

Your Feet Might Need Some Attention

“Wash you feet! Most people I know seem to believe their feet magically become clean from having soapy water run down them while they are showering.”

“That is NOT the case! You really need to wash your feet.”

“Also a good idea to take a pumice or foot file to calluses and use a hard nail brush for toenails.”

“Keeping your feet clean will prevent a lot of problems, particularly with fungus. Funguses live and thrive on dead skin cells so if you have toenail fungus you will have a really hard time getting rid of it till you get rid of dead skin around the nails!” –internet_commie

“To piggyback off foot health – if you work at a job where you work for long hours and maybe your feet kinda smell at the end of the day.”

“Try having two pairs of shoes and wear them alternate days.”

“Changing socks mid shift can help a lot.” –OrcOfDoom

Hopefully some of these hygiene hacks will help make your life a little easier, and maybe a little cleaner.

A Teenage Stylist Creates Amazingly Intricate Hair Designs

German teenage hairstylist Milena is doing some things that I’m sure a lot of people in her line of work would try their entire lives to be good enough to do.

Her intricate hair designs are as fascinating as they are beautiful, and they’re freely available to enjoy thanks to her popular Instagram account hairstylist.dream.

There Milena posts stunning images of her creations alongside occasional words of inspiration. It’s really a very refreshing and positive place to be and indicative of the bright future this gifted youngster has in front of her.

let’s take a look at some of the styles now!

15. Decked in pearls

And all wrapped up in a bow.

14. Rainbow road

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

13. Criss cross

My mind is just absolutely blown.

12. Twinning

Milena will often do collaborations and cross promotions with fellow stylists as well.

11. The gray

With beautiful waves.

10. Spiraling down

Those locks are locked in.

9. Traces

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

8. Blue dreams

This was in celebration of 6,000 followers, but she’s now approaching ten times that number.

7. Purple haze

It really catches your eye.

6. Visions in red

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

5. Light blonde

She calls these “waterfall braids.”

4. Basket weave

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”

3. Two tone

Did we mention she does all of this WHILE in school?

2. Armour

Count ’em up.

1. A closer look

“Be yourself: everyone else is already taken!”

Congratulations to Milena, here’s to all the success you deserve!

What’s your favorite hairstyle?

Tell us in the comments.

The post A Teenage Stylist Creates Amazingly Intricate Hair Designs appeared first on UberFacts.

These People Committed Unforgivable Crimes Against Hairstyles

What happened, did you get in a fight with a lawnmower?

I remember hearing someone say that in sixth grade to a kid who had a terrible, embarrassing haircut and thinking it was probably the funniest thing I’d ever heard in my life.

Here I am all these years later and I still remember it, so it was obviously a good joke.

And it goes to show you that bad haircuts are something to be avoided at all costs…unless you want to be humiliated in front of your peers. And no one wants that, right?

Here are some folks who definitely didn’t take that advice to heart…

1. I’m very sorry…

And that goes for both of you.

I don’t even have a joke to make for these from Justfuckmyshitup

2. Hahaha. This is amazing!

Like two peas in a pod.

Give me the reverse dad from Justfuckmyshitup

3. I’d say you nailed it, buddy.

We tip our hats to you!

My 10th grade year book picture from Justfuckmyshitup

4. I think the whole world knows now.

Be careful, we don’t want you to float away.

How do I let everyone to know I have dreads? from Justfuckmyshitup

5. This is quite bizarre.

And he agreed to this? You’re sure about that?

I like any haircut that makes an ear the central area of focus from Justfuckmyshitup

6. This looks totally natural.

It just flows together so well…

She blended them in well. from Justfuckmyshitup

7. What’s up, Eraserhead?

I wonder if this helps or hurt her at the polls.

Russian politician Valentina Petrenko from Justfuckmyshitup

8. I can’t believe that this is real.

This is totally unbelievable! I love it!

Just give me that Microphone head from Justfuckmyshitup

9. Good Lord, what is going on here?

I’m scared…

I’m struggling to find the words to describe how awful this looks. from Justfuckmyshitup

10. This guy is KILLING IT.

I really hope that’s his sister, because if this guy is doing well with the ladies, my life is over.

The combover to end all combovers. from Justfuckmyshitup

11. And here’s one more for good measure.

This man is on another level. Bravo!

I bet it’s enchanting to watch him talk. from Justfuckmyshitup

Well, that certainly was…interesting…

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some photos of ridiculous haircuts that you’ve seen before…maybe one of them even happened to you…


The post These People Committed Unforgivable Crimes Against Hairstyles appeared first on UberFacts.

