In the U.S., there are 1.5 times more Google searches for “heaven” than “hell.”
The current CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, is the woman who rented her garage…
The current CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, is the woman who rented her garage to Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998 when they were creating Google.
Google hired a camel to map a desert for…
Google hired a camel to map a desert for Google Street View.
In 2013, Google bought the GPS app “Waze” which resulted in each of…
In 2013, Google bought the GPS app “Waze” which resulted in each of the 100 employees receiving an average of $1.2 million.
When Gmail was introduced with an unbelievable 1GB free storage in 2004…
When Gmail was introduced with an unbelievable 1GB free storage in 2004, Hotmail only offered 2MB. Google announced Gmail on April 1st, and wrote a punny and unprofessional press release, tricking many into thinking it was an April’s fool joke.
Recently some folks at the New York Public Library discovered a box…
Recently some folks at the New York Public Library discovered a box containing old reference questions from the 1940s to 1980s. They’re posting the questions to their Instagram account, noting, “we were Google before Google existed.”
In 1999, Google was almost sold for $750,000 because…
In 1999, Google was almost sold for $750,000 because the founders needed more time to study their schoolwork.
Google founded Calico, an anti-ageing company…
Google founded Calico, an anti-ageing company designed to ultimately cure death.
In 2010, when Google replaced their logo with playable…
In 2010, when Google replaced their logo with playable Pacman, users spent an extra 36 seconds on the page. Assuming this time was wasted, it resulted in a $120M loss in man hours.