It’s a time-honored winter tradition to make holiday-themed houses out of cookies and frosting. Now there’s a brand new type of cookie house that is, frankly, making gingerbread houses look very boring in comparison. The Oreo Holiday Chocolate Cookie House is here, folks, and it comes in a ready-to-use kit.
The Oreo Holiday Chocolate Cookie House kit comes with pre-baked chocolate cookie pieces, pre-made icing, and of course, plenty of miniature Oreo cookies. There are also some fruity gummies and candy jewels to decorate your house to true Christmas-y perfection (I know, it’s October, but the thing was released, and it’s AWESOME, so get over it).
Photo Credit: Nabisco
The kit is available for $10 at Big Lots, or you can buy a mini version for $6.
“Get the family together this winter for some afternoon fun!” the item’s description reads. “This kit includes everything you need to build and decorate your very own OREO holiday chocolate cookie house. Just open the box and start building!”
Gingerbread houses are great and all, but man, doesn’t an Oreo house sound amazing? It’s basically a giant house-shaped Oreo. What’s not to love?
Shoppers have also spotted the kits at select CVS stores. Christmas is still many weeks away, so hopefully as the holiday gets sooner, these kits will start popping up at more locations.
Traditional gingerbread houses aren’t always the tastiest, especially once they’ve been sitting out for days. But an Oreo house? Probably won’t remain uneaten for long.
The post Good News! You Can Build a ‘Gingerbread’ House out of Oreo Cookies! appeared first on UberFacts.