Mr. Incredibeard Takes His Crazy Beards to the Next Level

This is some next-level sh*t that you’re about to lay your eyes on…

I know that “beard culture” is really popular, but a fella who calls himself “Mr. Incredibeard” stands head, shoulders, and whiskers above the rest.

His facial hair is large and in charge and he’s able to twist, bend, and transform his epic beard into things I didn’t even know were possible.

The man is truly a pioneer…and these pictures prove it!

Are you ready to see some things you never thought you’d see before? And that you, frankly, won’t be able to UNSEE?

Let’s take a look!

1. I don’t even know what to call this thing.

It’s actually kind of disturbing…

2. God Bless America!

Do it for your country, Mr. Incredibeard!

3. Looks like some kind of torture device.

Okay, I’ll talk, I’ll talk!

4. Are you ready for some football!

This is totally crazy.

5. A man and his (beard) pipe.

You have to admit that this guy is pretty good…

6. It was a bountiful harvest.

Family, gather ’round…

7. He’s transformed into a wild animal.

Isn’t this kind of insane?!?!

8. I can’t wait for the Olympics!

And neither can he, apparently.

9. Trapped in a beard cage.

Will he find a way out?

10. Care for a spot of tea.

That’s…kind of disturbing…

11. What’s your favorite dinosaur?

I bet this work of art took a while.

How about you, huh?

Do you have an impressive beard that you’re really proud of? I mean… not as impressive as THIS guy… but do you?!?

If so, please share some photos with us in the comments!

The post Mr. Incredibeard Takes His Crazy Beards to the Next Level appeared first on UberFacts.

Hair Fails That Will Definitely Make You Cringe

If you happen to get a bad haircut…no one will ever forget.

Your friends won’t forget and neither will your family members. That epic mistake will follow you around for the rest of your life like a scar on your forehead.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, tread very carefully the next time you’re trying to decide on a new haircut because it might impact your life in a very negative way.

Or you might end up like some of these folks…let’s take a look.

1. She finally came to her senses.

Yeah, that wasn’t a good look for her.

this picture made me scream what the fuck from Justfuckmyshitup

2. Taking after his father.

That is WILD.

Give me that future white collar criminal from Justfuckmyshitup

3. Well, at least it’s original.

But I’m not sure who would actually do this to themselves.

the straw is the icing on the cake from Justfuckmyshitup

4. Your wish has been granted.

But it’s totally worth it.

I want to die a virgin. Say no more from Justfuckmyshitup

5. This is absolutely horrific.

Looks like a mental patient got ahold of some clippers.

What happens when you actually speak to the manager from Justfuckmyshitup

6. This kid is living in Hell.

I bet he really doesn’t like his Mom right now.

I hate seeing kids getting forced into having their hair cut. He clearly doesnt like this from Justfuckmyshitup

7. I think I’m gonna be sick.

It just looks so…slimy…

Gimme that straw basket look from Justfuckmyshitup

8. Might’ve overdone it just a bit.

It’ll grow back…at some point.

When you ask for a line but the barber gives you an entire highway from Justfuckmyshitup

9. Someone made a terrible mistake.

You might want to wear a hat for a few months.

This is a sponsored ad, wow what a fringe from Justfuckmyshitup

10. Not flattering at all.

What were you thinking, dude?

The helmet from Justfuckmyshitup

11. Well, at least you stood out.

But maybe not in a good way…

Back to 1979 and 1980 from Justfuckmyshitup

12. I actually LOVE this guy.

You don’t see genuine mullets too much anymore.

Found this from Justfuckmyshitup

Yikes…not good, people…

Now we want to hear from you.

Have you ever had a really terrible haircut?

If so, please share some pics with us in the comments and tell us all about it!

The post Hair Fails That Will Definitely Make You Cringe appeared first on UberFacts.

These People Should All Fire Their Barbers

Getting a terrible haircut is a major bummer. You paid good money for that hairstylist to work their magic and they just leave you with an embarrassing abomination on your head.

The people in these photos know exactly what I’m talking about.

Let’s look at the evidence…and remember to keep these people in your thoughts.

1. Let’s start it off with a banger.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Sir, are you from the future?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. An interesting choice.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. Even she knows the truth.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. You outdid yourself this time.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. Can we talk about this?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. Poor kid never had a chance.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. Curls for days.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. The handprint combover.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. A fascinating piece of work.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Maybe my favorite of all time.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. Cool shirt, too.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. The “Skullet”.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

14. A whole convention of them.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

15. WTF is this?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

16. Ma’am, you have a poodle on your head.

I can’t see any more! I had to look away!

Have you had a really bad haircut recently that you documented with some photos?

Well, don’t be shy! Share those beauties so we can all laugh together!

The post These People Should All Fire Their Barbers appeared first on UberFacts.