Here Are Great Games for Couples For Couples to Play Together

Video games have the ability to bring us together, and also tear us apart if we rage quit enough times. But there’s often friction in a relationship in which one person commits a lot of time to games and the other is uninterested. It can create a divide, and that’s no fun. Which is why answering this question can be so crucial:

What is the best video game for couples to play? from AskReddit

This was posed to the experts at r/AskReddit and tens of thousands of comments followed. We’ve ranked the top ten responses according to popularity and provided some trailers so you can get a peek for yourself if you’re looking for something to play with your SO!

10. Don’t Starve Together

My wife and I play Dont Starve Together a lot on the PC.

We both have our own PCs and it is such a great time.


9. Terraria

Terraria is our go to game to play together.

My wife never got into 3D FPS controls, but grew up playing Mario and DK, so the 2D approach in Terraria is great for her.

It’s a lot of fun, and it works well using phones / tablets as well.

– daltonovich

8.Pokemon GO

If one of you is a gamer but the other isn’t: Surprisingly, Pokemon GO.

Go for a walk, talk to each other, catch critters.

Nice casual date!

– Smash_Gal

7. Snipperclips


It’s for two people and it’s where people work together.

– mcboy973

6. Overcooked

Overcooked, if you love a cooperation challenge.

It could also ruin your relationship.

– Decimaelstrom

5. Stardew Valley

My boyfriend and I played it single player on ps4 and just alternated days in a “takesies turnsies” fashion and had a great time with it!

– Ambitious_Macaroni

4. Gang Beasts

Trust me you will laugh yourselves to death.

– CheekyFeller

3. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

You both pilot a spaceship and have to cooperate to complete the levels.

It’s super fun and the music is great.

– walruspit12345

2. Lego Games

My wife doesn’t really like video games but she loves playing co-op Lego Jurassic Park with me.

So I think most of the LEGO games would work. They are also great if you want to play with your kids.

– MidvalleyFreak

1. Little Big Planet

My husband and I have never laughed harder when we were playing the Boom Town level and one of us kept setting off the bombs.

– foxbluesocks

If you’re seeking a nice fun game to pass the time with your partner at home, check out some of those titles! Game on!

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Here Are Great Games for Couples For Couples to Play Together appeared first on UberFacts.

Here are Some Suggestions for Great Games to Play as a Couple

Do you like to play video games? We think so. Do you like the person you’re with? We sure hope so.

Do you want to play video games with the person you’re with? Of course you do!

But it isn’t always easy to find the perfect match for both of you. Lucky for everybody, there’s a very long and helpful list compiled by the people of Reddit based on this prompt by user HornedOwlsNest:

What is the best video game for couples to play? from AskReddit

There are over 20 thousand comments, so we’ll whittle it down to a few gems for ya:

1. Unravel 2

Unravel 2 is super relaxing and cute.

Bought it to play with my wife, she doesn’t really play games but she enjoyed the first one.

– boogieboogie

2. Borderlands

Borderlands split screen is great.

My husband and I always argue about getting the best loot and guns.

– Fandangojango

3. Divinity Original Sin 2

Divinity Original Sin 2 was perfect for me and my ex since we are both into D&D.

– Jurelover

4. Dead by Daylight

My SO and I play Dead by Daylight as survivors.

We get frustrated together when the killer is good, and we cheer together when the killer is bad. Perfect bonding experience…

– NihilisticMind

5. Broken down by taste:

If your SO is into action games: Borderlands, Sniper Elite, Left 4 Dead. Also Battle Royales.

If your SO is into non-violent games: Stardew Valley, Factorio, Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, Don’t Starve Together, etc.

If your SO is not used to videogames: Story driven games you can play together such as The Red Strings Club, Oxenfree, Life is Strange, Telltale games in general.

If your SO is into board games/party games: Monster Prom, Tricky Towers, Town of Salem, etc.

Would also recommend: Dungeon of the Endless (coop tower defense dungeon crawler) and The Escapists 2 (silly prison break sim)

– TheDanibits

6. Crusander Kings 2

If your partner doesn’t leave you for marrying your hot pagan daughter then your relationship is true.

Also holds up in game

– Basil-II-of-Rome

7. Pokemon GO

I’ll probably get some hate for this but Pokemon Go, you basically go out for walks to random places with your girlfriend and you catch rare Pokemon together

– TannedCroissant

8. Fallout

Not as a co-op, but it’s fun to play something like Fallout and let your significant other pick all the decisions, dialogue options, and where to go next.

– archaelleon

9. A gallery of gaming:

Here are the games my BF and I play, most of the games we play are PC games and we play with controllers. […]

Overcooked – My guy and I love it. It is challenging, silly and fun.
It is also a coop style game so you NEED to communicate, plan and support to be able to complete some of the super hard levels.
Supports up to 4 players.

