Procrastinators Share Their Go-To Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

The holiday season can be a hectic time for just about everyone. There’s a lot of pressure to get the right gift for every single one of your loved ones.

Sometimes, we procrastinate our shopping until the 11th hour and we’re stuck with whatever is left on the bare and picked over shelves at the store. Or maybe you wanted to do some online shopping and realized it wasn’t going to be delivered in time.

There’s so much stress around Christmas gifting that one study showed it could even cause a heart attack.

When it comes to procrastinating Christmas gifts, this list might be your saving grace.

We went to AskReddit to see what procrastinators go-to Christmas gifts are so we could take a little stress out of your holiday season.

Redditor johnsanny wanted to know:

“It’s 48 Hours Before Christmas and You Realize You Haven’t Bought Anyone Anything. What is Your Go-To Last Minute Gift?”

With two days left, now’s the time to get yourself in gear.

You’ll just know.

“That’s definitely a ‘go to target and walk around until I see it, and I won’t know it till I see it’ kind of thing.” – Raze321

“That’s how I ended up giving my dad a coffee mug that looks like a toilet.” – SirVelocifaptor

“Yes!! I go into target and let target take a hold of me. It’s really a spiritual experience having target do my Christmas shopping for me.” – rufusmaru

“I don’t wander around Target without a list anymore because when I wait for Target to tell me what I need, my bank account suffers. Do I need new towels? No, but I do now. Maybe my family member will like this gift I found? Oh and this other one too? Might as well get both. RIP budget.” – EponaShadowfax

“As an employee of Target it is deeply enjoyable to notice people ‘see’ the thing.” – predoucheous

Try TJ Maxx too.

“If we’re talking non-money gifts you know what’s a great go to? TJ Maxx. They are just a hodge podge of random stuff and they have bailed me out so much when it comes to gift giving because with all the things they have you are bound to find something for everyone.” – PM_ME_HEALTH_TIPS

“This or their sister stores, Marshalls and HomeGoods, and their slightly lower end competition, Ross and Burlington. Always hard to leave those stores without buying something.” – CumboxMold

“Barnes and Noble has also successfully pivioted to be a store full of junky stuff. Probably the best toy selection now that Toys AR Us screwed the pooch.” – huxrules

The softest blankets around.

“Those soft-ass blankets you find in any store around Christmas time. And then I buy one more for me. Every goddamn year.” – guardrevenant

“I’m going to be real with you. I bought myself one of those last year. Then my mom and dad commented about how soft they were. Great, I’ll buy them each one too. But then our new kitten at the time wouldn’t stop stealing my blanket to suckle and knead on because I guess he liked how it felt, well alright I’ll buy one for the little dude. Open up the site to find out there’s only 5 blanket patterns, 3 of which I already have now between me and my parents. Alright, well, if I get the cat one that’s 4/5 patterns. The last pattern is cheaper anyway…”

“And that’s how I spent $150 on 5 blankets last Christmas.” – IUsedAFarcaster

“About 4 years ago, my wife ordered something from Nordstrom, and somehow they accidentally delivered an entire box of these super soft throw blankets to us, there was about 40 of them in there, not cheap either, they had a retail price of 60 bucks each.”

“We called them, and they could not find any record of them sending these to us, there was no record of these blankets in their system, so they told us to keep them since they could not process a return. We tried to explain that we never ordered them, they just came to our address. Basically, since it wasn’t in their system that they ever shipped them to us, they wanted nothing to do with them.”

“So now we had a box of 40 of these sweet blankets. We kept about 5 of them for around our house, and now they’ve become the default ‘I don’t know what to get this person’ gift. Everyone we’ve given them to has literally loved them. I think we are now down to about 10 left.” – Redditor

Liquor and Legos.

“Liquor for the grownups, Legos for the kids, Duplos for the little kids.” – jimmyjohnjohnjohn

“Legos for the grownups.” – sonicbillymays

“Or for my family, legos for everyone. Seriously, I’ve bought legos for almost everyone this year.” – icepyrox

Alcohol and poetry.

“Cash, candy, and/or alcohol.”

“I wanted to write everyone at work a personalized haiku, I think I’m going to give them mini-alcohol bottles instead.” – 099uyx

“Haikus are cheaper/ You know all you have to do/ Is write three small lines.” – foxfay

“Would write a haiku/ Oh well, I dont know how to/ Have some alcohol.” – KeepCalmJeepOn

Or really just alcohol.

“I’ve done this. Wrapped an unopened bottle from the bar, stuffed it under the tree.” – sobriety_kinda_sucks

“Wine, liquor, or beer?” – elee0228

“Whatever they prefer. Like my mom would get pink moscato, my dad would get crown xo, and my brother likes to try craft beers from local breweries. That probably makes me sound pretentious, but they are so particular about their alcohol and if I bought them anything else I know it would be regifted or not even used.” – magmurray

Gift cards.

“Here is what I do every year.”

“I go buy gift certificates for my favorite restaurants, and gift cards from Best Buy. I then put them in Christmas cards with no name on them.”

