People Talk About What They Thought Was Really Expensive or Cheap When They Were Kids

When I was young, there was a family in our small town and they drove a convertible…

And I thought they were THE SHIT.

Who actually OWNS a convertible, I used to think to myself. I believed they lived in a mansion, went to country clubs, and probably had maids and butlers.

Looking back on it years later, I think it was actually kind of a middle-of-the-road car (I can’t remember what kind, exactly). The point is that when you’re a kid, you have little or no concept of money and what things really cost.

But it always makes for hilarious stories later on!

Let’s dig into some stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. The good stuff.

“Always had sparkling grape juice as kids but only for New Years.

Seemed like such a lavish bottle. They’re cheap as hell… but only having it that often made it feel so special.”

2. She loves it!

“It never occurred to me that some food was more expensive than other food. I 100% thought my mom made spaghetti all the time because it was her favorite.

I was much older when I realized it was because it would feed a lot of people very cheap.”

3. Three flavors.

“I always thought Neopolitan ice cream must’ve been the apex of ice cream decadence and expense because you got not 1, not 2, but THREE flavors in one tub!”

4. Well, it turns out…

“Food colouring and fondant icing for baking. Thought it was sooo expensive and that’s why only fancy cakes used them.

Turns out they cost like £1 each.”

5. A painful lesson.

“The dentist.

Didn’t think I’d be in debt from getting teeth fixed.

My husband and I are having to take turns with the dentist this year. He needs more work so I’m going to let him go first once things open up, because we can’t afford for us both to go.

Luckily I just a need a few fillings, he needs a root can*l and a crown.

He had a bunch of work done last year too. I don’t even know why we have dental insurance if it covers so little.”

6. Costs a fortune.


Honestly I didn’t really have a guess on how much a ticket was but we got to go every couple of years so I figured it was no big deal.”

7. Getting fancy.

“Going out to anything other than fast food was an expensive night out.

Even Applebees.”

8. You must be loaded.

“Disney movies.

I grew up poor and my dad would always get the forgettable off brand versions of popular cartoon movies. Instead of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, for example, I’d get to see The Secret of the Hunchback. Lots and lots of that.

When I saw a kid who owned a REAL Disney movie on VHS I assumed they were very rich. I didn’t realize you could buy several in one month and not have to declare bankruptcy even without being rich.”

9. It adds up.


Never thought of them being valuable.

Guess what, if you have someone make them fit your place they cost a fortune.”

10. Don’t throw those away.

“Those self-stick bows you put on gifts.

I used to think they were super expensive because everyone in my family used them over and over. We had a few that we used so much, they were recognizable. We had a few “fancy” ones. Wrapping paper too!

Based on how careful my family was about not tearing it and how my grandmother would fold it, I figured it must be really expensive…yeah, both are super cheap.”

11. Everybody’s doing it.


My oldest brother and all his friends went to college, never mentioning the expense.

As a kid, I thought it must be cheap because “all the guys are doing it.””

12. We’re staying in tonight…

“Going out to eat.

I think I thought it cost like $10-20 or something. I never understood why we didn’t go to more restaurants when I was a kid. Thought my mom was just cheap.

Turns out feeding a family of five at mediocre restaurant can easily cost over $100.00 if people get drinks, appetizers, and dessert.”

13. My life is over!

“I stood on our toilet seat and broke it when I was around 10. I was so upset thinking that it was the biggest mistake of my life and would cost my parents so much money.

I replaced my toilet seat last week and it cost me $6.”

14. Only for the very wealthy…


Such an extravagance! Once a year only, for your birthday party – and even then you get just one each. Be careful, don’t pop it!

I prized that thing – it provided entertainment for days.

You can buy 100 for a fiver.”

15. Moms do that kind of stuff.

“Always thought clothing was cheap.

Wasn’t until I was in college that I realized I always had new clothing because my mom never bought anything for herself for life 15 years.”

16. That’s all I’ll need!

“Ten dollars is a lot of money for a kid.

I thought I could run off to California, pay for the flight, food, and downpayment for a celebrity mansion with ten dollars.”