Cuphead – OMG hard, side scrolling shooter game done in the style of 1930’s cartoons (hand animated, and a Netflix show coming out soon).
I suck at it but we still have fun with it.
For up to 2 players.

Lego games (Xbox 360)
Fun, nostalgic, story based and lots of game options.
We are currently playing Lego Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Various emulator games
We have played arcade games on emulator, last one was TMNT arcade, later got to play the actual machine at a convention and beat it.
We have even played games that are older than us (both 37).

– ceanahope

10. Mario Odyssey

Playing as Cappy is actually pretty fun.

– madtrippinfool

11. Breath of the Wild

My GF and I are currently playing through Breath of the Wild.

She’s pretty new to gaming but she loves the exploration, climbing, hunting, and gathering resources/loot.

Whenever she gets in over her head in a difficult fight, I’ll take over and deal with the bad guys.

– Commander_Guts27

12. Two strong suggestions:

For a game where either can be badasses but together is better, Dynasty Warriors.

Most Warriors games that are multiplayer fits this.

For a game where teamwork is crucial, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

– nybx4life

13. Fortnite

It’s not technically “co-op”, but my girlfriend and I used to play fortnite together.

She was the mouse and I was the keyboard. That shit was a riot when we had to fight and communicate just to move.


14. Old fashioned fun:

My gf isn’t much of a gamer, but we play L.A. Noire. I do the driving and shooting, etc. and she loves the crime aspect and trying to figure out how to solve said crime and who is guilty and what not.

That and we also play Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on the switch if you’re into that stuff.

Lastly, check out jackbox party pack. You play with your phone and it’s great for multiple players too.

– tHeNiGhTmAnCoMeTh413

15. Minecraft?

Minecraft, you can put your beds next to each other… haha jk… unless? 😳😳😳 – CreamyFappucinno

You know what they say: the couple that plays together, stays together.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Here are Some Suggestions for Great Games to Play as a Couple appeared first on UberFacts.

Simple Things You Can Buy Online to Get You Offline More Often

The internet just sort of follows us around. It’s still on our computers, but also on our phones, in our TV’s, basically it’s everywhere we look. Unplugging doesn’t come often enough.

The good news is you don’t have to take an expensive trip to some secluded forest to disconnect for a while. Here’s some examples of things you can pick up right now that can provide a fun and easy diversion from the digital. (Click the links in the titles for details.)

15. This DIY comic book kit

Via Uncommon Grounds

14. This vintage Scrabble game

Via Amazon

13. This interactive Lego architecture book

Via Amazon

12. This book of Harry Potter inspired recipes

Via Amazon

11. This relaxing word search collection

Via Amazon

10. This indoor snowball fight game

Via Amazon

9. This home escape room game

Via Amazon

8. A place to quarantine your phones

Via Urban Outfitters

7. This kickass bathtub tray

Via Amazon

6. These empowerment question cards

Via Amazon

5. This book of the month club


4. Good ol’ fashioned Jenga

Via Amazon

3. This quality compendium of crosswords

Via Amazon

2. This detailed adult coloring book

Via Amazon

1. This storable jigsaw puzzle

Via Amazon

And now I’m going to take my own advice and get off the computer for a while.

What’s your favorite way to disconnect? Just put the technology down and really get plugged back in to the real world?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Simple Things You Can Buy Online to Get You Offline More Often appeared first on UberFacts.

Christmas dinner in a can

In 2013 tech retailer GAME released an affordable £2 ($2.64) Christmas dinner in a can for hardcore gamers who spend their Christmas playing games online and don’t want to leave their chair.

‘The Office’ Version of ‘Clue’ Lets Players Figure out Who Killed Toby

If you’ve spent time watching the American version of The Office, you know that Toby Flenderson is always the whipping boy. Michael Scott, the mediocre bossman, can’t stand the sight of Toby and lets him know every chance he gets that he’d prefer Toby quit his job and not show his face around the office any longer.

So it makes perfect sense that in the Clue The Office board game, players are tasked with finding out who killed poor Toby, where the murder took place, and what weapon was used.

In the game, you can play as one of six characters: Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly, Dwight Schrute, Angela Martin, Stanley Hudson, or Andy Bernard. You can’t play as Michael Scott because, as you might have guessed, he will be doing everything he can to get in the way of your investigation. The mystery will take you throughout the Dundler-Mifflin universe, including such spots as the warehouse, the kitchen, Michael’s office, and the employee parking lot.

It looks like the board game is currently out of stock on the Hot Topic website, but keep an eye on that link if you want a chance at scoring one. It may even be worth it to venture to *GASP* your local shopping mall to see if they have one of these babies in stock because they’re going for $200 on Amazon.

This would make a great gift for the holidays though, wouldn’t it? We all know how many people out there are obsessed with The Office, so get busy hunting for one of these ASAP. Got it? Good!