“I keep some in the house and some in my car.”

“If someone gives me a gift, I say “Wait a minute, I have something for you too” and go get the card. I quickly write their name on it and hand it to them.”

“Its worked out perfectly for me for years. I give everyone that gives me something, and if I end up with extra gift certificates or gift cards, I just use them on myself.” – joecooool418

“A stack of Starbucks cards works well also.” – ac7ss

“Amazon, Target and Chick fil A are my stash.” – happygamerwife

“I do this with Lush or Sephora gift sets, because it’s always women who ‘get you a little something’ so I stash one or two I know I’ll like in my closet and then if I don’t give them away I either use them on myself or save them for birthdays.” – jacquelynjoy

Just lie.

“My last minute gift is saying I ordered something online but the shipping was late.” – Someone_browsing_tru

“My ex GF did this, but then she sent me a shipping update and it had the date and time of order on it. Christmas eve, about an hour before I arrived. In her defense, it was a bad-a** gift!” – johnn11238

“Better than when my mom grabs gifts so early in the year she then loses them. ‘I have your gift, its somewhere in the house, but I can’t find it. It’ll turn up eventually.’”

“I found Oblivion Shivering Isles in a closet 3 months after Christmas… Good job mom.” – Rayne37

Plus, you can always blame shipping delays on COVID these days.

What’s in the house?

“Check the regifting shelf in the linen closet and see if something can be disposed off. Else cash in an envelope.” – Fickle_Holiday

“If you give the world’s most uninteresting gift to someone in an extended family of regifters, could the gift go generations without ever being opened beyond tearing the wrapping paper? The last person in the chain would circle it around the Goodwill drain as a donation 10 years later, still unopened.” – Redditor

“My mom had an experience like this, it went on for about 11 years! Someone at the office bought this “super cute” door Santa, like you would hang on the front door during Christmas time? Ya it was anything but cute… had a body of pine cones and the creepiest Santa head I’ve ever had the displeasure of witnessing. It was dubbed ‘Creepy Santa.’”

“The gifter left the company shortly after, and sure enough he made an appearance the next holiday gift exchange and for every year for the next decade! He made his way back to my house a couple times, and was used as a threat when we misbehaved… ‘Don’t make he hang Creepy Santa on the tree!!’ It was surprisingly effective.”

“It eventually found a forever home in the hands of a new hire who wasn’t around to get the joke, but she loved it so props to her.” – Shiftyy

An experience.

“Buy tickets online for a upcoming play, dinner & show, concert, game, etc. Print out page of ticket confirmation and put it in a nice Christmas card envelope. It’s an awesome gift because people tend to love it more than clothing or other junk you usually give. And if your parents are like mine, they barely take the initiative to go to these type of events themselves or don’t even know about them. Experience>material goods.” – Yoinkie2013

“Risky unless you know what peoples schedules are.” – Ferahgost

“I do it for my parents every year because they are impossible to shop for and never book these things for themselves. Book it 2 months out on a weekend with refund, date change or cancellation guarantees.” – Yoinkie2013

Hopefully, this gave some of you a spark of inspiration in your time of desperation.

There’s still enough time to get those last minute gifts!

But maybe the best gift of all is the time spent together? I guess we’ll just have to find out.

What Was the Worst Birthday Gift You Ever Received? Here’s What People Said.

What are you supposed to do when you get a really, really bad birthday present?

Do you grin and bear it? Do you cry? Do you throw a hissy fit because you didn’t get what you wanted?

I think the best thing to do when you get an awful gift is just to smile, say “thank you!”, and then throw that item in the dumpster as soon as that person leaves your house.

It’s as easy as that!

AskReddit users open up about the worst birthday gifts people ever gave them.

1. Do you like it?

“My own scarf.

Yes, that’s right, my mother went into my room took my only scarf, wrapped it and gave it to me like it was a new scarf.”

2. I think it was used…

“My grandma got me a hairbrush with a plastic horse head handle.

The horse head was all chipped up and there was hair in the brush.”

3. Hmmm…

“A pair of homemade custom pajamas.

Only problem was that they weren’t made yet. It was just the fabric and a promise to make them for me.

I had to give the fabric back and I never got the pajamas.”

4. This again?

“My grandparents have been gifting me (and my brother) the same set of three vice grips for almost 10 years.

Collectively we have 60 vice grips. I don’t know if they bought a pallet of them, or where they are coming from.


5. This is awful.

“Thought I was getting a bike for my 15th birthday but my foster parents announced that they were sending me to a group home after living with them for 11 years.


6. What am I supposed to do with this?

“An ex-boyfriend hyped up my birthday gift for days, so I was pumped.

On my birthday, he presented me with a small, flat box. Inside was a passport. His passport. That’s it. Just his passport.

No tickets for a trip, no promises of a trip once we saved up together.

He literally just gifted me his passport.

I’m still baffled.”

7. Uh oh.

“My dad accidentally revealing that him and my mom were separating.

He was on a bender and didnt realize he was texting me and not my mom.

Happy 18th to me.”