I don’t know why, but I got a HUGE kick out of those responses.

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, please share the things that you wrongly thought were really expensive or really cheap when you were a kid!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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A Collection of the Best 1990s Memes

Growing up in the 1990s didn’t make us special. I’m not mad at these “damn kids today” because they don’t know what dial-up is. I’m thrilled for them. It was horrible. Nobody deserves that.

Nevertheless, it hits some sweet, sweet spot in the brain to let memes transport us back to a time in our history that seems to have been curated entirely by that orange Nickelodeon blob guy.

I wonder what he’s up to. I hope he’s found work. Let’s reminisce with some 90’s memes in his honor.

15. I didn’t even have cable, so even this felt like luxury

14. Nobody ever bought these, they just sort of appeared

13. Seeing this meme is how I learned there’s a Rugrats reboot coming

12. The higher the hair the closer to God

11. This was broken 10 minutes in

10. Back when things were “on” at a “certain time”

9. Give your little brother the bad controller

8. I had two sisters and these were scattered everywhere

7. My heart literally just skipped a beat

6. Then DVDs came along and you’d end up returning them because “they had the black bars”

5. I mean, the world was slightly less on fire

4. It’s impossible to explain now why we thought these would be valuable


2. Bottom right still gives me anxiety

1. Who could forget “tent pants”

Well, realizing how long ago all of this happened makes me think I should probably go join AARP.

While I’m gone, tell me in the comments what your favorite distinctly 90’s thing was.

The post A Collection of the Best 1990s Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes to Celebrate the Joys of Adulting

When I grew up, I thought I was going to be rich and famous. But it doesn’t usually work like that.

Being an adult can be really liberating, but it can also find new and hilarious ways to disappoint you.

Let’s look at some of those ways now, in the form of memes. Naturally.

14. You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone

13. Time’s gonna move fast

12. You do make the rules

11. You gotta stay wild

10. You gotta look on the bright side

9. Nobody cares about your BFA

8. The internet is forever

7. You’ll get nostalgic

6. Coffee isn’t always the answer

5. You have to do it EVERY YEAR

4. Laundry doesn’t do itself

3. You gotta set realistic goals

2. It’s hard to keep up

1. You work for beans

What’s the most bittersweet thing about adulthood in your opinion? Or the most adulting moment you’ve had in the past year?

Tell us in the comments!

Then go do your taxes, slacker.

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Tweets That Prove Being an Adult Is Totally Bogus

Being an adult really isn’t that much fun. I hate to break it to you young folks out there, but it’s the truth.

The bills pile up, your back starts to hurt, your hair falls out…what’s the deal?

I think the people behind these tweets probably agree with what I’m saying…

1. I can’t deal with this right now.

2. Now I get it…

3. Well, that’s depressing.

4. Maybe they have a life coach?

5. I’ve been up for hours.

6. Get me out of here.

7. Now what do I do?

8. Me, too, brother.

9. What were you thinking?!?!

10. I’ll get right back to you.

11. Aren’t we all…?

12. That’s a lot of stuff.

13. Might as well.

14. Thanks a lot, ouija board…

15. Funny how things change, isn’t it?

How’s the adult life treating you?

Tell us all about it in the comments. We’re here to listen, friends…

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People Share Ridiculous Things That Scared Them When They Were Children

For a lot of us, childhood is full of fear and uncertainty.

We think monsters are lurking around every corner and that the world is a very unsafe place…which is kind of true, but as kids we have a lot of irrational fears as well.

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane.

AskReddit users shared their interesting childhood stories.

1. That is pretty weird…

“I used to have this repeating dream that scared me to death. I was always in a skyscraper made of windows, and a giant toddler would walk through the street. If the toddler saw you, you died. Weird fucking dream, but I dreamt it repeatedly for years.”

2. My mom used to tell me this, too.

“Escalators. My mother told me that they will catch my shoestring or pants hem and pull me down and cut me into shreds. I still think if that every time I step on one.”