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This Is How to Successfully Escape from a Corn Maze

Chances are you’ll visit a place that has the dreaded corn maze this fall. A big one, with all the twists and turns…and you might get lost. Without a birds-eye view of the monstrosity, it’s easy to get trapped.

That’s where this trick comes in, provided by Kotaku. Nathan Fouts works in the gaming industry where he creates mazes for a living. Given his experience, his maze-related advice is top notch. He recently visited an Indiana farm, explaining, “With my interest in puzzles and design, I was eager to explore in a real maze. I hadn’t been through a corn maze in many years. But as I crested the hill to overlook the massive, 12 acre field, a tiny worry crept into my mind.”

But he still had to try it.

“We were given a map of the maze, which was reassuring, but, again, following a paper map is a bit trickier than following dynamically updating directions in your car. As we made our way through the maze, full of dead ends, and twists and turns, a new thought dawned on me: We’re safe. If we simply follow the wall. If we always take a right turn, and never change, we’ll get out easily.”

And they did! He used the “wall follower rule” to successfully exit the maze. Per his advice, making turns in the same direction will get you there. It doesn’t matter if you always turn right to follow the wall or always turn left, as long as you turn the same way every time. Just make sure you don’t get confused and veer off course.

Here he provides us with a basic map to illustrate his technique.

Photo Credit: Kotaku

“Imagine holding your right hand against the wall. If you happen to find a dead end, turn 180 degrees. Now with your right hand on the other side, exit the dead end, and eventually turn to the right and down a new path.”

Since corn mazes typically start and end on the outside walls of the maze, traveling the “wall” will get you out. Here it is in “action”.

Photo Credit: Kotaku

Seems simple enough!

But…there is a catch. Not all mazes are structured like this, meaning not all have parts that are connected to the main frame. You could find yourself in a maze with an island or a bridge that will make you re-think this technique.

“If there are bridges or passovers within the maze, the wall follower method may still work, or may not. It depends on if the bridge deposits you into a maze island, that is separated from the outer wall.”

The most important thing, though, is that the maze has to start and finish at an outside wall for this technique to help you. If the ‘end’ of the maze is somewhere in the middle, then you’re out of luck.

Also, if you’re in a haunted maze, you have to remember to keep following the wall and turning the way you decided even when you’re being chased…which might be tough.

But, honestly, don’t worry if you get lost! Just have fun and enjoy the challenge of finding the exit. If you need to escape, you can always walk through the stalks of corn until you come to a row then follow the row to the end of the field. Good luck!

The post This Is How to Successfully Escape from a Corn Maze appeared first on UberFacts.

A Huge Game of Hide-And-Seek at IKEA Got Stopped by the Police

This is a headline you don’t see every day, now is it? But it’s true – every word of it!

Police were recently called to an IKEA store in Glasgow, Scotland, after store employees became alarmed when customers began hiding in cupboards, refrigerators, and beds.

Kick off your three day weekend by upgrading your bedroom to your very own sleep sanctuary.BERGPALM King duvet cover set, $27.99/3pcs

Posted by IKEA on Friday, August 30, 2019

The culprit? A “Hide and Seek” Facebook event that over 2,000 people signed up for and another 10,000 folks were “interested in.” Damn you, social media!

The store’s management had heard about the planned event and were turning people away at the front door, but they couldn’t catch every mischievous person who wanted to get in on the action.

Not sure if you have seen the hide and seek thing going on in Ikea but, my friend just dropped me off at the airport to…

Posted by Paige Taft on Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Five police officers were dispatched to the IKEA store to help staff put an end to the game. Rob Cooper, the manager of the Glasgow store, said:

“The safety of our customers and co-workers is always our highest priority. We were aware of an unofficial hide and seek Facebook event being organised to take place at our store and have been working with the local police for support. While we appreciate playing games in one of our stores may be appealing to some, we do not allow this kind of activity to take place to ensure we are offering a safe environment and relaxed shopping experience for our customers.”

Sounds like this game got squashed almost before it even started. Buzzkill!

There’s actually been a somewhat global trend of people wanting to play Hide and Seek at IKEA stores going all the way back to 2014. Games have taken place in Belgium, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. One organizer for a game in Belgium said, “Sometimes it’s fun just to do some childish things. Ikea is like an extremely large living room. We played hide and seek the whole day. It was really exhausting but so much fun.”

IKEA, however, is not on board. The store issued a statement telling customers, “It’s hard to control. We need to make sure people are safe in our stores and that’s hard to do if we don’t even know where they are.”

Good point. Safety first, people…keep that in mind.

The post A Huge Game of Hide-And-Seek at IKEA Got Stopped by the Police appeared first on UberFacts.

When Rockstar first released…

When Rockstar first released Grand Theft Auto, they actually paid reviewers to negatively review the game in order to keep it controversial, and therefore popular. They targeted right wing news papers to ensure moral outrage and drive the game to success.