8. Not a good sign.

“My ex celebrated my first birthday that we were together by completely ignoring it altogether the day after going all out for her friend’s birthday the day before.

She offered me a leftover piece of the birthday cake she got for her friend, but still never said “happy birthday”. That should have been my signal to run because it never got any better.”


“I got a credit card for my 18th birthday and told not to use it because it wasn’t “active yet”.

When I landed my first real corporate job at 2 years old the company ran a credit report on me and found out I had $350K line opened.

Turns out my father had tricked me into signing a co-mortgage, and not credit card paperwork on my 18th bday.

I received Debt on my 18th bday.”

10. Total disaster.

“Husband forgot my birthday, took the day off when he remembered (I was working from home), went to buy something and took maybe ten minutes tops in the store.

Bought roses from the grocery store while he was there buying himself cigarettes. He came home with a DVD box set he’d been dying to watch, and the new CD from a band I’d not only lost interest in but had been saying I’d lost interest in for ages. Not that he let me listen to CDs anyway, since he hated my taste in music.

Then he spent the rest of the day celebrating the birthday of his online friend while I was working from home. They’re married now.”

11. Here you go!

“A used DVD of The Notebook after I explicitly told the person that I had no intention of watching it.

Bonus: it was my step mom who gave it to me. From her and my dad’s DVD collection…that was in our living room and I could have grabbed at anytime to watch.”

12. Thanks?

“One year my husband got me a bag with stuff from the $1 store. Not even stuff I would want.

Like a notebook and a coupon organizer and a few other things. Maybe $5 of junk.

We had no money troubles that would prevent him from getting me a present.”

13. You must have been thrilled.

“This year my mother in law went through the effort of intricately wrapping a box of Ziploc bags for my birthday…. For Christmas it was a box of trash bags.

I’m so confused how I ended up as the guy who gets small boxes of bags as gifts. It almost feels offensive.”

14. You want to do this NOW?

“My mother in law showed up and said “get ready, I booked you for glamour shots in an hour.”

A few weeks after having a baby. I declined. I think she always hated me after that but felt like she hated me at the time.”

15. I don’t want this!

“In high school I got really into learning guitar.

All I had at the time was a beat-up acoustic. My birthday came around, and a wrapped present – a fairly large box – appeared in my parent’s living room. For some reason I became convinced: it was an amp! My parents must’ve gotten me an electric guitar!

They didn’t. It was a blender.”

Now we want to hear from you.

What’s the absolute WORST birthday gift you’ve ever received?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

The post What Was the Worst Birthday Gift You Ever Received? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Gifts That They Think Last a Lifetime

When looking for a present for a friend or a family member, it’s important to try to find something that will last a long time…or hopefully even a lifetime.

But that can be tough, right?

Luckily for us, a whole bunch of people weighed in online about gifts that they think will last a lifetime, so keep these in mind next time you’re looking for a gift for your loved ones.

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. A good knife.

“A really good knife. Shun or Wusthof.

It’s safer to have a sharp, well-made knife. It makes cutting unimaginably easier.

200-300 dollars and you have the only knife you will ever need.”

2. Great memories.

“I keep all handwritten cards from birthday/Christmas/ any occasion gifts.

I’ve had a bunch from relatives that have passed away and I always love looking at them.”

3. A reminder.

“My best friend of 5 years (now boyfriend/baby daddy) made me a bracelet when we first started dating and I haven’t taken it off since.

Every time I see it I remember him excitedly giving it to me and tying it around my wrist, it’s hanging by a thread now and I’m gonna cry when it finally gives out.”

4. They won’t forget.

“An act of kindness toward someone.

They will always remember.”

5. Quality.


But like quality stuff, real silver or gold. I still have the jewelry from my great grandmother and my grandmother, it will last more than a lifetime if you care for it.”

6. Good idea!

“I was given a check to pay for Lasik eye surgery for Christmas.

That was probably the most amazing gift I’ve ever received, surgery is a month away!

Can’t wait, I haven’t seen clearly since I was in elementary school.”

7. Life lessons.

“Goes with “teach a man to fish.”

The gift would probably be experience or teaching someone how to do something that can help them in life.”

8. They last forever.

“A cast iron skillet.

It may oxidize, but it’s possible to clean it off and restore it. It will last more than a lifetime.”

9. A rifle.

“A good hunting rifle.

I have my father’s that was given to him by his father and it has put food on the table throughout his life and mine.

I have no sons or daughters, so, it will pass to my firstborn nephew.”

10. Memorable experiences.

“Any kind of experience, like a book, movie, videogame, or some kind of adventure.

Though if you ment something more tangible, consider a good watch, pocket knife, missing tools to an existing hobby, a good chefs knife, a cast iron skillet, Gold or platnium jewelry, A metal flask or refillable lighter (if appropriate).

Most of these things are more a matter of maintenance without becoming a white elephant kinds of thing.”

11. Travel the world.

“If you’ve got the money, travel.

Give someone the gift of travel. I always save up for this because it never feels like a waste to experience new cultures and see new places and I have the best memories of my time spent there.

Or a tree, plant a tree for someone.”