3. Stay away from drains.

“Drains. Showers and tubs and pools. Especially unfamiliar ones.”

4. Beware of gators.

“I thought an alligator would climb up the wall of our house like a lizard and come through my window and eat me in my sleep.

I lived in Mumbai. We dont have alligators anywhere. Also, they can’t do that.”

5. The stuff that nightmares are made of.

“Willy Wonka.”

6. Ghost dust.


Uncle told me it was left by ghosts.”

7. That’ll scare the hell out of you.

“The windows XP startup and shutdown noise.”

8. A lot of fears.

“Rats, snakes, roaches, etc climbing up the pipe to the toilet and biting my ass.

My grandma’s cocker spaniel jumping on me and knocking me over. He just wanted to lick me and was excited, it turns out.

Other people driving. This one is weird because I trusted absolutely nobody but my mom—if it was anyone else, ie her friends, babysitters, or even my dad, I was absolutely convinced I was going to die.”

9. Not as uncommon as you might think…

“Ceiling fans.

Bro, same. My sister convinced me they would detach and fly across the room. Didn’t help that the fans made weird noises at high speed.”

10. Clapping can be dangerous.

“If I clapped my hands above my head, the nightmares would start. If I clapped them up there again, they would stop. (This didn’t actually happen; it was what I was afraid of.)

Consequently, I had to make sure I only ever clapped my hands above my head an even number of times. If I accidentally clapped them, I had to clap them again.”

11. Scared of balls.

“Balls. Literally any round object was fucking terrifying to me apparently. According to my mom, if she wanted me in a room but didn’t want me to go anywhere, she’d put a ~hand sized red ball in the exit. I was apparently too scared to even go to that side of the room.”

12. The orange glow.

“On a trip to London as a ten-year-old, I woke in the small hours of the morning due to jet lag and was horrified to see an orange glow outside the windows.

I convinced myself that a nuclear explosion had occurred and somehow I had managed to sleep through it.

Nothing happened for an eternity of terror.

So I mustered the courage; I slid out of bed and crawled across the floor, to peep over the window sill and look out on the devastation, the city burning

The street lights were orange, for fog. They don’t have them where I’m from.”

13. Run for it!

“As a child, I used to be scared of the 20th Century Fox themesong. I would run out of the room screaming each time it would come on before or after a movie.”

14. That is kind of creepy…

“The live action Grinch scared my brother when he was a toddler. If he didn’t go to bed on time my parents would threaten him with the VCR tape of it & he would race to bed.”

15. Hyperactive child.

“I was a very hyperactive child, I use to eat and walk around the house and mess it all up, once my grandma told me that if I will keep eating while I’m standing all the food will go down to my legs and feet and they will become so fat I wouldn’t be able to wear shoes anymore.

I stop eating and walking until today.”

Those are pretty darn funny, if I do say so myself.

What were the things that scared you as a kid? Share your memories with us in the comments!

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A School’s “Adulting” Class Teaches Students Skills Like Paying Bills and Cooking

I wish my school had offered classes like this when I was younger. Not that I wasn’t taught essential life skills by my parents and siblings, but I just feel like it would have been worthwhile to spend more time on things like how to open a bank account in high school than certain other topics I could mention (trigonometry, anyone?).

One high school in Kentucky makes a point of teaching students basic life skills so they’ll be better prepared when they go out into the real world. At Bullitt Central High School in Shepherdsville, students were offered the chance to attend a one-day conference at the school that taught them how to do things like change a tire, pay taxes, and how to cook.

Today the YSC held an “Adulting Conference” for our Seniors. The Seniors were able to choose 3 of 11 workshops to…

Posted by Bullitt Central High School on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The conference offered 11 different workshops throughout the day, of which students were allowed to choose 3 “to gain more knowledge and skills pertaining to their lives once they leave…BCHS.” The workshops were set up after students realized that they weren’t always leaving high school with a firm grasp on important skills that would benefit them later in life.

The woman who organized the event, Christy Hardin , said:

“I think that the idea occurred to me originally, I saw a Facebook post that parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes, and cooking. Our kids can get that, but they have to choose it. And (Adulting Day) was a day they could pick and choose pieces they didn’t feel like they had gotten so far.”