12. Photographs and memories.

“Honestly, a thoughtful photo collage.

A keepsake full of memorable photos of the two of you showing you both at that time in your lives is so beautiful.”

13. Homemade.

“A mug or an everyday object you made for him/her/them.

I made a cup for my mom when I was 7 and she still uses it.”

14. Very important.


Costs nothing, but is worth everything

Weighs nothing, but lasts a lifetime

Something one person can’t own, but two people can share.”

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what gifts you think last a lifetime.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Gifts That They Think Last a Lifetime appeared first on UberFacts.

What Gifts Last an Entire Lifetime? Here’s How People Responded.

It can be hard to pick out good gifts for friends and family members.

Will they like them? Will they HATE them? Will they use them once and toss them in the trash?

That’s why it’s important to go for longevity, people.

What gifts last a whole lifetime?

Here are some interesting answers from AskReddit users.

1. Plant a tree.

“As silly as it may sound (and it needs space): a tree.

We were given a small lemon-tree ages ago, and each year got so many good lemons.

A lemon-tree lives for about 50 years, so not necessarily a lifetime, but you get the idea ;-).”

2. Good choice.

“Cast Iron skillet.

The cast iron skillet I used to make eggs on this morning was my great grandfathers and I believe he got it some time in 1920 or so. I’m kinda old, so do the math.”

3. Simple, yet effective.

“A high quality can opener

I’ve had the same can opener for something like 25 years and it shows no signs of wear.”

4. Start peelin’!

“I was gifted a $30-35 vegetable peeler and it is light years better than any cheap peeler I’ve owned.

Peels anything easily and after a few years it is as good as new. I plan to slowly replace all the metal gadgets in my kitchen with high quality ones now.”

5. I have a very old one, too.

“I’ve had my great grand father’s dresser since I was born.

So I guess that thing has lasted 4 generations now.”

6. Be smart with that money.

“Honestly, teaching someone financial responsibility.

When I was 18, someone gifted me a class. I thought what a terrible fucking gift. I’m nearing 24 now, and never been more grateful to that person.”

7. Yes!

“If they’re a reader, a good book.

They may only read it once, but the lessons and feelings of the journey will stay with them.

If they’re not a reader, still a good book is a good choice, just try to make it one they have a strong inherent interest in from the get-go.”

8. Important.

“Debt-free education.

Was lucky to have a single mom that somehow supported me all the way through college. Cue multiple offers upon graduating, i had the power to walk away from any offer as there was no pressure to repay any loans.

It gives you the confidence to play hardball in the interview, which vastly improves your prospects.”

9. Knives out.

“A good knife.

It doesn’t matter what type of knife it is or what its intended purpose is, be it a filleting knife for fishing, a blade on an expensive high quality multi-tool, a hunting knife, a (functional) decorative knife, a high quality kitchen knife or whatever else.

A good, high quality blade – with proper care and maintenance – will last a lifetime.”

10. Learn to cook.

“Teaching someone the basics of cooking!

Teaching myself to make eggs was the first step in my culinary adventure that started when I was a kid and is still continuing today. I taught my younger siblings how to cook basics like eggs and pasta and they’ve only improved since.

My gf couldn’t even turn on the stove when we got together (super spoiled kid growing up) so when she finally learned how, the first thing I taught her was scrambled eggs. She makes full, delicious meals now.”

11. Use it wisely.

“Your time. You will never get it back, no refunds, no replenishing your “time bar”.

You spend it, it’s gone.”

12. Timepieces.

“A good watch!

Something you can pass on generation to generation.

I have my grandfather’s pocket watch. It was made in 1912.”

13. Light my fire.

“A zippo lighter.

Even for non-smokers, it’s a cool gift that has tons of uses!

Some of the most resilient things I’ve ever seen.

I’ve seen so many Vietnam-era zippos that still work it’s insane.”

14. A real gift.


You’ll never know if a simple hello can turn into a life long friendship, maybe even companionship.”

15. The most important thing.

“Love. Especially growing up with it.

It really changes the way you see the world and how you treat others. My boyfriend came from a lovely family who care for him (and I) immensely.

My family? Talk shit all the time, say rude things, and didn’t give me all that much affection. He’s confident, aware of emotions and them being valid, and lacks anxiety issues. I’m self conscious, feel guilty for showing certain emotions, and have bad anxiety issues.

Love really does impact people, and its never to late to show it.”

How about you?

What gifts do you think last a lifetime?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post What Gifts Last an Entire Lifetime? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Here Are Some Funny Jokes About White Elephant Parties

Have you been to a White Elephant party before? Or perhaps you call it a Yankee Swap or a Dirty Santa party?

They’re a lot of fun – folks bring gifts to trade, and guests have the option to “steal” gifts from other people. It can get heated, and it’s even more fun when there are totally inappropriate presents involved!

If you’ve been to these parties, these will look familiar. If not, get yourself to one this year if you can!

1. You don’t say!

2. Uh oh…

3. Not gonna make it this year.

4. Some might even call it trash.

5. Might as well.

6. Swap with the Big Boss?

7. Might turn into a free-for-all.

8. Just like The Hunger Games.

9. They always dreamed of this.

10. Conspiracy theory.

11. Could be your meal ticket.

12. Mine!

13. Trying to tell you politely…

14. I’m here to file a complaint.

15. You won 2019.

Tell us all about your holiday parties this year!

How’d they go? Any drama? Any hilarity?

We’re dying to hear from you!

The post Here Are Some Funny Jokes About White Elephant Parties appeared first on UberFacts.

5 Gifts Under $15 That Are Perfect Stocking Stuffers for This Year

(Quick note: This is a sponsored post, but we never write about stuff that we don’t love. So yes, somebody paid us to write this post, but they didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.)

Whether it’s at work, or with friends or even with family… gift exchanges are absolutely competitions. Because if you don’t think people are judging what you’ve brought to the table, well, you’re not playing the game that everybody else is playing.

So without further ado, we present 7 super useful gifts that you absolutely want to check out this gift exchange season.

#1. Bug Bite Thing

Photo Credit: Bug Bite Thing

It’s simple, it’s reusable, it works AND it’s cheap.

Four out of four!

The Bug Bite Thing is a chemical-free, kid-friendly way to alleviate the pain and itching from bug bites and stings in less than 10 minutes.

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💚We LOVE it! 💚 #bugbitething

A post shared by Bug Bite Thing (@bugbitething) on

Check out this video of how it works.

Who would have thought a simple device that used suction could be so effective?

They’re just $9.99 apiece, so click here and grab a couple today at their website or click here to pick one up on Amazon!

#2. Pooch Selfie

Just in time for the holidays comes a product that every dog lover can get behind.

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If your a fan of Color, Creativity and Character, you’ve got to follow @jennapilant. Thanks for the Cyber Monday shout out Jenna! #Repost @jennapilant ・・・ 😆 CAPTION THIS PLEASE! 😆 • I have to be honest 😬 I’ve been a terrible Thanksgiving weekend shopper . . . which will definitely make Mr. @dwpilant very HaPpY indeed 😉 I did find out HOWEVER that my absolute favorite pet accessory out there = the @poochselfie is currently discounted for CYBER MONDAY 🙌🏻 so I thought I should hop on here at let you color-loving, dog parents know that as well 🥳 it is seriously the BEST tool out there to get a great photo with your beloved dog 📸 all four of ours love it and look at the camera every time! • 🐶 DIRECT LINK IN MY IG PROFILE 🐶 • #poochselfie #cybermondaydogdeals #notsponsored #livecolorfully

A post shared by Pooch Selfie | SHARK TANK (@poochselfie) on

And this is another simple, fun idea. Put a ball on top of a phone so your best pal will look at it while you take a picture with them.

Best part? Once you’re done taking the photo, the ball comes off and you can play fetch!

The Pooch Selfie is only $9.99, and is available now on Amazon, so click here and grabs yours.

#3. Solemates Blister Blocker

Anybody getting new shoes in your family this holiday season? Then they need some products from Solemates, stat!

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RG @millenastark ・・・ 🦶🏻Do your shoes hurt your feet? Do you get blisters when wearing heels, flats, sneakers – or breaking in any new shoes? 👠👡🥿 @thesolemates all-natural balm prevents blister and protects and nourishes feet. 👣 The blister blocker has saved my life, is not greasy and does not leave you feeling as though you have any strange residue on your feet. It has moisturizing elements though, so it actually nourishes your feet while you are wearing your favorite shoes. 💋 Click the link in my bio to learn more about Solemates Blister Blocker! ✨✨ #hbtblisterblocker #hbtsp #wellheeled #blisterblocker #solemates #hjsiky #ngposts #sunday #picoftheday . . #wellheeled #blisterblocker #thisworks #naturalproducts #veganproducts #crueltyfreebeauty #crueltyfree #crueltyfreeproducts #builtbygirls

A post shared by Solemates 🥿👠👟🥾 (@thesolemates) on

Specifically Solemate’s Blister Blocker product, which ensures that the friction you get from those new stilettos won’t rub you raw.

They even have some for the athletes in your life! Because those teenies can leave a mark too!

Also, Blister Blocker is The product is natural, unscented, hypoallergenic and cruelty free!

But don’t take our word for it. Here’s a list of athletes that have used Blister Blocker and swear by it.

NBA Athletes:

  • Miye Oni
  • Duncan Robinson
  • Dedric Lawson
  • Al Horford
  • Jrue Holiday
  • Cameron Payne
  • Devin a Robinson

US National Team:

  • Alex Morgan
  • Ibtihaj Muhammad
  • Ali Krieger
  • Ashlyn Harris

Buy it on Amazon today! Grab a Sport version or Regular version.

#4. Subsafe: The Ultimate Sandwich Protector

How can you take sandwiches (and a lot of other stuff) with you and make sure it doesn’t get wet or worse?

Enter the Subsafe, a product that was featured on Shark Tank recently…

Posted by SubSafe on Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Each kit costs just $15 (for a limited time only) and includes three pieces so you can keep a 6 inch or 12 inch sub sandwich safe and sound!