I think this is a great idea, although I would also like to point out that a lot of high school used to offer Home Economics courses that have since been cut for various reasons, and that those classes filled this sort of niche. So we’re kind of fixing a problem that used to have a solution until we got rid of the solution…

Let us know what you think in the comments.

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This Mom Is Frustrated with School Photographers Offering to Photoshop Kids

Picture day at school is a tradition dating back to, well, probably since there were cameras and schools. Part of the charm for parents is getting a yearly photograph that reminds you of exactly what your child looks like from year-to-year.

The good, the bad, and the ugly, because we all go through those phases, my friends.

But now, with technology and everything, school photographers are offering to make your kid look like his or her best – but not necessarily true – self.

One mom, though, isn’t having it.

What 8-year-old, Sam Walker asks, needs to be concerned about their tooth or skin color in a picture they didn’t want to take, anyway?

She spoke with Metro US to further explain her outrage.

“When you have a child who has some issues and so to suggest we can wipe that away you can look like everyone else is incredibly dangerous and very sad.”

Other parents, some of whom have children with skin conditions, agreed with her.

The photographer in question hasn’t commented, though we can all assume that they offer those additional services because some extra mom somewhere requested them.

That said, let’s all agree that kids are kids, and kid’s photos should come complete with some form of this mom’s checklist:

Please. Kids have so little that’s pure – let them have the terrible images that will show up on their wedding video one day, I’m begging you.

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These Amusing and Depressing Tweets Pretty Much Sum up Adulthood

Think back to when you were a kid and you thought to yourself: “When I get older, I’m gonna do what I want, when I want. I’m gonna eat the best food, drive a nice car, and live in a really cool house”?

Annnnnnd then, you turn 30, you live in an apartment with some random guy named Dwayne, you’re pretty broke, you take the bus, and you just had Spaghetti-Os for the fifth night in a row.

Hey, it is what it is.

But there’s always room for improvement, so keep moving forward!

And laugh at these funny tweets about the trials and tribulations of adulting.

1. Where is this pain coming from?

2. It’s kind of scary, isn’t it?

3. Now I get it…

4. Now I’m in a good mood.

5. Put that off as long as possible.

6. I’m sorry, Mother.

7. You might need a life coach.

8. Funny how things change.

9. That’s what we do for fun now.

10. Sleeping is a lot of fun.

11. What is going on here?!?!

12. You can cancel this time.

13. Or all of the above!

14. We need to start the movie by 4 p.m.

15. Turn it down!

Buck up, little camper!

Embrace the good things about adulthood and stop dwelling on the hard stuff. We’re all gonna be juuuuuust fine.

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15 Great Coming-Of-Age Movies You Should Watch If You Want to Feel Nostalgic

Is there anything better than a good coming-of-age movie?

Actually, maybe they’re tied with horror movies in my book, but that means a heck of a lot.

I have some favorites of my own I’d like to rattle off: This Boy’s Life, Stand by Me, Heaven Help Us, Mischief, The Monster Squad to name just a few. But let’s be real – the list goes on and on.

These recommendations come to us from the Buzzfeed Community.

1. Stand by Me

“It may be an adaptation of a Stephen King novella but the movie is just beautiful. I love how those friendships shaped their lives and helped them realize what they were trying to do was actually just really sad and depressing. It’s definitely something I recommend to everyone.”

2. The Edge of Seventeen

“Watching it when I was 16/17 really helped me because how Nadine felt was exactly what I went through. Being 17 is awkward and you’re unsure of everything and you feel like the world might end. Even though I just graduated high school, I’m still going through the motions but it’s good to feel like you aren’t alone.”

3. The Way Way Back

“The Way, Way Back has it all! A great cast, great soundtrack, and the best coming-of-age story I’ve seen from a film in a long time. The main character, Duncan, is all of us as awkward teenagers and we get to see him come into his own in the most realistic way — AKA without a major character death or similarly scarring event.”