Photo Credit: SubSafe

If you’ve got friends who love to spend time out on the water, this is a perfect holiday gift.

Pick a SubSafe up at their website today!

#5. Did You Know 2020 Desk Calendar

Do you like to learn ONE new thing a day? Of course you do. And so does everybody else.

That’s why you need a Did You Know 2020 Desk Calendar.

Photo Credit: Did You Know

Because you need to know that you should NEVER drink 70 cups of coffee in a short period of time.

Photo Credit: Did You Know

Also, stay away from ghost peppers. Yikes!

Photo Credit: Did You Know

All this and 363 more amazing facts await!

Click here and grab a Did You Know? 2020 Desk Calendar today!

The post 5 Gifts Under $15 That Are Perfect Stocking Stuffers for This Year appeared first on UberFacts.

7 Funny, Useful Products That Will Make Very Memorable White Elephant Gifts

(Quick note: This is a sponsored post. That means somebody paid us to write it. They didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it, and we’re always dedicated to providing accurate, quality information. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.)

We’ve all been there. You’ve been invited to a White Elephant gift exchange… and you just don’t have any clue what to get. And then 99 times out of 100 you’ll go shopping at the VERY last minute, stress yourself out and, let’s be honest, get something that nobody wants.

Well we’re here to save your lazy ass once again with 7 surefire gifts that will be the stars of any White Elephant gift exchange. Seriously, people will be fighting over these.

Let’s get to it!

#1. Sipski Wine Holder

Kick back and relax at the end of a long day by taking your wine in the tub or the shower with this handy wine glass holder that doesn’t require ANY suction cups, adhesives or wall mounts!

Plus, it won’t leave any residue behind, which is actually a huge nuisance if you’ve ever used other products.

The Sudski features patented silicone technology that grips securely to glossy surfaces like shiny tiles, marble and much more.

Pick one up at

#2. Face Planter

Have you ever looked at a Chia Pet and thought, “I wish I had a plant with a face, but not THAT plant and not THAT face.” Yeah you have!

Introducing Face Plant. It’s a planter… with a face on it! That you can customize!

And it’s a great place to set your glasses or sunglasses.

Click here to pick one up.

#3. Sudski Shower Beer Holder

What costs just $15 and can hold you shower beer securely so there’s no spillage?

Oh, you’re gonna thank us for this one!

What you’re looking at is the Sudski Shower Beer Holder, a fun new way to enjoy those delish drinks while you’re scrubbing away that downtown dirt.

Yes, as long as it’s canned, the Sudski can hold them all.

AND… it comes in a variety of colors including Camo and Americana!

You can buy it online here.

#4. Cat Bods

Have a kitty? Know somebody with a naughty pussy in their lives? Then we’ve got the gift for you!

Basically, this interactive cardboard box gives your cat 4 different cuts outs to stick their dumb head through so you can take photos and make fun of them on social media!

So whether you love cats or absolutely hate them, this one is for you!

Click here to grab yours.

#5. Prank Packs

Want to make somebody think they’re getting something completely ridiculous, but still give them what they want? Yeah, we’ve got a Prank Pack for that.

Just look at this guy! He thinks he’s getting a fire starting kit.

Nope! Just a pair of (probably) shitty gloves!

OMG, this big dummy just got pranked hard and he LOVES IT!

There are over 40 of these to choose from over on the Prank-O site, so click here to grab one now!

#6. When Nature Calls 2020 Calendar

This one is pretty simple. Beautiful landscapes with a lone dog taking a massive, squishy dump in them.

Absolutely fucking majestic!

Yeah, these are hilarious.

Pick one up here.

#7. Prank Postcards

The twisted minds that thought up Awkward Family Photos is behind this one and, well, I’ll let the postcards speak for themselves…

Also, Meet Elaine! And get your car serviced.

But not really. Because it’s a JOKE!

They’re sure to confuse your relatives like your judgey AF Aunt Karen here. But everybody else will laugh. Because Karen fucking sucks.

Pick up a pack of 35 prank postcards here.

Alright, are you ready for all those White Elephant parties now? Yeah you are!

Which one of these would you grab? Let us know in the comments!

The post 7 Funny, Useful Products That Will Make Very Memorable White Elephant Gifts appeared first on UberFacts.

Study Finds That Poorly Wrapped Gifts Make People Happier Than Perfect Ones

Are you stressed out about getting your gifts perfectly wrapped for the holidays? A new study says: don’t be.

Researchers at the University of Nevada found that poorly wrapped presents make people happier than perfectly wrapped ones. This is because, in part, perfect-looking presents look so great on the outside that whatever’s inside may not live up to expectations. If a gift looks sloppy, though, the recipient is likely to be pleasantly surprised by the actual gift. They also appreciate the effort that was made. The gratitude and surprise leaves them feeling happy and joyful.

Photo Credit: iStock

One of the study’s co-authors, Jessica Rixom, Ph.D., got her idea for the study from her time working at a chocolate shop. She explained,

“They offered a wrapping service, so I learned how to wrap very neatly with crisp edges, just the right amount of paper, etc. I started wrapping my own gifts that way and many years later, when wrapping presents with a friend, I noticed that all of the gifts in my pile were neat while all of theirs were messy, even though they were trying. This made us wonder whether the way the gift was wrapped would have any influence on how the gifts themselves were perceived and that’s how it started.”

The study tested what Rixom and the other researchers call “expectation disconfirmation theory.”

Photo Credit: iStock

“Based on participants’ answers to various questions, it suggested that the reason why this happens is because the neat wrapping sets higher expectations for the gift inside, which makes it harder for the gifts to live up to those expectations. When the gifts are unwrapped, the recipient is a bit disappointed whereas when it’s wrapped sloppily, expectations are lower so the gift is more of a pleasant surprise.”

So, don’t worry at all if your gifts look like they were wrapped by a five-year-old. It doesn’t take away from the power of the gift—it might even make it stronger.

The post Study Finds That Poorly Wrapped Gifts Make People Happier Than Perfect Ones appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Gifts They’ve Ever Received

It’s officially the holiday season! Lots of gifts, including really odd gifts from your family, most notably your Uncle Al who likes to give really weird presents every year.

Do you have someone in your family who gives odd gifts for holidays and birthdays?

These AskReddit users certainly do…

1. Thanks, Mom…

“One year I came home for Christmas and my mom had been asking me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her I didn’t want anything, I had everything I need and not to get me anything.

Well, come Christmas morning there were a number of gifts with my name on them.. we always hand out all the gifts first and we each had a pretty decent pile..

We always start with the youngest and go up so I was like 3rd or 4th in line, and everyone had pretty normal gifts.. gloves, PJs, usual winter gift stuff.

My turn comes up, I probably have maybe 8 or 9 small packages to open. I open the first one and it’s a box of hamburger helper.. I laughed and was like, uh thanks Mom..and then I continue.. after 3 boxes of hamburger/tuna helper there’s a couple cans of chef boyardee and spaghettios and I’m like.. do you think I’m not eating or something, or are you trying to kill me? What’s with all the random food?

Her response? “No, I just felt bad that you didn’t have anything to open on Christmas! You can go put those back in the cabinet when you’re done.”

Thanks, mom. 😂

2. What a gift!

“A co-worker of mine won a radio show contest where people were invited to describe the crappiest office gift they ever got. My friend was the secretary of an IT company and her boss gave her a plastic bowl for Christmas. And it wasn’t even a nice plastic bowl. The first time she put it in the microwave, it melted. She won the contest and got a $100 gift card to Outback Steak House. Her boss insisted she take him since it was his crappy gift that caused her to win the contest.”

3. There’s always an uncle like this…

“My uncle is notoriously cheap. One year he gave me a magazine that had Ichiro Suzuki on the cover. It was a free magazine (as it stated on the bottom of the cover). Another year he also gave me a free t-shirt he had gotten for running a race. Possibly the best, was the birthday gift he gave my dad one year- a McDonalds Happy Meal toy.:

4. Can’t talk trash because he’s the boss.

“Maybe not the most WTF, but at my old company, we had a secret Santa gift exchange. The manager drew my name, and gifted me a very clearly used zoodler. He proceeded to explain, in front of everyone, that he though I would have more use for it, as he only ate “real noodles”.

I don’t work there anymore.”

5. What are you talking about, Granny?

“I got a 3 foot tall stuffed Mr. Peanut doll from my 89 year old Grandma for Christmas…when I was 23.

She said “I know how you like to collect things like this.” Not sure what she was talking about.

I did kind of love it though and still have it 12 years later.”

6. Mocked mercilessly.

“An Egyptian pharaoh pen when i was in middle school. It was all gold colored, and the pen barrel stuck out between his legs. Needless to say i was mocked mercilessly by my classmates for having this massive Egyptian dong pen.”

7. Give it away, now.

“I have been disabled my entire life. It affects the footwear choices in my life. My mom has bought me dozens of pairs of slippers that I cannot wear. Sometimes multiple pairs per year. I have given up at this point. I just give them away.

When I was a teen, before I moved out she also had given me embroidered dish towels with weird sayings.

She also refuses to actually get my damn size and just holds clothes in the air and looks at them to decide if it looks like it should fit.”

8. An empty box.

“A cheese and champagne gift set that had the champagne and most of the other goodies taken out of it. So cheese in a mostly empty box.”

9. Thanks?

“When I was a kid (6 or 7) I had surgery on nearly all of the fingers on my dominant hand (the other hand came later!), scary surgery for a kid though pretty simple, mostly boring and a few weeks of pain, my aunt (who I love) sent me a coloring book in the hospital as a “cheer-up” / “pass the time” gift.

If it’s the thought that counts, I like to say, we should think hard ….”

10. Actually…

“I randomly went to some extended family Christmas event and they gave me a woven basket. Within ten minutes, they had asked for the basket back. It “meant something” to them?? I didn’t really care, I thought it was odd and funny.”