4. Now and Then

“I’ve watched Now and Then probably 20 times. It shows that everyone is going to grow up on their own path, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t be friends. It also makes me wish I grew up in a time without cellphones and internet.”

5. Love, Simon

“It forever holds a special place in my heart and helped me see it was OK to be me.”

6. Lady Bird

“It makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you want to call your mom. I’ve never felt more represented by any character than I did by Lady Bird. This movie literally changed my life.”

7. Akeelah and the Bee

“It’s about an 11-year-old girl in South LA who dreams of making it the National Spelling Bee despite her mom’s objections.”

8. Tall Girl

“I relate because I’m really tall and I feel lonely a lot.”

9. The Man in the Moon

“It stars a 14-year-old Reese Witherspoon and it’s a beautiful coming-of-age film set in rural Louisiana in the ’50s, and the locations used and score are gorgeous. Plus the movie itself is heartbreaking.”

10. Dirty Dancing

“I wanted to be Baby so bad, I had my mom buy me white Keds and perm my hair. I know every single line from that movie. The resort where the film is set has Dirty Dancing weekends, I think I gotta find my Johnny and go.”

11. Kids

“It’s a super dark and dramatically depressing story about tweens growing up in a New York suburb. The lesson at the end is so powerful it just makes you break down and cry. It’s hard to watch some stuff, but it’s truly what happens in places like that and everywhere for that matter.”

12. Mermaids

“Winona Ryder as Charlotte, an awkward teenage girl growing up in the ’60s, shares the perfect coming-of-age story. Her inner dialogue is GOLD. Cher plays her glamorous eccentric mother and young Christina Ricci is so cute as her little sister. So classic.”

13. My Girl

“My mom will tell you when I was a little girl and home sick from school for a few days, I would watch it, rewind it, and watch it all over again! She said I would repeat the words.”

14. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is another John Hughes masterpiece that shows that sometimes you just need to have fun, otherwise you could miss the best things in life.”

15. The Sandlot

“I grew up watching The Sandlot. Now my sons are growing up watching The Sandlot! It’s heartfelt without being sappy. It’s timeless and funny. It’s just always a winner!”

Great stuff right there!

Share your own favorites in the comments!

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Michael Buble’s Song ‘Forever Now’ Is About Kids Growing up and Parents Are Emotional About It

Beyond the bottle feedings and weekend soccer games, the unconditional love parents feel grows deeper by the minute. From the time your baby is born, your bond never stops expanding, even after they go off to college.

Michael Buble put all that into words with his new song “Forever, Now” and I’ll tell ya, it gave me all the watery eyes.

I’m not a mom, but I watch my friends raise their children and my heart swells. It’s no easy feat but what’s incredible is that everlasting love.

With lyrics such as these how can you not cry!

I tuck you in at night

Another day has passed

Every week goes by a little faster than the last

It wasn’t so long ago

We walked together and you held my hand

And now you’re getting too big to want to

But I hope you’ll always understand

Within a few lines, Buble has literally managed to span time from a baby to a grown adult, all through a parent’s eyes. OMG, please pass the tissues!

In an interview with Magic Radio, Buble admits that when he wrote it he never meant to make it personal, but after recording the demo it truly was. He also feels he’ll never perform it live.

“I did a vocal demo…and the truth is I never sang it again. And to this day I’d never sang it again…I’m not ready to handle it yet.”

Michael Bublé on his song 'Forever Now' | Magic Radio

For his new album Love, Michael Bublé wrote a song that he'll never be able to perform again.

Posted by Magic Radio on Saturday, September 29, 2018

Even the crooner heart-throb is affected by his own music! This makes me love him even more. Oh, and for all you parents of fur-babies? Yeah, he mentioned that you are parents too with a deep love for your pets. Gah! Does he get any better?

Whether you just had a child, are seeing one off to college, or they are having children of their own, grab the tissues and enjoy this beautiful song. Thanks, Buble!

Hopefully this video filled your heart and gave you tears of joy! I think Buble is out to keep Kleenex in business.

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