11. Dammit, Mom!

“A lavender gift set (eye mask, cream, perfume) from my mother in law. I am severely allergic to lavender, and she knows this.”

12. Sharing and caring.

“Christmas, 1993. I was eleven.

My grandma gave me one half of a pool cue.

She gifted the other half to my then-8-year-old brother.

Grandma: “See? You can only use it if you two cooperate and share!”

We did not own a pool table.”

13. WTF?

“When I was accepted into my business college they sent me a single sock.”

14. A great Christmas.

“I was once given some yeast, a cucumber and a pack of Toblerone for a secret Santa.”

15. I need that DVD in my life.

“My little brother bought me a “How to become a Male Model” DVD. Got drunk with my buddy and his girlfriend. We were laughing the whole time. Then she wanted to watch it again and they had a fight over it.”

The post People Share the Weirdest Gifts They’ve Ever Received appeared first on UberFacts.

Here Are Some Great Gifts for Grandparents That They’ll Actually Use

(Quick note: This is a sponsored post, but we never write about stuff that we don’t love. So yes, somebody paid us to write this post, but they didn’t tell us what to write or how to write it. Click here to learn more about how we make money and select our advertising partners.)

Have you ever seen something and thought, “I wish I would have thought of that!” Maybe you haven’t, but a grandparent you know sure has! And you’ve undoubtedly heard one of them say, “That’s the best thing since sliced bread!”

Yeah, bread didn’t used to be sliced. It was just a whole loaf. That was a thing.

Today we’re taking a look at 5 awesome gifts for this holiday season that will get your Mamo and Bampo talking like there’s no tomorrow. “What a handy gift!” they’ll exclaim. And they’ll be right. Because these are pretty darn great!

#1. Bug Bite Thing

Photo Credit: Bug Bite Thing

This handy, dead-simple tool has been a fave product of ours for many years, and the sharks on Shark Tank apparently agree!

Check out what happens when all five sharks are fighting over one product!

So why were they so excited?

Because the Bug Bite Thing actually works.

Listen, literally every single person on this planet has to deal with bug bites or stings.

And if you’re a grandparent and you have grandkids… you want to make sure they’re always taken care of when those bites strike!

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Do you want to use expensive creams and ointments?

No, of course not. Because they don’t treat the actual cause of the bug bite.

But the Bug Bite Thing does. It sucks the irritant or venom out the wound with simple suction.

Plus, it’s completely reusable. Just wash it with soap and water, dry it off, and it’s ready to use again.

It’s so easy, we even made a meme about it! Because if there’s one thing grandparents love… it’s memes!

Click here and grab a couple today at their website or click here to pick one up on Amazon! The grandparents in your life will thank you!

#2. Oasis Diffuser – Waterproof Aromatizer

Photo Credit: Oasis Diffuser

As we get older, the one thing we all pay attention to is our health. That’s where essential oils can help. They aid in reducing stress, inflammation and all kinds of conditions you wouldn’t expect.

Oil diffusers have been growing in popularity, but what about when you get in the shower? That’s where the Oasis Diffuser – Waterproof Aromatizer comes in.

It’s a very simple idea. You fill up the bottles, turn on the diffuser and take a shower. All that beautiful smelling mist does the rest!

So what kind of essential oils should you use? You can go grab ANY kind really, but some of our favorite essential oils are blends from Zum.

Photo Credit: Indigo Wild

Put those two together, and those grandparents in your life will look at shower time in a whole new light!

Click here to pick one up today, and click here to check out those oil blends from Zum!

#3. 23andMe Health + Ancestry Service

Photo Credit: 23andMe

Where did we come from? How did we all end up here? These are questions we ask our elders, but sometimes they either don’t know or can’t remember. You’ll give them insight into their ancestry and the traits that come along with that.

Photo Credit: 23andMe

Plus, you’ll give them reports about their health that may reveal things that they never saw coming.

Photo Credit: 23andMe

Click here to grab a kit for the grandparents in your life.

#4. Letters to My Grandchild

Photo Credit:

Are you ready to cry? Yeah you are! Because what’s more weepy than thinking of a grandparent writing a letter to their grandkids that they’ll read in the future?

Photo Credit:

Answer, nothing!

Photo Credit:

This book includes 12 prompted letters for grandparents to fill in with their memories, wit and wisdom.

And there are other books in this series too…

Photo Credit:

Click here to check out all the titles! You may want to pick up more than just one!

#5. Did You Know 2020 Desk Calendar

Photo Credit: Did You Know

What do grandparents like more than hugs from their grandkids? Reading a new, fun fact every single day of the year! Like this one!

Photo Credit: Did You Know

Okay, we kid. Hugs are clearly better, but who in your life do you know who would be more inclined to look at a desk calendar every single day than grandma and grandpa?

For instance, did you know this about ghost peppers?

Photo Credit: Did You Know

Yeah, stay away from those ghost peppers! Yikes!

Click here and grab at Did You Know? 2020 Desk Calendar today!

The post Here Are Some Great Gifts for Grandparents That They’ll Actually Use appeared first on UberFacts.